#good job girls i’m sure you’re crushing it and making a lot of sense ❤���
Drabble - 250 Followers Special
I ran a poll several months ago, when I reached 250 followers, to find out what you guys wanted to read.  The results of the poll were a story about Black (SF Sans) and a Reader character, set both at Black’s work and his home, where Black and Reader had mutual crushes.  There were also a few lines you wanted to be included.  
It took me longer than I thought, but I did get this story written.  Well, mostly.  I wrote about 1000 words of it and got to a stopping place, and I figured I’d share that first part of the story with you guys now.  I’ll work on the second part and get that up at some point.  (No promises here, just because I know I suck at meeting deadlines.) 
The story is below the cut.  I hope you enjoy it!  I had a lot of fun writing it. 
A shadow fell across the paperwork on Black’s desk.  “Officer, I didn’t do it!  I swear!” a familiar voice said. 
Black looked up in irritation.  “Oh stars,” he sighed.  “It’s you again.  What do you want?”
You grinned at him.  “What?  I can’t come and bring my favorite detective some coffee? And a muffin?  I will have you know I stood in line for almost 15 minutes to get this for you.  I nearly had to fight a college girl who was hyped up on pumpkin spice to make sure I got the muffin for you. I nearly committed a crime on your behalf!  But I guess if you don’t want it, I can go...”  You pretended to turn away.  
“Put it down,” Black said.  “And sit down.  If you’re going to risk getting in trouble out there over me, I might as well keep you here.  At least that way I can keep an eye on you.” 
You flopped down in the extra chair he kept for you, setting the coffee and the muffin down on the desk.  You picked at the streusel topping on the muffin, popping some of it into your mouth before he could stop you.  “So what are you working on now, Detective?” you asked. 
“You know I can’t talk about my cases,” he said, pulling the muffin away from you.  
“Okay.  What can we talk about?” You began playing with a pen from his desk instead, twirling it in your fingers.  “My job is boring, your job is private...Oh!  How are the dogs?  I haven’t seen them in forever!” 
“They’re fine,” Black said.  He took a long drink of the coffee you’d brought.  You always remembered his preferences.  He didn’t often drink coffee he hadn’t made himself - the station coffee was, in his opinion, a crime all by itself - but you managed to get his order right.  “Artemis and I are working a new trick routine.” 
“Another one?  You guys just finished one last month.” 
“I’m hoping to find the time to enter her in a show,” Black said.  “She is a purebred, after all, and she is very clever.  I think she could win prizes.”  
“I bet she could,” you said. “She’s such a pretty girl.”  You picked up the framed picture of his Newfoundland that he kept on his desk.  “Are you gonna have time to do dog shows and work, though?  Don’t you practically live here?” 
“No,” he said, taking the picture from you and putting it back in place.  “I have plenty of time for both my personal and professional lives, thank you very much.  The key is balance and organization, and if there are two things I am good at, it is balance and organization.” 
“And being just a teeny bit pretentious,” you said, reaching for the muffin again.  He smacked your hand away.  
“I am not pretentious.” 
“You are too!” You turned your nose up in the air and half-closed your eyes  “Look at me,” you said in a mock snooty voice.  “I’m Officer Osseus, the finest detective on the force and the best dog trainer in the whole wide world!  I’m an expert on everything in the world!”
“Stop that,” he said.  
“Or what?” you asked, still in your snooty voice.
“Or I’ll have to mock you in return.” 
“You couldn’t mock me if you tried, bone boy,” you said, dropping the voice and sneaking another bite of his muffin.  “I am unmockable!”
Black put his boots up on the desk and leaned back in his chair.  “Look at me,” he said in a higher voice. “I’m the human!  I’ve got a weird sense of humor and too much energy at all times of the day and I like annoying monsters who are just trying to do their jobs without me coming in and stealing their muffins! I think I’m so--”
You never found out what you were so.  Black had pushed off the desk with one foot at that last word.  His chair spun unexpectedly and he lost his balance, falling to the floor with a clatter. 
“Are you okay?” you asked, trying not to laugh at the shocked look on his face.  
“I’m fine,” he said, clambering back into the chair.  “You see where mockery will get you, though?” He groaned slightly.  “It’s just a pain in the ass for everyone.” 
You snorted.  “Was that pun, Officer Osseus?” you asked.  “From you?”
“Shut up,” he grumbled.  “And don’t touch that muffin.  The rest of it is mine, you horrible pastry thief.” 
You pulled your hand back with a snicker.  “Okay.  All right. I’ll leave it.” 
Both of you settled back in your chairs.  Black actually got a few bites of his muffin.  You played with more things on his desk while he ate and worked through more paperwork.  He found himself watching you out of the corner of his eye.  At first, it was to make sure you didn’t make any more moves on his food, but then he noticed you watching him.  You had the strangest, softest look on your face. It vanished once you noticed him noticing you noticing him...
“When do you get to leave?” you asked. 
“When I finish this,” Black said, gesturing at the paperwork.  
“When will that be?”
“Sooner than you think if you leave me to do my work in peace.” 
You sighed.  “Ugh, fine.  I’ve probably got stuff to do too...”  You pulled out your phone and frowned at the screen.  “Yep.  There are about five zillion emails waiting for me.” You stood up and stretched.  “I better get back.” 
“It was good to see you,” Black said sincerely.  “Thank you for the muffin and coffee.” 
“Of course,” you said.  “Anything for my favorite skeleton.”
“I am one of two skeletons you know, and I think my brother would be hurt to think you’re playing favorites.” 
You laughed.  “Whatever.  He knows you’re my fave.”  You leaned down and gave him a brief hug.  “I’ll see you later, okay?”
You started to walk away.  Black made a split-second decision.  “Do you want to come to dinner tonight?” he asked. 
“What?” You turned back.  “Sure.  Yeah.  It’s been a while. What time?”
“I’ll pick you up when I’m finished here,” Black said.  “I’ll text you when I’m on the way.” 
“Okay. See you then!”  You waved cheerfully and walked out of the room.
Black turned back to his work, but he couldn’t get that look from earlier out of his head. 
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