#hades tanatos
sonjavart · 1 year
Hades WIPs
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Is you like the art, please consider giving it a reblog so others might enjoy it as well!
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marycrispies · 1 year
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Death approaches *aggressively*
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vodkavodkka · 11 months
I did this a while ago, but never shared it on Tumblr. I rlly love my babes.
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guihenris · 1 month
Zagreus & Thanatos
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Hades :))
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reallifetangent · 7 months
Death Approaches
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blackfoxland · 1 year
Hades with Tanatos vs Hades with Persephone
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Ilustración: "Hades and Persephone" by Sir Purrcelot/www.artstation.com/purrcelot
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aureomoss · 1 year
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Unfinished but whatever...
Thanathos from Hades :3
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slapthekeyboard · 2 years
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pugsleyaddams · 1 year
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was drawing on stream last night and this is the result...
3 birds, Zagreus and Thanatos from Hades game, and my OCs Eli, Sam, and Victor
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mariana-gd · 1 year
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¡Estoy traduciendo mi cómic al español! :D <3 Puede leerse aquí ---> https://www.webtoons.com/es/challenge/sue%C3%B1o-y-su-hermano-muerte/list?title_no=820478
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softmintpurejoy · 2 years
Let's say it one more time and remember forever
The Underworld is not a hell
Hades is not Satan
The God of death is Tanatos
Hades is the God of UNDERWORLD
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game-boy-pocket · 12 days
I disliked all the retcons in Uprising such as monsters being made from human souls, Hades being the true ruler of the underworld and not Pluton, Tanatos being a clown, Medusa not having a monster form, ETC.
Also I liked how the original, the game focused on obscure greek deities instead of the big names like Poseidon and Hades, which the remake ignored.
PS: I really don't like Dark Pit or Viridi, at all.
Actually Medusa did have a Monster form, it's just hard to see because of the high paced action and low fps of the flying missions. And it was only her head, which, to be fair, was also true of the NES game as well but we at least got artwork of her monster form's body in the NES games.
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I don't mind the human souls thing so much, it does seem fitting for an underworld entity to do such a thing.
But yeah, Hades really got under my skin, he was entertaining, but I hated that he could just come in and smash the three sacred treasures like toys, like can you imagine if some new villain came in to Zelda. knocked Ganon to the side, and just destroyed the Master Sword and Triforce saying they were worthless trash and that this new shiny thing was more valuable just for the sake of escalation? No, that would suck.
Also I thought Dark Pit was stupid too. I could take or leave Viridi.
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suavinhotinto · 3 months
❝ shhh. do you hear that? ❞ + caverna dos deuses w/ @lcana
na mesma hora, haelena podia jurar que o seu sangue congelou. foi o suficiente para que ela de repente voltasse a ficar sóbria. "não, eu não to ouvindo nada!" sussurrou em completo medo e desespero. "eu vou te deixar sozinha se vier com essa de estar escutando coisa, hein, parou de palhaçada." ameaçou, procurando com os olhos em todos os lugares da caverna dos deuses para ver se encontrava algo estranho. se visse alguma assombração ali, ela correria, com certeza. não tinha tanto sangue como os filhos de tanatos, hades e outros deuses para encarar aquilo com naturalidade.
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pseudopsiq · 5 months
Mito de Sísifo
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Sísifo, rei da Tessália e de Enarete, era o filho de Éolo. Fundador da cidade de Éfira, que mais tarde veio a chamar-se Corinto, e também dos jogos de Ístmia (ou Ístmicos). Sísifo tinha a reputação de ser o mais habilidoso e esperto dos homens e por esta razão dizia-se que era pai de Ulisses.
Sísifo despertou a ira de Zeus quando contou ao deus dos rios, Asopo, que Zeus tinha sequestrado a sua filha Egina. Zeus mandou o deus da morte, Tanatos, perseguir Sísifo, mas este conseguiu enganá-lo e prender Tanatos. A prisão de Tanatos impedia que os mortos pudessem alcançar o Reino das Trevas, tendo sido necessário que fosse libertado por Ares. Foi então que Sísifo, não podendo escapar ao seu destino de morte, instruiu a sua mulher a não lhe prestar exéquias fúnebres. Quando chegou ao mundo dos mortos, queixou-se a Hades, soberano do reino das sombras, da negligência da sua mulher e pediu-lhe para voltar ao mundo dos vivos apenas por um curto período, para a castigar. Hades deu-lhe permissão para regressar, mas quando Sísifo voltou ao mundo dos vivos, não quis mais voltar ao mundo dos mortos. Hermes, o deus mensageiro e condutor das almas para o Além, decidiu então castigá-lo pessoalmente, infligindo-lhe um duro castigo, pior do que a morte.
Sísifo foi condenado para todo o sempre a empurrar uma pedra até ao cimo de um monte, caindo a pedra invariavelmente da montanha sempre que o topo era atingido. Este processo seria sempre repetido até à eternidade
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reallifetangent · 6 months
Making a reference sheet of my redesign of Thanatos in game.
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I just joined both my headcanons, Thanatos having a prosthetic arm and being a statue-like entity.
Edit: I wrote Sheet as how I pronounced it... So no I never meant to say this was a shit, I just wrote it phonetically-
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