#good vibes also because I love Seojun is he currently looking to be anyone's spunky forensic artist uncle because I'd love-
gdmonster · 2 years
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@tewwor​ | “put the gun down, dearest. i have news!” ( ji-hwa / seojun ) more random dialogue prompts
“That is the worst possible way to let me know of that!”
She doesn’t like raising her voice.
She’d argue there are plenty of more effective ways to get your point across, give ‘em a good kick, smack some handcuffs onto their wrist, stare ‘em down coldly enough, she’s dealt with enough criminals and bullies for most of her life, that she’s well-equipped with her selection of preferred and efficient methods, in how to deal with the most unpleasant and unexpected situations.
Hell, she’s had to fight off the idea for twenty years that her best friend might be a serial killer who’d murdered his own sister. Nothing truly pleasant to wake up to in the morning, not any more fun than going to sleep with her very bone marrow weighing her down, or less exhausting than the sigh she heaves while she watches her brother get ready for work and hope he won’t accidentally shoot himself in the foot.
But all those things combined and all things considered, even how pleasant of an occurrence it usually is for Han Seojun to show up, yet another artist with a touch for the macabre she finds herself inclined to welcome in her general proximity and near the people she cares for.
But much like all those people she cares for, he doesn’t seem intent on sparing her of the grey hair she’s somehow still fighting off - all things considered.
The gun’s still halfway trained to his face, a stance as if learned yesterday and practised a thousand times since then, tension in her upper arms, a shoulder used to sustain the recoil of anything put in her hands, ears that are used to the sound.
People who work in the force have reflexes too quick for their own good.
He’s lucky hers are honed on intimidation and questions, and not on kill on sight.
She lowers it. Slowly, as if she wasn’t quite sure what to make of his sudden appearance. He’s not exactly someone she wouldn’t call a valuable asset to be aware of, but it’s always odd when said valuable assets show up as if summoned on crime scenes she’s not yet finished investigating.
A sigh.
She puts it away entirely.
“Hope those news are worth me nearly shooting your glasses off. What is it?”
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