#he'll go home to his wife (who he's been abusing; and who pittacus outed to him as having leaked the info that led to this outcome 🙃)
angorwhosebabyisthis · 9 months
having thoughts about like. how the flashbacks we see of setrákus, pittacus, and celwe are ambiguous enough--the tiny slices we get of their dynamic, and all of the missing context in between--that pittacus' nastiness toward setrákus might be in response to setrákus being abusive toward him while they were growing up. and setrákus' nastiness toward him might be in response to pittacus being abusive toward him while they were growing up. or maybe they were just shitty to each other and in general, with celwe and Everyone Else getting caught in the crossfire.
the authors probably intended for it to be the first option, to the extent they were thinking about it in those terms at all: pittacus grew up with a friend who's been shitty to downright abusive toward him, and by their big confrontation he's had enough time away from him to unpack how fucked up his behavior was, and understand his tactics in order to call them out. you could interpret it that way, and were probably meant to, and it would make sense.
but... that assumption is kind of the problem, to me. because the other very much valid way to interpret what we see is a certain kind of abuse that's bad enough by itself, but is primarily aimed at neurodivergent and otherwise marginalized people in particular. (and setrákus is autistic as fuck.) and it's abuse that widely goes unseen and ignored, and is most often perpetuated by people who know they can afford to do it, or think they can.
might have to come back to it in more detail in a reblog, honestly, because it's a lot to talk about; but essentially it comes down to silencing someone by either openly dismissing what they say as nonsense that no one can understand but them, and isn't important enough to try, or disguising it behind a bad faith ''attempt'' to understand so they can say they tried and there's no point. it's a lifelong trauma which has shaped enormous parts of my personality and how i communicate, i can spot it a mile away, and i see all the hallmarks of it in their relationship and how setrákus is affected by it.
and that bothers me. it bothers me a lot that we're supposed to see one and not the other. it bothers me that it's not even 'pittacus' behavior is genuinely shit, but it's somewhat more understandable in the version of events where the context is that he was abused'; he's framed as the hero of the situation either way, who's acting out of pure kindness and reason and good intent. it bothers me that the person who is easy to interpret as having been abused this way would, even then, still be depicted as the Abusive Hate Sink Incarnation of Evil. (because he is abusive, and he is very much an evil son of a bitch. regardless of who was worse in his relationship with pittacus, that's true.) and it bothers me that that framing makes it harder to explore how the cycle of abuse manifests in this scenario, because it absolutely is a thing that happens and is worth telling stories about.
just, i don't know. thoughts. hm.
#lorien legacies#pittacus lore#setrákus ra#LL tag#LL crit tag#the crit files#abuse cw#abuse apologia cw#ableism cw#fuck off pittacus#i think the thing that seals it for me the most is that pittacus tried to Talk Some Sense into Him(tm) for like two minutes#and then when he threw his hands up and went 'whatever' he expected that to be the end of it#not 'okay dude listen whether you agree with me or not i can't let this continue and if you fight me on it things are going to escalate'#he just immediately assumes that *the disagreement* and whether it has any bearing here will be over the moment he calls it quits#all he has to do is plug his ears when he's done being indulgent and things will go right back to the arrangement that suits him#setrákus and whatever goals and opinions and feelings he had might as well not exist anymore#he'll go home to his wife (who he's been abusing; and who pittacus outed to him as having leaked the info that led to this outcome 🙃)#and forget about all of this. as far as pittacus is concerned setrákus has no actual choice; stupid or otherwise; but for it to Go Away.#and he is C O M P L E T E L Y blindsided when 'i decided it's not worth the slight effort to communicate anymore' isn't the end of it#like. i know people like this. i know this pattern.#and that combined with the fact that before he ~grows up and matures into a kind loving understanding leader~#what we see of him as a kid is the really blatant mask-off flavor of insults; dismissal; talking-over; and accusations of overthinking it#it reads to me that that's never changed; he just figured out how to hide it behind a bad faith veneer of 'well i tried uwu'#anyway. do not like this man do not like this framing setrákus is a nasty piece of shit but also unfortunately in some ways very relatable#caveat also that 'i'm not debating this anymore either shut up and leave it or things will escalate' can be and often is abusive lmfao#generally speaking the pattern is that if it's going to be your problem and not theirs if they don't understand and communicate with you#people like this will stop bothering to pretend your opinion or what you have to say matters the moment their 5m (tops) of patience runs ou#pittacus just really tips his hand here because he is *so* certain that him deciding he's done trying to understand#means setrákus' concerns and opinions might as well evaporate into thin air#that he ignores the extremely obvious danger that he might put up any further resistance at all; despite setrákus clearly being Unhinged
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