#hi hello ik i've been kinda distant i guess but life is happening i guess
When you think about it on the surface, Wilhelm and Simon's limited, short-lived blissful time with one another is so tragic. They got to spend so little time to spend with each other when they were just happy and basking in the euphoria they bring out in each other. But the more I thought about it, those moments were so powerful, so monumental that it changed both of them for the better. Like, imagine the power their connection holds. Wilhelm was constantly trying to patch up the relationship and fervently chased the high he felt with Simon. Simon was constantly fighting this battle with his own feelings and desperately tried to deny the enormity of their connection and failed. You could tell they both never felt like this in their whole life and the only way they could feel it all again was with one another.
Like, the "Revolution" motif the show has attached to them makes so much sense. If only a few moments of togetherness can fundamentally change them as people, imagine if they get more of it. They can truly change the world around them for the better. We already saw it in the way Wilhelm retracted his denial in his speech and basically came out to everyone. In choosing each other, they truly started a blaze of a revolution.
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