#he is also 6'7"
14dayswithyou · 1 year
We know Ren/[Redacted]’s nickname for MC is Angel but what is everyone else’s (or if they don’t have one what would it be)
✦゜ANSWERED: aaaa it's kinda hinted on the 14DWY discord (via the roles you can get), but the main cast have a few different nicknames depending on the situation or their mood!!
Ren: angel, baby (for when they're feeling 📯🦵) [REDACTED]: angel, love (for when they're feelin soft and tender) Moth: love-bug, bestie, gamer, comrade, degenerate in arms, etc. Violet: petal, rosebud (because sims + she's also a gamer) Conan: sweetheart (he is an Old Man), or just your actual name Leon: sunfish, darl/darlin' (with an aussie accent!!! this is important!!!) Teo: doll/dollface, starshine (Rosie has this man on a leash!!) Jae: seashell, sunshine (he honestly copied Leon and Teo)
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frenchie-sottises · 1 month
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Got motivated to draw the rest of the OG game's gang.
Also, yes, Foxy's holding an actual sword. He knows how to wield it too.
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lemonsiskull · 11 months
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UPDATED HIM AND HIS REF... I accidentally hit him with the yass beam
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MARTIN BLACKWOOD IS A JEALOUS MAN... And Tim loves it (as he should)
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mikurulucky · 5 months
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You sure this ain't a Final Fantasy VII character? Because he sure as hell LOOKS like one here.
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oculusxcaro · 3 months
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As troublesome as Gotham can be, Pauli's is one of those places that rarely gets hit. It's open 24/7 and offers good food to all regardless of who they are and Pauli isn't afraid to hire former criminals like Jerry who used to be muscle for Scarface. Petty thugs who threaten the place for cash are just as likely to receive backlash from their fellow crooks as they would from law-abiding citizens because where else are you going to get a decent meal at 4am?
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redwayfarers · 5 months
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jumping on the train w/ my shitty paint editing. but have the boys <3
templates by @junnie133
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agent-jaselin · 6 months
drawing Astarion as an elezen like "put that elf into a taffy puller"
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wayfinderships · 1 year
Tired...Eepy even but at least Husband is a comfy pillow <3
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monpalace · 9 months
i sound absolutely unhinged talking about shit from 2017 but if i could telepathically share the thoughts i'm having you would all get it
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sibillascribbles08 · 1 year
Follow up to this cause it was rotating in my head. Yes it’s more Jasonnie stuff. Y’all gotta understand !
Jase sighed, resting his head on his arms for the fifth time instead of finishing up this latest mech model. He hoped the project would take his mind off his stubborn boyfriend and more importantly that last comment he made during their argument.
“How do I even put up with you?”
Thinking about it made him flinch all over again. His insecurities weren’t an ever present thing, but when they did come up they dug their claws in and refused to let go.
You were never good enough for him. They taunted. Eventually he’d figure out. That you’re a nuisance. A dead weight. A waste of time.
Jase covered his ears and groaned as his face pressed against the desk. Painful. The nose piece of his glasses dug into his skin. At least it worked as a distraction.
He didn’t need to be thinking like this. Every time Donnie found out about it, it’d be countered with a long lecture--now with a power point presentation--about all the reasons Donnie wants to be with him.
Course, did such a counter even matter when Donnie was the cause of the insecurities?
Jase sighed again and forced himself away from the desk. He wasn’t going to work like this. Maybe he should just pop on some videos until his dad got home from work. Then the pair of them could watch something together.
A light tap came from his window.
Jase already knew the cause before looking over to see Donnie’s face peeking up from the bottom. Why did he always have to come in this way even when his dad wasn’t home? The turtle was getting so big he barely fit through the window anymore.
Jase glared at him, his frustration from the argument still lingering. He stomped over to the window, saw Donnie try to smile at him, and snapped the curtains shut.
“Jase?” Donnie’s muffled voice came from behind the glass. “Come on. Please? I want to apologize.”
He knew Donnie meant it. He always did when he actually approached the subject. Donnie hated apologizing but, as he would say, would always swallow that back for the important things.
But Jase still felt angry, spiteful, and kept holding the curtains closed, clutched so tightly his knuckles went white.
“Please?” Donnie tried again. “I’m really really sorry. Two reallys.”
Jase let go of the tension in his shoulders and hands as he pulled the curtain back open. Donnie gave him another sheepish smile.
Jase undid the lock on the window and threw it open. He moved aside, not looking at his boyfriend as he wiggled his way through the gap. A thud and a groan was enough to tell him how well it was going.
“Why don’t you just use the door.” Jase spat at him. “You can tell my dad isn’t home.”
“Habit.” Donnie pushed himself up from the floor and shut the window before holding out a box. “Um, here. It’s part of the apology but not a bribe, promise.”
Jase peeked inside. Ginger snaps, of course. He set the box down on the desk, next to his unfinished model, and crossed his arms. “And where’s the rest of the apology?”
Donnie straightened up. He held his hands close to his chest, a common habit when he didn’t have something to hang onto when nervous. “I... you... are right.” He stumbled over his words for a moment. “I know I need to meet your dad. I know we talked about it way back when we first started dating I just...” He kept fiddling with his own fingers. “I’m scared.”
Jase groaned. “And you think I’m not? Even with trying to discuss mutant activity as much as possible with my dad to get him used to the idea that you not only exist but that we’re a thing... there’s still a chance he may not take it well.” He shook his head. “But that’s still not an excuse to try coming up with a bunch of... insane solutions! Like lying to him is the better option.”
“I know.” Donnie rubbed his arm. “I just... I know. I’m sorry. And I’m sorry about what I said. I didn’t mean that.”
Jase glanced at the floor. “Are you sure?”
“Yes! I told you, I was scared. I let it get the better of me and then tried to pretend that wasn’t the issue. I don’t think that way about you. Not even a little bit.” A pause. “Should I get the power point again?”
Jase bit back his laugh, not wanting to let go of his glare just yet. “No. God no.” He took a deep breath. He probably should apologize as well. “I’m sorry too, for blowing up like that.”
“You don’t have to apologize.” Donnie took a step toward him. “I was being a dumb dumb.”
“You were, but I wasn’t helping by turning it into a screaming match right off the bat so... yeah.”
An awkward silence hung between them. Donnie leaned forward, like he was about to take a step, but then drew back. “Do you still want some space?”
Offering an out. Jase appreciated it, but shook his head. “Come here you giant dumbass.”
Donnie closed the gap in half a second, scooping Jase right off the floor when he hugged him. Damn his height sometimes.
“You have got to stop picking me up when you hug me.” Jase muttered.
“I feel like if I hug otherwise I’m just going to suffocate you. That, and I can’t imagine my chest would feel that good against your glasses.”
Jase scoffed. “It would feel a bit better than being reminded of how short I am.”
“What do you mean? It’s your best quality.” Donnie smooched him on the cheek. “Tiny and adorable.”
“No, no.” Jase pressed his palm against Donnie’s mouth and shoved his head back. “I didn’t say you had kissing privileges back.”
His boyfriend pouted at him, but made no effort to free his face. “Do I have to do a round two of apologies?”
“No. We need to--”
The sound of the garage door made them both go silent. Jase’s dad was home, no doubt, it was about that time.
“Right.” Jase wiggled himself free and got his feet back on the floor. “You should probably go.”
Donnie stared at him, then the bedroom door, eyes wide but moving just slightly to show how much thinking was going on in there.
Then he glanced back at Jase, determined. “No.”
“Huh?” Jase adjusted his glasses. “Donnie what are you saying? My dad is home. You should--”
“Exactly. It’s the perfect opportunity to meet him, isn’t it?”
“Are you crazy?” Jase hissed, trying to keep his voice down even though the back door hadn’t opened yet. “We haven’t talked about this properly, or planned it, or--”
“Is any amount of planning really going to change how he feels about all this?”
Jase pressed his lips together and met Donnie’s gaze. He tried to find an excuse, a reason for them to put this off because all of that fear he mentioned earlier was coming back in full force. He really shouldn’t have yelled at Donnie so much before. Despite how much he wanted to get this over with, he was just as frightened, maybe even more so. Imagine something like this ruining the one good parental relationship he had left. Everything with his mom went to shit after she got remarried. The same thing could happen all over again and then where would he--
Donnie gently grabbed his shoulders. “Jase. Breathe.”
Only now did he notice he was practically gasping for air, legs shaking. He took a long inhale, holding it, and then letting it back out.
The door downstairs opened.
“I can go, or stay. I’m going to leave it up to you.”
Jase had to think fast. In a matter of minutes his dad was going to call him to say hello, and if Jase didn’t respond he’d come up here to check on him.
Jase reached up, grabbing one of Donnie’s wrists. “Stay. You can stay. Just let me... let me try to talk to him first before you come downstairs.”
Donnie nodded. “Sorry, I know you said I hadn’t gotten the privilege back yet but...” His hands moved to Jase’s cheeks before he leaned down to kiss him on the forehead. “That’s for good luck.”
Jase swallowed, cheeks burning and skin tingling like it always did whenever Donnie looked at him like that. “I... might need more powerful luck than that.”
That made his boyfriend smirk. He leaned forward once more, tilting Jase’s head up this time.
“Jase?” His father called from downstairs. “You asleep?”
Damn. Jase pulled away a bit as he yelled, “No. Sorry, caught up in something. I’ll be down in just a second.”
He turned back to his boyfriend, grabbed his face, and pulled him into a quick kiss. “I’ll tell you when to come down, okay?”
Donnie nodded.
And they both let go as Jase headed for the door.
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n1ntendh0 · 10 months
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saw5 · 3 months
there's an umpire in mlb right now named Jordan Baker ..... did a double take hearing his name a minute ago
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seaside-lovers · 1 year
seeing robot refer to the robinsons as family is so sweet. and then I start thinking about him eventually referring to me as "love" or "lover" and I just become so warm and happy. you mean this 7 foot tall alien robot loves ME?? that's so awesome.
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wasabi-beeeeatz · 9 months
First Meeting
The crickets were chirping quite loudly as the Mistress and her son walked through the jungle in the hunt for the Mighty Bananas. It was supposed to be a peaceful hunt. Until the sky turned dark and started storming, lightning striking the ground.
The Mistress knew Faron had storms but not ones like this. She notices a large being with three heads towering over her and Manzano. Lightning had struck her, causing the young Yiga to scream in fear. The three headed beast snaps its jaws at the young boy before a sharp blade inserted itself hilt deep in the throat. It dropped to the ground and exploded into purple mist.
The young Master looked around for whoever threw that blade before hearing a gruff and deep hum from above him. He looked up and saw a tall boy hanging upside down from a large branch. But he wasn't using his legs to hang upside down. He was using a tail? How can Hylians have tails?
The tall boy jumps down from the branch and walks over the monster parts to retrieve his sword. He had some sort of limp to his walk. Paw like tracks were imprinted in the mud. Just what kind of Hylian is this boy?
"You are welcome," the deepened voice hummed out before turning his head to stare at the young Master. He had a resting annoyed face that made him look.. intimidating. "It is not like I saved your life."
"Well you WERE a bit late! You didn't save MY mother!"
"Aaaaaapologies for being SOOOOO late to the hunting party. I am as slow as a Hyrulian Bass."
"A saying from Lurelin mother taught me. She lives nearby. Come.. let me take you to her."
And with that, the massive and stoic teenager walks off with a limp. Manzano noticed that the boy's spine was covered in a strange fuzz. In fact, he did look a bit cat like in the facial region. Kind of like the young Master! he was starting to get strange feelings for this kid.
The two walked towards a well made house. The taller of the two crouched down, holds up a finger and sticks the claw like nail into the keyhole. A click was heard and the boy stood up again. He had to duck to walk inside, Manzano soon to follow. He looked around but what caught his attention was the fruit bowl full of Mighty Bananas. His mouth waters at the sight of it.
He went to reach for one before a monstrously large hand wraps around his small wrist. His face flushed red with embarrassment but also with admiration.
"No. Don't grab those. They are for father when he comes back." the low voice hummed again.
The young Master felt like an arrow was shot through his heart and he was lovesick for this oversized soon to be Right Hand.
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dweeborea · 10 months
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Howdy, meet Emera's long long LONG lost son
Being taken from your mother and assimilated into a hivemind (The Voice of We Many) for >13,000 years does things to you
Also don't glare at Mizuki, boy, he's the reason you're an individual again
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