#goyer's gonna come in like "yeah actually the way the story played out was exactly what i wanted
bi4bihankking · 2 years
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Sometimes... I think about this panel in a JSA Files and Origins comic.
A few comics guys have told me that when JSA (1999) was coming out, there was a theory that Sandy was going to turn out to be gay. It might have only been a few people but when I was reading through this issue I suddenly remembered it because
Well, clearly, Hank is outlined in the stars in his future dream. Every other relevant character is in person, but Hank is... stars, like maybe you're not even supposed to notice him first time through, but bigger than anyone else, and if that's his symbol in the panel where Bones is lifting Sandy up... taking over the entire dreamscape.
Obviously I know that they interact later, and that Hank is the one who puts Sandy's mind back together when he becomes Sandman, but in that issue he hardly feels relevant. The most relevant character to Sandy's recovery is Kendra. Hank is barely a footnote, and his role in the story definitely isn't enough to warrant this foreshadowing.
The fact that this issue was written when Goyer was still on the book, and the issue with Hank and Sandy was written when Johns was the only writer on the book is a bit odd, so my conspiracy theory is that Goyer was gonna do Hank/Sandy, but Geoff didn't want to, and the specifics of the storyline were changed.
Anyway, I know that if I was a JSA writer trying to keep the Kyle writers away from Hank, I would give him a boyfriend lol
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