#ghost9 headcannons
my-obsess-shin · 1 year
JunHyung: Your leader boyfriend has been exhausted from taking care of you, his workout routine, and leading Ghost9 to success. His eyelids flutter shut as he sits next to you on the train, sleep threatening to overtake him. You feel a thump as his head hits your shoulder and your heartbeat speeds. He would want you to wake him but you can’t bring yourself to do it and let him doze peacefully for a few minutes, trying to be as still as possible. When the train lurches to a stop, his head rockets off your shoulder.
“Did I fall asleep?” he asks, a blush creeping over his face. He isn’t embarrassed by the PDA, just that he may have inconvenienced you.
“Only for a bit. It’s okay, you were tired.” You reply with a giggle. He smiles at you, lighting up the train car.
“Well, I know who I can lean on now, I guess.” He says, with a nudge of his shoulder against yours.
Shin: Your boyfriend Shin looks worse for wear sitting beside you in the coffee shop. You’re worried of course, but he isn’t one to admit he needs help since he is so busy mothering everyone else. And as the main dancer, he has been working tirelessly to perfect their new choreography. His head bobs forward, then lurches back up as he takes a deep inhale, trying to will himself not to fall asleep.
“We didn’t have to come out today.” You assure him, but he shakes his head back.
“No, we haven’t been able to spend much time together lately. Coming out with you today was really important to me.” He assures you and you smile at him. He is always putting others before himself. You’re picking at the slice of cake in front of you when suddenly you feel him leaning against you, his head fallen forward as his breathing comes in the steady rhythm of sleep. You shake your head at him and gently nugde him awake. His ears turn red as he realizes he fell asleep.
“We can pack up these cakes to go and go rest a bit at my house?” You suggest, knowing he won’t do it if he thinks you don’t want to. He studies your face for a moment, looking for a hint of disappoint, but can’t find any because you’re just happy to spend time with him, no matter where it is. Finally, he nods back.
“Yeah, that sounds nice.” He smiles at you.
KangSung: Your usually energetic boyfriend doesn’t seem like himself today. On a normal day, it’s hard for you to keep up with him, but today it feels like you’re pulling him along as you walk through the park. You halt in your tracks and he cocks his head at you, looking more like a puppy than the squirrel he is associated with.
“Are you feeling okay?” You ask, trying to look into his eyes so he can’t lie to you. He looks at the ground anyway.
“I’m fine! Nothing to worry about at all!” he tries to assure you, but an unexpected yawn betrays him. You cross your arms and raise an eyebrow at him.
“I’m just really sleepy. JunHyung has been putting us through the ringer with training lately.” He pouts a little as he massages the muscles in his arms. You pull him over to a nearby bench.
“Let’s rest here for a bit, love.” You tell him. At first, he seems disgruntled at himself, not liking that he can’t give you the attention he normally does. However it isn’t long before he lays his head down in your lap, the warm sun and touch of your fingers in his hair lulling him to sleep. He isn’t embarrassed at all as he lays there, the comfort of your presence finally allowing him to take the rest he desperately needed.
JunSeong: You’re so excited that your boyfriend Junseong finally has a day off of work to take you to the movies. He seems just as excited, grinning at you and asking you what you think will happen. After buying the popcorn and finding your seats, he turns to you, suddenly serious.
“I’m really sorry I haven’t had as much free time lately. I hope tonight makes up for it some.” He says, taking your hand lightly. You smile at him and give his hand a gentle squeeze back.
“I knew what I signed up for. Your work is hard. I’m just proud of you for giving it your all.” You reply. He beams at you, and as the trailers start, you both settle into the seats. The commercials are hardly over when you feel a gentle plop of your shoulder. At first you think he is just resting his head, but you notice his faint soft snores before long. You debate waking him up. He’s been so excited to see this film, but knowing he could barely keep his eyes open, you decide against it, letting him sleep. As the movie ends, you nudge him awake and he sits up with a start.
“Is the movie starting?” He asked, looking around. You laugh gently.
“It just ended. I couldn’t bring myself to wake you up.” You tell him. He looks at you sadly for a moment and you’re almost afraid he is going to cry.
“I’m sorry, if I’d known you wanted to see it that badly, I would have woken you up.” you tell him, brushing his hair off his forehead. He pouts.
“It’s not that, I was just excited to see it with you!” He exclaims, looking down at his hands. You can’t hold back laughter, looking at him like that.
“Then I guess we have an excuse to come back on another date.” You tell him with another squeeze of his hand.
WooJin: You went to meet your boyfriend WooJin at the soccer field. It was his favorite way to relax on his day off. You see him wave excitedly at you and your heart speeds up, seeing him flip his sweaty hair out of his face as he jogs over to you.
“How was the match?” you ask, handing him a recovery drink. He takes it gratefully and downs a big sip before replying.
“It was a tough match. We won in the end though.” He tells you proudly and you laugh.
“I expect nothing less from my soccer star. Do you want to relax here for a bit before heading home?” You ask, gesturing at the now clear grassy field, and he nods in approval. As you both sit in the soft grass, enjoying the sun, you see WooJin’s eyes start to lower like a sleepy cat in the sun. You start wondering to yourself how long he can fight against the sleep, but it isn’t long before he lays back on the grass, sleep overtaking him. You shake your head as you slide his head onto your lap, giving him some sort of pillow. After some time, his eyes flutter open and he stretches as he looks at you. Suddenly he realizes the position he is in and sits up quickly.
“Good morning.” You tease and he blushes furiously.
“I wasn’t asleep. I was just resting my eyes for a moment.” He tries to defend himself, but you know better.
“Whatever you say love, but remember, it’s ok to lean on me too.” You tell him, pushing his hair back one last time.
Prince: Your boyfriend Prince knew you loved stargazing, and with the meteor shower coming up, he had planned a whole evening of it, with a picnic midnight snack and everything. He led you through the field where other couples and families laid, waiting to catch a glimpse of the falling stars. You were ecstatic, your body near humming at the thought of not only experiencing this event, but doing it with him. He set up the blanket, poured you both a mug of cocoa and pulled you back into his arms. It would be a while before the shower started so you leaned into him for a moment, feeling his chin drop to the top of your head. You thought he was just getting comfortable, but before long, a gently snore echoes in your ear. You look at his body posture, knowing it can’t be comfortable, and sit up, waking him as you move.
“Let’s switch spots.” You offer. He shakes his head at you.
“I want you to be comfortable.” He protests, trying to pull you back into his arms, but you push against him.
“Love, I don’t plan on falling asleep, and I want you to be comfortable if you do.” You try to convince him. He thinks about it for a moment before sighing, realizing he can’t trust himself to stay awake. You pull him back into your chest, running your fingers through his hair, and it isn’t long before you hear his gentle snores begin again. You smile to yourself, grateful he feels so at ease with you.
JinWoo: You’ve had a crush on JinWoo since you were both in high school last year. You had both since graduated, and this was the first time you would be seeing each other since then. You were certain his life was exhausting with the work he was doing as an idol and your heart fluttered at the thought of him taking time to see you and go to karaoke tonight when he could be resting. You arrive at the karaoke room and he is waiting for you. He looks tired and suddenly your heart pulls, almost wishing he had chosen to rest instead. Your other friends from school are already inside, queing up songs. After a while, you notice his eyes drooping as he fights sleep and you scoot over to him.
“It’s a little loud in here. Do you want to go outside with me?” You offer. He looks at you gratefully and nods, rubbing his eyes. As you make your way to the bench outfront you turn to JinWoo and smile.
“I’ve been watching you work. I’m so proud of you.” You confess, stumbling over your words. He blushes.
“Really? You mean you’ve been looking after Ghost9?” He seems astonished and you blush.
“I have. You’re all really good. You especially.” You say quietly. It wasn’t long after sitting together, you feel the pressure of his arm leaning against yours and his breathing coming in long steady breaths. You decide to let him rest. It doesn’t matter to you how you spend time together, just so long as you do. After a while, your phone rings. One of your friends is letting you know they wrapped up karaoke. You softly jostle JinWoo to wake him up, and he rubs his eyes as he looks at you sleepily.
“Thank you for letting me rest on you.” He says quietly. You think that will be the end of it, but as you stand to return to your friends, he slides his hand into yours, giving it a gentle squeeze and making your heart flutter.
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