#guess we'll see if i'll hit a creative block again (hopefully not but now that I queue stuff it's less likely to happen)
occult-roommates · 10 months
i've decided to set my queue to two posts instead of one so season 2 finale is tomorrow. like last time im gonna take a small story hiatus so i can plan my plot (i have my list of plot point i wanna hit, now time to arrange them in a coherent order and how it will lead to the climax/plot twist i've been planning since day 1) but, once again like last time, i'll also be posting some bonus stuff like a cas challenge and updated lookbook.
anyway, it's funny how much i had to force myself at some point to write and came close to abandon this blog and now im just so hyped i cant wait to start working on season 3, especially since i've been looking forward to this one since i began this blog back in november.
unrelated but tomorrow is the last day of my contract at the daycare, im renewing it for the fall but i'll be only part time again, also the place will be close for a month to give the employees some vacation. nothing to do with occult roommates, just wanted to say.
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