#hey jay look at me i'm squeezing both of them like koosh balls
dimensionalspades Β· 10 months
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@fasciinating said: in another life, i would have really enjoyed just doing laundry and taxes with you.
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- eeaao || accepting -
. Red light spilled rhythmically from the door as emergency lights still spun despite silence having overtaken the building now. Four bodies lay strewn on the floor. Three belonged to those most loyal to Sloan, one belonged to Sloan himself.
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. It hadn't been easy. Months of preparation had gone into getting all four here at the same time. Take out Sloan while his loyal underlings remained and they would turn on Julian. Take out Sloan's underlings and Sloan would slip a knife between Julian's ribs before he was ready to act.
. Soft hands left bloody prints on Spock's face, checking in the uneven light for a concussion- pleased to see no evidence of one. He could see that the Vulcan was still alive, if quiet. Contemplation or recovery? Julian was gentle when he let go.
. Now that the deed was done, Julian had thought he'd feel a sense of vindication or excitement. But all he felt was dread sinking it's claws into him as he stared at the cost of their mutiny. Some day, another would come for him, just as they had for Sloan. Would it be an outside force? Or, perhaps, more agents from within, an ouroboros eternally consuming itself. Maybe that was what Section 31 deserved.
. Julian swiped at the trail that crossed over his nose, leaving a wider swath of red in its wake. Hairline fractures, lacerations, a broken finger, a wound in his right side. What negligible damage he'd taken, after storming Section 31's meager headquarters. For all his fears as a child of becoming the boogeyman Starfleet made of augmented humans, he'd followed in their footsteps. Perhaps, even, he'd surpassed them.
. "In another life, I'd still be on DS9, bandaging scraped knees and broken arms," he'd joked quietly. In another life, he would be anywhere but here, and he cursed the cosmic force that'd dragged him kicking and screaming onto this particular life path. "I think I'd have preferred that, though I'd miss your good company." In a way, it felt like he was always going to end up here. Sloan's fixation on recruiting him would be the death of both of them no matter what, wouldn't it? Did Luther regret it in his final moments, wish he'd targeted someone else?
. When Spock replied, Julian stared at him, mouth dry and trying desperately not to look too closely into that.
. But how could he not?
. There was such an exquisite mundanity to the statement. To live a life where one's chief concerns might be clothing and taxes felt silly. Where was the death-defying, the weaving of politics and procedure and the meeting of fantastical species? Everyone joined Starfleet for adventure. ... Right?
. He stared out the nearby window, the artificial sky turned to dusk. For a flash, he imagined curling up in bed with the vulcan, probably tangled up in their sheets and talking about something unimportant. They could sleep soundly without worrying about enemies under the bed, never concerned with cramped spaces on salvaged ships or where unseen eyes might be watching them from. How dreadfully boring, he told himself, trying to ignore the allure of a quiet life with Spock.
. How cruel it was, too, that the thing that brought them together should be the same thing that precluded them from such a... dreadfully boring and lovely ending.
. When had he fallen for Spock? The first mission, seeing Spock's barely-there grin the first time Julian made his tea just right? Or maybe it was rain-soaked gardens. Perhaps it was during the gala for an admiral where they stood on the balcony after foiling an assassination attempt and spoke of inconsequential things. 'I'll get you in the suit more often, Spock, mark my words.' He'd leaned against Spock's shoulder, and the vulcan hadn't moved him. For a moment, he figured that was what contentment felt like; that if he could spend the rest of his life in one moment, it was the one under a starry sky, a party behind them, and no time limit on how long they could just enjoy the night air.
. He wished he could say anything to match such an admission; that he felt the same, that he wanted to throw everything away and leave Section 31 to fester behind them with no leader and no course just so they could chase that other life. But he was hardly a man to leave something undone.
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. "What fates impose, that men must needs abide; It boots not to resist both wind and tide."
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