#he went on multiverse shenanigans and he can't be sure what's real anymore.
ask-spiderpool · 5 months
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sortofanobsession · 5 months
Put the Playlist on Shuffle and let it fly (Darcy & Loki post Season 2 platonic)
Summary: Darcy gets sent to investigate unusual reading in the middle of nowhere in the US. Loki and Mobius are hunting down a temporal device that could have something to do with He Who Remain's variants. Their paths cross, much to Loki and Darcy's annoyance. Mobius finds it all delightful. Sylvie gets involved.
Loki offers the astrophysicist an olive branch. Darcy makes some new friends.
Platonic Loki & Darcy. Platonic Mobius & Darcy. (because I'm a Lokius fan, there are hints of it here.)
A bit of Darcy/Brad Wolfe at the end.
Utilizes Mayhem by Halestorm.
Previous chapters on AO3
Chapter 11: Mayhem by Halestorm (Darcy & Loki, slight Darcy/Brad Wolfe)
Darcy sits back in her desk chair and looks around. How did her life turn out like this? 
Jane is dead. They tell her she is in Valhalla. She's happy Jane is at peace and is sure Frigga and Heimdall keep her company. She hopes that her old boss now spends her hours listening to stories from them and the Warriors three. Honestly, she's a bit jealous. And sad because the odds Darcy would see Valhalla are slim to none. She wouldn't get a warrior's death. Sure, working Shield, Sword, or whatever it is these days might boost her odds, but odds are she'd never see her friend again. And that stung. It didn't help that she rarely saw Monica anymore. Jimmy was busy, and Wanda was gone. 
Darcy kind of missed the old days.
Darcy is sent to the middle of nowhere after an “anomalous object” her supervisor had told her. It gave off crazy radiation readings that were more up her line of expertise, and the boss wanted her to look into it. So she went.
I'm so bored with this world that spins around me
Used to make me dizzy
And I'm so tired of these boys that hang around me
Used to drive me crazy
“Shut the front door!” 
Loki freezes. He knows that voice. And he had not expected to run in her as Loki and their friends tracked a variant of He Who Remains. They probably should have. She always had just popped up.
Mobius grins. He'd studied Loki’s sacred timeline reels enough to know exactly who that was.
“Hello, Ms. Lewis,” the agent greets.
“That's Dr. Lewis,” Darcy corrects him, and Loki resists the urge to roll their eyes. “But whatever, I’d ask how you know me, but if this one's involved,” she gestures to Loki. “I'm sure that has something to do with it.”
Mobius can't resist, she had always been so feisty in Loki’s timeline. Thor always spoke so highly of her. “What’d you get your doctorate in?”
“Astrophysics,” she answered plainly. She eyes the mustachioed man curiously. “So you know who I am but not what I studied.” She looks at Loki. “And you are suspiciously not dead, again .” She looks between the two. “Why do I get the feeling we are on the same mission here?”
“Mission for who?” Mobius asks, and Loki is just keeping an eye out for their brother. This was going to get unnecessarily complicated now. 
“If you are looking for the big guy, you won't find him,” she answers the god’s unasked questions. Mobius isn't even annoyed that she ignores him. This was oddly fascinating. 
“Listen, Lewis,” Loki starts. 
“Doctor Lewis,” she says. “After all the crap you pulled and I had to help sort out. You will put some respect on my name. Or I will tase you. Or worse…”
“You wouldn't,” Loki glares at her. 
“I wonder if Love knows you're here,” Darcy ponders. “She, like, knows everything.”
“We won't be here long enough for her to know,” Loki says, annoyance clear in their tone. 
“No, but like, seriously, I’ve been monitoring temporal signatures since I found out about the whole Avengers time-traveling shenanigans, and I shouldn't be surprised you are at the dead center of this. Especially after the Scarlet Witch went off the deep end and chased that portal-making girl across the multiverse. And it's been a real blast since the god butcher.”
“God butcher?” Mobius says with interest. He hadn't exactly studied the timeline past a certain point, and that had been before Loki changed how time existed. “Wait, you know about the multiverse? Hang on a second.” 
“What do you live under a rock?” She laughed. 
“What is taking you all so…long,” a woman steps through a door that appeared out of nowhere. Mobius and Loki exchange a look. A device in her hand alerts her to changes in the area.
“Oh, that is awesome! That explains those readings. You have to tell me how it works. I swear I won't tell the suits. You owe me.”
“I do not owe you anything,” Loki balks. 
“That's it, I’m calling the big guy,” Darcy gets out her phone. But Loki takes it with their seiðr. “Hey! Rude. I know you're basically the god of jerks, but that's not cool.”
“Mobius, we do not have time for this,” the woman says. 
“I know B-15,” he says. 
“I have a solution,” Loki smirks but she knows that look and kicks the god in the shin.
“No! Bad trickster god,” she scolds them like an errant puppy, and Mobius can't help but laugh. Even Hunter B-15 chuckles. 
“I have had enough!” Loki snaps. Before anything else happens, Sylvie strides out of the timedoor and enchants Darcy. 
“Will you two hurry up?” Sylvie says. When Sylvie focuses back on the distraction she had enchanted, she gets flashes of what Darcy has gone through. She grits her teeth. And releases her once Mobius and Loki are gone. Darcy looks around. Not happy what just happened to her. 
“Did you just hex me? I swear to- Hey, wait! He has my phone.” Darcy groans. She looks at the sorceress in front of her. “You know, if I don't check in with my bosses, they will send someone to find me, and if they find Loki, we are all going to have much bigger problems than me calling Thor.”
“Of course, Thor’s friends work for the government. Why would anything be easy?”
“Easy? Are you kidding me? Dealing with me is easy because I don’t like working for them either. Consider yourself lucky. I should have documented and called this in already. But I’m not. Loki has made my life a disaster since that frost giant jerk followed Thor and his hammer to New Mexico. They scrambled Erik’s brain! Jane is dead, and it's probably that stupid hammer and the Aether’s fault Like the infinity stones ruined everyone's lives, and that idiot is the reason half of them were here! I'm stuck working for these people because of-”
“Got him,” Loki says, holding some glowing device, and that sets off Darcy’s device again. “I knew it! Great, what the hell do I tell my boss now? Why do you always make my life harder? It's bad enough I'm stuck here with no one, but you just get to- fine, whatever. Can I have my phone so I can tell my bosses I failed and can get reamed out so I can get a damn to eat? I’m starving.” She holds her hand out to Loki. Mobius gives her a sad look. 
“Do NOT pity me,” she glares at the agent. “You don't even know me. And anything this one says,” gesturing wildly to Loki with the device in her hand. “Is probably BS. So can you get through with ruining my day so I can go back to my miserable life.” Mobius pulls her phone out of Loki’s pocket and hands it to her. 
“Sorry about that,” Mobius says. 
“Whatever, just go.”
“You won't tell-” Loki starts. 
“Okay, first off, who would believe me? Oh, sorry, boss, yeah, Loki and some people just walked out of a door to nowhere. And mind controlled me, took the anomalous object, and bounced. No, sir, please, I don't need a doctor. I swear.” She snarked. “Second, oh sorry Thor, I saw you not-dead dead brother working with some shadow organization, what no sorry he didn't want to see you. I know, pretty messed up, right? We'll see you next time someone we know dies. I mean, statistically, it will be me or Erik. If it's mine, then pour one out for me, man.” She stops and glares at the small group. “Yeah, no thanks. I'm just going to go, maybe eat, and hopefully pass out, and this will all be just another nightmare I have to live with. Worse than the stupid hex. At least then I got to be in the circus.” Everyone just stares at her. 
“What? Just go, alright.” Darcy storms off towards her rental car. She resists the urge to smash her head against the steering wheel.
A little mayhem never hurt anyone
When am I gonna get some?
A little bedlam 'til I'm coming undone
Where am I gonna get some?
“You're still thinking about what she said, aren't you,” Mobius says as Loki seemingly attempts to stare a hole in the table they are sitting at. “That wasn't you, that was a other-”
“But it was, well, part of it. Why do you think I recognized her? And she was right. The tesseract and the scepter both contained the stones and those were my doing. Having the tesseract was quite literally my nexus event.”
“But you didn't do anything with the aether. You didn't have a hand in what happened to Dr. Foster. The timeline was the way it was because of He Who Remains. He deemed her suffering to be the sacred path, just like he did the sacred timeline’s version of you. But you changed that. That isn't a guarantee now.” 
Loki shakes their head. “She and my brother still bear the losses.”
“Well, you could have let her tell him. Then there would be one less loss.”
“I am not the brother he lost, you know that,” Loki insists. 
“Then you aren't the Loki that caused that suffering. And even if you were, you've done more than enough to redeem yourself. So many have a life and free will because of you.”
“Yes, but she doesn't know that,” Loki states.
“That's half the point of a selfless act. You don't get nearly enough recognition you deserve. Would you rather she did?”
“I don't know,” Loki says honestly. 
“Talk to Sylvie. She was the one that got in her head,” Mobius finally suggests. 
A little mayhem never hurt anyone
How am I gonna get some, get some, get some?
A little bedlam 'til I'm coming undone
How am I gonna get some, get some, get some?
“If you could go anywhere or anytime, where or when would you go?” The man at the bar next to her asks.
“Eww, can you not hit on me in front of my salad?” Darcy says as she takes a bite of her side salad.
“That's not an answer,” the man grins. 
“Home,” Darcy answers, so maybe he will leave her alone. “So I can sleep in my own bed.”
“You wouldn't want to change your fate?”
“If fate is real, then I'd like to punch that hussy in the tit,” she says.
“Not even to make your life easier, maybe winning lotto numbers or something?”
Darcy huffs a laugh. “And ruin my taxes, no thanks, I'll pass. It would probably just make my life worse. My friends might be gone, but at least I had real friends.” The guy's eyes flash green as Sylvie walks up and takes the seat the man vacated. “Not a bad way to look at it.”
Darcy groans. “Seriously, can't I just eat my sandwich in peace, just once?” 
“You really got under Loki’s skin before,” she says.
“Good,” the astrophysicist says as she takes a long pull of her drink. 
“This Loke isn't the THE Loki that did those things in your life,” Sylvie says. 
“And I'm not the same person I was in the hex or before the blip, so what?” 
“But he merely a variant of him, not him. From a different timeline.” 
“Neat story still doesn't change the fact my friends are either dead or permanently traumatized.”
“You are very stubborn,” Sylvie states.
“My quarterly HR review would agree, but where else are they going to find an astrophysicist with decades of hacking experience that has the god of thunder, an FBI agent, and a super-powered Marvel on speed dial? Nowhere. The only other one is dead. So they are stuck with me. They fire me, or I die, and Thor will make their life miserable. So what can they do.”
“But you said you were concerned about returning empty-handed,” Sylvie notes.
“Yeah, because there will be twice as much paperwork and answers I can't give them without the risk of the non-Loki Loki and you guys on the g-man radar. You don't want to be on the g-man’s radar, do you?”
“Of course not.” 
“Exactly! I don't even want to be. This job is no fun without Jane.” Darcy throws the fork in her hand back down and pushes the plate away. “Thanks for ruining my appetite.” Darcy throws enough bills on the bar to cover her tab and walks out.
Cruel intentions winds me in a spiral
I'm waiting to unravel
Twisted motives lock me in a circle
I'm dying to untangle
Darcy sits on the hood of her car in the middle of nowhere and stares at the stars. 
“If I didn't know any better, I would think you wanted a wayward lunatic to end your life.”
Darcy doesn't even have the energy to groan anymore. She just accepts that this is her life now, as Loki spoke. 
“What did I ever do to deserve you and your friend stalking me,” she glares at the god of mischief. 
“Just lucky,” they tease. 
Darcy gives up and looks at him. Beats another lonely night by herself. “You know your brother misses you, like a lot, right?” 
“Oh, I do,” Loki says, tone forlorn, “Believe me, I do.”
“Do you miss him?”
“At times,” the god admits.
“Huh, I actually believe you,” Darcy says, earning a short laugh from the god of lies. They had been honest, after all. She continues, “Why don't you go see him?”
“Because I'm not the brother he lost.”
“Psssh, you say that like he would actually care. I haven't been through the multiverse, but I'm sure there isn't a universe out there where you two are brothers, and he wouldn't love you. That's just Thor.” 
Loki considers all the variants they met in the void, all the timelines the god of stories watched over.
“You’re not too far off,” Loki admits as they lean against the vehicle. 
“An honest Loki, you really are an odd one,” Darcy grins. “He'd probably love you even more than he already does.”
And Loki can feel another layer of ice around their heart crack and fall away.
“What if I told you there was a way for you to use those skills of yours that didn’t involve working for the men that constantly make your life hell?”
She eyes the god of mischief with suspicion. “What's the catch?” 
“There will still be a lot of paperwork, and you'd be working outside of time, and you will probably end up outliving your remaining friends, and there is a risk of being sent to a void at the end of time that is controlled by a somewhat sentient stormcloud that devours anything and everything.”
“A living cloud might eat me?”
“Possibly, or you might just get adopted by a roving group of variants of me, including an alligator version.”
“Sounds mental,” Darcy says. “Sign me up.”
I wanna feel the chaos, I wanna hear the uproar
A little pandemonium, I know I'm not the only one
I wanna be blown away, I wanna feel the walls shake
I wanna feel the walls shake, I wanna feel the walls shake
Shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it, oh
“No freaking way,” Darcy says as she sits on the edge of the desk Mobius and Loki are working at. Much to the god’s annoyance. The desk was small enough as is. 
“What?” Mobius asks, barely looking up from the calculations she had brought the pair.
They had been working on narrowing down constellations in varying timelines to help speed up categorizations. Loki and Darcy were really doing most of the work. Mobius was just double-checking the headers and forms. She was still new, after all, and it was his responsibility to make sure she did things the right way. 
“Is that Brad Wolfe? Like THE Brad Wolfe?” The astrophysicist inquires. 
Loki groans and drops their head to the desk.
“Why is that buffoon here? He's a pest,” Loki laments. Mobius tries not to laugh, but he does run his fingers through Loki’s locks to settle the deity. Which earns him a pleased hum from Loki. 
“You two are nauseating,” Darcy says. “It's cute. I'm going to talk to him.”
“Wait, no, Darcy!” Loki tries as they lift their head off the desk. 
“Too late, sweetheart,” Mobius says. 
Mobius laughs at the way Brad’s eyes lock on Darcy's features as she approaches. 
One, two, three, four, oh
Looking for some mayhem
Need a little mayhem
Oh, need a little mayhem
“Hot damn,” Brad mutters under his breath when a brunette he knew hadn’t worked for them before makes her way towards him.
“What?” Casey looks up from where he's finishing the last of an aural track on a variant that popped up along Brad's timeline. The actor had begrudgingly agreed to help. Now he was very glad he did. “Oh, that's Dr Darcy Lewis. Loki recruited her not too long ago. She’s an astrophysicist.”
“With that body?” Brad lets out a low whistle. 
“Be careful, man. She tased Thor and helped prevent two alien invasions when she was a college intern.” 
“Noted,” Brad grinned as she reached him.
“What can I do for you, doc?” He asks.
“I'm a huge fan,” she says. 
“Oh yeah?”
“Oh yeah, some of your movies are like the funniest ones I've ever seen.”
B-15 cracks up from where she is monitoring the timeline at another console.
Brad looks at her in shock but recovers quickly.
“Pity, you'd look stunning all dolled up at my next premier. Paparazzi would adore you. A figure like that, you'd be a hit.”
“I’ll pass, but hit me up next time you're around.” She heads off to check in with the inventors. They remind her of the good ol’ days with Jane and her machines. 
Looking for some mayhem
Looking for some mayhem, yeah
Yeah, need a little mayhem
Wanna get some mayhem
“Don't worry, she'll eat him alive,” Mobius states. “I know,“ Loki sighs. “And he’ll fall head over heels because she’s smarter and sharper than he could ever be, and then we’ll never get rid of him.”
Mobius shrugs. They could use another skilled hunter. “Eh, she’ll keep him on a tight leash.” 
“Maybe even an actual one.” 
And Mobius nearly spit Josta across the table at the mental image. Loki smirks.
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