#girl why wouldn't they??? you're amazing! You can materialize a fucking forest in seconds like no one else can do that
jays-therapist · 5 months
When characters in aoex get upset over being a burden to their friends my soul literally withers away. like shut up shut up SHUT UP. When Shiemi calls herself useless i want to shake her by the shoulders because she's so strong, why can't she see that? Your friends love you they could never see you that way. When Rin berates himself or questions why Shirou would even save his life I feel sick, dude. i feel ill. When Koneko puts himself down and calls himself the weak link i feel like i've just been hit by a train. When Yukio as a little kid apologizes to his brother for the simple act of getting beaten up by bullies and needing help.... god. fuck. i'm not well.
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