#having someone read to you is just so intimate and it warms my heart
astrologylunadream · 3 months
How Your Person Would Describe You🍨🗣💭 (Pick a card/Tarot love reading)
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Hey it's Lunadream🖤 In this reading you will find how your person would talk about you/describe you to others.
Omg and I just realized my current number of follows is 888 so powerful energy up in here. (thank you all so much for that💞) hope you find your message🌸
Notice: Only take what resonates because the most important thing is your own judgement!♡ If anything doesn't resonate, don't worry! It's not your message right now <3 (Entertainment purpose only. All rights reserved)
Now, shall we begin~? ^w^ Think of that beautiful person on your mind, and pick whichever pile that fits the energy you're feeling drawn to~💭
Pile 1🧁
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Pile 2🍨
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Pile 3🐈‍⬛
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Pile 4👛
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Take your time and choose carefully with the heart~♡
On to the readings —> 👀
Pile 1🧁
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Sign energy: Water, Fancy, Hair, Avoidance, Options, Chiron, Pisces, 8th house, Vertex, Mercury,🙅‍♂️🏚🟧🧖‍♀️
🖤Your person's energy: I'm sensing that this is an emotional individual, even if they don't show it. They might be more serious to others, but they have feelings themselves. Dominant energy of Pisces, Scorpio, Virgo and Gemini, for some of you pisces mercury or chiron conjunct mercury is significant. I feel like they have a closed off demeanor and some people may expect them to be cold or in a bad mood. This person likely changes their hair a lot, could be drastically like the color. Their hair may be very attractive to you😍 Your person may often avoid things they aren't ready for, not necessarily indecisive but just very avoidant. This could be because they have been through a lot of damage in the past, they have a lot of emotions built up and they have been hurt with others words.😥 They may not enjoy classy events or that could be a regular thing for them that they can't stand. Because I'm picking up for some of you this person is higher class. The color orange may be significant. For some of you this person is avoiding you, I'm hearing they're running out of options take what resonates whatever that means for you. You have a deep attraction and infatuation with this person, but I'm getting that they are more so reserved when it comes to intimate relationships. So they push back a bit if you approach them, They're a heavy thinker and may expect issues to occur if they get involved in a romantic connection. They get lost in their thoughts sometimes, but they have a really aesthetic voice.💗
💬How they would describe you: Energy, Mindfulness, Decay, Lilith, Tears, Fire, 1st house, 2nd house, Virgo, Pluto, 🟩🫂🥱🎸 Okay so your person would describe you as someone who has a very bright and youthful vibe to them, and there's a spark of determination in your eyes. They would say you also have a witty and sharp mind, they feel as if you outsmart them. They're kind of jealous of you for it. But they think you are too hard on yourselves, and it tears them apart on the inside. Maybe you judge yourself too hard? They would say they want to give you good vibes and recharge your happiness.🤗 When you enter the room, your energy just radiates to them. I feel like they would tell others how sweet you are.💓 They would like to say you seem really smart, actually. They bet many people are jealous of your abilities. To be honest, they would say the way your mind works scares them a little, but it also makes you very attractive.😳 they would feel like your words could pierce into their soul, and get kind of intimidated. They don't know for sure, but something about you is just captivating. They would describe you as someone you would want to hug, especially when you're feeling down or low on energy. That you have a strong approach to the world, and put your best foot forward. They don't know what to expect from you at the moment, not exactly warmed up to you yet. Your person might need more time to analyze you, and see what you're truly all about.🔍🩷
💌Messages from your person: You need me now, They know, We were meant to be, Again and again, Let me adore you (How sweet🥺💞) Extra cards: Abandonment, Soft spot, Tight, Vent, Love song
Thank you my pile 1's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🩷
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 1 with the cupcake emoji~🧁 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading🌸
Pile 2🍨
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Sign energy: Outfit, Harm, Swim, Closed, Fake smile, Uranus, Venus, 9th house, 1st house, Jupiter, 🎭🦴👰‍♀️💭
🖤Your person's energy: For this pile I am sensing someone physically bigger, they have an outward vibe to them. I feel like your person just fills the room with their aura, they could be charismatic or seem that way to you. Dominant signs are Aquarius, Taurus, Libra, Sagittarius, Aries and Pisces energy. They dress very individually, I'm hearing no one in your circle dresses the way they do. It's definitely something thay catches your eye, they have a very specific style that's unique and fresh😎 Your person may be very drawn to foreigners especially females from a different background from them, maybe they wish to marry someone from a different country or language?💍🫢 Your person has a pretty smile, they smile a lot and many people adore their smile. Swimming could be a hobby for them or maybe their field of work for some of you. I feel like this person puts on a social face, they could be really good at hiding their emotions. You may imagine yourself with this person a lot, but they get a lot of female attention.👀 Physically they are attractive and well dressed. Your person is very social, they may not necessarily want to be but since they recieve so much attention it is hard to avoid.💬💫 For some of you this person is more of an introvert with a lot of friends. Your person has a very broad selection of clothing styles, they like trying out new things. Very expirimental person, they also have great bone structure I'm hearing.💪
💬How they would describe you: Rise, Surface, Focus, Queen, Danger, Uranus, Aries, Jupiter, 5th house, 9th house,👸⬜️🧣🙃 Ohh okay this is very interesting, so your person would describe you as someone very attractive😆 It's not like they're flirting about it but they do see you as someone very romantically magnetic, you have charms about you that they think many people would adore. So your person would also describe you as a unique and empowered person, but I definitely think if you asked them what they think of you the first thing that comes to mind would be your physical traits🫦♨️ Yesss your person would think that first when it comes to you. But also they would say you have a lot of drive and determination for enhancing your experiences in life, they would say you are fun-loving and unpredictable.❤️‍🔥 Also that you put a lot into your love life, some of you may want to date around and explore your possible romantic adventures and your person sees that as a part of your personality and who you are. They would describe you as a creative and entertaining person to be around, someone who knows how to enjoy themselves.🥳 You are a huge focus to this person too omg, they're really interested in you I'm hearing. They would say that they're curious and you, and willing to see what you're about. They also would say that you're a little wild and untamed, but also untouchable in a powerful way.👑💗 Your person would see you as your own queen/king, someone with a sense of self worth and achievement.👏
💌Messages from your person: Stop thinking about me, I'm so into you, Whatever works for you, Anything for you, I'm desperate (Omg whaaat😢💞) Extra cards: Last, Creativity, Hate, Medication, Alice in wonderland
Thank you my pile 2's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🩷
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 2 with the sundae emoji~🍨 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading🌸
Pile 3🐈‍⬛
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Sign energy: Long, Girlfriend, Perfect, Intellectual, Reach out, Cancer, Mars, South node, Saturn, North node,💆‍♀️♎️😭🧩
🖤Your person's energy: Oh so someone is definitely on their toes in this connection, like holding onto it so much😫✊️ Prominent signs are Cancer, Aries, Scorpio, Capricorn and Aquarius. Libra may be significant, that is the sign of relationships too.😮💞 Your person has a very soft energy to them, but also very capable like they are not a helpless or dependent kind of person. This relationship could feel somewhat out of reach to you or them, like there is just so much going on right now for you both. You may view them as an ideal romantic partner, or they have many traits you want in a lover. Definitely a more feminine and sweeter energy.💌🌸 Some of my pile 3's are dating this person, because I'm definitely getting this mutual loving and romantic interest from both sides. You may be madly in love with this person or they may be madly in love with you.😍 The intimacy from them could be the best you have had if you've been intimate with them. Your person is so caring for you though, like they want to protect you and give you comfort and love.🫂😇🥰 Your person is quite smart too, they are clever and think things through. Someone in this connection is trying to reach out or has been for a while, not giving up I'm hearing.😢 My pile 3's and their person are so cute togetherrr. They just fit with you in every way, feeling like your other half. The perfect boyfriend/girlfriend I'm hearing, it is likely this is the person you will start a family/share a home with!!
💬How they would describe you: Decision, Fashion, Surrender, Bedroom, Punish, Sun, Lilith, 1st house, 4th house, 12th house,👥️❤️‍🩹😘💭 Wow I was not expecting this, my pile 3's your person is just omg🥵 They would describe you as well dressed and hot, like you look good in your clothes😳 They would see you as someone more submissive and delicate, especially if you two are alone together. Your person would call you cute and hot at the same time (other things too I won't go into all that in this reading😭). They would say that you're good at like choosing the best options for yourself, lol maybe they think you made a good decision by choosing them?😂 Haha that's cute and I feel like your person would say you know right from wrong pretty well, you have a good sense of justice. But omg they would say you are physically attractive like they want to pin you down that's how attractive you are to this person🫣❤️‍🔥 Your person would say you're like home to them, a safe place for them to turn to. They want to punish you in a romantic sense (only if you want that I'm getting), I'll leave it to Interpretation but yeah a lot of intimate descriptions about you🔞 They would call you a dreamy and spiritual person and they really like that about you too. You are someone soft and so lovable to them, they would say you are theirs omg. They love the way you dress, you are someone they want to hug and hold aww. They would say you're someone they think about a lot, omg I'm hearing "this is the person I love" like that is how they would describe you my pile 3's!!🥰💗
💌Messages from your person: Let's listen to music together, Thinking of you, Anything for you, Keep going, With you. (So much thinking of you lol so sweet🥺💖) Extra cards: Poker face, Throne, Extreme, Alice in wonderland, Cold (Maybe some of you guys are somewhere where the temperatures are really low rn since it's winter during this reading.❄️)
Thank you my pile 3's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🩷
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 3 with the black cat emoji~🐈‍⬛ Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading🌸
Pile 4👛
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Sign energy: Love song, Surprise, Desperation, Bad habit, Gossip, Juno, Mercury, 8th house, Taurus, Mars, ♀️💄🤦‍♂️🫱
🖤Your person's energy: Okay there is a lot of talk centered around this person, my pile 4's your person is on many people's minds I'm getting.💭👀!! There are main energies of Gemini, Virgo, Scorpio, Taurus and Aries. I feel like this person is kinda like a forbidden fruit to you guys, like you shouldn't take the bite but you're really tempted. Maybe they're said to be bad or dangerous, like you may just get this vibe from them that's like bad news. Your person may wear makeup or you tend to wear a lot around them.💋💄 Omg I feel like your person is the type that others think they are wearing makeup even when they aren't, their bare face is really attractive to you.😳 You may have a habit of falling back into this connection, there is definitely a cycle happening with this person. Particularly feminines are talking about your person a lot, and masculines are like talking bad about them that's what I'm picking up on. There may be gossip about you and this person, I think a lot of people are jealous of your person and the way they think and communicate themselves in a powerful and magnetic way.🖤 You may be desperate to talk to them, some of you want to marry this person. I can definitely feel that they are tired of what everyone is saying about them, there may be some gossip going around about you too. Your person is actually really genuine, if they like you they won't be fickle about it. They may be very honest or direct in their romantic relationships. Also they don't like gossip and rumors I'm hearing.
💬How they would describe you: Happiness, You, Dating, Worthy, Warm, Lilith, 12th house, Cancer, Aquarius, 1st house,💥🤫🗿🤤 So they would describe you as someone they care about omg🥺🩷 You make them happy and feel safe. They would say you are a good friend (maybe some of you are friends with this person) and also good to your friends. They would say you radiate a warm caring energy, some of my pile 4's are dating this person on the low🫢🗣 Your person would say you have the most comforting hugs, so warm and loving. They would describe you as a very spiritual and intuitive person, diving into the darkest depths of unknown and somewhat taboo or strange topics. Your appearance is comforting and sweet to them, and they would say you are so worthy of their time and love.💗 They would call you a unique and soft individual, something about you is so special to them. They would say you are someone they want to date, and stay with for a long time.😍💋 Your person would also say you confuse them in many ways too haha, you have a mysterious allure they can't seem to figure out.🧠✨️ Your person would describe you as friendly and sweet. They would say they can count on you with whatever they need, because you're reliable to them. Your presence alone would make them feel safe and at ease, omg you really just make their day I'm hearing.☀️ They could probably list a thousand positive traits of yours, that's how much they enjoy your existence lol. I just love your person's opinion on you guys, it's so supportive and loving😭💖
💌Messages from your person: You're ready for me, My one and only, Please don't love anyone else, Why so serious? I knew you would feel this way. (For some of you in this pile, this person definitely knows how you feel about them!! Any of my pile 4's date this person?😘 Cuz like they know you love them🤣🤣) Extra cards: Comfort, Escape, Locked, Money, Habits
Thank you my pile 4's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🩷
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 4 with the handbag emoji~👛 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading🌸
Wanna see more readings like this? Check out my tumblr for accurate readings for you!💗🌊🌸
Thanks for reading! \(*^w^)/💌 -Lunadream <3
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kalki-tarot · 5 months
Your first Kiss with them 🎧🍷💕
Pick a picture, my beautiful souls ♡
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Pictures are taken from Pinterest.
This may not resonate with everyone. I'll use tarot and my own intuition so take what resonates and leave the rest. Don't force anything and this is just for entertainment purposes. This reading will be very specific </3
Do not steal/copy my work. Strict action(s) would be taken against you.
More pick a pile readings !
Pile 1
Death, the devil, 7 swords, 10 pentacles, the sun, ace of swords, 9 wands, 4 pentacles, queen of swords (bottom of deck)
Right off the bat, pile 1. I sense you fear intimacy or being close with anyone in general. Maybe due to past experiences? Someone maybe forced you in the past or took advantage of you. I'm really sorry if that happened to you. So, now you've developed a fear of getting so close or vulnerable with anyone.
Pile 2 also has messages for you.
Your first kiss will happen after you've let go of certain fears. You may hesitate at first, but of course, it'll happen with your consent. You may get flashes of the past but you'll stand strong and let them kiss you or vice versa. This kiss will mark a new beginning as it'll signify the fears finally leaving your soul & mind.
The kiss will feel soft and fresh, like a warm summer breeze. It'll make you both happy. You'll feel content and comfortable while it happens. You will feel as you're in your power, finally. The kiss will be smooth. It can happen during the day or under the sunlight. I'm even getting a beach for some of you. It'll be overall fantastic as per your choice.
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Pile 2
Death rx, page of cups, the star, 9 wands, 2 swords, six of cups, the world, 10 swords rx (bottom of deck)
This feels like a fantasy! The kiss will happen just like the way you imagine it lol. Statight outta your dreams. It'll be wet and sloppy, can use lots of tounge play(?) Idk guys I'm not experienced in these kinda things 💀😭 but It'll definitely give you butterflies in the stomach.
This will be memorable kiss, even after some years you'll still remember every bit of the detail and be nostalgic about it. This can happen outside or even at a place that's far away from your home. Like while traveling or something?
You may be combating an inevitable change while this happens. Like there's a message for you to change, change the way you've been doing things all the time. Change the way you think. Don't resist change.
Let's come back to the moment of yours, the kiss will be very romantic and emotional . A little bit playful also. I'm getting biting the lips and teasing a lot. This feels like a long kiss. This will take place at a place where there aren't many people around.
It will help you release negative thoughts and feelings you've been holding all this time. So good luck with that!
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Pile 3
10 cups, strength, 9 wands, the fool, 4 swords, 5 swords, page of pentacles, 2 of wands.
Cute! Your first kiss may take place in a garden or a forest where you went to travel or camp or smth. I feel like the kiss will be initiated by the feminine energy in the connection. The kiss will make you feel young and vibrant. Your heart will race a lot. It may happen on a risky place like in the public or where someone can watch or catch you.
But the feelings would be so intense and magical. You'll be drawn towards eachother like magnets. I see a height difference between you guys.
You may have a fight before this happens, and suddenly the overwhelming feelings take over and you guys kiss. You both will literally surrender yourselves to one another. Very intimate and passionate energy.
This moment will be shocking or unexpected but you'll definitely like it!
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sssiriusly · 1 year
❛ you are so stupid, Remus ❜
summary: Remus doesn't seem to get enough of his sweet girlfriend.
warning: kisses, idiots in love, lily evans being a good protective big sister, mentions of sex, slight mention of drugs. (I think that's all)
note: my first language is no English, also again this is not edited and written late at night.
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HIS HANDS WERE EVERYWHERE. On your hips, on your back, on your bum —sometimes trying to reach your breasts. His lips were soft, oh so soft you'd bet you could fall asleep while kissing him, or while he was kissing you. Your hands were placed on his hair —messy thanks to you. He hums as you pull it.
Supposedly you were going to study for potions, this subject was hard for both of you so you decided to have a fun study date together, with chocolate and candy canes and maybe some hot chocolate as well.
It started when you were reading over your notes and you could feel Remus's stare over you; seconds later his hand had found your thigh and his chin was resting over your shoulder.
“I think we've studied enough, you know?”. Quite ironic coming from him, the same boy who would starve himself if it meant getting an O on everything (or at least the majority of his classes) was one telling you to stop studying. Ironic really.
“I still don't get it, Rem”. You sighed, your eyes closing momentarily as you felt Remus' hands wander over your legs, coming up from your knee to your upper thigh and to your knee again. His soft lips slightly kissing your left shoulder, it felt so good. You let yourself dive into the pleasure your boyfriend is giving you. How his long fingers pressed against you, his hot breath against you. Maybe you could study later— no! He was distracting you that sick bastard! But it felt so good.
“We could study later” he kissed your neck slightly sucking on it “or tomorrow” he kissed right behind your ear, you sighed “we could always just copy Snape's notes” you laughed, not because of the kisses but because of the mention of Severus on this intimate moment.
“I—. . . Should I be jealous that you think about Severus when we are kissing” he laughed, his nose digging into your neck, softly biting you shoulder.
“I am so sorry you had to find out this way, love” he kissed your cheek “—but Snivellus now owns my heart” you laughed throwing your head against Remus' shoulder. He kissed you, softly, so softly you could get lost in it.
“you are so stupid, Lupin” you giggled and so did he, his hands leaving your legs and embracing you in a tight hug, your noses slightly grazing each other as he smiled at you, so lovingly, so lost and that dazed feeling took over your head, the pressure in your chest that expanded into a warm wave of love, passion and joy all over your body, you couldn't get luckier, not when this man was in front of you smiling as if you were the last chocolate on his collection. You couldn't get enough of this man. And that's how you ended in this situation, both your tongues fighting as he moved you slightly over his lap. Sighs came out of his mouth as you grazed his growing erection and you chuckled at this. He took your shirt leaving you in your yellow brassier.
His kisses left your mouth and travelled to your cleavage where he sucked and licked until he was satisfied. He reached for your tits, and one of his hands cupped one as the other brought you closer to his body. He sucked on the upper part uncovered by your brassier.
Lost in the pleasure he was giving you, you did not notice when someone walked into your dorm. When Lily Evans walked into your dorm.
“you won't believe what that git Potter just told me!” her back was turned away from you and Remus, giving you time to compose yourself, “he told me— what in God's name smells like that? Honey have you been smo—. . . ew! No! What in the fuck!”. Lily screamed when she saw you both, your neck covered in hickeys, Remus' hair messy from your hands. She turned around, trying to give the both of you some privacy.
“First Marlene and Dorcas and now you two! What a fucking luck I have. . . Luckiest fucking gyal in the entire wizarding fucking world” she was rambling.
Remus chuckled at your poor attempt at buttoning your his shirt “why so surprised Evans? This is a common encounter between two people who loved each other. Of course you wouldn't know about that” you glared at him and he only shrugged his shoulders, a sly smirk on his face. . . What a handsome face.
“Fuck you Lupin”. She said “every day that passes I convince myself more that you should not be dating my sister” Remus laughed when Lily rolled her eyes, such a common encounter between there and it would be funny to watch if it wasn't for that state both you and Remus were moments prior.
“Lils” you called her, driving her attention to you once again. She furrowed her eyebrows as she looked at you.
“what?” she said “this is my dorm too” you could feel Remus' amusement of the whole interaction.
“Lils,” you said again, emphasising her name, moving your head slightly towards yours and Remus' body, he smiled innocently when her disgusted look made contact with his eyes. She rolled her eyes and left with a “fine” while closing the door.
Remus laughed, one of his large hands grabbing you by the waist as he placed you again on his lap, he held you firmly. Guess studying will come tomorrow, or maybe later, you could always ask Lily for Severus' notes anyways.
So this is not edited because I am lazy and when I finished it the first time it got erased so I had to do it again, I am so sorry but I have to put me first 😔✊
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twst-rose-prisms · 24 days
Twst boys preferences for their partners
First of all, sorry for taking so long my rosies 😭😭 schools have been getting to me and I'm trying to catch up with the twst stuff again such as reading the story to understand the characters better! My bestie @twst-megane has been helping me a lot with this once again so tysm 🙏🙏🙏
Characters: All NRC students (except Ortho) x Reader Genre: Fluff Reminder: This is just a headcanon post, so even if you aren't your loved one's preference, do not worry! Remember, love might have preference, but it's never the final thing that decides one's partner, so rest assured~ Your lovely twst boys love you no matter what 🌹❤️ Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 (coming soon)
🐙 Azul 🐙
- If you manage to date a charismatic, handsome guy like him then I'd say his s/o is the world's luckiest person ever~ He isn't a person who would easily give his heart to someone else considering what happened to him in the past, so it takes time for him to genuinely fall for someone, and you just so happen to be very special to gain his affection! - He would need a s/o who is emotionally intelligent enough, someone that be able to pick up his feelings even though the signs are so subtle, he might brush it off mostly to keep up the professionalism but I'm sure you're the only one that he can trust showing his real side to you with the way you genuinely care and love him despite not being super touchy or show it obviously. - Because of the past he had, his insecurities are also something that needs a warm helping hand. A s/o with a caring, loving tendency would do so he won't think lowly of himself whenever he's around them. Perhaps at one point, despite his initial charismatic, calm appearance, he would think that he doesn't deserve someone as amazing as you. How can you care so much for him like that even after knowing his past or all the terrible things he did? Yet you just wipe those thoughts away from his mind with a gentle, soft reassurance as your hands caress his, feeling each other's warmth... and you caught his ears turning red~ - He pays attention to his appearance a lot especially after he comes on land, since he can nicely dress himself up and also even change his scent with different kinds of colognes. So I think he would have preferences for appearance too for a partner, maybe a s/o that knows how to dress themselves nicely enough, no need for fancy make-up or flashy clothing, but would be a nice touch if they like to use perfume like him too. He is pretty keen with his senses, and maybe he took a liking to you due to your scent... but he wouldn't openly admit that it smells really nice (or he gonna end up blushing and getting teased by the tweels). - Bonus: Azul would be the type to fumble at first when he got into a relationship, so being patient and teaching him would get him to fall even more for his s/o. He might study and research beforehand, but nothing comes as close as a real experience after all, he would get really flustered during your first kiss or when you embrace him... like a shy octopus, so just take it slow and intimate with him💖
🐬Jade 🐬
- Being someone who loves to serve someone as his nature, it's no surprise when his s/o usually being the one receiving instead of giving. He wouldn't have a specific preference when it comes to finding a partner, but he would like it if his s/o let him serve them, it's something he likes to do and he wants you to enjoy it too. Being dependent on him, asking for his help with something when you can't do it by yourself, and he would immediately be there to lend a helping hand. Don't hold back or feel bad because like I said, it's something he likes doing after all. - Though I think he would like it if his s/o treated him equally too, like they're both on the same ground and not just a serving/receiving relationship only. He would find it fascinating that someone like you thought of him that way despite how he keeps offering his service to you, it's just... interesting to him, he probably gave you one of those smiles of his and brushed it off to you but little did you know... you have become the most intriguing person in his eyes and he would like to study you more. (Think of it as a good thing! Probably...) - If his s/o happens to show interest in him, he would be curious and start bringing up topics such as his hobby if they're curious about it, like for example: terrariums or mushrooms. Even better if his s/o actually shows genuine attention to them, he would feel delighted as you both talk about the said topic for hours until it's time to bid goodbye and get back. He felt like he seemingly just found a great partner, someone he is interested in as you're also interested in him... I'd say it's a special mutual feeling~ - He probably has researched a lot about the fashion on the land, hence why you see him dress up really well in a lot of times, so I think he would like it if his s/o knew how to dress nicely on the right occasion. Like Azul, he doesn't need you to wear fancy or flashy clothing, but just taking care of your look properly is enough, maybe some light perfume would catch his attention too as he would be able to tell that you were here or you're around this area easier with your scent (It's less work for him in a sense too) - Bonus: I think surprises would get him the most. Maybe something like knowledge about mushrooms or attempting to build a mini terrarium and show it to him, he would be delighted that you actually spent time on something like this just to impress him, and you sure did but that's not the only thing that will happen (his heart will be impressed too) 💖
🦈Floyd 🦈
- The most unpredictable out of all characters, he can have such constant mood swings that make it hard for others to keep up with him, so I think his s/o should be someone that at least be able to handle them and doesn't get impatient with it. The moment he gets bored with someone he'll move on quickly, as such, patience is something that you would need when you date Floyd. If you can't keep up with his eccentric, constantly changing personality or easily get irritated then it'll be hard to put the relationship together. - He is pretty open when it comes to dating or preference because he won't be the one the reciprocate easily, his s/o should be someone who at least show constant interest in him or know how to get loose and have fun occasionally of when the right time come, maybe even know to play pranks too. He would be surprised in a way that makes him all chuckling and laughing in an... interesting way, don't worry, it's just how he usually is so don't get too startled, it just means he's having fun and you'd probably prefer it whenever he does. Also, it means he's having fun because of you, which is a great thing since you're that intriguing to him! - Though, it doesn't have to be someone that know how to have fun all the time, it could be a s/o who is pretty attentive, they can read his body language or treat him with genuine emotions, especially to not treat him like he's stupid or a fool. He might act like that but he needs respect too! I think he would be pretty impressed if you're able to guess what is he thinking right now from his behaviors (considering only Jade would be able to do that) and would squeeze you like a happy eel guy he is. - Unlike Azul and Jade, I don't think he would have a preference for appearance too much since he's pretty open to anything. He also doesn't pay attention to his looks most of the time too since well... You see how he dresses up most of the time. But since he's pretty interested in shoes, maybe if you happen to have a bit of knowledge about them then it'll impress him since he's quite fixated on the said topic. I think he would be pretty keen with his nose too so he can tell what kinda scent you got like Jade, he probably doesn't have a favorite scent but as long as it's nothing too heavy or so then he'll be absolutely whipped~ - Bonus: Squeezing hours is the most effective way for someone like Floyd! He will give you a silly sea creature nickname as a way to show his affection but also hug- I mean, squeeze you often too whenever he caught a glimpse of you around the school. If you treat him well he'll really enjoy being around you, so I hope you're ready for the most random squeezing ever from the silly guy himself 💖
- This big ball of sunshine definitely needs someone who knows how to take care of others or be attentive, knowing how clumsy he can be, he needs a s/o who loves to take care of him or pay a lot of attention just in case he accidentally injures himself again (might as well call you Jamil's sibling-), but when he sees how worried you look whenever you look out for him, he will try his best to be careful with himself too! The last thing he wanna see is your sad face after all so he'll remember your advice as best as he can! - He needs someone who has stability and balance to themselves so they won't feel tired out when they're with him, knowing how energetic he can be. Taking care of himself and making sure he's okay is one thing, but he also wants you to look out for your health too and not just all about him! You both would look out for each other (even though it's mostly your side), it's a relationship of caring and giving mutually and constantly~ - I feel like other than stability, he would like a s/o who knows how to have fun too when the time comes. Who wouldn't like some fun once in a while! He probably drags his s/o around to have fun with him, whether it be having a banquet or a ride with the magic carpet, he wants to see that pretty smile of yours every day, especially when you stay by his side, it just makes things more special to him you know? It's like he's the only one that can make you all bright and cheered up or show you a whole new world! - I think when he gets into a relationship, he can be a bit of a big puppy or touchy, I mean, who doesn't enjoy a warm, loving hug from your loved one? So he might need a s/o that doesn't mind too much skinship at the time or maybe even enjoys sudden hugs out of nowhere. Of course, he still knows how to respect boundaries at times or read the mood, but when he gets too happy he just couldn't help but embrace you! You bring him immense joy, so treasure those moments as much as you can, because there isn't anybody else that's like him after all. - Bonus: It's a bit hard to get him to like someone in a specific way, since in a sense anything could get him to like you, he is pretty easy to gain affection with how soft and kind he is compared to other characters, but if you're being forward and direct with your feelings then he'll surely return those feelings even stronger or brighter like the sunshine he is💖
🐍Jamil 🐍
- Being the vice leader of Scarabia with tons of work every day, I'm sure he can get very tired sometimes even though he doesn't show it on his face; that's why I think he needs a s/o that would be there to take care and reminds him to get loose or to take breaks in between. He's the one giving most of the time so it would be nice if it's the opposite once in a while. It doesn't need to be anything too grand, just a gentle reminder from you or maybe you can be sweeter and put a small note in between his school books with tiny scribbles here in there that reads "Daily reminder: Take a break in between! ;)". He definitely would not show it to anyone else in case he gets embarrassed, but he really appreciates that someone cares for him this much and wants the best for him despite the way he keeps burdening himself with work and chores and doesn't have too much free time. - Like Kalim, he probably needs someone who is also stable and has balance in their life so they can manage themselves better without needing other's help, he would be impressed his s/o knows how to organize things so well without his help (since he usually ended up being the helping hand most of the time) and wonder if you grow up being by yourself or perhaps used to be the same situation as him... Either way, he would compliment you for your independence and admit it out loud, he isn't a person who saves the praising for nothing. Speaking of that, maybe you could give some compliments to him too in return for his hard work. He is used to praises, but if it comes from you then it just hits differently. It feels like he actually got appreciated genuinely with kindness! - He's a member of the basketball club and is very good at the said sport, so I think he would like a s/o that also has decently good stamina to keep up with him. As in whenever he's busy, you can be there to help him out including all the heavy work too. And don't let his "It's okay, I'm used to it" get to you! Or maybe whenever the chances come, be the one that serves him. No, not as in the literal sense of serving like a servant, but just let him sit down, take a breather, and make sure he got enough rest (and no but for him!) - He won't have a preference much for appearance in my opinion, he is pretty open to any type of look, but perhaps he would like someone who is more expressive or cheerful looking than him. He isn't a very emotional person, so if he sees his partner being lively and happy then he'll unconsciously smile before he realizes it, even though he sighs at first after that realization (He does sigh a lot, but it's more like in a "guess it can't be helped then" kinda way y'know). - Bonus: Acts of gratitude and kindness will get him to fall for someone the most. If his s/o is willing to lend a helping hand or make the work lighter for him, he'll be thankful though he might insist that you don't need to help him (since he is used to it), but don't give up! It always takes time for a person to fall in love, and that includes Jamil so just be patient, your kindness will surely get to his heart 💖
👑 Vil 👑
- In my opinion, he would have the highest standard when it comes to appearance out of all the characters in here. I mean, he's the housewarden of Pomefiore we're talking about here, his standard is if not, someone that looks like they take care of themselves well at the very least. He will not stand people that don't do self-care or at least pay attention to their appearance! As the sentence goes "How you look is how you treat yourself", he is definitely taking that motto seriously (and no but!). - However, despite his strict nature, he's still a person with a soft side deep down. If his s/o is someone who isn't confident about their appearance or feels like they look "bad", he's here to erase those thoughts away! He'll make sure his s/o is the most shining diamond in the crowd, that they'll look as pretty as him to show how powerful you two are as a couple, and nobody will get to slander you or your look, not when the dorm leader of Pomefiore is here. Those who bully you will never get to see the sunlight again the moment he find out, he can be very terrifying if he's angry after all, and he isn't someone weak either, only fools would dare to pick a fight with him or you - his precious, beautiful partner. - Do try to not get sad if he acts strict around you, since he's always acting like that in pursuit of beauty, and he also wants the best for you. He will remind you to properly take care of yourself both physically and mentally, and make sure you get the best of the best treatment, even if it comes off as a bit harsh. He wants to see one's hard efforts they put into themselves, how much they went through to appear as they want today, it's just like him too, and that's why he'll feel really proud once his words really come through and see how confident you're in your current look and will praise you for it, like serious, genuine praising, and Vil is definitely not someone that give cheap compliments easily! - When it doesn't come to beauty-related topics, he can actually give you useful advice to improve your health or study. Surprises or not, he is very strong despite his elegant, poised look. Of course, you aren't the only one that gets shocked at this. (As you can see what happened to Ace and Deuce) Even better if you take his advice seriously and start taking care of your health, he'll be really proud that you actually listen to him instead of some other stubborn potatoes out there. - Bonus: He is pretty hard to come through, but I believe acts of genuine emotions will get to his heart the most. Instead of praising and admiring his beauty, you could admire the efforts that he put in instead. Tell him that he has gone through a lot, or that he is very hardworking, very attentive or always wants the best for himself. He'll be delighted to hear that's what you like... no, love about him instead of his usual beautiful look. He'll admit it, for a little potato, you sure know how to really appreciate someone else genuinely that even he can feel it 💖
🍎Epel 🍎
- I think for Epel, he would need someone who wouldn't judge others based on their look and look at their real strength instead. As someone appearing ephemeral and dainty, he would often get called pretty in a way that makes him sound weak, and it's not something he likes at all. So, as his s/o, the first thing you should do is not judging him and treat him equally! He'll like compliments but not those that make him sound too cutesy or fragile. - Maybe his s/o could be someone that has the same situation as him: appearing weak but having a strong and somewhat even rumble personality. You two would get along due to the mutual feelings of understanding each other's struggles. He would find relief knowing someone having the same troubles as him as you guys both talking and laughing to each other, gradually getting relaxed the more you two hung out. Epel rarely ever shows his real self to someone else due to how difficult to make out what he's saying with his accent, but with you, he feels like it's a normal thing as you also show your real side to him as well more than just one time, it's like a mutual thing. It's okay if you didn't get what he meant at first but I think you'll... get it eventually. - I think he would like a s/o that is also physically strong, as he always admires and looks up to Savanaclaw students for that reason, so the moment he found out how easily you can lift up those chairs or have good stamina, our apple boy would be impressed! Even better if you rarely ever show your strength, he will ask you such things like how can you be that strong?? Or teach him your training methods! And maybe he would end up idolizing you even, for how amazing you're to him! - I think he'll like a s/o that is also pretty creative in their work. Since he has a great apple-cutting skill and can turn a normal apple into beautiful pieces of art so they'll attract others better, that's why he'll be impressed seeing someone artistic or creative with turning normal, ordinary things into arts like him. It feels like you're someone who can see the beautiful potential from the plainest thing ever without any judgment beforehand, like how you see the real, hidden strength in him despite his appearance. - Bonus: For someone who is actually very competitive and rumbles on the inside, maybe he'll fall for someone who is on the same level of competitiveness as him. Just you two going around having fun activities, like flying around the school with the broom, playing magishift together, etc. Or even having competitions of the most random thing ever, Epel feels like he doesn't need to restrict himself in any way whatsoever when he's with you, and that would get him to fall for you so much 💖
- A true fan of beauty, he would praise anyone with pretty words or being a bit... overwhelming with it. So I think he doesn't really have a big preference since in a sense he would literally call others pretty, but if his s/o is someone who also loves beauty or somehow gets what he means then he'll be so impressed he starts praising you a whole lot instead. (It's his way of showing affection, so I hope you can keep up with it). He tends to find other people interesting in one way or another, and thus he would feel the same about you, so try to not be too startled if he suddenly appears out of nowhere and greets you in French or asks you the most random question ever (whether you expect it or not). He's pretty affectionate in his own way after all. - Although he may look and act like it, I think he can tell when someone has a beautiful heart or not. If his s/o is someone with an admirable, pretty heart then you're about to catch him painting a portrait of you soon enough with tears in his eyes (he means it genuinely though, looking like it or not). People often find him weird due to his eccentric personality so trust me, you aren't the first one that feels like that... but once you get used to it and start talking to him more often, you'll find out that he's actually a really kind, supportive person. He loves encouraging others and seeing their strength, such a sparkly, beautiful thing to see one's willpower! (according to him) - He is also a pretty sociable person, so maybe his s/o could be someone who can be sociable enough or have enough energy to keep up with random conversations, it would be tiring to be in a relationship with someone like him when you don't like socializing now wouldn't it? Of course, as a (surprisingly) attentive person, he'll know how to set the boundary between you two, but he always hopes you're up for a conversation with him since you're so interesting! He's amazed every time he watches over you and your behavior (it's just one of his habits... as a hunter, or so he said). - Since he has a very specific sense of beauty and art, maybe his s/o could also be a fellow appreciator of art and poetry. Not many people are seriously into arts as they would find it rather "old-timed", so the moment he knows, he'll be super whipped with you and the way you view art in your eyes! It doesn't even have to be historical, renascence type of art, if your sense of beauty is unique, he'll be attracted to them as well and to you, that just means you're so special in his eyes~ - Bonus: He is definitely into surprises no doubt! A small bouquet, a random doodle or sketch or even just a compliment will do, he loves it when he receives such beautiful things from you that he might end up shedding tears (again, but it's a good thing y'know) 💖
To be continued! Stay tuned for part 3~
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depravitycentral · 10 months
Yandere! Feitan Portor General Profile
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Yandere! Feitan Portor x fem! reader
Tw: kidnapping, violence, murder, mentions of torture, mentions of Feitan carving his initial into you, mentions of masturbation, stalking, jealousy, threats, Feitan tortures a man in front of you, I stand by the (semi) soft creepy yandere Feitan agenda and I will not be swayed otherwise, this got super long I'm so sorry, I'm also delirious as I'm writing it so hopefully it makes coherent sense/is consistent, fem reader, MDNI
I do not condone any of the actions described in this post - this is fiction and should be treated as such. If you or a loved one is in a similar situation to anything contained in this post or my blog in general, please seek help. You're in charge of your internet consumption; please make responsible choices. With that, enjoy! 
In general, Feitan finds his attention drawn by a darling who is almost the complete opposite of himself.
He wants someone sweet and caring, all soft and squishy and warm. He’s never found this particularly attractive before meeting his darling, but there’s something oddly endearing about the way they’re always trying to help those around them, fruitlessly asking them to vent about their feelings, to use them as a supportive shoulder. 
It makes him scoff, rolling his eyes and wondering at how impossibly naive his darling can be, but even he can’t deny how nice it is to have someone by his side, a human presence that’s steady and calm and understanding. It makes him feel good, a warm sensation bottling up in his chest and threatening to explode out, and although he’ll never really come clean with how he feels for you (at least, he never will verbally), a darling who can kind of read his rather emotionless face would be a very, very big attraction for him. 
He just wants a darling who can understand him, even if his rational brain loathes the idea. An empathetic darling is sure to draw his attention, if only because he’ll be mildly revolted and intrigued by how they can be so selfless and so foolish. 
Feitan doesn’t want a feisty darling. 
He doesn’t enjoy having to tame his lovers, and although he’s never really had a lover, he gravitates towards someone who is more naturally submissive and willing to follow direction. 
He already feels powerless enough in the situation, frustrated that he doesn’t really have any say in how he feels. It scares him, quite honestly, if only because he doesn’t like how easily and quickly he’s jumping to conclusions where his darling is concerned, more than willing to jump through any hoop necessary in order to get what he wants, in order to make sure his darling is safe and isolated from every other man on Earth. 
He likes knowing that his darling will do what he tells them to; it builds a layer of trust that makes Feitan go feral, and for every ounce of trust his darling gives him, he’ll try to return it as full heartedly as he can. He likes that he’s fully in control of his darling, and particularly if they were to be submissive in more… intimate aspects of the relationship, he’d be absolutely smitten.
He just wants his darling to revere him and believe his word as the word of God, and the moment that happens? 
He’s only falling deeper into obsession, his desperation for them growing with every beat of his heart, getting harder and harder to swallow until he gives up, jumping head first into every swirling, dark, lecherous desire he harbors. 
Of course, Feitan’s darling doesn’t have to have a softer body, but he can’t deny that there’s something enticing about a darling who is physically quite soft. Whether that’s rounder features, a plumper figure, or even a soft, demure voice, it all entrances Feitan. 
His darling is something of a dream to him, because he’s never really believed that someone that stereotypically weak could ever really survive in this world. He likes how his darling feels, the touches he sneaks late at night when they’re sleeping sending sparks up his spine and serving as fuel for when he’s unbearably horny, his hand around his cock not nearly enough. 
He’s prone to fantasizing about his darling, slipping into daydreams of his they’d feel in his lap, how they’d look with their ass up and face pressed into the mattress, how they’d feel so good wrapped around him. He just thinks it’s oddly endearing, and a darling who fits these characteristics would help initially draw his eye - he just thinks they’re pretty, a polar opposite to him, even going so far as to playing into some of his more protective traits. 
Of course, he’d rather die than admit any of it, but he’s interally a bit soft for his darling - they’re just alluring in an almost primal way he can’t describe, but he can’t fight it. He can’t fight anything when it comes to his darling, as it turns out, and soon Feitan will decide that he doesn’t care. 
After all, once his darling steps into his life and stays there, nothing at all matters - how can it, when he’s decided that they’re his, his woman to keep and admire and touch and fuck? 
(It will take him a very, very long time to get comfortable with either of the last two options, but the desire and sentiment is still there, if the frequent raging erections he gets as a result of his darling is any indicator.)
This trait is one of the things Feitan loves and hates most about his darling. 
He enjoys listening to them talk; he himself isn’t particularly fond of conversation, nor is he particularly talkative towards his darling in general. And so, a partner who is capable of filling the silence between them sometimes is something that makes Feitan grateful, if only because hearing the sound of their voice makes his breath hitch. 
And when they talk to him, all their attention aimed solely at him? 
Well, how can Feitan not be flattered, not feel a bit prideful that they’re spending their time directing all their focus and thoughts around whatever small question he prompted them with? He just likes listening to his darling go on and on, even if the topic doesn’t interest him much. However, the downside of this trait is that it creates a rather ugly combination with his tendency to grow jealous. 
If his darling is talkative with everyone, it’s sure to extend towards the men they meet, who just stare at them like they’re a slab of meat waiting to be devoured, all of them eager to get their hands on them and destroy what Feitan has claimed as his own. It’s infuriating, if only because it means that they’re interacting with others, putting themselves into a position where they could develop feelings for another man or be put into harm’s way or overhead something they shouldn’t have or any number of things. 
It becomes a massive liability, and one that Feitan is so, so very aware of. It irritates him, and as much as he loves when his darling is chatting with him, he’s not so approving when they're with others.
And so, it’s really in his darling’s best interest to reign in the conversations with anyone else - unless they want to see their blood splattered all over the walls, hear their cries, feel Feitan’s red soaked fingers grasp onto their arms and force them to see the results of their chattiness. It’s in their best interest, and they’ll learn that soon enough. Hopefully. 
There’s a part of Feitan that genuinely hates you for making him feel the way he does. The constant pounding of his heart when you’re merely mentioned, the throb in his chest when he’s gone too long without seeing you, the nervous twitch of his fingers when he thinks about what you’re doing, what other man you’re thinking about… 
He hates how paranoid you’ve made him, how so much of his time and energy goes into you. It’s your fault that he’s always distracted, that he’s not able to fully focus on his work anymore because he’s only able to think of you you you. It’s frustrating, and honestly it initially wards Feitan off from getting any closer to you - he doesn’t like the way he feels around you (that’s not true, but he needs it to be), so he’ll stay away and ignore you. Maybe that’ll get you to stop smiling at him so kindly, to quit asking him how his day was, to stop looking so pretty while you hum and make yourself dinner. 
As time passes, slowly this hatred diminishes (or at least dulls), instead replaced with a desperate, pathetic need to be around you; he just can’t keep himself away from you, no matter how hard he tries. It’s demoralizing, embarrassing beyond belief that someone like you could get his emotions so twisted, but it’s reality. 
He tries to fight it at first, believing himself to be above such stupid human emotion – he doesn’t need you, he’s a criminal and has never needed love or anything of the sort. And yet, each and every time he tells himself to not trail behind you as you walk to the grocery store, his resolve holds out for roughly five minutes. By then, there’s unwelcome thoughts drifting through his mind about what you’re doing, whether you’re talking to anyone, if you’ve managed to trip like you always do and scrape your knee. 
(There’s even a small, very small part of him that wonders whether you’re buying foods that are nutritious for you, or whether you’re doing your usual junk food spree. A thought pops up in the back of his head: him beside you in the store, scoffing as you place chips into the cart. He’d replace them with fruit, mumbling something about you being so stupid, only to see you smile at him and thank him, telling him how grateful you are to have him watching over you. His cheeks feel hot at that, and he buries his face deeper into his jacket, grumbling under his breath.) 
He’ll try to stop himself from circling back to you, but each and every time he finds some excuse of why he should be watching you, of how you aren’t really capable of taking care of yourself without his watchful gaze. It’s patronizing, more than anything, but eventually he’ll stop trying to fight it, submitting entirely and allowing himself the concealed pleasure of watching your horribly mundane life. 
He’ll need to be around you, constantly, but he’s still not willing to let his emotional guard down. No, you’ve done enough damage just simply existing - you absolutely cannot know how deeply he feels for you, how wrapped around your pinky finger you have him. Not only would it eliminate any semblance of leverage he holds against you (in order to stay above you, that is), it also showcases just how far the extent of his feelings for you run. 
And frankly, the thought terrifies Feitan – he’s never felt so strongly for anyone before, not even in the context of hatred or pleasure at their suffering. He’s in over his head, wading through waters he's always scoffed at and dismissed, and suddenly he’s finding himself nearly drowning, head always buried just under the surface. 
So he steels himself, grabbing onto any shred of control and power he can against you – he grabs on and clutches on, strong fingers frantically staying attached so that he doesn’t get blown away and truly drown. And even in the beginning of your captivity, Feitan won’t change the way he’s so detached. He’s purposefully putting distance between the two of you so that he can remain in control of the situation, in control of you, and – most importantly, and most concerningly – in control of himself. 
Because frankly, Feitan doesn’t trust himself around you. He doesn’t trust the way his body just does things, how any rational thought leaves his brain the moment your eyes meet, how fingers are already lifting up a bit to reach out touch you, to brush away stray pieces of your hair when you’re within a few feet of him. 
The biggest way he maintains this control is by not giving you a whole lot of attention, aside from one stark, grave exception: his dark eyes are constantly watching you. He’s always just sort of staring, his expression blank as he observes you, motionless and still. It’s unnerving, terrifying you initially and only slightly calming down as time passes, but Feitan doesn’t care much. 
He doesn’t necessarily want to interact with you, but just watching you allows him to be in your space, to be beside you, to smell you and listen to your breathing. You’re kept in one large room most of the time, and he’ll often sit in the chair in the corner and just stare. He’s not talking much, not trying to touch you or hurt you, but you almost wish he would sometimes. 
He just doesn’t understand what about you it is that attracts him so deeply, that’s morphed him into this lovesick fool, and while he initially tries to understand, eventually Feitan gives up, because does it really matter? 
Does it really matter how he became obsessed with you when you’re locked up in his spare bedroom, duct tape covering your mouth and an expressionless, frozen Feitan watching you with his heart practically bursting out of his chest? Does it really matter if he pinpoints exactly when he developed his love for you when you’re looking at him with those pretty tears in your eyes, whispering out a thanks as he sets the tray of food down in front of you? 
It really doesn’t, now that his feelings for you are formed and solidified, now that they can’t be changed or reversed. So while he’ll never be the most accessible and sympathetic to your feelings, rest assured that Feitan really does love you in some fucked up way - he’s just unorthodox, incapable of properly expressing himself to you. 
But actions speak louder than words, right? He’s always thought so.
Because Feitan is relatively quiet and secretive when it comes to his feelings towards you, it’s difficult for you to really pick up on this aspect of him. You’re unlikely to ever truly understand just how much he feels for you, the sheer depth of emotions you cause him. 
He won’t ever tell you what’s going on behind that expressionless facade of his. He doesn’t tell you how oddly adorable you are when you’re sleeping in the early mornings, curled up in the corner of your room with your eyes shut and lips slightly parted, looking so soft and sweet and weak.
 He’ll never make you aware of how his breath hitches ever so slightly when you make eye contact with him, even if it’s shaky and you look away too quickly, his spine tingling because fuck, your attention feels good. 
You’ll never know why his foot is tapping lightly when you’re eating in front of him, the way those annoying nerves eat away at his stomach while he subconsciously wonders if you think he looks attractive today. (He’d trimmed his hair a bit, feeling it was too long and interfering with his work - do you like it? Did you notice? He’d hesitated a bit with the scissors earlier, brows slightly furrowing, dark eyes glancing at your sleeping form.) 
He’s very cryptic, and this tendency to keep you out of the loop of his personal thoughts and feelings can cast a shadow on his more obsessive tendencies. That is, before he’s stolen you away from the world, Feitan did an extensive amount of research into you. He does nothing on a whim - he’s a calculating man, and once he’d finally come to terms with the fact that his feelings for you weren’t going to disappear, he was scouring every resource possible to garner your information. 
He’s got access to all kinds of personal knowledge about you - your search history, for example. It’s a bit unexpected, if Feitan’s being honest - you’re much darker than he’d expected, the things you read about making him quirk a brow, his interest in you only deepening because hmm, seems the little sheep may be a bit of a wolf inside. 
He’s getting Shalnark to hack into the camera of your phone and computer, the stream of footage easy to access as he cleans his tools, blood washing away as you smile and laugh at some comedy you’re watching. 
It’s stupid and at first he pretends to find your laugh annoying. But then he sees the way your cheeks get all full and round as you smile, your eyes crinkling up, even the way you wheeze slightly when it’s really funny. 
(Briefly, he wonders whether you’d find his dry sense of humor entertaining.)
He’s got photographs of you from his time spent trailing you, and though they’re a bit blurry and not as focused as he’d like, they’re still something nice to pin to his wall, keeping his favorites beside his bed. He’s never had trouble sleeping, but something about looking at you as he drifts into slumber makes him rest more soundly, wake up more refreshed. 
Once you’ve been trapped with him for long enough, however, Feitan’s front of careful indifference to you will slowly begin cracking. You’ll never see fully through him, but you’ll catch the way the corners of his lips twitch up ever so slightly when you snuggle into the blanket he gives you one day, noticing how you’ve been shivering incessantly at night. 
(He won’t tell you the blanket was freshly stolen, that he’d made sure to take one with the softest, thickest material he could find, and even in your favorite color. It’s just a coincidence, so don’t read into it.) 
You’ll realize he’s slowly inched closer to you the longer you watch the television program Feitan turned on earlier, your spot on the couch feeling smaller and smaller as Feitan’s hip eventually brushes yours, neither of you acknowledging what’s happening. 
(You’ll never know how badly he wants to reach out and touch you, to freely run his hand up and down your thigh, so trace your collarbones, to feel just how soft your body is.)
It all makes him feel weak, pathetic, disgusting, but Feitan can’t help it. There’s something magnetic about you, and he can’t pull himself away. His pride won’t allow him to fully succumb to the thoughts and desires about you that are constantly swirling through his mind, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t there, that they aren’t bothering him constantly. He’s secretive, and maybe it’s for the best that you don’t know how many nights he’s spent with his fingers wrapped around his cock, his pale cheeks rosy as he imagines the way you’d like tied up with hickeys he made spanning the insides of your thighs. 
Perhaps it’s best that you don’t know how often he’s (begrudgingly) held the extra pillow on his bed close to his chest, dark eyes staring up at the ceiling as he tightens his arms around it.
(No, he wasn’t imagining it was you – he’s a touch starved man, and everyone has urges, right? It’s just coincidence that the pillow casing is one he stole from you, that he never washes it because it smells like you, that he nearly loses his mind when he almost gets a drop of blood from a victim on it.) 
It makes it much easier to scare you into what he wants when you don’t know - you’re much more complainant this way, malleable, willing, and Feitan likes it that way. Sure, having you fall in love would be ideal, getting your obedience through a genuine desire to please him, but at least this way he can keep a piece of his pride intact. 
This way, you’ll never realize the power you have over him - how he’d be willing to wipe out entire towns for you if you so much as mention it. You’ll never understand just how he needs to have you - to have you for what, you don’t know, but you can sense the odd sort of desperation coming off of him. 
You can feel it in the way his fingers grip you just a bit too tight, the way his eyes linger on you just a tad too long, the way the smallest, most embarrassing little whimper falls from his lips when your hand touches his. 
He’s good at hiding it, but everyone makes mistakes - just don’t pry too hard, because Feitan still needs to be the one in control, and you’ll quickly find yourself learning much, much more about the short man than you’ve ever wanted to know. Namely, that the only thing worse than him staring at you is him ignoring you.
Although, it will take you a very long time to see this side of him. Initially, Feitan’s feelings towards you are that of mild interest, mild disgust, and mild indifference. 
Mild interest because he had, of course, noticed that you were pretty, what with your soft lips and doe eyes, your figure and the lilt of your voice. Indifference, because Fietan was sure there were a thousand other people just like you on Earth. And disgust, because you were so visibly weak and unable to fend for yourself, like an animal waiting to be slaughtered.
 And yet, the more time he spends around you (maybe a long job has him centered in the same city for a few weeks, and you work at the little store he gets his meals from, or some other service job that brings you in contact regularly), the more complex these feelings become. His interest becomes peaked because you’re not just pretty, but also entertaining to talk to, handling his dry jabs well and even daring to throw back some jokes of your own. (He never laughed, of course, but a wry smile sat underneath his jacket.) 
He’s still a bit indifferent, but not when you’re helping other customers or smiling down at your phone. (Were you texting someone? Your fingers were moving, implying typing – what were they saying that was making you giggle like that? What could he say that would make you giggle? Why does he care?) 
But the starkest, quickest change of heart that Fietan experiences in how he feels about your strength and abilities. Of course, you are weak. Even if you can use nen, even if you know the basics of self defense – Feitan is sure that he could kill you in the blink of an eye, cleanly, easily. (He’s sure because he’s thought of doing it before – never seriously, just a fleeting thought, something that only briefly passed through his mind when he was still resistant to his attraction towards you – it was promptly expelled after that familiar sinking, uncomfortable feeling started up in his gut, but still.) 
You’re embarrassingly weak, really, and as much as he tries to make himself ignore it or to simply stop caring about it, he can’t get it out of his head. He can’t seem to stop imagining you getting hurt, doing something stupid or careless and tarnishing that pretty skin of yours. 
He can’t seem to stop imagining the way you’d take a corner too fast and slip on your own feet, tumbling to the ground and ending up with a sprained ankle or a scrape across your knee. 
He’ll be sharpening a blade, blood stains caked onto the metal, and suddenly a flash of what your blood would look like staining the material makes him freeze for a moment, black eyes just a tad bit wider, the muscles in his arms and legs taut because there’s something sickening about the thought, something malicious and just carnally wrong. 
He can’t help but imagine how you’d fare against someone like his coworkers, whose strength is difficult to handle even for an experienced nen user. How would someone like you fare against someone like Uvogin? Someone like Shizuku? Hell, even someone like Kortopi? 
(Upon first meeting Hisoka, a very sudden and very intrusive image of the clown slicing a card clean through your throat flashed through his mind, and he’d nearly reached forward and ripped out the taller man’s heart at the thought, a purely instinctual response that left him more shell-shocked than he’d care to admit.) 
He knows you wouldn’t stand a chance, and while he doesn’t want it to bother him, it does. It does, as much as he tries to forget the mental images or assure himself that you deserve getting injured for being so weak and helpless. But he can’t just sit still and let it pass by, if it were to ever happen - and so, Feitan’s protective tendencies begin manifesting. 
They’re small, for the most part; making sure to keep his torture tools as far away from you as possible, just so that there’s no chance of you accidentally tripping or running into one or being stupid and getting any ideas. 
He’s making sure that you’re under his watch as often as possible, becoming your second shadow and stalking you every free moment he can spare, just in case someone unsavory crosses your path. 
He’s making sure that all your locks are working every night, compulsively checking them even though he knows they’re still good. 
He keeps his protective tendencies under wraps, making sure that they’re subtle and just ambiguous enough that you won’t pick up on his intentions. Because while there’s something appealing about you knowing that he wants you to be safe, he would rather you not find out just how extensively he watches you, just how much he cares about your wellbeing, deciding that it’s yet another potential opportunity for you to manipulate him. 
And of course, he’s embarrassed - he briefly considers requesting help watching you from a Troupe member or two, only for when he’s aware for long periods of times on individual jobs, but eventually he chickens out, too scared to have to explain why he wants Pakunoda to keep an eye on you.
 He’s not embarrassed of you, per se, but rather the extent to which you affect him. And even once he’s stolen you away (an action which has roots in his paranoia for your safety), those protective tendencies are still firmly in place. He’s not a good cook, but he still tries to provide you with somewhat healthy foods, even if they’re undercooked and limp, bland and just overall unappealing. 
He’s by no means an interior designer, but he’s getting you a somewhat soft, thick blanket, making sure the one pillow you have isn’t covered in stains or lumpy. It’s all subtle, nearly unnoticeable things that you’d have to be very perceptive to catch onto - but to Feitan it’s all important, because while he may still resent you for turning him into a lovesick fool, he’ll be damned if he lets you starve or be uncomfortable.
It’s stupid and he knows it, grumbling to himself the entire time he’s doing something to prevent hurting you, but it’ll always get done - and if you were to ever notice it, to thank him? Feitan would deny your allegations, telling you to shut up and eat your food, all the while the tips of his ears turn pink and his heart flutters because you noticed. 
You noticed the way he takes extra precautions for you, the way he thinks of you and your wellbeing, even having the gall to thank him for it… 
Don’t bring it up again or he’ll grow angry, but the pride sitting in his chest at your words is enough for him. It’s enough for him to know you see him, that you’re paying attention to him, that you appreciate all he does for you - it’s enough for now, at least. 
Feitan is, unfortunately, a bit prone to jealousy – as someone who is aware that he isn’t the best option out there for you, the acknowledgement that there is a multitude of other men that deserve you more and could likely land you never fails to get past him. 
He’s so, so aware of the fact that you likely don’t like him, that stalking you and planning to kidnap you likely doesn’t earn him any favors. He knows he’s fairly quiet, and while it’s mostly a fear of mildly embarrassing himself that bars him from actually interacting with you, it only pushes Feitan to worry that you only see him as a strange, unfamiliar man. 
It’s likely that you think of him as nothing more than an acquaintance, a man who doesn’t seem to want anything to do with you. And so, the minute that another person tries to flirt with you, to look at you and think of you and speak with you, the insecurities over how you perceive him are blooming in his chest, growing and blossoming into full blown panic, because what if you fall for another man? 
Of course, Feitan has absolutely no problem eliminating the threat, even enjoying taking the life of such a worthless man, but he can’t help the way fear grips his heart, cold and stabbing and brutal, because while he may be icy and difficult to approach, a stone face that leaves little emotion o be seen, Feitan wants you so fucking badly, to the point that it genuinely hurts. 
And while he isn’t all that soft towards the beginning of his obsession (and really, even once you’ve been ‘living’ with him for a while as well), he does honestly want for you to return the feelings, to love him and care for him, to want to be with him and enjoy your new life by his side. Ideally, he wants you to fall for him, to see him and smile, to have your soft skin pressed against his rougher, more callused skin, your hands cupped in a firm embrace, a soft hug, a kiss against the lips and short, whispered words of trust and acceptance. 
Of course, it’s makes him feel so damn pathetic each time he gets caught in a daydream where you’re smiling and laughing with him, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear and telling him he’s handsome, but try as he may, he just can’t allow another man to steal the opportunity to make you theirs. 
He wants to be the only one in your life, the only man you see and think of and talk to, and quite honestly Feitan will succeed – his profession is death after all, and he’s a master at stalking his prey, locating their weaknesses, seamlessly killing and annihilating his target before they even have a chance to fight back. 
And so, once his jealousy is triggered, the poor man’s fate has already been decided. Feitan’s never been particularly merciful, and where you’re concerned, this trait only grows - it feels good to kill whoever dared to speak with you, like some sort of cathartic release of all the emotions he’s been bottling up, all the anger and desperation and self-loathing and yearning trapped in his chest. 
It feels good, euphoric in a way he can’t describe, and so he’s quick to jump on any man posing a potential threat to your status as single and ripe for Feitan to claim. He’s a trained killer, after all, and who is he to waste away a perfectly good target? 
When the man in the black dress shirt approaches you in the grocery store, Feitan’s eyes narrow. The shorter man had been trailing you all day, watching you go about your weekly errands, and the tri-annual trip to the grocery store had been your last stop. You’d managed to evade any male attention today, a fact that had Feitan simultaneously sighing in relief and growling in anger. 
And yet, here you are, dressed in a rather provocative set of leggings that have Feitan’s eyes absolutely glued to your supple ass, matched with a slouchy, oversized sweatshirt. You’re cute, he begrudgingly admits, and it seems the stranger agrees. 
Feitan’s standing in the next aisle over, staring through the holes in the shelving to see the way you tap your chin and scan the aisles of bread, searching for the perfect loaf. You don’t seem to have noticed the man slowly walking up to you, his eyes visibly scanning up and down your body. Feitan scowls, black brows drawing tightly together as he debates what to do. 
On the one hand, there’s not much he can do - you’re in a public grocery store, and he doesn’t particularly want you to notice his presence. And yet, he can’t just let this man approach you, speak to you, look at you, now can he? He grits his teeth, steeling himself to just watch for now, and jump in if the time is right, if he feels the man goes too far. The man clears his throat, making you jump and look over at him, the suave smile he sends you making your own smile falter a bit. 
Which bread’s best? He’s asking you, and you answer quickly, naming your favorite brand and which style you like best - Feitan’s scowl only deepens when he realizes you’re telling him the truth. 
The man nods along, before his smirk turns smarmy, one eyebrow cocked up as he asks which rolls are best then? I’m thinking they’re yours. 
You blanch at that, disgust written across your face as you awkwardly laugh and inch away, but Feitan sees none of that - how can he, when he’s already moving, already grabbing the man by the neck and sprinting down the aisle and around the corner, all too fast for you to see with the naked eye? 
You’re confused, unsure of how the man just suddenly disappeared, but his comment left you shellshocked and lost at what to do, so you quickly grab a random loaf and anxiously push your cart away, trying to put distance between you and wherever the man had ended up. 
Meanwhile, Feitan’s got the man held against the back wall of the grocery store, fingers wrapped around his neck and a cold, menacing look in his eye. 
Bastard, he grits out, tightening his grip and feeling the way the man panics and scratches at his fingers, trying to rip them away. 
Disgusting, she is mine, didn’t your mother teach don’t touch what’s not yours? Feitan’s shocked he hasn’t just slaughtered the man yet, but there’s something in his heart telling him to prolong this out, to let the man suffer, to make this as slow and torturous as possible. He wants the man to bleed, to scream and sob and beg for his mercy, for being stupid enough to even try to seduce you. 
Feitan’s angry enough that his breathing is uneven, his muscles occasionally flexing without his permission, the rage simmering in his veins nearly potent. He can’t stop replaying the sight of your disgusted and uncomfortable look, the fact that this scum caused you to feel such an emotion making his skin feel hot, his fingers eager to steal the man’s life. 
He smiles as the man wheezes, the lack of oxygen making his face slowly take on a purple hue. What’s wrong? Can’t breath? 
He squeezes once, harshly, roughly, and the man splutters, spit dribbling down his chin and getting onto Feitan’s wrist. He scoffs. Filthy, disgusting. Die. 
And then the man is being stabbed with his sword, not once, not twice, but again and again and again, until holes and wounds decorate the planes of his chest, blood flowing down in rivers onto the dirty concrete floor. 
The man is dead within a matter of seconds, but it’s not enough for Feitan. He’s quick to throw the body to the ground, kicking and stomping and mutilating the body until its unrecognizable. He’s still breathing hard, his fingers shaking, and he finishes it off with a spit at what was once the man’s face, a scowl thrown his way. 
Pathetic, he says, dark eyes closing for a few moments as he looks to sense your familiar presence, already on your walk back towards your apartment. Feitan gives one last, firm kick, before taking off, the urge to have his eyes on you once more making him rush even quicker than normal. He’ll spend the rest of the evening watching you, like always, but this time he’ll pay more attention to your face. 
You’ve never looked at him the way you looked at that man, all scared and revolted. 
You’ve never tried to get away from Feitan, never ran or panicked or anything of the sort. Pride swells in his chest at the knowledge that you like the dark haired man more than that mangled corpse; you’d choose Fietan over him, he’s sure. 
And as you slip under your covers, a soft look on your face as you drift to sleep, Feitan can’t help but slide open the window, slipping into the bedroom and coming up to stand beside your unconscious form. 
Would you choose him over other men? 
If given the choice, would you want him? 
He’d always choose you, his heart always coming back to you no matter what he does or how he hates it - and one day, he’s hopeful you’ll feel the same. One day, you’ll be just as stupidly, pathetically, frantically in love as he is. 
He sighs, the corner of his mouth twitching up. Someday, you’ll be all his. 
It takes Feitan a long time to resort to kidnapping you. It’s not that he doesn’t want to, but rather that it’s never been a priority for him. He’s reclusive, and because it takes him so long to sort out his feelings for you, stealing you away was certainly not at the forefront of his mind. 
It takes him so long to even admit to himself that he cares for you, and that process alone takes anywhere from a month to three months, and only then does the stalking begin. Only then is he allowing the feelings for really grow, to fester and brew in his chest until he’s insatiable, desperate to see you and be in your presence. It takes him so long to warm up to you that he just simply doesn’t have the time or forethought to consider taking you for himself - that is, until his protective tendencies begin coming into play. Once he starts actively caring about your safety and wellbeing, little thoughts begin springing up in the back of his mind. He’s chastising you mentally for staying up late, the hands on the clock moving past hours he’s comfortable with. 
He doesn’t like when you lay in your bed scrolling through that damn phone of yours, the bright light bad for your eyes and making you delay sleeping for as long as possible. It makes him angry (if not hypocritical, seeing as he himself only gets roughly four hours of sleep per night), and before he can even stop himself he’s thinking of how he’d make you fall asleep if he was with you, prying that phone out of your hands and telling you to sleep now. 
He doesn’t like when you walk home alone at night, as if you’re practically asking to be mugged or assaulted or killed, which is why he has to follow you, begrudgingly hiding in the shadows and trailing you as you meander back to your apartment. 
You’re stupid, is what you are, and as time passes, Feitan becomes more and more shocked at how lightly you take your own life - how can one single person be so careless? How can you be willing to eat food so close to the expiration date, or look both ways at the sidewalk just once? You’re helpless, truly, and it pisses Feitan off. 
It makes him mad, if only because he’s trying so much harder than you are to keep you safe, and isn’t it unfair to him? Isn’t it awfully inconsiderate of you to make him spend so much time looking after you, doing everything for you because you’re so damn incapable? It’s a negative view and Feitan doesn’t really blame you, only convincing himself he does in order to make him feel better. It’s an excuse to help him feel like he isn’t as attached as he really is, a way to help alleviate some of the embarrassment he has regarding his feelings for you. 
It’s pathetic, he thinks, but then something happens - something bad, something Fietan had hoped never would. Somehow, an enemy of the Troupe had discovered you. Maybe he was too preoccupied by keeping his eyes on you that he missed the stranger’s presence, unknowingly leading them directly to you. 
Sweet, weak, defenseless you. 
Time is frozen for Feitan as he returns from Troupe work, slinking to your apartment and letting himself in the front door, knowing that although it’s horribly late, you’re surely freshly asleep - except, the door is already ajar, and Feitan feels his blood run cold. There’s someone here. It doesn’t matter if they’re a friend or enemy to you - why the fuck is there another person in your home at such an ungodly hour? 
The hairs on the back of his neck stand on end, and for a moment Feitan feels pure, absolute panic - you’re incapable of warding someone off, especially if you’re asleep, and although he feel sense your presence, there’s a distinct aura coming from your bedroom that isn’t yours. He’s quick to rush in, dark eyes narrowing when he sees the figure over your bed, a man hunched over and about to touch you - 
His sword is slicing through the man’s neck before he can even blink, head dropping to the ground with a dull thud and blood pooling where it lands. His chest is rising and falling rapidly, brows pinched together and his grip on the sword hilt tight. 
His gaze flicks to where you’re still sleeping peacefully, utterly unaware of the man standing beside your bed and the lifeless corpse bleeding out onto your floor. He’s got no choice, really - there’s something ugly stirring in his chest, something big and bad and painful, and he’s reaching out and scooping you into his arms all too quickly. 
The man surely was after Feitan - he’d looked at him with recognition, and Feitan can only swallow and tighten his grip on you ever so tightly, hopping out your window and taking off into the night, the makeshift home he’d been residing in lately eventually coming upon the horizon. 
The whole event spurs Feitan to believe that relocation is really the best option - his enemies are aware of you now, and who’s to say more won’t come knocking? How does he know you won’t be targeted again, those with vendettas against the Troupe knowing that someone weak and such an Achilles Heel like you would be the perfect revenge? 
He doesn’t, and so although he’s grimacing and slightly worried to have you under the same roof, he sets you down on the hard mattress, giving you a few glances before closing the door, sighing to himself and hoping you wake up soon. 
Feitan, once you’ve been stolen away, is mostly just an enigma to you. 
He’s so painfully unexpressive, so difficult to interact with that you’ll be left to wonder just why he stole you away, why he even bothered to take you when he seems so utterly disinterested in you. He doesn’t talk to you - outside of a few clipped, short commands, he’ll hardly ever let you hear his voice. 
Particularly in the beginning of your captivity, he would listen to your crying and begging to be released silently, his eyes slightly narrowed before a small, curt stop filled the room. 
He’s never given you any sort of an explanation for why you woke up in his home one day, even when you ask him over and over again. He’ll only look at you, dark eyes fixed on your face, before telling you to go to sleep, you need sleep and promptly shutting and locking the bedroom door. He’s entirely unwilling to really interact with you in any meaningful way - except, it’s not because he hates you, or because he’s simply biding his time to kill you. 
You may think that, fear swimming through your veins every time you see him, but it couldn’t be further from the truth - he’s not interacting with you much because there’s a part of Feitan that’s honestly afraid to. It makes him feel stupid and pitiful, but every time he tries to ask you a question or tell you something, the words just sort of die in his throat, his tongue frozen in his mouth even as he tries to move, tries to interact and get you to just look at him, dammit. 
Honestly, he’s embarrassed to speak to you - he’s been watching you for so long, acting as your shadow and seeing you so natural and perfect and raw, and he’s grown used to having a front row seat without having to do anything. He’s not used to you being able to see him or hear him or even know he’s there at all. It’s scary to have you be aware of him, placing him in an uncomfortable position where he can no longer simply watch you or long for you from afar - no, now, as much as he hates to admit it, he cares about your opinion. 
He cares about how you view him, how you perceive him, what you think about him. He wants you to think he’s funny when he tells cutting jokes, and generous when he gives you bowls of semi-cold soup. He wants you to find him attractive, catching your eyes settling on his body or your fingers running through his ebony locks. 
He wants your opinion to be favorable, but despite how strong this desire is, the fear that you’ll find him weird outweighs it. He knows it’s stupid, but he’s terrified that you’ll think he’s strange, a freak, some sort of monster if he talks with you. He’s scared he’ll say something wrong, something to scare you or offend you, and while he may be a mass murderer and an atrocious man, there’s something about the way your eyes would get all glassy and teary, face contorting into disgust as you physically recoil from him that makes his gut wrench, a small frown tugging at the corner of his lips. 
He’s too awkward and nervous to speak with you - and so, he resorts instead to the staring, to the watching, to the observing. It’s what he knows best, after all, considering that was how most of his time was spent before kidnapping you. This is better; he has control in this situation, and he won’t accidentally slip and say something that bears too much truth, that lets you in on too much of what’s going on in his head. 
There’s less room for error if he relegates himself to minimal verbal and physical interaction, and while he aches to reach out and touch you, to feel the softness of your cheeks or the texture of your hair, he’s restraining himself. Just the mere thought of your skin against his gets him shivering, but it’s quite easy to overwhelm him; he’s not used to being the recipient of your attention, and while it feels good to have you looking at him and attempting to start conversations, it can get to be too much for him very quickly. 
It’s easy enough to answer trivial questions; things like what the food is that he placed in front of you (doesn’t matter, it’s good is all he’ll answer with) or inquiries into why he wears that same massive coat all the time (warm and my favorite color). 
Those are easy enough, not breaching too close to anything personal or anything that you could use against him. But the more complex questions, or - once the Stockholm Syndrome eventually kicks in and you’re so lonely you’ll happily converse with your kidnapper - compliments? 
As soon as the words slip from your lips, a simple your eyes are pretty or a I hope you sleep well makes him stiffen up a bit, lips parting ever so slightly under that cowl of his, before he’s quickly darting out the door and slamming it shut behind him. He has to take a few moments to collect himself, his ears and cheeks feeling hot because god, you were looking right at him, and you’d even said his name. 
(He spends the rest of the night in the basement, compulsively cleaning and recleaning his torture tools over and over, trying to distract himself from replaying your compliments over and over in his head, ingraining the sound of your voice and the tingling warmth he felt into his brain. Everything is sparkling clean by the time he’s done, a few hours having passed, and yet he’s spent the whole time thinking of you, letting you plague his thoughts like you always do.) 
He just can’t handle having all of your attention on him like that, and although he gets better at it and more used to it as time goes on, he’ll still be very skittish. He’s like a feral cat; he’ll stalk and watch, staring at you with beady eyes from the corner of the room while you try and act natural, only to scamper away when you try to reach out and pet. 
You’ll be starved for human contact as his captee, but aside from the lack of any sort of touch, you’ll find that being stuck with him is actually not too bad - he feeds you a decent diet, and lets you live in the spare bedroom of his home. He’d even cleaned everything up before you arrived, a preemptive measure he underwent one night when he couldn’t sleep, both his dreams and thoughts revolving around you. 
(There’s still bits of dust and a spider or two in the corner of the ceiling, but everything smells not terribly musty, and you don’t notice any mysterious stains on the sheets, so it could be worse, right?) 
He leaves you to your own devices more often than not, just on the condition that he can be present, whether you’re reading a book or sleeping or doodling with some art supplies he stole for you a while back. He’s not too demanding, but eventually the Stockholm Syndrome will get to you - you will eventually start wishing he’d do more than just look, even when he comes home with blood speckling his jacket.
You’ll grow to wish he would sit just a bit closer to you, so that you could feel his body warmth or a brush of his skin against your own. You’ll hate yourself for endearing your captor, but you don’t have much of a choice - Feitan, while terrifying and absolutely capable of killing you in more ways than you can count, is strangely sweet in his own way, even if it takes you a while to notice it. 
He’s not buying you flowers or declaring his undying love to you, but he is leaving small, insignificant gifts on your nightstand, maybe a small pastry that you love, or even a small, pretty little jewel he managed to snatch away from the goods Chrollo said were communal among the Troupe from the latest heist. He won’t ever say anything about them, and if you bring it up to him he’ll either ignore you or deny their existence, but he likes leaving them there as a token, as some way of quelling the intense desire to please you that wells in his chest.
It’s the only route he can allow himself to take, because that way he doesn’t have to confront you, only looking at your sleeping face. You always look so peaceful and pretty this way, all the lines of stress and worry smoothing away - you look how you used to, before he stole you away, back when his infatuation first started. 
And as he gently, carefully, hesitantly sits down beside your sleeping form on the mattress, he can’t help but gulp harshly and slowly, ever so slowly, reach out and rest his palm on your leg, the sheets separating your skin. He’ll keep his hand there for a while, dark eyes appraising your form under the covers, before exhaling shakily and standing back up, making sure the jade he’d brought back for you was securely on the bedside table, right in your view when you wake up. He’s not a bad captor by any means; he just has trouble expressing himself, walls built up too highly and too thickly to ever really knock them down. 
And you’ll get close - as close as you can, at least, as time passes. Feitan will eventually warm up to you, but he’ll never be particularly loving, particularly obvious with his feelings for you - he’ll always be a lovesick fool, but he’ll be damned if he lets another soul know that. 
As a general rule, Feitan doesn’t particularly like hurting you. Of course, his career rides on his ability to harm, torture, mutilate and extract information out of even the worst criminals and agents, and for the most part he enjoys it. 
There’s something about the way he can elicit screams and tears out of others that gets him giddy, the smile stretching across the part of his face covered by his jacket as wide as can be. And yet, for all the enjoyment he derives out of hurting others, seeing you harmed, bruised, crying and begging isn’t nearly as fun as Feitan had expected. 
He’s not really sure why, but for some reason seeing you looking at him with so much fear dancing in your pretty eyes makes his gut wrench, an uncomfortable feeling sitting at the base of his throat while he mutters something demanding you to stop looking at him like that. It makes him feel weak, frankly, that you have this effect on him, but he can’t help it – early on into your captivity with him, he tried to settle your disobedience by physically harming you, but he got as far as leaving a rather large carved ‘F’ right over your heart before your crying got to him. 
He couldn’t lift his hand as you sobbed below him that day, your wrists bound by leather cording stained with his previous victims’ blood. Your eyes were puffy and glassy, snot dripping from your nose and pathetic little cries and begs for him to stop tumbling past your quivering lips. 
Frankly, Feitan was embarrassed for you. But more than anything, he was pissed – his hands were trembling, the switch knife grasped between his fingers frozen, his dark eyes wide as they stared down at you, guilt flashing through them the longer you sniffled and shook, the sight of you in pain with your pretty red blood dribbling down your collarbone simply too much. 
That day, he cleaned your wound, packed up his torture gear and locked you into your designated bedroom, all without a single word, mostly because his tongue didn’t seem to be working. But the shaky gasps stumbling from his lips as he stared at his own two hands later that night were enough to make him realize he hates to see you in pain, particularly when he’s the cause.
It’s confusing, irritating, scary, even, that you have this effect on him, but try as he might, any thought of physically harming you from that point on makes his stomach twist, bile rising up his throat and nausea hitting him square in the chest. 
But trouble, of course, arises; he refuses to physically harm you in most cases, but he still will only tolerate absolute obedience from you. You can’t simply walk all over him, he won’t let you – you need to listen to his instructions, follow his rules, eat the food he gives you, smile at him all pretty and warm, and let him sneak into your room and hold you when you’re fast asleep in the middle of the night, just as he starts craving. 
Feitan needs you to be obedient and submissive to him, and so how can he mold you into the perfect, obedient partner without laying harm to you?
The solution, as it turns out, lies in making you absolutely believe that he will hurt you, despite it not being true. 
You don’t need to know that the thought of making you wince or scrunch up your face in pain makes him physically hurl; no, you’re much better off thinking that he’s simply playing nice, waiting for the right moment to strike and leave you broken and bleeding. He’ll allow you to believe that he’s constantly ready to punish you, because then you’ll have some incentive to follow his words and rules, and to do what he believes you should do. 
And why wouldn’t you believe it? 
You know what Feitan does – he makes no effort to hide the torture tools scattered across his basement, and while you’ve only been down there once (the initial carving of the F), your imagination can conjure up plenty of scenarios of what goes on in that damp, dark basement. 
The fact that he has hurt you leads to you staying mostly in line – you’re more than aware of what he’s capable of, and although it slightly pains Feitan that you think of him as a monster, it’s for the best. It’s better for everyone when you’re well behaved – when you simply follow his orders and do what he wants you to, no matter how strange it makes you feel. 
You probably aren’t particularly fond of eating in front of him, but he’ll be sitting at the other end of the table as you carefully, hesitantly, twist the strands of pasta around your fork, your gaze flickering from the slightly undercooked noodles to your captor and back again. 
You probably don’t really like sleeping while he sits in the corner of the room, that stupid jacket pulled up over his mouth, making the only part of him visible to your drowsy self those damn eyes – and his hands, of course, with just the slightest touch of dried blood under his nails. You’re probably not particularly a fan of any aspect of being his captive – and Feitan carefully controls this. 
However, on the off chance that you do act up, that liquid courage flows through your veins and you cross him, you’ll quickly grow to regret it. Feitan still won’t hurt you – not physically, at least. 
But others? 
Well, it’s not hard to get Chrollo to give him someone who needs to give up some information, to set up the basement and make sure you get a front row seat as he makes the knots tight around the man’s wrist. It hurts him, really, to see the way your face contorts into horror as you watch him break bone after bone in the man’s body, but Feitan can’t stop looking at you. He needs you to be watching – you have to see what he’s capable of, even if he doesn’t really want you to know. 
You have to know that he’s serious when he tells you that you can’t leave, that there’s nowhere in the world you can run to where he won’t find you. He rips the man’s nails off, a finger at a time, just to make sure you understand that his touch can hurt – but maybe, some part of him hopes, you’ll realize that when he touches you, his touch is only ever gentle. Or at least as gentle as he can be. 
It’s all to make sure you understand that he’s utterly, absolutely in charge – his word is law, and while he craves for you to love him, he’s willing to compromise with just your respect and undivided attention. 
It’s not ideal, but as he watches the way tears stream down your cheeks and your body heaves and shudders with your sobs, he can’t help but slice the knife into the man’s thigh deeper, send the punch to his jaw harder. 
He has to keep you in line – this complicated, doomed relationship he’s forced you into is the only thing that makes him feel that strange, fluttering feeling in his chest, and he’ll be damned if he lets it go. He’ll be damned if he lets you go – even if you think of him as a monstrous, sadistic freak. 
Maybe he is, maybe he isn’t; it doesn’t matter, because you’re never getting away.
The danger that lies with being Feitan’s darling is much more mental than physical. By all means, he’s not the ideal captor – he’s a criminal and mass murderer, torturing people for a living and liking it. And yet, there’s something about you that tones down the more deranged, violent aspects of his personality - he’s by no means soft, but he’s rounder at the edges, less rough and bitter and cold. 
He hates himself for falling in love with you, for having allowed you to worm your way into his heart and settle there, plaguing his every thought and dream with your face, your voice and laugh and smile and god, your body - 
He blames you, initially, but as time goes on and his feelings only grow stronger, harder to suppress, he finds that it doesn’t matter. You’ve already staked your claim on his heart, and there’s simply nothing he can do to stop what’s inevitable. 
Kidnapping is imminent with him, but it really does take him a long while to actually go through with it; you’ll have a long period of freedom from his clutches where you’re living your own life, with him only controlling it from the shadows rather than blatantly, like when he’s stolen you away. He’s not particularly needy, only demanding that you stay in his line of sight, but there’s something more terrifying about the way he’s always watching you like a hawk watches its prey than simple touching would be. 
You’re thankful he hasn’t forced himself on you or even forced any kind of affection, but it doesn’t make up for the fact that you miss human touch, that you almost wish he would reach out and hold your hand, press a kiss to your lips, slip the ratty old t-shirt he’d given you over your chest.
You’ll find yourself growing stir crazy under Feitan’s rule, growing desperate but still too scared to confront him, because his intentions with you will remain ambiguous at best - he hasn’t killed you yet, so you must be important to him somehow. You’re not sure, but the longer you spend with him, the less you’ll care until eventually you’re actively dreaming of the day when he finally, finally touches you with those cold fingers and lets you out of that bedroom you’re locked up in. 
Feitan loves you, in his own sick, twisted way, and the sooner you realize that the better - maybe you never will, but Feitan will always, always be there waiting, his gaze never faltering once from your figure. 
You’re just too mesmerizing, after all - and Feitan’s never been particularly good at denying himself what’s his. 
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disillusioneddanny · 3 months
People Watching (Jason/Danny)
Jason leaned back in his seat at the bookshop, his eyes no longer on his book but the couple in front of him.  They were around college age, from what Jason could see. He had started watching them when blond girl started laughing at a joke until she started to cry. It hadn’t been an all that funny joke, either but it was cute the way she seemed to hang on the brunet man’s every single word. From what Jason got from their eavesdropping, they had been together for four years. Or well, forty nine months since they had decided to loudly count out the months. 
She had a ring on her finger but she still called him her boyfriend. And they had talked about meeting in some class, metaphysical philosophy, the guy had supplied. Jason’s heart felt light as he listened to them, he was happy for them, he was. 
It was why he was watching them, why he was listening to the guy, his name was Jeremy, apparently, as he teased Hannah, the blond, about how she acted around the holidays. His heart felt light and he felt a longing that he recognized so insanely intimately. It was the same ache that he got any time he spent time people watching. 
He wanted to feel all that love and emotion for himself one day. Dreamt of the day that he would be able to be attached to the person he was holding, not just having someone warm his bed for the night. He wanted to fall without caution, to be so utterly in love with someone that he laughed at their bad jokes.  
He didn’t know if that would ever actually happen for him, though. How could it when he had screwed up so many things in his life? He had died, come back, become a murderer, a crime lord and practically ruined any chance he had at a normal life. Jason had dreams once upon a time, hopes that he wanted to accomplish one day. He had wanted to go to college and fall in love like the couple in front of him had. That wasn’t in the cards, though, not for someone who was still considered legally dead. 
“They’re so cute it’s disgusting,” a voice said with a snort. Jason looked up from his book to find someone taking a seat beside him on the plush couch, a coffee mug wrapped in their hands. “But yet, I still always get wistful when I see couples like that,” they said softly. 
“Yeah, me too,” Jason said quietly, picking up his mug of tea. 
“I’m Danny,” the man said as Jason took a moment to look over his new people watching partner. He was just a little shorter than Jason, dark black hair was pulled back into a bun at the back of his head. Jason could just barely see a hint of a tattoo peeking out from the collar of Dnany’s shirt. But the thing that really got him, was the crystal blue eyes that seemed to shine in the low lights of the cheesy hipster coffee shop they were sitting in.
“Jason,” the vigilante said with a small smile. “So, I’m assuming you’re a people watcher too?”
Danny let out a hum. “I suppose, I mean, I’m only looking just to live through them vicariously. I’ve never really been in love, at least not seriously,” he said quietly, his eyes glued to the couple, a familiar longing in his eyes. 
Jason gave him a small, tentative smile. “No I get it,” he said with a soft laugh as he looked back at the couple, the man now holding the woman’s hand in his and staring at her like she was the only person in the world. “I have a problem with cutting people out if they get too close. I end up all alone each time, but for some reason I just keep hoping that I’ll find it one day.”
Danny nodded and took a sip of his coffee before he looked over at Jason and gave him a kind smile. “It’s scary,” he admitted quietly. “To let someone get so close, to let them love you, even the bad parts of you that you try to keep hidden away.”
“It is,” Jason admitted, carefully closing his book, taking note of the page he had left it on. “It’s funny, I read so many romance novels, I love romantic comedies but to actually allow myself to feel vulnerable like that in my day to day life? It’s fuckin’ terrifying.”
At that, his new friend let out a soft laugh and nodded his head. “It’s so scary to let someone know me. It’s just so much safer to just not allow people to get close and know all of my secrets. But at the same time,  it’s all just so monotone and lonely,” he said, his eyes still shining with an unspoken sadness. 
Jason knew what he was going to say next was going to sound cheesy as fuck. Knew that there was a chance that Danny was going to laugh in his face. But he had to try, had to just give himself a moment to shoot his shot and see if maybe it would work. How could it not? Even if Danny didn’t know Jason’s exact problems or hangups, he still understood where Jason was coming from. Knew just as well at how terrifying it was to let someone know him. 
“I know we just met, and I started this conversation in a really depressing way,” Danny started, turning to fully look at Jason. “But I actually came over here to get to know you. I saw you when I was ordering my coffee and I just, I wanted to get to know you,” he said before his face turned a bright red as he looked down at his coffee and blushed. “I’m sorry, I’m being weird.”
“No,” Jason said with a small smile. “You’re not, not at all. I’d like to keep talking to you. You get it,” he said, feeling his own cheeks heat up slightly at the admission. 
“I get it,” Danny asked, the corners of his eyes crinkling. Jason just snorted and shook his head. “What are you reading?”
“Anna Karenina,” Jason admitted, showing the cover. “It’s considered one of the greatest pieces of literature ever written.”
Danny smiled, a beautiful thing showing off dimples in his cheeks. “Tell me about it? I’ve never read it.”
A wide grin spread on Jason’s face as he launched into an in depth summary about Anna Karenina and why it was one of his favorite novels of all time. 
Somehow a coffee meet cute turned into a coffee date, and then a coffee date turned into a dinner date. The dinner date led to Danny inviting Jason over for dinner and a movie. And that led to book dates and movie dates, it turned into spending more days at Danny’s house than he did at his safe houses. It led to nights in bed, the lights out and the blankets over their heads as they learned each others deepest secrets, whispering childhood stories and childhood traumas to one another in the safety of the dark. 
Jason found himself falling more and more as each day passed by. He found himself holding Danny in his arms as he dreamed about a house behind a picket fence, and started building a home for himself in Danny’s embrace. 
“I love you,” was whispered between the two of them late at night. Soon Jason found himself meeting Danny’s family, a sister and two best friends who were like siblings to him. And Danny found himself being dragged to the manor to meet the insane hoard of siblings and an emotionally repressed father. 
Secrets were passed between them, talks about their deaths, their lives as teen heroes, the desire to just have something normal. That led to the agreement of being one another’s something normal. 
It eventually led to Jason moving into Danny’s home, boxes carried between them and friends as they unpacked Jason’s things and melded their lives together. 
“I can’t believe we’re doing this,” Danny said with a laugh as he fell onto the couch beside Jason, throwing a blanket over their legs after. He smiled as he held out his hand to show off the silver band that Jason had just given him hours before. 
“I can’t believe you walked up to a random stranger to talk about people watching and it led to this,” Jason murmured, nipping at Danny’s earlobe. Danny snorted and turned his head to give the vigilante a soft kiss. 
“Worth it,” he murmured, cupping Jason’s face in his hands. “Completely and absolutely worth it.”
“I love you, Danny Todd,” Jason murmured, rubbing his nose against Danny’s.  
“I love you too, Jason Todd,” Danny whispered, his lips a hair’s breadth away from Jason’s. “Thanks for letting me in.”
Jason just smiled. “Thanks for not cutting me out,” he murmured before closing the distance between them and kissing his husband deeply.
Come chat with me on the new DPxDC 18+ SFW Discord Server! Dm me for an invite if you're 18 or older<3
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p4p1l0nn · 3 months
my sweet angel.
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pairing: shy!hyunjin x fem!reader
genre: slow burn, friends to lovers, fluff, smut.
content warning: 18+ mdni.
a/n: first non-nct fic. happy reading!
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kissing fascinated hyunjin.
the books he delved into and the movies he enjoyed depicted it as a powerful blend of unwavering love and primal longing. only during his most sincere moments of self-reflection did he acknowledge his curiosity about it.
he pondered the sensation, contemplating how someone else's lips might feel against his own. yet, he believed this curiosity might forever remain unfulfilled.
haunted by the ghost of a past heartbreak, the scars of love lost lingered, rendering him hesitant to unlock the emotions associated with intimate connections. the fear of vulnerability cast a shadow over his desire, and the prospect of reliving the pain stifled the courage to explore the pure euphoria that awaited him in your kiss.
lying together on the bed, the celebration of your three-year friendship took an unexpected turn as you found yourself sitting on hyunjin's lap, engaged in a steamy kiss.
your hands explored his bare chest, fingers tracing the lines of his collarbone with gentle caresses. hyunjin, cautious not to hold you too tightly, lightly gripped your hips. despite his efforts to control the intensity, each exchange of tongues caused a flurry in hyunjin’s mind, leading to a tightening grip as he grappled with the rising passion.
hyunjin, though still a bit reserved and unaccustomed to such intimacy, eagerly embraced the role of a quick learner, discovering the nuances of how you preferred to be kissed. moving away from your lips, he traced a slow path down your jaw, reaching the tender lobe of your ear.
a tender nip prompted a shiver in your embrace, and a broad smile graced his face as he observed the reaction he evoked. continuing in his exploration, he proceeded to tenderly kiss your neck.
an approving moan escaped your lips, and your hips began to grind against him. hyunjin couldn't help but hiss at the warmth of your center brushing against him. though longing for more, he patiently waited for your initiation.
in the past, your hand flirted dangerously close to his most sensitive area, gently stroking his inner thighs, but never going further — whether it was a playful teasing, or just being touchy-feely.
the unclear of your relationship status might have played a role, as the two of you had never clearly discussed where you stood. but in this moment, he felt the entirety of your body pressing against his erect member.
“hyunjin,” you said suddenly. your body stopped its movement against him, yet you remained seated firmly on his hardened. a sincere smile played on your face, though a seriousness lingered in your voice. “it's fine if you're not comfortable with it.”
hyunjin’s expression shifted, uncertainty clouding his features. a wave of insecurity washed over him, like a sudden chill on a warm day. “i just don't want to disappoint you, you know?” he confessed, his words tinged with vulnerability.
your hand gently brushed against his cheek, the warmth of your touch like a comforting beacon in his storm of insecurities. “hyunjin, it’s not about perfection or expectations. it’s okay to take things at your own pace.”
a relieved smile flickered across his face, like a flower blooming after a refreshing rain. “you make it sound so easy. still, i want it to be special for you.” he admitted.
“you make it special just by being you,” you reassured, a genuine smile reflecting the warmth of your connection. “we’ll figure it out, one step at a time.”
feeling the sincerity in your words, you pecked his nose and lovingly stared at your friend. with every passing heartbeat, you found yourself falling even more for him. the yearning for his warmth tugged at your heart, but your respect for his pace and the delicate dance of friendship held you back.
after all, you both were just friends. and patience seemed like the most precious gift you could offer.
as you prepared to lift yourself from him, hyunjin surprised you by pulling you down with a gentle yet firm grip, his arms enveloping your waist in a tender embrace. it was like the warmth of a comforting hug after a long day, a gesture that spoke volumes without uttering a single word.
confused yet pleasantly surprised, you met his gaze as he asked, “where are you going?”
a soft chuckle escaped your lips. “thought i'd give you some space,” you replied, your eyes reflecting a mix of playfulness and affection.
hyunjin tightened his hold, a warm smile gracing his face. “you're not going anywhere. stay with me.”
in that tender embrace, hyunjin felt a symphony of emotions swirling within him. nervousness gripped him like a fluttering butterfly in his stomach, uncertainty threading through the fabric of his thoughts. his heart pounded relentlessly, as if seeking an escape from the confines of his chest.
it was a moment of both vulnerability and longing, a juncture where words felt inadequate, yet the need for connection was undeniable.
uncertain of where to begin, he found solace in the simple act of holding you close. the warmth of your presence against him echoed the silent melodies of his emotions, each beat of his heart resonating with a desire to bridge the gap between friendship and the unspoken depths beneath.
as hyunjin’s heart raced, you, perceptive and playful, couldn't help but notice the rapid pace beneath your ear. teasingly, you remarked, “relax a little, your mind was pretty chatty.”
“didn’t mean for you to hear all of that,” he admitted, a touch of embarrassment coloring his expression. despite the awkwardness, he felt the weight of the moment, realizing it was now or never. wanting it to be special, he took a breath and said, “i’m ready if you are.”
“really?” you asked, genuine surprise in your tone. “i don't want to rush you, especially in a moment like this. we can take it slow, no pressure.”
“positive,” he assured, a newfound confidence in his tone. “i’m ready for this. if you’re comfortable, why don’t you take the lead?”
taking a moment to absorb his words, you flashed a wide smile, almost as if confirming the decision. “alright, i guess.” as you leaned in for a kiss, there was something different about the moment.
in the air, there was a palpable tension, electric and thick. it was the moment hyunjin had eagerly anticipated, one he'd daydreamed about more times than he cared to admit. this, for him, needed to be perfect.
truthfully, he wasn't entirely sure. there wasn't a foolproof test for readiness in these situations. he'd checked. yet, at this very moment, he felt as prepared as he could be.
as he realized this was his long-time dream, a question lingered: why did he suggest you take the lead? shouldn't he be the one guiding in this situation? a shift in dynamics unfolded as he carefully flipped you over, placing you beneath him.
moving slowly, he leaned forward, a mix of nervousness and gratitude filling him. he acknowledged the relief of not being able to sweat, imagining beads forming on his forehead if he could. pausing just millimeters away from you, he could feel the warmth of your breath against his lips.
his lips moistened, and he inched forward until he finally reached you. a simple kiss that hinted at the exciting start of something more.
the kiss engulfed him entirely, a warmth spreading through his body. though he knew he wasn't overheating, his skin felt hot and flushed. your hands encircled his head, pulling him closer. a gentle nibble at his bottom lip preceded the intimate dance of tongues.
hyunjin, unsure of where to place his hands, began by threading his fingers through your hair, offering a subtle tug he knew you enjoyed. cradling your face, his tongue brushed against yours in a shared rhythm. eventually, his hand ventured lower, tenderly touching your chest.
he sensed the firmness of your nipples beneath the fabric. cupping your breasts, he marveled at its delicate softness, his fingers delicately skimming over your nipples through the thin material.
a moan escaped you into the kiss, prompting hyunjin’s hands to slide underneath your shirt, making contact with your bare skin.
your warmth enveloped him, and your skin felt wonderfully inviting under his touch. his fingers danced, playfully squeezing and teasing your nipples, eliciting the most expressive reactions from you.
as you kissed, a rhythmic dance unfolded with each of hyunjin’s movements prompting you to grind against his stomach. the wetness seeping through your pants heightened the intensity, causing him to unintentionally bite into your lip, a move you welcomed with a moan.
“y/n” he said, breathless, stealing another quick kiss before urging, “take these off.” his voice, a blend of pleading and yearning, expressed a desperate desire.
swiftly complying, you removed your shirt, revealing your naked breasts. hyunjin, who had glimpsed you accidentally in various states of undress before, now had the rare opportunity to openly appreciate your beauty.
“go on, get comfortable,” hyunjin instructed, and you promptly followed, understanding his unspoken desire, his shorts now discarded.
fully settled on the bed, hyunjin crawled on top of you. his lips found your neck, focusing on the spot behind your ear that he knew would elicit a response, and you couldn't help but moan in pleasure.
“good girl,” he murmured, the words slipping out before he registered his thoughts.
“good girl?” you blushed, teasingly. “that’s a new side. feeling a bit bossy today, aren't we?”
your tone carried a playful tease, yet hyunjin paused, unsure. “is that o—”
“it’s more than fine, hyunjin, actually,” you grinned mischievously. “what else do you want me to do? come on, give me my orders.”
a smirk played on your lips as hyunjin groaned at your words, a thrilling surge of excitement coursing through his entire being at your request.
“i’m not sure,” he admitted with uncertainty.
“you’ll figure it out,” you reassured, pulling his head down. once again, your lips met, and hyunjin found himself lost in the intoxicating kiss. there were now countless places he could explore with his kisses, and the possibilities felt endless.
his hardened cock begged for attention, aching to connect with you, yet he restrained himself, eager to provide more for you before succumbing to his own needs. his hand traced a path downward, tenderly exploring your stomach and thighs.
“spread your legs,” he urged, and you followed suit. the immediate response to his command and your ready surrender to his touch filled him with a sense of satisfaction.
“my sweet angel, so impatient,” he teased.
your response got stuck, morphing into a breathless moan as hyunjin slid his slender finger inside you. the warmth and wetness enveloped him, the pressure against his finger feeling heavenly.
“more,” you gasped, and hyunjin promptly complied, smoothly adding a second finger.
his fingers began with a deliberate slowness, but he keenly noted your responses, realizing speed was what you liked. observing your body's reactions and the rhythm of your hips, he adapted his movements to maximize your pleasure.
eyes closed, head tilted back, and breaths escaping in a steady rhythm, you panted in bliss. hyunjin, utterly focused, seamlessly added a third finger.
quickly thrusting his fingers, he curled them upon full immersion, while his thumb circled your clitoris.
your muscles tightened and released around his fingers, while hyunjin skillfully continued to stroke your clitoris.
gradually, your body eased in his arms, muscles transitioning from rigid to loose, and a blissful, content smile painted your face. lazily opening your eyes, you sat up and drew him into a deep, lingering kiss.
“hyunjin?” you softly uttered, your hand descending to caress his aching cock, eliciting a shudder. “need you inside me.”
in a struggle for words, he faltered as your hand cupped him. the contrast of his size in your small grip left him saying, “that can be arranged, angel.”
retrieving a condom from the drawer, he struggled with it, finding it tricky to unroll over his hardened. that’s when your hands stepped in.
“allow me,” you softly insisted, taking the condom and effortlessly rolling it over his shaft like a sleeve.
“thanks,” hyunjin mumbled, a sudden wave of shyness and embarrassment engulfing him.
you entwined your legs around him as he slowly entered you. it felt a thousand times better than his fingers. you were warm, wet, completely wrapped around him.
his movements were slow, cautious, fearing he might cause discomfort. however, your encouragement through grinding spurred him on. hyunjin followed with a thrust.
you set the pace initially, but soon, he gained confidence. rapid and deep thrusts followed, met with your loud panting and deep moans. it became evident that speed and intensity were what you most enjoyed.
hyunjin sensed himself nearing climax as your walls tightly embraced him, each thrust heightening his pleasure.
when his orgasm finally arrived, it took him by surprise. briefly, his heart raced, then he felt the release and shivered as you clenched around him. continuing to thrust until his cock softened, he rested his head beside you, inhaling your scent as he caught his breath.
“y/n?” he raised his head, peering at your face. “friendship celebrations don't usually feel like this, right?”
in your mind, you couldn't help but marvel at his adorable nature. one moment he's all tough, and the next, he's like a kid in need of constant reminders.
smiling, you gently kissed his cheek, your eyes filled with affection. “i think we need to talk because, honestly, i’m pretty sure i’m falling for you.”
“yeah, we should. maybe after the next round?”
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bokutosbiceps · 4 months
sakura blossoms (pt 3)
monkey d luffy x afab!reader | smut | ~1.1k words
warnings: this is allll smut. virgin!luffy is my religion so ✨
a/n: this is pt 3 to the sakura blossoms series !! it's the final part so i hope y'all enjoy it. i know i fucking loved writing it. lemme know what ya think, as always !! 😁
ps. this can be read without reading pt 1/2, it's just smut w a tiny bit of fluff at the end 🤭
click here for pt 1 !!
click here for pt 2 !!
18+ MDNI | under the cut for length
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luffy's lips are hot and searing into your own, branding them so now you think you can never kiss anyone else again. 
it's hard for you to believe he's never done this before. he'd insisted he's never kissed anyone, never intimately touched anyone, never had sex, but the way he's working his tongue against yours is far too intoxicating. 
you're his first kiss because he likes you, according to him. a girl he'd met three hours ago and latched onto like his life depended on it. and he isn't planning on letting go for a long while. 
luffy’s bent over you with you still in his lap, his lips connecting with yours upside down while yours are upright. he releases your cheeks and tries to grab a hold of your chin to tilt your head, but doesn't have enough leverage.
so he wraps his rubber arms around your hips and brings you to face him, pressing you to his chest when he lays back. 
luffy can't bear being separated from your lips for too long; a whine escapes his throat and his fingers press into the nape of your neck, bringing your lips to his again. 
you can feel his hips jerk up and something warm and hard presses against your ass. luffy moans at the delicious friction and repeats this movement, deciding that it feels nice.
luffy is a man of instinct, you can tell, because the way he's rubbing his erection against your ass could only be a movement ingrained in his hips. a carnal need that he's got his desire locked on.
“luffy…” you mumble against his needy kisses. 
“hm?” he lets his lips travel down to your neck, where he sucks on the skin overlying your tense muscles. you moan, your fingers reaching up to tug on his hair.
you can feel yourself getting warm and wet and you subconsciously adjust yourself so that luffy’s cock is now rubbing against your covered cunt. 
his tip catches your clit at just the right angle and you moan again.
"ya like that?" he huffs, staring at you through misty eyes. you just bite your lip and nod. luffy takes this as a sign he's doing something right, so he keeps jerking his hips up to grind against you. 
“are you sure you wanna…?” you push against his chest lightly, making him lay back and look at you. his eyes are half lidded and there's a lazy smile on his saliva covered, swollen lips.
“wanna what?”
“this is your first kiss…shouldn't we—”
“have sex? yeah.” luffy breathes. sanji’s taught him lots about love and romance and what to do if and when he finds someone he wants. luffy’s going to listen to his heart as he usually does, and go after what he wants, as he usually does.
luffy lifts his head back up to seal his lips against yours. any thought of stopping flees your mind and all you can focus on is cumming with luffy.
you push against luffy’s chest once more to sit up, your hands scrambling to find the sash on his kimono and untie it. you sit up slightly to allow his kimono to fall open on either side of him.
you separate your kimono and bunch it around your waist then move to straddle his thighs and wrap your fingers around his cock, squeezing gently and pumping up his shaft. you can feel yourself growing wetter by the second as you watch beads of pre cum bubble up from his tip.
“y/n…stop teasin’. i wanna be inside ya.” luffy’s voice comes out as a mixture between a whine and a moan, and his hands are in his hair, tugging on his locks in frustration. 
your fingers find their way to your clit and you rub quickly, working up enough stimulation to make sure you're as gooey as possible for the future pirate king’s pleasure. luffy watches on in awe, his mouth ajar.
his mouth is then blown wide open in a guttural moan when you sink down onto him, his hands flying to your hips as he pushes you further down. he's loud, and you're grateful you're in a shack in some forest.
“sh-shit.” luffy stammers. “you're s-so warm. y-you’re squeezin' me so tight.”
the feeling of your cunt milking his cock is something he never thought possible, and he can't get enough of it. his hands work in tandem with his hips as they push you down to meet his powerful thrusts.
your hands find purchase on his shoulders and you hang on for the ride of your life, little moans and mewls slipping out from your lips due to the sheer force of his hips slamming against yours.
“a-ah, y/n, i feel like i'm gonna burst.” luffy whines, arching his back up off the floor to reach deeper within you.
the tip of his cock is weeping and painting your cervix with his precum.
luffy gets addicted to the way you cry his name and decides he wants to hear it way more often than you're giving him. so he moves one of his hands down between your thighs and thrusts a bit slower and shallower.
you about burst into tears when you feel the pad of one of luffy’s fingers rough against your clit. he abuses it, rubbing it so fast you think you’re gonna cum in seconds. and you do.
your warm walls close in on his cock as you cum, crying out his name and digging your fingertips into his traps. luffy throws his head back and a groan is ripped from deep within his chest.
both of his hands are back on your hips to hold you down to the base of his cock as he pumps you full of his cum.
his hips are stuttering, minutely moving in and out of your pussy. his eyes are squeezed shut and he's gritting his teeth as he accidentally overstimulates himself with each short drag of his cock.
eventually, his vice grip on your hips loosens and luffy lets go, allowing you to roll off him and lay at his side.
he's quick to turn so that he's facing you. he grabs your chin between his index and thumb, bringing your face forward toward his so he can smooth a soft kiss over your lips.
“join my crew.” he says firmly once he pulls away, keeping his grip on your chin tight enough to prevent you from looking away.
you hesitate, imagining yourself traipsing the seas with luffy, seeing the world with him by your side. and, hopefully, more nights like this.
“i want to, luffy…but my home is here, in wano.” you bite your cheek. “plus, i'm not sure how i can be of any help to you. what would my role even be?”
luffy purses his lips, thoughtful for a moment. “well, i guess we already have a musician.” he hums and closes his eyes, deep in thought. it's not too long before his eyes fly open and he grins. “it doesn't matter, captain says ya don't hafta have a role!”
luffy sits up and crawls over you, pressing light and quick kisses from your collarbones up to the corner of your mouth, where he stops. “your only job is to be by my side. captain’s orders.” 
then he presses a kiss to your lips so tender, it immediately helps you realize that you never even had a choice in the first place.
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i'm tagging everyone who commented on pt 1 saying they wanted a pt 2 or rb, also the regulars 😗
taglist: @lavenderhaze00 | @n1ght5h4d3-24 | @333vil | @scentisterror | @jaree101-blog | @louisechec | @luffysprincess | @usoppsstar | @lalalolojoot | @bfshoto | @nina-a-pines | @pileofmush | @anemptypuddingcup
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lupinmoonlight · 4 months
Christmas at 12 Grimmauld Place
Masterlist AO3
Summary - Christmas at home was never great so this year, your friend Harry invites you to spend Christmas at his godfather's house. Upon arriving, you are surprised to see that Professor Lupin is also there. You two had always been closer than you should during his time at Hogwarts, but he had left unexpectedly. Sirius, always so perceptive, catches on everything and can't help but cause a little mischief (1,012 words).
Warnings - Professor/student relationship, fluff, HALLMARK FLUFF, not proof-read, my grammar.
Notes - Merry Christmas everyone! and if you don't celebrate, I wish you a happy new year full of health and happiness! I wanted to write this quick little fluff piece before celebrating with my family.
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"Sirius!" Harry exclaimed, rushing forward to embrace his godfather. Sirius Black, with his usual roguish grin, wrapped Harry in a warm hug.
You lingered a step behind, your eyes scanning the place. The man was a reflection of the house- a strange blend of grim, charm, and warmth. Your gaze, however, drifted to a quieter figure standing behind Sirius- Remus Lupin. Your heart skipped a beat. He was watching the scene with a warm, fatherly smile, but his eyes flicked to yours, and in that short moment, a storm of unspoken words passed between you.
You were always close to him. Your connection, born in the classroom, had quickly grown into something deeper, something neither of you had dared to acknowledge. And then he had vanished. You didn't know where, you didn't know why. And it left you feeling empty.
Seeing him now, after more than a year, brought you back to that tingly feeling you had every time you saw him in the corridors, every time you heard his voice, every evening you spent in his office after curfew. He had aged gracefully, and despite the additional scars marring his face, the gentleness in his eyes was still there.
As Sirius disentangled himself from Harry, his eyes caught your nervous stance. "And who do we have here?" he asked, his voice laced with a hint of mischief.
"Y/N," you replied, stepping forward.
Remus's eyes never left you. "Y/N, I didn't expect to see you here," he said, his voice warm and tinged with something he dared not define.
You felt a blush creep up your cheeks. "Professor Lupin, it's…it's good to see you again."
Remus's smile deepened, a soft chuckle escaping him. "Remus, please. I haven't been your professor for quite some time."
You hesitated, then tried "Remus." His name felt unfamiliar yet intimate on your lips, and you saw his smile widen, his eyes lighting up in a way that made you want to morph yourself into the flowers of the wallpaper surrounding you.
Sirius, who had been observing the exchange with an amused twinkle in his eye, leaned towards Remus and whispered just loud enough for him to hear, "Looks like someone's caught your eye, Professor Lupin."
"Not now, Sirius," Remus muttered, a hint of embarrassment in his tone as she shot Sirius a half-hearted glare.
The room seemed to shrink around you, the festive noise from the nearby dining room fading into a distant hum. Sirius, always perceptive, nudged Harry with a knowing look. "Harry, why don't we leave these two to catch up? I believe there are a few others eagerly waiting for you in the dining room," he said as he shot you a playful wink before ushering your friend out of the room, leaving you alone with Remus.
The air was suddenly thick with a mix of awkwardness and unspoken feelings. Remus, who seemed to be battling with a mess of emotions, looked at you. You appeared a bit more grown yet, you retained that endearing quality that had always drawn him in. A pang of regret and shame washed over him, regret for having left without a proper goodbye, and shame for the circumstances that had forced him away so abruptly.
"Let me help you with that," he offered gently, stepping closer and reaching for your cloak. His fingers brushed against yours as he took the garment, sending a subtle current through you both. He cleared his throat, trying to appear nonchalant, and hung your cloak carefully.
"Let go somewhere quieter," he then suggested, leading the way to a small study.
"Y/N, I…I must apologize for how I left Hogwarts. I never got the chance to say goodbye. Circumstances were…complicated."
Your eyes met his, filled with confusion and longing. "I…I've thought a lot about you since then," you confessed.
He looked at you, his expression now a mix of surprise and a deep, unspoken affection "You have?" he asked tentatively.
"Yes," you admitted, "I always wondered why you left so suddenly."
Remus hesitated, his gaze lingering on your face, subtly moving to your lips. "I had to leave because of reasons beyond my control, but not a day went by when I didn't think of…of you. But I was your teacher, and you were my student. It wouldn't have been right for me to say anything."
"I understand," you replied thoughtfully. "But things are different now, aren't they?"
"Yes, they are," Remus said softly, a faint smile touching his lips. "Very different."
Suddenly, a mistletoe appeared above you both, its presence announced by a gentle cascade of soft snowflakes. Your eyes lifted first, and Remus followed your gaze upwards, and then back to you, his face a picture of surprise and confusion.
"Well, aren't you going to kiss me, Professor?" you teased.
Remus, momentarily frozen, looked at you intensely. The lines between past and present, teacher and student, seemed to blur and vanish into insignificance. He smiled and leaned in slowly, his heart pounding.
"DINNER'S READY!! COME ALONG NOW!!" a motherly voice shouted just before his lips could reach yours. Startled, Remus stopped in his tracks at the interruption, making you giggle at the timing. Standing on your tiptoes to bridge the height gap, you gently kissed his cheek, whispering, "Merry Christmas, Remus."
With a final giggle, you scampered off towards the dining room, leaving Remus standing there, his cheek still tingling from your touch. A moment later, Sirius appeared in the doorway, leaning against the frame with a teasing look in his eyes.
Remus, finally catching on, glanced up at the mistletoe and then back at Sirius, realization hitting him. "Sirius, this isn't-"
But before he could finish, Sirius laughed, "Oh, relax, Moony! No harm in a little festive cheer. And who knows, maybe you'll get another chance later."
As he walked out of the study, Remus glanced back at the spot where he and you had stood. The mistletoe still hung there, a symbol of what might have been- and what might still be.
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luvtak · 6 months
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here, there, and everywhere ✦ lee felix
✦ pairing felix x gn!reader
✦ genre/tw angst, fluff, hurt-comfort, jealousy, a little bit of tears lol, two people so in love it's disgusting and perfect, pet names galore, kissing, obnoxious attempts at being poetic, being in love is complicated and sad and also simple and wonderful!
✦ w/c 1234
✦ a/n ginger write something other than hurt-comfort challenge failed. i wrote half of this with no motivation three weeks ago and the rest in an hour, i hope you like it LMAO! reader and felix were written as the same couple from baby i'm yours, but you don't need to have read it to understand this at all!! as always named after one of my favorite songs, its so easy to write for felix, he really is a love song come to life<33
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Sometimes you wonder if Felix know’s how precious he is; sweet and soft-hearted; void of any ill intent or toxicity, a boy oozing love. 
He’s a wonderful son, a charming brother, and an even better friend–syrupy sweet and unbelievably likable to anyone who comes into contact with him, and most of the time that's a blessing, but it can also be a curse. 
Of course he’s stunning and lovely, and rationally you know you shouldn’t be upset. That girl at the restaurant meant nothing by looking at him, meant nothing by smiling and definitely was not hitting on him when she asked if you were his partner. At least that’s what he says, vehemently denying and believing that this stranger had no ill-intent, but you know better. From the minute she blinked her pretty eyes at him, you knew she was flirting, and nothing could convince you otherwise. Not your boyfriend's warmth pressing into yours or the moonlit smiles he sent your way, nothing. 
You can tell it’s making him sad, this quiet, jealous version of you. You wish you could stop it just to ease his concern, but the green poison is sitting deep in your belly, and you’re positive if you open your mouth nothing good will come from it. 
He’s so lovely and you hate that other people can tell. Your love has always been so private, so deep and true it could only be described as intimate. Sometimes, you forget that he exists outside of his place next to you, forget that other people can see him and fawn over his heaven made features. 
“I love you, you know.” His voice is shaky, nerves surrounding his every move. You hate to hurt him; hate second guessing every word he says and every glance he’s given to pretty waitresses, but sometimes quiet love is harsh. Sometimes the intimacy of love behind closed doors creates gaps for someone to pass through, and on nights where your trust ebbs, you really wish your love was loud. 
You wish you could show it to others, tell anyone who could be listening how much you loved him, but you can’t. Maybe at first it was his job, but slowly, over time you had to learn that loving Felix had to be tender–his heart had to be held like a flower, too tight and you’ll crush the petals. It’s why it feels so wrong to be jealous, he would never do anything to hurt you; physically and emotionally, he would keep you safe. 
When you arrived home, sulky and pouting and praying to any god who would listen to you, please, please take these thoughts away, Felix looked at you and knew it was time to intervene. Pressing you close to his heart and rubbing slow circles on your back. 
“I know, I love you too.” 
“No, I mean it, baby. I love you.” He enunciates the words, emphasizing his point with three kisses on your brow. You relish in his affection, it comes so easy to him… for Felix love is simple, it’s blowing out candles and mornings spent sharing heat, buying warm gloves and letting you hog the covers. Felix was made to love, grew up cherished and treasured and now he treats his people the same. 
Mostly, he was made to love you as quietly or as loudly as you wanted him too–he could be your sun, scorching and bright and all encompassing, or he could be your moon: big and beautiful and comforting.
You know he loves you, and hearing him say it doesn’t release the green monster from your belly, but it does remind you how lucky you are that this star boy chose you. 
Your shaky arms tighten around his torso and the fast beat of his heart releases the tears waiting at your waterline. Something about his honest truth breaking and mending your heart all at once. 
“I’m sorry, Lixie, I wish I could love you as good as you love me… you’re everything, maybe if you were less I could talk about it more, but it’s true I love you so much.” The tears are fast now, racing down your cheeks like raindrops on a window, and you think he’s crying too. All ten of his fingers are clutching at you, holding onto you for dear life and you don’t think he’ll ever let go… god please don’t let him ever let go. 
“I’m not going anywhere, my love, I promised a forever didn’t I?” you could never forget the memory, his pinky wrapped around yours and crossing his heart that he’d stay. He’s an earnest boy, as honest as they make them, and he’s never broken a pinky swear.
In many ways it makes you sad that one pretty girl made you feel like this, you can be insecure and unsure of many things, but never of him. It wasn’t the flirting or her twinkly eyes, it was her confidence in appreciating him: outloud and undeniable. Even after loving him so deeply for so long, you’ve found it difficult to scream it from the rooftops. Instead, you pack his lunch and make sure his hot cocoa won’t burn his tongue, you kiss him three times for luck, and you're always the first to praise him. No, you could never yell it out, but you’ve wished for him everyday and if he thinks it’s enough then it is. 
“Don’t worry about random girls, honey, my love isn’t fragile.” He says it with a fluorescent smile, so beautiful and so him that little by little it calms the wasps in your brain.
“I’m sorry, I was being silly. You’re just too pretty, I’m sick of other people being able to see you.” Through his tears, the star studded boy laughs–a big, body shaking laugh that takes you with it. Giggles through kisses and teeth clashing, too tight hugs that steal all the air out of your lungs and passing it back to him. 
This is love, quiet or loud, this is it–sharing breath and smiles and knowing he’s yours. 
You used to think people couldn’t belong to each other, but Felix’s heart is tied right to yours–chambers interlaced and arteries working together to keep you alive. Every bit of you is caged up with him, locked in tight together; dead-bolted and keys thrown away. You care for him quietly, but everything about your heart is loud–beating for him, faster and faster each day you share together. 
Releasing you from his hold and looking right into your heart-shaped eyes, he tells you not to be sorry; you’re too pretty to be sorry, baby and you know he’s making it better–Another kiss cure to mend the broken day. Soft smooches pressed all over your laughing face and down the side of your neck, a million ways to say thank you. 
When he releases you, he’ll be as bright as the sun–he’ll nurse your heart back to health and tuck you in tight under the covers. Humming sweet songs and hoping you have sweet dreams, three kisses goodnight for each year you’ve spent together. 
Tomorrow, he’ll tease and joke and love you endlessly, his devotion is as blaring as yours is hushed; changing your life with a wave of his hand and reminding you everyday that to love is to make magic–wishing on every constellation atop his nose that forever comes quick.
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© luvtak
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letsgetrowdy43 · 5 months
Lucy loves reading at night and when Connor spends the night he asks her to read to him.
Au Masterlist!!
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I think the first night he ever stays in her apartment is such a big deal to the both of them because it's the first relationship-like intimate thing they ever did.
She had just returned to her apartment, after a long night in the university library, with tired eyes as she dropped her book bag on her kitchen counter trying to be careful not to wake her sleeping roommates.
She finally opened her phone to see the final score of the Blackhawks game as she entered her bedroom, changing into a fresh pair of pyjamas she found his contact and sent him a short and sweet text about the loss. He responded right away which threw her off because it's eleven at night and he's still awake even after a game, so she tried to politely pry into why he's still awake.
“Just can't sleep :/ bad last few days” he responded as she stared at the message for a few seconds, trying to figure out what path to take and then quickly sent a text back. Hitting send on her impulsive text as fast as possible so she doesn't chicken out, “You can come up to my apartment if it'll help you sleep :)” Her eyes widen at her boldness as his response bubbles popped up in the corner of the screen. “Be there in a few.”
She waited for him at her front door, a grin on her face as she let him in, a soft smile on his face as he took in the look of her in pyjamas. A soft smile on her lips as she stood on her tiptoes to peck him on the lips as his hand found her hip.
The air felt a bit tense as they treaded in the unknown waters of their growing relationship, a comfortable awkwardness sitting in between them as he grinned tiredly at her. Their fingers intertwined as she led him to her dimly lit bedroom, motioning towards the side of the bed for him as she crawled into her own.
“Can I uh- sleep without my shirt?” his face grew warm as her sweet smile was replaced with a smirk. She pretended to ponder as she got comfortable under the covers, “I prefer you shirtless,” she said cheekily as he rolled his eyes and rid himself of his shirt before crawling in next to her.
She immediately clung to him as she rolled over and right into his arms, a content smile worked its way onto her face as her fingers drew little shapes on his chest, "you okay?" "Just stressed, I'll get over it," he whispered as her brows furrowed in concern. "I wish I could fix all your problems for you," she said as her hand impulsively moved up to sweep his curls in the right direction her hand remained on his bare chest as she looked up into his eyes.
He smiled softly, a little taken aback by the vulnerability of their conversation, "There's a lot more than I let on," he whispered with an exhausted sigh as she shook her head. "I wish you'd talk to someone about all of it, I think it would help a lot." He smirked as she pressed a kiss to his shoulder, "but then I wouldn't have an excuse to come crawl in your bed," he whispered as she smiled up at him and pressed another kiss to his lips. "You don't need excuses, I always want you around." "Well now you're never getting rid of me," she smiled and shrugged as she rolled onto her back.
they sat in silence for a second as she looked at her bedside table to see the book she needed to finish for her journalism class sat on the edge. "Can I read a chapter of my book quickly, I need to get it done for a class," she rolled on her side to see him nodding with his eyes closed. "read it to me," he whispered as she sat up and he rolled over to hug her lower body closer to him.
She opened her novel and started to slowly read the first few pages, before she heard a soft snore leaving his lips, her heart swelling at how peaceful he looked before she sat up a bit to mark her page turned her light and finally got comfortable in his arms.
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joheunsaram · 2 years
pretty hallucinations (jjk)
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summary: Drunk words are sober thoughts, and now Jungkook knows all of yours — even the ones about him. And you know what they say, once a secret’s out, it’s hard to take it back.
word count- 3.9k 
pairing- best friend!Jungkook x Reader
rating- PG 15
genre- f2l, idiots in love, fluff, slight angst, slight crack
warnings- reader is wasted, jungkook is a softie, SO MUCH PINING, mention of bondage and spreader bars lmfao
a.n- a birthday fic to celebrate my favourite bunny! happy birthday jk! this fic came to me after I read a scene in ten trends to seduce your best friend that had me cackling. read that book if you enjoyed this, that ones a real f2l slow burn hehe
special s/o to @daechwitatamic for beta reading, helping with the summary, and leaving the most hilarious comments on my doc haha I will cherish them forever💕
As always feedback appreciated, a reblog and a like goes a far way. Send me an ask! 💌
The room was spinning. A kaleidoscope of colours twirling in the air and you couldn’t help the bitterness rising through you. This used to be your favourite place, a library you had created after years of collecting your favourite words. Systematically organized, it seemed now that a hurricane had passed through.
Well, after ten drinks, you were nothing less than a hurricane. Books with their once perfect spines laid dog-eared and haphazard. You couldn’t find it. Couldn’t find the perfect words for the moment. There was always supposed to be something for every emotion in your collection.
Some may think losing yourself in fictional words was cowardice, but to you it was a reprieve. Reality was boring. In the real world you were just a nerdy overgrown virgin who would never confess your feelings to a man — to the man. In reality, you would always be the girl who talked big about sex and hid behind bravado instead of ever opening yourself up to the vulnerability that came with it. The real you was a phony.
Stumbling with your fingers wrapped around the bottle of whiskey, you meandered to the opposite wall, pulling romance novels off the shelves. They would have answers for your predicament. Wasn’t that the purpose of them? To show how the characters overcame their fears?
The words blurred but you lost yourself. You were Catherine sharing your love but having it misconstrued, leaving you to misery, a death of a life never fully lived. As you read Heathcliff’s grief, daring you to haunt him, he transformed from the Englishman to someone too familiar, his proper attire morphing to the comfortable baggy black shirts and giant stomping boots. His dark eyebrow manifested a silver barbell, his eyes widening into a doe-eyed stare. Ebony tendrils grew from his fingertips, running up his right arm until they formed shapes as intimate as your breaths. Tiger lillies and eclipses and snakes and clocks and words so dear they played as a melody on your lips.
And then Jungkook’s words transformed from the enraged howling of ghosts to silence, his lips parted in shock as his eyes looked at you with pity. The memory was visceral and it forced your hand to tip the bottle against your lips, your tongue coating in the warm bite of liquor. Yet, it permeated through, the single moment of bravery you had been saving your whole life coming back to haunt you.
He had a friendly arm around you, the two of you laughing at the television screen as the characters finally confessed and Jungkook shook his head, chastising them for not coming clean sooner and saving him the trouble. The innocuous words gave you the courage to share a secret ten years in the making.
A simple I like you.
But unlike the characters who were living their happily ever after, Jungkook sputtered, moving away with an awkward laugh, shattering your heart into a million pieces. The distance was a chasm growing wide with his questions and the lifetime of bravery fizzled much quicker than you anticipated.
“I should’ve never opened my stupid mouth,” you lamented, tossing back another searing gulp, books digging into your back as you stared at nothing. Nothing that spurred into a familiar shadow making you cackle at your imagination. It really was better than reality.
Because in your imagination, Jungkook crouched in front of you smelling like fresh laundry that made you hazy. His fingers caressed your face, moving the curls that had spilled from their usual tight bun atop your head to frame your face. But even an imaginary Jungkook wouldn’t give you your happy ending.
Moving your hair away, he smiled, helping you up. His voice was gravelly when he spoke, a novel rasp that you wanted to pluck from the air and store it next to your array of books.
“Your mouth is not stupid,” he chuckled, an arm around your waist as he moved you from the library to the kitchen. You refused to look at this hallucination, instead focusing on the tiles that you had handpicked for the kitchen. Small white ones. They had a pattern in the middle, cobalt outlines of squares interwoven together to form stars of the skies.
He deposited you on the stool next to the breakfast nook and placed a glass in front of you. Condensation trickled down the glass to the island and before your clumsy hands could do any damage, your figment picked the glass and placed it on a coaster. Of course he knew what to do, imaginary men were perfect.
“I’m not imaginary, Trix,” Jungkook answered your inner monologue, amusement lacing his tone. But his mirth did not placate you, there was no way Jungkook would seek you out after he stomped on your heart. Your best friend was not that cruel. Not intentionally at least.
“Trix are for kids! Don’t call me that,” you whined, your words mumbled by the glass that he held to your lips. With the coldest glare you could manage, you stared at him as you finished the drink, refusing to acknowledge how soothing the cool water felt trickling down your throat.
“But they’re your favourite, Trix,” he retorted, bemused before running a hand over your head. You wanted to chastise your heart for skipping a beat at the platonic touch as he mussed your hair but you couldn’t help it. This always happened. You hated that he used that nickname, an inside joke that did nothing other than give you false hope. It was cute when he started. It made you flush to your toes and stutter over your words, but it was unfair how he could easily give you a pet name when your boyfriends had trouble coming up with anything that didn’t make you wince.
“What are you doing here, Jungkook?” Your voice wobbled as did you when he helped you up, moving you towards your bedroom. Tears still streaked down your face, stuffing your sinuses with regret as you leaned against his infuriatingly hard body.
“I’m taking care of you. I always take care of you,” he answered. “Watch your step.”
His answer made you fume. Why couldn’t you feel this way for Jimin? He was supposed to be your type, flirty and loud and unafraid to go after what he wanted. In comparison, Jungkook was just a shy, awkward teenager who showed more emotions when he lost a game of League. Sure, what if the way Jimin called you sugar was a little cringey, it was better than babe or doll!
“Those are all terrible pet names, Trix,” Jungkook commented, his grin audible even when you refused to look at him. All you could do was weakly punch his arm, missing wildly while he steadied you on your never-ending path to your bedroom.
You missed your bed. Your mattress was the most expensive thing you owned. Jungkook had given you a lot of shit for spending a pretty penny on it, but it was like sleeping on a cloud, so soft and plush that you could just sink in and forget about everything.
And you really needed to forget the humiliation of Jungkook’s rejection.
“I didn’t reject you. You were drunk, Trix. You didn’t mean it,” Jungkook answered your thoughts once again. “Also your bed is very comfy so I promise not to annoy you about wasting money again.”
He was laughing at you and you couldn’t help but grunt, turning around and placing a clumsy hand on his chest as you steadied yourself. Your eyes met his and you hated how you melted a little at their sparkle. He always had the prettiest eyes, round with expressive mocha irises that burned your heart. Even his lashes were pretty, long and curved like he was a newborn fawn made to be fawned at. Gathering your drunken thoughts, you came to a single conclusion.
Honesty. Best case scenario, this Jungkook was just imaginary and would disappear soon. Worst case scenario, he was real and since you had already humiliated yourself, you couldn’t dig a deeper hole.
“I did mean it! I love you, you dumb idiot,” you announced, your words surprisingly clear. Yet Jungkook still laughed, rolling his eyes as he settled you into bed, telling you again that you were drunk. But he didn’t understand and he had to understand.
“I’ve been in love with you since I saw you play in that dumb ultimate frisbee match when you were a freshman. When you lost your cool at that concert when a guy tried copping a feel. When you gave me a hug when my mom was in the hospital and everything seemed okay for a little while. I love you, Jeon Jungkook. I’ve always been insanely in love with your stupid, dumb face,” you ranted. Kneeling in front of you, Jungkook’s smile wavered into a concentrated frown, brows bunching together before he was smiling again and shaking his head.
“You love me, but you don’t love love me, Y/N,” he countered, making you groan in exasperation, hand coming to his mouth to silence him. Sometimes you hated him.
“You don’t get it, Jungkook! How do I even–” you sighed loudly, grabbing his shoulders to make him understand. But if your words wouldn’t work, maybe someone else’s would. “It is at moments after I have dreamed of the rare entertainment of your eyes, when (being fool to fancy) I have deemed with your peculiar mouth my heart made wise,” you quoted your favourite poet, eyes stuck on his. “Do you get it now?”
Jungkook stared at you for a moment, awestruck in a way that made you want to lean in and kiss him, but kissing without consent was bad, especially if he was looking for a way to reject you again. You still had at least some of your pride. And then he was laying you back and tucking you in, crushing your heart in his palm till it was dust that pricked your eyes, making them dry and watery all at once.
“We’ll talk about this in the morning, Trix. We shouldn’t when you’re not sober,” said softly, fingers running on your scalp before tracing away your tears. With all the alcohol in your system, your filter was off and all you had was misery.
“Can you at least just stay before you reject me? I need a hug,” you whispered, heartbeat accelerating when he climbed in next to you, engulfing you in his arms. He was so warm. Like your favourite blanket shielding you from the cold in the middle of winter. He needed to know the effect he had on you and even though you were feeling the drowsiness from all that whiskey, you wanted to let him in. He had to understand.
“I know you think I love you platonically. I don’t. I really don’t.”
Jungkook exhaled loudly, moving away so only his forearm acted as a pillow for you. Lying on his side he looked at you, eyes tracing your features as you tried your best to keep yours open.
“You’re drunk. We’ll talk about it in the morning,” he said finally. With mere inches between you, you felt your face heat, your thoughts pouring over your tongue without your consent.
“Jungkook, do you know what a spreader bar is?” you asked, staring at him as his eyes widened. He blinked slowly a few times before landing on his back, looking straight at the ceiling.
“Jesus… yes, Trix. I know what that is.”
“I want you to use it on me,” you continued, loose-lipped and hazy. There was no chance you’d remember this in the morning so why not just go all out and let him in on your fantasies. “Tie me up and bend me over. Fuck me so hard I forget my name. God, I wanna be pinned under you so bad.”
“Stop. Fuck… stop, please,” he whispered, his teeth worrying the inside of his cheek in a way you only saw when he was angry. Was he angry? Is that why even in the dim light of the room you could see his ears slowly turning red?
“Still think I like you platonically?” you asked, tone much more mischievous than you had planned. “Would you choke me? Make me lose my breath as you kiss me or will you be nice and gently hold my jaw when you kiss me? I think about that a lot, you know.”
He groaned, his free arm coming to rest over his eyes. He seemed resigned and somehow that made you grin, especially when he sighed loudly before speaking. “Fucking hell Y/N… please just go to sleep.”
“I wanna feel your tongue between my thighs and—“ Before you could finish, he turned, a hand coming to rest gently over your lips.
“Sleep! You need to go to sleep!” he exclaimed in a panic that made your nerves tingle and your stomach warm.
“Why?” you mumbled against his fingers before he removed them.
“Cause you’re making me hard and I need you to be sober when I tell you I love you too,” he replied in a whine that was equal parts adorable as it was surprising. Did he say he loved you too? What a ridiculous concept! You were positive you were imagining him now.
“Wow, you really are a hallucination,” you giggled. This was a nice dream. You liked how all the edges of light were soft in it, how it seemed as if you were floating in bliss. Dream Jungkook was amazing. He felt so real. You wished you never woke up. Especially when exasperated by your chuckles, his arm wound around you and pulled you close, plastering you to his body.
“Does that feel like a hallucination to you?” he rasped, his exhale hitting on your forehead. His comment diverted your attention to the weight poking against your stomach. You wanted to rub up against him but your body felt heavy, powerless against the haze around you.
“Go to sleep now,” he ordered softly and you couldn’t help how your eyelids fluttered shut at his words. Drowning in his scent of fresh lavender laundry, you felt safe and coddled and finally sleepy.
“You’ll be here when I wake up?” you asked, needing the confirmation that the comfort of his arms wouldn’t disappear, even when you sure he was just a figment of your imagination.
“I’ll be here, Trix. Go to sleep.”
“I love you. I really do, you know,” you assured him, getting a giggle in response.
“I’m starting to believe you do, yes.” You felt his lips land on your forehead, so soft and warm that it felt as if falling into slumber was the easiest thing to do. You wrapped your arms around him, snuggling in closer, enjoying the steady beat of his heart as he whispered once again.
“Good night, Y/N.”
Your head was pounding when you woke up. A drummer having its solo, double bass and all. With a groan you opened your eyes to an unmade bed and curtains wide open to the infuriating morning sun. Needles prickling your throat, you say up only to be interrupted by the smell of bacon, the heavenly grease so inviting that your dry mouth watered instantly.
Why was someone making bacon at your home? Last you checked you lived alone.
Slow as molasses, you got out of bed, your eyes zoning onto the glass of water and a few painkillers sat on your bedside table. Without further ado, you drowned the glass, the relief near instant.
And with the relief came the memories. Whiskey. Wuthering Heights. Jungkook. Confessions. Spreader bars. And Jungkook’s words that were no longer so innocent in the morning light.
“Cause you’re making me hard and I need you to be sober when I tell you I love you too.”
Holy. Fuck. Was that real? Did Jungkook really just confess to you? Did you really feel him when he pulled you close last night?
All semblance of a hangover dissolved in the sudden adrenaline rushing through you, pumping your heart into a frenzy that propelled your legs to carry you to the kitchen. Jungkook stood at the stove, frying bacon as he hummed something under his breath. You stared at him as he worked undisturbed, frying bacon, before snapping his fingers and rushing to the plastic bag at the end of your breakfast nook.
You had decided to watch him quietly but as soon as he pulled out the red box, laughter bubbled through you, effervescent and fizzling. He stared at you, joining you with his own giggles as he walked over waving the box of cereal.
“Trix for my Trix,” he said with a grin that scrunched his nose and made his eyes disappear. So cute that your heart skipped a beat and your filter disappeared.
“So I made you hard?” you asked, immediately slapping a hand over your mouth. Perhaps you were still drunk. Jungkook on the other hand just chuckled, bowing his head and running his hand over the nape of his neck. His dark hair fell into his face, covering the blush you loved so much.
“Yeah. Yeah you did,” he confirmed sheepishly.
The silence between you was a little stunted; awkward and too long for people who were meant to be best friends. Before long, Jungkook was distracted by the task of making breakfast, his attention on the pan as he cooked scrambled eggs and bacon, plating them for the two of you. The silence continued as you ate, but you weren’t one to hold your tongue for too long, wanting to just rip the bandaid off and address the very giant elephant in the room.
“Can you please reject me already? This is too embarrassing,” you bemoaned, trying to drown the prickly heat that climbed up your neck with orange juice. Jungkook’s fork paused on the way to his mouth, his eyes large and alert. He swallowed loudly, placed the fork back on his plate and then cleared his throat.
“I… I’m not gonna reject you,” he said softly, his tone so gentle it made you curl your hands into fists to brace yourself for the opposite. “I just… I still can’t believe you love me too…”
You always read about how time slows when you are having a stroke. But you were also meant to smell burnt toast and right now other than the smell of the delicious breakfast in front of you, there was nothing suspicious. Yet, your heart was racing, your palms were sweating and you could feel your legs quivering even when you were sitting down.
“Too?” you asked in disbelief and he nodded, smiling but infuriatingly quiet. Slamming your fist on the table, much to Jungkook’s amusement, you glared at him. “Please spell it out like I spelled it out for you,” you seethed.
“Yes, Trix. I love you. Ever since you walked into my dorm room two days after we met, pulled the plug on my PC, made me lose my ranked game and demanded I go outside and make new friends,” he teased with an eye roll.
“Are you fucking serious?”
“Yes. If you stayed last night instead of running back here and reenacting Doctor Sleep, we could’ve talked it out,” he grumbled, the smile still ever present. With a shake of his head, he stood up, making his way over to you and pulling you up from your seat. Eyes blinking and hands shaking, you looked up at him, your skin burning where it touched you – one hand on the small of your back and the other at the nape of your neck. His thumb caressed your jaw as his eyes traced over your face.
You felt light headed, your breaths too quick to catch, each nerve ending sparking relentlessly. You bit your lip in an anticipation that only made Jungkook move slower, leaning closer and closer till his nose was brushing against yours lightly. His lips barely touched yours and you were frozen, relishing his breath on your skin, fingers curling into the material of his shirt on his chest.
“Kiss me,” you requested, earning a giggle from your tease of a best friend.
“Okay,” he whispered, finally sealing your lips. It wasn’t the rough kiss of your fantasies, nor  gentle innocence of your daydreams. It was searing, tilting your world on its axis. It felt like he was breathing fire into you, yet your whole body was erupting into goosebumps. It felt like colours bursting in the wind.
It was life changing and you wanted more.
Wrapping your arms around his neck, you stood on your toes to deepen the kiss and he easily acquiesced, his arms fitting perfectly around your waist. His lips moved against yours, the tip of his nose grazing ever so lightly against your cheek. When you moaned against him, too overwhelmed to see anything but stars, he picked you up and placed you on the table, easily fitting between your legs. With a hand on your neck, his thumb gently pulled at your chin till his tongue met yours, making you shiver so violently that he broke away with a laugh, his forehead resting on yours as he caught his breath.
“More,” you asked and his lips met yours once again. This was better than anything you could've ever imagined. You didn’t know how long you kissed, but all you knew was that you never wanted to stop. Especially when he nipped your lower lip in a way that sent a current zapping all the way down to your toes. And then his lips slowed until he was pecking at you, once, twice, three times, his hands cradling your jaw.
Dazed, all you could say was, “Are you going to fuck me on this table?” and Jungkook laughed, loud and boisterous, hugging you to his chest. And what a great chest it was.
“But don’t I need to go get a spreader bar and some bondage tape for that?” he asked with a grin, kissing your forehead, once, twice, three times.
“I mean… we could do that next time?”
“If you think after years of being in love with you, I’m going to let you have your first time on the kitchen table, you are sorely mistaken, Trix,” he replied, a finger coming up to boop your nose.
“Virginity is a social construct!” you protested, but Jungkook just shook his head, kissing away your complaints.
“You fell in love with a romantic, so let me romance you,” he whispered, hands tangled with yours, his words sending a warmth through you.
You never thought you would be someone who would enjoy being romanced. But when Jungkook drove you to the park for your first date with a picnic he had packed from his early morning grocery run, he proved you wrong. Sitting on the grass with Jungkook’s arm around you, you thought about all the books in your collection, and how with their endless words they still couldn’t capture the glow of your love fulfilled.
Perhaps reality was better than pretty hallucinations after all.
taglist -  @awhnamjoon​ @alpacaseoks @raplinesmoon @codeinebelle @aislinnstanaka @miscelunaaa @moonchild1 @shydestinyyouth @itsjaneeet @piecesofapril11 @yoontaethings @jeonyreads @pb-n-juju @everythingaboutfangirling
Thank you for reading this fic! If you liked it, please tell me your thoughts. I appreciate your feedback! 
Please reblog and check out more stories on my masterlist <3
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gtgbabie0 · 1 year
Hiii I’ve been quite literally reading all your fanfics so far and I love them all so much!!! so I literally had to go ahead and make an ask lol :)
I don’t really know if you’ve done this yet but would you be willing to write about the reader and Leon’s first date together? You can make up the entire setting etc ! (this thought just had been rotting in my mind for sometime)
-Please take ur time and u don’t have to answer right away. Don’t rush yourself ! <3
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Picnics and cherry kisses
{you and Leon find a secluded place to have a picnic}
This is so very sweet! So sorry this took so long my lovely!! Hope you enjoy💕💕
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It’s a lovely day outside the wind was calm as it pushes through the trees, and you find serenity within the sounds of nature that surround you while you sit on a picnic blanket with an array of food before you.
You’re hidden between trees and the field is mostly barren of people as you soak in the sun, its pleasant warmth kissing your skin, and Leon can’t help but ogle at the way you practically glow under the sun’s light.
You’ve known each other for so long now, both secretly in love with each other constantly wanting for more, through lingering touches and longing gazes, and only recently did Leon decide to bite the bullet, finally asking you out on a date, and to be completely honest you didn’t expect him to be so, romantic.
“Did you put enough sunscreen on angel?” He asks looking down at where you’re laying, the back of his fingers graze against your soft warm cheek and you smile at the feeling.
You sit up slightly using your elbows for support and you look over at him, his hair tousled from the wind and his button-up shirt is undone at the top, god he’s so handsome, the way his sleeves are rolled up to his elbows showing off his forearms, does he realise what he does to you?
“Yeah, I brought some with me if you want some,” you tell him, nodding over to your handbag, “Don’t want you getting sunburnt” You giggle, fingers brushing his fringe out of his eyes and the nods in acknowledgement.
You notice the way the sun dusts against his face, as it peaks through the trees, and how the sun occasionally hits his eyes as they practically sparkle under the warm light, just like sapphires, and you don’t think you’ve ever seen someone so beautiful.
A pleasant gust of wind pushes through the trees, brushing against your skin, “Are you getting cold sweetheart?” He asks noticing the goosebumps that invade your skin as you shiver slightly.
“A little, but I’ll be alright” You watch as he reaches over to his cardigan, which he’d taken off earlier and he drapes it over your shoulders as you slip your arms through the sleeves, and his cologne surrounds your sense, “Thank you” you whisper, feeling a little bashful at his caringness.
“Of course, can’t having you getting I'll ruin my chances of a second date,” he says a playful smile splayed across his lips, and you giggle shaking your head as you reach over to the chocolate-covered cherries, you take one biting into the sweet treat.
Leon notices the chocolate that collects at the corner of your mouth, as you hum with delight at the taste, “You’ve umm— you got a little something there angel” he says motioning to your mouth, and you go to wipe it away, completely missing as he shakes his head, “Not it’s-“ he trails off watching as you make it worse, chocolate smudges against your lip to your chin.
He chuckles taking a napkin as he moves closer to you, wiping away the chocolate, and he’s so close, you can’t stop the way your stomach flutters with butterflies, and you watch as his eyes flicker down to your lips.
He takes a moment, “Would it be okay if I kissed you?” He asks, thumb and finger cupping your chin tilts your head to look up at him, and you lose yourself in his beautiful, kind eyes.
Your heart jumps with the question, sure you’ve kissed before once or twice, but this felt different, way more intimate, and it excites you a little.
You might’ve known Leon for a long time but this side of him was completely new to you, “Yeah I think that would be okay” you tell him, his big hand caressing the side of your face, and you practically melt into the feeling.
“Yeah?” He whispers as he leans in closer to you.
You nod your head whispering a barely audible ‘yeah’ and his lips finally press against yours, and it feels so natural as if it was meant to be and you can't stop the smile that adorns your lips.
“I can't kiss you if you keep smiling,” he says with a teasing chuckle, and your skin goes warm with embarrassment as you lay down on the picnic blanket, your hands covering your face as you let out a groan.
Leon rests his hands on either side of your face, leaning down as he presses a kiss to the corner of your mouth then another to your lips, and you ease into the feeling, and Leon hums at the taste of cherries lingers, as you thread your fingers through his hair urging him closer.
He pulls back slightly, admiring you with complete love-sick eyes, “I think I should drop you home before it gets late” he says noticing the late afternoon sun, he knows you have work tomorrow and he doesn’t want you to go to work tired.
You smile at him, hand reaching up to brush against his warm cheek, “Thank you” you whisper, and you can’t believe he’s real.
“What for? Taking you home?— you don’t have to thank me for that silly” he rambles as you shake your head sitting up.
His hand hold yours, “No- I mean for just being amazing” you giggle, “I’m excited for our second date” You smile at the way his eyes light up, and Leon looks at you as if he’s just won the lottery.
“Second date, Have I already wooed you” he teases, nudging you with his elbow.
“Mm, you’re getting there Kennedy” You giggle at his feigned offence, knowing full well he’d stolen your heart the moment you shared names.
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cb97breathing · 8 months
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Pairing: Plus Size Afab! Reader x Lee Felix
Theme: Angst, Fluff, Smut, Ageless Blogs & Minors Do Not Interact.
Word Count: 4K
A/N: Please do not repost or translate my work! Let me know if you wish to be on the tagged list.
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Lonely, broken and tired. That’s what you were. You had spent your life being abandoned by everyone you ever cared about, friends, family, loved ones. So you closed yourself off to others. Sick of constantly being hurt when you open your heart to someone. But at the same time, you couldn't deny how lonely you felt. How your heart ached for some form of connection. But you were too scared, too scared to let someone in. You tried to fill the void with an occasional one night stand, but it never truly worked out for you. Barely satisfying you each time. It had been over a year since you had been intimate with someone and to say you were touch deprived, was an understatement.
It was late, you couldn’t sleep at all. So you ended up at a coffee shop you knew was open twenty-four hours a day, for the third day in a row. It was better than sitting in your dark room and letting all your negative thoughts cloud your mind. You expected to see Chan, who you usually saw behind the counter, but today there was someone else. A stunning boy with freckles that looked like stars on his cheeks. You tried hard not to stare but he was just so captivating. He smirked softly at you as you approached the counter.
“Hello.” His deep voice sent shivers down your spine and your eyes widened in surprise. “Chan, told me you would probably be coming today. Y/n right?” He asked softly. “I’m Felix.” You raised your brow in response as you tried to ignore the flutter in your chest at the way he said your name.
“That would be me…his constant nuisance in the middle of the night.” You replied quietly. Your response made him laugh and he bit his lip.
“No if anything he enjoys your company on the overnights.” He replied.
“You mean he enjoys having a pathetic insomniac chill in the corner and read for hours? Noted.” You chuckled and shook your head.
“Pathetic? That’s definitely not how he described you. He said you were mysterious, intriguing. Had to say it got me curious and I’m happy you showed up today.” You looked down to hid the redness that rushed to your cheeks. “So what can I get for you?” He asked softly. You looked up into his eyes shyly and bit your lip.
“Surprise me, but make it sweet.” You said quietly. He nodded and smirked softly at you.
“Go get comfy, I’ll bring it out to you.” You nodded shyly and took your usual spot on the couch near the fireplace. You liked the sound of the fire, the crackling and sizzling sounds that came from the wood as it burned. You pulled out your latest book, one that you had read many times.
“Pride and Prejudice.” You jumped slightly and placed a hand on your chest as you looked up to see Felix staring at you in amusement. He placed the warm mug in front of you. “Sorry didn’t mean to startle you.” He said softly and placed a plate with a brownie on the side. “I finished making these right before you came in. So the brownie should be nice and warm.” You gave him a small smile and then took a sip of the latte. Your eyes widened at the taste and you looked up at him in awe.
“This is not coffee, this is literally smores in liquid form. How the fuck did you do that?” You asked and he couldn’t help but grin at you.
“Wait til you try the brownie.” He smirked. “So… you’re an Austen fan I see.” As he nodded to your book. You bit your lip and looked down.
“I would say I mainly enjoy this one compared to her other works.” You said quietly. “But it definitely gave me unrealistic expectations of romance, turns out it’s nothing like the books say. It’s quite the opposite. It’s horrible and painful.”
“It can be, but that doesn’t mean it’s not like the books. Maybe you just haven’t found your Mr. Darcy just yet..” He said quietly and you looked up at him, your eyes locked with his and you found your heart wanting to beat out of your chest with the way he was looking at you. You suddenly forgot how to breathe as you took in every detail of him. He was perfect and far out of your league.
“Don’t tell me, you’ve actually read this?” You asked quietly.
“I have, I read all of her works and I do agree that I prefer this one to the others. I also enjoyed Jane Eyre as well.” Your eyes widened for a second time.
“Seriously, where did you come from?” You asked quietly. “No men like those novels.”
“Well, I was born in Australia. But if you wanna get technical I came out of–”
“Okay okay stop!” You whined and laughed. He grinned widely after hearing your laugh.
“You have a beautiful laugh.” He said softly and you found yourself becoming a blushing mess as you stared at the drink he had made you. He went to say something else but then the door opened and more customers came in. He smiled at you once more before going back behind the counter to help them. You didn’t know why, but for once you were actually starting to feel drowsy and the last thing you wanted to do was fall asleep at the shop. You finished the latte and brownie, which was in fact mind blowingly delicious. When Felix went to go back to you, he found you gone, but money and a note left next to the empty cup and plate.
Thank you for making me laugh today, I really needed it. See you around Freckles. Y/n
He grinned as he read the note and folded it and put it in his pocket. Freckles, he liked that nickname more than he wanted to admit. He texted Chan to let him know that he met you and that he was right, there was something alluring and mysterious. He wanted to get to know you. He wanted you to open up to him, not only because he found you interesting, but also he found you extremely breathtaking. From the moment you had entered the shop he could barely keep his eyes off you. Your eyes, your skin, your curves. You were so stunning to him, even though you were only wearing leggings and a hoodie, you had captivated him and he couldn’t wait to see you again.’
You on the other hand were terrified. You hadn’t felt this attracted to someone in a long time, and after seeing your appearance in the mirror when you had returned home you were embarrassed to ever show yourself again. You felt comfortable around Chan, so you never really put in an effort around him. He exuded big brother energy so it was hard to keep your walls up around him. You felt safe, and comfortable. But Felix? You wished somehow Chan would have given you a warning. Now he saw you at your worst, you sighed as you stared at your heavy stomach and rolls that the leggings clearly didn’t help to hide. The dark circles under your eyes showed how much you lacked sleep.You whimpered and whined in embarrassment as you plopped down on your bed.
It had been a whole week, and you didn’t show up to the coffee shop again. Too embarrassed and scared that he would be there and not Chan. You tried a few times to show up but the second you saw him through the glass window you panicked and ran. If you put effort in how you appear now, he will clearly know you did it because of him, cause who else would there be to dress up a bit for in the middle of the fucking night at a coffee shop while everyone else slept. You stayed home for most of the week, but you found yourself getting worked up and horny just over the thought of the freckled boy in the coffee shop.
You tried to blame it on how touch starved you are for the wet dreams and the ache between your legs, and the unhinged thoughts you had about him. Because even in past relationships you never had this kind of reaction to someone. But once again, you found yourself at the door of the coffee shop, panicking slightly at the sight of him. Frustrated that Chan had not worked at all the entire week. His eyes locked with yours through the glass and your stomach began to do summer salts as he rushed over to the door.
“Were you gonna just stand there the whole night?” He teased softly and you blushed at his words.
“No.” You squeaked out. You in fact planned on running off again, but you had been caught this time. “But I realized I forgot my wallet so I’m… I’m just gonna go.” You turned quickly and before you could run off you felt a hand on your wrist.
“Don’t go.” He said quietly. “Come on, it will be on the house tonight. — I really wanted to see you again.” Your heart flipped at his words and you looked up at him. His eyes pleaded with yours and you felt yourself get weak at the knees. You nodded, scared that your voice would betray you and he smiled brightly at you. He gently led you into the shop and closed the door behind you. “Go get comfy, I’ll be right back.” You watched him as he walked away. You could break for it, run off now. But something about the way he pleaded for you to stay kept you there. You walked over to your typical spot on the couch and got comfortable.
Felix returned quickly with two cups and a bunch of brownies. You couldn’t help but smile at his eagerness to spend time with you, but that would all change eventually. He would see you were worthless and leave, just like everyone else. You thanked him quietly and took a sip of the latte he made for you. You closed your eyes and sighed happily as the warmth spread through you.
“Why did you keep running off when you saw it was me here?” He asked quietly. You froze at his words and your heart dropped to your stomach. “I would see you, you’d see it was me and you’d turn and leave. – I thought you and I hit it off.” You couldn’t bring yourself to look at him as you struggled to answer him. “It would hurt me, because honestly I kept taking these shifts in hopes to see you again.” Your heart dropped at his words and you forgot how to breathe. “Did I do something wrong last time?” You looked up at him nervously and let out a shaky breath.
“I….” You breathed out. “I-I’m not g-good at letting people in.,,,and with you I… I want to.. But.. ” You bit your lip and looked down. “Coming here was a mistake, I shouldn’t have.. I-I’m sorry.” You quickly stood up and rushed for the door. He rushed after you and pulled you close to him making you gasp softly.
“Don’t run, don’t…” He whispered as he looked deep into your eyes. “I’m never going to hurt you Y/n.” He reached up to caress your cheek gently. “Never. Let me in, let me into your heart and show you how much I want and need you.” Your eyes fluttered closed and you leaned into his touch. Your walls that you worked so hard to build were crumbling down in a matter of seconds, your heart was screaming out to him in need. Your body ached for more contact. But you didn’t know him, how could you really trust him? “Please stay… stay with me.”
Felix couldn’t stop himself, he pressed his lips to yours. He kissed you slowly and softly and you froze. You wanted so badly to kiss him back, to give in and give him the pounding heart in your chest. But your fear wouldn’t let you. You pushed away from him and whimpered. You looked up at him as tears flew down your cheeks.
“I’m sorry. Y-You don’t want damaged goods like me.” You choked out before rushing out the door. Felix wanted to rush after you but just as you ran out, a bunch of customers walked in and he was forced to stay behind. You rushed back to your apartment and when you closed the door behind you, you choked on a sob and slid down the door. You hated yourself for running away. You hated yourself for not letting him in. But you couldn’t, you couldn’t do it.
Once again you avoided the shop, it had been weeks since you had been there. But thoughts of Felix wouldn’t leave your mind. You constantly thought of him, of his smile, his eyes, the way his lips felt when they pressed against yours. The pained look on his face when you ran away from him. It was clear that he had worked his way into your heart in such a short amount of time.
You needed to take your mind off of everything, off of him. You needed a distraction, from the ache in your chest, whether it be something or someone. So here you were, dressed up in a black dress, make-up done and heels on, sitting alone at a bar in the night club you usually went to in order to have one night stands. Was this a good idea? Absolutely not. But you were there anyway.
Maybe you haven’t found your Mr Darcy just yet…
I’m never going to hurt you Y/n….
You scoffed to yourself as his voice ran through your head. You took a sip of your glass of wine and looked out into the crowd. There were a bunch of men here tonight, no doubt at least one would think you're pretty enough to bed. Even though in your mind you were really not much to look at dressed up or not. But your eyes widened and you froze when your eyes locked with a very familiar pair, two very familiar pairs. Chan was here, with friends and one of them was Felix. As usual he looked stunning, tight black pants, a button up black shirt, the top three buttons left unbuttoned and some silver jewelry to match. You couldn’t help but stare. The second Chan saw you he grinned and nudged at Felix to point out where you were. The second his eyes locked with yours you turned your head quickly and let out a shaky breath.
“Fuck why is he here?” You hissed to yourself. You took another sip of your wine to try and calm your nerves and prayed that he would just stay where he was and not approach you. After all, why would he even want to right? Not like he knew you or wanted to. He was just being polite to a customer right?
“Hey beautiful.” You looked to your left to see a man you had hooked up with before smirking down at you. Sadly he wasn’t one that ended well, in fact the man couldn’t even bring you to cum. “Missed seeing you here.” He cooed as his hand ran up your bare leg. You tried not to flinch and gave him a weary smile.
“Baby, is this man bothering you?” Your heart almost leapt out of your chest as you heard his voice and felt him press up against your back. His hand gently landed on your bare shoulder and you shivered at the feeling of his skin against yours. You looked up with wide eyes to see Felix staring the man down with a raised brow. But his eyes were menacing, intimidating to say the least.
“Sorry, thought she was someone else.” Your past hook up said and walked away. You let out a shaky breath and look up to Felix shyly
“Thanks.” You said quietly. “You didn’t need to do that.” He gently squeezed your shoulder as he looked down at you softly.
“I wanted to. I– I saw him touch you and kind of lost my cool I’m sorry.” You tried to ignore the butterflies in your stomach because of his words. “You look so stunning tonight.” Your eyes widened and you looked away from him to hide the blush creeping on your cheeks.
“I’m a big girl, I can handle myself.” You replied as you tried to calm your heart down. “You’re not looking bad yourself.” You felt his hand gently brush against your chin to tilt your head up to look him in the eyes.
“If you’re so tough, why do you hide from me?” He looked deep into your eyes, if you were standing your knees would have buckled at how he was looking at you. “You’re even more beautiful when you blush.” You couldn’t stop yourself from trembling and you let out a shaky breath. “I didn’t take you for a girl who went to clubs..”
“I don’t often.” You said quietly. “Just when I—” You stopped yourself from finishing your sentence. No, he doesn’t need to know why you’re here. He doesn’t need to know you’re aching to be touched, but specifically ruined by him in every way possible. He deserved hotter, better. You didn’t deserve someone as beautiful as him.
“You what?” He asked as his hand brushed against your flushed cheek. Your eyes involuntarily fluttered closed as you leaned into his touch. Snap out if it Y/n! You scolded yourself as you moved away from him.
“I need to go, I’m sorry.” You whispered. You didn’t even bother looking at him as you got up from your seat and grabbed your purse. You rushed past him as your heart pounded loudly, you did your best to ignore him calling after you. You prayed that he didn’t follow you, but at the same time somewhere deep down you did. When you made it outside you let out a deep breath and tried to compose yourself. You felt a hand gently grip your wrist and turn you around. You were pulled into Felix’s arms as he gripped your waist tightly.
“Please, stop running from me.” He whispered. You whimpered as you felt his body press against yours.
“Y-You terrify me.” You choked out.
“Why? Why do I terrify you?” He asked as he looked into your eyes. “Why do you keep running from me?”
“Because it scares me how much I want you.” You choked out. “It scares me, to want someone so badly again after all this time. I know I don’t deserve you. So why put my heart on the line again?”
“You have no idea how wrong you are.” He breathed out. “I want you, from the moment you came into the shop I have wanted you.” He caressed your cheek and pressed his forehead to yours. “You’ve bewitched me, body and soul.” Your heart flipped and your legs almost gave out.
“You dare use Austen's words against me?” You choked out.
“It’s the truth. You are all I’ve thought about since that day. Seeing you tonight, seeing that man on you. I couldn’t just sit by, I had to make you mine. I want to make you mine.” His lips brushed against yours and you gave in as he finally kissed you intensely. Your arms wrapped around his neck as his fingers tangled in your hair. The kiss took your breath away and ignited the broken heart that was beating so loudly in your chest. When you both pulled away, gasping for air Felix couldn’t help but grin. “Come home with me?”
“Yes.” You breathed out and he kissed you again, this time much more gentle. But it was still enough to make your legs quake at the feeling. He pulled away to caress your cheek and smile. He took your hand in his and led you to his car. You were thankful the car ride was short, you couldn’t control yourself any longer. The next few minutes were a blur, you found yourself against the wall after Felix pressed you against it the second the door closed. His lips were on your neck as you struggled to suppress your moans. Your fingers tangled in his hair as you felt his hand slip between the both of you.
“Can I?” Felix asked softly as his fingers brushed against your bare thighs. You whimpered and nodded as you felt him palm against your already soaked core. He growled softly at the feeling and kissed you hungrily. His hand pulled at your panties and ripped them off easily making you gasp against his lips. He took this opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth and explore as his fingers rubbed against your clit wildly. You whined and clung to him as your legs trembled from the feeling.
“So wet for me, I don’t even have to prep you.” He growled. You heard his belt unbuckle and his pants drop to the floor before you could say anything he picked you up to wrap your legs around his waist. He didn’t hesitate to push himself inside you. You cried out and clung to him as you felt him bottom out and stretch you
“F-Felix.” You whimpered. “Oh god.” He nuzzled his face in your neck and nipped at the skin.
“You’re mine.” He growled softly. “Say it.”
“I’m yours.” You choked out, He responded by slamming into you, with slow rough thrusts, making you cry out in ecstasy. You held onto him for dear life as you both cried out loudly for each other. “Please, please don’t stop.” You begged. “Felix.”
“You’re taking me so well my little dove.” He groaned. “God I never want to stop. Never.” He kissed and nipped at your lips as he picked up the pace. “I want to fill you up, and make you mine.” You whimpered and felt yourself clench at his words. He groaned and nuzzled his face in your neck. “You like that baby you want me to fill you with my cum?”
“Y-Yes!” You sobbed out. “Make me yours, fill me over and over.” You begged as you rocked your hips in time with his thrusts. You felt his fingers rub against your clit again and you shook as your eyes rolled back from the overwhelming amount of pleasure. You couldn’t think, you couldn’t do anything but tremble against him and whine like a cat in heat. The sight only aroused Felix more. He could feel you getting close, and the way your legs trembled around him made him moan loudly.
“That’s it, let go for me. Cum Y/n.” It was if his words controlled your body, you let out a loud sob as you felt yourself hit your peak. Felix moaned loudly and rutted violently into you as you hit your high, soon he filled you with his hot seed. His cries mixed in with yours as he thrusted one final time inside you. He kissed you feverishly as you both came down from your highs, he did not dare move away. “So perfect.” He panted softly as he pressed his forehead to yours. “All mine.” He caressed your cheek. Your eyes fluttered closed and you leaned into his touch. He pulled out gently making you whimper and he picked you up bridal style. He kicked away his pants and shoes before carrying you to the bedroom.
He kissed you as he set you down on the bed gently and slowly removed your dress, his shirt soon following. Soon you were completely naked and exposed to him. He hovered over you and pressed his lips to yours in a slow and passionate kiss. Your heart pounded as your arms wrapped around his neck. He laid flushed against you, as his hand ran up your outer thigh. He pulled away and looked at you softly.
“Please promise me you won’t run from me anymore.” You caressed his cheek and kissed him again.
“I won’t.” You whispered softly into his lips. “I promise. How could I give up when I finally found you, Mr. Darcy.” He grinned at your words and kissed you deeply.
“Good cause I will never let you go. Ms. Bennet”
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x-uno · 7 months
Brewing Blooms: Florist!Sanji x Barista!Reader
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note : indecisive me couldn't decide on whether I should make Sanji a barista or a florist ;v; I STRUGGLED FOR THE WHOLE DAY but ultimately ended on him being a florist - :DDDD LIKE HEAR ME OUT IT'S LITERALLY PERFECT FOR HIM
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THE FIRST RAYS OF DAWN'S GENTLE LIGHT pierced through the half-closed blinds, painting a soft, golden canvas across the snug interior of your coffee shop. The scent of freshly ground coffee beans intermingled with a hint of cinnamon, creating an aromatic symphony of warmth and comfort.
You, a dedicated barista and the proud owner of this intimate coffee sanctuary, were no stranger to the early hours. The soothing hum of espresso machines, the rich fragrance of freshly ground coffee, and the hushed conversations of your loyal patrons composed the daily chorus that cradled your mornings. Yet, on this particular day, the serenity of your routine was disrupted by an explosion of energy and excitement. 
Amid the soft pre-dawn glow, Nami flung the coffee shop's door wide with an enthusiastic flourish, clutching a bouquet of fresh flowers in her hand. "Y/N! Flowers for you!" she cried out, her voice brimming with excitement. Your heart skipped a beat, and you blinked, startled and confused. 
Your eyebrows furrowed in surprise as you turned to face Nami, who was grinning like a Cheshire cat. "Flowers? For me? Who on earth...?" Your mind raced, wondering who could possibly be sending you flowers. It had been a while since you'd been involved in any kind of romantic relationship. You didn't recall mentioning any recent love interests to Nami.
Nami's gaze danced with amusement, her lips curving mischievously. "You never told me you had a boyfriend!’"
You chuckled at the assumption. "Believe me, Nami, if I had a boyfriend, you'd be the first to know. This is quite a surprise, though." You carefully picked up the card attached to the bouquet, your fingers deftly sliding it out from among the blossoms. 
Nami leaned closer, her curiosity piqued. "Well, what does it say?" With a puzzled expression, you read aloud, "For Petal Paradise?" 
"Petal Paradise…Petal - OH!" Nami snapped her fingers in realization. "It’s the flower shop that just opened nearby."
You raised an eyebrow. "Petal Paradise, huh? They must have had a mix-up with the delivery. I should probably return these." You murmured, adjusting your hold on the bouquet.  "Can you manage without me for a bit?’"
Nami waved her hand dismissively. "Of course, Don't worry about the café. Just go next door and play nice with the florist." She winked mischievously. 
You chuckled at her playfulness and nodded. "Thanks, Nami. I'll be quick." 
With that, you headed next door to Petal Paradise, your curiosity growing as you approached the charming flower shop. The little bell above the door tinkled softly as you entered, and the fragrant air of the flower shop enveloped you. 
Sanji, the talented florist, was busy arranging a stunning bouquet, his nimble fingers carefully selecting each flower and placing it with precision. 
You cleared your throat to get his attention. "Excuse me," you began, "I think there was a mix-up with a flower delivery. I received these at my café, but they seem to be intended for Petal Paradise." You held out the bouquet to him. 
Sanji, with his hands still delicately arranging the blossoms, looked up with a warm smile. His eyes sparkled with appreciation as he examined the bouquet you held out. 
"Ah, a mix-up, you say? Well, it's fortunate that you're the one who received them. After all, these flowers deserve to be in the presence of someone as radiant as you."
"Are all florists in this neighborhood so skilled in flattery?"
Sanji chuckled, his confidence unwavering. "Only the ones who recognize true beauty when they see it." 
Rolling your eyes playfully, you retorted, "Flattery will get you everywhere, won't it?’’ Sanji flashed a grin and leaned in a bit closer, his eyes filled with playful mischief. 
"Everywhere and anywhere, bubs. It's a florist's secret weapon, you know."
"Oookay, casanova," you said, shaking your head with a grin, "Are you taking the flowers or not?" You gestured to the bouquet in your already outstretched hand, bringing the conversation back to its original purpose.
Sanji's composure snapped back to the task at hand as he accepted the bouquet, his fingers gently brushing against yours. "Oh, right! Sorry!" 
With the bouquet now in his care, Sanji straightened up and extended a hand toward you, a friendly smile gracing his features. "I should have started with a proper introduction. I'm Sanji." 
You returned his smile, placing your hand in his. "Y/N. I own the coffee shop next door."
As you spoke, your gaze naturally drifted to the intricate tattoos adorning his arm, peeking out from beneath his rolled-up sleeves. The designs were an intriguing mixture of vibrant blooms and winding vines, a testament to his deep connection with the world of flowers. Your eyes followed the intricate details, captivated by the colors and the artistry behind them, unable to hide your curiosity. But just as quickly as your gaze lingered, you averted your eyes, not wanting to appear too intrusive.
"Neighbor!" He grinned widely. "Well, I guess it might be fate, madam!"
"Fate, huh?" 
"Maybe it is, maybe it isn't, but I'll be counting on you to visit me whenever the need arises." He handed you a card with a wink.
"The need to get flowers, you mean?"
"Well, of course! But also the need to get to know me better."
His cheeky response took you by surprise, and you found yourself laughing at his audacity.
"We'll see about that." you replied, the words were more of a playful challenge than anything else.
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© 2023 x-uno ── all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, edit, alter, or redistribute my work. 
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flowerandblood · 8 months
The Impossible Choice (43)
[ Aemond • Targaryen x Baratheon! • female ]
[ warnings: sex content, oral sex, angst, smut, violence ]
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[description: Aemond comes to Storm’s End to choose his future consort. However, Lord Borros Baratheon presents him with only four of his five daughters. Being attached to his youngest child, he does not want to marry her. The prince, however, thwarts his and her plans with his decision. This is slow burn, with a lot of dark angst and sexual tension. (Anon Request)]
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Previous and next chapters: Masterlist
She felt her heart pounding like crazy, her cheeks burning because of his confession. She couldn't believe what she had just heard.
I became fucking obsessed with you.
"I wondered if you were thinking of me or crying yourself to sleep at the realisation that you would become my wife. I fucked my hand all night thinking of you, of how you looked when I saw you for the first time. Wet, scared, pale, innocent. Mine." He whispered the last word low and menacing, and she drew in a loud breath, her fingers clenching tighter on his chest.
He thought of her.
He thought of her even before he knew her and after his decision.
She felt her insides clench around nothing.
She trembled when she felt his nose run over the top of her head, his hand gently taking strands of hair from her face.
"You were pulsing with life, and I was completely dead, full of nothing. My heart was like a cold, damp cellar with no windows or doors." He said quietly, thoughtfully, and she felt a tightening in her heart, her breath caught in her throat. She hadn't expected him to ever open up to her so much, to ever let her look so deeply into his dark heart.
"− Aemond −" She whispered in a trembling voice, but he continued.
"I took you because I knew you were afraid of me. I took you because you couldn't and had to love me at the same time. I took you because I wanted to fucking devour you." He hissed, and she squealed loudly when she felt his teeth gripping tightly on the soft skin of her arm, his bite brutal and sure.
He let go of her and she grabbed the sore spot looking at him with shock and resentment, surprised at how wet she was, how involuntarily her hot walls throbbed around nothing. She saw a smile on his face full of amusement and satisfaction. He knew what she was thinking about.
She lowered her gaze, embarrassed, and he slipped his hand into her hair. He pulled her suddenly, locking his lips to hers in an intense, greedy kiss, causing pain to her and to himself, violating their barely healed lips. He pulled away from her and looked at her for a moment with misty eye, stroking her chin with his thumb.
"So perfect for me." He hummed low and she flushed, lowering her gaze, swallowing quietly.
She felt his warm breath on her face again, his forehead pressed against hers, and after a moment their lips found each other again in a soft, sticky kiss.
They both flinched when suddenly someone entered their tent and they saw the figure of Criston looming over them, clearly embarrassed by the rather unusual and intimate scene he had just witnessed.
She wanted to get up, but her husband wouldn't let her, holding her in an iron grip and pressing her tighter against him, so she hid her face in his neck pretending she wasn't there.
She listened in silence to the brief exchange between Criston and her husband regarding the morning's council that was to take place between him and the arriving army.
Afterwards, Aemond had to send some letters to King's Landing, so he let her go at last, and she sat down in one of the chairs and pretended to read a book, actually escaping with her thoughts to somewhere else entirely.
Our father has illegitimate children.
She felt tears again at that thought, the sting of disappointment and embarrassment. She knew that various lords prided themselves on having a bunch of their bastard children to which they did not publicly admit, but she silently hoped that her father was different. That even if he sought physical fulfilment with random women, he at least took care not to leave them with a pregnant stomach.
Meanwhile, her half-brother or sister was in Harrenhal.
She felt like throwing up at the thought.
She wondered if she should talk to her father about it, confront him with her pain. But she thought that they were in the middle of a war and she couldn't distract him, make him focus more on what his daughter thought of him than what was happening on the battlefield.
The truth was that she herself did not have the strength for this confrontation. She felt tired and discouraged, the future seemed frightening and dark to her. She put her hand involuntarily on her womb and thought sadly that if, with God's help, this child could be born, it would be born in dreadful times.
She went to bed earlier than usual, turning her back on her husband, who was still working, once in a while one of the guards or commanders would come in to give him new informations. She did not listen to these conversations, immersed in her own thoughts.
She finally heard her husband rise from his chair with a loud creak of wood, followed by his quiet footsteps and the sound of fabric being untied. A moment later, his warm, naked body was right beside hers, his large hand on her womb exactly as it had been every night since he found out she was expecting his child.
The gesture filled her with tenderness and love for him.
She involuntarily placed her hand on his, running her fingers over his skin, feeling the lines of his veins under her fingertips. She heard him murmur with satisfaction at the gesture, his lips placing a soft, wet kiss on her neck.
She felt him lift himself slightly on his elbow, his free hand turning her so that she was lying next to him on her back. She pressed her lips together seeing his dark gaze, seeing what he wanted.
"I'm so tired… please." She whispered and he brushed her hair away from her cheek, looking at her with a calm look on his face.
"Will you let your husband kiss you between your thighs, sweet wife?" He asked quietly and she felt his question between her thighs, her insides, wet and swollen by his earlier words needed relieving. She pressed her lips together and nodded uncertainly after a moment.
She heard him hum contentedly positioning himself between her legs, his hands lifting the material of her nightgown upwards in a light, slow motion, exposing her hips to him. She felt her heart begin to pound like mad in anticipation as his warm breath enveloped her womanhood, his lips tentatively running over her sensitive skin.
She moaned softly, involuntarily spreading her legs wider in front of him, feeling the tip of his tongue tease her pearl with each kiss, running over her willfully, making her whole body quiver with desire. She pressed her lips together, swallowing quietly, knowing he would torment her, knowing he would not give her quick fulfillment.
"Your husband will take care of you, my sweetest." He whispered and she mewled, feeling his words deep inside her, her insides clenched around nothing demanding his further attention.
She slid her hand into his hair, stroking his head tenderly, her hips involuntarily pressed against his face looking for any source of friction.
Her breathing sped up and became more ragged as she felt his tongue begin to lazily circle around her clit, making her shudder with each stroke, a quiet, helpless moan escaping her lips.
She felt his face pressed against her womanhood, his hands clenched tightly on her thighs as his tongue tentatively slid inside her hot, thirsty core, the tip of his nose teasing her pearl.
"My sweet girl. So good to me." He whispered lowly, sliding his tongue into her again, even deeper, rubbing it against her front wall with a sticky click.
She tilted her head back, panting all over in front of him, her chest rising and falling rapidly, her eyes clenched in pleasure, her insides pulsing greedily around nothing. Her hips began to push against his face impatiently, wanting to feel him deeper.
"− please −" She mumbled helplessly, knowing what he wanted.
He loved it when she asked, loved it when he drove her to the brink of insanity, only to take pity on her at the end and watch with satisfaction as she fell apart in front of him.
She felt him smirk at her words, but his hands only clenched tighter on her skin blocking any of her movements, the tip of his tongue sliding into her and licking her painfully slowly.
"− not yet − a good husband knows what's best for his wife, doesn't he? − if he says not yet, then not yet −" He murmured calmly ceasing his caresses for a moment only to lick her back with a protracted, intense flick of his tongue, from which a quiet, helpless sob erupted from her lips, her whole womanhood pulsing, begging him for fulfilment.
Already both her hands, not one, were in his hair, pulling him close, her thighs trembling in his embrace from an arousal that was reaching its zenith. She felt her head humming, heat spilling over her lower abdomen.
A helpless moan ripped from the depths of her throat, her body arched back like a string when her husband finally took pity on her, his tongue inside her began to accelerate, rubbing and licking her upper wall with an intensity and precision that took her breath away.
He knew every sensitive spot intimately, and he knew what movement of his would make her experience wonderful pleasure.
"− just like that − look at you − just a little more and your husband will let you come, all right? − can you do that for me? −" He chuckled between his caresses and she swallowed her saliva with difficulty, hearing his soft, approving tone of voice from which her walls pulsed greedily around his tongue. With the rest of her strong willpower, she tried from between her moans to extract any response.
"− y-yes −" She mumbled out with difficulty, and he purred low with satisfaction, his tongue sliding in and out of her deeply with a loud, revolting click of her juices from which the tension in her body was unbearable. She felt that she was close, that a few more of his movements and she would experience fulfilment.
She moaned in surprise, clenching her eyes and tilting her head back as she felt his movements become faster and more intense, he was eating her as if he had been starving himself for the past weeks, she felt the sounds she was making from herself were on the verge of a scream.
"− my good wife is about to come for me, isn't she? − go on, come on my face, give your husband what he needs −" He exhaled, his finger began to intensely massage the spot around her clit and she parted her lips feeling she couldn't take any more.
"− oh gods − Aemond −" She cried out wearily, panting heavily, her thighs quivering in his hands while a powerful, deafening orgasm swept through her body like a storm, waves of heat and tickling surging through her again and again.
She heard him sigh in contentment at her obedience and the sight before him, licking everything that flowed out of her while purring, teasing her throbbing, swollen womanhood with the tip of his nose. She wanted to push him away from her, moaning quietly, all hypersensitive, but his hands only clamped tighter on her thighs.
"Sleep. Your husband is going to spend all night between his wife's thighs." He murmured lowly and she swallowed loudly, knowing he wasn't joking.
He never joked.
She pressed her lips together as she felt his tongue and lips again returned to the soft, subtle caresses from the beginning, the tip of his tongue almost painfully teasing her pearl with a gentle touch.
"Tomorrow morning you will have a council meeting with the commanders, beloved husband." She whispered softly, stroking his head, her thighs trembling before him still through what the previous orgasm had done to her. "You should rest."
She heard him murmur lowly, not caring too much about her words, continuing his treatments between her thighs. She just sighed, knowing there was no point in objecting and decided to let him do what he wanted with her, to his immense satisfaction.
After her third fulfilment, she felt his caresses become gentler, as if he was falling asleep himself. He awoke her from her restless slumber when his tongue again tore greedily between her folds, drawing a quiet, sleepy moan from her throat.
But then she felt him rise, his hand turning her so that she was lying on her stomach. She opened her eyes and rubbed them, unsure if she was dreaming or not, and drew in a quiet breath as she felt him push her hips against him.
Only a helpless moan escaped her throat when she felt his length suddenly fill her to the brim, hard and throbbing, demanding fulfilment.
"Sleep." She heard only his throaty, sleepy voice, his hands on either side of her head, his hips moving back and forth inside her in smooth, sure motions with the loud slap of his thighs against her buttocks.
Both of them involuntarily began to pant and moan, her insides hypersensitive from his treatments clenching against him in panic increasing his sensations.
"− fuck −" He hissed softly, speeding up his thrusts. She lifted and spread her knees higher allowing him to penetrate deeper. She heard him moan low feeling it, she placed her hands on his palms that held her hips and he intertwined their fingers.
"− you'll never escape from me − you know that, don't you? −" He exhaled darkly in a way that sent shivers down her spine, her lips parted involuntarily in a loud, surprised moan, his manhood pushing apart her fleshy, juice-sticky walls again and again, rubbing the hypersensitive spot inside her.
"− y-yes −" She mumbled with difficulty, and he chuckled lowly, amused by her state, sighing with pleasure, his thrusts slow, deep and precise, as if he was exploring how deep he could penetrate her body so as not to tear her apart at the same time.
"− good − now I'm going to tell you what's going to happen next −" He gasped, panting with her in turn, she felt their shared juices running down her thighs, the sounds of two wet and sticky bodies slapping against each other made her nipples harden, her walls clenching against him steadily, her eyes tightening.
"− I'm going to fill you to the brim with my seed, and then I'm going to do it again, and again −" He hissed out, his thrusts getting faster and more brutal, making her breathless. She pressed her lips together, swallowing loudly, feeling her insides pulsate greedily at his words. "− because I can − because I'm your husband − I'll have you as many times as I fucking want − am I wrong? −"
He asked, and his hands tightened warningly on her hips.
"− n-no −" She mewled, moaning loudly, giving herself over completely to the sheer animal pleasure of two bodies combined in a total mess of juices, grips and thrusts. She heard him sigh at her words, one of his hands clamped down on her hair, pressing her cheek against the bed sheets.
"− say it − say it, say it, say it −" He exhaled helplessly, his member pulsing hard inside her, she knew he was on the verge of fulfilment and she knew what he needed to hear.
Ever since she'd confessed it to him, he'd only wanted to hear the same three words over and over again.
"− I love you −" She cried out, parting her lips wide, aroused by her own words, by the feelings she felt for this dark and disturbing man, her husband who was obsessed with her, who would devour her whole if he could. "− I love you so much −"
She heard his low, helpless moan and then felt his warmth spill over her insides, his hand slipped between her thighs teasing her clit, bringing her to fulfilment a moment later.
He finally laid on top of her, crushing her with the weight of his body, placing his hand over hers and intertwining their fingers, panting heavily with her. She felt his nose against her ear, his hot breath enveloping her face.
"I…fuck." He whispered, swallowing loudly, and she felt her heart squeeze.
She knew what he was trying to say.
She stroked her hand over his arm that was embracing her and kissed his sweaty skin, which was answered by his quiet sigh.
"Don't force yourself to say it. I didn't confess it to you to make you say the same words, husband. You are showing me the enormity of your feelings in a way that any other woman in my position would dream of." She whispered tenderly and felt him freeze all over, his heart pounding hard in his chest pressed against her back.
"… did your father and brother… tell you this?" He asked uncertainly, and she felt a tightening in her heart at the thought that he was asking her this not just because he was her husband and he was ashamed that she hadn't heard it from him.
That perhaps he had never heard it from his own parents and siblings.
Admittedly, Alicent seemed to be an affectionate mother sparing no warm gestures, however, she rarely said everything she thought and lavished words. She swallowed quietly at the thought.
"… yes. Royce less often, rather when I was crying to comfort me. However, our father often told us that he loved us. He called us his beloved bunch. He always said: two hawks and four doves." She said, smiling under her breath at this memory.
She felt her husband shift slightly, not wanting to burden her with his weight for too long, and lay down behind her, drawing her close, hugging her back to his chest. He grunted quietly, running his hand over her shoulder.
"What did he mean?" He asked finally, and she swallowed quietly. This was the first time her husband had asked her with any depth of interest about her family and their relationship, and for some reason she felt joy at the thought.
"The four doves are my sisters. My mother used to call them that. Gentle and well-mannered, leading by example. She used to call me and Royce hawks because we kept disappearing from her sight and she couldn't keep up with us. She was furious with my brother for agreeing to take me into the forest with him on his expeditions. We pretended we were warriors fighting our father's battles." She said with a smile, and her husband hummed under his breath. She had the impression that he smiled too.
"What happened to your mother?" He asked uncertainly, squeezing her tighter as if he wanted to make sure he protected her from the pain the question might have caused her. She swallowed quietly and sighed at the memories that filled her head.
"Come here, both of you! Royce, how many times can I ask you?" Their mother asked, her long light hair tied back in a perfect, beautiful bun woven into braids, her gown with its buff sleeves rustling in the wind. She was pale because it was chilly and it had been raining since morning, and the hunt would continue for a few more hours so she additionally wore a sleeveless fur coat.
Both she and her brother ran up to her, a little sweaty from running, and she sighed at the sight of them. She glanced out of the corner of her eye and saw her sisters sitting at the wooden table, talking about something with each other.
They rarely told her about girly things recognising that she was too young and would not yet understand them. Their words made her uncomfortable, so she would go back to Royce because he always wanted to play with her.
"We were just looking for rabbits, Mother." Said Royce, as if that was the perfect explanation of why they looked the way they did. Their mother sighed heavily, clenching her eyes.
"I don't have the strength for you anymore. Come, at least eat something, you're soaked." She said, clasping them with her arm, and they obediently followed her into their tent. Their mother ordered the maid to bring platters of hot soup for her two children, and she herself sat down opposite them, cupping her forehead.
"Are you all right, Mummy?" She asked quietly, wiggling her legs under the table, which did not reach the ground.
"Yes. I'm just tired. Your father promised me we'd return to Storm's End later today." She said with a little resentment, clearly already knowing that the hunt had been extended and her husband would not keep his promised word.
She and Royce ate and watched as their mother slowly grew weaker and fainter. As she collapsed to the ground and they ran to her they only felt how hot she was. Royce ran out into the rain and called the guards. They mounted off to look for their father.
When Borros entered the tent their mother was already being attended to by a medic. Before the children were ordered to leave she saw only over her shoulder her father kneeling by her mother, saying something to her in a frightened tone, his hand on her forehead. She saw his lips form the words.
"What happened?"
The next day they were allowed to visit their mother in the morning, but she was no longer conscious. She had never seen such a pale and grey person before, her skin showing droplets of sweat. Their father sat beside her in his chemise and trousers stroking his jaw, his hands trembling as he looked at her.
"I did this to her." He said to his younger brother, who stood over him and put a hand on his shoulder, wanting to comfort him. "I promised her we'd be back sooner."
Cassandra sobbed loudly over her mother's bed. She was the only one who had inherited her beautiful fair hair, her talent for playing the harp. What her father did not understand her mother admired and appreciated, making her daughter feel beautiful and valuable.
Despite her despair, everyone believed that she would still wake up, at least for a while.
However, this did not happen.
"She caught a cold on one of our hunting trips and fell ill. My father never forgave himself, because he had promised her that they would come back sooner. Everything was prolonged while we waited in the camp, it was cold and raining all around. She got a fever, fell asleep and didn't wake up again." She said quietly, feeling a tightness in her throat at the memory, warm tears filled her eyes but she did not let them flow out with the remnants of her strong will.
Her husband swallowed quietly, stroking her arm up and down steadily, thoughtfully, and for a moment they lay in silence.
"Were you close with each other?" He asked at last, and she pressed her lips together. She sighed quietly.
"She couldn't understand me like my father did. I think now that I'm older, I understand her better and maybe now we would…" She said, but was unable to finish, her voice trapped in her throat. She pressed her lips together, a single tear running down her cheek onto the bedding under her head.
When she was a child, her mother had seemed to her a dull, everything-forbidding woman who was incapable of having fun and enjoying life. Now that she was married herself she understood that, with her father's impulsive nature, she had to be considerate and responsible, ensuring the safety of the whole family.
She had not known as a child how complicated the role of wife and mother was, how much one had to manoeuvre in the world of men to avoid being crushed. Now she would have been able to appreciate her, would have loved to talk to her about her youth and her thoughts, asked her for advice.
But her mother was not there.
Her husband embraced her more tightly, pulling her out of her reverie, his lips placing gentle kisses on her neck, her jaw, her cheek.
"She surely was a wonderful woman." He assured her softly, and she nodded, swallowing loudly, wiping the moisture from her cheek with her free hand. She felt his nose sink into her hair.
"Where is she buried?" He asked quietly, and she swallowed loudly, looking involuntarily ahead, thoughtful.
"In the crypts in Storm's End." She whispered, seeing before her eyes a large stone tomb with a beautiful statue of a woman, but which did not even partially convey the uniqueness of her beauty when she was alive. Her husband hummed at her words.
"When the war is over, I would like to pay tribute to her in the crypts of your ancestors. To the woman who brought my beloved wife into this world."
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