#going to be HEARTBROKEN when tentoo dies I don't think you understand man
camellcat · 9 months
oh my god y'all after so many different recs to tentoorose fics, this is what finally got me to start loving tentoo. y'know, an elevenrose fic series. LOL
The Consequences of Dreaming by @nopondintheforest is, like. man. mannnn. I know I'm supposed to be rooting for elevenrose but I am NOT. this got me invested in future elevenrose, sure, but I am tentoorose all the WAY </333 I'm gonna be so wrecked when tentoo kicks the bucket he is my everything my love my darling tentoo u deserve the wolrd bby girl
wonderful fic if you like tentoorose read this and if you like elevenrose also read this but be patient for the sequel but also read this first one for tentoorose
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