#going straight for the kill with their flesh eating beetles just going absolutely feral and showing no mercy?
raisedbydirew0lves · 1 year
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Still thinking about how the coven head battle remains my favorite scene to this day.
Eberwolf immediately reacting when things go south, ready for the kill or maiming. There was absolutely zero hesitation, they would have done so without any regret.
They were going straight for Terra, but she's not even flinching. She remains exactly in position while Graye is like "oh shit" but Mason reacted just as quick as Eberwolf, smashing his hammer towards them.
But is Eberwolf getting smashed away? Nope, they manage to grab onto the hammer just in time, holding tightly onto it. When they come to an halt, Eberwolf handles the situation swiftly again, summoning their flesh eating beetles which covers the arm that is holding the hammer. It doesn't stop there, no, they jump onto his head, while also pressing their claws on it.
Mason can't even react properly anymore at this point, his face now covered by the flesh eating beetles as well. He drops the hammer and Eberwolf also managed to bring him to his knees. In just a few seconds, this little witch managed to bring down someone who was taller than themself.
Nobody, at this point is helping and that's the funny thing about it. Graye is just watching this in shock (valid), Terra is still holding Eda and the rest is also just watching.
Vitimir only reacts when the hammer is dropped and rushes to help Mason. Darius, watched this completely unfazed. It does make sense given how close they are. He knows exactly what his friend is capable of and has likely seen Eber feral more than one time. Just the "oh, for titans sake." before going after Vitimir to stop them from getting Eber.
He tries his toxic breath on Darius, but he is quick to dodge the attack and just cut his hat off. Darius kinda did him a favor there considering he bumped against something earlier with it. Hat's too large.
Eberwolf, in the meanwhile is focused on keeping Mason on his knees. They are entirely only focused on him now, to a point where they forgot their other surroundings, so Osran was able to snatch them and smash them onto the ground.
They gasp and it brings Darius's attention. The wide eyes when he sees what's happening to Eberwolf, the angry face as he rushes over but with a smirk, Hettie is just going to hold a knife towards Eberwolf's throat. Darius expression when he sees that and surrenders instantly, no questions asked.
It's the fact that Hettie knew what would get Darius to comply with them. It's the fact that Eber and Darius genuinely care for each other. It's the fact that they would have died either way if the draining spell had succeeded but Darius wasn't going to take his chances or sacrifice Eber. He didn't had to think twice about this.
It does make me sad that we never saw more of the coven heads so we could have seen more of their powers.
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