#healthcare rights
squadleaderchase · 2 years
Stardust is being listed as a safe period/fertility tracker IT IS NOT.
End to end encryption is great in the moment you are inputting data, but the data is still stored on a database with Stardust. This means the government can show up and request the data.
"but, the data is encrypted in the database!"
Okay, but who has the decryption ability? Stardust. Who can the government get it from if they get the warrent? Stardust.
Not only that, but Stardust claims an "encryption wall". This doesn't exist, it's not a real term. The cyber security teams who have built modern encryptions don't even know what this is supposed to mean and that is HIGHLY SUSPECT AND MISLEADING.
Stardust is marketed to sound great unless you know cyber security and how computers work.
Many people in the information security field are trying to raise awareness. Feel free to look into this thread with Kenn White, a HUGE cryptography and encryption name, and other cyber security people, essentially saying if data is stored off the device, E2EE (end to end encryption) is useless. (They tend to use acronyms, so Google is your friend)
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Yes, awful name, but Drip is built so the creators never have your data, only your phone has your data.
The code is open source, which means you can look at all the code yourself through the gitlab link. It means this is just code you can use on your phone, NOT a company storing data or making money. It is made to let you track safely. This is their privacy policy
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You can even lock the app so it can be double password protected.
Why does this work instead of Stardust? Drip never had your data. If the government gets a warrent to collect your data from Drip, drip has nothing on you.
At the moment Drip (since it is so new in response to Roe v Wade), is only on Android BUT has a notification sign up as they plan to release on Apple soon. PLEASE take a look, it is on the app store as well.
Stardust is not a safe period tracker.
Drip is a safer alternative.
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lifewithchronicpain · 2 years
Not only is access to healthcare supposed to be a right, but agency over one's healthcare choices is part of that right. It doesn't matter if people make the choices you would not make. All we can do is strive to make the choices safe and that people are given all the information they need to make that choice. It can be difficult because predatory behaviors exist, but the solution to these issues don't lie in taking away a person's choice but rather society strengthening patient protections.
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geezerwench · 2 years
Read through, and check the updates.
Of course, her family has been threatened and needs security because that's what MAGAts do -- they threaten people. I'm sure it's been awful since Fox News doxxed her.
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crystalclear-seer · 2 years
Social Media is currently more outraged that a coach offering to let his students pray with him after games than they are about the dismantle of our healthcare rights
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mantra4ia · 2 years
...Into The Void: Issue 008 "What did you think would happen?!"
The only thing 'egregiously wrong from the start' is the complicity that brought us to challenge women's reproductive rights.
On women's rights, bodily autonomy and liberty as stated in the constitution, the fundamental right of healthcare (FYI, abortion is healthcare), criminalization of women and advocates seeking abortion, and stripping the voting rights of people with felony records (aka: the long con)
I'm so sick to death of the Supreme Court's leaked opinion on Dobbs v Jackson and Congress' anemic response.
For fuckin' shame.
1. The decision of Roe vs Wade is not a radical left position, it's a moderate position that protects the many nuanced instances in which you may terminate a pregnancy that states laws define as abortion. See point #2
2. Late-term abortion, as Republicans and Theocrats like to hyperfocus on, was never the core issue in Roe v Wade. It was always about ensuring early trimester rights to healthcare, and — in the modern context — protecting individual liberties from states' TRIGGER LAWS (Alabama, Arkansas, Idaho, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, etc): those in Texas banning abortion after six weeks with the exception of life-threatening illness and injury to the mother; criminalizing abortion, those who seek it for themselves and medical professionals who assist them; it opens the door for even more oppressive and invasive legislation that criminalizes childbirth outcomes like miscarriage, environmental contributing factors, and restricts access medical procedures that carry an increased risk of miscarriage — including medical testing — by threatening to prosecute the professionals who administer them.
3. Felons can't vote, and based on the state that restriction may be temporary or permanent. Criminalizing abortion is yet another way to suppress the vote, chipping away at voters' rights protections which were already feeble to begin with. It strips women of their agency to have a voice in the legislation that effects them which is exponentially detrimental to the theft of more of their rights.
4. To those people who prioritize individual liberties over 'big government' federal power/jurisdiction as an rationale to opposing Roe v Wade: What TF do you think bodily autonomy is?! Without bodily autonomy, how can you have individual liberty?
5. Justice Alito's comments in the leaked Dobbs v Jackson opinion which undermines Roe v Wade are "these are not rights that are deep rooted in history." This opens the door to 'Constitutional loyalists/originalists' to radically interpret the Constitution to fit personal political bias by eroding any/all modern human rights that their political ideology takes offense to. Like marriage equality. If you think they won't, if you think word choice is just coincidental, then you aren't paying enough attention.
6. You cannot look at the states' prohibitive legislation toward legal and safe abortion, yet without access to affordable childcare, family planning, lack of universal healthcare in the face of life-altering childbirth and hospitalization expenses, dramatically undercut welfare programs — on the cycle of systemic violence toward women and children goes — as anything other than a class war attack on the working class, indebted, and impoverished.
7. With this impending backslide in the high court, I look at the balancing branch of Congress with a fair amount of anger and contempt for Republican and Democratic self-serving representatives alike.
Within my job we train in CPI, crisis prevention and intervention. I swear to goodness that every single Democratic member of Congress needs an intensive course! They cannot use a decision model to assess risk and severity (and here we are in the red zone of both a high probability and severely harmful outcome) in order to act. And for the life of us all, they refuse to read the room regarding an escalating, Republican-fueled crisis on healthcare as a fundamental right. On women's rights. Old guard Democrats are still trying to offer support and renewed rapport to Republican colleagues, not acknowledging that it's a vastly inappropriate response to the level of behavior that the rest of the world can see: Republicans are engaged in risk behavior that endangers the American people by they're continuous refusal to reason and intimidation and the ONLY appropriate response is direct a course and decisively intervene.
Except Democrats in Congress don't have the **** force of will! Not to bring rogue party members to heel with opposition about their personal enrichment. Not to endorse candidates —like Jessica Cisneros, Nina Turner, etc — that challenge the status quo against laxidasical incumbents like Henry Cuellar and Shontel Brown. Not to shore up a "big tent" that is in danger of collapse in the midterms under the burgeoning weight of complicity. Not to protect bodily autonomy or fundamental rights.
For shame Republicans, who put out quotes like (the photo below) "my confidence in the court has been rocked / it would be completely inconsistent." What did you think would happen if you applied just a little bit of foresight?! For shame Democrats that put out quotes like the need for "strong Republicans."
For shame Congress. When are you going to show up for the people?
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hungercityhellhound · 2 years
I wasn't going to post this rant but then i keep seeing the rhetoric of abortion as women's care and an attack on women yada yada yada. That language gives me such mindnumbing dysphoria and i can't be alone in this feeling so out the rant comes.
As someone on the masculine side of Trans-Non-Binary/Queer the overturning of Roe vs Wade has brought out another supernova bright issue... Exclusion of Trans/queer/etc in the majority and LGBTQ+ community in talks about abortion rights because “men” and “non-women” don’t ever need access...only women do. It is an attack on women is another phrase that makes me cringe. I certainly feel attacked and absolutely not a woman. Please check your behavior at the door and ensure your language is inclusive. Now is not the time to splinter the group of people who need access to abortions and reproductive rights, nor should the discourse consistently erase whole communities because they don't fit in the political terms used. OF course, trans and non-binary/queer/etc people are not going to be mentioned in the political discourse since a large majority of the anti-abortion crowd is at least anti-trans if not fulll blown anti-lgbtq+. Of course they are going to say women and pretend like we don't exist but the rest of us should challenge this glaring misrepresentation of need.
It is legit incredibly hard enough, for many, mentally, emotionally, and socially to seek out abortion and reproductive care as a NB/TRANS/AFAB/QUEER/masculine identifying/male identifying/agendered/multigendered... you get the point... because a large chunk of the world considers this “Women’s care”. The clinics often have the word women/woman plastered all over signage and documents instead of inclusive langauage. The Dysphoria related to needing to seek “women’s care” is crippling for many people, I struggle with it myself. Please don’t add to this suffering by accidently, or purposefully, excluding AFAB persons who don't identify as strictly women or don't identify as women at all from the discourse on needing abortions, contraceptives, uterine care, ovarian care, breast care, etc.
Here are some links to guide individuals through why inclusive language is important and how to be more inclusive in the discussions about abortion and contraception rights.
This article literally interviews someone in Healthcare that thinks that including trans in women's health discussions is just word play and it is unnecessary... in case someone wants to know what exclusionary people sound like in the topic.
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silvermoon424 · 1 month
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New reaction pic for y'all to be used when you get into an argument about trans healthcare and your opponent starts talking about the 0.8% or whatever of trans people who regret transitioning
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hey-its-sybarite · 1 month
Post-Dobbs: State Legislation Is Driving OB-GYNs To Leave
State-level anti-abortion legislation is causing OB-GYNs to leave red states, causing a severe lack of care in certain areas, which are now called OB-GYN deserts or maternity care deserts. Even the people who were intending on having a child now can’t get care. I hope babies don’t suffer because their parents supported this hateful legislation.
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mysharona1987 · 10 months
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This sounds like something from The Handmaid’s Tale, ffs.
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samwisethewitch · 2 years
I literally do not care what the Bible says about any political issue. I am not Christian. Christian scripture should have zero effect on my life or my personal freedoms. 
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pissditching · 1 year
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we have to fight against them together or die there's no choice at this point.
if you're a cis lgb and think you're safe you're not. they're coming for all of us.
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nicostiel · 2 years
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buttersteps · 2 years
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alexwild1 · 28 days
POV: you’re sleeping naked next to me and wake up to me cumming 💦😈
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Reblog Trans lovers 🥰
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catgirl-kaiju · 9 months
workplaces should have to legally provide unlimited paid sick leave available immediately upon hire. the limits that companies that even provide paid sick leave put on it is so fucked up. no one can control when they get sick, how often they get sick, or how long they are sick for, and they shouldn't have to suffer for the transgression of being ill.
"oh, but some people might take advantage of that and just stay home all the time and get paid for it!" if there is really a statistically relevant amount of people you have hired staying home on paid sick leave for months or years on end, perhaps your workplace sucks to be at, and you need to change.
give them reasons to come in to work. make it safer and easier to do their jobs. give them work that they can get invested in and talk to them about what that looks like. make sure you aren't overloading them with too much work or making unreasonable demands. pay them an amount that makes the work worth doing to them. actually form a working relationship with your employees instead of treating them like infinitely exploitable wage slaves.
only allowing your workers to accrew "2 hours a week of sick time starting after 6 weeks of employment" or some shit just doesn't match the reality of how sickness or human health works
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uselessnocturnal · 2 years
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