#hey......... oh no. i just realized i drew P's colored ref in a jet pack guy pose too didn't i
stoppingo1k · 3 months
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suppose there's no time like the present to introduce them. this is P, they've already been shown once here, and they're cursed to always look like JPG. not literally, but previously i found when i drew them they looked too similar to him 80% of the time. while attempting to slightly edit their design to be more distinct, i somehow accidentally pivoted to making them look near exactly like ANOTHER version of JPG. Hell. whether i edit P's design again depends on how much this fact continues to eternally bother me
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i also drew these two together a lot while trying to pin down how i wanted to distinguish their appearances. initially P was a total joke character. 'P' being a placeholder name standing for Player, but also Penguin, because of course i couldn't pass up an agent P joke (hence the perry the platypus pfp). but then i started taking the character too seriously and the name had already stuck. remember folks, never give a character a stupid placeholder name lest you're willing keep it lmao. maybe P will appear a lot on this blog, maybe they'll barely appear at all! i don't really have solid plans for stories involving them
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