#got some more ideas for how they'd put up their hair for tennis
craetor · 1 year
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andguesswhat · 3 years
The fool on the hill - Chapter 6
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If you want to know what happened on the hill..
(on the Archive)
The hill
"Do you mind if I go for a little jog out there to keep me warm?" Tom asked Lea, pointing to a hill a little off the set. 
The production assistant shook her head. "No, you go ahead. I'll come get you when we get back to shooting. You've got thirty minutes, tops."
Tom smiled. He couldn't wait to get moving, it was cold as hell and the wind was blowing mercilessly through the abandoned mine they were shooting in.   
Sophia didn't seem to mind being blanketed in layers of down jackets and getting a hot mug of coffee in her hand; but him, he hated standing in the cold doing nothing, he had to move. 
So he put on his headphones to listen to the music Nathalie had given him and started jogging. 
Up the hill ...then back down again. 
It was a hard to get purchase with the gravel and he definitely didn't have the right shoes on, but Tom didn't mind, he was happy to run. The hill was steeper than he had expected, but he enjoyed the burn it gave him, a welcome change from the chilly set.
The music was good and he lost himself in it, just running around the hill. Up, then down.
It didn't take long for his mind to wander to Owen and he paused and took some deep breaths, trying to stop the thoughts, but he wasn't surprised that they quickly came back.
Owen had been in his mind for weeks now. 
He had been so happy to work with him. He was smart, compassionate, and funny, and Tom loved his curiosity and commitment.... All the little ideas they came up with during the shoot were just so much fun. On top of all that, the connection they had was a gift that Tom couldn't take for granted. They could talk about anything. And that meant anything, really. And they did.
And he loved the way Owen smiled at him, winked at him, and flirted with him. Ever since that day they'd played tennis, Tom had felt that the flirting was becoming highly.... sexual. At least for him. And no wonder - hearing Owen grunt on the court and seeing him naked in the shower... the images came to his mind all by themselves. 
Because Tom thought that Owen had a really nice body. 
And that he wouldn't mind touching it. 
And licking it. 
Every part of it, actually. 
Especially that prominent line around his hip. 
Yeah, he would like that. 
In his imagination, he had licked it more than once, and ended up licking something else. In his imagination, of course.
He wasn't sure why he hadn't made the first move yet. 
Maybe because he thought Owen would. 
Maybe that made him a little insecure.   
Or maybe they just hadn't found the right moment yet. 
They were busy filming and hadn't had any scenes together in the last few days. 
Tom missed Owen. Just being around him. Brainstorming. Laughing. Flirting. 
Suddenly, Tom felt a hand on his shoulder. 
He thought it was Lea, but he was more than surprised to see it was - 
His face instantly lit up, his heart began to pound and his whole body was flooded with a sudden feeling of warmth.
Oh God, how he loved seeing him. 
"What are you doing here?" he fumbled to take the earbuds out and looked at his.. friend.
Owen shrugged and smiled cheekily. "I thought I'd check out the set."
Tom just smiled back. 
He couldn’t say anything, but just smiled happily at Owen. 
He knew he should say something to keep things from getting weird, but he didn't know what. 
There were too many questions in his head. After all, why was Owen really here? It was a boring set, it was cold.... 
"God, it's fucking cold here," Owen interrupted his thoughts as he rubbed his hands together. "Let's jog some more, shall we?"
Tom was still smiling, still unable to speak properly. "Yeah..." He tried to get that probably stupid smile off his face, but it was hopeless. "Yeah... Sure!" Well, at least he could manage that.
So they jogged down the hill. 
Side by side. 
Both smiling. 
And Tom felt like a silly teenager, giddy to just be around the person he had a crush on.
When they got back to the bottom of the hill, Owen turned to Tom and said, "Okay, that didn't work so well for me. I'm still cold. How about a little sprint challenge?" He slapped Tom on the chest, smiled challengingly at him "Show me what you can do!" and just sprinted off, up the hill, without any warning. Or without waiting. 
Tom was in no position to react that quickly. But after losing at tennis, Tom really felt the need to defend his honor, so he sprinted after Owen, giving it his all.
But why the hell was Owen so fast? 
If he wasn't warm after that sprint, he didn't know how he could do it. He was almost out of breath! 
He tried to get past Owen, but he didn't know how.
So he just grabbed Owen by the waist in the last few meters to push him out of the way, but the hill was steep, the gravel too slippery, and the sole of his shoe too smooth, so he slipped, fell, and dragged Owen down with him. 
And now Owen was buried under him.
They were both panting heavily.
Their bodies pressed against each other.
And Tom had to admit, that wasn't bad at all. He wished he could stay in this moment forever.
"Your start wasn't really fair, was it?" Tom gasped in mock seriousness and braced himself with his hands. 
Owen turned, still lying under Tom, and smiled at him. "Yes, it was. With your model legs, you could have easily caught me."
Model legs? Tom once again didn't know what to say. 
So he continued to gasp. 
And just looked at Owen. 
How Owen looked at him. Attentively. 
Smiled at him. Tenderly. 
His mouth slightly open. 
He could hear him breathing. 
Felt his chest moving up and down.... 
He couldn't believe how beautiful Owen was.
Tom bit his lower lip.
He felt himself getting a hard-on, lying on top of Owen like this. 
But he didn't want to get up at any cost, this was just too good, so he tried to move his hip, tried to get his leg - 
When suddenly he felt Owen's hard-on too. 
Time stood still. 
Just them looking at each other, still panting.... 
And Tom knew this was the moment. 
This was it. 
So he rubbed their hard-ons together lightly.
God, yes.
And it felt even better the second time, when he heard a small moan coming out of Owen's mouth. 
But that was nothing compared to how it felt when Owen's hand slid down to his ass, kneading and squeezing it before going down between his ass a little to grab his leg and pull it up slightly. 
Tom tried to stifle a moan. 
He couldn't tell how much it turned him on. Being grabbed like that while their hard-ons were still pressed against each other. 
As much as he had loved women in his life, Tom was sure, he could only feel something like this with the same sex. 
The same energy...
The same power...
Just being on the same level.
Owen slid his hand into Tom's hair and slowly, very slowly pulled him down... so they could savor this moment of absolute tension.... before their lips would finally meet....
"Tooom!" Tom heard his name being called.
"Tooom!" Lea was calling him.
Tom closed his eyes for a moment.
He felt Owen's hand slip from his neck.
It wasn't real.
This couldn't be true.
He sighed. And looked at Owen.
Who looked at him compassionately.
No! He wanted to kiss Owen, he needed to kiss him, feel his lips...
Again he sighed. And surrendered.
One last time he rubbed against Owen's hard-on, straightened with a flourish, and let out a frustrated growl before shouting down the hill.
"I'm coming!"
Owen chuckled beneath him. "Are you?"
"Not funny." Tom held out his hand for Owen to stand up.
But Owen hesitated for a moment.
"I feel like I’m always looking up to you," he said, smiling up at Tom. "I like it. It's appropriate."
Tom's whole body softened like pudding. And he wished it wasn't.
Because yes, it was just a joke, just a reference, of course....
But still...
And once again, he had absolutely run out of words, and he really needed to change that. Even when he somehow liked the silence when Owen was here.
Together they walked down the hill. And despite his frustration with this situation, Tom was genuinely happy. He couldn't remember when he had felt more comfortable with another person by his side than with Owen. Just walking down a hill.
And even though Tom couldn't quite grasp what had just happened, he knew he would never forget it.
Owen grinned at him. "By the way, I like your hair flip. Kind of sexy. I wish I could do that too."
Tom rolled his eyes, feeling that Owen was really doing this on purpose. And yes, he was embarrassed, but what annoyed him more was that once again he didn't know how to respond.
But before he could think of anything, they were at the bottom of the hill, standing right in front of Lea.
"Are you all right?"
Tom nodded. "I just ... slipped."
Lea looked at him sternly. "Don't do that again, or I won't be able to let you off the leash next time. I don't want Kate yelling at me because you splashed your ankle or something. Okay, let's go then." She signaled him to follow her.
And as soon as Lea turned to leave, Tom turned to Owen, gave him a quick but soft lick just below his earlobe, and whispered, "I think you're sexy as hell, too."
The look Owen gave him was priceless.
Tom grinned triumphantly.
There. Well, who was speechless now?
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21stcenturycyclops · 4 years
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First Day of Training - Part 1
Read on Wattpad! https://my.w.tt/k2JLTaHkUbb
Helle woke up groggily, and stepped into the hall to see the others standing outside their doors as well. They all glanced around at one another, wondering if this was real. They were all pulled from their beds late last night, and brought to a government facility. They were told that they were handpicked for a top secret mission to protect the world from alien life that touched down on Mil. Yesterday, they were regular, everyday civilians. Today, they are beginning their journey to becoming the government's most valuable weapons.
"What do you think they'll have us do?" Hina addressed the question to nobody in particular. Helle hoped things wouldn't always be like this for them. Whenever someone spoke, it was like they were speaking to themselves, but hoping for someone else to answer. It was awkward and aloof. Normally, people their age could just hit it off and it could seem like they'd been friends for years within hours. Maybe it was just the fact that reality hadn't set in for anyone yet. It was like they were all sharing some strange, hazy dream.
"I'd be lying if I said I had even the slightest idea." Orion said, staring hard at the white floor. They flicked their eyes up towards the others and then back down, "Probably a lot of physical training, though, if I had to guess."
"We don't even really know what we're training for." Connie spoke in a rather sharp tone, rolling her eyes as she spoke, "I mean, I'm sure they'll brief us on all this stuff, but I'm not buying their reasons for picking us."
"I have a feeling a lot around here is on a need-to-know basis." Helle looked at the half-giants, and for the first time realized they looked remarkably similar. They both had the same light pink skin, with bright green hair.
Miles noticed Helle looking intently at the two. "We're twins." He muttered.
"Oh!" Helle looked down, a little embarrassed she'd just been staring at them, "At least the two of you have someone you know here."
"We're all gonna have someone we know here." Miles said, "From this moment forward, we are a team."
Footsteps came down the hall, and the five looked in the sound's direction. General Marshall was human, which was surprising, considering her status in the government and military. Humans weren't uncommon, but they were weaker, and lacked any sort of magical power, so they weren't common in the military or leadership positions. Despite that, it was clear General Marshall ruled with an iron fist, and had the utmost respect of those around her. Her hair was pulled into a tight bun, making her brows and cheekbones appear sharper. She had on a pair of black athletic pants and a black long-sleeved shirt. Behind her, two men, one of the half-giants from before, and a troll, followed closely behind, carrying what looked like black stacks of clothes.
"Great, you're all awake." Her voice was commanding. It was no wonder people followed her orders. "Let's get started with some routine and formality. When you stay the night here, I expect you be standing up straight, outside your door, in your training gear, each morning. You will stand at attention until I say so."
They looked around at one another nervously. General Marshall's calloused tone had them snapping back into reality.
"These are your training uniforms. Gentlemen." General Marshall nodded towards the team, and the two men passed out the black uniforms.
Helle ran her finger over the fabric lightly. It had to be some synthetic material. It was smooth but clearly strong, yet still stretchy and breathable.
"We'll provide more of them, but these will be what I expect you to already be wearing when I see you in the morning. With that said, go change. You have five minutes."
Each of them ducked into their rooms and put on the uniforms. Helle slid off the white pajamas and threw them onto the bed. She started with the leggings. They were cool against her skin, and didn't feel like any fabric she'd felt before. The shirt was the same, and the black tennis shoes given to them to accompany the outfit were slim and sleek. She stepped back out into the hallway. Miles and Orion were already there.
After Hina and Connie stepped out of their rooms, General Marshall escorted the bunch into a cafeteria, and they ate breakfast. They finished quickly, and General Marshall led them to a room that resembled a lab. On a gray, steel table, there were small items laid out. They were smooth, and nearly egg-shaped. The middle was a bit raised, and it almost seemed like a button. Two were silver, one was a blue so deep it was nearly black, one was a dark green, and the other was white.
"These are the Trinkets. They were tailored to each of you, specifically. You won't be using them today, but you will be very soon." General Marshall went into further detail, "They don't look like much now, but they will take whatever form you choose for them, and will be able to change on your command in battle. You are the only ones that can use them."
"Why?" Miles asked, eyeing the Trinkets.
"They were designed only for you." General Marshall didn't offer any more explanation, and instead began leading them out of the lab. They went through a couple corridors, and entered a massive room, filled with gym equipment and other interesting training equipment. "We'll start with an hour of light running, then move into hand-to-hand combat training, then some strength training, and end with another hour of running for today."
The group lined up along the track that was in this massive room, and began running on General Marshall's count. Nobody was running at their top speed, which was fine because they weren't meant to. The entire group seemed to be quite athletic, although it quickly seemed to become a competition between Connie and Miles who could stay at the front of the group. They weren't necessarily more fit than the others, they just had a huge advantage when it came to leg length, since they were both well over 7 feet tall. Still, the group was pretty close together. Orion was right on Helle's heels, who happened to be right on Miles' heels, who was Connie's. Hina was only a couple steps behind Orion. Helle's legs began to burn a bit, but she pushed herself to keep going, and to at least stay ahead of the two shorter members of the group. She'd never considered herself overly competitive, but Connie and Miles' competitive spirit seemed to rub off on everyone.
"How you doing slowpokes?" Miles smirked, briefly turning his head to look at the people behind him.
"You're the slowpoke!" Connie said, pulling a few more steps ahead of Miles. He growled and turned back to look ahead of him, trying to catch his sister.
"You two do know you're literally two feet taller than Hina and I, and we're only a few steps behind you?" Orion laughed.
General Marshall blew a whistle, signifying the group was free to stop running. "Very good! I'm glad to see you all seem to have good speed and stamina, although there's room for improvement. Grab a drink of water. Hand-to-hand combat is next, which I have a feeling you'll all need some extensive work on."
Helle took a couple drinks of water and quickly stretched out.
"Since there is an odd number of you, one of you will be paired with me. Hina and Miles-"
Hina and Miles? She's so small! He's literally more than 2 feet taller than her! How can General Marshall expect anything good to come from a pairing like that? Helle thought, looking at the two in bewilderment.
"Orion and Connie, and Helle, you'll be with me for the first part of this training. I'm going to show you different techniques, both offensive and defensive. Pay close attention." General Marshall would be using Helle to demonstrate, which seemed less than desirable to Helle. She may be bigger than General Marshall, but as far as Helle was concerned, General Marshall was the scariest, strongest, and most intense woman out there.
She would demonstrate a move, then have them practice it with their partners a few times. She demonstrated at least 50 moves. Helle thought this was becoming more tiring than running for an hour straight.
"Now, one at a time, I'd like you to fight your opponent for real, whilst I observe, so we can find your natural strengths and weaknesses in battle." General Marshall had a devious look in her eyes. Perhaps she'd actually enjoy this.
Wait a second... Does this mean...I'll have to fight General Marshal!? Helle went as pale as a cyclops good.
"Orion and Connie, you're up first. Get up there and show me what you've got!" General Marshall pointed at the ring, and Helle could almost swear she smiled for a second. Yeah, she was definitely going to enjoy this.
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