#gosh i'd love a coffee date right now to just gab about stories and ideas
sagechanoafterdark · 24 days
You know 100 percent that I would come over, sit at your table with a cup of coffee, sneaking my girl Starr cookies whoile discussing Ransom and Marshmallow with you. As well as Bucky and witch reader. 💜
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I'd love to have you over for coffee, homemade cookies, tea and jam tarts. I would make it a whole ass thing lol Also fair warning, Starr is the least subtle when it comes to stealing cookies, she will openly ask and you will be moved to give them to her. Her nickname isn't 'Sad Eyes' for nothing. lolol
We would totally gab about Ransom x Marshmallow and Bucky x Witchy!!
We'd talk for HOURS about Held for Ransom because I just have so many ideas about the two of them.
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But I'd have to tell you first how their initial story would end. I'd tell you all about their big fight that I have partially written for the end of Held For Ransom. I'd reveal to you Ransom's big secret about how he got her to keep her job, even though she torpedoed it in that meeting all to get Ransom a better deal for his book. We'd talk about how Ransom was in the wrong and that he only realizes it after Grayson comes and gives him a talking-to, maybe with his fists. Then we'd talk about how Ransom would beg Marshmallow to give him a chance, and how Ransom wants to be the kind of man she deserves to be with. Not the murderer the world sees him as. We'd coo over how Marshmallow doesn't quite forgive him, making him earn that respect and trust again with her. But how they end up together in the end.
Oh and Bucky and Witchy from All Good Things?
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They have a second story, so far un-named, that I've been slowly chipping away at for the last year. We've talked about it a little here and there. But we'd be mad gabbing over coffee so, I'd tell you all about how Bucky, the ultimate romantic, wants to ask Witchy to marry him but the timing has never been right. But when they suddenly have to go back to her hometown of Friday Harbor, Bucky learns a lot of secrets that Witchy never told him or knew herself. We'd cry about how he gets separated from his body again and our Witchy girl can't see him because she's lost her ability to see ghosts. But Bucky gets help from unlikely places, like the female ghost that looks suspiciously like our Witchy girl. Either way, Alpine the ghost cat will be there to keep Bucky company as much as possible and how the heck is Bucky going to ask her to marry him when she can't even seen or hear him now?
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