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citricacidprince · 3 years
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Edit: Post+ is dead, why are y'all still liking this? Don't worry sweethearts it can't hurt you anymore-
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Do Us Part
Warnings: nonconsent and rape; oral, fingering, marital discord, cheating, spousal arguments and mental/emotional abuse, age gap (Peter is 24/25 and reader is 35/36)
This is dark!Peter Parker x 30s/’older’ reader and explicit. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You find it hard to accept that not all good things last as you face the changes in your marriage, yourself, and your marriage.
Note: I wanted to write Peter again but also I’ve seen this nonsense about how 30+ writers are too old for fanfic which is dumb af. And I wanted to turn the age gap trope a little so that it wasn’t the reader being the younger one in the relationship. I label it older reader but I don’t think being in your 30s is old tbh (my bf is 36 so pfft). It was all just a conglomeration of circumstances that inspired a deceivingly sweet dark Peter and I hope you like it. Also it’s 7.4k so a bit of a longer read.
Thank you. Love you guys!
Please leave some feedback, like and reblog <3
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You walked slowly along the transparent shelves set into the pristine white walls of the cosmetics section. The department store was a haze of distant voices and the chirp of scanners as customers milled the aisles and waited their turn to check out. You whiled away your time looking at things you’d never buy as you waited for your husband to return from the men’s department.
You thought of the sparse make-up bag under your sink and the liners and shades you hadn’t used in years. They were likely expired and better tossed in the bin. You hovered along the crystal bottle of designer scents and stopped to test a particular blush-tinted fragrance.
You set the bottle back and peered over at the dark cubbies that housed the men’s scent. Even from there, you could catch a whiff of the heady scents as a younger man with reddish brown hair examined an angular vial of Dior Men. You suddenly felt out of place; a mid-thirties woman in her out-of-season clothes fantasizing about overpriced perfume.
Your husband's voice further cemented your reality as you fingered the golden cap of the Coach eau du parfum. Wesley rolled his eyes and flipped up the little plastic panel that hid the bold prices and huffed.
“I hope you don’t think I’m gonna pay for that shit,” he sneered, “what have you been doing? I was waiting for you.”
He waved a plastic bag as his lip curled and you pressed your mouth shut tightly and swallowed. The day began with another argument as he discovered the seared hole in his shirt and instead of blaming the crappy old dryer, he blamed you. Most of your clothes had been chewed up by the thing but you never complained.
“No, I was just… looking,” you teetered in your flats and glanced around. The young man at the corner display quickly turned to hide his nosy observation, “did you find some new shirts?”
“No thanks to you,” he sniffed.
“Oh,” you played with the hem of your tee and tucked your hands into your pockets nervously. You’d left him to look alone as you only seemed to irritate him and rarely took your advice on matters of clothing, “well, I thought I’d give you some space--”
“Stop acting so pathetic. Start taking responsibility for yourself. For god’s sake, you're almost thirty-six and you don’t know how to hang a shirt to dry?” He spun on his heel and snapped over his shoulder, “let’s go.”
You flinched but followed behind him as he strode away and you stumbled out behind him through the automatic doors. He tossed the bag into the back seat and slammed the door before flopping angrily into the driver’s side. You mirrored him daintily and squeezed your legs together as you tried to make yourself as small as you could.
“I told you about the dryer,” you said.
“And?” he started the engine and slapped his hand around the wheel, “call a fucking electrician or some shit.”
“Alright,” you shrugged as he stopped at the exit of the parking lot and checked his phone quickly.
“Benny wants to do a round of golf,” he peeled out and you grasped the door as your heart raced. You hated how reckless he was when he was angry. You hated how easily he got angry these days.
“Okay,” you picked at the fraying stitching of your purse.
“Don’t start moping,” he sneered, “I fucking work all week and I can’t go out and have a few rounds?”
“I never-- I didn’t say anything,” you murmured.
“You don’t need to,” he turned the wheel sharply as he cut off another car, “you sit at home all day and do what?”
“I work too,” you said.
“Uh huh, sure, if that’s what you call it.”
You ran your fingertip over the bleach stain on the knee of your jeans and said nothing. When he was in a mood, he would latch on anything until he outright exploded. You tried to think of when he changed, when he had stopped being the chill guy you met back in college. It felt like a slow trickle, small things you ignored until it was a mountain you could not see past.
You felt like crying but you’d stopped that a while ago. You existed in a purgatory of acceptance and helplessness. You wanted him to love you again, wanted to believe you could fix things. So you would keep trying. You would do better.
You picked out a large flank of steak and winced at the price. You had a special dinner in mind. It was Friday and the work week was done. You wanted a weekend without a fight and Wesley was always one for a nice big cut of beef. You hadn’t made him one in a while, your dinners were the usual repetitive drumsticks and rice or your homemade mac and cheese.
You continued onto the fish section and grabbed some salmon for yourself. You’d gained some weight and decided to cut out dairy and red meat if you could help it. The pile of produce in your cart reminded you of the extra jiggle around your stomach and thighs. You also grabbed one of those women’s magazines that advertised a regimen to help slim your figure. You only hoped you could stick to it this time.
With your weekly haul in tow, you wheeled up to the check-out and waited behind a young man who looked oddly familiar to you. Maybe that was the passing years. You always felt a vague glimmer of deja vu, more often a sense of forlorn nostalgia of what you would never have again.
As you stared thoughtlessly, he looked over and smiled. He bent in front of your cart and picked up a thin packet of seasoning. 
“You dropped this,” he said as he held it out and you thanked him before quickly snatching it and looking away. 
He paid for his large bags of chips and over salted pre-packaged meals and packed up at the end as you loaded up your own goods, the cashier sending them down the parallel belt. You swiped your card and tried to calculate the chunk of money from your last check. You thanked the clerk and sidled past the young man as he finished up.
You rounded the counter as he lifted his three bags. You looked up without thinking, the sleeve of his shirt tight around his bicep. You caught yourself staring and looked back down as you packed in the cans. 
It reminded you of Wesley; he’d also started being more mindful, he hit the gym after work and you noticed the little pudge that started just after he turned thirty was slimming out. It was that exact reason that made you notice the extra pounds on your own frame, not that you didn’t realise before.
The man left and you unfolded the little buggy you slid under the cart. You loaded your bags into it and dragged the cart behind you as you made an awkward exit with both wheeled trolleys. The compact fabric buggy was easy enough to fit on the bus if you stood.
You pushed the cart into the row of empty ones and continued across the parking lot. You rolled up to the bus shelter and checked the bus times on your phone. You dug out your strip of tickets and ripped one away. You leaned on the thin handle of your trolley and looked over your shoulder as you heard someone approach.
The man who checked out ahead of you put his bags on the metal bench inside the shelter as he sipped on a bright drink from the place just beside the grocery shop. He sent you a smile over his straw and you spun back to crane your head and search for the bus.
When the metal beast barreled up and cranked to a stop at the curb, the man waited behind you and as your wheels caught on the edge of the ramp, he reached around you and helped push it over the lip. You thanked him shyly and continued up. Usually you tried to keep the shop light on weekdays but you hadn’t really been paying attention.
You pushed your cart against the small barrier just behind the accessible seating and stood beside it, conscious not to take up too much space. The man stood just behind you two bags on one shoulder and the other dangling from the opposite elbow as he sucked on his straw. You grabbed the upright bar as the bus took off and watched the electronic banner for your stop.
A sharp stop had you veering back and you were caught by the young man as he chucked, “oop, you okay?”
“Yes, thank you,” you muttered and gave a sheepish smile over your shoulder.
“There’s a seat,” he gestured just behind you, “I’ll watch your stuff.”
“Um, no it’s… fine,” you gripped the bar tighter as the bus shuttled forward, “my stop is soon.”
You looked ahead of you and three stops passed before yours. You exited through the front with your buggy and headed down the sidewalk as the bus pulled away. You were exhausted just from your little sojourn and it wasn’t even two o’clock. God, you felt old.
You had a salad chopped and tossed and the steak and fish laid out and seasoned. As you listened to your old Spotify list, the music dipped and the notification blipped over the screen. You washed your hands and grabbed the phone. You frowned as you read the lone message from Wesley, the only one you got from him all day.
‘Just finished at the gym, getting drinks with Andrew,’ you read and re-read the message as your heart fell.
You typed out a whole angry response and backspaced it all. You replaced it with ‘ok, have fun’ and blacked the screen. You shoved the meat back in the fridge and stretched saran wrap over the bowl of salad. You placed it on a lower shelf and closed the door, quickly swiping a can of the craft beer Wesley kept around.
You shut the light off in the kitchen and ignored the pang in your stomach as you cracked the can. You climbed the stairs as you sipped the hoppy foam. You put it on the night table and changed into the old butterfly pajamas you wore most nights and turned on the tv mounted against the wall. 
You turned on Netflix but hardly paid attention to the carelessly chosen movie. You sat against the headboard and down the bitter beer until the can was hollow and your eyelids were heavy. You slumped down so that your shoulders were at your ears and dozed off in the stiff position as the room moved with the colours of the television. 
The anger and alcohol shaded your shallow sleep and you hardly heard Wesley when he came in, only waking when your bladder was ready to burst and his snores rumbled in your head. You went to the bathroom and returned, wide awake, and stared at the shape of him in the dark.
You remembered when he used to kiss you when he came home, even when you were asleep, he’d wake you with the little pecks. You remembered when he was happy to come home. You remembered when you were happy. 
You swallowed the acrid aftertaste of beer and left him to snore. You went downstairs and curled up on the couch but didn’t sleep. You just stared at the shadows of the furniture until the sun rose.
The next day, Wesley didn’t wake until after noon and when he did, he didn’t say a word to you. He took his coffee and sat at the patio table in the back as you stewed and cleaned the kitchen. You had nothing to say to him even if you felt stupid for being mad.
“Gotta head down to the dealership,” he said as he interrupted your scouring of the stove.
“The dealership?” you said after a moment, deciding whether or not to break your vow of silence.
“I told you on Wednesday, I’m picking up the car--”
“We talked about this. We should wait a little longer--”
“It’s my money and I got a great price,” he sighed, “just because you have to pinch your pennies--”
“We’re married,” you squeezed the foam sponge, “it’s our money. Don’t act like I don’t pay for anything around here.”
“Oh thanks, honey, so wonderful you paid for a five dollar steak,” he scoffed, “I’ll be impressed when you can make a mortgage payment on your own.”
“How dare you!” you turned your back to him and kept scrubbing, “fine, but not a penny of my money is going to that thing.”
“That’s fine, I’m selling the old one, that should cover most of it--”
“What?” you slammed your hand between the burner, “you said we would hold onto it so I had something to--”
“Then you can buy it from me,” he said venomously.
“I’m your wife,” you spun to scowl at him again, “I-- what is wrong with you?”
He tilted his head and squinted as he poked his tongue out along his lip. “Nothing wrong with me,” he shrugged, “what’s wrong with you?”
“Don’t--” you warned as you pointed a finger at him through the bright yellow gloves, “don’t do that… I’ve been trying and you just keep pushing me away.”
“Me pushing you away?” he rolled his eyes, “you were passed out last night when I got home. Maybe if you didn’t fall asleep before nine I could actually fuck you… or at least get it up if you worked on losing some of that cellulite on your ass.”
Your lip quivered and you sucked in a breath. You shook your head and turned around again. You ignored him as your hand shook and you continued your work, scratching at the dried-on food around the burner. His empty mug clinked onto the counter and you listened to his exit.
Fuck him and his new car. You were done trying with him.
Wesley’s new car was shrouded in the shade of the garage as the old black Hyundai sat out on the driveway with a red and white “For Sale” sign on the windshield. Right after he got back from his extravagant purchase, he made the listing online and several perusers stopped by Saturday night but Sunday morning saw the car still there.
You sat by the border of stones around the garden as he drank beer in the garage and approached any interested buyers who appeared; although so far he’d only had two before noon.
You tucked your clippers into your apron pocket and dusted off your gloves as you stood. You were a little dizzy from sitting out in the sun and a glass of water was the perfect excuse to drown out the annoying sound of your husband’s voice.
You ignored Wesley as you trod through the garage and kicked your sneakers off on the mat right before the three steps up to the house. You went to the kitchen and put your gloves on the counter as you filled a glass from the dispenser on the front of the fridge. You’d given up everything but water and the slices of lemon were the only flavour you had.
You took the glass and your gloves and headed back. Wesley waited just at the bottom of the stairs as he glared up at you with arms crossed. You sighed and descended but he didn’t let you pass.
“What is your problem?”
“Are you really asking me that?” you hissed.
“You giving me the silent treatment isn’t gonna fix this,” he snarled.
“You know what you said so… I shouldn’t have to tell you to apologize,” you retorted and he stayed put.
“Is this about the car?”
“The car is just another thing,” you cross an arm around your stomach, “you think I couldn’t use it to get around, to get the groceries maybe? Or, I don’t know, maybe since you have such a problem with my home office, I could go out and get a ‘big girl’ job as you put it so many times--”
“Your mother has a car she never drives. You can just take her with you, two birds, one stone. I need to sell this to pay for the new one--”
“The one I begged you not to buy,” you huffed, “you could’ve waited a few more years until we were a little more comfortable--”
“Oh, wait? Until we have a kid and all my money goes to it,” he snapped, “yeah, I’m sure we’d have the money then--”
“You’d have to fuck to do that,” you stepped down the last step and pushed past him.
As you came into the sunlight and shielded your eyes, a figure stood by the garden, knelt just by your tulips as he felt the soft petals. You narrowed your eyes. You recognized him for sure. It was the stranger from the bus.
“Um, hi?” you croaked as you swallowed the lump in your throat.
“Hey, it’s… you again,” he chuckled softly as he stood, “I saw an ad for a car and… well, I’m getting tired of the bus.”
“Oh, uh, my husband,” you pointed over your shoulder, “you’ll have to talk to him.”
“Okay,” he smiled, “Peter,” he held out his hand and you stared at it. You introduced yourself and shook his firm grip.
“Like I said, it’s my husband selling the car,” you brushed by him and got to your knees by the flowerbed. “Unless you’re looking to buy some wilting pansies.”
“Hmm, I like the tulips better,” he said as he slowly inched away, “thanks.”
You sat back on your heels and he strode over to the open garage. You heard Wesley greet him and didn’t bother paying attention to the same pitch you’d heard all morning. You pulled on your gloves and wiggled your nose as it tingled. You really just wanted to keel over and bawl.
“Sold,” Wesley announced and you heard a clap, “all yours!”
“I’ll just transfer the deposit,” Peter said and a minute passed before he emerged again, the keys hanging from his finger, “Thanks, Wes.”
You hid your distaste. It used to be that Wesley hated being called ‘Wes’ but lately, he introduced himself to everyone as just ‘Wes’. He really had changed. You must have too.
“Hey,” you looked up and blinked as the sun made your eyes water as it shone around Peter.
“You bought it?” you asked as you yanked free a weed.
“Yep, but uh,” he glanced over his shoulder as the old car stereo Wesley used blared out a classic rock tune, “I… wasn’t eavesdropping but I heard some of it and… if you ever need a ride to the grocery store, I usually try for Wednesdays,” he tucked his hand in his pocket, “I don’t live too far and since we go to the same one--”
“No, no, you don’t have to do that,” you looked back to the soil, embarrassed.
“Well, if you change your mind,” he kept the keys dangling from one finger and reached into his pocket. He pulled out his wallet and slid out a card with some effort, “I’m supposed to have these handy but I never really use them.”
He offered the business card and you read his name above the title, ‘senior photographer’. You gave a half-hearted smile and put it in your apron pocket.
“Thanks,” you said, “I can manage.”
“You don’t have to though,” he said kindly, “but I’ll, uh, leave you to your gardening. Sorry if I bugged you.”
“You didn’t,” you assured without looking up, flattered that anyone cared enough to even offer help.
“Hey, Pete,” Wesley stopped Peter as he neared the car, “you can have one before you go.”
“Oh, no, I’m gonna be driving,” Peter argued.
“Pfft, it’s a celebration and one won’t put you over the limit,” Wesley insisted and handed him a dark bottle of craft brew, “come on.”
“I really should go--”
“It’s a Sunday, where do you need to be?” Wesley patted his shoulder and looked over at you, “hey, honey, you wanna see if we have any snacks for our guest?”
“I’m not hungry,” Peter said curtly, “really. Just the beer is fine.”
They disappeared back into the garage and you cringed. You hated that. Wesley only every acted like a husband when others were around.
You waited a whole week before returning to the grocery store. You were short on everything and it was a reason to get out of the house. Your husband had made both your home and your workplace hostile.
It irked you that Wesley resented you working from home when a couple years ago he was so happy about it. Then, he’d been so enthusiastic about starting a family but when it didn’t happen right away, he grew disillusioned and bitter. Now, he seemed to have no interest in being a husband let alone a father.
As you packed up your spinach and bottles of Perrier, your cart rolled just a little as someone nudged it from the other end. You raised your head and hid your surprise and discomfort as Peter smiled back at you.
“I thought you said Wednesdays,” you murmured as you dropped a bag in your cart.
“I forgot eggs,” he held up the carton, “I guess I have good timing.”
“You do?” you asked as you pulled your cart forward and maneuvered around to push it out of the way of fellow shoppers. You bent to grab your trolley from beneath and he caught it as you unfolded it.
“I’ll drive you,” he said.
“I told you--”
“I’m here so why not? Save the ticket for next time,” he urged.
“Why what?”
“Why does it matter? Why do I matter to you?” you asked.
“I don’t know, I… like helping people,” he shrugged, “what if I told you you were helping me? I have this horrible need to be the hero.”
“That will go away,” you muttered under your breath and he lifted a brow, “sorry, I… thank you.”
“Alright, let’s go then,” he collapsed the trolley and carried it easily under his arm as he cradled his eggs in the other, “I got the A/C fixed on the car too.”
“Mmm,” you hummed and walked with him out of the store. 
You crossed the parking lot and helped you load up the bags in the trunk. That car should have been yours; you’d made enough payments on it yourself but Wesley was such a stubborn ass.
You sat in the front seat as he slid into the other and started the car. He drove cautiously through the lot and you read the store signs as he came to the exit.
“How long have you and… the old man been together?”
“Um,” you glanced over at him and chewed your lip, “since college so… almost fifteen years now.”
“Fifteen?” he turned out onto the street, “really? I thought he was older than you.”
“Christ,” you scoffed, “don’t flatter me.”
“Really, I woulda said twenty-eight at most,” he said coolly, “wow, I feel so young now.”
“And I feel so old,” you grumbled as you crossed your legs, hoping he didn’t notice the wrinkle in the pink capris.
“Whatever, you’re not even forty,” he said, “and time has treated you well so I can only think in a few years… oh jeez, sorry, that came off weirder than I intended. Not that I meant for it to be weird at all--”
You giggled at his rambling as he rolled to a stop at the sign and peeked over at you in the rearview. You caught his eye and quickly looked away, “what?”
“Just… you have a nice smile,” he said as he turned down a side street, “and a nice laugh.”
“Thank you,” your voice was brittle at the genuine compliment, “you’re funny.”
“Am I? I wasn’t trying to be,” he took the same short cut you took when you walked home from the convenience store which was closer than the plaza.
“And nice,” you said as he came onto your street, “you really didn’t have to drive me. You could’ve dropped me at the corner--”
“No way, I was raised better than that, and if you think I’m letting you carry that all in by yourself--”
“Raised to help little old ladies?” you mused.
“Raised to treat ladies properly,” he corrected, “especially pretty ones.”
“I’m married,” your heart pattered as you dared to flirt back, almost in disbelief that he was humouring you, “and your lies don’t work on me, young man.”
“Not that young,” he insisted as he pulled into the driveway.
You got out and went around to the trunk. He handed you the bag with the bread and other light products, and loaded up with the other bags.
“You get the doors, let me do the heavy work,” he said and nodded you towards the house.
You went ahead of him and unlocked the door. You let him inside and pointed him into the kitchen. He placed the bags on the counter and stretched his arms and hands as you set yours on the other side. The muscles of his arms moved under his skin and you could trace the lines of his torso through his grey tee.
“So,” he took out the bottle of Perrier, “this going in the fridge?”
“What-- you’ve done enough.”
“Fridge?” he ignored you and pulled out the other.
You gave a long blink and threw up your hands in surrender, “yes, please,” you came around and reached in to grab the whole grain buns, “bottom shelf.”
You finished unpacking your groceries and took the empty bags from Peter and shoved them under the counter. You stood and looked at him nervously as he watched you, his fingers tapping on the granite.
“Do you want a snack? Something to drink? Water?”
“I’ll have a water,” he said and moved to leaned his elbow on the countertop, his side snug to the edge.
“Sparkling or--”
“Regular’s fine,” he answered
“Ice? Lemon?” you pulled out a tall glass.
“Just ice is fine… then I’ll be out of your hair,” he said.
Ice clinked into the glass and you covered it with the distilled water from the fridge. You slid it onto the counter and stepped back.
“Oh, I… actually, it’s a good thing I ran into you,” he said and took a sip, “my aunt, she likes to garden too but she got some bulbs she’s not gonna use, I thought maybe… maybe you would like some to fill in the holes?”
“What kind?” you asked.
“Some daffodils and some crocuses, I think,” he said, “I could bring them over next week after work?”
“That sounds like a lot of work,” you scrunched your lips, “you could probably just give them to a neighbour.”
“It’s not out of the way,” he said, “you want them?”
You stared at him and thought. He was nice. Too nice.
“What?” he asked.
“Nothing, I… I’m sure you have a girlfriend you could be spending time with--”
“I don’t. Not anymore,” he interrupted.
“Oh, sorry,” you said, “I didn’t--”
“Like I said, I always wanna be the good guy,” he finished his water and the last of the cubes settled at the bottom, “thanks.”
“No, thank you,” you said as he set his glass in the sink and backed away, “really, you made my day so much easier.”
“I hope your weekend is better,” he said, “but…”
He didn’t finished and you folded your hands together as he hesitated by the hallway.
“But what?” you prodded.
“Nothing,” he shook his head, “nothing. I should go.”
“Okay,” you rubbed the back of your neck, “see ya.”
“Monday,” he confirmed as he turned to the doorframe, “I’ll bring the bulbs. Just after seven.”
“Right,” you slanted your lips and watched him go.
The door marked his departure and you turned to exhale and lean against the counter. You could still smell his rich cologne. Then you felt guilty. It was stupid to think he was doing anything more than being nice, that the flirting was anything but a joke, but still, you missed feeling that way and it should’ve been Wesley making you feel that.
You squeezed the phone as you clenched your jaw so tight it hurt. Your eyes were wet and finally the tears were ready to start falling. The smell of steak filled the kitchen, another meal you wouldn’t eat. At the last minute, Wesley texted to tell you he was hitting the gym. Again. He was already late after a long meeting but promised he’d be home to eat.
So you waited for him to answer your furious phone call but got his voicemail instead. Your eyes narrowed at the bottle of wine and your chest knotted as the tone sounded.
“Wesley, this is it. I can’t do this anymore! I’m your wife. Do you even want to be with me? I can’t go on like this and now you won’t even answer my calls,” you snarled. You knew he had his phone on him as he no doubt had his Spotify work-out list on shuffle, “when you come home, you can sleep on the couch.”
You hung up and grabbed a stemmed glass from the cupboard. You filled it to the brim with Pinot Grigio but before you could taste it, the doorbell made you jump. You set down the glass and walked up the hallway. Just on the other side of the frosted glass was a silhouette. You opened the door and touched your forehead as you faced Peter.
“I totally forgot you were coming,” you breathed, “I’m so sorry. But thank you, you really didn’t have to--”
“Are you okay?” he asked as the paper bag in his hand crinkled.
“Yeah, I’m fine, I… thank you for the flowers,” you looked at the brown paper bag and he handed it over, another bag on his wrist; white with ribbon handles, “what’s that? You headed out for a date?”
“Um, no,” he said, “actually, I was just…” he pushed his fingers through his hairs, the reddish brown locks slightly curled with sweat, “I wanted to talk to you.” He looked past you and his warm eyes returned to yours, “Wesley isn’t home yet?”
“No, he won’t be for a while,” you backed up, “so you might as well come in. I have a steak no one’s gonna eat.”
“Yeah, he wouldn’t be,” Peter said glumly, “and steak sounds good.”
He closed the door behind him and followed you into the kitchen. You put the bulbs at the back of the counter and grabbed the bottle, “wine?”
“No thank you,” he said.
You plunked down the bottle and took a gulp of your wine before you turned to plate the steak and your chicken breast alongside the fried asparagus and roasted potatoes. You set the filet before him as he sat on the stool and climbed up across from him at the long island.
“Thank you,” he watched you slide a steak knife and fork towards him and his gaze lingered on your lips as you took another thirsty mouthful, “this is for you, actually.”
He pushed the white bag over to you and you smelled the subtle floral scent rising from it. You put your glass down and pushed open the top of the bag and peeked inside. You shook your head and rescinded your hand as if you were slapped. It was the same perfume from that day weeks ago.
“You… how?”
“You don’t remember?” he asked.
You thought back on the day you wanted to forget. He was the other shopper in the perfume section, the one who sent you that sympathetic look as Wesley reproached you. You winced and grabbed your utensils. You cut into the chicken and shoved it in your mouth. You swallowed loudly.
“Take it back,” you sniffed, “I don’t want it. I don’t deserve it.”
“You do. He doesn’t deserve you,” he carefully sliced into the medium rare steak.
“Is that what this is? Some perverted joke? A challenge?” you dropped your fork and knife, “you think you can seduce the sad housewife and then laugh at it? Sow your wild oats?”
“No, it’s nothing like that,” he calmly put down the silverware, “I… what I didn’t say when I showed up is I just came from the gym.”
You frowned in confusion and wrinkled your nose. You took another drink of wine as you tried to understand.
“I saw Wesley,” he said as he leaned on his elbow and pulled out his phone with his other hand, “I didn’t wanna say anything but… you’re here beating yourself up over him and-- just look.”
He slid his phone across the counter and you looked at the screen. Your entire body felt heavy and your veins filled with ice. You dropped your head into your hands as you tried to wipe the sight from your eyes; the image of your husband groping a woman in yoga pants, an act she wasn’t deterring.
“I knew it,” you sobbed as the tears burst forth and leaked down your palms, “I knew it. And why wouldn’t he? I’m old, ugly--” you sniffed and pulled your hands away to wipe them on your pants. Peter held out a paper towel and you took it as you avoided his eyes, “thank you but I think you should go. I’m humiliated enough.”
“You shouldn’t be alone,” he said as he climbed down from the stool and rounded the island, “he’s an asshole. He’s blind.”
“Please, Peter, just leave me alone,” you slid off the stool and he caught your shoulders. You looked up at him as you dabbed away the streaks of sadness with the paper towel, “Peter--”
“I’m not leaving,” he said firmly, “he’s out there having his fun, so why don’t you have some of your own?”
“Peter, that’s-- that’s wrong. I’m too old for you. And… I’m fat and--”
“You’re perfect,” he reached up to frame your chin with his hand, “you’re gorgeous,” his other hand trailed down your arm and to your hip, “that’s the first thing I noticed about you…” he pulled you closer and tapped your ass lightly.
“No, I can’t-- I just want to be alone,” you pushed on his arms and felt the thick biceps as he flexed and kept you close.
“Well, baby, what I want,” he turned you so that you were pinned between him and the island, “is for you to put on that perfume… I want you wearing nothing but that.”
“Peter,” you pushed on his chest that time and the hard muscle wall didn’t budge, “Peter, go--”
“Baby,” he bent and scooped you up suddenly. 
His hands spread over your ass as he lifted you and crushed his lips against yours. You murmured in surprise and he placed you on the granite countertop. He parted from your lips as you sat up and he shoved your legs apart, inserting himself between your knees. He played with the bottom of the dress you’d worn in hopes of rekindling your dying marriage.
“We can go slow,” he tickled along your thighs and pulled back suddenly, “just a little at a time.” 
He leaned in as he reached around you and grabbed the small white bag. He pulled out the perfume and snaked his hand around your neck. He pulled you to bend over him and he kissed your neck just before he sprayed a puff of perfume across your throat. He stood back and took a deep breath. He put the bottle on the counter and his hands went back to your skirt.
“Peter,” you caught his hands as they crept under the fabric, “please.”
You tried to slide forward and he stopped you as he grasped your hips and held you in place. He bit his lip as his eyes glimmered up at you. He drew a hand away and took the glass of wine and held it before your mouth.
“Drink, relax,” he cooed, “forget about him.”
You stared at him and he brought your hand up with his and wrapped it around the full body of the glass. He nudged it to your lips and watched you until you drank from the crystal rim. He smirked and lifted your skirt as he bent to bury his head beneath the folds.
You gulped and choked on the wine as your skirt fluttered down over his shoulders. You felt his finger on the lace trim of your panties and winced. He squeezed your thighs with his other hand and nuzzled the crotch of your underwear. You tried to close your legs but he kept them apart easily.
He curled his fingers under the elastic of your panties and tugged. He pulled until you lifted your ass just enough for him to get them free and he guided them down your legs before quickly parting them again.
You set down the glass and almost overturned it, the last mouthful splashing up the side. You pressed your hands to the granite and peered down at the shape of his head beneath your skirt. You gasped as his cool tongue grazed your warm folds and delved deeper.
“Peter…” you wisped and closed your eyes as you tried to hide from your own shame.
He purred as his tongue flicked over your clit and you twitched. He caressed the crease of your thigh with his fingers as he lapped at your, his other hand pressed against your stomach until you fell back across the counter. You arched your back instinctively and his hand cupped your tit through your dress.
He blindly pulled until your chest slipped out and pushed the cup of your bra as he teased your clit with his tongue. He felt along your cunt with his fingers and shoved his index inside of you. You moaned as he pushed another inside and curled them as he suckled on your bud.
Your core burned to life. Your entire being was set alight after months without affection. You quivered in delight and fear. Your nerves stormed both out of guilt and hunger. It felt so good but you knew it was wrong. The scent of the perfume filled your nose as your skin grew hot.
He moved his hand in time with his mouth as he doted on you. His touch intensified as your legs bent around the side of the island and your fingernails dragged along the granite, your voice rising without thought. He pinched your nipple and you cried out as you came in a wave of sheer pleasure and grabbed his wrist as you tried to steady yourself.
He eased off slowly as you trembled in the afterglow, his lingering touch tickled along your legs as he pushed your dress up. He pulled you to sit up and lifted the fabric over your head and ripped your sleeves free from your arms. He tossed as side the garment and swiftly covered your mouth with his so you tasted your own arousal on his tongue.
He unhooked your bra blindly and slid it off your arms. You were intensely aware of your nakedness and as you brought your arms up to cover yourself, he forced them down and ran his hands over your bare torso. 
“Beautiful,” he said as he laid a trail of gentle pecks along your throat and chest, pausing to take a nipple in his mouth as he rolled the other between his fingers and sent a shiver through you.
He kneaded your sides and hips, his fingers danced along your thighs and he followed the path with his mouth, kissing and nipping your flesh. He lifted his head again as he took your hands and twined his fingers through yours. He tugged you gently until you slid off the counter and landed on your feet shakily.
“Baby, you’re so amazing,” he placed your hands on his chest and pushed them down his muscled torso and brought them back up beneath his tee shirt, “go on.”
He let you go and you continued to roll up his tee. He dipped his head and raised his arms to help you and you clung to the tee as it fell limp in your grasp. Dazed, he snatched the shirt from your hands and flung it. He once more pressed your hands to his chest and guided you in feeling the lines of his toned flesh.
He pushed your hands against the top of his jeans and leaned into you. He kissed your temple and whispered along your hairline, “turn around, baby.” He squeezed your ass and purred, “mmmm, please, I wanna see that ass.”
You blinked, dazed, and spun slowly. You caught yourself on the edge of the counter as your legs trembled and you heard the subtle zip. He kicked his foot between yours and pushed your legs apart as he led you back so that you were slightly bent against the island. He ran his nails down your back and gripped your hip with one hand as his other drew away from your skin.
You flinched as you felt his smooth tip against your ass and he rubbed it between your cheeks. You inhaled and held in your breath as his hold on your tightened and he angled his dick under your ass and grazed your cunt. He poked your entrance and pressed his chest to your back as his hand covered yours on the granite.
He slid into you and your voice fizzled in the air as he forced the air from your lungs. You pushed your head back and it met his shoulder as his other hand crawled down your front. He spread your folds with his fingers and swirled another around your clit as he tilted his hips and thrust into you slowly.
“Ah, Peter,” you slapped the counter and he shushed you as his hand left yours cold and his fingers stretched over your throat.
His motion picked up as the noise of him crashing into you echoed around the kitchen. Your eyes rolled back as he rammed into you even harder. You were on tiptoes as he was driven by the weak moans that leaked from your lips and your wet pleasure squelched around him. He pressed two fingers to your bud and rubbed until you squeaked and your thighs quaked around him.
“That’s it, baby,” he growled, “I bet you never cum like that for him.”
You whined and he sped up again. He pinned you against the counter so that the lip pressed into your stomach. He took his hand from your cunt and pushed your head down as he kept his other hand around your neck. He didn’t waver once as he fucked you.
“Touch yourself, baby,” he commanded, “I want you to cum again for me. I know you want to too.”
His thick breath warmed the air and grazed your back as he held you down and his hold on your neck tightened until silver stars rose in your vision. Your feet dangled against the tile and you reached down to play with your clit as it buzzed. It was only seconds before you were murmuring in ecstasy once more.
“Fuck, baby, can you feel that? The way your clinging to me,” he puffed as he slammed into you over and over, “he can hardly fill you, can he? Hmmm? Little man.”
You wheezed as he choked you and his other hand kept your head pinned. You heard a distant creak but could barely do more than keep your fingers moving as your heartbeat deafened you. You came again and croaked as your cunt squeezed him hungrily.
“What the fuck?” the voice broke your lusty trance and suddenly you were pulled away from the counter.
Your head lulled as Peter held it up and turned you around, his pelvis slapping against your ass as you faced your husband. Your mouth hung open as your blurred vision barely registered the scene and the deep grunts only got louder behind you.
“Look who’s here,” Peter rasped as he snaked his arm around you.
“The fuck are you doing?” Wesley sneered as your eyes closed and your ass rang with each thrust.
“What you can’t,” Peter snickered, “doesn’t she look so happy?” He grasped your chin and pushed his fingers into your mouth as he held your head up, “well, you into watching or you gonna let us finish, old man?”
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rulerofstars · 3 years
do you write in modern!au? i have an idea about an angst of him confessing/proposing to his s/o but because they were too shocked, he thought he was being rejected and he left them, (cutting their contacts off and such) then they meet again after some time coincidentally and they got to talk about it and his s/o got to finally answer him (sorry if its too long!)
Le quattro Stagioni
Pairing: Levi Ackerman x (Fem) Reader
Genre & Warnings: Modern AU, angst, fluff, swearing, mentions of alcohol
Word count: 4,950 words
Angel: I am so sorry this took so long, anon. Thank you so much for requesting, I hope you enjoy this one. Play the songs in order upon seeing the little hearts (♡) that I’ll put, but only if you guys want. All the love.
Two is Better than One by Boys Like Girls
Back to December by Jake Coco (or TS)
You and Me by Lifehouse
The tepidity of June danced along the slightly cool breeze that blew a few strands of your hair away from your face. Numerous messages from Hanji made your phone go almost crazy and overwhelmed by the bombardment of notifications. Several questions about what would you wear, what time will you go, or should they pick you up.
A sigh escaped your lips upon opening your apartment door, the cold feeling of being alone grazed your cheek, sending shivers down your spine even though it was summer. Walking to your room, you grabbed the makeup pouch on top of the dining table along the way, replying to your friend’s messages.
Tonight is a special one. After five long years, a highschool reunion is initiated and organized by a few of your batchmates, and the venue is at a small garden event place—where everyone experienced their first prom when in third year. Your lips formed a smile upon the memories brought by the sudden reminisce, it was your first everything.
Highschool is a period where people often experience every kind of shit an individual has to go through to enjoy their teenage years. We get drunk, we smoke—well not everyone, but a majority has tried taking one drag and regretting it afterwards, we lie to our parents, we cut classes. It doesn’t always happen to everyone, and not every single person can relate, but the point is, highschool brought us to situations we never knew we could get through. It introduced us to unfamiliar feelings, it gave us the chance to quench the curiosity that formed within the depths of our minds.
It doesn’t always happen to everyone in high school, but in your case, you fell in love.
Being friends with Hanji allowed you to become one with their own circle, too. The ever so responsible Erwin, Mike, Nanaba, Moblit—Hanji’s best friend, and you didn’t know if they noticed but there’s something else in the man’s eyes whenever he stares at Hanji, and of course, Levi. . . Every single one of them had their own idiosyncrasies, and it wasn’t hard to get along with them, especially with the man with the jet-black hair and slanted eyes.
As a transferee from another school, you chose to go along their group, because being with them makes you feel at ease. They weren’t intimidating at all, Levi was, at first, but their warmth and how they welcomed you in their circle will never be forgotten by your heart.
Everyone has their own “partner in crime”, except for Erwin who could ace high school on his own, but he did help anyone who needed a hand, and because of his duties as a class president, he doesn’t always have the chance to mingle with you guys. And so every time you had afterschool shenanigans, Mike and Nanaba would have their own little world, Hanji would be blabbering their rants to Moblit, sometimes Erwin too, if he’s not too busy with his responsibilities, and you are often left with Levi. It’s not that you hated it—you never hated it.
“Do you want me to walk you home?” He asked, one day. It was three months after being friends with you when he first held your hand, just because an over-speeding car almost hit you while you were walking your way towards our house. His hand felt nice on yours, and the concern that dwelled in his eyes was enough to make your frail heart dance with the crispy, orange leaves.
It was in the final term of first year when the attraction towards him grew into a little crush and little did you know how he became more fond of you than he did with the others, too.
“Do you want me to get you soup?” The busy cafeteria was filled with hungry students, lunch time only allows you to have your break within an hour. Yes, fuck school, but thank God the canteen wasn’t so far away.
“Yep,” You answered, while waiting outside of the line as you waited for Levi to finish ordering your food while you held his bag, and the utensils.
“Go find us a chair, I’ll come to you.” His bored eyes darted onto yours, nodding his head, insisting that you should go and sit. Hanji and the others found you soon after being separated for a while, they sat anywhere but the seat in front of you. Because, it’s Levi’s spot if it is across yours, and nobody can change that.
The unexpected bond of you and him had grew into a light sense of puppy love, and you really didn’t have a clue about what you were feeling, but it did feel right, he felt right.
“Do you like Levi?” Nanaba interrogated you one time when she and Hanji had a sleepover at your house, and a sleepover isn’t one if you would not talk about crushes and such. Apparently, something is really going on in between her and Mike, and she talked about how it all began in middle school. Hanji, apparently, is too caught up with fictional creatures like Titans, and they spoke about not having time for crushes.
“Yeah, do you like him? Because he liiiikes you,” They teased and you brushed it off, avoiding the question by changing the topic immediately.
“Don’t be silly.” You laughed.
Of course, of course you did.
He is the snowflakes of your winters.
It was the autumn of sophomore, when you first went into Levi’s house, along with your friends, of course. You met his lovely mom who welcomed you warmly and cooked the nicest food you’ve ever tasted outside of your house, and then you met his uncle who acts as if he’s always drunk and calls Levi a little runt.
“Tch,” Kuchel showed you his baby pictures, and you stared at his annoyed face, picturing if he had not cut his long, dark hair. Maybe he could tie it into a manbun? “Mom, stop that.” You laughed, amused how he managed to snatch the album away from the grip of his mother as he ran towards his room while everyone giggled because of his reaction.
“That brat was never the friendly type, we’re glad you were able to adopt him to your group,” Kenny snorted. Behind his harsh words were a sense of gratitude, you knew that Levi’s uncle may appear as harsh at first, but he was kind, and you were pretty sure where Levi got his attitude from.
Kuchel patted the top of your heads before sending you off that day, thanking you for how well you treated Levi, “You take care of my son, okay?” She said, and it might have appeared as usual to others, but not to you. You’d never forget how she looked into your eyes the moment she spoke, as if she was pertaining to you.
What you thought was puppy love had bloomed into something deeper, something stronger, more serious, and bigger than the both of you.
It was the spring of junior year when you first made out. His room was dimly lit, the curtains were closed, his bed was soft, his tongue on yours—and how you wrapped your arms around his neck just to pull him closer to your body.
The seasons flew by quickly, you knew how well your heart and mind begs for him, and he is well aware about how a single touch of you could make him falter. You weren’t dumb, and it wasn’t that hard to figure it out, what was hard was to admit.
“What do you feel about me?” You asked, staring into his eyes and getting lost within the ardor the dwells upon his irises whenever he looks at you. “Do you love me, Levi?”
You would never forget how his ears turned red at that moment, placing soft kisses on your face while holding you in his arms, never ready to let go. “Tch, what do you think?”
“I think you do, too.” You smiled, pressing your lips against his and closing your eyes, feeling his warm breath on your face, his long eye lashes against your skin, and the scent you’ve grown fond of for years.
His eyes trailed to the necklace he gave you at prom, tracing the cold silver chain that rested upon the smoothness of your neck, “Then why’d you ask?”
And he would never forget how your eyes gleamed when he told you that, as if every star in the universe exploded and the smithereens fell onto your face. “I’m right, then?”
“I just want to hear you say it,” You pouted, kissing on his forehead and studying the cosmos in his eyes. You have always wondered how his eyes looked so pretty whenever you stare at them, never had you noticed how it only dazzles that way just because he is looking at you.
“I am in love with you.”
And it’s just a matter of time when the both of you realized that “you and me” was meant to be an “us.”
Everyone knew about your relationship when you were in high school, you were a power couple, lowkey but sweet. You never fail to capture almost everyone’s attention whenever you do the slightest things, hold each other’s bags, when you give him your food, when you share food, when you share a smile, most especially when you took every breath away at your first dance in prom. The relationship was private, but it shook everyone’s world. You kept things to the both of you, leaving people extremely curious about it.
The graduation was emotional, almost everyone was crying while they hugged their friends. And tears were flowing from your face, too, while Hanji and the others enveloped you into a group hug.
“I’m going to miss you all, oh my God.” They cried.
“There, there, it’s okay.” Erwin shushed them, earning a glare from your brunette friend.
“Shut up! You’re lucky you’d be going to the same university as Levi and Mike!”
You shook your head at them, spotting your boyfriend and walking towards where he is. A small smile formed on his lips upon seeing you approaching.
“Hey,” You smiled, kissing his cheek. Good thing, the lipstick you’ve used is waterproof.
“We made it, huh?” He kissed your forehead, and seldom are the times that he is willing to be affectionate in public. You closed your eyes for a while and caressed his cheek gently.
“We did,” You grinned, reaching out to his palm and intertwining your fingers together. “Hold my hand?”
He let out a light chuckle, and you swore, you fell in love a bit more. “Always.”
While you are the flowers of his spring.
Just like how high school was, college flew by quickly. After years of being emotionally, physically, and mentally drained, you couldn’t believe how you managed to reach the last year of suffering. You wouldn’t lie, but the pressure and the amount of knowledge you’ve compressed into your brain made you doubt yourself. The path towards reality was extremely horrifying, and you felt like you couldn’t take it. You doubted your own capabilities to the point wherein you almost didn’t believe in yourself anymore.
It was the winter of senior year when Levi asked you one question that almost made your heart stop.
The snow fell from the empyrean that day, the heater felt useless because of the extreme cold that crept upon the spaces of your apartment. Your boyfriend was there while you burned your eyebrows trying to work on your final requirement.
You wouldn’t lie if you would say that the stress that had been introduced to the both of you didn’t put a space between him and you. Numerous quarrels have made you stronger, but this. . . it was as if you’re aware that you are drifting apart, and you weren’t doing anything about it, and fuck how it scared you. You wouldn’t lie if you were to say that the love wasn’t as warm as it used to, it wasn’t as fluttery as before, and you understood that it could be because of college. But the thought of letting go of the man that you love just because you are so damn scared of opening up teared your heart to pieces, and so you made your mind.
“C-can we talk?” You asked, approaching Levi who sat on your couch while scrolling through his phone. He nodded, standing up and following you to the dining table where all of your papers and laptop sat, while you shivered underneath the sweater that you stole from him.
“I have to tell you something,” Your hands gripped the hem of the sweater tight, while your boyfriend lean against the backrest of the chair.
“Yeah, me too.” The coldness of his voice added to the ice that formed because of the freezing weather. Was he this cold or were you not used to anymore?
“Marry me.”
The ice struck your core like a billow enraged with fury and no mercy. You couldn’t speak nor react as your stared at him while time remained suspended in the frost. Your mind could not process his question, and confusion glazed your eyes while your heart pounded like crazy. The grip of your hand against the hem of the sweater weakened while you couldn’t believe what you just heard.
You thought he’s calling it off. You thought he was going to break up with you, you fucking thought you were done. But you are so taken aback that you can’t even talk. You sat frozen until seconds turned into minutes. You were sandwiched in the conundrum of stress, pressure, anxiety, and doubt.
“I see,” The words that left his mouth struck you in a different way as you watched his body walk out of your apartment. You wanted to scream, to punch yourself, to hurt yourself for not being able to function. You are trembling, but not because of the cold. A part of your soul shivered upon trying to understand what just happened.
“O-oh, my God.” You whispered, rushing outside without even bothering to put on more clothing. Winter’s kiss felt like a ghost on your skin as you sat in the middle of your snow-coated staircase, seeing how he had already gone.
Trepidation slowly crushed your heart as hot tears trickled from your eyes, down your face. Realization crept in the depths of your system as you understood that what caused you to be terrified never involved anything about the future, you’re not crying because he left, because whenever he does, he always comes back to you. What scared you the most, was how he felt before leaving. It felt like goodbye.
The summer dress fitted your body perfectly, putting on a small smile while staring at yourself in the mirror. After some time, you finally finished getting ready. Pink stained your juicy lips, and you topped it off with a gloss. A spritz of perfume, earrings, mascara, everything felt like complete but deep inside, you knew that something was missing.
Your eyes darted on your neck, that is why, feeling nothing around your neck was weird, because you were so used to wearing the necklace that he gave you back when you were in high school. Sighing, you found yourself opening one of your drawers and taking out the necklace once again, you never threw it away, how could you? You just stopped wearing it. Cold and pretty, it sat on your skin. It never looked weary despite how old it was, because you took good care of it. You took good care of the presents Levi gave you.
Memories of how you broke down and how Hanji and Nanaba hugged you so tight while you sat in the middle of Levi’s empty apartment tore a piece of your heart once again. How you begged Erwin and Mike to help you with finding Levi, but they were clueless, too. It hurt so much, he left without a word, cut everything off, he was gone in the wind, and never in your life had you been so confused, so hurt, desperate for answers, desperate for chances.
Before thoughts of him could fill your mind, you forced yourself to think of something else. It has been six months since then, but you would be lying if you were to say that you don’t miss him. Because in reality, you fucking do.
A doorbell woke you out of your daze, “Coming!” You shouted, double-checking everything before heading out the door. Various thoughts filled your mind upon seeing the staircase that was once buried in deep, white, snow.
“Come in, girl!” Nanaba shouted from the backseat, and you smiled upon seeing their bright faces. In the front was Mike, and Moblit’s in the passenger seat, Hanji and Nanaba sat next to each other in the backseat, squishing you in a tight hug once you got in. You missed this so much, it has been so long. You never imagined that you could cherish a friendship like this, one that could last long. One that is worthwhile.
The garden is filled with various decorations inspired by the summer. Flowers of different kinds greeted your vision, every decoration turned the same, old, and boring venue into a decent one. You smiled at every familiar face you’ve encountered with, grinning awkwardly whenever they asked you about Levi, and your heart ache. You sought for answers, and they were never given to you.
“Where’s Erwin?” You were curious about the blonde man’s whereabouts, he’s probably busy with work. He immediately got into a company after graduating. You were in their graduation, and Levi wasn’t there. Thoughts of how you panicked that day filled your mind once again, how you cried to Erwin and Mike, telling them how you’ve ruined Levi’s life. But they were comforting, telling you how the man could have transferred when in the final semester in the last minute. Still, everything’s just a possibility, you didn’t know.
Hanji scrolled through their phone, “Probably late because he’s busy,” They answered, looking at you to check if you are okay. Their hand caressed  the exposed skin of your shoulder, sending comforting warmth to fight against the cold of the night. “I’m sorry if everyone’s asking about. . .” They trailed off, and you smiled at them, assuring them that it is okay, even though it’s not. How the fuck will it be okay?
Nanaba hugged you from the side while you were sitting, you leaned your head against their shoulder, letting a few tears fall from your pretty eyes.
“I’m sorry, it’s just how they knew you. . .” She whispered, caressing your back, “You’re (Y/N) of Levi.” A bitter laugh escaped your mouth as you chewed on your bottom lip.
“Hey, don’t talk like that,” You giggled, forcing the tears to stop. Mike handed you a glass of water that he fetched from the mobile bar, and you thanked him, carefully drinking from the cup. “Thank you, for being with me.”
Everyone had fun with games and such, the food was great, you had to go back to the buffet table two times, not minding your diet for the night. It was in the middle of the program when Erwin came, nodding at the men and hugging you girls.
“What did I miss?”
“Everything, dude. Where the fuck did you came from? Narnia?”
The spotlight is suddenly on Erwin, shocking the man who is currently eating the food Moblit got for him while he was gone, the Microphone person, Oluo, decided to interrogate Erwin, being the class valedictorian of your batch. People laughed when he was forced to take one shot of pure tequila before making a short speech first. You weren’t sure if Erwin was one of those who organized the event, but he did told you that he was added into a groupchat by a person from another section—you think Nile was the name.
Erwin was indeed, super late when you realized that it is time to for the most fun part of every prom you had in high school—the party portion. The man ate first before he joined your group’s rowdy-ass partying, you had fun as if you were back in your teenage years, except, you had unlimited alcohol this time. You’re pretty sure that either Hanji or Mike would come home late because those two doesn’t know the word limit.
Amidst the part where everyone’s being wild, from disco music to cheesy ones that you actually danced to when you were. . .
A few couples filled the dancefloor, as others went to the mobile bar, ready to get drunk. It was one of your favorite love songs which played, as if it’s mocking you for not having your long-time partner. It’s mocking you for being single, fuck, you don’t even know if you are single or not.
Your boys formed a circle, they always do this every time a sweet song plays from the blasting speakers, mimicking a cotilion, but jumping to the part where everyone switches partners by forming a circle. You get partnered with Mike first, making funny faces to him like how you used to when you were young, and as he twirled you around, you found your self in the gentleman’s arms—Moblit, he told you how pretty you looked as he let you spin, passing you onto Erwin.
His eyes darted on the necklace on your neck, smiling upon the sight of the familiar jewelry, “You look beautiful tonight,” He told you, swaying you along the rhythm of the music. Your lips formed a slight smile, knowing that the reason of his stare is because of the necklace. “Don’t even think about teasing me, Erwin I swear I’ll punch-”
“Woah, easy there, I won’t do that to you.” He laughs at your glare, this man is probably drunk, you thought. While the two never knew their limits, Erwin’s a fucking weakling when it comes to alcohol. He twirled you around with so much force that you ended up not being catched by Mike and so you closed your eyes and braced yourself for the impact, but you didn’t fall.
Warm hands caught your frail body, whoever it was wrapped their hands around you, and between the the searing touches of this stranger, you felt yourself froze, feeling the familiarity of the unfamiliar touch. The clean, musk scent that had you enticed and whipped for years is recognized by your system.
There’s something about you now. . .
His warm hands embraced you like he used to while you get lost within the music that you first danced to.
I can’t quite figure out.
“I missed you.” He whispered, and you couldn’t open your eyes. You buried your faces within his chest, and how you also fucking missed it.
While various emotions filled your core, the tears that failed to escape your eyes before the party started, found their way back into your tear ducts. You didn’t know what to feel, how to feel, what to think, you are once again clueless while you let yourself drown within his touch.
Everything she does is beautiful.
But one thing is for sure.
Everything she does is right.
You are glad that he’s back.
He is the chill that makes you shiver when autumn comes by.
“F-fuck you. . .” You cried, sobbing onto his shirt and gripping onto the fabric. Levi’s hands caressed your back, pressing you closer, harder onto his chest. Fury crept upon every crevice of your heart, but you can’t let him go, you’re scared to let him go.
The love that you have for this man is so tremendous, that you can’t stand to hate him. Slowly, you felt yourself being pulled away from the crowd of dancing couples, distance made the music sound so soft, and the only sound that blasted you to bits was the sound of your heart beats with his.
“I hate you, I fucking hate you, how dare you—how fucking dare you!” Your fists came in contact with his hard chest, the feelings you have kept to yourself for six fucking months blasted like a waterfall. The force was too much, and you let yourself get carried out. Just this once.
His soft eyes never left your tipsy state, you were perfect. Still perfect.
Levi gladly took every punch you threw, every curse you spat, every slap you gave, because nothing could ever deny the fact that he deserved it. He was so fucking dumb, as Erwin and Mike told him.
“Leaving after proposing? Are you a sick fuck? Who does that?”
He received words from his friends after knowing what happened between the both of you. Curses, advices from Erwin, words from Hanji, the disapproval of Moblit, Mike’s punches, Nanaba’s disbelief.
“How d-dare you leave me! Y-you told me you won’t leave me. Fuck you, I-I love you. . .why did you leave me. . . Y-you know that I hate it when you leave me.” You sobbed, not knowing if you should continue hurting him or if you should go and hug him.
Levi’s lips pressed softly against your forehead, holding you tight, under the unforgiving solstice of the night.
“I almost failed my major. . .” He whispers, hugging the vulnerable you, while he buried half of his face onto the crook of your neck. And fuck, how he had missed this, how he fucking missed everything about you. “I never told you, because I know how anxious you were. . . I don’t want to become a burden.”
Your breathing was unsteady as you choked on words you could never say because of what he just said, your grip on his shirt tightened as you felt more tears streaming down your pretty face.
“I felt us drifting apart. . .and fuck, it scared me, (Y/N),” He paused, breathing deeply and running his fingers through your hair. “And when you asked if we could talk, I thought you wanted us done. So I asked you to marry me.”
His warm hands found their way to caress your tear-soaked face as he brought his face closer to yours, staring deeply into your eyes. “And I really wanted to marry you, baby. Fuck, I even had the shitty ring with me that time. . .” He gulped, biting his lip upon seeing the pain in your eyes. He could feel how fast your heart beats, he could feel the ache you’ve gone through for six months. “But I freaked out, And I really thought I. . . I already lost you.” He closed his eyes, he couldn’t bare seeing you cry because of him again.
“Erwin told me that I don’t deserve you, and I realized that really fucking don’t.” The cold wind kissed your skin, contrasting the heat that his body radiates. Steel grey eyes you have fell in love with years ago and until now darted on the silver necklace that sat pretty on your skin, and how it made his heart pound faster that it does. “But I am in love with you. . . The six fucking months, I’ve spent all of it trying to make myself a better man for you.”
His eyes, the gloss that reflected the beauty of the moon stared into yours once again. It’s been a while since you’ve seen the way his eyes look more pretty whenever you stare at him, because it has been a while since he last saw you.
“And whatever decision you are going to make, I will accept.” He whispered, pressing a soft kiss on your tear-stained face once again. “I am in love with you.” A small smile formed on his lips, as if he was already assuming that you’d leave him, and you hated that smile, you hated everything.
As if you fucking could.
“Marry me.” You muttered.
Gone was the fragility that dwelled upon your starry eyes, every doubt, every question, every ounce of fear that once settled deep inside your heart vanished along every meteor that crashed into the abyss of nothingness. Gone was the hate, gone was everything else except for the both of you.
‘Cause it’s you and me, and all of the people, and I don’t know why, I can’t keep my eyes off of you.
He nodded at you, speechless upon your sudden question. And he knew that this is right, he is sure. He is sure of you.
“I’m sorry.” His kisses sent butterflies and made you grew flowers on every inch of your body as he carefully slipped a ring on your ring finger. “I will make it up to you.” His words are coated with finality, and your heavy-lidded eyes felt warm once again, his slender fingers wiped the corner of your eyes before the tears could stain your face once more.
“D-don’t you leave me again.” You choked, admiring the ring that he got you. It fitted perfectly on your finger, just like how your hand fits perfectly with his.
“I’ll stay with you, always.”
“I never stopped loving you, Levi.” Your soft voice was melody to his ears, as the summer night reminded you both of how everything started. How you first met, how you first held hands, how you slowly fell in love, how you first made love, how you both thanked the cosmos for leading you to each other’s arms.
“I’ll never not love you.”
And you will always be the warmth that completes his every summer.
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aetheternity · 3 years
Hard Pass P3 (Levi X Reader)
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Synopsis: Levi is forced out of his comfy dorm room and in a strange twist of events right into your arms at a college party.
Levi was relieved for the silence as he clicked away at his keyboard. Mike had gone to his only late class of the entire week. Which meant Levi could actually study in his room.
The scent of tea and the small aroma diffuser on his desk as well as the open window in front of him welcomed a nice calming smell that was normally masked by Mike's gym bags and sweaty clothes. Which reminded Levi of the laundry he would have to do soon.
He pressed his tea cup to his lips feeling a twinge of irritation as he was interrupted by two knocks on the door. He looked down at the time. 6:15. A little too early for Mike to be back complaining that he'd forgotten his keys.
Then it was probably one of his girls complaining that she'd left her shit in the room. If Levi had a dollar for the amount of times that had happened he could pay for a new roommate.
The next couple knocks were a bit louder. "Levi? It's Y/N.."
His face practically exploded. He stood far too fast because just as quickly he was flopping over his stupid desk chair and hitting the floor with a hard thud. He gasped audibly tugging at his knee and gritting his teeth.
"Levi? Are you ok?" Came her voice again.
He pulled himself up with a huff and staggered over to the door. Unsurprisingly he had to limp. With a quick turn of the lock he yanked open the door right into his forehead. God fucking dammit.
He groaned in a mix of fury and disgust partially because he'd idiotically stood so close when opening the door and partially because he hated the stupid inanimate object.
"Oh my god! Are you ok?" Y/N gasped, squeezing herself inside and shutting the door behind her. "Let me see? Did you hit your eye?" She asked
Her fingers were so delicate as she brushed aside his hands. So close.. Her thumb traced the already appearing red spot on his forehead. Soo close.. She brushed his hair to the side cupping his cheeks to gently reposition his head towards the light. Close....
She breathed out a little chuckle. "It's probably gonna bruise."
Levi barely registered her words. Occupied with her beautiful eyes illuminating moonlight and the dim lights in his room. His lips parted ever so slightly. When her hands fell away he gulped and jerked his head back. Trying to find literally anything to take the edge off.
"I'll.. go find you an ice pack, ok?" Y/N began already heading for the door.
"K-knee.." Levi tried and mentally cursed himself.
"Huh?" She asked, turning back.
"M-my.. t-two please.."
Her smile was gentle, "Two ice packs. Got it." And with a little wave she was out the door. Her lingering touch still causing heat to pool in Levi's chest.
"Aww sweetie, are you sure you're ok?"
He was not. Definitely not. One of her hands was on his uninjured knee and the other was brushing his hair away from the ice pack. He didn't even know if he'd breathed in the last 20 minutes. His brain echoing the word sweetie.
The two of you had been sat on his bed as he uncomfortably laid his head back on the wall. Trying and failing to not fixate on your touch. Every brush of your fingertips was downright intoxicating.
"You look kinda red. Do you wanna try seeing a doctor or something?"
"N-no.." It was barely audible but he knew she heard when she nodded.
If there was a hole nearby he would crawl into it and never come out. Though he also didn't wanna move as the fear of making this situation worse for himself stayed ever present.
"Let me see?" He partially removed the ice pack from his forehead, spine tingling over the way she sucked in a breath. "You should be more careful."
Levi didn't answer. Just squeezed his legs closer together and sighed. In all the time he'd been in this room he'd never hit himself in the face with the door. Just what kind of power did this girl have over him.
"I know because my little cousin has done stuff like this but you should put some cream on the bump so that it doesn't get redder and it'll go down faster."
Little cousin? That wasn't a fair comparison. Little kids do stupid things cause they're kids. Did she think about him that way? Uggghhhh.
He was yanked from his thoughts by her hand coming down to squeeze his. "Are you positive you're ok? Do you need anything else?"
"I-I'm fine.."
Just as Levi said that his attention was brought to the door. Mike had barely stepped into the room and he was already grinning like a fucking idiot.
"Well, hello." He greeted, stepping closer. "Levi, you didn't tell me you were inviting anyone over. Especially not a pretty girl."
Y/N's chuckle was nervous, "Hello, you must be Levi's roommate." She stuck her hand out which Mike immediately took placing one hand on top of their joined hands.
"And you must be Y/N." He said "I've heard so much about you."
His teasing was met with a glare that could slice concrete. If Levi had known Mike was gonna come straight back to the room he definitely would've gotten rid of Y/N sooner.
"Oh? Really?" Y/N turned to look at Levi behind her. "You told him about me?" It was a split second thing but Levi could've sworn her features softened.
"Oh, no I meant Hange." Mike replied
Oh? Was she disappointed? It sounded disappointed? Did she want Levi to talk about her?
"But at no point did Hange tell me you were this pretty. Neither did Levi honestly, I'm kinda disappointed."
Alright that's enough of that. Levi stood. Placing the ice packs on his bed.
"You should probably leave." He gritted his teeth at how harshly it came out.
Now Mike was letting go of Y/N's hand. "Oh wait! I came to get my phone. Hange said you had it."
Levi blinked. He'd almost forgotten about that. It had been sitting on his desk since yesterday. His knee was screeching in absolute horror as he staggered his way over to his desk.
"What the hell happened to you?" Mike asked, clearly trying to hold back a snicker.
"Aw, it was an accident. I scared him."
Levi returned with the phone shooting daggers into Mike who pretended not to notice.
"Thank you." She breathed a sigh of relief.
"Did you put your number into it?"
Levi's face perked up a little. "Yes."
"Ok, then I'll text you later." She assured, brushing her finger tips over his forehead once again. "Goodnight boys." And with those last words she took off.
"Faking an injury?! I didn't think you had it in you!" Mike celebrated as soon as she was gone.
"Dickhead." Levi scoffed.
"Hey, is that any way to talk to the best friend who just confirmed your biggest fear moot?" Mike plopped down on his bed with a playful huff.
Levi flopped down into his desk chair, staring up at the ceiling. "One you're definitely not my best friend especially after that shit. And two I'm not you I don't fake shit to get girls."
"That would totally be hurtful if it wasn't true." Mike shrugged "I meant the fact that she doesn't have a boyfriend."
Levi practically flipped himself out of his chair. "How do you assume that."
"Simple. Hange told me about her ex boyfriend. By the way it was probably that guy that took her from the library that day. And Hange says that a lot of guys find Y/N attractive. Because of this her ex got too overprotective and they broke up. But he had no reason to be because Y/N would always tell people she had a boyfriend or at least around Hange she did."
Levi stared at his barely drunk tea. The liquid probably cold after being left on the table so long. So she had dated that guy.. He had been so tall and pretty muscular looking, was that her type? She didn't seem like she was going to get back together with him.. but he was still around.
"All I'm saying is she seems loyal. You better snatch her up before someone else does or she gets back together with her ex."
His attention was drawn away by his phone softly buzzing on his table. He pressed the on button, swiping his pin and clicking the notification as it popped up.
Hey Levi, it's Y/N.
Listen ik you said you're ok but I bought you some cream just in case. I'll bring it to you tm ;)
His heart fluttered and ached remembering her touch and her kind words. If he didn't full blown know Mike was staring at him he would probably hug his phone.
Too much time had passed and suddenly the whole school was on break. Levi had been dreading this. Not because he was a workaholic like Mike claimed but because he knew Hange was gonna drag him away and make him vacation.
And no form of vacation could possibly be more relaxing for him than curling up in bed with some books, doing some casual cleaning, and drinking tea with light music playing at all times. Mike was definitely going home during this time so it'd be the perfect way to spend his break.
But Hange's family owned a couple lodges and that meant another year of begging for Levi to come ski and freeze his fingers and toes off.
"Come on, Levi!"
"Absolutely not."
"Erwin!" Hange called to him where he sat on Levi's bed, scrolling through his phone.
"You knew he was going to say no." Erwin replied
"Which is why I brought you to help me make my case." Hange complained
"You clearly made an error in judgment then." Erwin retorted
Mike laughed from where he was laying on his own bed. "Might as well give it up Hange, Levi is just too stubborn about this. We all know he wants to be close to all my junk while I'm gone cause he'll miss me."
"I wouldn't hesitate to tell your stalker where you're going over break." Levi spat
"She'll figure it out anyway. She's a high class stalker. And I'm not her first." The room fell in uncomfortable silence but Mike just leaned back giving his full attention to his phone screen.
"That disturbing remark aside.." Erwin began shaking his head. "I'm going."
"And that's supposed to change my mind? How'd Hange force you into it?"
"It may stun you but I chose to go through with this all on my own. There are studies that claim it's good for the mind to get away from normality during breaks or away from your comfort zone to properly clear your mind. It'll also help you make less mistakes when classes resume."
Hange smiled, "Yes, that's exactly what I was thinking."
Levi rolled his eyes. "If I go you can't beg me next year." Hange's loud shrill screeching made Levi's heart drop out of his ass.
"Finally!!" Hange screamed in excitement as she wrapped her arms around Levi's neck.
"Get off already! You're such a pest!"
And that was how Levi ended up on a train for almost three long hours with Hange blabbering on about nothing and Erwin sat in the seat across from the two of them listening to podcasts while staring out the window of his own very sad music video.
And all of the crap Erwin had spewed about getting away being more relaxing proved to be completely from the ass as Levi shivered along wrapped in two scarves, a pair of gloves, his long green coat that fell around his ankles and a winter hat plopped over his ears.
"Walk faster Levi! Is that the best your little legs can do?!" Hange called, somehow racing her way up the slope with three bags. One that wasn't even hers
Levi grunted in irritation. Not only were they walking up a hill but it was covered in snow so deep that every step felt like he was falling.
"Do you need help?" Erwin asked, not waiting for Levi to respond as he hoisted the overnight bag off his shoulders.
Levi just huffed. "I swear Hange was made in a lab."
"As possible as that is, Hange was basically raised in the snow so this is the equivalent of dust for her." Erwin replied as the two of them trudged along.
"Her parents own multiple ski lodges why the hell did we go to the one up a fucking hill."
"The other closest one was more than 6 hours away. Did you really wanna be stuck on a train with Hange for more than 6 hours?"
Levi just groaned as they finally walked through the surprisingly big doors of the huge ski lodge. Hange raced over to the front desk as Erwin slipped onto the lobby couch, followed by Levi who was still kicking snow off his boots and his second bag.
"What's in that bag?" Erwin questioned, nodding to the luggage Levi had yanked over his lap.
He exhaled loudly giving the bag a couple soft pats. "Clothes, extra boots, extra gloves, two bottles of cleaner and a small box of tea as well as some light reading material."
"When are you gonna have time to read? We're going to be skiing most of the time we're here."
"If you think I'm getting on a ski lift you have less working brain cells than Hange."
Erwin smirked with a roll of his eyes, "Alrighty then, what's in this bag."
"All of the shit that didn't fit in this bag, toothpaste, toothbrush, cologne, extra pairs of underwear-"
"Woah, Levi you can't just talk about your underwear in a public space." Erwin chuckled at his own joke.
Levi rolled his eyes, "It's bad for your health to hang around Mike as often as you do."
"How is it you're not dead yet then?" Erwin retorted
Hange had been chatting up the receptionist for almost 15 minutes, bouncing up and down in front of the desk and indulging him in the stories of their travel up here. The man just gave her a sheepish grin and honestly Levi felt a little bad for the man but a little less when he thought about how it wasn't his problem anymore.
Moblit.. his name tag read. Somehow Hange's mannerism seemed more crazed with him if that was even possible.
"Yeah.. it has been so long." He heard the man say. You got.. taller..
"We're never getting out of this lobby are we?" Erwin sighed as the two continued to chatter on. Levi and Erwin stared as Hange continued on about her car with a surprising amount of engagement from the other party. "You know they kind of remind me of you and-"
"Hey, Hange!" Erwin cut himself off as a brown haired girl that Levi instantly recognized hopped down each step, a bald boy following her. And Levi believed he remembered them from Y/N's stories as Connie and Sasha who he remembered from the party.
"Hange, what're you doing here?" He asked as the brown haired girl gave her a hug.
"My family owns the lodge so I brought Erwin and Levi for the break!" Hange said, pulling Connie into side hug that he immediately reciprocated.
"Oh god! Why didn't you tell me your plans for break? Jean would've driven all of us up here and you wouldn't have had to waste gas."
Hange just shook her head. "It's quite alright I was already out of gas so we just took the train up here."
"You didn't put gas in your car again?" Connie asked
"Wait, if you guys came then does that mean Y/N is here?" Hange asked completely dodging Connie's question.
At her name Levi bounced out of his seat. Almost launching himself into the spot next to Erwin. Pulling his hat over his eyes and sliding his back as far into the chair as he could.
"What's up with you?" Erwin questioned
"I embarrassed myself last time I was with Y/N.."
"What? Didn't she buy you cream like a month ago?"
"Y-yeah." Levi shimmied his feet together as he slid further down in his seat.
Erwin's chuckle next to him made him grimace. "I know you don't really get it Levi. But uh, making an ass out of yourself in front of your crush is the first real hurdle to knowing you've got it bad."
"Shut up.."
"It could've been worse.. You could've accidentally injured her. Or got caught by the loud mouth in your class while writing her first name and your last name in a notebook."
"Sounds like a personal story.." Levi replied, inching the hat off his eyes to look up at Erwin.
Erwin scoffed, "Point is it happens." He said with a roll of his eyes.
Levi let out a little snicker that instantly got caught in his throat. It had never occurred to him that he'd actually paid attention to the romance movies he'd seen a hundred times with his mother. But now that Y/N was walking down the stairs it was like a scene from all of those movies combined.
Her smile just as warm as always. Turtleneck sweater hugging her features along with dark blue jeans and brown boots. Each step felt slower than the last as if everything in this particular room had been put on the slowest speed imaginable.
The butterflies in his stomach swarmed like they were all chasing after one specific thing. Everytime she appeared somehow it was different.
"We're still going skiing today right?" Connie questioned as Y/N stopped on the last stair.
"If Jean's up to it sure." She replied, her cheeks flushed like she'd just walked in from outside.
"Well this is gonna be a fun weekend." Erwin said but Levi didn't even register his words. His heart stammering in his chest. "Go make a fool out of yourself." Erwin nudged
"Hey Jean! Come on!" Connie said
"Yeah, Jean I'm hungry!" Called Sasha
Levi's heart stopped, his chest crumbling in on itself. The same guy from before.. just as soon a loud crash sounded and everyone turned all at once.
"Oh god are you ok?!" Y/N was the first person by Hange's side followed by Moblit from behind the counter.
Hange let out a laugh, wincing as she pulled herself up with Moblit and Y'N's help.
"I'll be ok. Just took a little spill." She continued to laugh.
Erwin was soon standing by her side. "Are you sure, you're alright? Your face is super red.."
A momentary lapse in Hange's facial features made Erwin step back a little. "Shut up Erwin." She huffed
"You fell on your side. You should rest a little bit." Moblit said, coming closer. "Just.. in case."
"Ok.." Hange replied
Y/N seemed to relax at this information. Her gaze immediately falling on Levi surprisingly. He really hoped he didn't outwardly wince.
"Hi, Levi." She spoke plainly giving Erwin a small greeting as well before her, Connie, Sasha, and Jean were leaving the lobby.
Hange and Erwin unsurprisingly crowded into Levi's room about five minutes after the whole ordeal. But Levi couldn't even bring himself to wipe one thing down like he'd wanted to. He just laid still on the bed, eyes planted to the ceiling.
Surprisingly Hange had also stayed silent. Her eyes shut where she laid next to Levi.
"I can't believe you broke the handle on my luggage Hange." Erwin called still sat on the floor holding his luggage in one hand and the handle in the other. Pressing the broken part of the handle to his bag as if it'd be that simple to fix.
"Now what am I supposed to do?"
"It broke my fall Erwin. Be grateful."
"For what exactly?"
"I don't know!"
Levi blinked, his gaze falling on Hange for the first time since she took that spill in the lobby. Her hands were crossed over her stomach, thumbs rubbing the spot where she fell.
"Are you alright or not?" Levi questioned
"I'm fine."
"Ok, I know why Levi's upset but why're you?" Erwin chimed up
"What's Levi upset about?"
"What else? Y/N."
"Uggggghhh Levvviiiii why don't you just ask her out already?" Hange said
Levi sat up on the bed pulling his feet into his chest. Shoes long gone, pushed up against the wall as soon as they'd walked into the room.
"I'm not talking about this shit anymore this week."
"Levi, if we're staying here all of this week and next then chances are she's also staying here all week and next. Which means somewhere in here is a perfect opportunity to-"
"Get in her bed." Hange interrupted
"Or something less crass." Erwin suggested "You did pack condoms in your emergency undies bag right?"
"Did you pack a spare handle in yours?"
Hange's obnoxious laughter was almost loud enough to muffle the low knocks on the door. Her irritating jabs to Levi's shoulder quickly halting when Levi grabbed her fingers.
"Who is it?" Erwin asked, one hand on the door.
"It's Y/N.."
Now Hange stopped laughing. Erwin shrugged as he looked back at both of them before pulling the door open.
"Hey, here." Y/N sounded filled with fatigue as she handed over a small bottle to Erwin.
"Oh! Thank you! Where'd you get this?" Erwin smiled with delight immediately flopping back down next to his bag.
"Jean carries around extra strength glue because Connie always manages to break something fragile." Y/N replied "I doubt it'll work but maybe it'll help a little?"
Erwin nodded happily as Y/N turned to look at Hange. Her hands balled up and her fingers fidgeting where she was pulling at them.
"How's your rib Hange?"
"It's ok now, thanks for asking."
Y/N nodded and at this moment everyone in the room was looking at Levi who automatically felt extremely naked.
"Levi um.. can I talk to you? In the hall?"
Levi didn't know if he had nodded in his head or in real life but he was swiftly moving across the room. Passing Y/N where she stood and then holding the door open as she walked out just behind him. The door shut behind the two of them and if Levi felt naked before the feeling out here was somehow worse.
"What happened?"
Levi could hear the slightly muffled footsteps on the other side of the door and even a whispered Hange as Y/N spoke. His hands felt both too dry and wet all at once as he looked into her mildly menacing gaze.
"Wh- where wh-when.."
"You barely said anything to me after I brought the cream for your forehead. What happened? Did I do something wrong?"
Oh god how can she possibly assume that? Levi felt his stomach clench. He had never had it easy with text, which was why he pretty much always called everyone.
"I-I didn't mean.. it um.." He shuffled his feet a bit now remembering that he still had no shoes on.
Y/N sighed. "I wanna be your friend Levi. Please tell me you want that too."
With a deep breath he replied, "Call me."
"Anytime.. I'm a bad t-texter.."
When her facial features softened Levi felt his shoulders finally sag for the first time since he'd heard her name in the lobby. "Ok.. oh ok, that's all it was? I thought I did something wrong. I'm glad we talked."
And Levi was barely registering her hands wrapping around his shoulders. Her body pressing oh so comfortably close to his. Hand sliding over his back, scent overwhelming his nose. And then just as soon it was all being taken away.
"I'll call you, ok?"
"Ok.." Levi's hand was still waving long after she'd already disappeared out of plain view.
"Oh god you're her friend!" Hange laughed the door suddenly yanked open behind Levi.
"It's as cute as it is sad." Erwin clicked his teeth.
"Tch, shut up." Levi stomped back into the room.
"Levi, you're in the friendzone!" Hange huffed as Erwin shut the door. "And if you don't get out of it. You're gonna be the short shoulder to cry on when some big dude with an invalid drivers license, a shit ton of tattoos and a porn addiction breaks her heart."
"That's oddly specific.." Erwin retorts
"All of you keep assuming I wanna be her boyfriend. I don't!"
Erwin rolled his eyes, "That tall guy that she was with actually. I think he'll be the guy who has her running to Levi's shoulder."
"Oh you mean Jean?" Hange nods "But they broke up a while ago."
"Then why is she still hanging out with him?"
"He's Sasha and Connie's best friend. So they've all known each other a while. They're a set, don't separate type deal."
"Then it's only logical that Y/N will marry Jean someday. You know if they all stay so close."
"Yup, definitely."
"You can both eat shit."
Day one
Levi strained awake, blinded by the harsh sunlight stabbing his eyes through the uncovered window. He couldn't even remember when he'd fallen asleep last night but he could already tell it was too early for everyone else to be awake.
He could recall a couple things from last night. Hange overstaying her welcome in his room, Erwin suggesting that Hange pay for his fucked up luggage and somethings he would rather not think about.
Preferably the others joining in his room to discuss breakfast plans. At which Sasha had suggested the diner they had already planned to go to early in the morning. Levi's heart sank as he recalled Y/N's gorgeous smile directed to Jean who had stood behind her rubbing her shoulders and whispering in her ear.
He squeezed his eyes shut, standing from his bed and immediately working to straighten out the sheets before eyeing the book he'd unpacked last night.
Maybe he could get some reading done before Hange inevitably came to annoy him.
The one he was currently holding was of a dog wearing a big floppy hat in the mist of sunflowers. He quickly matched it with his black and white sweatpants. And with a small sigh he headed to the bathroom.
He thumbed at the spine of the book, sliding his finger between the pages to the current bookmark. A shower would probably be a better start to the morning though. He set the book down unzipping one of his bags and pulling out the first pair of clothing folded at the top. Levi hadn't remembered packing one of his mother's many silly birthday gifts to him. She had always bought him shirts with pictures on them that confused him.
He didn't even remember the last time he'd had a shower that was hot for more than five minutes. Or the last time he could look down at his feet without seeing a hair monster in the drain.
He took a couple extra minutes to completely wash his hair, combing his fingers through the strands before shutting off the water and quickly getting dressed.
As he reentered his room he remembered the random gaze Jean threw his way. The smirk on his lips, the taunting glare and then just as quickly it was over. And he was talking to her like nothing had happened.
Levi had never once in his entire life thought about having a girlfriend. It just wasn't something that absorbed his thoughts but he knew the second he saw that smirk on Jean's face what he wanted to be to Y/N.
He just couldn't imagine how.
His fluffy towel hugged his head as he popped open the book he'd discarded a couple minutes ago. He pulled his feet in closer to his body tracing the letters on the page, delving into the story-
Two fucking seconds.. that had to be a new record.
A barrage of harsh knocks sounded outside his door and he yanked it open to see Hange standing there out of breath with a barely alive looking Erwin behind her. Excitement flooding her features as she pushed past Levi with Erwin in tow. A blue toothbrush almost falling from his lips.
"You couldn't let him finish brushing his fucking teeth?" Levi grunted, shutting the door behind the two of them. Erwin sighed his eyes shut, toothbrush dangling from his mouth. "Why're you here?"
"We're all going for breakfast remember?"
"Not for another thirty minutes." Levi narrowed his eyes and leaned back against the tv table.
Hange smiled, "Yup and that means we have enough time to figure out a game plan to get you and Y/N together by the end of today." Hange clapped excitedly though both Erwin and Levi couldn't possibly look less enthused.
"I don't need your help."
"Erwin, back me up here!"
"I'm not doing shit since you didn't let me spit and I had to swallow toothpaste." Erwin remarked, squeezing the bridge of his nose.
Levi's face scrunched up and Hange let out a snort. "Why did you swallow it.. you could've just spit it out in the hall or something."
"That's fucking disgusting." Levi grunted
"Why the hell would I do that?" Erwin asked
"You're not supposed to swallow toothpaste duh!"
Everyone huffed all at once and Levi flopped down next to Erwin on the bed. "If I need any help I'll ask.." He mumbled already feeling heat fly to his cheeks.
"We're finally gonna get you a girlfriend Levi!!" Hange squeezed his body in a tight hug.
Just as Levi was about to push her away a couple of soft knocks sounded on his door again, "We're leaving a little earlier, hurry and come downstairs."
Before the car had even pulled up back at the lodge Hange was already screaming about going skiing. Erwin had asked if Levi wanted to which he'd replied with a scoff.
"Really? Cause there are plenty of chances for Y/N to fall on you. Or you to fall on her." He shrugged.
Levi just rolled his eyes and at that Erwin gave up and now he was standing at the freezing cold railing watching everyone go down the stupid slope for what had to have been an hour or so. How'd he end up with bag watch? He didn't even wanna come outside.. He blew on his fingers trying and falling to warm them. At this point he felt exhausted, absolutely none of his clothes were keeping him warm.
With a sigh he pulled Hange and Erwin's bags up onto his shoulder along with Sasha and Connie's belongings. If he could manage to get upstairs he could warm up at least a little. A hot cup of tea practically beckoning him.
It took him only a couple seconds to realize he didn't have Y/N's bag. He looked around for a couple seconds. Did she bring a bag outside? Did he lose her bag?? He'd only left once to got to the bathroom. Did someone steal it.. Shit. He grumbled in disgust. Where could he have left it?
Feeling a bit panicked he headed towards the stairs. Blood running cold, his eyes practically bouncing out of his skull. His heart stopped at the display in front of him. Jean's hand on Y/N's waist as she leaned forward on the railing. Their lips pressed together..
(Hey Siri, play Heartbreak Anniversary by Giveon.)
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he’ll never see this ~ noen eubanks
word count: 1994
request?: yes!
“Hi can you do one imagine of Noen Eubanks, like, the reader is a tik toker or influencer something like that and they have a crush on each other,and they Fans are Shipping them.
description: in which she admits her feelings for a fellow creator during a stream thinking he’ll never see it
pairing: noen eubanks x female!reader
warnings: swearing
masterlist (one, two)
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The sound of a new donation message coming in pulled you away from your game for a split second. The automated voice read the message out to you: “are there any influencers that you are totally crushing on right now?”
You chuckle to yourself as you turn back to your game. “You guys really wanna start something, huh? You realize this will be trending within an hour if I say anything.”
You glanced over at your chat to see they were begging you to tell them who your influencer crush was. You had mentioned a few times that there was a fellow influencer that you had a crush on, but you refused to admit who it was (for obvious reasons). Your viewers, however, were determined to find out who this mystery man you liked was.
“We promise we’ll keep it a secret,” you read, managing to catch one message before it disappeared into the void of never ending messages. “I don’t believe you guys at all.”
You laughed as you watched the chat blow up again. You finally paused your game and made your face cam bigger for the audience. “Okay, you know what? Fuck it, there’s no way he’ll ever see this and I’m not big enough of a content creator to have articles written about me. My influencer crush is Noen Eubanks. If you don’t know who he is, look him up on TikTok and you’ll totally understand why I have such a crush on him.”
Your chat went absolutely wild at this. You went back to playing your game, smiling to yourself as you did so. It felt nice to get that off of your chest, and you knew you were about to get a kick out of your fan’s reactions to this.
Like you said, you had no fear of Noen actually finding out what you said. You had a bit of a following, but it was nothing too big. Just enough that you could be classified as “Internet famous”, but not enough that admitting you had a crush on someone else who had a much bigger following than you would be a big deal.
Or so you thought.
After your stream, you decided to go right to bed. You were feeling tired and had to get up early to edit the video you were planning on uploading. You weren’t awake to witness the internet absolutely explode over your comment, but lucky for you it was still happening when you woke up the next morning.
When you checked your phone for the first time that day, you noticed that your notifications had blown up over night. You figured it was just your fans teasing you over your crush on Noen, which it partly was, but you noticed that it was also YouTube news Twitter accounts and internet tabloid accounts tagging you in their articles about your crush on Noen.
“Oh no,” you said, your eyes widening as you read through article after article, tweet after tweet.
Before you knew it, you had spent nearly two hours sat on the floor, reading through everything that mentioned both you and Noen. All the articles were the same: an brief introduction to you and your small Twitch/YouTube following, talking about you admitting to having a crush on Noen the night before, and asking whether the reading audience believed that you and Noen would make a good couple or not.
The reactions from fans were as entertaining as you figured - with many of your fans trying to come up with ship names for you and Noen and tagging him in clips from your stream - but then there were the less than entertaining reactions. Many people, whether they were Noen’s fans or just people who wanted to hate on you you weren’t sure, were saying you had mentioned Noen’s name just for clout, or that your “crush” was nothing more than an infatuation over his looks.
It wasn’t until your phone rang that you were finally pulled out of your trance and back to the real world. Your friend’s name lit up on your screen, and it took you a moment to collect yourself before you answered.
“(Y/N), have you been online yet today?” she asked.
You sighed and nodded, then remembered she couldn’t actually see you. “Yeah, I’ve been scrolling for the past two hours on Twitter.”
“You haven’t checked your Twitch page, or YouTube account yet?”
Your eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. “No? Should I?”
“You definitely should.”
You put her on speaker and switched to your Twitch app. You were shocked to see that you had skyrocketed in subs overnight, same with your YouTube page. You had gained a solid ten thousand subscribers on both platforms, and it was still rising by the second.
“So this situation has gained me more subscribers, who cares? That’s not why I talked about Noen on stream,” you said.
“Oh no, honey. It isn’t just the situation that has given you new subscribers. Go check Noen’s Twitter.”
You knew what she was implying, but you had to see it for your own eyes. You immediately opened the Twitter app again and typed in Noen’s name. You were brought to his Twitter page, where his most recent tweet was a link to the clip from your stream along with a caption that read, “When your internet crush calls you *their* internet crush”.
You covered your mouth in shock. You were sure you were about to start screaming, but you were so speechless that you couldn’t force any sounds from your mouth.
“I’m assuming by the silence that you’ve seen it,” your friend said after a prolonged moment of silence.
“D-Did he just c-call me his...?” you trailed off, unable to finish your sentence.
“He did,” your friend confirmed. “And both of your fans are going wild. They’ve already come up with a ship name for you, which isn’t the most clever name but I admire their spirit.”
You could barley hear what your friend was saying. You were still staring at the tweet in disbelief. Your mind could barley comprehend anything else besides the fact that your online crush thought the same as you. You were trying to tell yourself not to get too worked up, as it was most likely that nothing was going to come from this besides some gossip for a week or more, but your heart was still racing with excitement.
You gasped as a notification popped up on the top of your screen: “@/eubanks_noen is requesting to message you”.
“He’s trying to DM me,” you whisper, so silently that you could barley hear yourself.”
“He’s trying to DM me! On Twitter!”
“What are you doing talking to me?! Go answer his DM!”
You were too focused to laugh as you hung up the phone and went into your DMs. The familiar profile picture that you saw almost every day on your timeline was the first thing you saw in your message requests. Your whole body was shaking so much that you could barley see the screen as you pressed to open it.
“hi :)”
It was a very simple message, but it was enough to make your heart race even more.
You were debating on messaging back, wondering if maybe this was a fake account or something. But you knew there was only one way to find out for sure, so you took a deep breath and responded.
“hi! :)”
His response came near seconds later: “so...we’re the internet’s hottest power couple, huh?”
You chuckled to yourself. “i guess we are. sorry if i ruined your mentions last night. i didn’t think it would blow up the way it has. i’m not all that famous online.”
“are you kidding me? you’re like one of the best twitch streamers. i’ve watched every single one of your streams, including last night’s”
You felt your face heating up, but a slight groan of embarrassment came from your lips. You were thinking of all the embarrassing things you had said and done on stream, and now wished you could just melt into the floor or erase the entire internet.
“oh that’s embarrassing. i’d say i’m not that awkward and dumb in real life, but i’m actually more so”
“i wouldn’t say you’re awkward or dumb at all. i think you’re adorable”
“Oh my God!” you exclaimed to no one in particular. If your face got any hotter, it would be on fire.
“you really know how to talk to a girl”
“i really don’t, but i’m glad you’re enjoying my attempts to flirt”
“so you’re flirting? never would’ve known”
“i know, it’s hard to tell. i’m trying to be subtle”
You continued to message Noen for a while. It felt so natural, as if you weren’t talking to someone you had been crushing on for about a year now. You were extremely glad you weren’t coming off as awkward as you normally felt.
Finally, after having been sat on the floor for a good three hours, your back began to ache and your stomach was growling so loudly in attempts to get your attention. You realized then that you had put getting breakfast on hold in order to fall deep into the hole of internet gossip that had surrounded you overnight.
“love talking to you and all, but i’m gonna have to go for a little bit. i’ve been sat on the floor basically since i woke up and i haven’t eaten yet today so my stomach is very upset with me”
“why are you on the floor? 😂”
“when i’m stressed i tend to sit down no matter where i am, and i was very stressed to see my name plastered all over social media this morning”
“why were you stressed over that?”
“it’s not something i’m exactly used to. like i said, i’m not overly famous online. i just have a small following. i’m not someone who has an article written about every little thing she says. also like i said, i didn’t expect you to see me admit that i have a crush on you last night, so i was so worried about what your reaction was going to be”
“i guess i can understand that. i haven’t had a lot written about me. i’m not a big tiktoker like some of my friends are, but i guess that’s a blessing”
You started to type another message, but paused when you saw the three dots from Noen indicating that he was typing something else.
“for what it’s worth, i’ve had a internet crush on you since you first started streaming”
Your jaw dropped at this. You had started streaming months before you even knew about Noen, which meant he had known about you before you knew about him. Just when you thought this day couldn’t get any better.
“wow! that’s quite a while. you must be one of my first subscribers then”
“i’m up there i think. i’ll wear that badge with pride”
The three dots again. You waited anxiously to see what he was about to say.
“i liked getting to talk to you today, though. maybe we could talk offline sometime, like through text or phone call. maybe meet in person eventually”
Your smile was so wide that it hurt your cheeks. “yeah, i’d really like that”
You exchanged phone numbers and added his to your contacts. You finally pulled yourself off the floor and started making a super late breakfast while also starting to edit your next video since you had also gotten such a late start on that.
You were putting your food on a plate when your phone chimed, indicating a new text message.
“btw, it’s nice to finally get to meet you internet crush :)”
“it’s nice to get to meet you, too, internet crush”
You sat at the table, your heart feeling warm. And to think, it all came true thanks to one nosy donation.
Not sure how much I like this imagine, but I hope you enjoyed anyways!
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meltwonu · 4 years
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| caffeine |     [chapter 3]
pairing; fratboy!wonwoo x female!reader
this chapter’s notes; jealous!wonwoo, (mild)possessive!wonwoo, dirty talk, name calling, sending of nudes????? 😩💕 thank you so so so so so much for interest in caffeine!!! I wish I could post quicker but my macbook almost exploded earlier and we almost had no update 🤣☠️ 
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - x - x
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This time when you show up at the campus library, you swear you’ll get your work done.
Although you could’ve easily done the work back at your place or similarly at a cafe, you convince yourself otherwise once you find an empty study room at the library; setting your materials down at the table before sighing.
You’d be lying if you said everything was fine after the last time you’d been at the library. 
On the contrary, you had sat next to Minghao, barely processing a word he’d said to you the entire time as you squirmed in your seat. He had asked if you were okay, to which you replied that you just weren’t feeling well and needed to go home. Minghao had been kind enough to walk you back to your place, a kind hand on the small of your back as he escorted you out of the library.
When you’d gotten back to your place, you were a ticking time bomb. Shedding your clothes as quickly as you could before reaching for your toys stowed away in your nightstand; making yourself cum two more times with the thoughts of Wonwoo dancing behind your eyelids each time.
But this time, you actually do focus on your work, fingertips gliding across the keyboard of your laptop as you finish up an essay for one of your classes.
You check the clock, 12:03PM, when you stretch; checking your phone while you take a break.
“Oh? Actually getting work done? That’s a shocker.”
The sudden voice surprises you, causing you to drop your phone as you scramble to the floor to get it.
“Fuck, what is your deal, Wonwoo!? Do you always need to sneak up on me?! Wasn’t last time enough for you?!” Getting up, you dust off your knees, setting your phone behind you on the table as you face Wonwoo who stands in the doorway of the tiny study room. Today, he’s wearing a baby blue top with black chinos; shockingly, the most casual you’d seen him.
“No reason, I just like to get your blood rushing sometimes.”
“Great, didn’t know you were a vampire too. Don’t you have work to do other than bother me?” The male scoffs, pushing his wire frames higher up on his nose bridge as he pushes off the doorframe, shutting the door behind him as he locks you and himself into the tiny space.
“Oh, no, sweetheart if I was a vampire I’d be doing much much more awful things to you.” The smirk on Wonwoo’s face is enough for you to believe him.
“Y-yeah? Like what?”
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Wonwoo’s break only lasts about 30 minutes.
So he works fast, pressing you into the table’s edge before he cups your face in the palm of his hand and shoves his other free hand up your skirt, pressing into your clothed pussy.
“I’m going to need you to be honest with me, sweetheart.” You try to respond but Wonwoo’s grip on your face is awkwardly tight, a muffled noise all you can muster. “Are you fucking around with Minghao?”
Your eyes almost bulge out of their sockets at Wonwoo’s question, his fingertips digging into your cheek and your panties simultaneously making your head spin. He loosens his hold on your face, tilting your head up to meet his stare. “Speak.”
“Then why did I see his hands on you when you left here last time, hmm? You were looking awfully friendly with him.” Your head races, confusion written all over your features as you freeze up in his hold. “I--I told him I was sick…?” Wonwoo searches your eyes, trying to figure out if you’re lying. “Told him you were sick… and then? Did you let him fuck you, filthy slut? Sucking my cock wasn’t enough for you so you had to get it somewhere else?”
“N-no, I didn’t... h-he w-walked me home and I--I went to my place alone. And… And I… I touched myself t-thinking of y-you…”
Wonwoo smirks at you, the hand touching you over your panties sliding the material to the side, running his digits through your folds and collecting the wetness.
“Oh? So you’ll admit it this time, huh. How many times did you cum thinking of me?”
“T-two times… sir.”
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There’s only 18 minutes left to Wonwoo’s break.
“Fuuuuck, I imagined your pussy to be tight but you’re so fuckin’ small. You can barely fuckin’ take all of me.” Wonwoo’s grip on your waist is tight as he slides his cock into your wet pussy inch by inch until he bottoms out inside of you. He watches his cock disappear into you, your wetness coating him as he pulls out and slams back in. He didn’t even bother to undress you or himself; your skirt bunched up around your waist as your panties were pushed to the side haphazardly.
You feel almost manic now that Wonwoo’s cock is snug between your walls, filling you up perfectly as he wastes no time, starting a quick pace. He feels different from your toys and your fantasies of him. The table shakes underneath you as he fucks you hard and fast, your teeth biting into your bottom lip to keep yourself from making any noise.
“Sorry, sweetheart, we don’t have much time so I have to fuck this pussy nice and fast.”
“Mmh, s--s’okay, feels, ngh, good… You---You’re bigger than my--my toys…” He smirks, leaning in closer to your face as his cock slams into your cervix.
“God, you filthy little slut. I better not catch anyone else’s hands on you again, am I understood?” You nod furiously, readjusting your arms to keep yourself from laying back on the table and smashing your laptop. Your feet that are behind his back press him in closer, wanting him deeper inside of you.
“Y-yes, sir…”
“I’d hate to punish you, you know? I’d make you walk around with my cum inside this pretty ‘lil pussy… and then I’d fuck you again after you’ve learned your lesson and fuck my cum deeper inside of you. Or would you enjoy that too much? Maybe I’d have to find time to edge you nice and proper. Get you begging and desperate for me.” Wonwoo chuckles darkly, his hands roaming to the skin of your thighs as he digs his nails into the flesh.
“Mmm, my good little slut. Takes my cock so well, don’t you? Your tight ‘lil pussy was only made for my cock wasn’t it?”
“Fu--fuck, yes, sir!”
The skirt bunched up around your waist is getting annoying but the pressure building up in your lower abdomen is almost too much as you moan out. “W-Wonwoo, please, I’m so close!” You all but scream whisper at him, eyes glassy with tears. “Please let me cum!”
Wonwoo’s jaw clenches as he watches your desperate expression. “You can only cum after I have, understood?” You whimper, clenching around his cock as you urge him to cum.
“O-okay, please… please cum inside of m-me…”
Wonwoo growls, hands digging into your skin as he grinds into you. “Okay then, say thank you, sweetheart.” He smirks; a few more thrusts before he’s cumming inside of you, the warm substance painting your walls white as you clench around his cock. Your eyes roll to the back of your head at the sensation, vaguely registering his thumb on your clit as he rubs harsh circles on the nub.
A mess of garbled noises leave your lips as you lock Wonwoo in a vice like grip, trapping him between your walls when you cum hard. He moans, thumb still working your clit until you’re a whimpering mess.
“Where’s my thank you?” “T--Thank you, sir…” Wonwoo licks his lips as he watches your tired form attempt to stay in an upright position atop the table. “Now I expect you to be a good girl and keep all my cum inside of your ‘lil pussy.” Nodding tiredly, you whimper when he pulls his cock out, your panties sliding right back into place like they were never out of place to begin with.
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When Wonwoo checks the clock, he’s over his break by 7 minutes so far, a small ‘fuck’ muttered underneath his breath as he adjusts his baby blue shirt.
“Where’s your phone?”
You tiredly reach for the object that’s next to you on the table as you try to regain some semblance of consciousness. Fuck, you think, at least I got some work done before this. You give him the phone, watching him as he tries to unlock it.
“The passcode?”
“Uhh… 1707…” He unlocks it, pressing a few buttons on it before handing it back to you.
“I added my phone number, I expect pictures when you get back to your place. I wanna see all my cum still in that pussy of yours when you get in.” Readjusting his glasses, he gives you a once over before he turns to leave.
“Maybe get a little cleaned up so people don’t know what a cumslut you are, sweetheart.”
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Later when Wonwoo finally makes it back to the SVT House, he plops onto his bed, checking his phone for the first time since finishing up his volunteer work at the library and attending his afternoon classes.
[3 new messages]
He clicks the notification, opening your message window to find 2 pictures and 1 video.
Wonwoo smirks, scrolling through each photo and saving them to his camera roll. In the first photo, it was you on your bed, legs spread wide as you showed off your wet panties to the camera. The second one that came after was a picture of your panties finally off, his cum trickling out of your pussy and onto the sheets underneath you.
But the video was Wonwoo’s favorite; the head of a purple dildo disappearing into your pussy, a moan and Wonwoo’s name falling from your lips as you continue to fuck his cum back into you. 
He watches it a few more times before saving the video, pulling up the keyboard to type. 
Wonwoo [sent at 8:17pm]: what a good girl you are, sweetheart. 
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Streaming hearts - K.K x Reader
Characters ; Kozume Kenma x Streamer!Reader
Summary ; Kenma meets his Favourite Streamer at a Meet and greet
Side Note ; Y/N is apart of the Dream smp! with their streamer name ‘ Kitten ‘, I’m sorry if some of the mcyt or others are Out of character, I don’t watch them and my friend requested this so i don’t disapoint her or you guys and minor spelling mistakes!.
Y/N Features ; Y/N will have brown skin and dark brown hair with Brown eyes, they have average body weight, they are short ( 4′7 ),  they also have a soft-girl and E-girl kind of thing going. ( big anime fan ).
( Includes a little Body Positivity because ya’ll are beautiful )
Kitten is Streaming !
Kenma’s eye’s widened at the notification and quickly tapped it,  His favourite Streamer of all time was online ! .
Kitten or Otherwise known as Y/N was a big part of the Dream SMP, They had joined about a few months ago but became famous after beating Dream’s speed-run. Y/N was 17 year old person with beautiful dark brown hair, Of course to other’s they were considered ‘ ugly ‘ but to kenma they were the most beautiful human being that had ever entered earth.
Y/N wasn’t skinny nor were they fat, they was considered ‘ Average ‘. It didn’t matter thought, They were perfect.
If You had stretch marks, you are perfect. If you were over-weight, you are perfect, if you had no hair, who cares ! you are perfect!. No matter what Kenma always knew you are the one, A special human being.
Kenma Loved every part of you. . .  you . . . You were important to him, You were like a goddess Descending from the skies. You, Y/n was a special princess no Queen ! everything about you was just. . . Drop Dead Gorgeous.
“ What’s up Chat ! today we are playing some...Uhm..Roblox? “
Kenma snapped out of it as soon as he had heard your sweet voice echo away  from the screen.
“ Oh yeah! today we are playing roblox with Quackity!. . Hello? “ Y/N said with a soft laugh, From the other end you could hear someone struggling to get the mic in the right spot.
“ stop laughing ! “ Kenma heard a male voice complained like a child, Quackity another huge streamer who was the closest friend to Y/n.
After a Few Minutes all you could hear was laughter and jealous kenma noises, Yes maybe Kenma did have a little Crush on them.
Y/n’s laugh was angelic. . . well kinda, honestly they sounded like they were having a concussion and demonic but it was alright. Kinda.
“ and that’s the end of the stream! see ya Kitties  “
“ sounds like Tiddies “
“ shut up Alex ! “
“ don’t call me that ?! “
Kenma sighed as he continued to hear Y/N and Quackity argue for the a Hundredth time that stream, god they sounded like siblings fighting over the last piece of cake.
The stream turned off with the last goodbye from Y/n, Kenma smiled lovingly at the screen as if he had just saw a angel falling from the sky gracefully.
“ Kenma! why are you looking at the screen like that! “ Kuroo’s voice entered his ears, Kenma sat up straight and looked at kuroo dead in the eyes.
“ I’m not and how did you get in here?! “ Kenma demanded, Kuroo laughed like a hyena.
“ your mum let me in,Kitten. Now guess what i have “ Kuroo said.
“what? “
“ A single ticket for you to go to Y/N’s meet or greet! “
Kenma’s eyes widened, What. . . ?! he started feeling weird like some type of butterfly entered his stomach. His face dusted with pink blush as his heart exploded with happiness, He couldn’t function properly before he figured out he was now in kuroo’s arms hugging him.
“Thank you so much kuroo!! I promise i’ll come to practice more often now! “ Kenma yelled out of pure happiness, Kuroo smiled softly looking down at his pudding friend.
No one could explain how happy kenma was, Not only did he get to met his favourite streamer of all time but He could finally. . .  well . . . meet them! Kenma felt like cheering and jumping up and down. He couldn’t remember when he was as happy as now.
He finally had a chance.
Kenma walked through the crowded halls of the meet and greet, his social awkwardness was finally kicking in. He had never been in a room as full as this, He could see boys and girls talking and socialising ( or whatever that was..).  
“ Hey, you look lost ! “ a voice behide kenma said, Kenma turned around and was met by  a beauty..Kitten..no Y/N! .
Oh how Y/n looked so much better in real life, Their shining dark brown hair was in a messy high ponytail, They were wearing kitty ears,Black leather jacket, a Pink crop top and ripped jeans. They were also very short compared to him.
“ Y..your Kitten ! “ Kenma stuttered, He started sweating a little bit at the sight of them. Gulping down a fan girl scream he just stood there, awkwardly.
“ oh yes ! I’m Y/N also known as Kitten, You must a fan. whats your name? “ Y/N Questioned, Kenma smiled a little and finally got comfortable.
“ I’m Kozume Kenma From Tokyo ! i also play volleyball “ He told her, Y/N giggling lovingly at him before take his hand.
“ I’ll take you to the others alright? The Meet and greet already started and i’m running late “ Y/n admitted embarrassedly , growing light pink of their skin.
“ Oh okay ! “
Y/n nodded and ran to the area where they were suppose to be with kenma in her hands ( does that make sense?? ), Kenma was a redder then a strawberry by now. People were staring and pointing at the two which made it way way worse.
by the time they had arrived everyone was already asking questions, till a fan suddenly pointed and screamed towards Y/n ( really?! ). everyone turned around and eyes widened at the connected hands of Y/N and a shy kitten looking boy. Minx suddenly took the mic.
“ oi Fucker, why are holding hands with my wife ?! “  She yelled out, a lot of people started laughing. Kenma really forgot, Y/n got minecraft married to Minx.
“ Calm down Waifu!, he’s just a friend “
“ You sound like adrien agrest, Y/n “ a fan said quite loudly, this time everyone laughed.
Kenma blushed and made a little kitten meow inside his nekoma jumper Yaku made for him, Y/N stopped laughing and turned red after hearing the noise come out of the boys mouth.
“ Hey y/n your fucking blushing ! “
“ Stop exposing me ! “
“ Never “
“ Shut up Childinit! “
“ Shut up Kitty-Licker “
It was never a surprise to see a arguement between a mcyt and Y/N always one of them gotta start drama.
“ Hey,here’s my number, text me sometimes cutie “ Y/N winked at kenma as they slid a paper into his jumper, Kenma gasped loudly before dying ( he didn’t really..you get it right oh okay ).
After 9 months, Y/N and kenma kept in touch talking to each other and sometimes meeting up in person. Which meant Y/N flying over to Japan and seeing his volleyball games, and sometimes they even streamed together. It was obvious they both had a crush on each other.
Sometimes Y/N would start blushing at Kenma’s sleepy voice and stuck up for him whenever some one would give him some type of hate, Or the time when someone called kenma ‘ their kitten ‘ Y/N would freak out and start cussing like crazy. it was funny .
Kenma would be such a big simp, He lied to Sapnap,Georgenotfound and Badboyhalo during a Minecraft man-hunt lying about Y/n’s location and tricking them. If Tommy told Y/n to shut up Kenma would Cat hiss at him or Bark sometimes.
No one had the guts to tell on of them that it was obvious about the crushes, as they didn’t want a cussing Y/n and a Cat hissing Kenma.
There was also jealous moment’s of the two, Let’s recap them shall we?. roll the clips ! ! ! .
Y/N un-muted their mic as their screen flashed, Onto a Meeting. People already started arguing as they blamed each other, Y/N rolled their eyes and sighed deeply as they stared at the red tag on their name.
“ Well who was it ? “ Y/n asked calmly, “ Someone here is lying ! I was in electrical doing wires and the download task in there, Nikki and Tubbo were with me so i can back them up “ .
“ Yes ! We were all in a room together doing task! see ! “ Tubbo gloated out of happiness, Finally someone believed him.
“ I can vouch that, I was there too. “ Nikki said innocently.
“ Kitty, where were you ? “ Y/N questioned Kenma.
“ Oh, I was at security looking through the Cameras, I did the wires when i first entered. “ Kenma said, ignoring all the other voices..
“ were you really pretty boy ? “ Minx flirted a little, Y/n could feel a bubble inside of them building up as she semi-glared at their screen, The chat saw the semi-glare and started freaking out.
“ i was, Pretty girl “ Kenma flirted back, During his time with the group he slowly started gaining confidence.
“ ooooo pretty girl? fucking bullshit “ Minx exclaimed.
Y/n’s hands turned into a fist as they grew quiet, of course they knew it was all play flirting but the fire inside of them wanted to lash out and burst. Oh they knew who they were gonna kill next, Hopefully Dream ( The other imposter ) knew too.
“ Okay quit flirting in-front of KiTtYs S/O “ Wilbur Joked, They all laughed except for Y/n who was about to explode.
“ we are getting off track, George is DEAD! “ Dream said angrily, Everyone-else agreed and voted SKIP just for now.
Y/N quickly turned the lights off and everyone started running to fix the lights, of course as they were running Y/N killed Fundy who was standing right next to minx.
Y/N quickly ran in-front of minx as Someone reported the body,Oh hell was about to break lose.
“ that was quick ! “ Wilbur suddenly exclaimed, Tommy agreed.
“ Minx  fucking killed Fundy! “ Y/N yelled, Minx pulled out a offended face and started cussing.
“ excuse me mother fucker!, I did not do any funny shit like that. “
“ yes you did! Fundy was right behide you, Of course i didn’t see you kill him but you and fundy were together ! “
“ I believe Y/n, as we were running i saw fundy and Minx last together “
“ are you FUCKING serious?! “
“ i believe Y/n, no matter what “
“ shut up pretty boy ! “
“ Guess we’re voting Minx off! “
“ sorry minx”
“ it’s okay Nikki, and fuck you guys “
As everyone started running, Y/N and Dream stuck together following after Wilbur and Nikki. Of course they stuck together, Dream closed the Med-bay doors as Dream and Y/N killed Wilbur and Nikki.
After the door opened, they both ran out and met up with Tommy and kenma.
But Unlucky for them Dream accidently thought they were gonna do a double kill and killed Tommy in-front of Kenma. Y/N didn’t do anything but kenma had reported the body as fast as he could
Y/N gulped down guilt as the screen flashed, Maybe kenma knew it was Y/N? or maybe Dream would start hating for but nothing happened.
It was quiet, all you could hear was breathing in mics. 
“ . . . I was alone. . . “ Tubbo said quietly into his mic, Y/N sucked in breath and bit their lip.
“ I was with Dream and Kenma...” Y/N explained. “ none of us could’ve done it except for you bo “
“ But..it wasn’t me ! “
“ it was, I mean we were all together the whole round except for you ! “
“ Yeah but that doesn’t make any sense,Dream!. I was at the other side of the map “
“ Sorry,Tubbo. Try harder next time “ Kenma chuckled a little after saying the sentence, Y/N froze. Was kenma really sticking up for them?...
“ but. . . Kenma ! “ 
“ sorry bo “
Then the screen flashed.
“ REALLY?! “
“ All i can say is simp “
“ Guys don’t blame kenma ! “
“ And people call me a fucking simp.”
“ sorry, but Y/N deserves a chance. “
“ what about me?! “
“ no <3 “
Y/N laughed as they started fake kissing kenma’s little icon, Kenma really was a simp.
“ Ew stop kissing there is children in here “
“ HEY “
“OI “
NEXT CLIP ( this one is short asf )
“ Hey Kitten, Your cute. “
“ Hey kitty boy ~ “
“ Call him that again and your dead meat, Karl. “
“ :( “
Kenma sighed as he Laid in bed, sadly. Today wasn’t a very good day in general, some kid decided to make fun of Kenma in a game and body-shamed him, It didn’t feel as nice when Kenma realised the young boy was right about him.
It hurt, it really did, Most people don’t understand how much it pains other people. Kenma Grabbed his phone and decided to finally tell Y/N how he felt for them.
- My Princess peach -
Y/n, You online ? - Sent. . . . . Read
Yup! What is it Kitty ? - From My Princess Peach Just now
Well, I wanna talk real quick rn - Sent. . . . . . . Read
Sure, what is it? - From My Princess Peach Just Now
I kinda like you, no i do like you ! i love you wait sorry that’s much just forget it ! - Sent. . . . Read
i- - From My Princess Peach Just Now
I like you too, Maybe Love’s a bit too much. - From My Princess Peach Just Now
Yeah Lmao, so..what do you say? - Sent. . . . .  Read
If it’s about being your Gamer girlfriend, Then yeah.sure - From My Princess Peach Just Now
oh..Then I’m Your Volleyball boyfriend ! - Sent . . . .  Read
I’m coming over -  From my Princess Peach Just Now
I.. - Sent..Read
HOLY WHAT?! - Sent . . . .  Read
see ya - From My Princess Peach Just Now
                  My Princess Peach Is Offline.
WHat - Sent  . . . . . . ..  . .. 
31 notes · View notes
phcking-detective · 4 years
Baby I Can See Heaven in Your Eyes
Rating: E
Tags: dirty talk / voice kink, heavy petting, dry humping, delayed / denied orgasm, hair pulling, light pet play (Nines is called kitten and told to "sit"), oral fixation, crying, kissing and cuddling as (brief) aftercare before the scene continues, sexual possessiveness, fingering, sub space
TW: sexual roleplay that Gavin is Nines’s “owner” and Nines is his “companion model,” like an at-home Traci; no kink negotiation beforehand, but Gavin checks in with Nines frequently for explicit consent; Nines has a vagina (no gender play)
Nines cannot wait for his human to return home, so that he can test his most recent experiment. Thus far, he has tested a phallus, a vaginal component, two dildos, and a vibrator.
He is looking forward to also gathering data on Gavin's dick.
"Hello, detective," he greets the moment of the human's arrival.
Thing One and Thing Two greet him as well, One by rubbing against his legs and purring, and Two by screaming for attention. They have both been fed, and Nines plans on giving them their favorite electronic mouse to hunt as a distraction so he can have the human to himself for the evening.
"Hey, baby," Gavin says. He kneels down and pets both cats. "Hello beasties. Yes, hello. Are you lying? Have you been fed?"
"Yes, they have," Nines answers for them. "Please ignore their wails of alleged hunger."
"Dirty rotten liars," Gavin calls them affectionately.
Nines remotely deploys the mouse with a swirl of his LED. It is big enough to contain a small amount of wet food inside, and the "beasties" quickly chase it into the kitchen.
Gavin stands up with a snort. "Oh, did you want attention too? What've you been doing today?"
"Yes," Nines says shamelessly. "I spent the afternoon thoroughly masturbating myself. How was work?"
Gavin tries to hang his jacket on a coat hook that does not exist and drops it on the floor. "You—what?"
"I spent the afternoon thoroughly masturbating myself. How was work?" Nines asks.
"Not as fun as that," Gavin mutters as he picks up the jacket and tries again. "Did you … uh. Have fun?"
"Yes. I should really thank Connor," Nines says.
Gavin pulls a face. "You fucked Connor? In my—shit, OK. Well. Our apartment? Not on my bed though, right? That's still mine."
Nines rolls his eyes in return. "No, Gavin. I did not fuck Connor. He simply informed me that sex is not merely for reproduction and that it is not hyperbole when humans say they want to fuck someone."
Gavin stares at him. Nines understands. This is all very new information that seemed dubious to him as well.
"Apparently, humans really are out there 'fucking' one another," Nines explains.
"… yeah," Gavin says.
Nines analyzes him, noting his elevated heart rate. "Did you know about this, detective?"
"I—don't scan me!" Gavin snaps. "My sex life is none of your business."
"Oh." Nines feels his LED circle yellow-yellow-red. "But you are sexually attracted me, and Connor said that is not merely an annoying physical response on par with hiccups. Do you not want to have sex with me?"
"On par with …" Gavin stops and rubs his hands across his face. "Phck. We're really going to talk about this, huh? We're just gonna have a whole goddamn conversation about it."
"Yes," Nines says. "Detective."
Gavin puts his hands down to glare at him. "OK, just because I got drunk one time—"
"You get drunk fre—"
"AHT!" Gavin cuts him off with the no-noise he uses on the cats. "One time and ordered a companion android, who—"
"You did not," Nines reminds him. "You googled 'tall smexy anboid' 'want hot robo friemd' and 'am robots gay question-mark question-mark question-mark' before passing out."
"I hate you."
"You think I'm pretty."
Gavin stalks into the living room and throws himself onto the couch. Nines does not understand why his human insists on making everything so emotional and difficult and emotionally difficult.
He clearly desires android sexual companionship, given his drunken attempt to order a companion model — [confirmed].
He is sexually attracted to Nines, given that he mistook the RK900's first appearance at his apartment the next morning (entirely coincidental; Captain Fowler assigned them as partners) to be the companion model he attempted to order — [confirmed].
He did not reject the "companion model," despite all commentary from other humans (Cyberlife employees; DPD employees) indicating Nines is [creepy], [inhuman], [terrifying], et cetera, et cetera. Gavin instead labeled him a [big pretty bitch] and [all my phcking wet dreams come true, goddamn].
"You think I'm pretty," Nines repeats.
Gavin finally lifts his head out of his hands. "Yes. You're the prettiest fucking sass bot ever produced."
"You find me sexually attractive as well, and it is true that humans actually act on those physical desires, yes?" Nines asks.
Gavin sighs and lets his head drop against the back of the couch. "Yeah."
"I have installed a vaginal component, and I—"
"Oh my god," Gavin whispers at the ceiling.
"—have confirmed I enjoy penetrative stimulation," Nines continues. "You are in possession of a phallus, correct?"
Gavin looks up at him. "OK, so you're bored of dildos and you want to try out my dick?"
"Is anyone other than your hand making use of it?" Nines replies.
"Phck off."
Nines takes a seat on Gavin's lap. This is his [favorite] spot. Now he knows why it flusters the human so much, and also possibly why he enjoys it so much. Could he have been experiencing [sexual arousal] even without a genital component? Interesting.
"Baby," Gavin groans.
Nines relocates the human's hands to his thighs. Gavin obligingly begins rubbing them, almost reaching up high enough to cup his ass. He has sat in this spot before, firstly to mimic the cats, because they seemed to enjoy sitting on Gavin's lap and being petted. Then for [cuddling] and telling each other about their day.
Of course he had noted Gavin's reaction to this; he simply did not categorize it as relevant. The human's stomach also sometimes growled while around the cats, but that bodily reaction did not mean Gavin literally wanted to or would ever eat either one of them. Human bodies sometimes just do things.
But now Nines can recognize he is the [cause] of this particular reaction.
(And also note his new genital component's reaction to his human rubbing his thighs and calling him baby in that tone of voice.)
"Detective," Nines says in return.
Gavin huffs out a growl. "Dammit, Nines. You should—you can … go get another human. Or android, I guess. Just. Someone else."
Nines pulls back enough to ensure he can fully scan the human. Arousal — [confirmed]. No detection of [fear]. Gavin wants this and presumably is not coerced or intoxicated.
But admittedly, Nines did not have a social module pre-installed. He has learned from experience, observing humans in his new profession as a librarian, and … mimicking Gavin's cats.
(Not that he's told that last fact to Connor.)
"Clarify," Nines demands. "Do you not want this?"
Gavin, much like his cats when told to get off the counter, looks away and pretends not to hear him.
"Am I sexually assaulting you?" Nines asks.
"Wha—" Gavin finally gives him a reaction. "No! Fuck, god."
"I am requesting that you fuck me."
Gavin gives him a slow look up and down. "Closest I'm gonna get to heaven, huh?"
Nines preens under his gaze. Question answered, now reassured that his actions are not harming the human, he deploys another helpful tactic he has learned from Thing One and Thing Two.
He repeatedly butts his face into Gavin's to request attention.
"Kiss me."
"Nines, I—"
"Kiss me. Kiss me."
Gavin grabs a fistful of his hair and yanks him into a kiss. Nines ignores the notifications of a mission successfully completed as they scroll across his HUD in order to focus on the experience.
For how roughly Gavin maneuvered him into it, the [kiss] is surprisingly gentle. His lips press insistently against Nines's, drawing back slightly and then pressing again, but it is nothing like the people on TV who seem to be eating each other's faces.
It is … very nice. Warm. The human's lips aren't quite soft, due to chapping from the cold Detroit weather, but the texture is so [interesting]. And the contrast between lips and stubble and the slight pull of the hand still gripping his hair makes his internal cooling fans kick in to abate the sudden rise in temperature.
Then, just as Nines lets his guard down, Gavin bites his lip.
It does not [hurt] or cause any damage of course, but Nines still opens his mouth to ask why—and the human uses that split second to delve his tongue inside.
Analysis explodes across the android's HUD. Gavin's DNA, the hormones present in his saliva, traces of coffee. (And when was the last time he had a meal? Nines should be detecting actual food as well [reminder: my human has not yet consumed his daily caloric intake])
Gavin pulls back and separates their mouths. Unacceptable. Nines pushes forward and puts his own tongue inside the human's mouth to continue his analysis.
For some reason, Gavin pushes him away.
"No tongue until you learn how to kiss," he's told.
Nines does not pout. He presents a perfectly reasonable argument. "I was analyzing you."
"Yeah, that's why I made the rule," Gavin replies. "There's a difference between kissing and analyzing. Also, I need to breathe."
Well. The second fact does hold some merit …
"We can still make out." Gavin shifts his hand from Nines's hair to cup his face. "Just let me lead, all right baby?"
Nines nods and obediently holds still until Gavin guides his face back down. The kiss starts slow again, and the next nip at his bottom lip only tugs on it slightly before Gavin lets go and kisses him again. Nines tries to follow the pattern of when to press forward and when to tilt his—
Gavin's hands slide over the tops of his thighs and then inside them, thumbs pressed close to his groin. Nines barely has time to process this change (he is still being [kissed]) before the detective uses his grip to pull his thighs wider over his lap.
"You wanna show me what I'm working with?" Gavin asks him, his voice low and rough and … very unfair.
Nines leans forward into the human's arms, dropping his head down to rest on his shoulder. He needs less stimulus to process all of this. He restricts his audio input to ignore any sounds outside of the apartment. The mouse program gets abandoned, so the cats will likely be able to bat it out from under the fridge soon. All he needs is Gavin, Gavin, Gavin.
"Touch me," he asks.
The thumb slowly drawing circles on the inside of his left thigh lifts up to stroke over his pubic plate, currently equipped with a vaginal component. It only takes a gentle press to push the fabric of his yoga pants into the slick mess Gavin has made of him.
"Your cunt all wet for me, baby?"
The profanity shivers through him, and Nines nods against his neck. That answer apparently was not [adequate] though, because Gavin takes his thumb nearly away, resting so lightly atop the fabric Nines can only feel his human body heat.
"Need an answer, Nines."
Nines works his mouth silently for a few seconds before remembering to activate his vocal unit. "Yes, Detective."
Gavin hums and it's almost a groan. Nines presses closer and licks his neck. That is not [kissing]. This analysis of his sweat and skin should not be forbidden.
"I'm going to touch you," Gavin tells him.
Nines lifts his head to exhale a cloud of steam. It does very little to lower his rising core temperature, not when Gavin's thumb swipes up to pet across the crotch of his yoga pants until he finds his clit, grown swollen and plump. He chose a larger model, and he had very reasonable—
"Gaaav …"
—reasons. Reasonable … reasons. Yes. Many of them. Aesthetics and—and—more sensors to—
"Oh, baby," Gavin murmurs in that voice. "You need it, kitten? Look at you, you're trembling, and I'm barely even touching you."
That is an unfair assessment. Nines tries to formulate the argument but blows out steam again instead. Gavin has his voice, and the way he spread Nines's thighs so wide, he can clearly see the growing damp patch he's making.
The way that also leaves Nines's [cunt] spread wide, lips separated and hole clenching around nothing.
It feels … [filthy]
"So good for me." Gavin pulls Nines's face out of the crook of his neck by his hair. "Let me see you."
Nines goes with the motion. The human has a firm grip on his hair, right at the root, so the tugging doesn't actually [hurt], although the complete lack of resistance likely helps.
But he can hardly see his detective past all the error notifications crowding up his HUD.
Gavin apparently likes what he sees. "Beautiful. My pretty baby."
He doesn't stop circling his thumb around Nines's clit as he says it, and Nines whimpers. He tries to push his hips forward to get more pressure, more touching, more of anything, but Gavin takes his hand away entirely to still his hips.
"Please," Nines gasps.
Gavin gives him a stern look. "Behave."
Nines shudders all over, a full body malfunction. His core temperature has risen almost to dangerous levels. Gavin tugs his head back, forcing his chin up. Nines doesn't understand why (is he no longer allowed to view his human?) until a prompt flashes in red to exhale.
He releases a burst of steam that would have been too hot for human comfort, but Gavin has already preconstructed that. He is allowed to lower his head again once he's completed a few breathing cycles. His temperature and stress levels begin a slow descent as he settles into the knowledge that Detective Reed will take care of him.
"Please, Detective." Nines blinks several times to clear all the notifications. "I will be good."
He saves several still images of the way Gavin looks as he considers: his eyes more black than grey-green, the slight flush across his cheeks, the obvious press of his erection inside his jeans, yet he still remains in control.
(Of them both.)
Gavin lifts up the hand on his hip and offers Nines his thumb. Nines gratefully lets his mouth fall open, thumb gently pressing inside to rest heavily on top of his tongue. His eyes drift shut to focus solely on the analysis he receives.
All too soon, the thumb is withdrawn, but he doesn't have time to protest before it's pressing back into his clit again, even wetter than before, the damp fabric hardly even a barrier at all.
And then does not move.
"What do you say," Gavin asks lowly.
"Th—" Nines gasps. "Thank you, De—Detect—ohhh."
Gavin's own legs underneath him prevent him from closing his thighs around the hand between his legs, and the hand in his hair holds his head hostage so that he cannot look away. He doesn't know what to do with his hands until he realizes that at some point, he put them behind his back, an old program partially activated to stand at parade rest.
This is much better.
"You like this baby?"
Nines tries to nod against the hand in his hair and forces his LED to flash blue along the yellow and red.
"Good boy," Gavin praises. "Just gonna check when your light's been red for a while, all right?"
Nines doesn't answer this time. He just sinks down into it, the obedience of holding perfectly still, the care Gavin shows him, letting someone else have control for once. He enjoyed the way masturbation made his awareness of physical sensation temporarily overtake his thoughts, but he did not expect … this.
Except just when he feels his orgasm approaching, Gavin takes his hand away. He must make some sort of distressed noise, because his detective immediately reassures him.
"Shhh, shhh, I've still got you. You're good, so good for me, baby."
Gavin rearranges their legs as he speaks, holding both hands on Nines's sides to help support and balance him with his hands still gripping his wrists behind his back. The relocation stops with their legs staggered, Nines kneeling with one of Gavin's legs between both of his own instead of straddling his whole lap.
"You wanted to sit in my lap, didn't you kitten?" Gavin says. It is not a question. "So sit."
Nines doesn't understand, but he lowers himself back down anyway to [sit] on top of—
Both of Gavin's hands go to his hips this time, showing him how to grind down on the thigh between his legs. The pleasure is not as [focused] as being petted with his thumb, but he finally gets pressure against his entrance as well.
Nines doesn't realize he's broken posture to slump forward until Gavin pulls him in all the way, carefully nestling him to rest against his chest—although the android does still have to bend slightly to put their heads on an even level due to the height difference.
"Is this what you wanted?" Gavin turns his head to speak softly in his ear. "All those times you crawled in my lap, sat here like this, knowing how goddamn hard you get me?"
Nines whimpers and takes it, almost like a punishment, but so [good]. He only moves his hips as Gavin's hands direct them, as his leg pushes up and his hands pull him down.
"I shouldn't even be this nice to you." Gavin lets out a sigh. "But fuck it, you're cute. Go ahead and take a freebie, baby."
Nines tries to make his next whine sound a bit more questioning, to indicate he doesn't understand the meaning of that either. Luckily, Gavin pays attention. He always pays attention to Nines, in a [good] way, not afraid or gossiping about him behind his back.
"I'm going to let you come this time," he explains.
Gavin drops a kiss against his temple as Nines fixates on the very specific phrasing [this time]. Now he's the one a little scared, but not bad, not bad, it's too [good] to be [bad].
"Wh-when?" Nines manages to ask.
Gavin laughs, deep and almost mean. The not-fear shivers through him again.
He does not receive an answer.
Gavin knows he's a bad man. He's a very, very bad man, but goddamn if the universe hasn't rewarded him for it.
"That's it," he tells the gorgeous android rubbing off in his lap. "Next time I won't even have to show you how. Leave my hands free so I can have a smoke."
A cigarette is damn near the only thing that could make this any better. If this isn't a one-time curiosity experiment for Nines, he'll really have to try that the next time.
But for now, he focuses on the present, the absolute goddamn gift Nines is.
"Been waiting for this all day, haven't you?"
He doesn't give Nines time to answer. His thigh flexes underneath the slick cunt desperately grinding into it, and his android whimpers out static.
"How many times have you come already?" he asks.
"S-s-seven," Nines answers through a glitch.
Well. Gavin has to at least work him up to his own number, doesn't he?
"And no refractory period. Goddamn." Gavin sighs in mild envy while petting through his hair. "I could keep you here, just like this, all evening long. Keep you coming and begging for hours."
Nines lets out a grinding noise that might be the android equivalent of a sob. His hips finally lose their rhythm under Gavin's hand, just chasing his own pleasure now. He really shouldn't allow that so easily, but then again, Nines is a virgin who's never done kink before. Or anything else, actually.
So Gavin lets him have it.
But since he's a bad man, not an altruistic one, he pulls Nines's head back by his hair to see his pretty face, eyes wide and unfocused, lips slightly parted. There's a soft blue blush across his cheek's he's never seen before, and his LED practically strobes in his temple.
"Good boy, gonna make you come every time you sit this pretty little pussy in my lap."
Nines squeezes his eyes shut and whines. That's all right. He's too fucked out to make eye contact anyway, but one thing that isn't allowed …
Gavin presses his thumb inside the android's lips, pushing down on his tongue until his mouth drops open. He rubs the pad of it back and forth against the soft muscle for a moment, then down to smear the wet faux-saliva across his bottom lip.
"Keep your mouth open," he orders. "You're only allowed to come if you open that pretty mouth for me."
Nines gives a jerky nod, and Gavin sits back to enjoy the show. He pets his free hand across the android's chest and sides, feeling him up through the thin t-shirt as he rides his leg like he downloaded a Traci program to do it.
Eventually, the android starts spinning more red than yellow, hot air pushed out of his mouth with nearly even exhale, and he pushes his tongue out farther over his lips to show that his mouth is open.
And ohhh, Gavin is so bad. He rubs his thumb over that soft, pink tongue until it's nice and wet, then reaches up underneath his shirt to rub circles around one hard nipple.
Nines starts letting out shuddering sobs that Gavin lets wash over him, feeling them go straight to his dick like the android is being a good little companion and licking up his shaft. Next time, next time …
Finally, he scrounges around deep down in his soul to find some mercy.
"Come on my leg, baby."
He barely gets to "my" before Nines obeys, face dropping slack and LED pulsing a steady Yellow. Red. Yellow. Gavin gets to watch as his tongue gives the tiniest little flexes, like he's sucking cock in a dream.
If he were nice, he'd press his thumb back inside and help his orgasm along by giving Nines something to suck on.
Instead, he waits it out. Good training requires the sub to be just as desperate for it as you are, and he's going to let Nines work his way through a few orgasms with his mouth open and searching, so that when he finally presses the head of his cock into those sweet pretty lips, his android won't feel anything but gratitude.
When Nines finally slumps forward and begins crying against his neck, Gavin lets go of his hair and rubs both hands up and down his back.
"Shhh, hey, I got you," he says softly. "You were good, so good, baby. It's OK, just let it all out."
Nines sniffles, then begins studiously licking up his tears. Gavin would be a little concerned about his sub getting too deep into the headspace for their first time, except Nines licking his face, neck, and any other body part he can reach is pretty typical.
"Did that feel good?"
That gets a slow sigh of air that's just warm, not scalding hot. Gavin rubs a hand up the android's chest next, and Nines starts up a rumbling purr. Blue light spins in the corner of his eye. So he'll take all that as a yes.
"You want kisses?" he asks next.
Nines immediately butts his face against Gavin's cheek. He shouldn't have let the asshole learn how to be social from his fucking cats.
"All right, all right," he grumbles.
Gavin scoops up the lanky android in his arms as much as he can and turns them to the side so they can lay down on the couch, with himself on top of course. Nines lounges back against the cushions, black hair fanning out around his head like a dark halo. He reaches for Gavin and tugs on his shirt when he spends too long admiring the view.
Since he's already so spoiled anyway … Gavin obliges him with kisses. Nines hums and purrs throughout it, LED now a gentle baby blue.
"Did you like that?" Gavin asks quietly between the two of them.
He should have started this scene with that—some rules and a safeword at least—but he'll try to make up for it now with the aftercare.
Nines nods shyly, presenting his face for more kisses. Gavin gives them to him, but he keeps each one light and short to help them both wind down. They need to talk about if this will be an ongoing arrangement, and if Nines just wants to sub or if he wants to really dig deep and roleplay as Gavin's personal companion android.
Gavin tries to open up that conversation. "What do you want now, baby?"
Nines slowly opens his eyes and blinks up at him. His LED turns a slow, lazy yellow for a moment while he glances down.
Then he looks back up and clearly says, "Dick."
Gavin reflexively looks down at his own crotch—which is apparently where Nines was looking, not just demurely averting his gaze, the thirsty little bitch. He meets Nines's eyes again and sees the android watching him expectantly, like a pillow princess waiting to be serviced.
"Don't know how anyone mistook you for a detective," Gavin tells him. "When you're obviously such a slut."
Nines blushes and closes his eyes, but he doesn't bother to hide his preening smirk.
"But you're gonna have to earn that, baby," Gavin continues.
Nines opens his eyes to shoot him the wounded look he learned from their little beasties when being removed from the bed so Gavin can get some goddamn sleep without an eight pound cat laying on his face.
"I can be good," he promises. He glances down between them again. "I do not have a refractory period."
And then he looks up at Gavin from underneath his lashes with those big blue eyes, and all thoughts of kink negotiation and safe words take a running leap and crash through the window.
"I'm going to take off your pants and play with that pretty pussy of yours until you start crying again."
Nines nods eagerly. He even lifts his hips like a good boy to help Gavin peel the yoga pants off him, a sticky strand of lubrication stringing between his lips and the crotch for a moment before the thread breaks. That gets the android blushing and whirring again, but Gavin just chuckles.
He lifts the t-shirt too, but instead of taking it off, he tucks it behind Nines's neck. It's a pitiful restraint, especially against an RK model, but Nines obligingly tucks his arms back behind his back, then waits obediently for Gavin to begin.
And this had better be a long-term thing, because Gavin doesn't think he can ever let anyone touch his android after this. Not with how Nines is looking at him, so open and sincere, without a single doubt that whatever happens next will be good and safe.
He might be a bad man, but shit. At least he knows that. And he also knows how many losers and assholes are out there, sociopaths and abusers and people who are honestly just too dumb and selfish to notice when they hurt someone.
No, his Nines is never going to experience any of that.
"Did you think about me when you touched yourself?" Gavin asks.
He runs his hands up the insides of Nines's legs while he asks the question. That's unfair enough, but rubbing his thumbs right at the creases in his thighs as Nines tries to answer borders on mean.
"I—I, yes. Did." Nines stutters.
Gavin skirts his hands up higher, just barely resting on the outsides of his flushed lips. His clit is big enough to push out past them, a teasing little peek-a-boo that makes Gavin's mouth water. It looks just as fat and swollen with arousal as it had felt when he'd petted over it through the pants.
"Do you like having something in your cunt, baby?"
He gets even meaner when he punctuates this question by using his thumbs to gently pull his lips apart and watch the way his exposed hole clenches and flutters. Nines manages to make his moan sound something like please.
"You have to tell me if you want it," Gavin says sternly. "I'm not just gonna guess about something like that."
Nines frantically nods, his mouth working silently around gasps. He's so worked over just having his legs spread and his pussy put on display. Gavin decides to have mercy—mostly on himself.
"Shhh, OK. I'm going to play with you now."
He circles his thumb around the android's clit gently at first, just watching what kind of reaction partial stimulation to it gets him. Nines shudders out an exhale and his thighs tense.
"That's right, you need to keep your hips still," Gavin tells him.
Nines nods again, blindly, his eyes shut and mouth agape.
"Do you want it like this?"
Gavin slides his other hand up Nines's side, over his chest, to rest lightly on top of his throat. Nines slowly opens his eyes, LED sluggishly spinning yellow. Gavin times the slow circles around his clit to it.
"With rules and taking orders," Gavin explains. "Where you need to obey and behave."
"Yes," Nines breathes out.
He doesn't take that as his real answer right away. "Or do you want it more casual?"
Nines blinks hard, twice, and cocks his head.
"Where I tell you what to do, since I've got more experience. But," He lets go of the android's throat. "You can do what you want. You don't have to hold still or—"
Nines shakes his head no for the first time. "I … I want … to be … good."
"As a good boy, or my own personal companion android,"
Gavin strokes his thumb directly down the length of Nines's swollen clit for the first time.
"That I can pet,"
He keeps his thumb where it is and shifts his fingers to tease the tip of his index against the entrance clenching at it.
"And play with,"
"Yes, yes, please," Nines chants.
Gavin presses the finger inside and it goes so easy. Enough for him to believe Nines really has spent the entire afternoon doing nothing but fucking himself in Gavin's own bed.
"And fuck,"
He adds a second finger without any resistance and gets those tears he promised. He really can't stop a grin from spreading across his face at that, just as sharp and vicious as any of the RK's interrogation protocols.
"Whenever, and however …" He pulls his hand out entirely, leaving Nines gasping and wrenching his eyes back open to stare up at him in pleading confusion. "I want."
Nines sniffles and starts to shift his hips to seek out any stimulation he can. Gavin stills them with both hands, and tries to keep his voice soft and free of judgment for the next part.
"Do you still want to behave?" he asks.
He watches as Nines realizes what that really means. What he would be promising Gavin—just for this scene. They really do still need to have an actual talk before he'll accept anything as a permanent, serious answer, but he can't resist at least throwing this option out there for now.
Nines tilts his head back to release steam, but then he settles back down. His whole body eases in a way Gavin has never seen before actually—even though he rejected his programming in terms of working for either Cyberlife or the DPD, it always still shone through in his perfect posture and too-formal speech.
This is the first time he's ever seen the android look … relaxed.
Gavin waits, but he doesn't even attempt to hide the way he sweeps his gaze over Nines's body, appreciating the thick chest, pecs well-defined enough to almost give him a bust, nipples hard and begging for attention, and his legs still spread wide, showing off a perfectly manicured triangle of soft black curls right over where his cunt drools onto the couch.
He drags his eyes back up to meet Nines's soft look, utterly relaxed and blinking slowly. He already knows what the answer will be just from that, but he still waits for it.
"Yes, Detective."
this was commissioned by @gavinisqueertbh and you can find my commission info pinned to the top of my blog! subscribers to my patreon get early access to all my commissioned fics two weeks before they’re posted here and on AO3 for free ^^
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padfootagain · 4 years
Girl Crush (X)
Chapter 10: An Impatient Forsythia
 Here we go again, new chapter, hooray! Cute, cute, very cute again, no angst, just cuteness!!
I might take three days instead of two to post the next chapter this time, because I've been writing ahead in the story for the past few days, so the next chapter isn't ready. It will be ready before the end of the week though, considering how inspired I am by this mess…
I hope you like this chapter! Tell me what you think about it, please!
Word Count: 3960
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Five minutes left.
300 seconds.
Harry wanted you by his side. It was an important moment, and if there was one person he wanted with him now, it was you.
He hadn't slept at all, he hadn't eaten in the past 24 hours, he felt sick and yet overexcited.
Putting some music out there for the world to hear was nerve-wrecking, and he loved it. He turned towards Jeffrey behind him, inflating his cheeks with air before releasing it in a long sigh.
Only a few minutes left before his first single was out there. Less than a week before he would perform it live for the first time.
He chased the latter thought away, though. He already had enough to worry about.
One minute left.
He reached for your hand without looking. He knew you were next to him, he could feel you being there, somehow. Then, it was nothing new. He seemed to always know precisely where you were whenever the two of you were in the same room, no matter if he could see you or not.
And indeed, his fingers found yours naturally, without any difficulty, holding on your hand as if it were his lifeline. Your gentle squeeze was reassuring, solid, a silent way to show him that you were for him. He felt so grateful for it, for your presence by his side, for always being here for him… he reckoned he could never thank you enough for that.
And suddenly the song appeared on the screen of Harry's computer. It was up. For the world to see. His first single as a solo artist was out.
A piano ballad… what the hell had he done?
"It's done, mate," Mitch patted Harry's shoulder.
"Now that it's out, you can't go back," Sarah added with a teasing smile, to which he replied by sticking out his tongue at her.
Hugs were exchanged across the room, and congratulations, although for now the anxiety was still high. No one knew what people would think about it for now.
In his round for hugs, Harry saved you for last, a smile forming on his lips as he finally looked at you.
"It's done," you nodded before wrapping your arms around him, bringing him close for a tight hug. "Congratulations!"
"Don't congratulate me yet. It's out, doesn't mean it's good."
You rolled your eyes.
"It is good though. Excellent even."
He closed his eyes and threw his head back a little, a cheeky smile piercing through his nervous expression.
"Hmm… yes, the narcissist in me is listening, keep going."
You laughed, nudging him for being an idiot, and dropped a kiss to his cheek that he hadn't expected, and he turned away to hide the way he blushed at the gesture. Because he was surprised, that was all… right?
"It's an amazing song, and people will love it. Maybe not as much as I do but then I'm biased, as I am your best friend."
He chuckled.
"See? You are blinded by your loyalty towards me. That's the only reason why you like my music."
You nodded, chuckling, while he rested a hand on his heart, faking to be hurt.
"Ouch… and here suffers my narcissistic side…"
"Good, otherwise your head is gonna get even bigger than it already is, and that would mean that you would probably not be able to walk through doors anymore."
"Alright, alright, that's enough, that's enough!" he fought back, struggling and failing to refrain a smile.
You laughed at him, before taking his face in your hands, hold tender and gentle as you brushed your thumbs across his cheekbones, making his smile settle on his lips for good and his heart beat faster.
"More seriously though, it's an amazing song. And I'm very proud of you, so I reckon that you can embrace the narcissist in you for this one. I'll squeeze your head to help you walk through the door."
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Ten minutes.
600 seconds.
It had been ten minutes since Harry had finished his first performance of his song. Was he happy with it? No, he could pinpoint every single thing he had done wrong, every note he had missed, every time his voice hadn't been as strong as it should have been.
He heaved a deep sigh, sitting down in his dressing room before taking off his jacket and unbuttoning his shirt.
Well, it was done now, no need to beat himself up over it. That's what he tried to persuade himself into doing after every performance, and failed to accomplish every single time.
He took his phone, taking a few minutes to relax before changing into casual clothes again and leaving the studio. He was exhausted, and the stress accumulated for these past few days suddenly leaving his system seemed to only amplify the feeling.
His stress level wouldn't be down for long though, only a few days to catch his breath and he was due to perform on another show. And then another. And then another.
The thought led him to plan all the things he had to work on for the next performance, and he could feel his anxiety going right up again.
He didn't have enough strength to deal with that.
He had several notifications from friends and family who had watched the show, but if he smiled at the sight, it was only because he was looking for your name through the list of texts.
And indeed, there you were.
Seven unread messages.
He was smiling already.
 He couldn't refrain a chuckle.
 Also, you've got to stop being this hilarious
and charming all the time, it gets annoying
after a while :(
 He rolled his eyes, but exploded with laughter at the next text.
 How's that ego of yours after that comment?
Oh dear… what have I done?!
 More seriously, it was amazing. I'm very proud
of my best friend right now. Congratulations.
And as you wanted to see my reaction,
here comes.
 He scrolled down to reveal the picture of yourself that you had sent, while he chuckled and shook his head with amusement. He had joked about the fact that he wouldn't be able to see it on your face if things were going ill, and you had replied that you would send him a pic of yourself at the end of the performance. He didn't think you would really do it, the two of you were simply being silly, and yet, there you were.
In those purple pyjamas with tiny cats all over them that he loved because they were so soft when he held you then, your eyes red and tears still shining on your cheeks but a smile on your lips and what he could only call pride softening your features. You had a thumb up, but you were also clearly holding a Kleenex.
He was still mad at himself, but he felt better already.
He typed his answer with a smile, despite his disappointment.
                                                                        You are way too kind. I completely
                                                                        fucked up.
 It only took a few seconds for your answer to pop up on his screen.
 Don't say that! It was alright.
                                                                  The end was a pure catastrophe and
                                                                  the rest was barely any better.
 It was your first performance!
You'll get it right next time. It
was still okay.
                                                                        See! You're going from amazing to
 It was amazing, I still loved it.
Next time will be perfect. But it
was still great. I loved it.
                                                                       You are supposed to call me out
                                                                       when I do things wrong… as a
 That applies if you go apeshit and
do something morally wrong. Also
for relationships. Not for SNL
performances. Then I'm the fairy who
delivers tons of encouragements.
                                                                        Does that mean you have a magic 
                                                                        wand or something? Butterfly 
 Everyone says it's butterflies wings
but that is for the godmothers. The
encouragements fairies are closer to bees.
                                                                     Now I'm imagining your face on the
                                                                    body of a bee and that is the most 
                                                                    terrifying thing I have ever thought of,
                                                                    thanks for the trauma.
 You're welcome ;)
 He laughed again, before he would redirect the conersation towards your day. He wished you were there with him. Why did the U.S have to be so damn vast?
He didn't notice how time was flying, and for the next twenty minutes, he was simply texting with you back and forth, talking about your customers and googling what the hell was a weigela.
And for as long as he talked to you, he didn't think about the notes he had missed that night, nor the upcoming shows, nor anything but you. 
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One week left.
Seven days.
Seven days and his first solo album would be released. The thought made his head spin…
As he walked towards your flat, the thought tortured him all over again.
Dear God, he couldn't imagine that time had flown so fast, and yet it had.
He held the plastic bag in his hand a little tighter.
You were going to listen to it all for the first time. And he wouldn't have missed it for anything.
Was he dead anxious? Yes. Was he properly terrified at the idea that you wouldn't like his songs? Obviously. But he was also overexcited at the idea of you liking his songs. At least some of them. He wondered if you would guess which songs were about you, or at least had been started because of you, although the story had been amplified and torn around certain pieces to take it further from reality and closer to how he felt. He wondered if you would read into this, or if you would assume he was simply talking about an ex of his.
Anyways, the excitement to see your reaction was stronger than his nervousness, so he would stay while you listened to it and study every single one of your expressions.
He hoped for you to love all of his tunes, of course, but he also knew that it was hard to make an album with no songs worth of a skip. As long as you didn't hate one, he reckoned that it was okay. You had loved his first single, so all was fine.
He also couldn't wait to show you your name written on the album as a songwriter. He reckoned your reaction would be priceless.
He climbed up the stairs to your flat faster than he ever had, took a deep breath before entering, not bothering to knock, knowing that your door was open for him. You were expecting him after all.
"Y/N!" he called from across the hall, but you were rushing towards him in the blink of an eye.
You were a little dishevelled, and seemed overexcited to say the least. You were wearing an oversized t-shirt with a pair of shorts. Harry could feel his heart speed up at the sight, but he chose to ignore his reaction. He was simply happy to see you and excited at the idea of making you listen to his music, that was all. Nothing more…
You spotted his bag and squealed, clapping your hands and reaching to grab it, but Harry pulled away.
"Hey! Nope! Not for now!"
"Harry! I've been waiting for this for months."
"Well, I'm sure you can wait for a little longer then, huh?"
"No," you pouted, and gosh, were you adorable.
Annoyingly so. You were annoyingly adorable and he was annoyed now… that was why he had this feeling in his stomach. He was annoyed by you… right?
"Can I at least take off my jacket?" he laughed, and you humoured him as much.
"I've already ordered food, it arrived five minutes ago."
He smiled at that, a tender gesture that he hid by turning to hang his jacket next to yours. He took a deeper breath and recognized the scent of Indian food indeed.
You made your way to your couch, and he sat by your side. You were still eyeing the bag, but Harry was taking way too much pleasure torturing you, a cheeky smile badly hidden on his lips.
"So… do you want to watch TV?"
"Harry, I swear to God, if you don't show me this album right now, I will slam this chicken right into your face!"
"Alright, alright," he laughed, reaching inside his bag. "But… I have something else for you first."
"Really?" you asked with a frown.
"Yeah… I… we have our merch ready, and I thought… as you like being comfy… I thought you'd like this one."
He pulled out of his bag a black hoodie, and handed it to you.
You traced the letters embroidered in the soft fabric…
Treat people with kindness
Yes, you remembered that he had mentioned that phrase before, that he wanted to turn it into his mantra.
Dear God, your eyes were watering already. But then, it was Harry's fault, why did he have to be such a kind soul all the time?
"It's lovely!" you grinned and put the hoodie on.
It was soft and comfortable and warm, and you knew you would spend many evenings wearing it whenever you missed Harry too much. You wiggled happily, making your friend's smile broaden.
"Thank you. I love it!"
"Yeah? You like it?"
"I love it. It' very comfy indeed. Thanks, Harry!"
He extended his cheek out of habit, expecting the familiar peck that always followed whenever he offered you something. Every time, without fail. Always his left cheek. Always lingering against his skin for a mere second. But you didn't move this time.
Instead, you tutted, shaking your head.
"You still need to give me my album," you chimmed, making him laugh, and he had to yield this time.
"Ready?" he asked one last time, but your grin was so bright, he didn't need a spoken answer. Your excitement and joy were painted all over your features.
He finally took the album out of his bag, and handed it to you, this time earning a kiss to his cheek.
You took the vinyl in your hand, careful, as if it were a precious piece of porcelain. Your heart was beating so fast…
"The cover is so beautiful," you commented, letting your fingers wander across the item.
"Thanks. It's me," he answered, making you laugh.
"Really? I thought it was Mitch!"
You both doubled with laughter at that, and Harry shook his head.
"Come on, we both know he's not that good looking."
"It's just your back for now…"
"Still, can't you tell?"
You nudged him playfully.
You opened it, took your time to admire the vinyl and what it held. Until you finally got up to place the vinyl on your turntable.
You waited until the first tune would start to walk back to the couch and took your seat by Harry's side again.
It took you 56 seconds. Harry hadn't realized he had been counting, and yet he knew how much time had passed between the moment you sat down and when you reached to lock your arm in his and rested your head against his shoulder.
He moved to drop a kiss to your hair, but thought better of it.
You didn't speak. You didn't say anything through the whole song, and at first he thought that it was because you didn't like it. He nervously twisted the fabric of his trousers between his fingers, waiting for you to react, to make a clever remark, even to mock him, anything…
It's only during the last chorus that he heard you sniffing and realized you were crying.
What was he supposed to do?
Meet Me in the Hallway was replaced by Sign of the Times, and Harry moved to stand and go skip the song, as you had heard it before, but you held him back, shaking your head.
"No, please, don't. I love it. Let it play."
Your eyes were reddened and a little puffy, you were sniffing again and your cheeks were wet with tears. Your eyes looked bigger now, under the yellowish light of your lamp. So, he nodded, sat back fully in the couch. He couldn't have denied you anything with you looking at him like this, wide-eyed and so fragile, and the thought was a little scary, if he were to be honest. He reached for the box of tissues on his right and handed it to you. You thanked him with a smile, but didn't move from your position against his shoulder.
"Did you like it? The first song?"
You checked the title on the cover, but nodded.
"I loved it. I really did. Are you aiming for making me cry through all 10 songs?"
Harry chuckled, relaxing against you.
"Only for some of them."
"How generous…"
You snuggled closer to him, and he wrapped his hand around yours, letting Sign of the Times play. He noticed that you were mouthing the words and humming the melody, and he felt a wave of pride and joy washing over him.
He had written songs that you liked, that you had learnt the lyrics of, that you hummed along to. He reckoned it couldn't mean that they were bad.
Carolina followed, and you looked up at him with raised eyebrows at the change of pace compared to the previous songs.
"Huh… nice…"
You listened more to the song, but nodded, smiling as the chorus hit in.
"Oh that's nice," you nodded, starting to move with the music without breaking your hold on him.
You reached for your food on the table, and Harry didn't need to check which box to choose. He knew the one before him was his. He knew you had gotten him his favourite. He knew exactly what to expect when he opened the lid. Just like he knew what you had ordered for yourself.
Two Ghosts and Sweet Creature followed, calmer and soothing and making your heart ache and making you close your eyes to listen to them. And Harry smiled with the memory of how some of lyrics were born thanks to you.
You were jumping on the sofa and laughing and dancing like two fools for Only Angel and Kiwi, and Harry knew from your reaction that he had been right. Kiwi would be amazing to perform on stage.
Ever Since New York had you lying on the sofa with your legs resting on Harry's laps while he played with your jeans and traced meaningless forms on your shins. You remained like this to scream to Woman.
And then it was already the last song, and you were back against Harry. You recognized the tune that you were humming that day, when you had eaten lunch with him, thousands of miles apart, through your computers. You looked at him with a stunned expression painted all over your features… You had never thought that… he would… actually make something of it…
Even my phone misses your calls, by the way
Your verse was there too… later in the song…
Maybe one day you'll call me and tell me that you're sorry too
But he didn't say anything. Even if he could read a thousand questions in your eyes, he remained silent. Instead, he merely handed you the vinyl again, and pointed at the credits for the last song.
Your name was written right there, printed on the paper, as one of the writers for the song.
You looked up at him again, on the verge of tears, and you had no words, really, to describe how you felt when the last notes of From the Dining Table echoed through your home.
"You… you really did use that?" you breathed after a long silence.
He shrugged, a little shy all of a sudden.
"It was a good tune. Good lines too."
"You… you wrote my name on your album."
"Well, you did come up with the tune, and a few lines of the lyrics. It's normal. I mean, it wouldn't have been legal for me to not credit you for it."
You chuckled, brushing your tears away.
"I wouldn't have been mad, wouldn't have sued you or anything, if you hadn't added my name."
"I'm not a thief," he shook his head. "Besides, your name looks great on there, doesn't it?"
"Yeah… yeah, I reckon that it does. But I've barely done anything…"
"You have. You've done so much already."
You both knew that Harry wasn't talking about the song anymore, but you didn't comment on it. Instead, you went to lean against him again.
You heaved a sigh, holding your hoodie and Harry closer.
"So? What do you think?" he asked after a couple of minutes spent in silence.
"I think it's really… really good."
"Are you being the supportive fairy again, or…?"
"No, I really love it. It's amazing."
"Thank you."
"Anyway, even if I didn't like it, too late to change it, right?"
He burst out in laughter.
"Yeah, I'm afraid so. What's your least favourite song?"
"Least favourite? Why would I tell you that? It's a happy moment, I'm not going to tell you my least favourite."
"So, you have a least favourite…"
You rolled your eyes, pinching his arm to shush him, and he playfully struggled against your gesture.
"What's your favourite then?"
You considered the question for a moment, but then, the answer was pretty obvious.
"I mean… I've helped making one so… I feel like it has to be my favourite, you know? Besides, it brings back good memories. You remember that day?"
"I wrote a song after what happened that night, of course I do," Harry laughed, resting his head on the back of the couch, and closing his eyes. "Your pesto was a disaster. I could smell it burn from across the globe."
"Oh, shut up!" you chuckled, making him laugh too, the gesture making him tremble under you.
"It's my favourite too," Harry let out in a breath.
"Yeah. I like it a lot. I'm happy with it."
It was true that he was particularly proud of what From the Dining Table sounded like. But maybe, just maybe, it was his favourite because he could see you there, your frame painted all over his computer screen, your hair a mess, your kitchen even messier, humming happily despite how much of a disaster your recipe was turning out to be. But that was just a maybe.
"I'm glad you're the first person to listen to it," he went on.
"Am I?"
He nodded, humming softly.
"First person outside the studio to hear the whole thing. I'm happy you like it."
"I love it," you corrected him with a grin. "Thank you, for trusting me with it."
"That's more than alright."
You should have asked him when he was leaving for London. His first show the day after the release of his album would happen there, and you reckoned that his flight was booked in less than two days. You should have told him about how you wanted him to meet Gareth properly.
But you didn't. The moment felt too nice. Harry was so relaxed by your side, peaceful with his eyes closed like this, dishevelled and with the ghost of a smile gracing his lips. And you were too happy to just be holding him for a little longer.
So you didn't talk about any of the things that you should have said.
"Would you like to play monopoly with me?"
His smile widened and widened until it turned into a full toothy grin that could have lightened up the entire room.
He opened one eye to look at you.
"Challenge accepted."
Tag list : @ponycake27​ @horsesreign​ @xinyourdreamsx​ @jbluevelvet​ @notkeppeki @daynigt-dreamer-stuff @fudgeflyss​ @stuckupstucky​ @snek-shit​ @suchatinyinfinity​ @i-padfootblack-things  @buckybsarmy @heyohheyitsgabi​@jigsawlover10 @emyyjemyy @addictedtofictionalcharacters​ @staringmoony
@madamrogers @cronias13 @stylesfics-xx​ @mellamolayla​
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artificialqueens · 4 years
A Chip on My Shoulder (Crystal x Gigi) - Frankenvenus
Summary: After deciding that a childcare career just wasn’t for her, Crystal auditions for a theatre company who are putting on a production of Legally Blonde, and ends up falling for their lead, who happens to turn her nose up at everyone who shows any interest in her - however, she might have a soft spot for the new girl.
Crystal had been waiting all summer to find out whether or not she had been accepted into L.A’s prestigious theatre programme ‘Rupaul’s Academy of Performing Arts.’ Her audition had been in late May of 2019, and it had gone seemingly well. She sang the first minute of ‘A Boy Like That’ from West Side Story, as suggested by her mother, though she actually wanted to sing a song from Anastasia. Her mother had told her that Anastasia was far too babyish, and it would only be appropriate if she was auditioning for a role as a princess at Disneyland. She did what her mom said, and successfully hit each note in the audition room. The theatre director watching her seemed pleased. She was optimistic that she would land a place in the company.
She had been studying a college degree in childcare after leaving high school, but she quickly realised that she fucking hated it, she fucking hated little kids, and she really wanted to pursue musical theatre. Her family was overjoyed, to say the least. Her dad had had this ridiculous fantasy that they would become a family band and Crystal would be the next Selena Quintanilla, so he was very supportive of his daughter’s change in aspiration.
The letter arrived on the 1st of September, and Crystal’s mom snatched it out of her daughter’s hands before she could open it. The woman was insistent in finding out first.
She dragged her sharp nails across the top of the envelope, opening it in the most inefficient way possible. She had a large smile across her face, simply knowing that her daughter was going to be accepted.
“Mom could I-” Crystal tried to take the letter into her own hands but her mom slapped her fingers away.
“Basta ya, I can do it myself,” she sighed, yanking the letter from the envelope and unfolding it, “Dear Crystal Elizabeth,” she sang, her voice filled with hope, “We regret to inform you that you have been unsuccessful in the selection of this year’s cast…” her mom quickly slammed the letter against the table and left the room leaving Crystal alone to finish reading it through watery eyes.
“We were overwhelmed with this year’s talent and wholeheartedly suggest you try again next year. We urge you not to give up on your theatrical dream as there are always other opportunities- this is the letter they send to everyone who failed, why am I reading this?” she sniffled, pushing it down on the table as her mom walked back in.
“It’s that blue hair of yours, Crystal, I know it. Maybe if you had kept it brown then they would’ve accepted you.”
“Si mamá,” she sighed, wiping her eyes and picking up her phone which was face-down on the table in front.
In that next moment, she thanked the gods and Mark Zuckerberg for listening in to her conversations, because an advert notification popped up on her screen when she opened Instagram.
Stephanie’s Child School of Theatrical Arts - Walk-in auditions September 8th - Anyone is welcome - Headshots NOT obligatory - Bring your own sheet music!
Crystal kissed her phone and rushed to her laptop, printing out the sheet music to ‘Journey to the Past’ from Anastasia as discreetly as she could. This other theatre school was no Rupaul’s academy, evidently (their advert used comic sans in the title) but she still felt like it was a sign.
After many nights of rehearsing, practice and being told to shut the fuck up by her little brother, audition day finally came.
She was given a sticker with her name on it upon entry, as well as a number. The school’s studio, where the audition was taking place, seemed quite old and in need of a makeover, but it was homely nonetheless. There were only about ten other people auditioning, unlike Rupaul’s school with over a hundred auditionees. Crystal wondered how many people attending were Rupaul rejects, and it made her uneasy.
After warming up alone by blowing bubbles into her water with a straw for ten minutes, a gleeful looking girl bounced in with lilac-coloured hair.
Thank God - this meant Crystal’s blue hair wouldn’t be an issue when being accepted.
“Hey, people! My name is Jan and I am the theatre director here. So we are going to start with number twelve for singing and then work our way down, and then you’re going to learn some choreo for a dance call!” she beamed, gripping her clipboard aggressively.
A dance call? Have mercy.
Crystal was number eight, which meant that it wouldn’t be long before she was called in to sing. She bounced her leg tensely, watching one girl begin to stretch in the corner of the room. Her name tag read ‘Jaida,’ and she had come in a leotard and jazz shoes - more prepared than Crystal.
After a minute of staring, Jaida caught her, before smiling and approaching her.
“Hey, girl! You threatened?” the girl asked sternly, causing Crystal’s heart to drop. Oh no, she had already made a bad impression.
“I- no… sorry I-” she was cut off with a laugh from the tall brunette in front of her.
“I’m just fuckin’ with you. Hi, I’m Jaida. And you are…” her eyes trailed to the shorter girl’s name tag, “Crystal. Cute. What are you singing?”
“Journey to the Past from Anastasia,” Crystal spoke nervously, fumbling with the pages of her sheet music.
“Awe, bless you,” Jaida chuckled, placing a hand over her heart, “I’m singing Aquarius from Hair. Also don’t look so nervous, sweetie. My friends Heidi and Jackie go here, and they say it’s super chill. Plus - you look talented.”
Crystal blushed, “Thank you. So do you!”
Jan walked back into the room with her clipboard in hand, “Can number ten follow me please?”
Jaida’s breath hitched as she shuffled across the room to grab her sheet music. She quickly winked at Crystal before disappearing into the other room. The blue-haired girl could hear the large rumble of the grand piano, but was disappointed that she couldn’t hear Jaida’s voice. The girl seemed enticing.
It wasn’t long before Crystal was being called through. She smiled shyly while she placed her music down in front of the pianist, who was a cheerful-looking girl with heavy makeup on and large glasses. Her name tag read ‘Rock,’ and Crystal whispered a small thank you to her before taking her spot in front of Jan and another woman, who was taking notes.
“Hello, my name is Crystal Elizabeth and I will be singing ‘Journey to the Past’ from Anastasia,” she began, suddenly regaining her confidence as the soft piano began. She was Crystal Elizabeth, high school salutatorian and a killer mezzo-soprano. She belted the song with a passion she had never felt before, and she left everyone else in the room blown away after the final note.
“That’s some voice you have there, Miss Elizabeth,” Jan smiled, clapping softly, “You are very talented.”
“Thank you so much.”
Much to Crystal’s surprise, the dance call went well. She managed to pick up Jan’s choreography easily, and Jaida assisted her with the few moves she couldn’t quite get.
She left the audition that night with the biggest smile she had sported in a while.
Unlike Rupaul’s Academy of Performing Arts, the letter from Stephanie’s Child came quickly. It arrived in the mail less than a month after Crystal’s audition. Her mom wasn’t so eager to be first to open it after last time, so Crystal took the duty of prying open the envelope.
“Crystal Elizabeth, We at Stephanie’s Child School of Theatrical Arts are delighted to inform you that you will be joining this year’s cast and programme. We loved your audition and we would love to hear even more from you, so we can’t wait to see you in rehearsals for our winter production of Legally Blonde starting this Wednesday, and we’d love to see you audition for a role!” Crystal read it out shakily, fireworks exploding in her chest.
First of all, she got in! She was so thankful and even more thrilled that she was finally able to make her mom proud. Second of all, they were doing Legally Blonde which was beyond iconic.
It was the first day of rehearsals, and Crystal was almost more nervous than she was for her initial audition. She caked her face in makeup and put her hair into two low pigtails, hoping to impress her fellow castmates.
She was told by the receptionist to sign her name in at the door, so she doodled ‘Crystal Elizabeth’ with a heart on the ‘i’ before smiling at the sight of the name ‘Jaida Hall’ above her own. It was great that she had a familiar face going in.
When she entered the studio, she felt all eyes on her. It was a large dance studio with mirrors on two sides of the room, a grand piano in one corner, and tap dancing mats stacked up in another.
There were about four prominent friend groups across the room, but Crystal drifted over to Jaida, where she stood with a short girl with black hair and a large gap tooth and a taller girl with a hijab and high dancing heels on.
“Crystal! You got in!” Jaida squealed, pulling the blue-haired girl into an unexpected hug.
“Yeah, I’m really surprised. Everyone here looks so professional!” Crystal giggled, her voice cracking slightly under the pressure.
“Trust and believe - we are far from professional,” the girl with the gap snorted, “I’m Heidi! It’s great to meet you.”
“And I’m Jackie,” the girl with the hijab greeted, “Jaida was telling us how good your singing audition was.”
Crystal’s eyes widened as she looked to the brunette, “You could hear me?”
“I may or may not have stood by the door. You have pipes, girl.”
“So you have a high belt, hm?” Heidi asked with a glint in her eye.
“Yeah, I guess so…”
“Well, you’re gonna have to compete with Gigi for the part of Elle then…” Jackie smirked, pointing across the room.
Crystal averted her gaze to where the girl pointed, and suddenly she felt abruptly light-headed.
There stood a remarkably tall redhead with perfectly curled hair tossed over one shoulder, warming up into a belt box that she held to her mouth, as many surrounding girls watched, mesmerized.
“I just know she’s that girl,” Jaida rolled her eyes, “Let me guess - she auditioned with ’Don’t Rain on My Parade.’”
Heidi nearly spat out the water she was drinking, knowing that Jaida had hit the nail on the head.
“She has a three-octave belting range. She’s scary,” Jackie exhaled, patting Heidi’s back gently to stop her from choking.
“She’s hot,” Crystal thought, still watching the girl warm up. Gigi. That was like a model’s name. She wondered what it was short for. Georgia, Regina, Imogen, Virginia, Genevieve, Gianna - It could be anything.
“You’re right, she is hot alright,” Heidi said, causing Crystal’s stomach to plummet because she said that out loud, “But she barely lets anyone touch her. She’s nice and all but - we barely know anything about her - other than her insane range. Her mom is a vocal coach.”
The blue-haired girl frowned. Even though she was still yet to talk to this girl, she wanted to know more about her. She wanted to know everything - because she was a creep. Why did she think she would be different and would somehow succeed in weaving her way into Gigi’s personal life?
“More than half of the people in this room have asked her on a date,” Heidi continued, “But she turned them all down because - and I quote - She’s sorry, she’s too busy, she can get their number in case she changes her mind - but she never does. She could be from another country and we wouldn’t know.”
“She seems pretty bold for a theatre kid,” Jaida snickered, but she was interrupted when Jan began clapping, ushering everyone to the centre of the room.
Crystal followed her new group of friends to a circle of chairs that had been placed in the centre of the room. She was sure she recalled auditioning for a musical theatre school - not a group therapy session.
She took a seat between Jackie and Jaida, and Gigi sat across from them, conversing to a friend who Crystal recognised to be Rock - the pianist from her audition.
“Hey everyone! I’m so excited to welcome all these new faces to our company! There are about five new people in the room, so one by one I want you all to stand up and tell everyone your name, your favourite role you’ve ever played and your dream role,” Jan explained gleefully. There was something about the lilac-haired woman that brightened up the room a little bit.
Jaida was first to stand up, puffing her chest out like the proud woman she was. Crystal just knew she was a professional and she’d be in her element at this academy.
“My name is Jaida, the best role I have played was Deloris is my senior year’s production of Sister Act and my dream role is Bonnie Parker from Bonnie and Clyde.”
Everyone had small discussions about how they would kill to play Deloris or how Bonnie was the hottest role on Broadway, but then it was the next newbie’s turn.
“My name is Widow - the best role I played was Donna in my community theatre’s production of Mamma Mia, but my dream role is Regina George and I live by that.”
Many girls in the circle whooped and cheered for her, and Crystal already felt like she was part of such a tight-knit family. She wallowed in her happiness until she realised that it was her turn to speak. She stood from her chair with shaky legs, and Gigi watched her with a curious glance that she couldn’t quite read. She bit her lip, placed her hands behind her back, rocked back and forth on her feet, and spoke.
“Um, my name is Crystal and my favourite role that I played was Heather McNamara in Heathers and I think my dream role is Eva Peron in Evita or maybe Nina from In The Heights? I don’t know… I don’t have the best theatre knowledge. I don’t have a BFA or anything I-”
Jan chuckled slightly, smiling at Crystal, “I promise that you know more shows than some people I know. My mom only knows Grease, no matter how many show tunes I play her in the car.”
Crystal reacted with a soft giggle, a blush covering her face when she noticed Gigi resting her chin on her fist, staring up at her with a fascinated look. The blue-haired girl wanted to stare back, but that meant eye contact, and she wasn’t prepared for that. She sat herself back down as the next girl stood up.
“Bonjour, my name is Nicky,” her accent was heavy, and no one had to ask to know she was from France, but she brought it up anyway, “I moved here from Paris a couple of months ago, my favourite role I’ve played was Velma in Chicago, and my dream role is Velma in Chicago, except this time, on Broadway.”
Crystal heard Jaida say ‘I feel you girl’ and smiled at the thought of Nicky and Jaida being Roxie and Velma. It would be iconic.
The final girl stood up - she was tall and lanky but had the coolest hair Crystal had ever seen. She had pink dreadlocks, half wrapped in a bun at the top of her head.
“I’m Yvie. My favourite role I played was Elphaba in my community theatre’s production of Wicked but my dream role is probably Persephone from Hadestown.”
Crystal wanted to sink into her seat. Where she had grown up, in Missouri, she had been a big fish in a small pond. The girls at her high school just wanted to sing Britney Spears, and didn’t care for theatre - but Crystal had taught herself to belt. There weren’t any belters where she was from, but now, in New York, it seemed that that was all there was.
She had zoned out from the group’s conversation for a while, lost in her own many insecure thoughts. Now she was just a small speck of dust in a city full of dreamers. Everyone was fighting for a role on broadway. What made her different?
She was so focused on her own insecurities that she hardly noticed a hand being held in front of her. It was pale and delicate - so it wasn’t Jaida. Her brown-eyed gaze moved upwards, stifling a gasp when she saw Gigi in front of her.
“Hello?” was all she could muster out. She felt humiliated afterwards. Jan had definitely set a task that she hadn’t listened to, “Sorry I- I kinda wasn’t focused when Jan was explaining whatever we were doing could you, uhm, fill me in?”
Gigi smiled a toothy smile, and Crystal was so thankful she got to see her this close, even though the scenario was embarrassing. Her nose was slender as it went down but kissable at the bottom. Her eyes were large and blue and overwhelmingly bright, guarded by thin-framed circular glasses. Her features were quite androgynous, with a sharp jawline and defined cheekbones, and Crystal’s brain was short-circuiting.
“Yeah, I figured you zoned out,” she smirked, “Basically Jan paired all of the new girls with old members, and we have to give you a tour of the building and I got paired with you! I’m Gigi.”
Crystal thanked the Gods for the blessing that was this girl, “Lucky me!” she blurted, and quickly Gigi’s fair skin turned rosy.
From Jackie and Heidi’s description, the blue-haired girl had been quick to assume that Gigi carried a coldness to her. This wasn’t the case, as the redhead hadn’t stopped grinning since Crystal introduced herself.
“So, you seemed to like my dream roles,” Crystal chuckled, making conversation whilst Gigi showed her around the ground floor juice bar, “What are your dream roles? And what roles have you played? Where are you even from?”
“Lots of questions,” Gigi joked, buying two beetroot juices for her and Crystal, “I’m from L.A, but don’t tell anyone. New Yorkers hate us L.A folks. I’ve lived here for a year now, and it’s cool. My dream role is probably Audrey from Little Shop of Horrors or like… Penny from Hairspray. I’ve been in so many shows like Cabaret, The Last Five Years, Pippin, but the best role I played was Heather Chandler in Heathers.”
In the next moment, Crystal wished that she wasn’t such a deep thinker. Often she would think out loud by mistake, and this was one of those times.
“That’s hot,” she gushed, without a single formed thought
“So I’ve heard,” Gigi held back laughter, and Crystal wanted to succumb, “Unfortunately, I don’t remember the part when Chandler and McNamara get together.”
The blue-haired girl made a swift attempt to steer the conversation in a different direction, so she said the first thing that came to mind, “You don’t seem bitchy enough to play Chandler.”
Fuck. That wasn’t a good way to steer the conversation either.
“Well, there’s a lot you don’t know about me…” Gigi deadpanned.
Crystal sighed and looked down at her juice, “At least tell me what Gigi is short for.”
The redhead rolled her eyes before casually leaning in and whispering in the shorter girl’s ear, her cool breath hitting the side of her face.
Audition day for their parts in the show came quicker than Crystal had hoped. She was fully prepared the day she was given the materials, but her self-doubt caused her to be extremely nervous.
Crystal didn’t know what was worse; the fact that they had to watch everyone else’s auditions or the fact that practically everyone was auditioning for Elle.
Luckily for her, Jaida volunteered to go first. The blue-haired girl was terrified of being selected from the group. No one had heard her voice yet, other than Jaida.
Jaida fucking nailed ‘So Much Better’ as if the song was written for her. The girl carried herself like a Tony winner, and Crystal wouldn’t be surprised if that was the road she took. Her acting was dramatic and eccentric, evidently theatrically trained rather than for film. Her audition ended with applause, and it was Jackie’s turn next.
Jackie was one of the few people not auditioning for the lead and was instead auditioning for Paulette, the hairdresser. Over the few weeks she had been there, Crystal acknowledged that Jackie was the mom of the group - the glue that held the theatre divas together. The girl embodied the role of Paulette perfectly.
Crystal then realised that Jan was staring right at her, and as soon as Jackie finished her final note, the director called her up to sing next. The tanned girl nodded, fiddling with her script just to scan over one more line before placing it down.
“Can I quickly grab some water?” she asked, partly because her throat was dry but mostly because she was stalling. Jan nodded with a sigh, and Crystal rushed out of the room. What she didn’t expect was for Gigi to follow her.
As she was filling up the small paper cup with room temperature water, she felt a hand on her back. She turned around, careful not to spill her drink, and saw the redhead standing there with a look of concern.
“You don’t need to stall,” Gigi assured, her hand not moving from it’s position just below Crystal’s shoulder, “You’re here for a reason. They wouldn’t let you in if you sang like shit.”
The shorter girl scoffed, “I have my good days and I have my bad days. Today is not a good day.”
She found her breathing getting worryingly rapid, like she was verging on a panic attack. It was eased when Gigi placed her free hand on the other side of her back and held her there, going through some quick breathing exercises. The redhead told her to inhale and exhale before dragging her back into the audition room.
“I am Crystal Elizabeth and I’ll be auditioning for Elle Woods,” she glanced over at Gigi and saw the girl give her a discreet thumbs-up. The entire endeavour from the last few minutes just hit her. Gigi had spoken to her, touched her, and calmed her down, despite keeping her distance from her after that first day. The validation from Gigi bloomed butterflies of dignity in her chest, and she nailed her audition, personifying the strong, ambitious lady that was Elle Woods.
The fact that she hit each note perfectly boosted her hope that she could land this role, but what increased her faith the most was the smile Gigi sported the entire time.
Gigi’s audition swept Crystal off her feet, even though she was sitting down. Her voice was like silk, her vibrato was perfect and she hit and held the final high note like it was the simplest thing she’d ever done. Crystal was in the right mind to give the girl a standing ovation, but she didn’t want to discourage those yet to audition. Instead, she let out a gentle squeal when Gigi returned to her seat.
“That was insane,” Crystal mouthed to the girl, who was sitting two metres away, with Widow and Nicky keeping them separated.
The redhead mouthed something back, but Crystal couldn’t identify what it was. It was either ‘Thank you, honey’which was cute, or ‘Thank you, baby’ which would’ve literally killed Crystal.
If she was being honest, Crystal didn’t want to look at the cast list. Although she would always be delighted to be in the cast at all, if she landed the infamous role of shop assistant number two, she would see her theatre career to be over.
The list was going to be sent out at six in the evening through email, and Crystal found herself not leaving her apartment the entire day, trying to busy herself by vacuuming every room, dusting every shelf, watching everything on her Letterboxd watchlist and finishing an entire bottle of rose lemonade (after debating whether or not she should have a bottle of wine instead, but she didn’t want to be too drunk to read the list.)
She was in the middle of watching The Craft when her phone pinged from the coffee table. She groaned as she reached over, trying to grab the device without moving the rest of her body. It took an extensive stretch of her arm, but she succeeded.
Her efforts were almost futile when she nearly dropped her phone after seeing what the notification read.
Unknown hey girl, it’s gigi from theatre. i hope this is ur number crystal but idk??? anyways i’m super nervous right now..
Where the fuck did Gigi get her number from and why was Miss Aloof making small talk with her? She promptly saved Gigi’s contact into her phone before trying to conjure up a reply that didn’t make her sound too needy or too disinterested.
Crystal it’s me alright ;) i’m nervous too. u for sure got the part though. if not… it’s rigged.
Crystal also how’d u get my number???
Gigi i asked nicky, and then nicky asked jaida, and then jaida gave it to me
Crystal was flattered that she went to such an effort, though she still couldn’t understand why.
Gigi ohmygod it’s 5:50. ten minutes
Gigi they r gonna typecast me as nikos cuz i’m gay AND european
Hold on. Wait a second. Did Giselle Goode just come out to her casually through a Legally Blonde song reference? Crystal felt like hurling her phone across the room. Now her little crush was made more unbearable, knowing that Gigi did like girls - just not her. The last thing she wanted to do was address Gigi’s comment.
Crystal u r european?? also u are elle woods. period
Gigi part scottish! also no u are elle woods no further questions.
Crystal came to realise that Gigi seemed much more confident and comfortable texting than she was in real life. She was more talkative behind a screen.
Crystal it’s legally blonde. not legally blue-haired Mexican
Gigi it’s not legally ginger either bitch . like no one at the studio is blonde
Crystal’s stomach plummeted like the fucking Tower of Terror. It wasn’t even six yet! It was two minutes to six! Her thumb nearly got a friction burn as she swiped open the mail app. The top email was from Jan, and it had an image attached. With a trembling finger, Crystal opened it.
CAST LIST FEMALE PARTS Elle Woods - Giselle Goode Pilar, Margot, Serena - Jaqueline Cox, Heidi Anthonie, Nicolette Doll Paulette Buonofuonte - Widow Von Du Brooke Wyndham - Jaida Hall Chutney Wyndham - Yvangeline Oddly Vivienne Kensington - Crystal Elizabeth
Crystal didn’t need to read any more after spotting her name. Her grin was wide and her heart was full because she got to play the mean one. The girl had consistently been placed in the cute, funny best-friend typecast, and over time it had become tedious and repetitive. It was going to be great to expand her acting skills, despite not having a mean bone in her body. She opened the messenger app back up and started to text Gigi once again.
Crystal called it!! nothing but respect for MY elle woods
Gigi i am in disbelief, but congrats girl!!! u get to bully me on stage for like 2 hours
Crystal idk girl. i’m kinda mad i didn’t get shop assistant #2
Gigi not this…
The read-through came and went successfully, as well as three months of hardcore rehearsals and trying to go off-book, and then suddenly it was tech week (also known as a theatre kid’s best nightmare.)
They were performing the show at the Laura Pels Theatre in New York, and the Monday of tech week was the first day they had a run-through on the stage. The rush that Crystal experienced when she first saw the rows and rows of seats that would be filled the next week was overwhelming. Almost every performance in the eight-show run was sold out.
Whilst the tech crew fiddled with the sound deck, Jan allowed the girls to roam around backstage and organise all their props and costumes, but Crystal wasn’t one for organising. She took a seat in the middle of the stalls, simply staring at the large stage in front of her and picturing herself belting her heart out in the centre, in front of a huge audience of people.
Her fantasy was startled when a sharp ‘boo’ was whispered in her ear. She turned around and saw that Gigi had sat in the seat behind her with a large grin on her face. Over the many months of rehearsing, Gigi and Crystal had become best friends, baffling everyone else at the studio. Crystal knew everything about Gigi there was to know now, and she had seen all sides of the redhead’s goofy personality that she would mask around others.
“You scared me,” Crystal cackled, flashing a toothy smile at her best friend.
“You scared me. You were just staring off into the distance like you were possessed or something.” Gigi reached up to fiddle with Crystal’s curls, which had now been dyed back to their natural colour - dark brown - for the purpose of the show, “I organised your dressing room for you since you didn’t seem to want to do it yourself.”
The brunette sighed, melting into Gigi’s touch, “I’m overwhelmed!”
“Okay and? I’m the lead.”
“Fuck off.”
“Watch this…” Gigi pulled her phone out from her jean pocket and opened her camera roll, showing Crystal a video she had sneakily filmed of the latter in the wings whilst Nicky, Jackie, Heidi and the ensemble rehearsed the opening number, ‘Omigod You Guys.’ The video featured Crystal on the other side of the wings, watching the girls singing and lip-syncing along, thinking no one was watching. She was dancing like an awkward mom whilst Heidi sang her part.
“Giselle Jasmine Goode delete that off your phone now.”
“Absolutely not.”
Crystal half-heartedly wrestled her for a bit, trying to grab her friend’s phone, but Gigi switched it off so she couldn’t unlock it.
“I hate you,” she groaned, sinking back into the soft auditorium seat.
Gigi slipped her phone back into her pocket and stared at Crystal with a look that flipped the mood between the two. Her eyes were sultry-looking and her lips curled up slyly, “You don’t hate me at all.”
It took everything in Crystal not to stare down at the girl’s glossy pink lips, but that didn’t stop her from imagining how they would taste.
It was frustrating sometimes, the way Gigi knew most people at the studio found her attractive. It gave her a sense of cockiness that she would utilize by teasing Crystal - making the innocent brunette believe she had a chance. Crystal knew she didn’t, though. Crystal was sure Gigi had her eyes set on Nicky. They were more similar, evidently. She had to accept that Gigi was always going to be her friend, and nothing more.
A week later, after many late nights and many mic-checks, opening night arrived. From her dressing room, Crystal could hear crowds of people filling up the auditorium whilst she straightened her wild curls with a flat iron. Her hands were shaky as she unbuttoned the top two buttons of her striped shirt. Her costume was bland, consisting of a black skirt, a black and white striped button-up and plain black stilettos - the token ‘law student look.’
Across the room, Gigi was staring into the mirror and warming up whilst Jaida tried to fix her blonde lace-front wig for her. Gigi’s costume was fashionable and early 2000s style: a cropped denim jacket over a pink Chanel patterned dress. Her heels were high and her makeup was bright, and everything was so very pink.
Jaida, Crystal and Gigi all shared a dressing room, and it sat practically under the stage, so they had to keep quiet. Jaida’s character didn’t appear until the second act, so after helping the others get ready, she sat in the corner and steamed her voice with Gigi’s very overpriced vocal steamer.
As Crystal was applying nude lip liner to her lips, her phone pinged, and a text from her mom appeared on the screen.
Mom The family has arrived, Mija! We are all in the front row and we are so excited for you!!!
The brunette smiled to herself, trying to send a reply back without getting pounds of stage-makeup on her phone screen.
Crystal thank u for the support mama, but remember, don’t clap or cheer unless it’s at the end of the song or during the bows, and no singing! theatre etiquette!!!
Mom Lo sé. Tell Gigi good luck from me.
The text was followed by many nonsensical emojis, but Crystal was smiling too hard to care.
“Chile, what are you staring at?” Jaida smirked at her through the mirror, “You’re talking to a girl?”
Out of the corner of her eye, Crystal saw Gigi’s expression falter. The girl now had her eyes squinted at the brunette, hoping she wouldn’t notice.
“Ew gross. It’s my mom!” Crystal snorted, placing her phone down on the table and making a dramatically disgusted look on her face.
Jaida strutted over to Crystal and grinned at her, “You’re way too happy all the time to be single.”
“Girl, what does that even mean? I’m just positive!”
The brunette averted her gaze back to her lip liner when she caught a glare from Gigi in the mirror.
“Whatsup?” Crystal mouthed.
“Nerves,” Gigi mouthed back.
“You’ll kill it.”
Ten minutes later, however, the roles were reversed. They were ten minutes to curtain, and Crystal was physically shaking on her dressing room stool. Jaida had gone to the bathroom, so Gigi took it upon herself to comfort her friend.
“I’m so fucking scared, G. You know, on the opening night of West Side Story, when I was Anita, my voice cracked during ’America,’ and it was the worst feeling ever. Opening nights are always cursed for me. I’m probably gonna fall over or something,” she started crying, and Gigi was quick to grab tissues, not wanting her to spoil the stage-makeup she had spent so long on. She dabbed the soft tissues below Crystal’s waterline where tears threatened to spill over and escape her glassy eyes.
“Hey, I’m not good at like… the whole comforting thing but, I know that you’re gonna fucking kill it. For the entire first act you get to be a hardcore bitch, and then at the end, you get to sing your big note and sweep everyone away! You’re so fucking fierce and beautiful and you literally ooze talent out like it’s fucking sweat I- I’m rambling,” the words spilt out of Gigi like a broken soap dispenser, but Crystal had never felt so much compassion for her as she did at that moment.
From being seemingly emotionless to rambling on about the respect she had for her best friend; Gigi had experienced incredible growth as a person since befriending Crystal.
“And before you doubt yourself for another second, just know that I fucking love you,” the taller girl added, and oh.
Crystal blinked a couple of times, trying to ease the new swarm of Gigi-caused butterflies that had since joined the stage-fright butterflies. She swallowed the growing lump in her throat, and looked in her friend’s eyes, begging for her to continue speaking before Crystal blurted I love you too.
And Crystal was sure glad that she didn’t get the chance to say the three words in return, because Gigi added something else, “You are the best best-friend I’ve ever had.”
Despite the minor soft blow to the chest, Gigi’s pep-talk must have been working so far, because the rush Crystal gained from waiting in the wings, watching the audience, was another one of the greatest feelings she had ever felt. The brunette gazed as Gigi, Nicky, Heidi, Jackie and the ensemble all nailed ‘What You Want,’ and then it was time for her first scene.
She entered on stage alongside her castmate Finneas, the guy playing Warner, and they stood in line waiting for Drew, the guy playing Emmet, to receive their syllabi. Gigi, Finneas and Drew had a few lines of dialogue before Crystal delivered her first line.
“All that pink you’re wearing. Is that even legal?” her character questioned in the bitchiest way possible, eliciting a few chuckles from the packed audience.
“Pink is my signature colour,” Gigi gleamed.
“So I gathered.”
The scene went on smoothly, their Professor Callahan sang his song, and quickly it was Gigi and Crystal’s little bit of feminist dialogue. Gigi had it lucky - she got to smile whilst talking to Crystal - but the brunette had to act like she hated the girl, which was tougher than anticipated.
“Excuse me, but why would you do that to another girl?” Gigi’s character asked.
“Do what?”
“We girls have to stick together. We shouldn’t try to look good by making each other look bad.”
“I didn’t make you look bad, you just weren’t prepared. Try opening a law book. But I should warn you,” she smirked and sauntered towards Gigi, “They don’t come with pictures.”
At the end of Act one, Crystal watched Gigi sing ‘So Much Better,’ trying not to let tears run down her cheeks at how proud she was.
“I’ll even dress in black and white! See, I have not begun to fight. And you’ll go whoah, much better, hello, much better, and soon all y’all gonna know much better…” the redhead (or blonde, if you counted the wig) sang like it was her final performance, even if it was the first of eight shows. She earned a standing ovation for her final note as the curtains closed on the first act, and the first thing she did was run over to Crystal, trip over, and fall into her arms.
“That was fucking insane!” the brunette congratulated, gently placing a kiss on her best friend’s head. She wondered if she could feel it, considering the blonde wig was quite large.
“Can you believe we are fucking here?” Gigi gaped as a group of girls gathered around her. Jaida smirked and Jackie formed an ‘o’ shape with her mouth. The redhead quickly noticed what she said and re-worded it, “I mean we aren’t fucking here but, we fucking are here.”
Crystal laughed and pulled her in closer, but the word friend from earlier built a distance.
Act two went just as well as the first act, and Crystal spotted her mom and little brother in the front row, looking prouder than they had ever looked, and she almost felt complete.
She was shaky when she walked onto the hairdresser set for her big song. Widow and Gigi had some dialogue first, before the latter gave Crystal her cue:
“All this time I thought I was proving myself and making a difference… but it turns out I’m just one big blonde joke. That’s all anyone’s ever gonna see,” Gigi’s character sighed, and suddenly Crystal (or Vivienne) revealed herself from under the hairdryer, causing everyone on stage, as well as most of the audience, to gasp.
“That’s not what I see,” Crystal exclaimed, and there was a short moment after delivering that line where the audience clapped. This was true happiness - this was what it felt like.
“Vivienne?” said Gigi when the audience had finally finished cheering.
“Maybe Warner saw a blonde who was sleeping her way to the top, but all I see is a woman who doesn’t have to.”
The band began playing under her line, and when it was over, she slipped into singing.
“I used to pray for the day you’d leave. Swore up and down you did not belong. But when I am wrong then I say I’m wrong, and I was wrong about you, so listen up!” she strutted over to Widow and Gigi, where they both stood with confused expressions. She placed her hand on Gigi’s arm and continued singing, “I see no end to what you’ll achieve - that’s only if you don’t turn and run. You proved it to me, now show everyone what you can do,” an ensemble member approached with a blue blazer and skirt for Gigi, “And you look great in dark blue!”
Crystal placed her arm on Gigi’s back and led her to the centre of the stage, staring into the large audience with a smirk.
“Get back on the game… back on the case… take a good look at my face,” she turned to Gigi and bit her lip, and the redhead mirrored it, holding back a smile, “I’m not a fool, and as a rule, I do not bond.” she sang the word bond with quotation marks, and she held the note out whilst her friend clutched her chest. “But I see a star, you’re my new muse; you’ve got the best freakin’ shoes!”
The audience cheered as she sang this, and the female ensemble came up behind her, dancing along as she sang like there was no tomorrow.
“And you lit a fuse, so go show ‘em who’s legally blonde!”
The number ended with tremendous applause from the audience, after Gigi’s costume change into her bright pink dress. Crystal pulled her friend into a hug, they exited the stage, and the brunette thanked every God in the sky for not giving her a voice crack, before quickly rushing back on for the courtroom scene.
The scene went on swiftly until Yvie delivered the climactic line: “Think I liked being older than my dad’s new candy wife? I didn’t mean to hurt my father! I didn’t mean to shoot him… I thought it was Brooke coming through the door!”
The final number blew everyone away. The crowd was up on their feet by the end, cheering when Gigi locked lips with Drew. Crystal smiled and clapped along with everyone, and watched as her entire extended family screamed their asses off in the front row.
During bows, Crystal, among others, were given immense amounts of the acclimation, but Gigi received the most. The redhead’s older brother stood in the front row with a bouquet of flowers, standing beside Gigi’s mom who was crying too much to cheer.
The brunette exited the stage with Jaida and Widow, but Gigi stayed on to give one last wave while the curtain closed.
Most of the girls made their way back to their dressing rooms to unwind, remove makeup and prepare to greet family members and acquaintances at the stage door, but Crystal waited in the wings for Gigi. Crystal’s bow gave her an enormous sudden surge of confidence, so as Gigi made her way towards her, she sucked in a deep breath and said everything she ever wanted to say:
“I know this is a lot to take in right now cause you just did that, but I am so proud of you and I’ve been thinking really long and hard about how, even though you’re the greatest best friend I could ever ask for, I want us to be more. I like you so much. I feel like I can’t have my cake and eat it since I’m already so lucky to be in your life just as a friend but it’s so hard not to kiss you when you look that fucking pretty all the fucking time and it’s making me feel crazy. The rush I got tonight makes it impossible for me not to say this. You can slap me, if you want, or just not say anything and go take your wig off-”
“-Shut up.” Gigi grabbed the brunette’s chin and pulled her into a passionate kiss that crossed every friendship barrier they had ever made. So many pent up feelings for such a long time spilt over and Crystal felt like crying when Gigi’s soft hands moved to her neck and pulled her closer.
They broke apart after twenty seconds, resting their foreheads against one another and grinning toothily.
“I like you too… Way more than I should like you. Opening up for me is impossible, but then you somehow made it possible… Like I can tell you anything! Plus, you’re so hot. Your ass… Anyways I’m backtracking. I like you so much,” she kissed the brunette’s forehead softly, “Now let’s go take everything off and then we can go say hi to our families, okay?” Gigi twinkled, reaching forward to grab the brunette’s hand.
Crystal was breathless, somehow managing to reply with a faint ‘yes.’
Crystal couldn’t believe she had said all that to Gigi but had forgotten to say I love you. Little did she know, she’d be whispering it into the redhead’s naked chest later that night.
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ajartemis007 · 3 years
Jihara Aina desu (fic 1)
A mission together with Nanami Kento san and Gojo san. 
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Aina's pov:
Ok, so here I am completely exhausted after today's rigorous study session. I finished my lectures early so instead of going back to Jujutsu High school I made the not-so-smart decision to study in the college library. Of course, my mobile notifications were on silent.. of course. Today I feel like the queen of bad decisions and what's more, I feel like the god of misfortunes just smiled on me as I open my notif panel to see a text from none other than Gojo Satoru.
"Called you about 7 times. Yes! 7, can you believe it?! But you didn't pick up. You better not be hanging out with anyone today, not that you have any friends apart from me 😆😉. We have a mission together finalyyyyy. You, me, and Nanamiiii 💃💃💃"
 I read the message twice before I decided to believe that it said Nanami. Nanami Kento san would rather lose a limb to a curse than be on a mission together with Gojo Satoru. He cant stand Gojo san's rancid vibes. Can't blame him, hanging out with Gojo san can be emotionally exhausting. Even for me, the demon of emotions. Fuck my life. Today was going to be a ride. And he forgot to mention the mission location.
I scroll a little to find Nanami san's message. Brief and to the point.
"Mission at Misamana Chemical Factory. The abandoned one not the new. See you at 5:30 pm. We will have to go in on our own if you show up late. See you there."
Misamana was a considerable distance from here and it was already 5:27 pm. I will have to take a cab. I hailed the first cab I saw and told the address as I tracked it with my phone GPS. Shit, 17 minutes more.
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5:30 pm ~~~ Misamana Chemical Factory 
"She isn't here yet," Nanami Kento said as he tapped his foot on the concrete floor. The factory loomed above him, abandoned. A chemical factory infested with curses could be really bad. They were informed that the mission probably involved multiple grade 1 curses and a special grade cursed object. And that's why he was paired with the special grade sorcerer Jihara Aina. He felt great being on a mission with a reliable colleague. Jihara san was a bright 22-year-old, ready to tackle life head-on. He admired her. After everything, she had been through and didn't let anything deter her.
He looked forward to finishing this mission early and getting home in one piece until Gojo Satoru had jumped in the seat beside him shattering his daydreams.
He had chatted away about how excited he was as Nanami questioned his decision to keep sitting in the car instead of jumping off. What was he doing here?
Well, he got his answer immediately. "Aina chan hasn’t acknowledged the mission yet. So I came. I called her several times but she didn't pick up. Worry not though, we will see her. She will come." And then he had proceeded to munch on the strawberry crepe he had produced out of nowhere. Nanami sighed.
"Obviously she isn't here. She acknowledged the mission 3 minutes ago" Satoru chuckled. " It takes about 15 to 20 minutes from Tokyo institute to here, if she takes a cab that is"
Nanami sighed again. "Well then let's get going", and of course Satoru was more than ready.
 5 48 ~~ Misamana
Aina jumped out of the cab grabbing her shoulder bag. Uhhhh bringing her college stuff to a mission, what was she thinking. A change of clothes would have made sense, but this. She would have to stash it somewhere safe. If looks could kill she would be dead, the way her librarian had stared at her for returning the books late last time. Well, what if they disappeared? What a nightmare, she shuddered. She had already paid the cab off as she watched it take the turn and disappear around the corner. No wonder he had looked at her funny. A young girl wanting to be dropped off at an abandoned factory. She saw no sign of Ijichi's car. And no Satoru and no Nanami. She hated being late herself so she could sympathize with Nanami san.
She dropped her bag near a stack of concrete pipes and noticed how cold it was in this area. She stuck her hands in her hoody. Well fuck, wasn't this her favorite blue hoody? Bye-bye hoody. The fate of her clothes was always sealed when on missions. That's why she had started segregating clothes into - mission, college, and outing. Until missions had started being dropped on her unannounced, like here. A mission notification had been received to her at 5:15 pm, 15 minutes before the goddamn mission. She was sure this was done intentionally by one very annoying ( and infuriatingly handsome) man she knew.
She walked through the loosely hinged double doors as they swung shut behind her. The cursed energy could be felt standing here right at the entrance. She could see footprints on the dusty floor, two pairs. Hushh they were here alright. She would find them.
She walked on calmly checking room to room. An office area. The factory area must be way back. Abandoned computers and stacks of sheets. She didn't touch anything as a thick coat of dust sat on everything. This was her fifth room. Boxes and cartons stacked to the ceiling. This room was huge though. She panned her mobile flashlight scanning everything. She could feel a mass of cursed energy way back at the factory. The production area most probably.
As soon as she turned to make her way out a couple of boxes to her right fell off. She felt a surge of cursed energy and immediately panned the light and was surprised to find a whimpering doggo in the corner.
Aww, it was a wee pup scared and alone. And Aina was nothing if not a dog lover. She made her way carefully toot tooting to the pup. "Come here baby, good boy, here yuppp here"
The pup wouldn't move. But then a blast shook the factory. Dirt rained from the ceiling as Aina rushed forward to grab the pup.
What the fuck was that? She already knew. Gojo Satoru fucking blew something up. She has to get to the mass now as she feels it breaking into smaller masses and spreading in different directions. The curses were dispersing because of the blast. Shit.
She placed the pup gently in her huge hoody pocket as she ran towards the corridor connecting the office to the production area. A huge hallway and just as she saw the door to the production area, she stopped short as the ceiling rumbled and she jumped out of the way as a huge grade 1 curse borrowed through the ceiling and straight down into the floor. And what's more Nanami Kento was dangling from its huge wormlike body, his knife pierced into the curse's side.
"NANAMI SAN!" Aina screamed. And Nanami Kento plucked the weapon out of the curse's body but unable to make a purchase on the concrete floor was going to tumble into the dark void the curse had created in the floor. Aina lunged and caught his tie nearly choking him to death. He caught the concrete and climbed up violently coughing. 
"I am really sorry! Shit, are you okay? You look like you been having a tough time" how she managed to speak so much when she was just about to die was beyond him. Well, of course, she could see 10 seconds into the future but still, it gave her only 10 seconds to mentally prepare herself. "Fucking Gojo Satoru" he muttered under his breath. He had gone and blown something up. The thought hadn't even formed in his mind properly as another blast shook the factory.
"What the fuck?! That was too close!" Aina screamed this time. She had to cause she would go deaf if another blast happened. She was at the edge of this dark void and she could very well plummet to her death if the floors keep shaking like that.
None of them had paid attention to the filthy glass double doors at the end of the corridor though. They were fogging up with a nasty green gas and they burst open and Gojo Satoru ran out covering his face with his hand, jumped the dark void and grabbed the two kneeling figures in front of him, and dragged them to their feet.
"Get the fuck up and run the fuck out" he yelled "It's a poisonous gas." Well, that got their attention as it should have. Wide-eyed and breathless they ran for the exit. Satoru threw open the rusty double doors and they finally breathed in the fresh evening air.
All three of them gasped for air as they fell to their knees. Well, there goes this mission in flames Nanami thought as he snatched off his tie trying desperately to breathe. Aina was on her feet. "It's going to leak out," she said, her voice dangerously calm. "The gas. It's going to leak out"
Nanami didn't waste time forming a veil immediately around the factory. None of that gas was escaping into the evening city air. He would call the high school for an emergency immediately. They needed sorcerers who could specifically handle something like this. But first, he thought, let me just kill Gojo Satoru real quick.
Aina was already on it though. "What the fuck were those blasts? You blew something up!" She wasn't calm now. "Well, there was this huge grade 1 curse that rushed at me. So I blasted its head off but one of the chemical cylinders got caught in the blast and boom! But that one was empty so I thought all would be and obviously, they all should be. When the second curse rushed me and another cylinder exploded this green gas leaked out. I knew it was poison cause of the creepy color and then I just saw a special grade 1 slither away in a hole in the wall"
Great, Aina thought as if her day going wasn't bad enough. A special grade 1 after two grade 1 were already exorcised. This was a nest. Yes for sure they had been thrown into a nest of curses with a cursed object involved. She let out a short scream as something squirmed in her hoody. The pup jumped out and hid near a concrete pipe. She decided to let it be.
The mission had failed. A failed mission that too when it involved a grade 1 and not one but two special grade sorcerers AND the second one being Gojo fucking Satoru ( the God of Jujutsu world ) was embarrassing. Maybe the men would escape with a slap on their wrists but she won't. They would demote her this time for sure. Was she just going to sit here while those curses got stronger? She was a special grade dammit. If she couldn't bring this mission to success who could?
She could hear Nanami grabbing his mobile as she spun around to face the boys. "Ok wait Nanami san. Make that call and have them send the team to diffuse the gas but the mission isn't over yet. We have to get the cursed object and exorcise all the curses in this building. So much cursed energy at one place will only attract more curses making this problem a bigger mess."
Nanami listened intently, his finger hovering over the call button as Satoru took a seat on one of the collapsed concrete cylinders.
Aina had their complete attention so now here comes the crazy part where I nearly commit suicide, she thought. "I am going in to complete surveying this building. I can feel a mass of cursed energy in a single spot probably way back inside the factory"
"You aren't going inside. We just ran out because of the gas. No more reckless acts I am calling this mission off." Nanami said firmly as he pressed the call.
"No Nanami sa-"
"...yes send the squad as early as possible" Nanami sighed as he cut the call. He didn't tell them about the mission failure. "Listen," he said calmly " please don't push yourself to these impossible limits, Aina. You are a special grade you have already proved your worth. We all acknowledge you and what's more, you are so young, this isn't going to go become a suicide mission from a failed mission because I would rather have a failed mission than a comrade down." He had put a stop to this crazy conversation. Satoru gave out a long sigh as Aina turned to face the factory. The gas wasn't leaking into open-air yet which meant the factory still had pockets of breathable air which were slowly depleting as she stood here second-guessing herself like always. Nanami was right she would rather have a failed mission too. But the thing about proving her worth, not everybody acknowledged her especially not the elders.
Aina didn't care about the elders. But she cared about what her students saw when they looked at her. What Maki and Nobara saw when they saw Jihara Aina always hold her head high and never buckle no matter what the situation. She knew she could do this. Yes, it was hard but she wasn't a special grade for nothing.
'Nozomi' she spoke to her mind. 'How long?'
A sigh. 'A little over 5 minutes but cut it at 5, you always try to cut it close', Nozomi sighed.
Ok, so 5 minutes. No, a little over 5 so let's take 5 30
Ok ... ok you can do this.
Before any of her partners could react Jihara Aina broke into a run. "Stop!" Nanami yelled. Satoru gave a surprised laugh as he teleported right beside her. This shit always scares her. 
"Don't tell me..." he said.
"Yes I am going inside and I can do this I promise. I am going to get to the nest and smoke out the curses so you guys can finish them. Give me 7 minutes (hey! from Nozomi). If I don't get out in 7 minutes... "
Satoru raised an eyebrow at her. Nanami was running towards Aina but Satoru had made his decision as he stood in Nanami’s way to obstruct him.
"Have you two lost it?!" Nanami yelled behind Aina as she was pushing open the rusty double doors. 
"Nanami san I promise I will get back in one piece. Believe in me"
"You better," Nanami said. He knew he had fucked up when he had said those things to her. He knew she always tried to outdo herself and it wasn't for anyone else but her students. The little girls looked up to her and saw that everything was achievable if they put their hearts to it. He had to believe in her. Aina wasn't Haibara. Aina was... Aina. If someone could do this she could. Her demon blood provided her a shield from diseases, curses, and poison to some extent.
"She asked for 7 minutes but we both know she is lying," Satoru said calmly. This girl never stopped amusing him. He liked her, he liked her a lot.
"So what do we do now?" Nanami said. 
"Wipe up the curses that spill out and then I go in. Cause there's no way I am letting her have her way everytime."
Nanami almost swayed with relief. It was good when someone else did the adulting for him sometimes. He knew he could count on Gojo Satoru.
Inside ~~~
'7 minutes my ass!' Nozomi ranted. 'You get out in 5, do you hear me!' 
"Yessss. Now concentrate. As soon as we are inside the nest, switch off the cursed energy. I have to make myself vulnerable so the curses would follow. Okay?"
Phuhh.. the blond boy was right. This is a suicide mission.
Aina could see the green gas pooling at the next door as she ran straight for it. Her timer will begin now. A little over five minutes. She could do this and she will.
The gas hit her like a ton of rotten cabbages. It smelled horrible and she almost felt impossible breathing this in for 5 minutes. This was serious. This could kill her if she fucks up once, even half of once. She ran from the office to the production area passageway and saw the void on the floor. Ok, we jump this. She increased her speed as she took a leap of faith over the void and landed clean on the other end. She couldn't stop. Not now. The clock was ticking.
The glass double doors flung open as she put her weight against them and found herself on a metal walkway right above a dozen or so giant cylinders. Two of them were burst as Satoru had said. One empty and one spilling the gas even now. This factory wasn't abandoned after all. It had been in use recently by a bunch of good for nothing. Even the electricity was working as the chamber was lit up with flickering tube lights.
Halfway across the walkway, she saw a hole in the wall near the tiled floor at the far end of the room. She would have to jump down the walkway. She threw her legs off the walkway landing on a metal cylinder, a ringing echoing through the room and then rolled onto the floor. Not stopping for a second she rushed towards the hole. Towards the massed cursed energy, growing every second.
 Outside the factory ~~~~
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Nanami and Satoru exorcised the curses that spilled out of the factory. All grade 2 or lower. What a waste. The real ones were in there but none of them could enter. Nanami sliced open the curses particularly viciously with his 7:3 technique because all he could think of was that he had let Jihara Aina run towards her apparent death. It had been just over a minute. Aina's massive cursed energy had successfully smoked out the weaker curses. But the stronger ones would stay and fight and all Aina had were a few minutes.
Satoru hovered 30 feet above him taking care of the open windows which would soon be leaking gas nevertheless. He wouldn't take off his concentration from Aina's cursed energy which was still in full swing meaning she hadn't reached the nest yet. He was growing restless.
Aina hesitated at the entrance to the tunnel just for a second as she realized what it really was. It was no fucking tunnel. It was a path burrowed by one of those worm curses but this one was bigger and stronger. A special grade 1. One of these suckers had to have absorbed the cursed object. If by any chance in hell of chances was there a special grade in there, she would have to fight to get out alive. But then Satoru wouldn't have let her go. He could see it all, that creep. But it reassured her, Gojo Satoru had her back.
As she ran through the tunnel, her knees nearly buckling with the cursed energy amassed in such a small space and the tunnel was narrowing. Well shit, there had to be other entrances. Now she was literally on her knees, exhausted and frustrated she was wasting precious time.
'How long?'
'2 30 remaining'
Wtf! half the time had already passed! Aina moved faster and thank the gods the tunnel grew back and she could run. If only had she stopped in time she wouldn't have plummeted 25 feet down crushing a couple of curse wombs. Curse goo crusted her fingers and knees as she tried to get up.
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This was a huge cavern full of multiple holed entrances. The ceiling probably 100+ feet high. She was clearly below the factory. In a hell hole. Hurray!
All entrances lead here to the nest. The ground was covered with green mold coloured eggs the size of footballs. At least 3 dozen of them. The eggs weren't a problem, not yet. They would need a lot more cursed energy to grow. Only, some of them had hatched and were staring down at her, their heads 30+ feet high up in the air swaying menacingly. She could count at least six.
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“Off my cursed energy” she said to Nozomi. 
'Aina get the fuck out of here. Something's approaching bigger than these motherfuckers.' The Sight (that allowed her to look 10 seconds into the future, especially clearly when it involved cursed energy). Yes, it was a special grade 1 alright. But not one, there were at least three of them approaching.
She had to get them all. Aina's heart had suddenly started beating too fast as if it was trying to fly out of her chest. She coughed violently spraying blood on her hoody sleeve. She wheezed to breathe.
'Get out, get out right now', Nozomi's words were ringing like bells in her ears. The cavern was huge, she could fight it out. But that would waste too much time she would die off inhaling too much poisonous gas. The walls rumbled. It felt like a freight train was approaching, fast... very fast. Few more seconds Aina thought. She would have to move as fast as she could while her cursed energy being off.
She almost had a heart attack as two massive worm curses spilled into the chamber. Huge and darker and much stronger they snapped at each other's head. As if they had come here to fight for food. But they stopped as they saw Aina in the corner covered with cursed egg goo she looked too much like a scared rabbit fallen in a box full of snakes.
Aina wasn't scared to die. She would if it comes to that. But this mission. She couldn't die here. Nanami would never forgive himself and Satoru, she couldn't think what he would feel. Would Satoru feel bad if I died?
'Stop thinking about that sorcerer!' Nozomi screamed with an ear-piercing screech. 'Get out! Move!'
 Aina could move. She had to. "Here!" She jumped as she shouted to get the curses' attention. "Yes, I am food. Come on, come and get me. I bet I am tasty too!" The worms moved with unbelievable speed for such huge creatures. Aina almost jumped out of her skin as she saw them come. She took the nearest open hole and ran through it as fast as she could. She could hear the curses behind her but they hadn't caught up. Why? Her cursed energy was off. She looked vulnerable. They should follow. If her energy had been on they would hesitate. They would be happy enough to just drive her out of the nest, they would never follow. They weren't following even now. Why....
She knew why as she landed back into the cavern again, looking at the creatures from a different angle this time. She was immediately behind them. She had taken the tunnel that circled back to the cavern. Not the one that leads outside. And where the fuck had she fallen in this hell hole from? No idea. She couldn't even think properly as her vision violently swung. Shit, the poison was taking hold already. How long had it been? 
'4 minutes. But it's affecting you faster because your cursed energy is off. You are as human as possible in this state. You don't really have 5 minutes.' Nozomi said calmly. Maybe not calmly but all Aina could hear was a distant voice of Nozomi's as her body threatened to lose consciousness.
She had to choose the right tunnel from these tunnel-ridden walls. One that leads outside into fresh air... into safety. Into Gojo Satoru's arms. She almost giggled at that. Fuck why was she having drunk thoughts? Was her body's coping mechanism failing?
Breathe. Breathe Aina. And think. Concentrate your senses. Even a normal human can find a way out with a breeze of air, noise of water, insects-  her thoughts were cut short as a special grade 1 spun to face her. She sprang into action as she ran straight between the two special grade 1s. Yes, she was right the cavern, though huge was still small for so many huge monsters to freely move around. A grade 1 blocked her path and snapped at her viciously as she jumped around breaking more eggs. That was certainly making them angry.
Another grade 1 charged her. If she didn't have the Sight working she would have lost her right half of the body. She had to take a tunnel. Had to be the right one. It cant be much higher cause the curses probably didn't want to land on their eggs while they fell into the cavern. So it must be near to the ground. Near for her to reach. As she runs across one tunnel to another, a breeze of air softly blew her hair out of her eyes.
Air. Opening. Outside. That tunnel right beside another grade 1. Aina lurched changing directions as fast as she could and was in the tunnel. It was a little bigger than the previous tunnel. She prayed to tunnel gods it didn't narrow down or she was as good as dead. She couldn't fight in tunnels even if she wanted to nor did she have enough time. Her body was already at its limit.
She ran as the worms gave a chase. The floor rumbled as they raced each other to get to her first. Suddenly the tunnel opened into a stalactite cave. Weird. 
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Was she moving further down below the factory. Nope, no time to think. Her legs almost buckled below her. Only the adrenaline was kept her going. But for how long. The opposite cave wall had another tunnel. The only exit out of this cave. She ran. As the tunnel progressed it started slopping upwards ever so slightly making it harder to run but she was thankful she was getting near the surface.
Her hopes came crashing down as it ended in another cave that had caved in. It was dark as fuck already but her demon eyes could look around a little even as she swayed and coughed blood all over her soggy blue hoody. A cave-in. No place to run. But there had been a breeze.
'At your right, there's a sewage line tunnel. Move those legs, Aina!' Nozomi screeched. Only she had been screeching for far longer. But Aina's senses were deemed. That was bad, very bad. It was going to hit 5 minutes mark soon.
Aina saw the sewage line just in time as the tunnel almost burst with the worms chasing her down. The smaller ones looked injured as the bigger ones snapped at them to stay out of the way. Aina ran like her life depended on it because it did. To her horror, a grade 1 overtook her to the tunnel and swiftly turned around opening its mouth wide open.
Aina ducked and slipped through under the worm and kept running. She made a swift turn to her left and was overjoyed when she saw a circle of light.
She was almost stretching her hands towards it when she realized that it wasn't outside. It opened into a huge pipe pit where pipe water drained. And she was almost 50 feet above the ground. She couldn't even stop her, momentum kept her going as she approached the ledge. 
The pipe rumbled and she saw the creature's teeth catching the moon's light as they rushed towards her, their mouths wide open.
She jumped. Hitting the water almost 50 feet below. Water smacked her back to reality for a little longer. She felt more conscious. She could hear huge splashes behind her as the worms hit the water too. Her clothes completely soaked and her breathing labored, Aina looked around for a drainpipe opening. She saw four of them one at each wall. She rushed towards the nearest one and tried to pull the metal lid open. It wouldn't budge.
Her legs gave in as she coughed out more blood and kept pulling at the bars to somehow force them open. The pit was big enough for the worms to move around her. And in the moonlight, they looked more sinister than ever. Wet and hungry, they spiraled over one another, at least eight of them. Fear had started gripping Aina now making it harder to breathe. She pulled at the rungs as painful moans escaped her throat.
Turn on my cursed energy... turn it on. She thought. 'It's already on, Aina. It has been on past 15 seconds you fell in this hole' Nozomi said.
It's on? But I don't feel ...anything. No power, no inhuman strength... nothing.
'It's your conscious... body is giving up...fresh air', Nozomi's voice reached her like a call with bad reception. Aina kept tugging at the metal bars but the worms had waited enough. A special grade 1 caught her midsection sinking its teeth in her sides and it pulled her away from the lid with such force, it took the lid off with her. She could have seen it coming if she had been in her normal conditions. Her Sight could have saved her.
Aina spat out a mouthful of blood as she felt her cold soggy hoody fill with warmth, the warmth of her blood. The worm rose 20 feet high in the air as it decided to gulp down this morsel of a human being. The pain helped regain her footing as Aina grew her nails into talons and slashed at the creature. It didn't drop her. What's a little pain if your food is dripping its yummy juices right in your mouth...
But it released Aina as it tossed her into the air at least 20 more feet up and spread open its mouth below her waiting for her to fall right into it. A scream rose in Aina's throat as she looked down at her imminent death. She was going to fall right into that teeth pit and become a human-flavored chewing gum. Fear and pain worked excellently to show her the sight below a little too clearly than she would have liked. She was going to die and she was scared, very scared.
But she didn't fall into the worms's mouth as another special grade 1 snapped at the large worm pushing its mouth away from Aina. She fell back into the water. They were fighting over food, over her... oh how romantic.
She wasted no time panicking as she tried to run to the now open drainpipe, the lid lying right in front. Open. Freedom. Finally. She was 10 feet from the opening when she saw the third special grade 1 charging towards her from inside the pipe.
Yes, there had been three. She had counted three. She wasn't careful enough. She had been too stubborn to take this on herself and now she was food. Her death would be blamed on Satoru and Nanami. Satoru might even lose his job as a teacher. Nanami will resign. They would both be miserable. Her two best mates at JJK. And she never even told Gojo san what she felt about him. That he was an annoying bastard but she wouldn't have him any other way. She had wanted to be a part of Nanami's marriage more than anything. But here she was, in a drainage dump, seconds away from death.
 Outside ~~~~
Nanami looked at his watch. It was 5 minutes. She had asked 7 but they won't wait for 7. He won't wait for 7.
"Nanami" Satoru yelled. "All done here, are we?" Gojo Satoru had had enough. No more curses ran out after 3-minute mark. It had been 2 minutes of him waiting so Aina could make it out with the worms at her back. No worms so far and definitely no Aina.
She was very good at her work. He wanted more people like her to be a part of Jujutsu High. But even people like her got in tight situations. And he needed to have their backs.
Would it be too late to help Aina?
Inside ~~~~
The special grade 1 rushed towards her and Aina had frozen like a deer in headlights. Waiting to be run over. And the moment where one’s life flashes before their eyes... she didn’t have it.
The worms head exploded in as a ball of red energy hit it square in the face. The collision blew Aina off her feet and before she would strike the opposite wall she found her fall cushioned.
Well, she hadn't fallen at all. She was looking up at Gojo san's disheveled hair. His blindfold off as he grinned at the worms like a maniac.
And she was in his arms. Nothing would harm her here.
"Satoru", Aina sighed as her eyes almost got moist with tears.
"From Gojo san to Satoru, you must have taken quite a beating" Satoru grinned as Aina felt her cheeks flush. Well, she had taken a beating. Her clothes were torn and blood-soaked and she could barely stand as he had seen from above the pit opening. Satoru never wanted her to go to the factory while the gas leaked. He was sorry he had been reckless. She could have protected herself had she not been partially unconscious because of the gas.
Aina whimpered in pain and he could clearly feel the dentures in her flesh as he carried her as delicately as a glass figurine. She was healing. Her flesh patching up but the pain, the pain would remain till she was completely healed. And this made Satoru angry.
He wasn't losing her to a bunch of worms. Special grade 1 or whatever, he could stomp them with his feet and he would do just that. The worm heads blasted off one after another but none dropped the cursed object. Aina almost wanted to cry of disappointment. How was this possible? They had evolved which meant they had come in contact with the cursed object at some point. Some point today. Some point 10 to15 minutes ago.
"Ok, time to go," Gojo san said and he firmly held her now that her wounds had patched up. He placed back his blindfold as he looked down at her face. The disappointment in those eyes almost pierced his heart. They had completed the mission partially but that wouldn't make Aina happy. And he cared whether it made her happy or not. Cause when she was happy everyone around her was happy, even he.
Nanami was starting to lose it as he waited for his mission mates to emerge. Especially Aina. Nothing could kill Satoru. But Aina was just as reckless if not more when it came to her perfect records. She wouldn't have one dark spot on her records, not one failed mission. Why had he let her go? Why hadn't he chased her down and knocked some sense into that coconut head of hers?
Gojo Satoru's feet landed on the concrete floor gracefully. Nanami almost snapped around and breathed a sigh of relief as he saw Aina in Satoru's arms. He let her down and she almost gasped with pain before forcing her mouth shut and breathing heavily. Nanami took her little form in and it broke his heart. Her clothes were torn at her sides like something huge had punctured her and no one could ever tell that hoody was blue. He couldn't either if he hadn't seen it being blue.
Aina gulped in the fresh air as she dropped her weight on the nearby concrete pipes. That's when the cold hit her and she pulled off her wet hoody. Nanami rushed to her side as he gave her his suit jacket cause she would freeze to death in her wet tank top otherwise. "You need a change of clothes. Do you have one?" He inquired.
"No", Aina sighed. She hadn't been expecting to be on a mission today. Her hands were wrinkled and parchment white and shook violently. Today had been too much for her. And for what? A failed mission. She wanted to roll into a ball, a ball of shame.
That's when she noticed the pup hiding beside her in the rubble of concrete whimpering and it almost sounded painful. Aina immediately forgot how miserable she was and she picked up the pup carefully and kept it in her lap. She petted it carefully. She would have continued had a surge of cursed energy not shook her core.
The pup bit her hand viciously, it would have taken a finger off if she hadn't shaken it. "It bit me!" She screeched. Black pus oozing out of the wound.
Both men were already alert. And all three of them stared as the pup, now a partial curse chocked on something trying to swallow it. Aina cursed herself. She had not been very smart today or she could have seen the unusual amount of cursed energy flowing through the 'pup'. She had sensed it and dismissed it as a side effect of being around grade 1 curses for too long.
This pup had swallowed the cursed object.
Nanami reached for his knife. 
"I got this" Satoru said with a grin as he blasted the pup off to smithereens. With a yelp, it was gone. And in that mess lay the box.
Of course, it was a special grade cursed object. It was a finger of Sukuna, still neatly packed in the little box. Had it directly touched any curses today they would be fighting against special grades. Satoru made the box levitate over his palm as he playfully chuckled "Nanami, catch!"
Nanami almost grossed out as the filth covered box touched his shirt, wrapped it in his handkerchief and pocketed it carefully. Aina felt a smile tugging at her lips and she gave out an amused laugh. She was sad for the pup but it hadn't suffered much as Satoru ended it’s suffering immediately.
Both men looked at Aina, parchment white and shivering and smiling and they couldn't help but smile and be happy. It was nice hanging around a happy curse of emotions.
They looked up just in time as three black cars made their way to the factory gate. Sorcerers... ones who knew what to do with the poison gas. Aina and Nanami sighed with relief. 
"Hello everyone! Leaving this mess off to you guys now. We are out" Satoru announced as he made gave his mission mates a happy pat on the back
"Good job guys. What a nice team we are. We should do this more often"
Synchronized groans from Aina and Nanami.
Aina and Satoru made their way to the car after Aina grabbed her book bag. Nanami stayed a second longer to pull off his veil after the other sorcerer's had set theirs.
"Okay! Congratulations on the successful completion of your mission and as your senpai, I am going to treat you both to some tasty food. What will you have Aina, Nanami?"
Aina wanted a bath before she touched anything she could eat and Nanami wanted a giant-sized glass of beer.
But at least someone was as happy as ever. What a menace Gojo Satoru was but Aina wouldn't have him any other way :)
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calumance · 4 years
LA Devotee - Part XIX
Warnings: heart wrenching angst, cussing, drinking
Word Count: 3.6k
Summary: Emily has arrived at her conference, but that doesn’t mean she can stop thinking about Calum. Nothing seems to be going right anymore, that is until she gets home.
A/N: Oof, I’m sorry this is so late. I hope you guys enjoy it! Happy reading!!!! 🥰🥰🥰 Feedback and requests are always welcomed! (Want to be notified when I post stuff? Let me know!)
Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI | Part VII | Part VIII | Part IX | Part X | Part XI | Part XII | Part XIII | Part XIV | Part XV | Part XVI | Part XVII | Part XVIII 
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        I dropped my bags on the hotel floor and flicked on the light switch. The door shut behind me and I looked around the room. If Calum stays in rooms that look anything like this, I don’t know how he doesn’t lose his mind. After a second I walked to the window and tossed the curtains open. The view was the brick building next to the hotel, if I leaned forward and pressed my left cheek to the glass, I could see one billboard from Times Square. I closed the curtains with a sigh and sat on the end of the bed, dropping my head into my hands. This is going to be a horrible week.
        My phone dinged, and I dropped my hands and leaned back, my eyebrows furrowing. My eyebrows released and my heart started to race when I saw Calum’s name. I swiped up to unlock my phone and read the message, “Just landed in LA, hope you had a safe flight. Cal” A sigh escaped my chest and I set my phone on the bed next to me. My heart beat one more time before another message came through. Without moving my body, I reached next to me and grabbed my phone then reluctantly read the message, “I miss you so much. I can’t wait until I can hold you in my arms again, Emily. I’ll call you when I get home.” I tossed my phone behind me, letting it bounce on the mattress. After letting a few thoughts run through my head, I pushed myself off the bed and walked to the bathroom to take a shower before I had to be in a meeting in two hours.
        The mirrors in the bathroom were coated with steam. The fan in the bathroom barely worked and made a horrible screeching noise when I turned it on. After I stepped out of the shower, I wrapped the towel around my hair and body then walked out of the bathroom. The screen on my phone lit up as the ringtone sounded. My heart raced as I walked around the bed and leaned over to see who it was. Seeing Calum’s name, I closed my eyes and let out a breath. Before I could miss the call, I answered the call, “Hello?” I tried to keep the attitude suppressed, but a small amount seeped through. Noticing it, I held my breath and sat on the bed, waiting for Calum to say something.
        “Hey,” He said, the sound of the door shutting in the background. “How was your flight?” There was a thud in the background, resembling the sound of his bag hitting the floor.
        I cleared my throat, “It was good. How was your trip home?” Tears started to well in my eyes and I looked up at the ceiling. My heart hurt, I just wanted to tell him I love him, but the fear of our lives moving in two different directions over taking my feelings.
        “It was good. It feels good to be home.” His voice cracked, causing him to clear his throat and stop his thoughts.
        My chest felt tight, and the phone call suddenly got heavy. “Listen, I have to be in a meeting in an hour. I’m going to let you go so I can get ready.” He stumbled over his words before he gave me a simple ‘yeah.’ I gave him a simple goodbye and hung up, tossing my phone on the bed again. I squatted next to my suitcase and pulled out a pair of black dress pants, a gray chiffon t-shirt, and my bright red blazer. After I dried my hair and put on some makeup, I pulled on a pair of black pump wedges. I grabbed my notebook and my phone and headed to the conference room off to the right of the lobby of the hotel.
        Half way through the meeting, I could feel my phone vibrate, but I decided to ignore it. It wasn’t until they released us for a break that I checked my phone. There was a text message from Mikayla, a missed call and a voicemail from Calum. I started with Mikayla’s text message: “Holy crap I hate you not being here. Like, I know you have your own office and stuff now, but it’s completely different with you not here at all. Please come back to me. Creepy Gary is hitting on me again. S.O.S Love you!” My chest jumped with a silent laugh and I typed back “Ew, punch him, tell the boss it was self-defense (just kidding don’t do that, you’ll get fired and I can’t handle that.) Love you too!”
        My breathing became labored as I stared at the notification on my voicemail. My heart pounded in my chest and my ears as I put the phone to my ear to listen to the voicemail. “Emily,” He sounded like he had had one too many drinks, but still coherent enough to speak logically, “I guess you’re still in your meeting. Thank you for all of the groceries, and you cleaned the house.” His voice broke and he cleared his throat. “I – “ He paused, “Call me back.” He hung up and the voicemail ended. I looked around the room to see if anyone was looking at me and wiped a tear from my face. Before I got a chance to call Calum back, they called us back into the meeting.
        When I got back to my hotel room, the first thing I wanted to do was take my shoes off. After I tossed them to the side, I stood at the end of the bed and fell backwards, allowing myself to bounce against the mattress. I tapped on Mikayla’s contact and pressed the speaker to my ear, listening to the dial tone, until she answered, “Oh thank god you called me, Creepy Gary was talking to me and I was able to walk away because my phone was ringing. How’s the conference?” Her voice was cheery, it made the pain in my chest dissipate.
        I chuckled, “Glad I could save you. It’s alright, today was a meeting about what we are going to talk about and explore while we’re here. Although it was good information, the speaker is so monotone that I thought my head was actually going to explode.” My pointer finger and thumb rubbed the ridge above my eyebrows while Mikayla laughed.
        Mikayla cleared her throat, “Have you and Calum worked everything out?” Her voice was no longer cheery and bright, it turned serious and motherly. Never in the time that I’ve known her have I regretted telling her literally everything, but right now I do, only because it’s still an open wound.
        I swallowed hard, trying to swallow the lump in my throat. It stayed lodged in my throat as I shook my head against the bed. “No, I don’t know, Mikayla. What if he tells me it’s over and we’re done? I dropped everything for him. I have nowhere to go if this is it.” I licked my lips, keeping the tears at bay.
        Mikayla sighed, “Not that I’m saying this is the end, but if that ends up happening, which let me emphasize that I don’t think it will, you can always stay with me.” She paused and sighed again, “Have you tried to talk to him about everything that happened?”
        “No, he left me a voicemail while I was in the meeting and he sounded like he was a bit tipsy, so I’m not sure right now is the best time to talk to him.” I stopped rubbing my brow ridge and covered my face with my hand, letting my elbow fall to the side. Mikayla hummed, not in agreement, but in understanding. “Hey, I’m going to go grab some food and then I’m going to get some sleep, I’m exhausted. I’ll call you tomorrow. Avoid Creepy Gary at all costs, you hear me?” She laughed in response and said goodbye before we both hung up. I allowed my phone to fall on my chest, and closed my eyes. Even though I didn’t think tonight was the best night to talk to him, not calling him back was just going to feed the fire.
        The dial tone pierced my ear drums while I waited for Calum to pick up. When he did, there was loud music for a second and then it went completely silent before he sighed my name. “Sorry I didn’t call back,” I said in a monotone voice. “The meeting was longer than I thought it was going to be. What did you need?” He started rambling something, all of his words slurring together, making him hard to understand. I sat up and sat crisscrossed on the bed and tried to concentrate on what he was saying. Something about the food in the fridge and the yard being picked up. “Calum, you’re drunk and I can barely understand you.” He mumbled a few more things and then the call ended. “What the fuck was that?” I said to myself and tossed my phone onto the night stand. Leaving it there while I went to the restaurant in the lobby to grab some food.
        The entire trip resembled something of the first night. Meetings all day, every day, no time to really go out and see the city. The furthest I got to touring was going to the Red Lobster in Times Square for dinner on Friday night. Calum and I spent little time talking, and it was starting to drive me absolutely mad. My flight home leaves Monday night, and he flies out to their next destination on Monday morning. Whatever was keeping us from seeing each other was really starting to get on my last nerve.
Even though the office is closed on Sunday’s in LA, and most other places, we still had a meeting all day. After I was able to sit through the last meeting, the only thing I had to look forward to was getting to spend all day tomorrow getting ready to go home. For whatever reason, I didn’t feel like eating tonight, instead I went to the bar in the hotel. I was on my fourth long island iced tea and the alcohol was started to blur my thoughts. Blurring all of the ones except for the ones about Calum. Which, ironically, where the ones I was trying to blur. My fingers moved backwards in my hair, stopping half way so I could put the weight of my head in my hand. In a moment my phone was in my free hand, and I was staring at the picture of Calum and I still set as my background. My eyes closed, feeling the physical pain of not talking to him. My other hand dropped from my hair and to my phone as the alcohol dissolved my internal filter.
I sent the message without thinking, and my heart stopped after I read it to myself: “If you want to end our relationship, will you just do it? I don’t think my body or my heart can handle this much pain anymore.” I felt like an idiot for sending the message, but there’s no way to take it back. I started typing again, trying to back pedal. “I’m sorry I didn’t go and see you on tour. I fucked up, I keep thinking about how you told me I was selfish, and I fucking am. I’m so sorry, I know you hate me and probably don’t actually want to see me even if we do ever get the chance to see each other again, but just know I’m sorry. I can pack up all my things when I get home on tomorrow and be out of your life forever.” I sent the message and put my phone face down on the bar. My mouth found the straw and I finished the drink and asked for another one.
As I finished my fifth drink, I found the courage to look at my phone. I squinted when I saw a single text message from Calum. When I opened my phone, I held my breath as I realized it was a long message. As I exhaled, I started reading, “What? Emily. I don’t hate you, and I definitely don’t want to end our relationship. You are selfish, but It comes with being hurt. Yeah, I’m upset that you didn’t visit me and yeah, I’m mad that I haven’t seen you in two fucking months, but that does NOT mean we’re never going to see each other again. I know you’ve been through a lot of shit in the past, and so have I. Just because there’s a bit of a snag in our relationship doesn’t mean I don’t want to fight for it. I miss you so fucking bad. Baby, I’d wait ten years to see you again, if that’s what I’d have to do. Please don’t pack your things up, I never want you to leave.” I dropped my phone face down and held my breath to not cry in front of every person sitting in the bar. Before I broke, I asked for my check and bounced my leg to contain myself. I made it to the elevator but once the doors shut and I knew I was by myself, I broke down. Broke down to the point where I could barely stand. I squatted and put my face in my hands and tried to compose myself.
The elevator dinged and I stood up quickly, a head rush causing me to take a step back. As I hastily walked down the hallway, I pulled my hotel room key out of my pocket. The door swung open, a loud thud as it hit the wall. I threw my phone on the bed and watched it bounce hard enough to fall onto the floor. That’s where it stayed as I curled into a ball in the chair by the window and continued to cry the alcoholic buzz away.
The sun shining through the floor to ceiling windows behind me caused my back to heat up. People running through the airport towards their flight, while other people sat and waited for the flights to take off. I looked towards the agent stand while the gate agents shuffled to get everything ready to start loading the plane that was going to take me back to Los Angeles. My phone vibrated, a message from Mikayla expressing how happy she was that I’d be back at work in the morning. I switched over to my message thread with Calum and for the hundredth time, I read his message he sent me yesterday night. After the long message, there were a few good morning and good night messages, all from him. Maybe he knew that I didn’t know how to respond to him, even if he didn’t, I still appreciated the fact that he hadn’t given up. I glanced at the time and wondered if he was on his flight yet. Wanting to try to talk to him one more time before I got home, I put the phone to my ear as the call rang out. Multiple different options of what I could say to him ran through my mind as the call rang out. The call went to voicemail and I hung up. Nothing I wanted to say to him was voicemail appropriate. Just as I put my phone back in my pocket, they started boarding the flight.
It was late when I finally made it home, and it was weird to not be greeted by the little black and white dog who is the best company with Calum not here. Crystal had texted me earlier in the day letting me know that Calum had dropped him off there since he wasn’t sure what time I’d be getting home. I lugged my bags into the bedroom and dropped them on the bed. If I didn’t start to unpack now, I probably would never do it. As I opened my suitcase, I tossed all of my dirty clothes in the hamper in the corner of the room, then grabbed my toiletries and walked into the bathroom. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw a sticky note on the bathroom mirror. Calum’s hand writing was scribbled across the note with the words “You’re beautiful” scrawled on it. After I dropped all of my thing in the sink, I grabbed the sticky note off the mirror and held it between my fingers, staring at it as if this is the only piece of him I had left. I held it to my chest as I walked out of the bathroom.
After I had set the sticky note down on my phone, I grabbed the hamper full of dirty clothes and walked down the hallway towards the laundry room. When I switched on the light, I found another sticky note sitting on the top of the washing machine. My heart fluttered as I peeled the note off to read it. “You’re amazing” scrawled on the note. My cheeks flushed and I set it to the side as I threw a load of laundry into the washing machine. Before I walked out, I grabbed the note then made my way back into the bedroom. I took a picture of the sticky notes and sent the picture to him with a message saying “Thank you, Calum. Hope you have a safe flight.” I dropped my phone onto the bed so I could finish getting ready for bed.
I crawled under the covers, after making sure the house was locked up, and grabbed my phone. A message from Calum waiting for me to read. My lips twitched into a smile as I unlocked my phone. “There’s more, hope you find them all. Just landed in London, it’s the morning here, and from what I’ve learned through my traveling is it’s night there. Good night, gorgeous. Text me when you wake up. Xx” My heart fluttered as I set my phone on the night stand and rolled over. As I placed my head on my pillow, Calum’s cologne suddenly filled my nose. Instinctually, I reached over and grabbed at the sheets. As the intoxicating scent filled my nose, I pulled myself onto his side of the bed, drowning myself in a pool of his scent. A smile stretching across my face as it lulled me to sleep.
The second my alarm went off I knew I should’ve taken today off to rest, but I needed every day I could get because I was going to visit Calum before he came home again. My hand searched for the alarm to shut it off and I sat up rubbing my tired eyes. Through squinted eyes, I reached over and grabbed my phone off the side table. My fingers lazily tapped a good morning message to Calum before I pushed myself off the bed, then stumbled my way into the bathroom. The reason I take showers in the morning is they wake me up, if I took showers at night, I probably would never function like a normal human. With that being said, this shower did absolutely nothing to wake me up.
The steam rolled out of the bathroom as I opened the door back into the bedroom. The sun was starting to come up and my head was starting to throb from the exhaustion. There was no way I could put more than ten minutes of thought into my outfit, so I pulled out a pair of black leggings, a black and white striped loose fitting t-shirt, a pair of white converse and a black blazer. Blazer’s always dress up any outfit, in my mind. I ran a brush through my hair, but let it hang so it could dry naturally, which would eventually lead to some completely uneven waves. The only amount of makeup I could bring myself to put on was some foundation, mascara, and a quick fill of my eyebrows.
After I grabbed my phone, I walked to the kitchen and my eyebrows narrowed seeing a sticky note stuck to the coffee maker, “You’re strong, just like this coffee (just press start).” I let out a chuckle and pulled the note off and pressed the start button. As the coffee brewed, I walked around the house to gather everything I needed to take back to work. Once I had everything gathered, I walked back into the kitchen and opened the cabinet where my travel mug had found its home when I wasn’t using it. On the travel mug there was another sticky note, my cheeks immediately flushing, “You are the definition of warmth (this mug keeps your coffee warm).” I chuckled at how cheesy the notes were getting, then set it with the one from the coffee maker. As I twist the cap onto my travel mug, I check the time and run to the front door to grab my bag. My bag sat on my shoulder heavily, and I flicked my hair out of my face noticing a sticky note on the door. I read it, but didn’t remove it from the door. “You’re going to do great things today.” At the end of the note was a heart, and my heart skipped a beat. I loved him so much, I just wish I had the chance to tell him.
Tag list: @notinthesameguey​ @viiirg0​ @thinkofmehlgh​ @another-lonely-heart​ @limer-encia​ @itsmytimetoodream​ @babyoria​ @treatallwithkindness​
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malethirsty · 4 years
Californication: Reloaded [Hank Moody]
Summary: Following your one night stand with Hank, you attempt to keep your distance to minimize the impact. However a run in with the ex could cause the biggest of impacts
Warnings: M/M smut (21+), Bareback (Wrap Before You Tap!), Daddy Kink
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You & Hank sat at the same table at Reublique, trying to work out the predicament you had gotten yourselves into. “At least there aren’t any press around chasing authors tonight” Hank said lightly, trying to attain a positive mood, it didn’t work. “That was a massive gamble!” You said back “I thought you were rich and could bribe the CCTV off, but the press? Hank you know they don’t care, they’d publish pics with ‘Hank Moody Seen Getting Cozy With Daughter’s Best Friend: Scandal, Shock, Intrigue!’” “I know that! If it got out, my divorce settlement would be on the rocks!” “Then why did you arrange it?” You asked “Because I don’t do things lightly in life, you need to live a little.”
You both steadied your breathing. “So what do we do now?” Hank asked “I guess we wait for a bit, step back & re evaluate our situation, see if we want to move forward.” He swallowed at your statement. “I guess so” he begrudgingly said, you partly wanted to ask ‘Well what do you think?!’ But didn’t want to run after him, so you kept it down. “So what is with your Writer’s Block that you & Becca were talking about?” Hank turned the coversation to his struggles and the matter was dropped. Two hours in and you’d only gotten a bit more forwards with his writing, however you planned to have him go from there as you decided to give him space, so he and you could relax.
A week into this and things instead of getting better, had only gotten worse. You became withdrawn from everything, not even your own songwriting could be fixed, it was as if Hank’s writers block was contagious. Hank, it had been a while since you shared as much as a conversation, yet you ached for him so much. “What’s up Y/N?” Becca’s voice asked from nowhere “The damn ceiling” you responded sardonically “Woah! What’s with the tone?” Becca responded, a bit taken aback. ‘How can I broach this with her?’ You thought ‘“I fucked your dad who could have gotten his sexcapade with me caught by the paps, his divorce pushed back, his property and cash swindled & my friendship with you broken.” How the hell could you say that?’ Luckily you didn’t have to “Did your hookup not go so well.” She inquired “Something along those lines yes.” “What happened? He had B.O.? Bad breath? No respect for you?” “What? No!” “Then what?” Becca said, crossing her arms, you knew you had to phrase this properly so to spare Hank “He’s famous Becca” her eyes widened “And?! Can you not handle someone having all the attention?” You looked scandalised “No!” “Well then, what’s so bad about being famous?” This coversation had you trapped in a whirl, but inthe face of it, you breathed in heavily & continued. “He has a reputation, a reputation he put on the line by buying out Republique. If someone had caught us, everything would have exploded.” “And that’s why you have been distant.” “Yeah, we talked and wanted time to work things out, but that’s the general gist.”
Becca thought about it for a moment and then responded “I think you’ve overreacted a bit” “ME!” You spluttered “You’re meant to be my friend, take my side!” “I am, and I would be amiss if I were to let you let a good man like that slip through your grasp. If he was prepared to do that, he must really give a shit about you. I know you want to look out for people, but I think it’s going to be a detriment in this case. You should call him and explain everything.” “Alright, I’ll do it later.” You said, desperate to avoid her staying with you & finding out the ‘Good Man’ was her dad. “Good. I’m heading out to practice with my band, if I get back & find you haven’t, I’ll call him myself.” Not wanting Becca to set you & her father up, you gulped & pleased her message sunk in, she left.
The only issue was what to say to Hank ‘I’ve changed my mind about it, please dick me down in public’ did not seem the right way to go about it. You were wondering what you could possibly say, when your phone made noise, a notification. Opening it, you grinned at seeing it from Hank, his blog had been updated for the first time in ages, he was getting over or already over his writers block. So you read from his latest post
Hank Hates You All (Blog #1):
A few things I’ve learnt in my travels, through this thing we call life are
#1: A morning of awkwardness is far better than a night of loneliness. #2: While I may not go down in history, I’ll definitely go down on your friend. #3: If you are famous and are going to fuck someone, make sure cameras aren’t going to follow you.
The last point begs the question: Why is society so quick to demonise sex?
As you read through his points, you grinned. It seemed like he had both understood what you were trying to say and was reaching out with his own words. You had bolstered confidence by the end and knew what you had to do. You raced downstairs “Hank, I need to talk to you!” Before getting an eyefull of a naked woman downstairs who was coated with black diamonds all over her breasts “Oh My God!” You yelled, covering your eyes “What? Who the hell are you!” The women equally shouted back “Y/N, Becca asked me over!” “Oh shit, I remembered her telling me, I thought you went out with her for music stuff.” “I passed, wasn’t up for it. With all these questions, can I ask why there are black diamonds on your tits?” “A Hell-In-One, the beauty parlour vajazzles diamonds onto peoples beeasts, there is a option if getting black diamonds all applied at once, all black, like a spooky theme.” “Well who are you trying to impress? Tim Burton?” You exasperatedly said “No, I asked my new boyfriend here in advance so I could fuck in my ex husband’s house, like a free living thing.” Husband? Oh no, so this must be “Karen? Y/N?” came Hank’s voice. Your vision started to blur and darken.
You woke sometime later, a familiar face above you “Hey there babe.” Came Hank’s voice “You gave us a scare then.” You groaned “That was your ex wife?” “Yeah.” Hank responded “She’s seeing a man called Bill, she’s all set to move on.” “That’s twice I’ve seen a Moody nude. If I see Becca naked, I’m gonna become Amish.” Hank laughed “I might go with you. We’d be away from the press then“ Ouch, that was a sting “That’s what I wanted to talk to you about before I ran into the ‘Hell-In-One’” you shuddered “It’s good I know you’re into men, cause otherwise that shudder could be taken for something worse.” “Well, I read your blog Hank. And I got advice about what to do. And I think that by trying to protect us from ruining things, I might actually be causing problems, cause I’ve been miserable since I wanted space. I’m not sure what it’s like for you, but I would like to give things another chance.”
Hank leant over, kissing you. “You have no fucking idea how happy I am now. I’ve tried to write, drink & watch my Cinemax porn, but I always get brought back to you.” “I shudder to ask but what was it about?” “This time it was a scientology themed one called Pussy Impossible? Talking about how difficult it could be to get laid in that place.” “Was it from David Miscaviage’s POV cause after he offed his wife, no reasonable women would go near him.” “I think you’re giving the women of that place credit they don’t have.” You both grinned and laughed at this point, the good emotions finally came flooding back, like when the power comes back on after a blackout.
“Well I guess I should let you sleep.” Hank began “No!” You said, startling him “It’s that, I really have missed you Hank, like really have, Can you fuck me?” Hank grinned at you “Well Karen’s gone & Becca is still out practicing, we have the house to ourselves and we can make all the damn noise we want.” You began to rid yourself of all the clothing you had on, Hank yanking his pants down to his feet, his cock flopping out “I usually go commando.” He explained “With a sex presence like yours, you shouldn’t even wear clothes.” You flirted. His cock hardened, it’s pink head becoming visible “God, suck daddy’s cock.” Hank groaned, you obeying almost immediately.
You spent a while sucking Hank off, making the man moan and groan as you paid attention to his head & rolled his balls, making him moan in appreciation “Keep that up & I’ll cum.” An idea forming in your head, you kept going, Hank attempted to pull you off but you stayed “Y/N, don’t you want me to fuck you? I’ll blow in a moment and it takes a-ah- a while for me to get hard again.” You nodded on his cock, humming a bit which caused Hank to throw his head back and let multiple curses and your name flow from his mouth as he shot his load down your throat. You pulled away “Taste’s like cherries daddy, must be all the alcohol.” Hank’s legs shook causing him to fall on the bed “Fuck, that’s the best head I’ve had in years!” You grinned making sure he was paying attention, you slid your finger down your face as if to clean it off which made Hank grin. “What a fucking slut you are for daddy.” He grinned, kissing you again. After a while, Hank’s cock got hard again, he sat up & pulled his shirt partly over his neck, tasing your hole “Could you picture the press snapping pics at what we’re doing right now?” “Oh fuck me already.” You groaned “You got a gag order on the writers?” “I’ll be getting a gag order on you for the rest of the week if you don’t start fucking me!” You snapped back “You are one kinky bitch” Hank groaned in lust as he finally began to fuck you. His pace was sharp & reverberated around the room, you moaning out as Hank made love to you.
“Yeah that’s it! Move back onto Daddy’s cock & take it all balls deep!” Hank moaned & you obeyed him wholeheartedly. You arched your back which allowed him to fuck more, making him groan at all the tightness he was slamming into. “Fuck, I know I’ve said it before, but FUCKING HELL you are tighter than Karen, holy shit! How are you still so tight?” “I haven’t fucked anyone since you, so I’ve had time to heal I guess.” “Well, I’ll be taking that tightness away soon, cause I’m not going that long between fucking you again!” You enthusiastically threw yourself back, causing you both to groan “Oh yeah! You’re daddy’s good boy! Fuck yourself on my cock!” The filth spewing from Hank’s mouth was never ending & you were gonna keep it that way.
Somehow stretching your legs wider, Hank got deeper, his moans becoming breathier, you could tell he wouldn’t last much longer. “Fuck, Y/N, I’m gonna come!” You nodded, breathless to say anything else. Hank wanked your cock, making you moan, eyes rolling back into your head as you shot your load “So fuckin’ good babe! You’re clenching around me so tight, I’m gonna fucking blow, OH YES!” Hank roared out as he shot his load deep into your ass. Moaning out, Hank fell right onto you, you were strong enough to toss him aside back first “Don’t crush me! Death by daddy is not how I wanna go down.” Hank laughed “Well I now know you don’t wanna go down, but I like it.” You rolled your eyes “Well I know you like-Oh!” You groaned out as Hank began to eat you out, tasting his shot load. “It really does taste like cherry, except muskier.” You laughed as Hank fell back first, needing some time before a much needed next round. You both happily groaned out a “Fuck!”
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ubernoxa · 4 years
Tumblr media
The Sip: A GNR Modern Day AU
Chapter 6: Just Friends
Previous Chapters: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Chapter Summary: Alanah gets a call from her manager and Duff surprises her with some help.
Warning: Fluff
I sat on the couch in Sandy’s and my apartment wishing I was anywhere else.
Declan had surprised Sandy for dinner and they were currently out eating at some fancy restaurant.
A couple hours earlier, Declan showed up at our door with a dozen roses dresses in a full suit. Apparently it was their six month anniversary, but you wouldn’t know that if you saw Sandy at the party last night. There are times I wonder if she knows what the definition of committed relationship is. I can’t judge though, my last relationships was borderline fake.
Originally we were supposed to record, but they both looked so excited to go. Before Sandy could break the news to him on how she couldn’t go, I told her we could reschedule. We had some prerecorded stuff, so we could just post that instead. She was still hesitant, so I added on that I could livestream cooking. Eventually she caved and left for her dinner with Declan. I hope she didn’t cheat on him, but the way that stranger’s arm was wrapped around her led me to believe the worst. She was supposed to be the smart one out of the two of us. She didn’t leave without making a comment on how I should invite Duff over for the stream. I swear she just wanted me to get in a relationship again, so we could go on double dates and couples vacations.
I continued to stare in the mirror as I finished applying my foundation. My heart skipped a beat as the sound of my phone ringing echoed through my apartment. Duff?
To my disappointment, it was only my media manager..well both Sandy’s and my media manager. We hired her a while back to help us with the legal side of YouTube and to help with our social presence.
“Hey Alanah, hows it going?”
“Good, Good...preparing to do the livestream I just texted you about,” I began to begin working on my eyes as I spoke.
“Okay well...you know how I hate getting into your personal life Alanah, but...” God I wish she would just spit it out. I knew she was going to ask about if I was dating Duff or not. I know we’re not, but I....I don’t know. After this morning’s bathroom event, I needed to know what that meant to him. No way that was just two friends hanging out, or maybe that’s how a rockstar hangs out with girls? Fuck.
“Are you dating Duff,” I let a fake laugh escape me once she finally got around to asking the question.
“No, just friends.” Yup, just friends would had sex multiple times in the past 24 hours and then relaxed in a jacuzzi together. Just casual friend things.
My manager went silent for a couple seconds. Was she expecting me to say yes?
“Things just ended with Mark, and I just want to enjoy being single. I won’t lie, I shed a couple tears when I heard he said Alanah who....but I’ve heard worst things. Why are you asking?” I stopped applying my makeup and focused on my manager. She went silent again, and that wasn’t ever a good sign.
“Well, you were tagged in some social media posts.....” she once again paused causing my patience to go extinct. SPIT IT OUT.
“There was a video from the paparazzi, Ill send it your way. I know Mark is a celebrity, but he wasn’t a household name like Duff. If you two do start dating you are aware that you are going to lose your sense of privacy right? You’ll be added to his list of ex’s. That’s what you will be known for,” I let out a sigh as she finished talking. Jesus Christ, we aren’t even dating and I was already getting this talk.
“Just friends,” I faked the confidence in my voice before I heard her mumble something.
“Well I’m glad you’re doing well, I’ll send you a link to the video I was referencing. If you and Duff are JUST FRIENDS you should ask him to help cook for your stream tonight,”
“Really?” I sounded like a nervous middle schooler as I spoke. Why was I nervous?
“Yeah, could be fun. Have a good one Alanah,” she hung up before I could even say goodbye...typical.
I opened up Instagram and was immediately met with a bunch of notifications. Whoever ran the Gun’s Instagram page had tagged me in a couple of photos. Most of them consisted of photos from earlier in the night of us around the BBQ. I was surprised to see that I looked decent in most of them, and in a couple...only a couple of the photos...Duff and I did look like we were dating. He had is arm wrapped around my waist or I was sitting on his lap. We aren’t dating though just friends.
I went over to his page to message him, and that’s when I froze. I immediately clicked on the most recent post and scrolled through the photos. There was one photo that caught my attention. It was from when we were eating dinner last night. It must have been cropped because it was just the two of us, but I remembered this moment. He had just made a joke that was so stupid I couldn’t help, but laugh. Yesterday I didn’t notice it, but he was smiling down at me as I giggled in the photo and he had his hand wrapped around my waist. I couldn’t read into that much more. We are just friends. We are nothing more than friends. FRIENDS.
I logged into the Instagram account specifically for Sandy’s and my YouTube channel and began to record a video.
“Hey guy! Hope you’re haveing a great Tuesday. Sandy is out celebrating an anniversary so you’re stuck with me tonight!”
“Tonight I will be live-streaming me attempting to cook something you guys comment below! So comment your ideas and hopefully I won’t burn them!”
I then when to share the video on twitter and Tumblr to try to gain traction.
I put some music on and began to scroll through the comments trying to find an idea of what to cook. The comments started out as helpful but after some scrolling a lot of the comment were about Duff....I placed my phone out and let out a sigh.
“Are you and Duff dating?”
“Wow, talk about a rebound”
“Duff + Alanah... #upgrade”
Why did I have to deal with this bull shit? Not that I wouldn’t mind being his girlfriend....but he was a rockstar and we were JUST FRIENDS.
I was pulled from my thoughts as my phone began to ring. Speaking of the devil, it was Duff.
“Hey, what’s up?” I smiled as I looked at my screen. His hair was all over the place and he looked exhausted. It must had been a long practice.
“I’m about 30 seconds away from killing my bandmates, you?”
“Well I’m currently trying to chose what to cook for my livestream,” I quickly checked what I looked like on the screen. I was thankful that I put makeup on and did my hair, I looked pretty good..not to toot my own horn or anything.
“How about Thai Salmon?” I was caught off guard by his recommendation.
“Ohhh uhhh I don’t know how to bake that.....and umm...I don’t want to look like a fool on livestream,” I was tripping over my words, unable to cease talking.
“Well if you need help, I’m actually a decent cook. I could even show you some stuff if you want,” he wanted to help me cook?
“Yeah sure!” I could feel a smile growing on my cheek from ear to ear as I spoke. I watched a smile flash on his face as I answered.
“Great! So I’ll bring the ingredients we need and we also have to soak the salmon for two hours before it’s cooked!”
My stomach was performing backflips as Duff talked. He was excited. He was excited to hang out with me. Holy shit.
Time flew by as I began to setup the two cameras. The first was on a rather large tripod allowing you to see the entire kitchen, which wasn’t much, and the second was a small camera that would be used for more close up shots.
I practically jumped out of my skin when I heard my apartment’s doorbell ring. I bolted towards my intercom to the lobby, “Hello?”
“Hey Alanah, it’s Duff I got the stuff, wanna let me in or we can try to cook in the lobby?” I chuckled as I hit a button on my intercom and buzzed in. What if he thinks less of me because of my small apartment? What if he thinks I’m below him? Is my apartment too dirty? Is it too clean?
A knock at the door pulled me out of my chaotic merry-go-round of thoughts.
I took a deep breath and opened my door.
“So this is what your apartment looks like,” he had a small smile on his face as he walked around looking at the photos that hung on the wall.
“It’s not much, but it’s home,” I shrugged leaning against the table for support.
“Its cozy! I got the food, shall we begin?”
“Umm...yeah..uhhh..yeah..so since the salmon needs to marinate I’m doing a little prerecording for the video to post later in the week if that’s fine,” I wanted to kick myself repeatedly for stumbling over my words. God! I felt like such a baffoon.
“How can I help?” I watched as he looked at my camera positioned to look at the entire room.
“You can do whatever you want! If you wanna help with the cameras it’s up to you. If you want to sit on the couch and be on your phone that’s fine too,” I shrugged watching his body language as I spoke. He actually wanted to help....the rockstar was looking to help..weird okay.
“So that camera there is for overall shots while this one is for like close up,” I held up the second camera showing him how to properly hold it.
“So this first part isn’t live?”
“Yeah, I don’t want to make everyone wait two hours. I usually take live-streams and create highlight videos,” I began to pull the items out of Duff’s cloth bag.
I looked over to see Duff fiddling with the second camera and eventually turning it on. Out of the corner of my eye I then watched as he turned on the second one. Maybe he wasn’t as unfamiliar with cameras as I expected him to be.
I then felt him wrap his arms around my waist.
“Hey...Duff,” I could feel my heart rate about to explode through my chest. I’ve had sex with him before, why was I nervous around him? Why the hell was him being so close to me making my stomach become an Olympic gymnast?
“Don’t mind me, I’m just turning on your mic,” and with that I hear a faint click from a small switch that turned my mic on. He then clapped once and went to pick up the second camera.
“I’m ready when you are,” I could feel my cheeks turning red as he spoke. His damn smirk never leaving his stupid face. He knew what he was doing.
“Alright, welcome to another cooking with Alanah and Sandy, but this time there is no Sandy so we will see what happens! My current goal is to not burn the food,” before I could continue Duff’s laughter echoed through my apartment.
“What? Also cameramen should be quiet!” I teased back pointing at the camera, only making his laugh harder.
“Alanah, babe, I’ve seen your previous cooking videos and I think your goal should be to not burn down your apartment,” I froze as I tried to make out what he said between laughing.
I rolled my eyes, but I couldn’t get rid of the smile that had grown on my face.
“Alright so tonight we are making teriyaki salmon! The first step is to create the marinate!” I pulled out the cooking instructions I had made Duff write before he came over.
“Alright so for the sweet chili sauce we will combine water, white vinegar, cornstach, garlic clove, and.......maple syrup,” I looked over at Duff as I read the last ingredient.
“Are you messing with me Duff?” His laughter filled the room once again and I couldn’t help but join him. His laugh was contagious.
“If I was messing with you I would have either been more subtle or more outlandish,” I watched as he placed the camera on my mini tripod infornt of the bowls I had setup for mixing.
We spent the next thirty minutes preparing the sauce together, and I loved every second of it.
“And now we wait for two hours while the salmon soaks,” Duff said into the camera before smirking at me. He was good in front of a camera and he knew it.
“So now we have two hours,” I finished turning off the cameras and my mic as he spoke.
“Do you have anything in mind in how to spend the time?” This time I couldn’t help but let a smirk wander into my face.
Without hesitation, Duff pulled me in and we began to kiss as he dragged me to my bedroom.
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rvwchck · 3 years
tweet at first sight
It was one tweet. Not even all 280 characters. Just the simple phrase “I feel like @jamiethebee would be down to egg a house for his fans. just saying”.
I didn’t have more than 500 followers on Twitter, and those included only people from my school. It wasn’t even a fan account, nor was it even remotely related with Jamie Lee Oliver. 
So naturally, when I saw his username in my DMs, my stomach almost fell out of my ass. Keyword being almost.
I screamed, and I did it loud. Thankfully, I was alone in my apartment, because having my roommate witness my prepubescent stunt would have been enough for me to move out. Which sounds serious when it comes from a college graduate living in Southern California.
8:06 AM
@jamiethebee: pick your poison.
tap to download attachment.
He had sent me a picture from the egg section in what appeared to be Walmart. I decided it was better not to answer, considering I was late for what seemed to be the millionth job interview of the week. Nobody said life after graduation would be so hard. Especially after enduring the hell that is living in a dorm the size of a shoebox. 
Looking at my appearance in the mirror confirmed that I would not, in fact, get hired today. It may have to do with the fact that between my now coffee-stained shirt and red pants along with my rusty red hair made me look like a war zone. Or a used tampon. Or both. 
Clearly L’Oreal Colorista was not the best hair dye in the market. 
I glanced down at my phone, partly wondering if I had any new texts from Leo—or as I liked to call him after that cheating incident, Satan—and partly to see if any other celebrities had graced my inbox. None of those scenarios had happened, and I was now 10 minutes late. 
Just when I was rushing out of the door, my roommate opened the door with a slam and proceeded to face plant onto the couch. 
Well, I thought, at least I’m not in med school. 
I somehow managed to miss the train and the bus. All in a 15 minute span. Which meant I was 25 minutes late for the interview. It would be a miracle if I even got to announce my name, or hand in my resume.
My hair was completely disheveled and one of my shoes had come off in the middle of the street, meaning my pizza socks were on full display once I arrived to the building of Pyramid Publishing. The receptionist directed me to the 16th floor, where everything was white, or really pale beige. 
I sat on one of the couches ,well, rested my back for half a second before I was interrupted. 
“Lisa Martin? Sorry for the long wait, we had some issues with the air conditioning” A tall secretary poked her head from one of the offices in the waiting area.
I was not a true believer, but God had just done me a solid.
11:30 AM
@jamiethebee: so you discover a 
dark truth about me and then you 
leave me on read?
@jamiethebee: wow, RUDE. 
I hid my phone in my purse, my heart beating at an alarming rate against my chest. I was still having a hard time believing the Jamie Lee Oliver had slid into my DMs and went to the produce section of the grocery store for me. The fact that he had the audacity to call me out was also making my brain go haywire trying to come up with a decent answer.
All while struggling to pay attention to the code of ethics of the company. Because yes, I had just gotten hired to be an editor for Pyramid Publishing. 
“The idea Miss Martin, is for you to have a week to get to know the office and the way things work around here before you fully immerse in what is a typical schedule of an editor in Pyramid Publishing” The man, Gregory Truman, had a smooth voice and gave off an aura of authority, partly because of the way he was seated, and partly because his secretary seemed to be in awe every time he opened his mouth to speak.  
I nodded along completely distracted, smiling every once in a while to show that I was happy for the opportunity I had just been given. After four years of majoring in English and getting tired of hearing that it would be impossible to find any job, I had just landed the job of my dreams.  Which sounds amazing, but it really consists of earning enough to cover my part of the rent and to afford one or two nights out every once in a while. 
After agreeing to come back tomorrow morning to start my briefings, I left the building and headed for the bus station. I was about to acknowledge my Twitter notifications, which seemed to be glaring at me, when my roommate called.
To any person this would come across as normal behaviour, however when you live with a med school student who lives and breathes for their career, you get used to not hearing from them for days at a time. No news, good news right?.
“What’s up buttercup?” I answered cheerfully nonetheless. Amanda tends to be overly dramatic and extremely analytic of phone and text conversations. She has flipped out on me for answering the phone with a simple ‘hey’, claiming that she thought I was mad at her and didn’t want to live with her anymore because she forgets to hang her towels. Her words, not mine.
“Yeah, yeah, no time for greetings. Listen the curry exploded all over the kitchen” I was once again, rendered speechless. 
Amanda comes from an Indian family that loves to travel and above all, loves to eat. Her recipe book is overflowing and constantly getting thicker. However, her skills are not getting any better. Last week she managed to turn the butter on fire while attempting to melt it in the microwave. Who knows how she managed to do that.
“Okay so there’s no need for me to buy more oils for the diffuser, is that what you’re saying?” I would have worried if it was another person, but Amanda tends to worry a little too much over everything and I don’t want her to beat herself up anymore over this.
“No Lisa I’m serious like I don’t even know where to start cleaning and I’ve probably ruined the kitchen and we won’t be able to repare it and I just know that you’ll want to move out because of this and—“
“Okay this is what you’ll do. You’re going to go to the wine cabinet and open a bottle of rose, you know the one you like, and you’re going to calm down and then start cleaning. First the floor so you don’t keep making a bigger mess, then the counters and so on. Mandy, seriously its not the end of the world, did you at least get to have lunch?” I heard a grunt, then a sigh. Not good.
“Obviously not Lisa, I’m on call tonight apparently. I don’t even understand what they want me there for since I just worked the morning shift two days in a row and I’m not even a real doctor yet. Like what the fuck? This is abuse” 
“Okay babe, see you at home!” I hung up with a smile on my face, determined to make something out of today other than cleaning curry with Amanda. So I opened Twitter. 
12:21 PM
@misalartin: pity, i only shop organic. 
@misalartin: excessive hormones,
you know?
Not even thirty minutes had passed when he replied.
12:43 PM
@jamiethebee: so tell me when 
and where.
tap to download attachment.
It was then I realized I had not stopped internally screaming since 8 am, because it was the only way to explain how I had not fainted yet. 
Jamie Lee Oliver had been my celebrity crush ever since I knew how to turn the tv on. He had started out as a child star in my favorite tv show Morgan’s Backyard, and then had gotten into more serious stuff like action movies, playing superheroes and whatnot. Once I grew out of children’s tv, I stopped following him as an actor although his Instagram and Twitter were a true gift for my feed. He was beautiful, with dark brown hair and equally dark skin that made his pearly smile stand out beyond anything else. His chocolate eyes blended perfectly well with the rest of his complexion, which made him seem really inviting in the way his eyes disappeared almost completely when he smiled, almost like he wanted everyone to have fun along with him.
Doubt started to creep in and was slowly consuming me. I knew exactly what I had tweeted, but it was exactly that, just a tweet. I never imagined he would even see it, much less acknowledge it. Besides, I didn’t know if it was the smartest idea. I mean Leo had cheated on me, and in my old apartment when I was supposed to be in one of my classes. So I got home early because I was in the mood to skip and that’s when I found him. On my bed, on top of a freshman rushing for the sorority I belonged to. Even in that moment, I was not a confrontational person and I absolutely hated violence. But he had also shattered my trust completely and disregarded our relationship. 
In hopes of being more proactive and doing the right thing, I replied.
12:48 PM
@misalartin: alright, BJ’s
in Forest ave 
@misalartin: say 6?
12:49 PM
@jamiethebee: it’s a date then. 
My hair was resembling a mood stone. In weak attempts of making my hair even, it had turned a beautiful brick orange. Adding the smell that undoubtedly clung to my clothes, I was now the personification of a plate of curry. 
All of that didn’t matter once I got to BJ’s and saw a tall figure leaning on one of the walls outside. He had disguised himself extremely well, with a black hat that cast a big enough shadow to hide his face. Which I was thankful for, because the clothes he was wearing would not help him blend into the crowd. With a pair of checkered pants and a teal coloured shirt which made it clear he had missed the class on “How to dress up for a spy mission™”. 
Taking a deep breath to calm myself down, I forced my feet to move towards him. 
“Well one of us clearly misunderstood the mission” I said jokingly when I reached him. 
He looked up from his phone and I managed to keep my cool. Not because I could, but because the sun was glaring right on my face, which made it impossible for me to see practically anything. My knees almost gave away when I covered the sun with my hand. It took every ounce of willpower for me not to jump and squeal like a crazy 12 year old girl, he was really here in front of me looking all perfect and ready for a fashion show. Contrary to myself, which looked ready to sleep in a homeless shelter. My black sweatpants and hoodie clashed completely with him and you could immediately tell we were opposites when it came to the lives we had. 
“Lisa, right?” Jamie’s voice was deep and almost a whisper, which made a chill run through my body like electricity. It made me want to hear him speak forever, not caring about the topic he chose.
“Yeah. Um, do you really want to do the egg thing?” I couldn’t stop the words from escaping my mouth once I saw he had not one, but two boxes of 12 eggs. 
His laugh was like a song that I wanted to listen to in replay non stop until I couldn’t stand it. And then he did the unimaginable, he pouted.
“What, chickening out already?” I smiled in embarrassment and looked down at my feet to hide my blush. 
“Weren’t you taught that violence is not the answer?” I questioned him and his smile only seemed to grow bigger. Which was nice, but also worrying since it meant I was losing my moral battle.
“It’s not like we’re throwing eggs at someone, right? It’s just a house. Nothing a good cleaning can’t fix” He took off his hat to ruffle his hair before leaning down to whisper in my ear “Besides, who knows what else can happen” Jamie leaned against the wall again with a smirk, knowing perfectly well the effect he was having on me.
“Alright, you had me at eggs” I smiled sheepishly and then dragged him along to the bus stop. We kept talking, asking each other questions and trying to disguise our flirting behind lame excuses to get to know each other better. 
He lowered his hat even more once we got on the bus and kept his hand on the small of my back in order not to lose me in the mess of people. It felt natural, like it wasn’t the first time we met and his hand was used to touching me all the time. 
“So how come you talked to me?” I asked curiously, turning my body towards him. The bus lurched into a sudden stop, which caused me to stumble forward. Jamie caught me quickly, securing both arms around my waist and crushing me against him, since he was leaning on one of the walls. Thankfully, the eggs stayed safe beside him. 
“Well the offer was more tempting than the usual ‘Jamie I love you please marry me’ kind of thing” He rubbed my arms and held eye contact with me the whole time and I was in heaven.
“Naturally, who doesn’t want to egg houses instead?” I quipped with an eyebrow raised and he laughed under his breath, like he didn’t want people in on our conversation. 
“If egging houses is what I have to do to spend time with a pretty girl, then I’ll choose it over marriage any day” I was not one to fall for the usual lines, yet here I was struggling to reply without him finding out that I was very close to calling the whole thing off and take him to my apartment instead. 
Snapping out of my thoughts, I glanced outside and pressed the buzzer to get off. Jamie followed me walking along the sidewalk but this time, in silence. I walked these streets like I never stopped, being grateful I chose to move out of my apartment after everything that happened. 
I stopped when I recognized the familiar stones that led to his porch. It felt like I was living my worse nightmare. The maroon mailbox contrasting with the blue porch but clashing with the shiny Audi parked in the outer garage. 
Suddenly, it didn’t seem like the best idea. I had to leave. Best case scenario: Leo found out but didn’t press charges. Worst case scenario: Jamie and me end up in a jail cell. Neither situation seemed appealing to me. Especially since they both involved talking to him. I wasn’t the best at concealing my anger. And I had a lot to conceal.
I didn’t realize I was crying until I felt Jamie’s warm hands wiping my cheeks. He crushed me to his chest as if we’d done this a million times, and I took a deep breath to calm myself down. The tears had stopped, yet he kept running his hand through my hair and rocking us softly.
He stepped back only to lean down and open the first dozen eggs. He placed one in my hand and then looked at the Audi in front of him.
“Do you think it has an alarm system?” He voiced my question out loud. 
“I really hope not” And then I threw the first egg. 
Either Leo didn’t care about his Audi becoming an omelet, or he simply didn’t find out about it. I was over the top we were not stuck in a jail cell, and even more happy I had avoided confrontation. 
We were walking in silence again, the weight of reality on our shoulders. Now that we had pelted an entire car with eggs, there was nothing left to do with each other. It was no secret that he had to go back to Los Angeles and I had a curry explosion to take care of, yet I was finding it hard to see how our paths could cross again.
“I smell curry. Can we extend our date to more than just damaging private property?” Jamie stopped to look at me properly for the millionth time and once again, my knees threatened to give away. God his eye contact was going to kill me. 
I didn’t have the heart to tell him how I was the source of the smell, so I nodded and let him lead the way this time. 
One thing I had found out about Jamie Lee Oliver, he was not the best with directions. We walked around the same block four times before I got tired and yanked his phone from his hands.
“Just tell me where you want to go” I sighed exasperatedly and he chuckled, holding his hands up in surrender.
“Take me to the best burger place you know” And with that, he wrapped his arm around my waist and kept walking naturally, like he hadn’t just caused my heart to perform a drum solo in my chest. 
It was a long walk, especially since I was hell-bent on getting away from my exs’ neighbourhood as quickly as possible. Jamie didn’t seem to mind the distance, so I kept my mouth shut. 
“So Lisa” He spoke my name like it was foreign on his mouth, yet he treated me like I was anything but “Tell me something about yourself, something you haven’t told anyone” The words he spoke made me want to cringe, yet his tone was so inviting, it was impossible to refuse. 
“Well” I hesitated, there could have been a million things to say that would have made me look better or more attractive. Instead, I chose “I’m the reason you smelled curry” Jamie tried to mask his surprise as best as he could, yet it was clear this was not what he had imagined I would say. 
So naturally, I continued “My roommate managed to cause a curry explosion in our kitchen and when I came home from my interview I had barely any time to get ready before I met you and I clearly didn’t think things through because if I did, then I wouldn’t have showered. Which sounds disgusting but it would’ve made the smell less apparent and my hair a little less similar to a burning building. Also I tried to dress for the occasion but actually made an effort to look presentable, but clearly I didn’t do—
His lips were what interrupted me. One second I was boring his ears off with my rambling, the next Jamie Lee Oliver was kissing me. It was like no other kiss I’d had, he towered over me but not in an awkward way and his hands seemed to touch me in the right places at the perfect time. He was rumoured to date many girls and I understood why, he felt as comfortable kissing me as he looked when he was acting on camera. Reality caught up with me and made me lose focus, so Jamie pulled me closer to him by the waist. 
After what seemed like ages, he pressed his forehead against mine and pecked me a few times on the lips then closed his eyes and stayed silent for a few seconds, just holding me close to him. My eyes darted all over his face, trying to find something appropriate to say, yet words failed me. 
“Maybe I shouldn’t have done that, but I’ve been meaning to since I saw you crossing the street to meet me” 
Looking back, if I had to pinpoint the moment things changed for the both of us, I would say it was this one. Because this, was when I threw caution to the wind. It was like I couldn’t get enough of him. So I kissed him this time.
Laughing against my lips he pecked me once, twice. Then held my hand and continued walking in the direction of the restaurant. 
I was a blushing mess the remaining walk to the restaurant. Even when we asked for a table for two, I couldn’t keep it together. In fact, I felt my face grow even hotter, if it was even possible. 
“That blush is fucking adorable” Jamie whispered in my ear and his hand crept lower, which did not help at all with my blushing. 
The waitress raised her eyebrows at Jamie’s blunt movement but led us to a table in the far corner of the room.
“I don’t do this often, not with many girls” He blurted suddenly, still looking down at the menu. I’d decided to order the french burger and was waiting expectantly for him to decide, yet this had caught me completely by surprise. His warm eyes met mine in a piercing gaze “I don’t want anything serious either”
“I just egged my exe’s Audi, I can barely stomach a burger let alone a serious relationship” I blurted honestly and he grinned. I had just found my way into Jamie’s heart. 
He grabbed my hand while he ordered for the both of us and when he ordered a taxi to take us back to my place. He continued to hold it while we kissed in the elevator, and when we continued to do so everywhere in my apartment. 
Jamie Lee Oliver held my hand the way he held my heart, and I don’t remember him ever letting go. 
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spideymybucky · 5 years
Make it stop
MJ x Peter Parker (Kind of) Reader x Peter Parker, Ned x Betty, Tony Stark x adopted!reader
warnings: depression, sadness, angst, betrayal.
A/N: I was bored and did this. Based on some level of my life. 
Word count: 2k+
Chapter 1, Next >>>
(Y/n) hadn’t realized when the change between MJ and Peter had started. Maybe, it was the party she didn’t go to. No, she was pretty sure it was there. Peter didn’t give out to much detail but Ned had; and with the bits and pieces she heard around school, she was sure that Peter and MJ had kissed or something similar to that.
(Y/n) didn’t say anything or wanted to ask, because that would mean her best friend had betrayed her. She had already lost to many people in her life, so the best thing she could do was ignore Peter and MJ until the flirting stopped. Was it going to be hard? Yes, but she was sure she could make it, probably.
“Hey (Y/n),  you’re hearing me out? Cause I really wouldn’t want to say it all again.” Ned said, leaning against her locker. She nodded and smiled at him, not really concentrating as she was overlooking at MJ’s and Peters interactions. God, please don’t let MJ fall for him. She thought to herself.
“I know. We’ve been planning this for a while now Ned. Its gonna be MJ, Betty and Me on the big room. You’ll be next door with Pete, so we; we’re all good.” She said closing my locker. MJ smiles sweetly at Peter, as he grabs some of her stuff. Ned looks at her and then turn around to see what she’s ignoring him for.
“They’ll probably get together in Europe, y’know? I really think he deserves this, after all with Liz and her dad, and well the other stuff… He deserves happiness.” (Y/n) faked a smile and nodded. The heavy, unsettling, feeling was burning through her chest and telling her how good MJ was for Peter. She was always going to be the better version of her.
“I’ll should get going, see ya later ned” She said quickly. Ned waved enthusiastically at her and left as well. She wasn’t prepared to talk to Peter or MJ, or face the reality of her feelings towards her best friends. She wanted one more day of normality, of ignorance and bliss. (Y/n) passed right through them, not acknowledging their smiles or small hand gestures. She bee lined to the bathroom and ran to the stall, closing it quickly.
Everything was changing and it was to fast. She couldn’t handle this. Sitting on the toilet, she looked at the blue doors. Her breathes were uneven, her palms sweaty and her feeling taping away. She couldn’t control her anxiety; she couldn’t control her feeling, which made everything worse. She liked her lips and tried breathing in and out. In and out. In and out. The door opened and the sound of feet cluttering in stopped her breathing. She looked down and saw black doc martins with a white and black Adidas super stars. It was MJ and Betty.
“You’re gonna tell (Y/n) about the thing?” Bettys perky voiced broke the silence.
“What thing, Betty? That he breaths and I breath?” MJ retorted back, jumping on the counter.
“No, the thing between you and Peter, like the kiss and the semi-date to Delmars…” Betty responded pushing MJ down. (Y/n) sat there hearing everything, as her heart broke little by little.
“No, it’s not like she likes him and, this is between me and Peter. No one else should be involved.” MJ responded, walking towards the door. Betty followed her but (Y/n) couldn’t hear her answer. She walked out of the stall and looked at herself in the mirror. She didn’t know tears were running down her face, she also didn’t know that MJ, the loyal and almighty girl, could’ve done this to her. She was stupid in trusting her. This was the last time.
“God MJ, he’s so cute and just… hot” she said admiring Peter from afar. The way his brown hair moved as he ran through the field made her heart beat faster.
“You should stop staring, drools forming on the corner of your mouth.” MJ said, not even looking up from her book.
“You think Pete will notice me one day?” (Y/n) asked, turning her full attention to her best friend.
“He would be stupid if he didn’t.” MJ replayed with a full on smile, leaving her book down.
(Y/n) grabbed her bag, that was left in the stall, and quickly made her way to principals office. She entered the small common area and looked at Rachel, Mr. Moritas’ secretary. She walked straight up to her and smiled, trying to get her attention.
“Oh hey, (Y/n), shouldn’t you be in class?” She said as she adjusted her glasses.
“Yes, well I’m here cause Tony just called with an emergency and wanted me to retrieve from the Europe trip.” (Y/n) said. She looked at her nails, biting the small freckles of skin leave the sides of the nails. Tony hated when she did that, beating her nails till they were raw or bleeding.
“You already did the first deposit, and they aren’t refundable. You do know that, right?” She said looking at the screen.
“Yeah, we know that and don’t, actually, mind. I just have this really important meeting the same week as Europe so…” Rachel nodded in an understanding way. She looked at her screen for a few more minutes and printed a form and handed it to her.
“You’ll have to return this signed by your parent or guardian, ok? After that you’re laid off of Europe and can go do that important event.” (Y/n) nodded and thanked her repeatedly, only stopping when she left the room.
She looked at the time, 11:50 am, if she ran for it she could still make it to Chemistry but didn’t want to. She slowly walked down the hall,  mumbling to a Post Malone song, when she saw Peter and MJ slightly close to each other. MJ turned her head and instantly jumped away from Peter. She smiled at (Y/n) and walked up to her, trying to do their handshake but failing.
“Hey (Y/n), aren’t you supposed to be in Chem?” MJ asked.
“Since when do you call chemistry “Chem”? MJ shrugged and leaned away from her. She wasn’t feeling welcoming or as appreciated like other times.
“You ok?” Peter asked, sensing something off.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” (Y/n) stated walking past both of them, not really wanting to be there. She passed the school doors, leaving towards the sunny streets. (Y/n) walked through the streets of queens, deactivating her location so she wouldn’t be found. Nothing really stuck. She was going in circles until she found a subway station. She went down, paid her ticket and boarded the first train she found. The motion of going forward and back, for the first 2 hours, made her fall asleep.
“Fuck” She squealed, startled by the smack on her cane. She looked up to see a small old man, smiling widely at her.
“Well, aren’t you a beautiful young girl.” The old man stated.
“Thanks.” She smiled uncomfortably at him and looked away.
“Well, aren’t you gonna move young lady? You’re seating on a reserved sit. I feel young but my body ain’t.” He asked again.
“Oh, sorry Mr…” (Y/n) said, quickly standing up and moving out of his way.
“Mr. Stan and you are?” She looked at him weirdly. Should she say her name or not? He didn’t seem anything but nice.
“(Y/n)” She responded courtly. He nodded and smiled, patting the seat next to him.
“What made you come on this train? You’ve been sleeping for more than hour” She looked at the time, 5:48. She was utterly fucked. Happy must be worried out of his mind, she thought. The last thing she wanted to do was put more pressure on Happy or Tony.
“Oh shit. I must’ve fallen asleep… Shit!” (Y/n) exclaimed jumping out of the seat. The train stopped and she ran out, screaming a goodbye to Mr. Stan. She grabbed her phone, turned it on and told F.R.I.D.A.Y. to activate her location status. In matter of seconds, her screen was filled with notifications from texts to missed calls, and DM’s on Instagram. With a small sigh she entered “Main Danger”, which was Tonys handle on her phone.
12:48 - School called and said you missed class. You ok?
1:58 - I’m starting to think you ditched school, might as well come back to the compound
3:08 - Where the hell are you? Happy can’t find you.
5:09 - When I get my hadn’t on you, you’re dead kid. Peter’s looking for you near queens, pray he finds you first.
She was in so much shit for this. Grabbing her backpack, she exited the subway near Delmars market. She was near Peters place and the probabilities of him finding her were big. She didn’t want that cause then he would find the need to probe into her mind, asking her why she did it. Sometimes, his nice and interested attitude wasn’t what she needed.
(Y/n) walked towards Delmars, thinking what her next move should be. Should she just go to Peters and end this or call Tony? Each one had their own consequence but the latter seemed better. Facing Tony was much better than Peter. Right now If she saw him, she might explode. She was never good with feelings, better to avoid them. She dialed Tonys number, embracing herself for the worst but hoping that he might be in a good mood somehow.
“Where the fuck are you?” He screamed through the phone.
“At Delmars, looking for a ride home.” (Y/n) sighed out.
“Wait there, I’m gonna call Peter to pick yo- ”
“No! Don’t call Peter. ” She screamed at the phone.
“What? Why?” Tony said confused.
“I’m just not in the mood. All I want to do is go home, please?” She was desperate, and Tony heard the pleading in her voice. He sighed, knowing he shouldn’t cave in but he still did.
“I’m sending Happy, don’t move ok?” He murmured.
“Don’t worry Tony, I’m gonna stay here.” She hanged up the phone and went inside the store. 30 minutes and a sub half eaten passed until Happy arrived. She walked out of the door and into the car, where Tony awaited her.
“Where the hell were you all day?” Tony screamed at her.
“I’m sorry, ok? I just feel asleep on the subway, I was tired and just…” She sighed, holding back tears. These past few weeks were hard on her, she didn’t say anything but they were. Training everyday was taking its toll. She was loosing interest in everything; going out didn’t seem fun anymore, her grades were slowly decreasing and the only thing she held hope for was Peter and her feelings towards him. She felt like MJ had taken her only hope, but she didn’t blame her. How could she? MJ was gorgeous, smart, funny, witty. She was everything she could never be.
“I couldn’t handle school today.” She whispered out. (Y/n) looked out the window, ignoring Tonys presence.
“You’re gonna have to talk to me or Pepper. She was worried out of her mind, you know? We were all worried.” He said towards the teenage girl. He thought taking care of her would be easy, thats why he volunteered when her parents died.
“It was a one time thing Tony. It won’t happen again.” She mumbled out, with her eyes closed. An hour later the mumbling of her name woke her up. Tony had already left the car, without (Y/n).  
“How long have I been asleep?” She said in a husky voice.
“M'bout an hour or so” Happy said, turning off the car.
“I fucked up, didn’t I?” He sighed.
“You did kid. I haven’t seen Tony like that since Peter fucked up.” She sighed and left the car, walking towards the elevator.
“Doesn’t mean they won’t forgive you.” Happy screamed out. She stepped in the elevator, not really knowing where to go. She didn’t want to face them today, maybe ever, but it seemed easier to do it the next day. She was drained and had homework to do.
“Tony had requested your presence at the common area” F.R.I.D.A.Y. broke the silence.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y. tell’em that we can have this discussion tomorrow. I have homework to do.”
“He insists.” F.R.I.D.A.Y.’s feminine voice said.
“Just take me to my floor please.”
“Sure (y/n)” the AI responded. The elevator moved rapidly towards her floor, as she stepped out and unlocked her door. She wasn’t in the mood for anything. Exhaustion had filled her bones, as she threw herself on her bed. It wasn’t late, at all, and she should be awake but her body was refusing to cope with her.
At taping on her window startled her, making her jump out of the her bed. She looked at the clock, 11:46 PM. Who the hell has knocking at almost midnight? She thought. Slipping into her bunny slippers, she walked to her door and opened it but no one was there. What the hell? I swear to god I hear knocking. Confused, she went back to her bed and opened her phone. Missed calls were pilling up, and the text notification had grown from one digit to three. The tapping continued, slightly scaring her.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y. can you check who’s knocking?”
“Mr. Parker is outside your window, trying to get your attention.” The AI stated. (Y/n) closed her eyes and sat down on her bed. She didn’t want to see him, her wounds were fresh and it would be messy. She hated causing a mess.
“Tell him, I’m sleeping or something. I can’t do this right now.” Her voice cracked at the end of the sentence. A few minuted passed in complete silence. Tears prickled down her skin, leaving wet traces and falling down to her favorite sweater. She felt wrong and tired, like she was missing something. It wasn’t her first time feeling this but it was augmented by her feelings towards her spiderlying friend. God, she hated herself for feeling like this towards MJ and Peter.
All she wanted was to make everything stop.
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