#hachi's emotionally immature mom's one two punch:
standbowed · 8 months
@bxtsence said: 👪
Thematic Headcanons // accepting.
→ hc + 👪 for a family-themed headcanon
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Her mother will never say it outright, but Hachi knows who the favourite is between herself and her sister Emi, and it's been the latter by a wide margin ever since they were kids. If you don't spend a lot of time with the Takeuchi family, you might not put it together unless something was said that pinged on your radar, but if you're paying attention, it becomes pretty clear whose pictures are the most prominent on the walls, who receives impulse-buy gifts "just because", who has her successes extolled to the neighbours to impress them and who is explained with a short "she's doing fine" when asked.
Growing up, this came with a certain bittersweet freedom--Hachi was grilled less about the suitability of her friends and her extracurriculars, she wasn't the one her mother took aside to explain that studying at home with boys necessitated an "open door policy", she received less pressure to test high for better high schools, she had more time to herself after school--but Hachi is well aware that this is because her mother is just not as invested in Hachi's growth as she is Emi's. Emi, after all, is the one who returns the results she expects. Hachi just isn't putting the same effort in, isn't giving things the same focus they deserve. Of course, she feeds, clothes, and shelters Hachi all the same as is her responsibility--but you award successes, not just getting by--so isn't it only natural that Emi gets more when she gives more? Isn't that only fair?
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