#hes like 'lol ven doesnt even know he killed someone'
haunted-xander · 1 month
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If Vanitas remembers stuff from khux I imagine something like this could happen (given he gets redeemed)
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nie7027 · 5 years
Okay, first of all HOW COME NOBODY TOLD ME MOGAMI WAS GONNA APPEAR AGAIN? HOW COME IT NEVER CROSSED ANYBODYS MIND TO TALK ABOUT HOW MOGAMI WAS GONNA BE IN THE BATTLE? Jeez, i had to take a break after that! It was too much EVEN MOB WAS SCARED who has the time to care about the super5 when you have to make sure mogami doesnt kill everybody in his path? And he just dissapeared after that??? Just like that? After giving some stern advice to mob? that he took to heart because even after everything that happened how cant he listen to him, at least now he can analyze it and decide how much it would affect him so does Mogami... Im glad he and mob are now on equal terms and they listen to each other even if they are still on opposite philosophies but poor Minegishi...its no wonder he turns to good after that traumatizing experience and it makes me wonder what would have happened if shimazaki was who encountered mogami? Mob and reigen(LOL sorry, i need to stop and laugh at this) were enough to make him stop and give up once he realized the difference in power but he was still his shitty self. If he had encountered BOTH MOB AND MOGAMI aka the two most powerful beings what would he do? He would have stopped but that wouldnt be enough cuz mogami would have seen clearly throught him realize he hasnt changed and decide he doesnt deserve the opportunity and not even mob would have been able to stop him and whether mogami stopped there or continued...that would have been ugly (ven more that it is already) so in hindsight i think it was better that way, besides that way only those who were in the mogami arc saw him and mob could get to keep that little secret from the others (teru and ritsu would be terrified at meeting someone who could subdue mob)
Teru i really love you more with each episode and i was so proud that even shimazaki deemed to take you out first as his main priority. And i loved that this episode showed that not only teru is a good physic but that he is good at actual physical fight and planing a strategy whereas even shimazaki isnt. And that the lab kids really are way better now after your training even havin different techniques.
Ritsu was incredible too! being able to follow terus line of thought and deciphering shimazakis weaknesses, obviously his lack of experience at battling was what handicapped him but he managed better that expect WHICH WAS NOT MUCH YOU SELF SACRIFICING BASTARD if it not were for teru and co appearing you would have been dead (i thought it was gonna be mob saving him after seeing the beating that he took from shimazaki like in 100% hostility )
The 7th division were awesome, they did become stronger and are better at working as a team...and still look up so much to reigen (sorry but shimazakis is right and mob and reigen are founding an organization)
Reigen...you had very few scenes but they were priceless, from your secret techniques that i dearly missed to you susshing ekubo so mob doesnt hear you lied to him. As always the dad (along with ekubo) noticing how determined and changed mob has become(unknowingly to reigen after another interaction with mogami) to the point of being strict to his friends(that wasnt what mogami meant but im glad he decided to take it like that)
Shou...i know you have been working hard but sadly it honestly doesnt look like much compared to your father and it breaks my heart that serizawa stopped mob from interrupting the beating that your father is giving to you ...specially because it does sound like seri cares for you and your growth but still helps your father do this to you ( shous opinio of seri was treated like comedy but i can see the conflicted feelings that will arise)
As you can see im hang up on the mogami thing, it was really unexpected and amazing. His complex relationship with mob is fascinating. Mob trying very hard to listen to his actually wise advice but not letting it poison his heart in the subtle ways only mogami can.
Thats everything so far from this episode, i was gonna make a pd but ill do it once i remember what it was gonna be
Edit: I JUST REMEMBERED the pd was bout noticing how all of the 7th division finally has appeared except for the gravity old man and phyrochinesis guy...so oits official, teru killed that guy
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