#have you ever sat alone with a corpse of someone youve never known? its so lonely bc that was a person but not for you
zeinnit · 3 years
here we go again. got this out earlier than expected. part three of this fic. part two.
the still unnamed series, pls i need ideas.
pairings; technoblade x reader, philza x reader
warnings: hunger, death, possible gore, suicide, possible derealization, manipulation
its been around an hour since the winged being left.
you wanted to be respectful, you wanted to obey by what he had told you to do. but you were so hungry and your arm continued to ache. the growling of your stomach was the only noise inside the car. outside the car was a different story, however.
over the past year, you managed to get used to the screams of people. however, nothing could ever get you used to the current sobbing from outside.
you already knew what was happening to the poor man. it was an ability one of the bad lucks possessed. he could control you, manipulate you into believing something that wasnt true. hed make you think you were terminally ill or that everything was fake and no one was real.
eventually, his manipulation tactics would drive you to suicide. youve been lucky to avoid his ability for this long. you remember when you witnessed it in person.
after hours of walking, you had finally reached the place that all the others were talking about. a place where you could escape the luckies and mobs, a place that had a plan. there was an island on the east coast. it was known to be completely void of anything dangerous. the community there were very friendly. the place you were currently at held the only boats in the city and they were all set to take people to the island.
many other people were there, all extremely friendly. almost as if nothing had happened to the earth. you had gotten into some small talk with a few teenagers. two girls and three boys. they said, 'we were at school during the time,' the girls started. 'the boys were at football practice and we were in algebra.' she explains, 'we were doing a group assignment with another boy when we heard an announcement telling us to go on lockdown.' one of the boys spoke, 'we were rushed inside as soon as possible, but we werent fast enough. our quarterback was swept into the air by this purple mass. we all just started running.' the other girl continued, 'our teacher ended up abandoning us. we were scared and knew it wasnt safe, so we got up and fled the classroom.' a second boy starts, 'when we all met up in the hall, we just stuck together. weve never left each others side since.'
they asked, 'what about you?' you pushed yourself to remember all the details. it was around two pm when you heard the shrieking and saw all of those people running. you were chatting with a co-worker. you and her both made eye contact before going outside to check what was happening. it was a mess, all of the running people, the huge ravine, the beasts that looked like they crawled straight out of nightmare. you knew better than to stick around. you and your co-worker both. so you made a run for your truck. however, she got hurt. you didnt know exactly what happened, but she was unable to walk. she begged you to leave her. so you did, and you beat yourself up for it everyday. they knew your pain. the boy that the girls had been working with in algebra got pushed into a ravine while they were running out of the school.
then someone from the boat that had just left came struggling onto the dock from the water. he was on the brink of death and gave us a warning. 'the island.... it isnt safe,' he started. 'one of those monsters.... it knew somehow. it attacked the island with a few others..... theyre all dead.' he couldnt get anything else out before dying himself.
then a woman stood up, screaming. she held a baby in her arms before lifting them up high and slamming the poor thing to the ground. it had died immediately. she was screaming at us like a mad man, saying, 'it was a monster! were all monsters!! none of this is real, we need to escape!' others tried to get her to calm down, but she wouldnt listen. one of the teenage boys next to you pointed it out. her eyes were completely green. she had no irises or pupils. it was just green.
it happened so fast. she had pulled a glass shard out of her pocket and stabbed some poor lady with it. she just kept stabbing and stabbing. the poor womans face, it was horrid. her eyes had almost been pulled out by the glass, her nose was all bent wrong, but the worst part was that she was still alive. her screams were ear piercing and she was still flailing. eventually two men managed to pry her off the woman, but by then we all knew there was no saving her. the teenage girls were sobbing, one vomited. two of the boys were freaking out while the other just stared in horror.
the woman struggled until she got her arm free and then plunged the glass into her neck. everyone was panicking but all we could do was watch as she bleed out. the green faded from her eyes as they returned back to normal blue irises that were wide in horror, before they relaxed.
you werent given enough time to process the death before the site was attacked itself. you dont know what happened to those teens, but wherever they are, you pray theyre okay.
but onto the man outside. he was screaming at someone who you knew probably wasnt there. you were just gonna ignore it as you usually did until you heard a girls cries. she sounded so young, she sounded so terrified. you know you should leave it alone, but you wanted to help. you needed to help. so you popped the trunk and bolted towards the man. he looked to be in his late 40s, possibly late 50s. they were most likely father in daughter judging by their similar looks but that wasnt what mattered.
you rammed into the mans side as hard as you possibly could, most definitely making your arm worse in the process. he let go of the young girl and you immediately grabbed her and rushed under a car that was low to the ground. as you expected, he was unable to reach you. but he would figure a way. you knew he would.
the girl couldnt help but scream in terror as he continued to shove a sharp hunting knife closer and closer to the two of you. the other side of the car was blocked so all you could do was make sure you were closer to him than she was.
and then blood was spit all over you and the girl. the mans eyes were wide as they switched from the piercing green back to soft hazel. tears fell out of his eyes as he coughed up more blood. the knife fell out of his grasp and his body went slack. he stared at the girl and gave one last sad smile before his face relaxed. he was gone.
the girl stopped screaming and quietly sobbed in your grasp as this had all happened. his body was dragged away and a shadow was present over the mans corpse. you could make out some sort of hooves? they looked exactly like pigs feet. the being seemed to have brown pants and maybe some sort of cape on?
as you and the girl stayed quiet and still in hopes of avoiding attention from the beast, you saw another pair of animal typed feet. this time you recognized them.
you and the girl sat quiet and still as talons tapped against the cement.
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