#hammerhead garage ;
chippersweetbaby · 10 months
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Cindy taking selfies with the bois
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Have you ever noticed the white bunting at Hammerhead?  I thought it was a bit odd hiding it up in the hammerhead shark style canopy over the forecourt, and then I realised.  The little white flags kinda look like sharks teeth.   How cool is that? All images copyright Square Enix Co Ltd.
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possible-streetwear · 2 months
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sharonrb · 1 year
Okoye x Attuma: For the Love of You pt 1
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Introduction: This story happens after the alliance; but a brief recap of what led up to it. No warnings, as none is needed. Enjoy
Chapter One
They sped down the streets, trying to elude the Federal Officers sent to retrieve the young student, and scientist; RiRi Williams. Also, the one Namor sought to kill her; but Okoye and Shuri were there to prevent any harm to befall the young woman. Her only crime; she invented a machine, capable of detecting vibranium. She had no idea it would be sold to the government, nor that it would be used. It was just a school project, and a challenge offer to her by her professor, who told her that she couldn’t do it. She met the challenge, but somehow the government got their hands on it, which lead to this situation.
Okoye drove the red Corvette belonging to RiRi‘s father; who had passed away at some point in time. Shuri rode a motorcycle, found in RiRi’s garage; that she had been transformed into a workshop. RiRi flew over head in her make shift Iron Man looking suit. Griot, the AI of Shuri; informed Shuri a drone was over head and following them. Against Shuri’s advice, RiRi went into high altitude to take it out; and nearly dying from lack of oxygen.
One obstacle eliminated, and another on the horizon. The local Police had set up a road block, preventing them from crossing the bridge; RiRi had caused the drone to crashed into it, giving the trio easily access for a clean get away; so, they thought.
Suddenly, RiRi was hit and fell to the ground with such an impact; rendering her unconscious. Next, a watery explosion hit both Okoye and Shuri. Shuri was able to activate her shield; which helped, but she was knocked out. The vehicle Okoye was in flipped upside down; trapping her momentarily. She freed herself, and ran to check on Shuri; Griot informed her Shuri was fine.
Then a noise behind alerted Okoye, Riri was being pulled towards the water. She acted quickly and cut the cord. At that time, the water exploded and a Orca burst through; four blue beings jumped from it. On the other side of the bridge, a whale flew out of the water, and that’s when she saw him for the very first time. He was a huge male, bigger than the other four. They all were the same coloring; his headdress was that of a hammerhead shark skeletal, he landed on the bridge.
“Take another step closer, and I will kill you all,” Okoye shouted, driving her spear into the ground and removing her jacket. The small female spoke to them in a language Okoye didn’t understand, then she ran towards the police cars coming their way.
The big guy pointed at Okoye, and made a command to the other three warriors. They ran upon her and she fought them, while the big one circle around watching; as one by one his warriors fell. After, killing them, so she thought; she prepared to fight him. He spoke to them, and to her surprise; they rose from the dead, and went to help the small female. He started to approach RiRi, but before he could strike, Okoye blocked his spear, and swiped hers across his face; slicing it. He wiped the wound and stared at his blood on his fingers. His eyes went to her, and a smile crept across his face.
They squared off, he came at Okoye hard; she matched him, as they went back and forth. She gave him a kick in the groin, which subdued him for enough time for her to take advantaged. She dug her fingers into his gills at his neck; he yelled in pain, and pushed her off. They begin to engage again, this time he got her spear, pulled her into his, that he had thrust into the ground. Her shoulder was dislocated; she sat on the ground in pain. They stared at each other a few moments; then he kicked her spear towards her, pointing at it. She locked her shoulder back in place, and grabbed her weapon; then came at him, but he got the upper hand, tossing her to the ground. He said something to her, and picked up her spear to stab her. But she shocked him using a signal from her kimoyo beads; this surprised him.
They both recovered their spears; but by this time, the small female returned with the others. She yelled at him; then threw a ball to him. He met it with a bumped of his hip, and it came flying at Okoye. She struck it with her spear, causing it to explode. It sent her backwards, off the bridge and into the water. She tried to swim back to Shuri and RiRi, but she was too far away to save them. She could see the huge whale, and hear the splashes into the water. She knew she had failed at protecting Shuri, as she had promised the Queen.
Attuma and Namora returned to Talokan with the other three warriors. They took an unconscious Shuri and Riri to the undersea catacombs, to await the summoning of their K'uk'ulkan. Attuma went off alone to get some solitude. He had a special place he would always go to get some clarity. His mind went to the Wakandan warrior, who fought him and lived. That’s a rarity for him, as he is the best; the one who’s sent on the assassinations or hits. He got the job done; but not this time. Namora thought he was playing around, but he wasn’t; she was just that damn good. Even when she dislocated her shoulder, it didn’t stop her. She popped it back in place, and came at him with such intensity.
“Attuma,” Namora called to him, invading his private moment. “What was that on the bridge? I told you to kill the scientist; not play around with the Wakandan.”
“You forget, you are not my superior; we are equals.” He reminded her. Her eyes narrowed.
“Do no forget who is my cousin,” she warned.
“How can I since you never allow me to forget,” he growled. “And let me give you a little insight. I was not playing around with this Wakandan warrior. Is it so far fetch in your mind, that maybe these people are just as skilled in battle as us?”
“No one is as skilled as us,” she scoffed. “Besides, we have K'uk'ulkan.” He slid off the rock where he had been ssitting.
“I will tell you this,” he walked up on her staring down. “Without our capabilities and strength, the Wakandans could defeat us. So let us not get too arrogant, and hope an alliance between us will be assured.” He flew into the air and plunged into the water. Namora stood silent for a long time pondering what he told her.
The next day was the hardest thing, as she stood before the Elders, Council and the Chiefs; but mostly the Queen. As much as she tried to report what occurred; the more she realized her fate was sealed. They sat quietly saying nothing, only her uncle objected; when the Queen stripped her of her rank, and from the Dora Milaje.
She fell to he knees begging her to give her a chance to recover Shuri, but she refused to yield. So, her life as a Dora had ended, and with it all she knew. She walked out the throne room, without another word, nor looking back.
Namor and his people snuck in and attack Wakanda; Nakia and she tried to help as many citizens to safety as possible. She heard someone shouting in that familiar language from the bridge. She searched for where it was coming, and saw the big man from Talokan standing on top of a building. He was pointing at her; she squinted her eyes, glaring at him. Noting they will have their day, but not today.
He had searched the city seeking her out, wanting a rematch. Never had anyone piqued his interest. She was a warrior worthy of the edge of his blade. She had impressed him with her skills; fought off three of his best warriors and won. Not to mention went against him, and lasted; only being subdued by the water ball. But it will have to wait, they had done what they came to do; now it was time to leave.
Never in a million years had she thought, she would return to the throne room. But she did, only trying to revive the Queen Mother. Namor water bombed the palace; killing their Queen. To think she would never be able to speak to Queen Ramonda again. The last time they saw each other was so harsh. She cried, and cried for her loss; the Queen was like her mother.
Shuri had somehow created the heart shaped herb and ingested it; becoming the new Black Panther. She devised a plan to get Namor. She approached Lloyd and asked for her help to avenge her mother’s death, by the hands of Namor. She had built a suit, which Okoye thought was hideous, but one she could work with. Okoye then went to Aneka for help, since she too was no longer a Dora Milaje.
They set out, a few Wakandan warriors; for their revenge. They were there mostly; to lure out Namor so Shuri could kill Namor. A few warriors and one ship, braved the ocean on this mission. It was successful in getting Namor where Shuri wanted; but the Wakandans plan of escaped, was foil by the Talokanils disabling their warship. Okoye was now a Midnight Angel along with Aneka; apart from the Dora Milaje.
Their suits were designed by Shuri, and gave them superhuman strength. Okoye spotted the Talokanil warrior, and had versed herself on his language. She called him out as he had, the day they attacked Wakanda; using same words he had.
Once again; she had impressed him, learning his mother language. They charged each other, he swung at het, but she was able to dodge many of his blows, or absorb them. They fought well; but with the suit their powers were equal, and it ended in her favor. She spoke to him the other words he said on the bridge; ‘you are not worthy of my blade.’ He was subdued on his knees before her, she kicked him off the ship. Ironically, he went flying out to sea the same as she had from the bridge.
Shuri was able to defeat Namor as the Black Panther; somehow getting him to yield. But at a great loss, of the Wakandan warriors who joined in the mission. An alliance was made that day, as Shuri made Namor a promise; Wakanda would patrol the seas, and keep Talokan a secret from the rest of the world. But the fact remains, Wakanda will be in constant threat from many nations; being blamed for the attack on the research ship, and for the vibranium the world desires.
Some time later:
Okoye walked across the meadow towards her favorite rhino, Mbandi. She was extraordinary, black in color, which in their kingdom is a rarity. And because only Okoye was able to ride her. For some reason, these group of rhinos were larger than any on the African continent; or the world. Could be the vibranium rich soil; something Shuri might want to research. And it may be why the Jabari tribe are humongous.
Okoye has done a lot of reflection since the death of the Queen Mother; and remembering the last words said. But the hardest was seeing her die, and all attempts she had made to revive her was unsuccessful. Then hearing Namor's taunting words, and Shuri’s chilling cries for her ‘mama’; fueled her anger for the him, and his people. Why did Wakanda have to pay so dearly, and not the Talokanils?
Okoye’s rage towards them grew each time she thought of the streets of the Capitol being flooded; and the civilians running and screaming in terror. The explosion from the Palace, and finally the Queen's death; a deliberately planned attack.
She needed to let off some steam, and mounted Mbandi; giving her free rein to run wherever she so desired. Okoye smiled and laughed, as they sped through the Border tribe land. Then they reached the banks of the River tribe; where Mbandi decided to stop for some water.
Okoye dismounted, and stared at the beautiful river; as the sun slowly made its descent. It was so beautiful and peaceful. She sat on the edge of the water, quietly watching the sun blip; and the night made its presence known. What wasn’t long before the moon appeared bright in the sky. The stars twinkling like they were sending a coded signal to earth. The water looked so inviting. She looked around, and saw she was quite alone. So, she disrobed; something she wasn’t able to do as an Dora. But now she was free. She slowly walked into the water; and swam out a distance into deeper part, it was warm.
Attuma laid relaxed on a boulder he had discovered after the alliance with Wakanda. He came here to get away from his life in Talokan. He would come often, and thought Wakanda's water was brisk, its air felt good against his skin. He would observe the going on at night, and how festive it always would be. His heart would get heavy; whenever he thought about the attack on these people, and how he would have felt if the same had been done to Talokan.
Suddenly, the earth began to shake and a loud rumbling could be heard; interrupting the tranquility. He leaped to ground and peered around, seeing the great beast approaching. He stood hidden, expecting it to come closer; but it stopped, and began to drink from the water. That’s when he saw her, the warrior he fought on the bridge and warship. She had ridden this huge beast, and now was off admire the sun as it set.
She was tall and slender, the sun's shadow played off her smooth dark skin. His eyes grew black with passion. He had gained respect from her going toe to toe with him twice; and surviving. As the moon shone down spotlighting her, he watched as she relieved herself of her clothing. His heart softened even more, stirring something in him, he had never felt before. He quietly walked into the water; not even making a splash, and swam to her. He came beneath her, undetected. She was even more tantalizing up close.
He reached out his hand towards her heart; just inches away. A vibe emitted from her to him; he wanted her even more, as he was held bound by the connection flowing between them. He could imagine, his body wrapped around her and his mouth hungrily devouring hers, him moving inside her like a gentle wave. And her long beautiful legs encircling his body, moaning with the love he was expressing. She was the one he chose to be his mate. He groaned out loud and sped away, Okoye gasped from a burst of electricity softly hitting her.
Okoye jumped in shock, ducking down; looking and trying to figure what just happened. Seeing nothing, she scrambled to get out of the water. She turned back to the river, searching as far as she could see if anyone, or thing, was anywhere nearby, frighten by the experience.
Suddenly, a beautiful humming touched her ears; a male’s voice, calming and washing the fear away. Then she saw him emerging from the water, the giant blue man from the sea. The one she fought on the bridge and ship. She wasn’t afraid, as he continued to hum his song, and approach her. It was hypnotic and soothing.
He came within inches of her, towering over her; his humming ceased. He reached out and gently pressed his hand to the side of her face. She closed her eyes at first, absorbing the energy flowing from him. Then she opened them to gaze into his, which were black as coal and no white could be seen. But he did not scare her; in fact, she felt quite safe with him.
They gazed into each others eyes for quite a long time, taking in each others essence. She raised her hand and placed it on his cheek. He smiled in adoration, then took her face between his hands, and continued to gaze into her eyes. Her beauty inside was as equal to what was outside. He slowly backed away into the water, and swam away; leaving her standing in a trance.
Okoye slowly came out of it, looking about; not sure what just occurred. She quickly put her clothes back on, all the looking out looking around. She couldn’t remember much of anything, but residues of the encounter linger. Okoye remounted Mbandi and rode away; Attuma watching from the water. She is the one he chose, and she will be the one he mates. She was his now and he was her. The vibe emission between them, boar witness.
Chapter Two
Attuma sat in the catacombs he frequents, whenever he needed to think. Something he has been doing for awhile now. But this time; his thoughts lingered on the evening before, and his encounter with the Wakandan warrior; and wondered what was she called? Where in Wakanda did she dwell? And hoped it was near a body water, where he could get there swiftly, and undetected. At least until they got to know each other.
Wait! He thought. What if she has a deep-rooted hatred for his people; after what they did. No, not her. The vibe linked them; and they are in synch forever. He will not find any peace, until they have become mates. His desire for her would fester, and grow the more that they are apart. Though she may not feel it as much right now. Soon she will become unsettling of something; and begin to feel the residues of their bond. Only with them coming together, will she find release. He needed to get to her before that occurs.
“Attuma,” Namora, once again interrupting his me time.
“Yes, Namora,” he replied, never looking her way.
“Where were you last evening?” Attuma turned to look at her.
“Did something happen that I did not know about?” He asked.
“No, nothing,” she assured him. “I am just curious to where you are disappearing; this unknowing to anyone, in case we need to reach you if need be.” Attuma stared at her for a moment.
“What game are you playing, Namora?” He asked her.
“Games? You know I do not play games,” she reminded him. “I need to know your whereabouts, if we are under attack or something. “
“Attack, Namora? Who is there to attack us?” He questioned her motives. “No one knows of our existence, you except the Wakandans. And I doubt that’s their plan, since they are watching over the waters above us; and protecting our identities. It’s more than we deserve.”
“What did you just say?” She walked towards him. He stood full height.
“The Black Panther promised to keep our secret and patrol the ocean,” he said. “And I said more than we deserve.” Namora eye grew narrow.
“I wonder if the K’uk’ulkan would agree,” she threatened. Attuma came to her and stared into her eyes.
“He does,” he informed her, then dove into the water. He swam and swam, needing to get as far away as he could. He lied about the K'uk'ulkan; he has no idea if he had any regrets on killing the Queen, and attacking the civilians of Wakanda. Or if he ever thinks about it. But he knew one thing; he needed to get to the Wakandan warrior, before things get really weird for her.
The next morning, following the occurrence; Okoye woke feeling refreshed, all the anxiety she had been feeling seemed have eased up. Maybe the night swim? She was not sure. She felt what happened by the river bank may have caused it. Or did she dream that part. No, something took place while she was in the water;  then while she was on the bank.
“Come on Okoye,” she began to try and piece together, what she could recall. She remembered riding Mbandi to the banks of the River tribe. And watching the sunset, before going for a swim. The water was warm and stimulating, she recollected going further out into the deeper part.
“What else? There’s something right there but I can not bring it out.” She walked outside to sit on her porch, staring into nowhere in particular. Then something else entered her mind; she had this uneasy feeling she wasn’t alone. That was unsettling; who else could have been there and not made themselves known? Who? Regurgitated in her mind.
Namora had some concerns about Attuma; and his loyalty to the K'uk'ulkan, as well to Talokan as a whole. He has been moody and defensive. And disappearing for hours, without reporting in. No, she was not his superior; but he needs to be available at the drop of a hat. And his sympathy with the Wakandans was unnerving.
“K’uk’ulkan,” she walked into his quarters, and as usual these days; he was painting a mural.
“Yes, Namora. What’s on your mind?” He never looks at her, or stop his task at hand.
“It’s Attuma,” she says. He pauses, and slightly turns his head to the side.
“What about him?” He asks.
“Something is going on with him,” she tells him. “He’s distance, and not saying very much. Nor interacting with anyone these days.” He turns fully around, and stares at her.
“And this is a concern?” He asks.
“Yes, K'uk'ulkan. He’s speaking of how bad he feels about killing the Queen, and attacking Wakanda.” She watched as he took in a breath, then let it go. He looked at her and stood to his feet. Little wings were sprouting from his feet, where Shuri had plucked them off. He walked towards her, and out the room to stared into the water.
“I do not feel good about how I hurt the Princess when I killed her mother. But that is a choice I will have to come to terms. Attuma is sensitive; but he does what is necessary, and asked of him. Allow him to feel what he does; and trust when needed he will be there. Talokan is his home, and he is sworn to protect it. He is honorable.”
“That is what is getting to me,” she said. Namor turned to her.
“What do you mean?” He looked back at her.
“There is something I kept from you,” she looked to the ground ashamed. He turned fully around.
“Oh?” He questioned. “And what would that be?”
“The night you had us follow the Wakandans, to get the scientist called RiRi,” she began. “She could have been dead, and the Princess wouldn’t have been here. And her mother; the Queen, wouldn’t have had to die, or the attack on Wakandan. Most of all our sisters would still be a live. If Attuma had killed the scientist as I ordered him.” Namor tilted his head to the side.
“I do not understand what you are saying,” he was confused.
“I told him to kill her, but he went after the Wakandan warrior instead,” she informed him. “So much time wasted, and lost of opportunity. What happened afterwards; could have been all avoided, if he hadn’t targeted the woman, and killed the scientist.” Namor walked back in his room, then stood before the mural he created, after his battle with Shuri; the new Black Panther.
Namora was right, if what she says is true; which he doesn’t doubt. Attuma playing around with the Wakandan warrior, and not doing what she ordered; caused a lot of unnecessary deaths and destruction. But if he fought her, why is she still alive? As skillful a fighter as Attuma, and out matched only by himself.
“Why did he not kill her?” He asked her.
“I asked him that,” she said. “He said, she was very skilled in combat. And we should think about, that maybe the Wakandans are as skilled as us.”
“That well may be true,” he said remembering the battle with Shuri. Even if he had not been dehydrated, she could have brought more warriors, and more of her ships with more aircraft. He would not be able to bring them all down, especially with them having a Black Panther now. Shuri showed grace on his people; something he lack in doing.
“But K'uk'ulkan, we have you,” she tells him. “And we are stronger and rejuvenate.”
“Their technology along could defeat us,” he informed her. “And the Princess, she is very smart, so let’s not dismiss her. Has he said much about this warrior?”
“He doesn’t have too,” she says. “I think it could be eating at him, that she was able to defeat him on the ship.”
“She did?” This was news to him.
“Yes,” she replied.
“That does concern me,” he wonders if Attuma's feelings about Wakanda has anything to do with his feeling for this Wakandan. “We should keep an eye on him.” If he can’t have the Princess then no one in Talokan will ever have his permission to be with any Wakandan; alliance or not. He gave Namora an order to send out a decree; it is forbidden to take any Wakandan to mate.
Attuma had no idea where he was going; all he knew, he needed to find a place far from Namora, and her snooping. He weaved his way through the waters of the catacombs, exploring them. He never knew they extended so far out, and lost his track of direction. He didn’t know how far he had swum, as the Talokanils were creatures of the deep; and their speed were greater than the normal human.
He came on dry land after some time to explore; looking around. These formation and coloring were much different from those above Talokan. They were crystalline and purple in comparison to Talokan's. The water was fresher more like the water in Wakanda. Then he realized; he was under Wakanda.
Okoye had to clear her mind, and try to recall what she had been part of the night before. Bits and pieces continue to resurface. Music kept coming to her; no, a song she could hum. A very beautiful and relaxing one; that she remembered. A man's voice came to mind, but no one she knew would know such a melody.
She arrived at the cave she would explore as a child with her friends. It led to the beautiful underground of great catacombs; only accessible through this cave. But she had heard rumors as a child that they could be entered through the ocean. But then it would have to be a very powerful swimmer, since the entrance was very deep.
She put on her gear and went in, traveling for some distance; until she came to the drop down. She hammered the spike into the hard ground, and secured the rope to the hook tightly. Then slowly and carefully made her descent. Usually, she would have others with her, it was much safer doing so; but not today. Too much chatter would interrupt her train of thought. She needed to get to the bottom of the mystery of the night.
Attuma continue his exploration of the catacombs, admiring how magnificent they were. He moved further in, not certain of their depth, or how far they went beneath Wakanda. Luckily, there were streams of water that cascaded through them. He stopped once to take a dive and replenish his supply.
That’s when he heard what sounded like a woman’s scream. He rushed in it’s direction to see if he could be of assistance. This is not the place to be injured and alone. He went some distance from where he had been, and spotted someone laying on the ground in a heap. A rope dangled from higher up. He figures that must be a place of exit or entrance to Wakanda.
“Hey are you alright?” Then realized they wouldn’t understand him his language. But to his surprise, they did as they groaned in pain.
“No, I think I broke my arm,” she spoke back to him in his language. Attuma froze; he knew her voice, and he knew her body. It had been engraved in his mind from last night. The Wakandan warrior. She turned over unto her back, and stared into his eyes. “You?” She said, before passing out in pain.
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topmechaniic · 5 months
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𝐆𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐆𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝 :: Modern verse
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     Cindy Sophia Aurum was born to a somewhat prominent family of designers. Her father Marcus being the CEO of Mid Electronics and her mother Cynthia, an engineer within the Aurum family known for their expertise in architecture, construction, and electrical work. However, her grandfather Cid went the more modest route after the war, becoming a well-established mechanic and vehicle modder at his own Hammerhead Service Station. As much as he grumbled over his son and daughter-in-law's "highfalutin" lifestyle, he loved them dearly and adored his granddaughter.
     Most of Cindy’s life was already planned out, from private schools to possible colleges, even job opportunities within the family business. Yet it would all be cut short before it ever really began as her parents perished in a car accident when she was just six years old. 
     Seeing as the couple was coming back from one of Cindy's dance recitals, she would always carry the blame for their deaths regardless of the storm they were driving in or low lit roads they were traversing. More so, she holds onto the guilt of surviving the crash with few scars upon her body, and mind as well. 
     Growing up, for a majority, Cindy lived with her grandfather in addition to a few visits in-between with her aunts and uncles from her mother’s side showing her the ends and outs of the family business. By the time she turned 17, Cindy was already taking a few college classes in mechanics and like most of her relatives, was keen upon designing and found a love for engineering. When she turned 25, as stipulated in her parents' will, she was to take over as head of her father’s company after finishing college. 
     However, even with most of her time overseeing her father’s work, Cindy could never resist visiting her Paw-paw’s garage, using her engineering skills to help out here and there. 
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More random info...
Carries a guilt complex and suffers from nightmares at times from surviving the crash.
Naturally overworks herself between shuffling around her own responsibilities and visiting Cid’s shop. Runs off of coffee and sunshine.... mostly coffee.
Plays guitar and a little bit of violin, however she hasn’t really danced, at least not in the formal manner, since the accident.
Loves spicy foods, mudding, hiking, reading, riding her motorcycle to random places, making little mechanical knick-knacks and painting.
on the random occasions she does take a break ( or is basically dragged away by friends ) she likes to venture out to clubs or music venues.
Attire outside of the office is very casual & country chic. She doesn’t really like to dress “too fancy” if she doesn’t have to. But whoooo boi when she does... 
One bit of self driven self care is her enjoyment of going to the gym where she takes kickboxing classes; gotta have a beneficial way get the work stress out after all.
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lunarlegend · 5 months
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my new favorite mod is whichever one turned Hammerhead Garage into another dimension
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summery-captain · 2 years
S1E2 - "Lost and Found"
More AuADHD traits Dirk displays! First episode analysis here
Once I'm finished I'll do a masterpost and link it in my fixed post
I'd like to mention that @goatygoat said Dirk is also alexyrhitimic (has a hard time/can't recognize their feelings and emotions) and I absolutely agree!! It is also exemplified, as they mentioned, by Dirk going "I might it might bother me more later, when I'm less... Something" in S1E1. I also agree with @urlocallesbiab saying dirk is a compulsive liar (he repeatedly lies about his past and then corrects himself)
- When Todd and Dirk are hiding behind a bush watching Rimmer's house, Dirk goes on a mini rant: "It's interesting actually because hammerhead sharks aren't usually aggressive towards humans!" - he remembers specific facts and mentions them in casual conversation as if rehearsed, and also might indicate a special interest in sharks or animal related facts
- To get Todd to follow him into the house, he 1) runs into the house while the garage door is going down and 2) proceeds to throw Todd's lotto ticket into it - he acts before thinking, so to speak, a lot of times being very inconsequential
- He mirrors/mimics Todd's actions when they get inside the house - it's very common for autistic people to mirror their peers when in a situation they don't have a lot of control in or have never been in before. In this scene he imitates Todd's stance, then goes on all fours like him, and then copies how Todd looks into the corridor to try and see Rimmer
- When he recognizes Lydia, he starts jumping up and down and "screams" without making noise while pointing at her - of course it's understandable that given the situation anyone would go "!!!!" but I find important to note how Dirk always stims, even in small ways. In this specific case, he stims through the repetitive movement of going up and down and also seems very taken aback/confused when Todd interrupts that to push him into the bathroom as to escape Rimmer noticing them
- After running off from the house, Dirk starts blabbing off, completely nervous - it's very common for ADHDers/Kinetic people to just go on a rant a mile a minute when nervous, be it to stim, to process what is happening, or just a momentary loss of control over speech (going too fast).
- In the bathroom when Todd is trying to reach for the window's handle and then throws himself back into the bathtub to hide from Rimmer, Dirk startles BADLY and goes "Oh it's just you. I don't know why I got scared you were already here" - in this scene (and in many others) Dirk dissociates without realizing, distancing himself from the situation at hand. This is a common defense mechanism autistic people, and also ADHDers, develop to handle our day to day lives. Dissociation is also a symptom of trauma, which unfortunately is bound to happen when you live in a world that does not accommodate you.
- "I gave him my cards" "You gave him your card?!" *"No, I gave him my CARDS. I do a lot of things, and then later I'm like uhh" - this is peak AuADHD honestly (more so adhd), in general we do things without fully thinking it through, ESPECIALLY during stressful situations
- *Later on when Todd and Dirk are driving to the bridge and stop before getting out of the car, the following dialogue happens: "What if he pulls out a gun?" "Aha!! That's why I brought... *Pulls out a switchblade* This!!" "What is that supposed to mean?" "You know what they say, about bringing a knife to a gunfight!" "That it's... Bad?" "Oh bloody hell is that what that means?" - big autism moment- more specifically it's very hard for us to intuitively figure out what figures of speech mean.
- "You're really brave, sort of like crazy brave. Or maybe just stupid, but, wow! And also surprisingly incapable, how have you survived this long?" - I wasn't gonna add this one because it's ableist as hell but alas, it's important to mention because it's not that far off from my lived experience and from what I've gathered, of some other disabled people I'm friends with or know. We're incredibly good at some things and at others, eh. So it makes sense for Dirk to be seen like this when in alignment to neurodivergency.
This will take a bit longer because I just got a new jobs and the change in routine has been hell but it'll be finished eventually!
Tagging the people who asked me to/expressed interest:
@clockworkcheetah @generalized-incompetence @silverhardt @weiwuxiankinnie @amber-angel
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atomic-taco-muffin · 5 months
Eraqus and xehanort happily married true pacifist au:
A few days later:
Jessica: *looks around hammerhead* this is hammerhead huh?
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Hana: talk about having a garage in your backyard noct
Noctis: oh ha ha very funny
Hana: oh sweet! They got a burger joint
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desertedvault · 5 months
my favourite punk records of my late teens / early 20s (released roughly 2010 to 2015)
no particular order, some much better than others
Dawn of Humans - 2010 s/t EP (intense, frightening, deeply weird, and somehow oddly uplifting hardcore) The Love Triangle - Clever Clever (cheery yet cynical 77-79-sounding punk - brilliant lyrics and melodies) Ceremony - Rohnert Park (art school surf-hardcore - their trend-hopping means people are less likely to admit how brilliant this record is) Good Throb - Fuck Off (took a while to fully appreciate; sounds like Gang of Four but funnier and also 300 times angrier) Hank Wood and the Hammerheads - Go Home (60s garage rock played at a hardcore pace with lyrics about fighting and wanting to die) Creem - Discography LP (the thinking man's stompy tough guy hardcore) RAD - Loud and Fast (the most fun record on this list; thrashcore gone silly-style; so funny, so fast, so loud, so rad) Criaturas - Espiritu de Libertad ('burning spirits' hardcore aka d-beat with insane guitar leads) Ajax - 2014 s/t EP (the ultimate d-beat meets stompy hybrid; with smart lyrics to boot) Triage - Power Beat EP (raw metallic d-beat with great songwriting and riffs. this and Ajax are my go-to EPs if I need a quick shot of rage and riffs) Sonic Avenues - Mistakes (poppy garage punk, but with real ambition and experimentation, and deep emotion) Radioactivity - Silent Kill (driving, laser-focused, mechanically precise garage punk, from veterans of the style) Kriegshog - s/t LP (nightmarishly noisy Japanese d-beat; a genuinely scary record; 'Burn' is possibly the best hardcore punk song ever written.) Sheer Mag - first three EPs (the power! the passion! yes, they sound very like Thin Lizzy and the like, but is that such a crime? I'm a stickler for this shit, but this band are punk) Uranium Club - first two releases (sneering garage rock-y post-punk, with absolutely twisted and often jawdroppingly brilliant lyrics) Suburbanite - Suburbanite EP (seriously feral, blindingly fast and disturbingly vitriolic and violent hardcore - right near the top of the pile) Rats Blood - Punks is Mutants (more d-beat with high quality songwriting - the title track is an anthem, and 'Heroin' and 'No More Fukushima' are chilling) Primetime - s/t EP (joyfully amateurish and snarky punk-pop about lady sex (!) among other things) This Routine is Hell - Howl (interdisciplinary hardcore with a passionate beatnik heart) G.L.O.S.S. - both releases (This band had lesser songs, but damn, they really knew how to do an opening track...) Dead Hero - demo (many oi! bands now appreciate the genius of Blitz's 'New Age', perhaps none more so than this Colombian crew)
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shellswritesstuff · 2 years
Prompt: what happened that night Ardyn stayed with the boys in the caravan.
THANKS SO MUCH FOR THE ASK! I'm gonna turn this one into a multi-part feel good comedy fic. Ignis just wants to cook. Ardyn has murder on his mind.. the dinner is the victim.
Roasted by the Roast [PART 1]
“We’re staying in a caravan, with Ardyn..” 
The implications of an overnight stay with that guy? Prompto couldn’t bear to imagine what it’ll be like.. What if he wears one of those old timey nightgowns? He shuddered, almost failing to notice the man of the hour come closer. And I mean, closer. 
“It’s a pleasure to share such..” A pause as Ardyn eyed the caravan. “..accommodations with His Highness.”
The awkward silence that followed was deafening. It was clear to the four, this was going to be quite the night. Thankfully, it was the caravan by Hammerhead. If anything was to go awry, Cid said he’d give the stranger a good lashing. Gladio caught Cindy up to speed with the whole, scarf-hobo situation, and she reached the same conclusion word for word. 
“That’s him? In the scarf…” She leaned forward, trying to get a better look from the garage. “..scarves?” 
Gladio let out a heavy sigh, he nodded. Even his questionable No-Shirt fashion was a tier above this. “Yep. It’s weird.” He further pushed back his own scarf phase. “Every time we hit a wall, he just happens to show up with a solution.” The word happens had extra emphasis, how did this guy know where to find them? 
Back across the street, the night was getting on as well as you’d expect it to. Dinner was to be served, and five plates were set. Ignis made a mental note to sit between Ardyn and whomever was unlucky enough to get the spot by him. 
“What’s on the menu, Specs?” Noctis came out of hiding. He’d found a cozy place far away from all the social awkwardness. He was going to seek an audience with Titan tomorrow, safe to say he was nervous. His voice shook, if you’ve known him as long as Ignis did, you’d be able to see Noct was a bit paler than usual. The weight of the world was on his shoulders, after all. With no way to see what tomorrow’s challenge will bring, the least Iggy could do was choose a dish without veggies. 
“Come here, Noct. I’ll let you pick the dish.” Neglecting his place as royal advisor for the night, he chose to prioritize being the King’s friend. Noctis practically flew down the caravan’s rickety steps, excited to choose the food this evening. 
This stranger couldn’t be all that bad, right? Sure, he came out of nowhere, led with creepy riddles.. Yeah. Just a night couldn’t be all that bad, right? One way or another, the King and his friends would find out. 
“What’s cooking, boys?” Cindy walked up to the caravan, taking a seat at one of its plastic chairs. She hummed, the smell of Iggy’s cooking was quite the pleasant one. 
Gladio came a few moments later after chatting up Cid. “Yessss..” He immediately recognized the ingredients set out.
Noct had picked a traditional Crown City roast. It’s a dish he’s had many times before, but not since he had departed home. Ignis had avoided making it, as not to stir up any past memories too early. He nodded as the King made his choice, knowing the comfort he may be seeking.
“Now how in the..” Ignis was on a mission to make the best roast there was, but an unstoppable force met an immovable object.  
The caravan’s kitchen was a world away from the industry standard set up he’s been spoiled with in Insomnia. Though, he’s made more with worse. If he can make dinner with nothing but a pan, a campfire, and three idiots.. Then this was going to be a cakewalk.
Ignis tied on his apron, ready to cook. He reached for the stove's dial and..
It hit the floor.
"Oh my.. looks like you'll be needing a sous chef." Just the man he wanted to see. "Lucky for you, I happen to be the best repair man this side of Eos. Now, how do you turn this thing on?" Ardyn inflated his experience, you know.. like a liar.
Ignis didn't get paid enough for this. [To be continued!]
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canisargentum · 1 year
Writer's First Lines
Rules: post the first sentence of your last ten fics. If you haven’t written ten fics, share as many first-sentences as you have.
i was tagged by both @/mathclasswarfare (who im not tagging because i know she doesn't want to see it) and @avianscribe 💛 So thank you both for that!
I'm not tagging anyone to do the thing because most of the people I would think to tag were already tagged by Math and Avian. :) But if you see this, please participate!
i'm doing this on mobile so i'm not going to link every individual fic but you can find my AO3 works right here!
:readmore: <- well this mobile trick doesn't work anymore and idk what the new one is, so sorry y'all.
promnis | rated t | post dawn | 1.4k
It's a small house, worn tired by the night and not without the scars to show for it.
at another place in time (you were infinitely mine)
promnis | rated t | phoenix down lore & alternate universes | 5.3k
“Has the concept of a Phoenix Down been explained to you yet?” Cor asks in his office before a training session one day.
a recovery plan for bioaccumulation in lucian chocobos
promnis | rated m | chocobo farmer au, bakery au, slow burn | 19k (in progress)
There are two distinct species of chocobos: 
Xanthus tridigium domesticus - a domestic breed, selectively bred for centuries to be riding companions and a source of meat and eggs
Xanthus tridigium - their remaining wildtype, now found primarily in pockets of the Duscae region of Lucis
(that's all technically one sentence right?)
i'm the lord of the lake and i don't want to leave
ignoct | rated t | first date, post-dawn |3.8k
They haven't visited the lake since they were children.
and the sky opened up
prompto & cindy (platonic) | rated t | WoR | 3.1k
The diner just outside of the Hammerhead garage is hardly much of a diner anymore.
you are unbreaking
promnis | rated t | WoR | 1.4k
classical conditioning
promnis | explicit | pwp, puppy play | 6.6k
On the rare days where Ignis gets to work from home, Prompto likes to play.
kiss me on the mouth, but please don't bite
promnis | explicit | pwp, werewolf!prompto | 2.9k
"Is that something you would be interested in?" Ignis asks one night while they lay on their backs by the fire. 
maybe this time
promptis | rated t | mutual pining, getting together| 4.2k
For Prompto and Prompto only would Noctis wake up before sunrise.
we are not all right (and that's okay)
prompto & ignis | rated t | hurt/comfort after altissia, zegnautus, and the dawn | 3.6k
Prompto is used to picking up the pieces and puzzling them back together again.
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chippersweetbaby · 10 months
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I love how photogenic this kid is
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Gutsco in Hammerhead
Inside the garage at Hammerhead there is a a set of steps that bear the name "Gutsco". Comrades players may recognise this name as one of the AI characters who help you out on missions. It's also a throwback to a boss called Gutsco in Final Fantasy III. Video clip copyright Square Enix Co. Ltd.
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galahdanblade · 1 year
“ i thought i lost you. ”
so that's what had been eating at her all morning? the wrenches being placed on the workbench with far more venom than required, the dolly had been kicked out of the way more times than kaleb had dared to count, and probably more than it deserved.
the small voice in the back of his head nagged at him when she jammed a finger into his chest, the fiery anger in her eyes giving way to welling tears of relief and concern before she blinked fast and turned away, burying herself beneath the hood of the truck she'd been working on.
okay. he'd fucked up.
he'd said he'd be back before night and he hadn't been. but the hunt in crestholm had dragged on, there were more daemons down in its depths than usual, but that wouldn't earn him any brownie-points right now. nor would a half-assed statement that he wasn't used to having someone to check-in with beside's dave and meldacio.
definitely not the latter. that would have him sleeping on the couch in the garage's office for a week, if not longer. and that wouldn't be fair neither - not when he knew this ran deeper than a few missed calls or texts. kaleb knew that cindy had a deep-seated fear of the night, and for a valid reason, the night and its horrors had robbed her of her parents when she'd been nothing more than just little kid. of course she'd assume the worst when he hadn't been back on time or returned her calls.
scrubbing a hand over the scruff on his jaw, kaleb stayed where he was standing, his head dipping into a shallow nod of surrender.
' i'm sorry. i didn't mean to make you worry. '
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' my phone doesn't pick up a signal in crestholm channels, it's too deep below ground. the radio doesn't work there either. when we got out, it was already night fall, it was safer to head for a haven than hammerhead. '
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topmechaniic · 5 months
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𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐀𝐅 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬...
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Has three ( in her end game, four ) tattoos :: A cluster of sunflowers along her right shoulder starting in the front and wrapping around to the top/mid of her shoulder blade. Gears cascading from nape of neck to mid back. in somewhat of an ‘s’ pattern ( cause ‘sophiar’ reasons ofc ) A moogle on the outside of her left ankle. at some point ( when Cid gives her full ownership of the garage or after his passing ) she’ll probably get a hammerhead along the outside of right calf. Naturally, NO ONE has seen these tattoos unless they catch her out of uniform in one way or another i.e off-duty outfits... and still, considering she wears boots most of the time and she digs her light flannel, it’s really seldom to none anyone other than close friends or s/o would see them. 
Plays guitar and sings :: The guitar is something on her father’s side as he used to be part of a somewhat blue grassy kind of band with Cindy’s mom as lead singer ( that’s how the pair met and fell in louuuurve ) at one point I had her singing voice to fall along the sounds of Cary Ann Hearst but I'm leaning more to Sara Watkins as I re-listen to some of her voice lines... idk maybe a mix of the two x3 she has also dabbled in violin/fiddle playing as well!
Is smart AF :: even tho it’s not completely stated in game ( cause square doesn’t care for fleshing out their own creations sometimes oop ) it’s very clear with all the upgrades to the Regalia that not only is Cindy a remarkably amazing mechanic but a mechanical engineer as well, probably border-lining into advanced engineering with all the innovative shit she can come up with. Yeah, she’s a southern belle bundled up in fanservice, but she’s also a fuking genius! I mean she turned a luxury car into an ATV, BACK into a luxury car and then a MF JET like??!?! Stop devaluing her based on her appearance pls and ty.
Has a coeurl :: Okokok this was something that started in Wire shenanigans but I kinda latched on to it for all her verses. So one day coming back from one of her hikes, Cindy noticed a coeurl cub following her back home. Thinking there’s probably a parent nearby, and wanting none of that smoke, she hightailed it back to the garage and waited..... and waited, then looked out one of the windows to see the cub still very much outside and whining with no angry parental figure around. after considering the options Cindy made a little bed inside the trunk of a junker car on the lot and left out a bowl of discarded meat bits from Takka prepping in the diner. Long story less long; Cindy has a 4-5 month old coeurl named Lexus or Lex for short. He is Cindy’s entire world and as he grows, will be hella protective of his mama. ;u; Adding for continuity sake :: By this time it's safe to say that Lex is around a year and a half to two years old at this point
Random bits and bobs :: Likes spicy foods ( especially curries and ramen ), whiskey, bourbon, sweet tea, reading, ice cream sundaes, mango & strawberry sherbet, rollercoasters, can cook a bomb ass steak, is actually a pretty good cook in general, goes roller skating or paints on her downtime. 
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leidemechanic · 1 year
❛ of course i’m here. where else would i be? ❜
&. 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬. || @triggerxhappy
Cindy had said her farewells, let her fingers linger a little too long on his wrist before she watched as the four of them turned their backs to Hammerhead and headed towards Insomnia. She had wanted to tell him to stay. Let the other three deal with whatever hell scape lay beyond the bridge and in the abandoned city while he stayed here with her, but she knew she couldn’t ask him that. It was a selfish desire; his heart was already set. They were, after all, his friends. His brothers.
She busied herself as best as she could. Doing anything to keep herself and her mind occupied during Prompto’s absence. Yet each time her mind wandered back to him. Was he doing okay? Was he alive? Would he be coming back, if at all? They plagued her thoughts by the hour, bringing down the chipper mood the mechanic was mostly seen with. Sleep was no welcome reprieve and even as the breaking of dawn after a decade of darkness brought celebration and cheers inside the outpost, she couldn’t bring herself to mingle and celebrate with them.
Hidden beneath the chassis of a truck, the mechanic worked away as she tried her best to ignore the muffled celebrations outside the garage when quickened steps and two words had her stop everything: they're back. Cindy pushed herself out from beneath the truck and was quick to her feet, following the hunter to the fenced gate and the crowd gathered around it. She pushed through the bodies, frantic to reach the gate. Wanting to see if it were true. Were they finally here? Was he here?
Her steps slowed to a halt as she stood before Prompto. Her mouth moved with the intent to speak but despite everything, no words would form. She could only stare at him as the tears welled up.
"This... this aint a dream, right? Yer here? Yer really here?” With a shaking hands she reached out, cupping Prompto's face as her blurred gaze flitted about his features: from the scar on the bridge of his nose, the faded freckles, the tired eyes that stared back at her.  He looked real, felt real and it wasn't until he spoke that she knew in her heart that he was indeed standing before her. Haggard, battered and bruised but so, so very real.
"Of course I'm here. Where else would I be?"
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She laughed. She sobbed. She kissed him without a second thought as her hands slipped from his face to his coat to where she clung to him tightly. Too afraid of letting him go, afraid that if she were to do so, he'd be gone again.
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