#he just seems like the nicesy boy with lovely hugs
flowerkidlove · 2 years
So I've been thinking about watching the new TMNT and was wondering if you'd like to tell me about it? Raph looks hug material :3
YOU ARE CORRECT!!!!!!! um i will say that this Mikey, at least from the tmnt shows/movies i've seen, is not annoying!!! i used to be a Mikey fan but then i watched the 2014 Micheal Bay movie and holy fuck i deSPISE him!!!!!!!!
Rise Donnie has the most personality compared to All of the Other Donnie's and also he has canonical Autism!!!!!!! also low empathy! and his tech nor his autism arent personality traits!!!
if youre used to the tmnt series, it'll be weird that Leo isnt leader, but you'll get used to it!!! and also!!! it makes sense for what the writers wanted for him (learn to be a good leader) also!!!!!!!!! i actually like his more goofy ass more than the serious Leo's!!! him and Donnie are twins.
i love how they didnt make Angry Raph's personality!!!!!!! very much!! i honestly would love to see what his room looked like i dont think we ever got a full view of it. i like that he has anxiety and is overprotective and is still very silly goofy
APRIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love her!!!!!! i love that she is The Big Sister!! there is no FUCKING ROMANCE thank you thank you thank you rise writers. she can fucking fight for real and she is sick as FUCK also maybe a lesbian but idk i dont do sexuality/gender hc's as much as i used to
also. also also *grabs you by the shoulders oh so gently and looks at you with big puppy eyes* Rise Splinter is a good dad. NOT the best. i will say that. but i prommie I PROMMIE that he loves those boys with all of his heart and soul. where he was and where he is now. are. 2 very different lives. im fairly certain he has depression and anxiety and ptsd. once you know what im talking about, you'll understand i prommie you will. pleaseplease please do not be mean to him i will cry please be nicesies to him please he is the goodest dad that hes trying to be please
ALSO season 2 was hella rushed so just a heads up!!!!! it may seem a bit off and that's why
ALSO ALSO netfux doesnt have season two so here you go:
season one and two (start from the bottom, dont skip any, also turn off your adblocker if you have it, there are no ads but the site wont let you play the videos unless you turn it off)
ALSO ASLO ALSO please leave asks with questions!!!!!!
also if you enjoy rise, i suggest the Bay movies! and the 1990's movies (return of the ooze or whatever has my girl Venus De Milo!!!!! BUT THERES A FUCKING ROMANCE HATRED) also, the 2012 series, and i hear the 2003 one is good but i havent hit that yet!
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