tips · 2 years
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CC-004 Creating Content Be Kind. Source.
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Sourcing your posts isn’t just smart, it’s also the right thing to do. For content creators, it means getting credit for what you make. It’s also etiquette when you post content from other sites.
Every Tumblr post allows you to add a source at the bottom of the post. If you're reblogging a post, the source might already be included. If you’re uploading your own content, you’ll want to add your blog as a source. Here’s how to add a source to your post.
Click the gear icon in the top right corner
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Click next to “Content source”
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Add the source link. If it’s your content, put your blog URL
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Tap the three dots next to “Post”
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Tap “Content source”
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Add the source link. If it’s your content, put your blog URL
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hyperjynx · 1 year
everyone wants to pitch in with their posts about the tumblr code of etiquette, but y’all are forgetting our most basic rules. like, ten commandment levels basic. so, i’m putting them here under the cut so newcomers can learn what we’re all about here.
Defend your Blog, even with your life. You may be mutuals with tumblrinas from other Blogs, but your loyalty must remain to your Blog, as one day you may meet them in battle.
Do not hunt or trespass on another Blog’s territory.
Peepaws, blorbos, poor little meow meows and plinko horses must be fed before girlbosses and bloggers. Unless they have permission, girlbosses may not eat until they have hunted to feed the peepaws.
Prey is killed only to be eaten. Give thanks to Castiel for its life.
A plinko horse must be at least six moons old to become a girlboss.
Newly appointed bloggers will keep a silent vigil for one night after receiving their url.
A tumblrina cannot be made staff without having mentored at least one girlboss.
The staff will become Hellsite leader when the CEO dies, retires, or is exiled.
After the death, retirement, promotion (to a leader status), or exile of the staff, the new staff must be chosen before moonhigh.
A Gathering of all four Blogs is held at the full moon during a truce that lasts for the night. There shall be no fighting among Blogs at this time.
Boundaries must be checked and marked daily. Challenge all trespassing tumblrinas.
No blogger can neglect a plinko horse in pain or danger, even if the plinko horse is from a different Blog.
The word of the Blog leader is the blogger code.
An honorable blogger does not need to kill other tumblrinas to win their battles, unless they are outside the blogger code or if it is necessary for self-defense.
A blogger rejects the soft life of a twitter user.
Each Blog has the right to be proud and independent, but in times of trouble they must forget their boundaries and fight side by side to protect the four. Each Blog must help the others so that no Blog will fall.
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mitarbeiter · 2 years
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AKT-004 Aktivitäten Durch Reblog-Bäume surfen
Wenn du einen Reblog wie diesen auf deinem Dashboard siehst, kannst du dich glücklich schätzen.
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Das ist ein Reblog-Baum. Reblog-Bäume beginnen mit dem ursprünglichen Eintrag und werden dann durch Reblogs und Kommentare erweitert. Wenn du durch einen Reblog-Baum surfst, klickst du die einzelnen Blogs nacheinander an.
So kannst du interessante Dinge entdecken. Manchmal ist das wie eine Zeitmaschine mit Vorhersagen, die sich bewahrheitet haben. Oder wie ein Insider, an dem Tausende von Leuten beteiligt sind. In jedem Fall lassen sich damit spannende neue Inhalte finden.
(Quelle: Tipps)
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lostaff · 2 years
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PRO-007 Suggerimenti per professionisti Evitare il burnout
Essere un creatore di contenuti può diventare travolgente. Potresti sentire la pressione di creare sempre di più fino al punto in cui hai perso interesse in quello che fai. La cosa più importante da ricordare è che hai aperto un blog per divertirti. Ecco alcuni suggerimenti per evitare il burnout.
Contenuti inviati dai follower del post
I fan del tuo lavoro adorano quello che fai. E alle persone piace avere l'opportunità di essere riconosciute da altri creatori. Puoi integrare i tuoi contenuti pubblicando invii dai follower.
Pianifica e disconnetti
Non esiste una regola che dice che devi pubblicare un certo numero di volte al giorno. Invece di creare post e caricarli tutti in una volta, prova a programmarli in anticipo. Crea una nuova pianificazione di caricamento in cui distanzia i tuoi post ulteriormente. Goditi il ​​tuo "tempo per te".
Crea un blog laterale
Realizzare contenuti simili può essere estenuante. La creazione di un blog laterale su un argomento diverso può ricaricarti e ispirarti. A volte impari qualcosa di nuovo da portare nel tuo blog principale.
Aggiungi membri
Se gestisci un blog secondario, invita amici o follower a diventare membri e ad aiutarti a gestirlo. Ciò riduce il lavoro che devi fare e potrebbe portare a contenuti migliori.
(Fonte: suggerimenti)
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taiwanteam · 2 years
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STA-001 維持動態 跳脫一下,嘗試新的身分
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staf · 2 years
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PRO-009 Trik Pro Berhentilah Mencuri Karya Saya!
Setiap orang memiliki definisinya sendiri atas pencurian karya. Untuk beberapa orang, pencurian karya adalah saat Anda melakukan tangkapan layar atas suatu karya seni dan mempostingnya tanpa menyebutkan sumber. Sementara yang lain menganggap menggunakan karya mereka sebagai gambar tajuk tanpa izin merupakan pencurian.
Tidak ada cara terjamin untuk mencegah orang mencuri karya Anda. Tapi selalu ada untuk cara untuk menghentikan mereka.
Letakkan pemberitahuan pada profil Anda
Berikan sebaris penjelasan singkat pada profil Anda untuk meminta orang lain agar tidak memposting ulang tanpa memberikan kredit. Orang-orang mungkin tidak tahu kalau itu adalah karya asli Anda dan berpikir bahwa tidak masalah untuk mempostingnya ulang. Meski tindakan itu tidak akan menghentikan semua orang, tetapi setidaknya Anda menjelaskan posisi Anda dengan tegas.
Aktifkan tanya
Komunikasi yang terbuka memudahkan orang untuk mengirimi Anda pesan sebelum menggunakan karya Anda. Anda mungkin akan lebih setuju untuk membiarkan orang lain menggunakan karya Anda jika itu hanya untuk avatar atau gambar tajuk.
Berikan sumber di postingan Anda
Memberikan sumber pada karya Anda turut memberitahu orang-orang bahwa itu adalah konten asli Anda. Itu juga menunjukkan tautan menuju blog Anda jika postingan tersebut disematkan ke situs yang lain.
Berikan penanda pada karya Anda
Sangat sulit untuk membuat penanda pada karya Anda tanpa merusak karya tersebut. Namun meletakkannya di bagian tengah karya Anda dengan opasitas rendah akan menyulitkan si pencuri saat harus memotongnya. Pertimbangkan untuk menggunakan “blogAnda.tumblr.com” atau “@namapenggunaanda”.
(Sumber: trik)
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etvalkyr · 1 year
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Posting it here for when it gets deleted from Twitter for attempting to be funny in an unapproved way.
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zuzamakes · 1 year
Oh god, how do I do this again??
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tips · 2 years
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PRO-014 Pro Tips How To Build A Custom Theme
Understanding meta tags is the first step to making custom themes. Theme designers create custom themes using HTML and CSS. They add meta tags so people can edit theme styles from the customization panel without having to edit the code.
Meta tags control powerful style elements like background, layout, and navigation. If you’ve ever edited the HTML in a theme, you may have seen something like this in the <head>.
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This line adds the change background color option to the customization panel.
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But Tumblr still needs to know what element of your blog this option controls.
Further down in <style>, there’s a line that assigns this option to your blog’s background color.
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This line tells Tumblr to use the Background color you choose in the panel as the blog’s background color.
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mrsfitnessz · 2 years
Learn how She Lose her Weight in Few weeks, Real magic Starts here 👉 https://sites.google.com/view/ketodietz/home
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mitarbeiter · 2 years
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PRO-014 Profi-Tipps Eigene Templates erstellen
Wenn du eigene Templates erstellen möchtest, solltest du dich zunächst mit Meta-Tags beschäftigen. Eigene Themes werden mit HTML und CSS erstellt. Dann werden Meta-Tags hinzugefügt, damit andere User:innen den Stil im Anpassungs-Panel ändern können, ohne den Code bearbeiten zu müssen.
Meta-Tags haben Einfluss auf wichtige Stilelemente wie Hintergrund, Layout und Navigation. Wenn du schon einmal den HTML-Code eines Templates bearbeitet hast, hast du vielleicht schon einmal so etwas unter <head> gesehen:
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Diese Zeile fügt die Option zum Ändern der Hintergrundfarbe in das Anpassungs-Panel ein.
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Tumblr muss aber trotzdem wissen, für welche Elemente deines Blogs diese Option gilt.
Unter <style> gibt es eine Zeile, die diese Option der Hintergrundfarbe deines Blogs zuweist.
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Diese Zeile bewirkt, dass Tumblr die von dir im Panel gewählte Hintergrundfarbe als Hintergrundfarbe für den Blog verwendet.
(Quelle: Tipps)
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lostaff · 2 years
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STA-004 Rimanere attivi Esplorare reblog a catena
Se ti imbatti in un reblog come questo sulla tua dashboard, considerati fortunato.
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Questo è un reblog a catena. I reblog a catena iniziano con il post originale, quindi si estendono con reblog e commenti. Navigare in un reblog a catena significa fare clic sui blog nel percorso uno per uno.
Navigare in lunghi reblog a catena può portare a scoperte interessanti. Possono essere una macchina del tempo con le previsioni dei blog in passato che si sono avverate. O uno scherzo che coinvolge migliaia di persone. Ad ogni modo, sono un ottimo punto di partenza per trovare contenuti successivi.
(Fonte: suggerimenti)
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taiwanteam · 2 years
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ORG-004 組織整理 附屬部落格儲備秘訣
大部分的人會將附屬部落格用於經營粉絲圈,或是為其主要部落格補充提供內容,你每天可以建立最多 10 個附屬部落格。
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staf · 2 years
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MYT-001 Mitos & Fakta Kapan Waktu Terbaik untuk Memposting?
Waktu padat kunjungan Tumblr adalah antara pukul 17:00-20:00 Eastern Time (ET) atau 04:00-07:00 Waktu Indonesia Barat (WIB). Ini berarti memposting di pagi hari dapat membuat konten Anda mendapat lebih banyak perhatian. Tapi, kejadiannya tidak selalu sama pada setiap blog. Untuk mencari tahu waktu interaksi pengunjung tertinggi pada blog Anda, lihatlah halaman aktivitas Anda.
Halaman aktivitas menunjukkan postingan teratas Anda dan waktu ketika blog Anda mendapatkan interaksi terbanyak. Halaman aktivitas hanya dapat diakses melalui Desktop.
Anda dapat mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang menggunakan halaman aktivitas layaknya seorang pro di Tumblr. Namun, sementara ini, berikut cara menggunakan halaman aktivitas untuk melihat kapan waktu terbaik untuk memposting.
Klik ikon manusia pada dasbor Anda
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Ketik Aktivitas pada bilah sisi.
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Anda sekarang akan melihat grafik yang menunjukkan tanggal dan waktu. Grafik menunjukkan jumlah interaksi pada postingan Anda secara per jam atau harian.
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Gunakan filter untuk menampilkan aktivitas Bulan lalu > Per Jam. Memfilter ke bulan lalu memberi Anda ukuran sampel yang lebih besar daripada ukuran sampel hari terakhir yang diatur secara bawaan.
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Selagi Anda melihat grafik di atas, jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut:
Apakah ada waktu khusus dimana postingan mendapatkan peningkatan nota yang signifikan?
Kapankah waktu di mana Anda mendapatkan grafik terendah pada hari itu?
Hari apakah dalam minggu tersebut yang memiliki interaksi tertinggi?
Menjadwalkan postingan di sekitar waktu di atas memastikan Anda memposting di saat pengikut Anda sedang aktif.
(Sumber: tips)
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lugubriousfrombirth · 2 years
I want you ...
I haven't felt that , for such a long time
I want you ...
I haven't heard that , for such a long time....
I need you ...
I haven't had that , for such a long time
I need you ...
I haven't been there , for such a long time.
I love you ...
I haven't said that , for such a long time
I love you ...
I haven't heard that , for such a long time.
To touch ...
I haven't touched , for such a long time
To be touched ...
I haven't been touched , for such a long time.
To kiss ...
I haven' t kissed , for such a long time
To be kissed ...
I haven't been kissed , for such a long time
To love ...
I haven't loved , for such a long time
To be loved ...
I haven 't been loved , for such a long time.
It's been a long time , such a long time .... Since I've had anyone , a long time ... Such a long time ....
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furaalhumathi · 11 months
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Experience the purest way of living with Live Pure!
The mission is to provide the ultimate wellness solutions that enhance your health, vitality, and overall well-being. With a range of meticulously crafted products, we prioritize purity and quality above all else. From detoxifying cleanses and nourishing supplements to eco-friendly home essentials, Live Pure offers a comprehensive selection that supports a balanced lifestyle. Trust in our commitment to using natural, sustainably sourced ingredients free from harmful chemicals and additives. Embrace the transformative power of Live Pure and unlock the path to a healthier, happier you. Start your journey toward purity today!
Scientists Discover A Hidden Root Cause Of Stubborn Belly Fat, And It Will Surprise You…
Are you struggling with low energy and stubborn belly fat that just won’t budge? Turns out, it's not your fault.
In 2023, an esteemed team of scientific researchers discovered just one common factor in all overweight women and men - compromised liver function. And the one thing common in skinny people? Optimal liver function! a
As you’re probably aware, one of your liver’s main functions is to cleanse your body of all of the chemicals and toxins you’re exposed to through food, drugs, alcohol and the environment in general.
However, your liver is also The Fat-Burning Furnace for your entire body.
Everything you eat or drink eventually reaches your liver for processing.
Your liver then determines if the food you eat, regardless of how healthy or unhealthy it is, will get burned as energy or if it will be stored as unsightly body fat…
Studies show with optimal liver function, your liver cells can be 14 times more efficient at burning fat and calories on autopilot…
Is Liv Pure right for me?
Do you have deep stubborn fat stores that no diet or exercise seems to remove? Then the answer is yes. Liv Pure has changed the lives of over 234,000 women and men from 18 to 80 and is designed to rapidly dissolve fat in even the worst cases. But if by the very rare chance that it doesn't, then you're 100% protected by our ironclad two-month money-back guarantee. That's how confident we are in the power of Liv Pure.
How does Live Pure work?
Liv Pure is the only nutritional solution in the world proven to address the true root cause of low energy, slow metabolism, and unexplained weight gain - Compromised liver function. As you’re probably aware, one of your liver’s main functions is to cleanse your body of the chemicals and toxins you’re exposed to through food, drugs, alcohol, and the environment in general. However, science has discovered that your liver is also the fat-burning furnace for your entire body. Everything you eat or drink eventually reaches your liver for processing. Your liver then determines if the food you eat, regardless of how healthy or unhealthy it is, will get burned as energy or if it will be stored as unsightly body fat. You can naturally skyrocket energy, fat-burning, and metabolism by supporting your liver health.
What's inside Liv Pure?
Inside every Liv Pure capsule are two unique proprietary blends of science-backed natural plants and nutrients: our ‘Liver Purification Complex’, designed to support your body's ability to rapidly cleanse and detoxify, and our ‘Liver Fat-Burning Complex’, designed to electrify your metabolism and torch off fat from your problem areas.
Is Liv Pure safe?
Liv Pure is an all-natural proprietary formula manufactured in the USA from the finest foreign and domestic ingredients at our FDA-registered and GMP-certified facility using state-of-the-art precision-engineered machinery under the strictest and most sterile standards. Each component is 100% plant-based soy-free, dairy-free, vegetarian, and non-GMO and put through additional third-party inspections and quality control to ensure high purity and votes. The only reported side effect from Liv Pure is having to toss your baggy clothes in the trash and spend hours in the dressing room trying out new sexy tight-fitting clothes. As always, I would suggest that you consult your doctor if you have any medical questions.
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