#gouache was truly meant to be used to paint stuff like this
gravelyhumerus · 2 years
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gouache painting of the uss discovery, because i love her dearly
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strayneoculturekids · 5 years
Adoration - Renjun x Reader
Summary: For as long as you can remember, you had always drawn on your arm and for just as long, you had always remembered finding a drawing that you didn’t remember doing, often they were just as good as your usual ones, if not, better.
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Soulmate AU, Strangers to Lovers AU, Highschool AU
Genre: fluff, crack (?)
Word Count: 1900
You groggily woke up, yawning loudly and stretching your arms, pulling one back to rub your eye afterward. Catching a glimpse of your arm, you saw watercolour painted all over the floral drawing you had done in black pen, colouring it a beautiful array of not too bright pigments, complimenting your skin tone and the ink pen well. You would be proud of it, however, you truly don’t remember colouring it in. Looking over to your art desk, you saw trays of your watercolour and gouache spread across it.
“Oh, I guess it must have been me then. Maybe I really should get this whole memory thing checked out” you mumbled to yourself, slowly putting your sheets to the side and stepping out of the blissful warmth that was your bed into the cold hell that was the winter morning
Wanting to get dressed as quickly as possible so you didn’t end up freezing to death, you quickly pulled out a pair of jeans from your closet, a long sleeve shirt, and a warm sweater, also grabbing the fluffy pair of socks you had thrown into the corner of your room before going to bed last night.
Your phone suddenly buzzed, checking it, you saw a text message from your best friend.
[The only Snake I accept]: “Oi bruh, where tf are you, we’re all waiting at the mall for you”
“SHIT” You yelled, checking the time, seeing that you were meant to meet your friends 15 minutes ago
[You]: Yeah sorry, I’m almost there!
You were not almost there.
Rushing out of your room, you said a quick goodbye to your parents and sprinted out of the house, jumping into your family car and starting up the engine. Once you had actually started driving and your adrenaline rush was over, you realized how godamn ice cold it was. You looked out the side window, realizing it was covered in frost.
“Shit. That’s illegal.” You mumbled to yourself again, winding the window down and straight back up again to get rid of the fog and frost that had made its way onto there.
A couple of minutes later and you had a call from your friend. You cursed yourself and answered the call, putting it on speaker so you could talk without being distracted.
“If you’re not almost here, don’t tell us you’re almost here!”
“Yea, yeah, I’m sorry. I’m a wreck, I know” you said, hoping she wouldn’t yell at you too much
“Just hurry up, it’s freezing, we need to start walking”
“I’m sorry! Love you, bye” you said quickly, hanging up before she could say anything back
Soon enough, you had made it to the mall. It was still reasonably early so it didn’t take long to find parking. 
“Oh my God! There you are!” your friend called from across the parking lot “Hurry your ass up, the others are waiting”
You quickly ran to catch up with her, finally entering the heavenly warmth of the mall.
“Cool drawing by the way,” She said, motioning slightly to your arm
“Oh, thanks!”
“The colours are really nice”
“Oh yeah...thing is, I don’t remember doing that part” You mutter, rubbing the back of your neck, still confused by your own actions, even though this had been going on for as long as you had been drawing on yourself
“Again? I’m telling you, it’s your soulmate. You can’t just be forgetting stuff like that out of nowhere”
“No way! I’m not old enough for my soulmate sign to show up yet, and besides, the drawing style is always similar to mine.”
“If you say so,” She said back, unconvinced of literally everything you had just said
“Oh come on, you know that soulmate signs are always gene connected, my family always has something to do with telepathy!”
“Sure, sure”
After about another minute of walking, you met up with the rest of your friends. They all collectively groaned once they saw you and slapped you on the back. You smiled awkwardly, rubbing the back of your neck again and giving them small apologies. They all rolled their eyes jokingly in return and told you that you were paying for lunch because of it. You sighed but accepted your inevitable yet horrible fate.
The day was spent with you and your friends goofing around and them emptying your wallet with expensive food as payback for you being late. One by one, they all noticed the array of elegant flowers and vibrant colours adorning your arm, winding up it gracefully. You told them one by one what happened with your memory and they all looked at you, repeating the same thing one after the other; telling you that it was your soulmate and not just your shit memory. You dismissed all of them, telling them it was ridiculous.
The end of the day came around and you all said your goodbyes. You were walking back home, admiring the snow-covered trees and the soft snowflakes falling down but despising the cold and inwardly regretting not putting on more layers than you had. 
Just as you were about to dig your hands into your basically non-existent jean pockets, you caught a glimpse of the back of one of them, seeing that it had writing on it. You put it up to your face; ‘Hey’ is all it read. You looked at it, uncertain about what to feel. You shrugged it off, figuring one of your friends probably drew it on you while your attention was elsewhere.
The next morning came around and you once again had to reluctantly climb out of your warm bed, this time though, it was for school, making everything all the more worse. Sighing, you let the cold hit you like a sledgehammer, accepting the shit destiny laid out before you. 
You groggily descended the stairs after getting dressed and grabbed an apple from the fridge, not bothering to make yourself a real breakfast before heading out and getting into your smaller family car and starting to drive to school, not wanting to wake your parents up just to say goodbye.
You pulled into the parking lot at your school, looking at the building in front of you remorsefully and sluggishly opening the car door, stepping out and making your way into the school gates just as the first bell had rung. You suddenly were wide awake and rushed to your locker, getting out your books for the first and second period and quickly heading to class, not exactly wishing to be late.
Halfway through the first lesson and you already wanted nothing more than to go home. You looked back down to your arms, wanting to distract yourself from the lesson with the intricate patterns on your arm you had drawn and the pretty tones that had mysteriously appeared. As you were admiring the way they fit so well together, you caught black ink appearing on your other arm through the corner of your eye. Alarmed, you quickly look over to it, seeing writing appear magically on your skin. Realization had finally set in. It was your soulmate.
‘Are you in school right now?’ the writing read
You quickly grabbed a pen, finally getting over the initial shock and writing a quick message back.
‘Yeah, first period. You?’
‘Same. We must be in places with similar time zones’
“Ahem, Y/N and Renjun, maybe one of you would mind telling me the answer” You looked up, dumbfounded, to see your teacher switching her gaze between you and another kid in your class
Looking over, you saw the other one, supposedly named Renjun, also had writing on his hand, you also managed to catch a short glimpse of his other arm, displaying a floral pattern exactly like the one on yours. He looked over to you and you made eye contact, he dropped his gaze down to your arms and immediately his jaw dropped, right along with yours
“Maybe you two could stop drawing on yourselves in the middle of class and actually pay attention”
“R-right, sorry,” You said, peeling your eyes off of your newly found soulmate to look your teacher in the eye
“Y-yeah, sorry miss” Renjun said, mirroring your actions
Class continued as normal but you and Renjun continuously kept looking over to each-other, amazed you had been so close together the entire time and never realized. Any moment your eyes weren’t on Renjun, they were on the clock, desperately anticipating the end of the period. After what felt like years, the teacher finally dismissed you and the class. Renjun immediately made his way towards you, you doing the same and meeting him halfway.
“Meet me on the right side of the school gate after school.” Renjun said, before quickly walking away, obviously not wanting to be late for class
You blinked, trying to process what just happened. Shaking your head, you snapped yourself back to reality and followed the crowd out of the classroom into the crowded hallway to head to your next class.
Each period felt like it lasted forever, each tick of the clock etching itself into your brain. Finally, the bell for the end of school rang and you dashed out of the classroom once the teacher had dismissed the class. You made your way to the front of the school, going to the right side like instructed and waiting patiently. About half a minute passed before you saw Renjun running up to you, waving slightly. He finally made it, slightly out of breath. You stayed silent, telling yourself you were letting him catch his breath but really, you just had absolutely no idea what to say, which led to it getting very awkward once he did catch his breath.
“Um…Nice art?” You said, not being able to stand the silence
“Uh…you too,” He said hesitantly
It stayed silent for a while before both of you made eye contact and suddenly burst out laughing, out of anger? Amusement? Adrenaline? I dunno, something starting with ‘A’, the word was on the tip of your tongue but oh well.
“I can’t believe we were that close to each other the entire time and never noticed,” You gushed once you’d calmed down
“Same! It’s so hard to believe, I’m almost always drawing on myself in that class”
The laughter died down and it ended with you two smiling at each other in comfortable silence. You stuck your hand out in front of him.
“I don’t believe we’ve been properly introduced. I’m Y/N”
“I’m Renjun,” He said, taking your hand and shaking it
You and Renjun had gotten to know each other really well over the past few days, and here two you were, in your room making a huge mess that you were gonna pay for later with art supplies, brushes, and paper. Renjun was making all sorts of things, and every single one of them beautiful, almost as beautiful as Renjun’s smile, or his voice, or personality.
You finally found the word starting with ‘a’ you were looking for a few days earlier.
It was adoration
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