#he'sgot it bad
shortstak87 · 1 year
More small things...
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omaano · 11 months
Tagged by @phoebusapolo (and technically @justhereforeskel as well, even though those little information bits were a bit different but... there is enough overlap imo okay?)
LAST SONG: Remember Them by Jorge Rivera-Herrans (it's from a mini concept album based on the cyclops episode of the Odyssey and it's soo good and he'sgot such a fantastic voice too!!!)
CURRENTLY WATCHING: Justified (I'm in the middle of s5 finally, I might as well finally finish it this summer!) And I'm always constantly watching The Clone Wars because I'm always a single decision away from finally watching the last siege of Mandalore arc but... I know what it is that I'm actively avoiding.
CURRENTLY READING: One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez (I was really curious about this Magical Realism thing and what it is, and remembered that I'd tried to read this book back in high school.... which was arguably a very bad time for it because 16 year old me really couldn'tsit through a book about things just happening, but I would give my arm to know how my pearl-clutching literature teacher would have taught this novel to us lol) also if audiobooks count I'm just starting Rogue Protocol from The Murderbot Diaries. It's awesome.
CURRENT OBSESSION: that one wrinkle in the middle of Tem's forehead - I swear I was going to be less weird about this one, but rendering that single crease out is my most favourite thing ever and could pretty much be the single reason why I will keep painting clone portraits for a while yet (even if they weren't such an apparent big hit on my blog lol)
Oh man, do I know 9 people to tag? (With no pressure, of course❤): @shortmage @texasisforbadasses @traumschwinge @firstofficerwiggles @mythosaur34667 @round--robin @phloxy-fox @bucketking @manofbeskar
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turtleparadise · 3 years
[ ~ One ~ Two ~ Three ~ Four ~ Five ~ Six ~ Seven ~ ]
2. Inevitable Collision
"Ahh, the laughter of children," Reeve said, watching the young ones of Gongaga run around outside from the open doors of Town Hall. They chased after each other, pretend-fought with sticks, some showing off their flips and rolls. "Such a sweet sound."
"I agree," Yuffie nodded. Their leader turned to her, having made sure he and Tifa had everything before their departure.
"So, I suppose we'll meet up at Corel next month?"
"I'm counting on you, Spikey!"
"I thought we moved past that nickname," Cloud said, giving Yuffie an annoyed glare.
"We'll be there," Nanaki said. "Until then, take care, everyone." And with that, he ran off. Everyone boarded their respective vehicles, and left Gongaga behind... All but one.
"You're not leaving, Vinnie?"
"I came here with you. Since you plan to leave now, it makes the most sense to travel with you."
"Ahh, I see. Well, I have some business once the mayor gets here, but after that, we can go."
"In that case, I'll go stock up at the shops," he nodded, stepping outside the Town Hall.
"Empress Kisaragi," a familiar voice greeted, as the mayor rushed into the office, ran behind her desk, and sat down, making sure not a single hair was out of place in the process. "I'm so sorry to keep you waiting. I'm-"
"Mayor Bianca," Yuffie finished with a smile. "I remember, we met the other day. And I'm just Yuffie, to my friends, okay?"
"Ah... Yes, very well, then. So, what did you want to discuss?"
"Well... Now that the soil can be used again, and we cleared that eyesore out of the way, you guys can get a lot more farming done, right?"
"Ah... Yes, that's the plan."
"So it sounds to me like you're gonna have lots of delicious crops. I'd like a share of them."
"Oh... Of course! You can have as many as you want, and more, after what you've done for us. We have some vegetables grown at the moment-"
"Not for me. For Wutai."
"Wh... What are you saying?"
"I'm saying, I want to establish a trade route between my country and yours. I want to make Gongaga rich, Mayor Bianca."
"R... Rich?"
"I want those kids playing outside to grow up happy and healthy, with every opportunity they deserve. So... I want to make a new road, from here to the bay, if that's cool with you. I wanna send in merchants, and I want your merchants to come to Wutai. I want some of those future crops, in exchange for... I don't know. Whatever it is you guys want or need." The mayor was completely baffled by all of this. She took off her glasses and wiped away tears, and couldn't help but laugh at the casual way this young Empress worded her business propositions.
"Why are you doing all of this for us?" Yuffie made a wide grin, folding her fingers together.
"Because I can. So, what'll it be? Fish? We have plenty of fish, if you need it. Boats? We have the finest boatmakers in the world! Or so I've been told."
"No, no," she shook her head. "I think... what our people would like most from Wutai, would be your art."
"Ahh, that's right," Yuffie nodded, scribbling quickly on a piece of parchment. "You guys used to buy art from us all the time, before the war. Well, consider it done. Consider it more than done! Not only will I send merchants here to sell their specialty wares, but you'll have a boatload of paintings, poetry, music, you name it. Once a month sound good to you?"
"That sounds wonderful. Thank you, Empress..."
"Yuffie," she corrected. "To her friends."
"Thank you, Yuffie."
"Ahhh, Kisaragi and Valentine, off on another incredible journey! Just like the old days. Remember when we always got put in the same party because we were basically the ones left? All that walking... Well, a lot of the time I just jumped on your back and made you do the walking for me. What a lazy kid I was!"
"I didn't mind," Vincent simply said in reply, as they made their way North along the coast, toward the Corel mountain range. He was walking at a steady pace, while she ran circles around him.
"Oh hey look, birds!" She pointed skyward to where a migrating flock passed overhead. "It's so good to see reminders that the Planet is still doing okay..."
[ One Hour Later ]
"Haaaa.... Uuuuhhh... Haaaahhh... I'm sorry, Vinnie, I'm gonna have to catch a ride."
Yuffie jumped up, planted a foot in the small of his back, and threw her arms over his shoulders, her head planted atop his ebony mane.
"I don't mind."
"Is that all you can say, Vinnie? Huh? IS THAT ALL YOU CAN SAYYYYY?" She pounded her fists against his shoulders, trying not to use too much of her strength. She suddenly stopped when he grabbed her right hand, running his thumb over a small cut on her index finger.
"How did this happen? You haven't even been touched by any of the monsters we've fought today."
"Oh, whoops," she let out a loud laugh "I guess I was careless with my shuriken. Oh well, it's just a tiny scratch, nothing that can bring down the Great Yuffie! Nyuk nyuk nyuk..." She trailed off when he knelt down to take a first-aid kit from one of his pockets and administer a salve and bandage. "Vinnie..."
"All better," he said, replacing the kit.
"Now kiss it!"
"Kiss iiiiiiiit!" She pressed the tiny injury up against his lips, and he smacked her arm away, to the peal of more delighted laughter.
"Hey Vinnie... Why do you have these cute little dinosaur bandages, huh?" Vincent visibly flinched at this question, and took his time responding.
"...I just like dinosaurs."
"Fair enough!"
"If you can joke around, you can walk."
"Oh, no time for that, we've gotta get to Corel ASAP. C'mon, Vinnie! Mush!"
"It's been... a long time since I've heard that," Vincent said as he rose to his feet and started walking once again.
"Is that... a SMILE I hear?"
"Get off."
"I can't-uuuuhhh... I can't remember...Oh Vinnie!"
"Is she going to be alright?"
"WAH!" The doctor jumped almost a foot and turned around, her hand clutching at her heart, to see Vincent standing there, staring at the injured and drugged-up Yuffie. "You scared me! Who.... What... Where did you come from? Do you know the patient?"
"We're traveling together. Operation Rain?"
"Oh, I see, I see."
"That's Vinnie," Yuffie said with a smile, waving at Vincent to come closer. "He tried to run away... But IIIIII CAUGHT HIM!"
"You sure did," he said, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. She wrapped her fingers around his right wrist, though there was barely any strength to the hold. He stared at her hand for a moment, before turning his attention to the doctor. "How is she?"
"Well, she had quite a gash, but the worst is over. Now she just needs to stay off her feet for a few days, maybe a week. Then come back to have the stitches removed."
"This is Vinnie," she repeated, smiling at the doctor. "He'smy rice ball. He'sgot... ahhhhh... tempura... and..."
"Horseradish," Vincent offered.
"Yeah... Horsey horsey horseradish... Honeymayo... Tunamayo... Spicytunamayo..." She seemed to be falling asleep, so he began to get up, but her grip on his wrist tightened. "Vinnie... Don'yougo runnin' away again..."
"I won't," he said, pulling her hand off of his wrist and tucking it under the thin blanket.
"Good. 'Cause ifyou try... I'll throwmy shuriken. An' it'll WHACK you onthe back o' the head! Hahaha..."
"She needs to rest," the doctor said, walking toward the door and gesturing for him to follow. "I hope you understand."
"Of course." He took one more look at her, ingraining the image into his mind, and rose to his feet, following the doctor out.
"Vinnie... I wanna do somethin'..."
"What is it?" She hesitated a moment before lunging at him.
"I wanna BITE YOUR NECK!" And she did.
"Yaaah! What was that for?!"
"It just looked so delicious..."
"Are you still medicated?"
"Maybe... Maybe I've always been..."
"Maybe I've... always..." She dropped her head onto his chest and began snoring loudly.
"You can't. Not yet."
"I'm telling you, I feel fine!"
"You feel fine now, but once you start walking around and trying to fight, you're going to collapse and make your condition worse."
"I don't 'have a condition'. I had a wound, and it healed, so let's go! We've got business to attend to!"
"And I say it's not healed enough. You need to give it a few more days."
"A few more days, while you go out there getting yourself killed? I don't think so."
"It wasn't that bad."
"You were bleeding a lot more than I did! I'm surprised you made it back by yourself."
"But my wounds heal faster... That's not the point. We're staying here until you're in top form again."
"Is this because of my old man? Did Godo make you promise to protect me or something stupid like that?"
"Yuffie... Haven't we known each other long enough by now? I have never paid any mind to what that man wants. I protect you, for you. No one else." This definitely calmed her a bit, but she wasn't about to lose this argument.
"That's... sweet, but I'm still going." She picked up her shuriken and headed for the door. Vincent moved swiftly to block her way and practically threw her back into her recliner.
"And I say we're staying. I know your strength fairly well. If I can toss you around that easily, you're clearly not ready to fight."
"You just think I'm some dumb, helpless kid, don't you?" She jumped out of the chair to confront him once again. "Too small, too weak, not ready to face the world!"
"I have never thought that of you. None of those things are true. Where is this coming from?"
"You're just such a pain, never saying what you think, you always give me those sympathetic looks and it makes me want to punch you! I'm just an annoying kid weighing you down, aren't I? Aren't I?"
"I don't understand. You're the opposite of everything you think I see in you." His calm tone just served to anger her even further.
"Get mad, damn it! Admit it, Vinnie! I annoy you, don't I? I KNOW I ANNOY YOU!"
"How do you know how I really feel?" It was the closest he had ever come to yelling at her.
He had stepped forward, grabbing her flailing arms, and before he knew it, his face was inches away from hers. He stared at her lips. His breathing grew heavy. He moved forward, ever so slightly... Then looked away, lowering his head. This seemed to make her more angry than the entire argument: she grabbed him by the shirt, turned around and slammed him against the wall. This exertion made her wound give out a spike of pain, but she rode it out, maintaining her grip on his green and brown uniform shirt.
"I'm not waiting any more." For just a second, he had thought she was continuing the argument, but that definitely wasn't what she was talking about. She relinquished her hold on his shirt to move her hands up to his face before pressing her lips against his.
It was definitely something he hadn't experienced in a very long time. It was surprisingly similar to when she made him try candy for the first time since his slumber. His jaws tingled with agonizing delight. Blood rushed up to his cheeks, his breathing complicating once again. When she finally pulled away, he licked his lips, instinctively, unintentionally, and raised his hand up to his mouth, embarrassed by the impulsive reaction.
"Well, mister Valentine, how was that?"
She raised a hand to her cheek, knowing exactly what he meant. It only took a few more seconds for Vincent to move in closer and reciprocate. He didn't remember ever being any good at this, but he couldn't be bothered to care at the moment. Everything else seemed to fade from his mind, everything but Yuffie Kisaragi. Unfortunately, he had leaned in a bit too far, and the two came tumbling down, flailing and twisting on the way, so that Vincent's back ended up hitting the floor. Yuffie laughed her maniacal laugh, and ran her fingers through his hair.
"So, a few more days, huh? I think I can manage."
She opened her eyes, squinting at the lamp light.
"Turn that ooooff..." There was no answer. Vincent was lying at a seemingly uncomfortable angle, most of his back leaning against the wall, and she had been lying on him, her arms wrapped around his abdomen, her head digging into his chest. She pushed against his torso now, using him as a springboard to rise to a sitting position and turn off the infernal lamp. It took a moment for her eyes to adjust, but once they did, she marveled at the sight of Vincent illuminated only by the moon. He had shed his jacket hours ago, along with the uniform overshirt, leaving the loose black shirt beneath it. The moonlight highlighted his pale skin in all the right ways, and his sleeping face was just so divine.
Come to think of it, she could be wrong, but she felt this was the first time she had seen him sleeping! He always seemed somehow to sleep after her, and wake up before she did. She remembered, in the past, asking many times if he ever really slept at all, and of course he had answered "Yes". And look at that - he'd been telling the truth. She brushed strands of his black hair away from his eyes, and caressed the side of his face.
"Is it weird that I wanna kiss him again, already? In his sleep though? Isn't that creepy?" She debated silently with herself for a moment before shrugging and leaning closer to him. "What the hell, just one on the cheek won't hurt anybody." She pressed her lips against his right cheek, enjoying the icy cold feeling, but wasn't able to leave it simply at that. She moved lower down and kissed the side of his neck, just under his jaw. Then farther down the neck...
"Please don't do that."
"Yaaaaah!" Yuffie jumped, startled. "G... Good mornin', Vinnie... Ha... Hahaha... Aaahh..."
"Good morning," he replied, before slowly closing his eyes once more.
"Wait..." He opened them, and gave her his full attention.
She gently grabbed his right hand and ran her fingers up and down his palm, thinking of what to say. This wasn't usually a problem for her, but she had so much she wanted to say, so much she wanted to ask him, and it all tried to come out at once, with the result that nothing did. She opened her mouth, and... Nothing. She let out a humorless laugh and let her head fall onto his chest. She then made an agonized groan. Almost a minute that seemed much, much longer passed, before Vincent filled the silence.
"Would you like me to...?" He trailed off, rethinking his question. She couldn't see it, but his pale cheeks were turning the slightest, barely noticeable shade of pink. "Would you be okay with me... putting my arms around you?"
"Yes," she said much louder than she had meant to, letting out a laugh. "Please." And he did. Slowly, taking in every sensation, the feeling of the fabric of her uniform, the feeling of her smooth skin, the contented sigh she breathed into his heartbeat. It was something he hadn't done... Something he had wanted to do for so long now. To obtain it, now, felt as if he had reached a divine state of being. Pink cheeks intensified. And he now wanted more of that "candy", but restrained himself for the time being. If Yuffie had something to say, he would listen. Kissing her would simply make her lose her train of thought - or at least, that was the effect it had on him...
"So, Vincent..." Yuffie eventually sat back up, using his body to push against once again, but kept her eyes on him. "How do you feel about me?" His cheeks were quite visibly pink now, and she smiled at this sight, but said nothing else, waiting for his reply, which took quite a while to arrive.
"Before I answer, I just want to let you know... I... I've never been good at this sort of thing, or at least, I feel I haven't. And I'm not used to... speaking personally about my emotions."
"I never would have guessed," she said, deadpan. She thought of apologizing, but decided against it.
"I just wanted to make it known beforehand, in case anything comes out wrong, or I say something disappointing."
"Vince, you're fine. I'll be fine as long as you don't say 'This was a one-time thing, and now we have to go back to "normal" like it never happened'..." She tried her best monotone, eerily soothing Vincent Valentine impression. If he found it humorous, he showed no sign.
"I won't say this was a 'one-time thing'," he assured her. "I clearly have feelings for you."
"CLEARLY!" She couldn't resist laughing at the top of her lungs, and fell off of him, onto the pile of blankets and cushions on the floor, rolling. Well, there went that moment. "CLEARLY!"
"I'm going back to sleep," he said, closing his eyes.
"No, wait, wait-!" He opened them, and once again, gave her his full attention. "I'm sorry. Go on. Please go on. Please."
"Very well..."
He sat up, turned, brushed hair from his face, and looked into her eyes. She grabbed one of the many large cushions in the pile and held it in front of her, resting her chin on it as she stared at his face expectantly.
"Yuffie..." She beamed at the sound of her name, but nothing else was said for some time. She waited as patiently as she could, but did start tapping a familiar drumbeat with her fingers against the cushion eventually. "When I think of you, I..." Another pause, this one much shorter. "My heart hurts."
"Your heart... hurts?"
"It aches. It stretches out. It wants..."
"Yes?" She couldn't resist prompting him to go on. "It wants...?" He glanced downward for a moment, before looking into her eyes once more.
"O... Oh..." Yuffie's face turned red, and she tried very hard to pretend there was something of extreme interest on the cushion-covered floor.
"It wants to hear your voice... When you speak to me, it's a necessary music. Everything else is like a part of a film with no background track. I can hear it, I can enjoy it, but the score elevates the film, makes the important moments that much more significant."
"It wants the security of having you close. Of knowing that you're around. I can't remember being able to fully relax around anyone but you." Yuffie raised an eyebrow. Vincent, relaxed? Well, she had seen him relaxed before, but completely? It was hard to imagine. "It wants... to hold you. It wants to hold onto you so tight, but at the same time, not so tight that you're suffocated, or feel the urge to run away. I don't want to hurt you..." He hesitated a moment. "Now that I've held you in my arms, I honestly don't know if I can walk that line. I want... This will no doubt sound off-putting, and I'm not sure how to say it well, but... I want to hold you tighter and tighter. I feel this need to pull you into myself. That's... Well, I tried. I suppose I talked more about what I 'want' and not what I 'feel', but... As I've said, I'm not good at this. I feel good when you're around. I feel that I'm stuck in a perpetual state of free-fall. I feel... like my heart is going to explode."
Not able to resist any longer, he threw his arms around her once again, this time kissing her, a long, drawn-out kiss that she didn't fight in the slightest. When he broke away, he lowered his head, but Yuffie grabbed him by the jaw and forced him to look into her eyes.
"I won't let you feel sorry about kissing me, Vincent Valentine. I will not."
"I thank you." He rested his head on her shoulder, breathing deeply, slowly. "I can't... I can't speak any more, I don't think I have the strength. That was so taxing. Please just let me stay like this for now."
"I'd like that," she said, caressing his cheek and running the other hand up and down his back. "In the meantime, I'll try to say how I feel about you... Though I'm tempted to just say 'Yeah, what you said'..." He scoffed at this. A barely audible, one-syllable laugh. It made her smile all over again. "I like you, Vincent. I've liked you for years. Most of my happiest moments are when we're together. I respect that you're an individual, just like me. We're our own people with our own thoughts, feelings, and dreams. But when I'm with you..." She took a moment to think. "It's like the jigsaw puzzle is complete, and everything is more... Just more. Everything is right. There's something that you have, Vinnie, that I don't. And there's something I've got, that you don't. And that's the way it should be, I guess. You're the peanut butter to my bananas. The tuna to my spicy mayo. The sake to my full moon dango... You make me feel like..." She shook her head, not sure what else to say. He raised his head from her shoulders and played absentmindedly with her hair, waiting as patiently as ever. "Like home," she finally said. He looked into her eyes and nodded, knowing exactly what she meant. "No matter where I go, if you're there, I'm home. I've liked many people in my life, but... No one else has ever felt like home."
Yuffie hummed happily as she shuffled playing cards in the dining room, watching Vincent work his culinary magic from over the half-wall separating it from the kitchen. She didn't know what he was making - and didn't want to spoil the surprise by asking - but it smelled like it contained eggs, tomatoes, and some of her favorite spices.
"I have more to say."
"What?" She messed up the "bridge" part of her most recent shuffle, and collected the cards with a low growl.
"About my feelings." She stared at him with a huge smile.
"It's been three hours. You're saying this now?"
"I wasn't ready."
"I get it, I get it," she said. "I'm listening, fire away."
"If I'm going to be honest, I... have wanted to do that for a long time."
"To do what?" There was a pause.
"Don't make me say it..."
"...Huh?" The stirring done for the moment, Vincent lowered the heat and set the pot to simmer before turning around, resting his elbows atop the half-wall, his face flushed pink.
"I've wanted to hold you... Kiss you... Fall asleep with you lying so close..."
"We've slept in the same tent loads of times before," she said with a lilt in her voice, trying to play coy, though her cheeks were burning.
"You know what I mean. I've wanted it... But I never did anything about it. I can't stand when anyone assumes something about me, so I didn't want to do it to you. And I... I suppose I was too afraid to ask."
"Wait wait wait... Let me backtrack here... How long?"
"How long have you liked me, Vinnie?"
"Around three years ago. We went on a journey together, to help build defenses around the smaller towns. It was just the two of us, and you had no one else to talk to, so you talked to me. A lot."
"I remember. What happened?"
"I got used to you being around..." He paused, shaking his head. "I started to notice things about you. How resourceful and determined you are. Your passion. Your energy, which could actually be useful if you channeled it productively. But even when it's not..." He laughed. "Well... Your heart that holds justice on such a high pedestal. Your bizarre way of words. There were so many things about you that had a particular charm or another. It got to the point that it was hard not to react."
"Do I... still have that charm now?"
"Even more." Cheeks burning again.
"And you've felt this way the whole time, and never said anything?"
"Hmph. I see."
"I couldn't. I couldn't ask anything more of you, after all you've given me."
"...What? Vinnie, what are you TALKING about? You've never asked anything from me, and I can't recall ever doing anything special for you."
"But you have," he said, turning to his stew once again, stirring and taking a tiny taste before adding more parsley. "Ever since we met. I'm not the person I was when that happened, you know."
"I know this. You've loosened up a lot. You've healed. You can talk about your feelings, smile, laugh... sing..." The memory of his singing voice put a huge smile on her face, and she couldn't wait to hear it again.
"I was so buried in guilt and sorrow, that I couldn't see the world for what it was. I had lost the 'me' at the center of my heart." He stirred it one more time before turning the heat down even more, and walked around the half-wall to the dining room. "But then some random strangers came by and woke me up, and somehow or another, after considerable time together, I came to know them all as friends. Something I thought I could never have, something I had convinced myself I didn't deserve. But one in particular..."
"Meeee!" She raised her arm and waved it around wildly.
"Yes, you," he said, stepping closer. Instead of sitting at the table, he rested his foot on the chair next to her and leaned down, taking her hand in his and lifting it up to his mouth. He pressed his lips against the back of her hand, then ever so slowly turned it over to kiss the palm, just above the thumb. "You helped me pull myself out of that darkness. Slowly, but surely, over the years. You set a good example, and gave me good advice, and were just good for my health in general." He kissed her palm again, closer to her pinky finger this time, before curling up her fingers and kissing each knuckle, excruciatingly slowly. "Just by being yourself... Just by being with me... You helped me wake up... Truly awaken..." He took his foot from the chair and inched closer to her, now kissing her wrist, just below the palm. "And slowly, ever so slowly, I finally started shedding all that old skin..." He turned her arm just slightly and kissed again, just below her pulse. "And I was able to let myself live again..." He kissed her arm just beneath the elbow, then moved up to her shoulder. "So you see... You've given me very much."
"Uh-huh," Yuffie nodded, her face beet-red, feeling a bit light-headed. Vincent kissed her shoulder a second time, and let his breath linger against it for a moment.
"Part of my mind feels I should sit at your feet, begging for your praise, as unhealthy as that sounds," he said slowly. "But as you said, we are two equal individuals. And I don't think you'd want me to do something like put you on a pedestal. Well... let's face it, your ego would definitely enjoy it." He lifted his head to plant a kiss on her cheek, just barely grazing her skin, before dropping down to the floor and kissing her left knee, wrapping his arms around her legs. "But just this once, indulge me."
He brought his head down to rest on her knee, clinging to her as if for dear life. Some of the blood finally left Yuffie's face, and she ran her hands through his hair, smiling.
"Aw... Vinnie, that was beautiful... Now get back up here so I can eat your face."
"What a strange choice of words." But he said nothing more, as Yuffie pulled him up and covered his mouth with her own.
Vincent awoke much earlier than he had planned, and set to work cleaning the guest house. He didn't have any sort of plan; he simply moved from one area to another and back again, tidying up piece by piece, sometimes even forgetting about one corner of a room for more than half an hour.
"Quit that," he heard, just as he was wiping down the kitchen counter. Her voice was sleepy, strained, vowels drawn out.
"Quit what, exactly?"
"Mmmfrbf... Cleaning. Cleaning, cleaning!" She flailed her limbs weakly, not wanting to exert any effort.
"Why should I stop cleaning?" He asked, though he put down the washcloth and washed his hands in the sink, before turning toward the pillow fort. "I'd like to surprise our hosts with a clean house."
"Too bad. I want this place to be a garbage can. A dirty garbage can!"
"Do you really, or are you being contrary for the sake of it?"
"You're ridiculous."
"Shut up! Come back to bed!" Vincent sighed and approached the fort, He knelt down and brushed his hand over her cheek, then through her brown hair. "Heehee... I win."
"You certainly do." They kissed, a short, sleepy, comfortable kiss, and she yawned into his face.
"Okay, come lay down."
"How long do you expect me to lie here doing nothing?" She let out a "Hmmm", feigning deep thought before answering.
"Until your body has a me-shaped imprint, like when you lift furniture off of carpet."
"Even if that were possible, it would take weeks, or even months."
"Well then, I guess you've got a full schedule." She yanked on his hand, and he allowed himself to be pulled back down, cascading over her like a clumsy wave, and rolling until his back hit the wall just beneath the bay window that cast light on her gorgeous frame. He settled in, squeezing between the blankets and sheets, and caressed her exposed shoulder before kissing it gently. "I love that," she sighed.
"I do, too," he said, his lips venturing upwards to press against her neck, ushering forth a long, high-pitched sound from the woman.
"Ohh no, mister, you don't get to do that," she said, rolling over and lunging at his neck with her own open lips. "Not unless I can do this!" At the slightest touch, Vincent took in a sharp breath and made what she could only guess would be a scream if he hadn't kept his mouth closed. He kissed the soft area between her neck and shoulder, exhaling heavily. "Aahhhh..." They both remained locked in a nearly paralyzed state, clinging to each other, mouths on necks, hearts beating faster, breathing heavy, blood on fire. It was Yuffie who summoned up the strength to speak first. "Considering... just how long you've been touch-starved, this has gotta be bordering on painful for you, isn't it?" Almost every breath sent him into another spasm.
"Yes." His breath grazed her neck once again, and her muscles tensed as she tried to pull him even closer, if that were possible.
"Do you... want me to stop?"
"No," he sighed, lifting his lips from her neck only to kiss her again.
"Hooo... I think my brain's gonna go dead before long..." She returned the favor, but not before biting him, agonizingly gently.
"Aahhh... I think mine already has."
Yuffie woke up, propped herself up on her elbow, and let out a loud yawn as she lay there playing with Vincent's hair.
"Did we fall asleep again?"
"It seems we did." Vincent slowly opened his eyes, gazing up lovingly at the ninja, who had gone from messing with his hair, to caressing his hand.
"Sucking on each other's necks, huh? What a way to pass out." The two remained silent for a moment. "But damn, that was good."
"I was afraid."
"Afraid? Vince, you did great, I promise." She switched to moving her fingers around his face.
"That's not what I meant... What are you doing?"
"Memorizing the curves of your face." Hearing this, Vincent let out a very short, high-pitched sound. It was so faint, she thought for a moment she had imagined it. "Vince... Did you just squeak?"
"I think it's the most romantic thing you've said to me so far, that's all." Her face went red, and she switched back to playing with his hair. "I didn't say you had to stop."
"So, what were you afraid of?" She asked, a bit too loudly, trying desperately to take the subject off of herself. He smiled a cunning smile, but followed the shift.
"I want to touch you so badly," he said, scooting closer and wrapping his arms around her midsection. "Ever since you kissed me and began this chain reaction, I've felt that I was given some silent permission - that we were both given some silent permission, to touch each other. And I just keep doing it. I realize I should ask more... You should ask more, too."
"Guilty," she laughed. "Are you okay with this?"
"Yes. Is it okay to put my arms here?"
"And yet, I still want more. And I'm afraid... that I won't be able to keep convincing myself to be reasonable. But when we..." He trailed off, blushing.
"Paralyzed each other?" Yuffie offered.
"I remembered how strong you are," he nodded. "If I ever get carried away..."
"Vinnie, you're a gentleman and a half. I'm the one I'm worried about on that front. There're a lot of things I wanna do to you... er... WITH you... That I know both of us aren't ready for right now. And it's hard to fight. I mean, you're right here. You're clearly okay with me making you my personal make-out machine. So the logical temptation part of my brain says 'That means everything's on the table!'... but it's not. I think... If we're both reasonable, and talk to each other before we cross any new territory... We'll be okay."
"Thank you for that assurance." He removed his arms from around her abdomen and lazily grabbed her right hand, pulling it closer and pressing it against his cheek. "And thank you for sharing. It's good to know I'm not the only one going mad over here." She smiled and dropped back down, her head colliding with his stomach. He let out a painful groan, but otherwise didn't seem to mind. He set both hands to work brushing through her hair. They both let out content sighs and lay in silence for a while.
"So, are you okay with being a consort?" This question made Vincent raise an eyebrow.
"Ahhh... I feel so much better!" Yuffie swung her arm around in a circle and stretched before jumping back onto the cushion pile, colliding with Vincent. "Thanks for all the medicine."
"Medicine...?" Before he could ask further, she covered his lips with her own, pressing down hard, as if trying to bury him in the pillows. "Mm.."
"So, I suppose this is our last night here," he said when he could speak once more. "We should continue to North Corel in the morning."
"Yeah... Vinnie, sing to me."
"Sing me a song!"
"You want to hear me sing? My voice is..." She kissed him again, furiously this time.
"I won't let you finish that sentence," she said, brushing her fingers against his skin. "Sing. Please." He sat up, cleared his throat, took a sip of water from the glass on the windowsill, and hesitated for a moment, before beginning.
"Moon... river...
Wider than a mile.
I'm crossing you in style some day.
Oh, dream maker,
you heart breaker.
Wherever you're goin', I'm goin' your way.
Two drifters,
off to see the world.
There's such a lot of world to see.
We're after the same..."
His voice cracked. He cleared his throat once more before continuing.
"...Rainbow's end.
Waitin' 'round the bend.
My huckleberry friend.
Moon river... and me."
After a considerable silence, he cleared his throat one more time before saying "Something like that."
"Hmm... You're right, Vinnie. Your singing isn't all that great." He scoffed. She grasped his face in both hands. "But it's gorgeous to me." And she kissed him. Over and over and over again.
[ ~ One ~ Two ~ Three ~ Four ~ Five ~ Six ~ Seven ~ ]
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ticklygiggles · 7 years
do you have any law hcs you wanna share? :o /tactickle which is PRETTY PREDICTABLE.. FIGURES..
*heavy breathing* I’ve been waiting for this moment all my life, THANK YOU
I still don’t fully know Law’s past because I am not even half way through Dressrosa yet! But I know a few things… Like Cora-San. So these headcanons are going to be very spoiler free, (mostly)~
P.S.: Trafalgar is my husband
¤ You’ll probably see Trafalgar and think “this guy is not ticklish” and you’re probably right because he only has a few spots that really make him beg for mercy.
¤ Said spots are neck, sides and belly, in that order.
¤ He’s pretty sensitive in those spots so if he ever gets a poke on his side he’d jump 3 ft in the air and blush a little and he would stutter and being a nervous ball after that.
¤ Trafalgar is not very fond of tickling, he’s not really used to being touched and that kinda stuff, and also because tickling reminds him of Corazon and it hurts, y'know?
¤ And that’s because Corazon was like the only person that really dared to tickle Trafalgar because how in the world is this kid not giggling around. Corazon was really happy to find out Law was ticklish because he’s got the cutest laughter ever, really.
¤ Corazon was the master to make Trafalgar laugh and they both found out Law is very weak to raspberries and nibbles. Also this “nomnomnom” sound while nibbling on his belly makes him, for some reason, laugh harder and get extra flustered.
¤ They got into a few tickle fights because Corazon is ticklish as fuck, but Law was too tiny and his little baby hands weren’t enough to tickle the snot out of Cora-san. So he was mostly on the receiving end.
¤ They even had a day on the week to be playful. It was the rutine, they didn’t plan it or anything it just happened. It was mostly on Thursdays and Law was tingling from the very moment he woke up because he knew he was going to be tickled really bad that day.
¤ He secretly waited for that day to come because this dork enjoys tickling when it comes to Cora-san
¤ Only a significant other would have the pleasure to tickle Law without getting killed. And probably the closest of his subordinates.
¤ Anyways, after whatever happened with Cora-san, Trafalgar just lost interest and even hated tickling. HOWEVER he still gets tingly every Thursday, he can’t help it.
¤ And being tingly makes him more sensitive to touch, or that’s what he thinks since he hasn’t been tickled in years and like he’s a tough adult now. Adults are not ticklish.
¤ Yet again, he’s ally with one of the most playful person in the whole wide world. Yes, we’re talking about Luffy
¤ Law can’t help but feel like the biggest intruder ever when, one day on the Sunny Go, Chopper, Ussop and Luffy got into a massive tickle war he had ever seen.
¤ It seemed pretty normal for the rest of the crew, but he is way too flustered because, for him, tickling was very intimate, like only your family can do that.
¤ So he’s very taken off guard when Luffy is suddenly on top of him squeezing up and down Law’s sides and he doesn’t even have time to hold in his breath before he’s laughing almost hysterically and squirming from one side to the other.
¤ Everyone on the crew stop what they’re doing to look over the scene because Trafalgar is laughING and, like a I said, he'sgot the most amazing laugh and smile in the whole world. All the Mugiwara crew secretly agree on that.
¤ Luffy is all giggly and teasy like “shishishi, Toraaaaooo! Are you really ticklish, Torao? Does it tickle?”, and Tora- I mean, Trafalgar is a blushy mess, he’s literally dying but sweet baby Jesus he’s enjoying himself way too much. He wants to die!
¤ Like seriously, you can say by his expression that he’s enjoying his time because he doesn’t have that painful expression some people usually do when they’re being tickled. He looks extremely happy and the smile on his face only seem to stretch more and more as Luffy keeps tickling him
¤ He still squirms and trash a lot, though, but he gets weak with the tickling, so he’s having some trouble in throwing Luffy off of him as he also tries to use his fruit power, but he can barely call for “Room” with out barking a laugh in between the command as Luffy keeps finding sensitive spots only on his sides.
¤ “Say you surrender Torao! Say you surrender and that I’m the next pirate king!”, Luffy would giggle and wait for Trafalgar to actually say it, but he just shakes his head, laughing too loud and clear. “G-get off, Mugiwara-yahaha!”, however, when Luffy’s wiggly fingers were suddenly too close to his neck, Law barked out a laugh and nodded his head. “Okay! Okahahay! I surrendeheher!”
¤ Luffy just giggles again and jumps off of Trafalgar chasing after a very shrieky Chopper, Ussop calling for him right behind. Trafalgar stays on the ground, breathing heavily and drying up the laughing tears and sweat with the sleeve of his jacket.
¤ Poor Trafalgar wants to die in the spot. He’s trying to hide his blushy face as he sits with his back leaning against the mast.
¤ He wondered why exactly need to happen in Thursday.
¤ Now I have the need to write something about this, hmmmmmmm
I hope you like thiiiiis, @tactickle omg they’re a bit trashy! I’m so soooorryyyyy
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