#funny way to fall into a ship huh? lol
Hi Slug! If you've listened to the full songs in the new EP, have your opinions of the trailers changed? Also, the new dramas are HEAVY, so if you've listened to them, I'm curious to know what you thought of them. As always, thanks for the translations!
I like listening to Hypmic music on shuffle during workouts, so I've most of the new songs in full by now. I don't think my opinions have changed majorly. I really enjoy Black and White, and Move Your Body Till You Die is a phenomenal work of art.
As for the drama tracks... truth be told, I haven't even listened to the one that came out in April, so I'll read through some TLs now and record thoughts below the cut:
No One Lives Forever, translation courtesy of shinseimcd on Twitter
"Anti-Party of Words faction" Huh, like a government faction? I'm surprised the PoW allows other political parties or at the very least open dissenters. There was talk in some chapters of the manga of them punishing protesters, not to mention the way they crushed the TDD rebellion in its primacy. Either way, interesting, and I hope we learn more about this as time goes on.
Ichijiku and Nemu baking together is really cute lol
I love the way Ichijiku's whole personality shifts around Otome. Gap moe (????)
It's a cool tidbit that Nemu tends to prefer plainer outfits, as that tracks with how she dresses in TDD. Also, Nemu and Ichijiku shopping together is kind of bittersweet, since Ichijiku is clearly using Nemu as a replacement figure for her deceased sister...
Ichijiku secretly wanting to fall on the cute side of the cute/elegant spectrum is a pretty classic trope but a fun detail that's been hinted at already, since we've seen that she keeps a bow collection.
??? Rei's lab is on Battleship Island? Ohhhhhhhhh this is why Twitter was blowing up with controversy right after this track released... The IRL Battleship Island was home to forced labor of Korean and Chinese citizens during the twentieth-century push of Japanese imperialism which was later, iirc, denied in part or totally by the Japanese government to immense international backlash. Using this as a setpiece for Hypmic is oddly provocative, and I can't think why the writers would want to do that. On a much lighter note, this is also a headscratcher to me because isn't this a UNESCO World Heritage Site? The whole point of that is conservation, and I don't think building a clone lab counts as conservation... Unless they're implying the clone lab was built prior to the 1950s? Hm. Let's not go down this rabbit hole.
"I would like all of the True Hypnosis Mics. As well as all the Amemura clones." Oh? Are there more still alive? I thought Honobono ordered the death of the last remaining three... Well, that scraps a piece of writing I was working on LOL
"Your biometric data is required to access the mic storage facility" So how did the PoW get in?
Her? Heart stop beating? Oh for fuck's sake, is Rei's wife also in a coma? How many fucking characters are in a coma in this series... Whichever mfer invents a device that restores people from comas with no significant brain damage will make a fortune in this universe
"And I won't try anything funny." I do not believe this for one instant
Hmm, the framing of Otome planning this and the way she brushed past talk of countermeasures for the anti-PoW faction implies that Rei is heading this faction.
Oh, so they couldn't get past the biometric locks after all, I see.
I strongly dislike the idea of thirty clones for thirty mics and the nonchalance in which Rei goes, "Yeah, I'll ship them off to Chuuouku" like they're a parcel and not human beings, but that's my personal bone to pick w/ this character and setting.
I was intrigued by the notion of the PoW holding caucuses, implying there's some sort of democratic process in terms of choosing their own party members or positions, but the JPN audio doesn't specify that exactly.
"We no longer require the cooperation of Jakurai Jinguji." I know that this took like four years in real time, but in terms of the Hypmic universe... I mean, Jakurai didn't even do anything for them, did he? He went through all that moral dilemma for nothing, as far as I can tell. (I get that it sets up the reconciliation with Ramuda, but that's it? Seriously?) That's disappointing to roll it back so quickly.
"During the Division Rap Battle, the people of our nation will be focused on the tournament, giving us the opportunity to use the True Hypnosis Mics to mind hack the Anti-Party of Words faction who stand in our way, ultimately pulling them over to our side." Otome always has the most batshit plans. God bless. A consequence of her needing to drive the plot forward is that she'll say some of the truly silliest things I've ever heard. What a complete misappropriation of government funds lol. Also... is this stating there are only 30 dissidents (????), or can the True Hypmics brainwash more than one person at a time?
"Once that is complete, we will move on to other countries. And when we have taken over the world, then, in the true sense of the word, peace through the power of words will be achieved." LMAO? I'm sorry, this isn't very considerate of me, but in my initial impressions of this, I am well and truly gobsmacked. What in the actual fuck. How many clones will die for this? How much money will it cost? How does she think she stands any chance at governing so many people across such an area, even with a downsized population after WWIII? Homie... Never change, Hypmic, you are the wildest.
I can't believe Ichijiku is so whipped she's willing to go along with an absolutely nonsensical plan for world domination. Ma'am, Otome is not going to fuck you, and even if she is, it's not worth it! Ma'am!!! I'm sorry, I'm being petty and not giving this a lot of in-depth thought but LORD this is a trip on first read.
"World domination, huh, what a joke." Man after my own heart.
I'm actually quite interested in how this "mics are disabled forever" thing works. I guess the mics have a kill switch in them? I vaguely recall someone saying that in the manga years and years ago... Oh yeah, it was Ramuda in TDD 12. Huh, interesting if that was intentional foreshadowing (I'm not sure if I want to be that charitable). At any rate, can't everyone in the room just get new mics? Or does it affect their speakers and such too? I'm curious how that works, like if you build an affinity with a certain mic or some nonsense.
"looks like we won't be having any Division Rap Battles from here on out." Ah, and this is why the other half of Twitter was up in arms like "No more DRB??? End of Hypmic??" I guess.
The Block Party tracks are quite long, and since it's getting rather late for me, I'm going to leave off here for the moment. I'd like to continue this at my next available opportunity... WHAT a ride. Not sure when that will be, but I will add to this with a reblog when I can. And I know it's been months since this track came out, but I would love to hear other people's thoughts. I wasn't around much when it first launched, so I missed most of the commentary on it.
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dorizardthewizard · 3 months
Galactik Football season 3 rewatch, eps 13-15
Episode 13:
Funny how the Pirates, who have the most motivation to find the contact, are the ones supporting an immediate evacuation whereas Brim Simbra is going for the “no need to panic people” route
Brim Simbra: He's right. Especially since many people will leave Paradisia right after the final anyway. The evacuation has to take place calmly.
Well fuck all the retail workers and support staff on Paradisia then. You guys are at more risk because we'll only announce a proper evacuation once all the visitors are gone <3
Again they missed their chance to have D'jok and Sinedd taunt each other at the start of the match, their roasts used to be hilarious
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The way Mei is just watching them with her hands crossed sfdjhds girl, be ready!
Man I complain about Sinedd but D'jok's behaviour is annoying me more
Lol why did they just let the cat walk in, didn't they know about the incident at the start of the season?
Damn they really joker-ified Harris
Brim Simbra this wouldn't be a problem if you'd just ordered an evacuation
Luur came to watch the match in his football kit I guess
Damn, Galactik Football tournament finals can never go on without a disaster huh?
Why does it look like everyone has left the stadium already (that is a FUCK ton of people by the way, SEVERE danger of fatal crowd crushes. Which wouldn't be happening if you pre-emptively evacuated everyone, BRIM SIMBRA) but D'jok, Mei and Sinedd are still taking their time getting off the pitch?
I find it a bit hard to believe that D'jok's so far gone he'll literally just stand there as the stadium falls apart around him. In season 2 it was because he was in shock at least, and anyway this is all kind of a re-hash of the end of season 2 but worse
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This is so funny they're just standing there 😭 Unbothered
I do love Sinedd saving D'jok and that his excuse is that he can't fight him if he's dead dsfjkdf it's hilarious
Seeing the flux effect on the 2D animation is so uncanny!
They seemed to be able to switch to using the flux for different purposes pretty quickly, like in football it mostly just gives them more power/speed/agility but they immediately have no problem channeling the Breath outwards and shooting it at stuff
It's a huge moment though, seeing them use the flux outside of football. If there were more seasons it could have been cool to see this as a can of worms opening and a debate around the potential loosening of the rules, with a balance between the benefits flux can bring vs the dangers
Sinedd you dumbass they would have left already, that's how evacuations work. Although I see him being too scared of losing them again to think rationally
TRAIN BRAWL! TRAIN BRAWL! Spider-man 2 eat your heart out
RIP Harvey, a real legend. And flux war veteran!
Of course she's a serpent lady
ooo look you can see the space jump gates! Cool little bit of background lore on how travel works in this universe
Where tf is Sinedd
Ahh Phoenix is going down with the ship, pretty cool moment
Episode 14:
Aww Thran and Ahito holding hands 😭😭
MARK JUST... DANGLING MICRO-ICE BY THE LEG?? It's kind of cute he's comforting him in his own way, although Micro-Ice's very valid reaction to all this is still played for laughs lmao
Ok so how sentient ARE the robots in this show? Sidney is obviously very sad about Harvey being gone, and we've seen the Technodroids have normal conversations before. But everyone's reaction whenever Sidney gets sad is just 😬😬😬 awkward LOL. Are robots like second class citizens in this universe? No one believes their emotions are as real as humans? But are they?? So many questions
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Artegor coming over to help Aarch with unpacking sdhsdfjj and blaming himself for encouraging them to go to Paradisia 😭 Their hug 😭😭 Going feral over them
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Wuh... in the middle of a good natured conversation he just,, throws the trophy? Why? It's so random 😂😂
So did Aarch and Artegor actually resolve their dispute, as dumb as it was? Oh it was just thrown in to have drama for a couple of episodes and now suddenly they're good? Ok sure
Aw Norata seems so much happier now, look at him excitedly showing off rare flowers
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So these kids just.... use the flux? And NO ONE has noticed this yet? It's just... they were notified IMMEDIATELY that Rocket had used the flux to save Tia, how is this continuous use going undetected? I guess we already had that question considering Tia already knew how to use the flux in season 1, but with her you could at least make soooome sort of assumption of her being sheltered somehow as a daughter of diplomats. Maybe the flux society only noticed Rocket's flux use so quickly because they always make sure to track GF players really closely, but still if these kids are just chilling using it all the time, on GENESIS, it looks like the flux society are worryingly shit at their job lol
But that's the thing, season 3 introduces SO many crazy new concepts – new tournament, mixed flux teams, players moving to other teams, using flux outside of football, characters moving to different roles to shake up the status quo... so much interesting stuff but the execution just flubs it, especially with the character development.
Damn Tia's got gymnastics skills!
Oh so the last time we saw Sinedd, he was running back into a collapsing stadium to find his parents and we had no idea if he'd made it or not, and now the next time we see him he's just chilling walking with his team? I don't know much about direction in shows like this but I feel like we should have had a scene where he reunites with Mei at least before this??
Actually come to think of it, D'jok ends up on the Snow Kids' ship during the evacuation and we never get to see their reaction to him! Of course at first they all just want to survive and are obviously worried about him, but what about after? Was it awkward? Did they talk? TELL ME
Sinedd is a dick cutting Mei off like that but kind of sweet to see him refer to the Shadows as family
Wait have D'jok and Sonny interacted since Sonny got healed? I feel like we're sorely missing some father and son interactions here, and D'jok has been really needing it! And where's Maya in all this??
Mei is right to question the “parents” with how sketchy they're acting, but it's tough. Sinedd's finally got that part of himself back and there's no way he'll consider the idea of losing it again.
New flux society guy agreeing to move the date of the GFC, ooooor you could try and catch this guy? Useless mfers
Episode 15:
Show really doesn't give us any detail on how someone actually masters another flux. Like how does it work?
Oh Mei's getting sick now from the Smog, but how did Sinedd get over it? He did have symptoms of Smog poisoning in season 2 but I don't remember him ever getting cured like Artegor did? Aarch had to quit the Shadows because it had gone too far, is it actually something you can just overcome? Is it different for everyone? Is it down to overusing it? So many questions!
I like that Mei was just like. NOPE this is hurting me, even if I liked you I ain't staying! As she should.
Ooo Yuki's mastering the Elektras' flux!
Wait so everyone thinks team Paradisia are actually from the planet? Which iirc only became habitable not that long ago? I'm confused on the origins of these girls, how are they cyborgs? Do they have any lives and family outside of the team Lord Phoenix assembled? I mean they're not androids? I feel like since they're closely connected to a main character, they should have gotten some more backstory.
Oh so D'jok left team Paradisia already? Why exactly? He seemed all about winning with them. We don't even get a scene of him leaving them and their reaction??
What?? D'jok's just decided to do coaching all of a sudden? Because of one little encounter with kids playing football?? He was obsessed with winning tournaments like 5 minutes ago how did this change come about??? Like. I can SEE the vision and D'jok becoming a mentor figure is a fun idea but... we need to see the steps of getting there!
That Lightnings girl is so cute though
Mei says she only left temporarily but um... sis that was not the impression we got lol you disappeared abruptly and sent everyone heartfelt farewell messages
English dub goofs up again: D'jok says he'll never go back to the Snow Kids after what THEY did, but then goes on about how HE messed up and they'll never take him back. And again, what made him realise he was behaving poorly? You can't just set up a character's development, then suddenly show them once they've reached a conclusion. Was is the near-death experience? The fact Mei still wanted to help him despite how he'd acted? His loneliness finally catching up to him? I WANT ANSWERS
Mei: Don't you want to play for the cup? D'jok: We've done it, Mei. We've won twice! What's the point?
OK this is super interesting, I'm gonna link @millimononym 's post here about D'jok's potential arc (hope that's ok!) because I think it fits really well with this. For a guy obsessed with destiny, hitting his peak early could really mess with him. You could have such an interesting arc about this and accepting that life goes on and that our lives don't have to be defined by reaching some greater goal or purpose. It's about doing it with your friends and, if the show delved a little bit more in the whole post-flux war climate, it's also about being a symbol of hope for a planet that basically suffered the apocalypse. People joke about how the Snow Kids won three times in a row straight away, instead of doing the anime lose -> train to get better -> win scenario, but you could actually address this and use it to the story's advantage!
Aww Lun-Zia can't do it :( I can't remember what happens but it would be cool if she actually couldn't master the Breath, sometimes no matter how hard you try things just don't go the way you want
Wait so um... is no one questioning how the Paradisia girls still have their flux even though the planet is dead? And what are the girls even doing right now? They have no home and no Lord Phoenix, who took care of everything for them. And where did Nina-8 come from??
The Elektra's support of Yuki is so cute. Also kind of interesting lore that their planet is far from the other planets, and hence its residents find it very hard to connect to the flux, so much so it was assumed they didn't have one. A cool explanation for why the team hasn't shown up yet!
Oh she's been selected by the Wambas!! Of course they would want her on their team after seeing her play at Paradisia. Well that wrapped up nicely! Still, this confirms she was just some rando on the beach. And what was she up to before the tournament anyway? I wish we got to know more about her
Mark immediately has a crush on Nina-8 but somehow not Nikki-4 who looks just like her? XD
I don't mind Yuki staying with the Elektras actually, its the Elektra's first GFC and I can see her wanting to go further with them. And sometimes that's just life! Going on new adventures
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42starsintheuniverse · 9 months
Overanalysing Aziraphale and Crowley in the Church scene :]
1941 was really a time huh?
All the way back in season 1 we got the Church Scene. Azi is tricked by Nazis, Crowley senses it and hops (lol, literally) his way over to the church to figure out what the problem is. As a result of the mess Angel has got himself into, a bomb drops on the church, Azi is (at least implied lol- I struggle a little with figuring out who saves who some of the time) to save both himself and Crowley, while Crowley saves the books for Azi. Angel is touched by that gesture, and we get a swell of romantic music, with Azriaphale… Well I think anyone can see he’s “processing” something. 
Whether it’s a quiet: “Oh. OH.” moment, or more of a: “Oh my gosh, Crowley saved my books for me, he didn’t have to do that, I didn’t even ask him to! That was so sweet of him! Does he have a reason for it? No, No he did that for me! For me! He knew it mattered to me, oh Crowley!! I do love him so! -Wait I do?? Oh !!! I do!! I do Love him so!!” Additionally Mr Sheen himself has mentioned casually that he quite likes the idea of that scene being the point at which Azi properly falls for Crowley- or in some way Realises, the extent of his love. Obviously that's not like a canonical thing but it feels right to mention it!
Fast forward to Season 2 and we get more about That Specific Night after the church. What happens? Crowley gives Azi a lift home, in which the angel cannot contain his soft expression. The absolute adoration on display with “That was a very nice thing <3” isn’t lost on anyone, even Crowley who’s all “Shut up.” Because of his IssuesTM. 
After Azi steps in to do the magic show they’re hanging in the bookshop and we get the most pointed line ever of “Oh there’s no need to thank me that’s what- …Friends… Are for.” This once again suggests to me that it’s LIKELY (not certain, but likely) that after all this time Azi has gotten comfortable with being Crowley’s friend- and that tonight’s Realization is that there might be something more than just ‘pals’ going on- at least for him.
(A quick note here, I don’t want to be prescriptive and say that Azi went straight from platonic to romantic right from this Church night in 1941- from my POV it seems that Azi went ‘Oh I *THINK* I feel something more than just friendship, but I REFUSE to think about it AT ALL because that would be breaking too many rules. I reckon Azi is of the mind that Angels help HUMANS fall in love, and that Angels CAN’T fall in love, and that it would be SILLY for him to even entertain the thought so he just… Will put a pin in that and brush it off for the next 80+ years…)
Anyway, Azi and Crowley do their whole magic show thing- a special shout out to that moment where Crowley’s studying the Trick pamphlet and realizes the miracles aren’t working- the way he instantly becomes anxious is pretty interesting to me. Crowley’s got a pretty good handle over being casual. All the way back in the Story of Job period of time, Crowley was able to Lie directly into Azi’s eyes saying he’d kill children without a tremble- despite him not actually doing anything like that. But the moment he has to point a gun at Azi without the safety net of miracles, suddenly he’s a shaky wreck, fumbling with putting his glasses on- and he visibly trembles while aiming at Azi. (It’s only once he really settles and goes ‘I can either be anxious and mess this up and discorporate Azi- or I can be strong for him and commit to this and NOT hit him,’ that his grip on the trigger steadies and he can calmly fire the weapon.) 
After the magic show we get some cute stuff with Crowley being supportive to Azi’s magic, and Azi bathing in his ‘showman-ship’ which is pretty cute. 
And after THAT they end up back in the book shop drinking wine as a night cap. Funny thing- it took me a couple of viewings to figure out that that scene is in the book shop, because it reads more like a quiet corner of a restaurant. But in some scenes you can see the spiral staircase that characterizes the bookshop in season 2. And you can see some books scattered around so that’s how I figured that out lol. 
And this scene- this one is just STEEPED in romance. The candle light, the softness of their voices, it’s incredibly intimate. I 100% feel that season 2 was characterized by an intimate feeling between and Az and Crowley, which was honestly lovely, I enjoyed it a lot. Azi acknowledges Crowley’s help. Crowley suggests that all he needs to hear from Azi is ‘trust me’ and that’s enough. Azi all but whispers “And you did,” in the most heartfelt tone ever. And they come to an agreement about ‘shades of grey’ (I’m so sorry to everyone who I’m about to ruin this for- but I genuinely thought that this line was a 50 Shades of Grey reference when I first heard it. Which would kinda be on brand for the humorous use of jokes and references throughout the Good Omens series- but I just think it’s funny to point out so I did).  
So what’s the point of all this? Well- two things. 
One- that one night in 1941 was INSANE for Azi specifically. Angel really had a rollercoaster of a night thinking he was going to be discorperated FIRST by nazi’s and SECOND by his best friend doing a magic stunt, as well as realizing he might like Crowley more than he previously thought, and also that Crowley might care for him more than he imagined (saving the books, saving Azi.)
And Two, that when Shax is in the car with Azi at the start of S2 Ep4, she says that about “80-90 years ago” she heard a rumour they were “an item” (Note- the subtitles on Prime currently say 18-19 years ago, but that is apparently incorrect and it’s 80-90 years). Since S2 is in a post covid world, lets say around 2021, then huh! Would you look at that! 1941 is pretty dang on 80 years prior to S2. 
I just think it’s a very cool timeline detail that fits very well to me. I does imply that at least around Hell there was a rumour Crowley was dating Azi for EIGHTY FRICKING YEARS and no one bothered to intervene- but that isn’t really a writing problem because it’s so INCREDIBLY FUNNY TO ME. I do not give a sh!t if you think that’s a plot hole- Cause just imagine people in hell being like:
‘Yeah think Crowley’s dating that angel guy.’ ‘Oh yeah? What- you think they’re working together?’ ‘What?! Nah! Crowley’s just playing around, wouldn’t you after 6000 years up there?’ ‘Oh- yeah- shit- you right. Makes sense.’ 
Meanwhile Crowley and Azi are like “I like DARK grey at best >:/” “Yes good for you, I like LIGHT grey best >:/” while disagreeing over a bottle of wine like,,,,, It's just really amusing, and I love that for them !!
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ingo-ingoing-ingone · 2 years
Submas Fic Rec
Part 1! This is for @waywardstation :)
I’m just going to be giving names and authors, no links. One, because I want this to show in the tags, and two bc all my fanfic links save for a few are on my phone lol. I read most of these as they were coming out, you lucky ducks get to binge em. :P
Type: Happy ending Shipping: None Length: Variable Status: Complete (almost all of them) AUs: Light on the AUs
Thrown Home Again by FluentInFangirl12 - Ingo arrives back in Unova and must readjust, while having sustained several injuries in Hisui that left him disabled. Multichapter, complete, verrry sweet. One of the first submas fics I read!
After All These Travels by SilverheartSP - Basically an A-Z story about how Ingo and Emmet still manage to mirror each other despite the separation. Slow burn to a happy end (that, much like my fic, almost didn’t happen according to the author lol). REALLY GOOD short little snippets.
The Hand by Grimtrack - This one is a LITTLE dark but also funny in chapter 2? Anyways, Ingo arrives in Hisui... but the portal also dropped off a mysterious severed hand with him. Almost like someone had tried to grab him before the portal closed. I find the concept really interesting! Really interesting writing too.
The Hashtag Train Twins Collection by Magical_Awesome_Kid - MY FAVORITE series (yeah this one is three fics not just one!) about the Nimbasa Trio and their shenanigans on social media. Truly funny, I laugh out loud when I read this. One of my favorite fics of ALL TIME. Covers the Hisui separation but manages to make it lighthearted, and of course there is a reunion. Sibling shenanigans abound!!
Intermittent Retention by NeoAsh - Ingo remembers everything. But only while in spacetime distortions... But he makes it home regardless of this. Really neat concept I am really glad this author explored.
recollection, retrospection, recognition by ApatheticRobots - (hiiiiiii Salem lol) Ohhh this one is so GOOD. I beta’d it, my friend is a verrry gifted writer! Ingo falls to Hisui and forgets nothing. A lot changes, but a lot also stays the same... Truly magnificent characterization, I love it so very much.
Standard Operating Procedures by layren and pointvee - Oh man. This is my favorite fic. It is LONG and hurts to read. It hit me VERY close to home but somehow also in a good way? It’s fucking BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN. And the ending is absolutely superb. But it is heavy. It remains heavy for quite some time. Anyways, Emmet pretends to be Ingo, and that Emmet is missing. He tried at first to play both parts in some form of normalcy, but, caught acting as Ingo, he lies. As that all comes crashing down SPECTACULARLY, there is the thread of “much changes, but much remains the same.” Cried. Cried so many times reading it. But it does hurt until it stops hurting, so yeah some caution advised.
The Sound of Silence by FluentInFangirl12 - Ingo returns to Unova and his brother thinks he needs to get his hearing aids fixed. Short and very sweet!!
You Don’t Have to Do That by FluentInFangirl12 - Ingo’s back, but he’s acting different than Emmet knows him to act. Emmet explains that he no longer has to mask in public. He can just be himself without worrying, and figure out what foods he likes again. More readjustment to modern times!
Null Point Exception by twixtthelines - In Hisui, though he didn’t remember why, Ingo always did his point and call pose. Always felt off though. Then, eventually, it feels right again. Really good 5 + 1 fic!
Another Detour by Grimtrack - Just realized this author wrote two of my favorite shortfics exploring really interesting ideas, HUH! Ingo returns... And learns that his brother pushed himself to the breaking point and passed away in his absence. The heartbreak does NOT last long (this is a two-shot) because Ingo IMMEDIATELY goes “oh absoLUTELY not” and fucks with time and gets his brother back. Another favorite of mine, it hurts then heals. Can’t explain why, I just. Love it.
Through Fire and Fury, You Will Come Home by ToriiStorii - Has one of the coolest titles lmaoooo. Emmet gets eeby deebied instead of Ingo! And ends up Braviary’s Warden! And then. Ingo shows up to get his brother back. Contains so many shenanigans lol. Longer fic!
coming home by KaitoKitsune - A series of 2 oneshots that explore both twins’ perspectives on a reunion!
familiarity by clockworkcheetah - Another Ingo readjusts to his old life. Can you tell I have a type. Characterizations are lovely here, author really captures how off-kilter it must make one feel.
Arrival at a Familiar Station and The Journey Home by agonyaster - Two views of a reunion, with Akari in tow :) Love the scene the author set with these two!!
Gloves by WhisperingImagination - Another one that is funny! Ingo and Emmet have to come to terms with exactly... how popular they are when a video goes viral. Based on some wonderful fanart, contains aroace Subway Masters and Elesa being a great friend. FUNNY AS HELL I LAUGHED SO HARD.
A Touch of Love by Bluegamergirl11 - Series of drabbles about the subway boys, Akari, Elesa, and Sneasler and how they show affection to one another. HUGS.
Why do you do that? by AquaMarina924 - Akari looking out for her Uncle Ingo <3 He tries to be more expressive so people can read him better, but Akari insists that he does not need to
Null and Void (Your Smile Shines Like the Stars) by PhantomBagels - Based on the famous reunion comic by @/pigdemonart, Ingo has a confusing as fuck time before his brother literally crash lands on him
Five Times Ingo Roasted Documentaries + One Time Someone Else Did by BloomingMiracle (Luna264) - Much like in our world, historical documentaries can be a load of shit. Ingo and Akari/Dawn find this out by watching some. Oh, so inaccurate lol
I HOPE YOU ENJOY AT LEAST SOME OF THESE AAAA all of them are 100% read by me and contain no shipping of brothers. I can guarantee that much lol
So I don’t consider ‘not canon compliant’ to be an AU really. Especially considering a) we have no goddamn clue what Emmet is up to, and b) we have no GODDAMN REUNION >:( SO. Most of these are just explorations into what could be.
Also yes, YES I know a ton of these are reunion fics. I really, really have a type, and I hope you guys don’t mind! XD Also I did not put my own fics on there. Pester me about those separately if you want!
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gwyns · 2 months
tbh with you after finishing acosf and the bonus chapter for the first time, all I knew was I didn't want Elain and Azriel to end up together. I wasn't remotely passionate about Gwynriel and Elucien but I definitely knew E/riel isn't going to happen.
Mainly bc through out the whole series even if 3.5 books of it was from Feyre's pov and first person I didn't felt any spark between them. between Nesta and Cassian? NO DOUBT I new they were mates. as casual reader you can feel they're mate material. but even that rescuing scene everyone keep talking about that it's the main reason they're going to end up together fell falt for me!! bc Lucien wasn't there and I'm sure if he was... no one could've stopped him.
like acosf was the last nail in their coffin! sjm could've made me believe that they're endgame specially when it's 3rd person but she didn't even try lmao. but still I was like well... she made me like Nesta! she made me fell in love with her and understand her in a way it felt personal. she made me fall in love with Nessian and Feysand so she can definitely write E/riel that I might change my mind about them... but I was unsure and I was trying to convince myself lol (the way I kept telling myself that it's gonna be okay lmao)
but then I read the bc and it was over... I was done! the way Azriel thought about Elain made me cringe multiple times. the way Elain felt so small in that scene made me uncomfortable and the way he questioned Cauldron as he has some claim on her? oh all I could see was red!!! so that's why I was sure E/riel won't happen and even if it does I was done with this series I'm not even kidding...
so yes this was my experience with the book! and I brought this up bc I saw one of the E/riels say that if they didn't join the fandom they would've known people shipped Az and Gwyn and their irl friends also didn't know that...
honey sorry to break it to you but you need to raise you standards. bc if you didn't notice how toxic that interaction was... I feel sorry for you</3
i agree with you so much! like i admit i have days where i think "am i wrong? am i the delusional one?" because e/riels are just so loud and they get in your head sometimes you know, but then i remember all the canon text and that sjm loves her mates and... well... i feel way more confident. like it's so clear to me what sjm did in that bonus chapter but others don't see it? and az even said in hofas that he doesn't have a mate, so clearly he's given up on that nonsense lol
that rescue they like to bring up is so funny when you remember that the only reason az went was because nesta said he couldn't do it. that's literally it. he didn't care at all until she brought his skills into it. cassian volunteered first, but he didn't go only because his guts were spilling out. but you know, elain and az are true mates, even tho both times she was in danger he didn't react at all. yet they'll say he didn't care about gwyn when she was in the rite, but at least he actually did react to that
that's something i've said before, i may not care for e/riel, like at all, but if sjm did go that route i'm sure she could make me like it in some capacity. she's known for her romances! she can write it!! yet she didn't. she chose not to. instead she gave page time to gwyn and az taking glances at each other and bantering. huh weird... a new example i like to use is helion and the lady of autumn, they didn't even speak in acowar and yet they have that spark and insane chemistry, and all sarah did was tell us their backstory!!! so clearly she knows how to write a romance that'll get you hooked with nearly zero interactions and just a few lines of text. yet, again, she chose not to with e/riel
pretty sure i and others have said it before but if it were lucien calling elain "the third" we'd never ever hear the end of it, but because it's the hot broody bat it's uwu and sooo sexy and romantic!!!!! his part with elain gives me the ick, full stop. i've been sexualized and treated like an object (i had a friend who, after we stopped being friends, i found out had saved pictures of me and got off to them) and let me tell you, it doesn't feel good!! i don't get why they'd want that for elain. i don't think az is a bad person at his core, he's just... going through it right now but that's not elain's problem and she shouldn't have to be reduced to being his fantasy and nothing outside of that
here's a little message to the e/riels that think the average reader doesn't ship anything but e/riel. my irl friend is the most casual reader, she hasn't even finished acowar yet, she doesn't even go into fandoms of things she's passionate about and when i told her people shipped elain and az without any context or bias (i literally just told her they were shipped) she looked at me confused and said "why? elain and lucien are mates. elain and az are too similar, they wouldn't be good together" and by "too similar" she means they wouldn't push or challenge each other and well... she's not wrong lol. she also ships gwyn and az based solely on the "see you tomorrow, shadowsinger" quote i sent her so, clearly casual fans can see it too!
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laytonlover3 · 6 months
Happy Halloween, all! I bring some exciting news for my fellow League of Legends fandomers:
As of today, the ezko ship (Ezreal x Ekko) has over 100 fanfics posted on AO3!
Ik this is a silly thing to get excited over, but I couldn’t be happier about the attention that my favorite ship is getting. I thought I’d take this chance to shoutout/recommend some of my favorite fics (I tried to pick just one favorite, but was tied between these 5):
First Fic I Ever Read with Ezko in It: The Years Nearly Forgotten by albawrites (Rated M for violence, but imo this one fic - not the rest of its series - could safely be rated T.)
This fic is part of a longer series called On the Way to Piltover which is a canon-compliant Twisted Fate x Graves story with a friends(?)-with-benefits to lovers arc. Ezko makes a notable, if short appearance, but their dynamic is adorable - this fic, accompanied by Michael Yichao’s “Out of Time” (the Riot-sponsored Pulsefire ezko short story) was what first got me interested in what has since become my OTP.
First Ezko-Centric Fic I Really Loved: Paradox Rebound: First Paradox by ArinieKat (rated M for sexual content)
If you read any ezko fanfic, you’re definitely familiar with ArinieKat because they’ve single-handedly written like 10% of all the ezko content on the site. This fic of theirs really stood out to me because of its beautiful angst - it follows Pulsefire Ezreal as he ends up in a timeline where he married Ekko, then died, leaving Pulsefire Ekko widowed until he shows up. A few months ago I outlined a Pulsefire ezko angst fic idea that I had on here, and a lot of the inspiration for it came from this particular fic. It’s funny, it’s emotional, and while Years Nearly Forgotten and Out of Time made me think “huh, that ship’s kinda cute”, it was reading this fic that truly got me hooked on ezko.
Favorite AU Ezko Fic/Favorite Fic with Artwork: Underneath Your Silver Screen by VeryNoodleMan aka @satans--waifu (rated E)
1960’s Hollywood AU Ezko? Let’s just say I’m obsessed. Not to mention the absolutely gorgeous movie-poster-style artwork on the author’s tumblr. Even though this fic is on indefinite hiatus, it’s definitely worth checking out the first few chapters: the research and worldbuilding that went into them is really impressive. Being able to read your favorite ship in an entirely new context is like rediscovering and falling in love with their dynamic all over again <3
Current Most-Kudosed Ezko Fic: Blondie and the Beat by Mechanical_Hanz (rated T)
As someone who typically filters by kudos, I’ve grown used to seeing this fic at the top, and with good reason: for a highschool AU where Ezreal, Ekko, Lux and Jinx struggle to pursue queer relationships in a homophobic society, this fic is surprisingly funny and upbeat. While updates have not been super consistent, it has been a cute fic to follow over the past year or so, and it’s done a great job of balancing ezko with lightcannon without shoving either ship into the background for too long (a complaint I have with lots of other fics tagged with both lc and ezko).
Favorite Ezko One-Shot: (Loosely) Holding You by Mechanical_Hanz (rated T)
If I’m ever looking to reread something short and sweet for ezko, this is my go-to fic. It’s set in the Arcane universe, where Ezreal and Ekko are… acquaintances? Friends? Until one day Ezreal ends up spending the night with Ekko (not sexually) and the two end up together. The banter is really on-point, and Ekko’s followers from LoR make cameos, so needless to say I’m a big fan.
So those are my recs! I just want to say thank you so much to everyone who has made or supported ezko content over the past few years, and here’s to having 100 more fics written soon (maybe if Ezreal gets added to Arcane, lol)!
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silverzoomies · 5 months
Ships 👀??
I'm 5'4" with blonde hair (the shade of Tate's lol), brown eyes, and I have a rouge colored birthmark on my face
I love taking care of plants and my dog, I read and write a lot, and I also play a few instruments 🎷. My music taste is dad rock lol (Eagles, Steely Dan, Fleetwood Mac, etc)
hiiiii anon you big cutie you !! forgive me if this isn't eloquent. i'm super sleepy !!
"My music taste is dad rock."
Oh be so fr rn anon. You already know what i'm gonna say. don't you? C'mon. Really?? Honey. Honey.
There's a stunning beauty in tacky silver out there just waiting for you, anon. Are you really gonna overlook him? No !! You're gonna meet him through some funny little circumstance. Literally whatever you can imagine. But he's gonna fall weak for you so fast. Like, so fast it blindsides even him.
he seems like the type to refer to you as "blondie" for those first few weeks after meeting you. sayin' shit like "s'up, blondie" after appearing behind you and scaring the shit out of you. whoops. he didn't mean to do that. but he did, actually. what? it's a little funny watching those brown eyes of yours pop open when you jump. huh...he thinks those eyes are just...really pretty. ah, shit.
You love tending to little plants. Which he finds pretty cute, ngl. I can't decide if he'd swipe plants from department stores for you, or if he'd play silly little pranks involving those plants. simple pranks. things you'd barely notice. but either way, you can't help yourself. his antics are a little too endearing.
Don't even get me started on the music. You play instruments? Oh, he finds that so friggin' cool. The minute you mention your experience with music, he's gonna be makin' eyes at ya. And your shared music tastes? You're doomed. You're stuck with him forever. Good luck shaking him off. But maybe you wouldn't want to. Maybe you'll just accept he likes you. Share some earphones. Lay back. listen your favorite tunes together. 🤍⚡🤍
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golbrocklovely · 9 months
the way stas is so obsessed with colby and the fact that people still dont see it,is so crazy to me. she likes his tweets/ig posts so fast. up until recently had a pic with him pinned to her ig but still has the tiltok with him pinned on tiktok. she still likes edits of him,dedicated a whole highlights to mostly pics of him on snap (so many reposted them and i finally saw where they came from). and not to mention, she had so many photos of him not looking in her reel. this is giving less supportive friend/girl in love and more stage five clinger. he barely acknowledges her except for the occasional ig pic like. but wow i have seen so much of her ways since the so called editing retreat, im surprised people dont notice.
this might be a long answer so sorry in advance lol
i've said this a lot before, but we need to stop giving her and shea attention.
i get it, it is so easy to fall into their trap of looking at what they do with a fine tooth comb and seeing if what they posted is about colby in some way. or maybe paying attention to their likes and seeing how many edits they've liked or reposted that are shipping the two of them together. i understand it's entertaining to some degree, but mostly infuriating. and i need us all to stop playing into their hand.
they both clearly want attention, we have all established that. but what's funny is that they get the upper hand bc so many fans, regardless of what stas/shea do, assume that the things they post are about colby no matter what. stas posts a tiktok - oh she's wearing merch it's about colby. stas liked a tweet about the core four - clearly that was about her and colby. shea makes some vague tweet - it's about colby, no doubt. shea comments hearts on a pic of the two of them - she obviously wants fans to know they're back on. it's never ending !
and i get it, it's extremely easy to assume that everything they do online is about him. i don't think that's reality. and even if it is, that doesn't mean we have to pay it any mind.
and the fans that love them will never see them for who they are. maybe they will eventually. maybe they'll get older, stop paying attention to snc, and look back and be like "huh, it was a bit strange i was in a gc with a 20 something year old and she constantly talked about her friend colby and casually told us that she had a crush on him unprompted." or "oh wow, that was weird that i was in a gc with an almost 30 year old shit talking other girls that colby was close to just bc that almost 30 year old really wanted me to believe that she was dating him." i truly hope that happens. but unless a drove of fans comes out and shames them, it ain't gonna change what currently is taking place. so until then, it's best that we, the ppl that understand their shtick, move on and forget about them.
and i want to direct this to shea and stas, bc i know their fans sometimes come on here and most likely send them this shit. and if not, if stas or shea see this i want them to know: i understand that you like colby. i understand that you have a deep connection with him that no one else has. i understand he makes you feel special and wanted, and that's great. but you are absolutely lying to yourself if you think you have a chance with him. he. will. not. date. you. the years of you being friends with him has proven that. and i get that unrequited love hurts, it eats you from the inside out. it's the worse, and i get how painful it is. but why do you think acting like a fan account is gonna make him like you? why do you think liking edits or comments shipping the two of you together is gonna make him want to put a ring on it??? if you really want to live out that fantasy, just send me a request for a fic and maybe i'll fill it out for you - that way you don't make an absolute fool of yourself by constantly stooping down to fan level and acting like the young ones that freak out when colby's near a girl and leave comments like "she better back off he's mine" bc that's what you look like. you actually look worse than that, if i'm honest, bc you use fans to get the validation colby doesn't give you.
why do you even want to date him at this point? this man wears the same clothes for weeks on end. he sleeps with an old ass pillow from kansas. he had food sitting in his mini fridge that expired. i know for a fact he doesn't clean his bedding all that often, if at all. he has a better committed relationship with a teeth whitening brand than with any women he's ever known. he's more likely to marry sam than yall. stas, he took a girl that he was hooking up with on the side to a get together with the core four. you were there while he was on date. and then he continued to hang out with her on multiple occasions. that wasn't enough? shea, he was literally dicking down another girl when you were trying to tell fans yall were getting back together (or dating again, not sure which since your fans or you can't keep a story straight) when you did the last adventure buddies video. he still likes her pics occasionally and she comments on his stuff often. that wasn't enough?
he doesn't want you. at what point do you accept that and move on? i have equally as much of a chance of dating him as yall do, that's how realistic your fantasy is.
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tsnbrainrot · 4 months
now that the three specials are over, i got a bit nostalgic and watched some eps from season 4, but then i just decided to do a whole rewatch of classic rtd.
i just finished the girl in the fireplace, and i know its been said before but wowzers it really is modfat's prototype for the doctor/amy/river era, huh.
i havent watched it since the first time which would have been in 2010, and even then i remember how struck i was by how out of character the doctor felt, and how out of place the episode feels tonally. like when the doctor realized he was stuck in france, its like he completely forgot rose and mickey were trapped on an empty space ship, didnt even spare a thought for them. and they felt like two kids he was babysitting the whole time rather than actual companions.
it made me realize that part of what makes blink and family of blood so good was that the actual doctor was barely present so he didnt have a chance to mischaracterize him lol
oh boy oh boy do i feel all of that anon !!!!!!!!!!
you're right: it's been said to DEATH and by more eloquent people than me, but looking back gitf truly was a giant red flag re: some unbearable m*ffatism (as was the library two parter lbr). which is kind of funny because, despite being a HUGE tenrose girlie, 15/16 yo me looooooved that episode back when i first watched s2. but i feel like with every single rewatch since that first one i get more and more and more annoyed by it. m*ffat hated rose and it really shows etc etc. there are still some elements of it i really enjoy (the monsters kinda fuck and the concept of them trying to fix the ship with human parts is great, as are the whole time window thing. i love when eps blend historical & futuristic. also the soundtrack SLAPS). and i do think as a tenrose supremacist there's a lot of ways to interpret it that REALLY works for their relationship: it's right after the sarah jane ep and the doctor being truly confronted with rose's mortality/having to potentially leave her/lose her like he lost sarah for maybe the first time. (at least the first time as ten??) so him bringing mickey on board and then flirting with someone else to put distance between them/hide from his feelings is something i can work with. and it also works as a condensed echo/parallel of what tenrose's romance MEANS for the doctor; a blink of an eye and she'll be dead. but i dont think that was intentional on m*ffat's part. i'm just doing the heavy lifting.
overall, there's just a bunch of moments where you're kind of going: wtf the doctor wouldn't say/do that ????? even if he wasnt in love with rose (which he IS), he'd CARE that he left her alone. i can buy him leaving to save all those french people cos he wouldn't let innocents suffer.... but he'd be UPSET he lost ROSE and THE TARDIS??? it's bullshit. but then, i hate the way m*ffat writes ten in general (dont get me started on the 50th). and tbh i STILL don't understand why madame de pompadour even ends up falling for the doctor in the first place? it's completely shallow and superficial, like most of m*ffat's romances. it's like he's always trying to write a love at first sight/fairy tale story but he doesn't give it much substance so you're left with something completely hollow. it's emotionally empty.
anyways, he was much better at writing standalone eps than showrunning (imo), but even they haven't aged as well as some others rip.
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5 works :3 ship opinion bingo: sharkface/felix, sharkface/locus, sharkface/price, sharkface/carolina, and sharkface/kimball
So many shark ships, is this my birthday??? lol
Let's start with my main otp of all time ever, Sharkface/Locus :3333 with the rest under a cut for sake of scrolling ofc
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Despite appearances, Sharkface is actually the most well adjusted "just some guy" of the mercs since Siris is gone. And that I think can tug Locus back towards the realm of balance, make him realize hey this fucked up thing I have with Felix? doesn't need to be like this. Like sure they're both still fucked up freaks, but I think since Sharkface is actually capable of being normal about people stuff Locus' badly calibrated interpersonal compass could be bright back into better alignment. It might not be normal but Sharkface would be decently chill about Locus needing to start being a good guy in earnest and having a Person at the vet least is good for Sharkface. He's a social animal and needs to have People around to love and nurture or he suffers.
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Which brings us to my next favorite, the ever-toxic "what the fuck is with these guys" ship: Shark/Felix >:) the only way I can see these guys is as aromantic and casually sexual but still somehow weirdly codependent. They 100% bring out the worst in each other, and really I can mostly only see this "working" in an extremely specific or modern AU.
The oddly specific one is a personal au of mine where Sharkface survives Armonia bc one of his assigned squad scrapes him off the pavement and gets him to medical. So that when Felix is falling off the tower like a meteor headed to hell Sharkface is like huh that looks like it's gonna suck and yoinks him sideways instead with his grapplehook. (Do not tell me he isn't any good with it you know that boy spent way too much time with his old squad doing dumb shit and stupid tricks) They both escape death by sheer dumb luck, Locus disappears like a ghost and the UAC runs the remnants off of Chorus into an escape Condor. It's uh. It's like that one post. Fuck. I can't find the screenshot but it's like enemies to begrudgingly working together and maybe me saving your life and you saving mine i feel some sort of minor obligation and i guess you're not that bad after all and we don't work so bad together and at some point it's just easier to stick together kind of thing. And with Sharkface he needs a person or people as stated above and Felix clings because it's weird to not have someone at his side and well they're getting work done and making money and the sex is good so why break a decent grind while it's still working out... ANYWAY. That, and enraged hatefucking while the wars still on. Those are the options but god are they chewy.
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There's no real rhyme or reason to the order, truthfully these rotate in my top spot depending on the day lol but Sharklina is so. SO. ough. listen ok so they're enemies at first and Lina completely rocks his shit and thanks to the Skittles assholes he loses everything and they forget about the people they've crushed under a fucking skyscraper. He's hell bent on revenge, she's hell bent on redemption. which is extremely funny in light of his tattoo. they're both competitive and dedicated and passionate and neither one of them likes backing down, and honestly in like a modern au with them meeting at like idk an MMA match or something i think they'd kick each other's asses and then make out. In canon though they've got SO MUCH deliciously chewy baggage to work through and if they hadn't just fucking shot him bc they were running out of time and he declared his undying vengeance i think they might have begrudgingly found they had quite a lot in common over time and through a LOT of hand to hand combat. Ugh. They make me insane. Stubborn little fuckers.
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a 'problematic' but evergreen fave. two unsc prisoners freed and pressganged by criminals, one acting in his former capacity as a psychological professional but likely without any licensure any longer, and only with the intention to hone sharkface into a keen blade of revenge to clip some loose ends from his life to make a cleaner getaway, or at least that's what I assume. he proves to be scheming to save his own hide towards the end. BUT WHAT IF he finds an odd attachment to this broken soldier, nearly suicidal in his desires for revenge, to quiet the ghosts in his mind? either as an intellectual curiosity or personal curiosity. i like the option of sharkface trying to dig into him in return with what little he knows of the guy besides the fact that he's playing his cards very close to his vest. that contrarianism can either work against price or right into his hands, but it's about grabbing the right leads and if he misjudges, the shark will thrash free and go right for the neck...
i guess i don't have a whole lot coherent to say but i do love to chew on this weird lopsided power dynamic and toss in a bit of shipping just to see where it goes. sometimes you get a fluff blend where they're both hurting in the core of them and deciding that actually this war is stupid/doomed/worthless and fucking off together to not heal persay but find some mutual comfort is nice. it's versatile because they're both tertiary and quaternary villains in 13 so there's entirely too much grey space to fill in, even though we've known the counselor since season 6 (technically)
now THIS one i had to chew on for a while because the only canon interaction they have is Kimball witnessing his "as long as I'm alive you're all as good as dead!" speech and shooting him in the chest. 🥴
but. in a world where he's captured instead maybe. Kimball won't let him at the freelancers and he's pissed. the freelancers killed the only people that ever gave a fuck about him, so the only thing left to keep him warm is revenge. Kimball knows a thing or two about having someone kill your entire family callously without losing a wink of sleep over it. She's a lot of tough love because she has to be as a leader, as a source of courage and a beacon of hope for her troops to look towards. But that might actually work on him. She might be able to convince him that you have to keep moving forward regardless, and tearing through innocents on your way to extract a personal revenge doesn't make you any better than the people who wronged you in the first place.
He'd resist at first, refuse to listen, tell her to fuck off, because what does he have left to hold if not for that last ember of vengeance? But he was put off balance when Carolina first apologized to him. Kimball's talked to him a few times. He's got a conscience in there even if he doesn't want it and the worst part is she's right. She's right and he hates it and the more he thinks about all the kids he killed on this side for the mercs the sicker he feels, and finally decides he'll fight for them, give up intel on the mercs and take the fight right back to the guys who brought him here in the first place.
I think to be anything romantic it'd take a very very long road of shark redemption first and probably a lot of awkward "we can't possibly, she's the president of the whole planet and I'm some asshole Merc that turned sides to fight for them/i can't possibly impose, i can't ask someone out bc they'll feel obligated bc I'm the president argh power dynamic" and he's probably aiding rebuilding efforts after and maybe Kimball feels compelled to check in with him occasionally and there's a fondness there that grows slowly and maybe he finally cracks a joke and it takes her by surprise and he's never heard her laugh like that before and uh oh that did it, the dam has broken and he'll take her out on lunch dates to make sure she does take a break sometimes, and after spending so long having to worry about looking after everyone else is nice to have someone who looks after her too, and aaaa ok good job thanks you made me ship it /o\ ...jerk (affectionate)
also i was gonna like proofread this but I've been working on this for a couple hours on and off now and I'm tired so while this was VERY FUN THANK YOU i am too tired for proofreading so hopefully it's legible
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lotus-mirage · 9 months
Trigun Stampede Episode 12 Liveblog!
I think the best way to express what I'm feeling going into this is just like *shaky thumbs up*
Oh that's funny they have Western style music in the background as they discuss the genre. Also what one of the genres of the show may or may not be. Speaking of characters applying themes to themselves lol.
Also wow! We get to look at the spaceships. I'm pretty sure that's more ships than crashed onto the planet?
"Maybe you two are gifts sent by God to act as a bridge between humans and plants." I honestly don't know how to feel about this? I think this is the first time we've seen a religious character that has practiced something presumably similar to something current rather than a space sci-fi offshoot.
...does the growing humanoid form of roots and flowers resemble Rem??
oh and there's Wolfwood. Hi, Wolfwood. What do you think is happening right now.
"It's the end of the world." Okay, question answered. I guess that's what Wolfwood thinks is happening right now.
"...he will connect directly with the plant core" okay so it is singular? And specific to Plants? Or are there multiple for different beings?
That's.... okay he's not actually giving souls to the pre-existing plants, he's using them to create new, separate Independents. That's worse?? Not only is he not doing anything for his existing "brethren" but instead forcing them to... give birth or the equivalent.
"Then he will wipe out humanity and create a new world." I thought your whole thing was preserving humanity?? Unless you think the human/plant hybrids accomplish that.
Sorry do we have to keep zooming in on the very pregnant looking plants? Incredibly uncomfortable rn
The effect on Vash's clothes and glasses is also a little uncomfortable tbf, but less viscerally so
Oh neat the score is echoing the singing!! That's cool.
Knives' vocals overlapping and being so dissonant emotionally is also really cool
very engrossed in the fight scene, but jotting down: he hesitated in reloading the gun. oof.
yeah actually I have no complaints about Meryl not being involved in action scenes the last few episodes. She is very outclassed in these fights. :0
Lmao Wolfwood shows up and immediately starts lugging her around. I love the constant physical comedy with these guys.
"You can bet they'll hunt us down in a frenzy!" meanwhile Wolfwood and Meryl are frantically scrambling away
also I didn't comment on it earlier but lmao Knives' single wing (wait. wait does that have actual biblical connections or is that just a ff7 invention. I'm realizing I have no idea. Oops.)
oh lol now Vash has one. Although it looks a little less traditional. I vote it still counts?
Oooh, they're blaming him. Understandable, but I bet that's gonna be a source of trauma in the future.
Oh wait note they're doing a white/black color scheme. Neat.
Nice and now their wings are framing their positions.
Oh and now they're falling angels. Okay I know these are very surface level observations but I'm having fun and don't have much to say about the fight otherwise haha
Oh nvm, "Nai is dead. You killed him." also gonna be very traumatizing for Vash sometime in the near future! Wonderful. Why are you traumatizing your twin further while actively being incinerated??
wgghhhhh I didn't expect to see the flesh like. melting. yikes.
(Knives' hair is incredibly resilient lol)
...okay I don't actually trust that he's not dead yet tbh.
Yup and there's the explosion.
Oh. Oh that's more of a 'and everybody got vaporized,' huh.
!! The top of the tower actually flew off! I kinda forgot about it in the fight. Huh!!
(also: titlecard! not as late as say last episodes, but still markedly later than standard)
"third city of JuLai" wait there's multiple?
huh. They changed Vash's arrest conditions. I'm honestly surprised that 'alive' is even still an option. also surprised that they know he was involved at all.
also yay echoing the first episode a little, nice.
:O "gaping crater" indeed
ah yet another cross huh. I guess this makes more sense as a gravestone for Roberto, though.
!! Zazie!?
"Very soon, they'll arrive, crossing over the wall of light." Okay!! Ominous! Both in subject matter and who the warning is coming from.
From EARTH??
eyyyy Milly (Millie?) finally getting namedropped
huh. That's a lot of blood. This isn't the same place as the first episodes, right?
Eriks, huh? <- suspicious and mostly sure of my assumption
Moon? Moon?????
Oh it's the credits backdrop, okay.
...end credits!
"Project Pieces of Earth now entering phase two." ...implying that this was a) according to plan and b) being monitored????
"drain gate" doesn't seem to fit with Vash's deal. interesting. draining from the gate, or something else?
Oh. Okay so they weren't monitoring the planet and the situation there, they were monitoring something else?? Okay that's more interesting actually.
End notes:
Okay well that was a ride! I'm having trouble trying to round this off so I guess I'll just categorize as usual.
The animation/visuals really impressed me for the most part! And to be fair, the times where it didn't could be chalked up to intentional choices, rather than lack of skill or technology. Background was also really cool! Stuck out a few times, but usually in a fun way.
I can't really think of anything to say about the characters or plot tbh, I think I kinda got everything in the liveblog section itself. Eager to see where both go, and thus kind of unsure whether or not I should unfilter the trigun tag yet lol.
Other than that, hmm. Don't really have a favorite among the characters, but I really enjoy Wolfwood's interactions with both Vash and Meryl. Moreso in the fun-to-pick-at dialogue for the former and the kind of goofy back and forth for the latter.
For other semi-core characters, I guess the only one I'm not really interested in is the doctor/priest guy. I think every episode we see him in I get more confused by him. Like. What is he doing? Why is he allowed to do that? How can he do it? Why does he think that's a good idea? It feels like the answer to those were in a state of constant flux near the end there.
On an overall/series level: had a lot of fun with this! Might try out the '98 series, but I don't know if I'll liveblog it (or at least the same way) given that I've seen a bunch of the plot already. Although I've heard it is rather different, so I guess that's subject to change.
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minis21 · 9 months
Tax the Farm
I will start by saying that this started from a dream that I got the night after I finished the Mighty Nein campaign. No joke, lol The art here belongs to me, it was done before I wrote this drabble ---
“Kingsley.” Kingsley stopped himself from picking the crate the moment he heard Fjord calling him.
Oh, his voice was surprisingly serious! This should be interesting!
“Captain!” Kingsley turned t0 face him, finding beside him the only and only blue tiefling! “Jester! What do I owe you for this wonderful visit?”
“Hi, Kingsley!” Jester waved at Kingsley.
“Well, Kingsley, we’re here on… official business from the Clovis Concord.”
“Are you now?” Kingsley rested his elbow on the crate and his chin on the fist. “Look, if it’s about the boats lost at sea, tell them not to worry, our mage managed to come back from his bender and will pay for all the sunken ships.” Kingsley smiled, as sweetly as he could. Well then, time to cough up the money then, he only made the mage scrubs the floors in Darktow. All of them.
“Wait, what? Ships? Sunken?! Errr…” That made Kingsley drop his smile.
“You’re… not here for the ships?”
“Um… No, we’re to talk about another problem.” Fjord pulled a rolled up piece of vellum from his sack, opened it and gave it to Kingsley. The tiefling’s red eyes scanned the fancy cursive writing.
“Now this is interesting.” He said as he passed over the words “invasive species”. “And their blaming me?”
“Weeeeell, not so much blaming as they’re here for questioning.” Jester said. “But yes, they’re blaming you.”
“Yeah, the records and search pointed to the breakout around the time you arrived from the Shattered Teeth.”
“Well, funny you mention that.” Kingsley rolled the vellum, passing it back to Fjord. “I did bring a few cute rats from my visit there. And I did let it roam freely. Aaaaaand, I also lost them, but I didn’t give it a thought, you know, they were just rats.” Well, he knew they weren’t rats, they didn’t look at all like rats, other than the bald tails, but better to play dumb.
That and Kingsley didn’t lose them, he watched them with amusement as they merrily made their way down the staircase and into Nicrodranas and from there on wherever the Wildmother would guide them.
“It turned out one of them was pregnant.”
“And they made little babies! They were so cute! Their mama was carrying them on her back!”
“And those babies made more babies and so on and so forth until they spread around everywhere.”
Skritch skricth skirtch
The trio heard. Turning their heads, they saw as one of the little creatures climbed upon the crate Kingsley was resting his elbow, and from there on climbing on his arm up to his shoulder.
“Well, alright then, and what does the Menagerie Coast want me to do with these creatures?” Kingsley raised himself from the crate.
“Hunt them down.” Fjord said simply.
“Just hunt them down?” Kingsley raised an eyebrow.
“Yup!” Jester nodded along. “A pity, they are so adorable!” Jester approached Kingsley and the creature, the creature running behind Kingsley’s neck and peeking it’s snout from the other side.
“Well, ain’t that a pickle.” Kingsley popped his mouth. “That’s gonna take a while. Is there any reward?”
“Actually, there is! 10 silver pieces per tail.”
“Huh… Not bad, not bad…Wait, just the tail?”
The gears started running in Kingsley’s head.
“Uh, yes, just the tail.”
“Uh-huh” Kingsley passed his tongue over his teeth, the gears running his speed in his head. “Is it taxable?”
Jester and Fjord shared a long long look, Fjord looking more and more worried as the pieces fell in his head.
“…No.” He admitted.
“Captain!” Kingsley shrugged his shoulder, causing the creature to fall off his shoulder, but caught itself by wrapping its tail around Kingsley’s elbow crook. “While this invasive species conundrum is quite the tragedy, look at the bright side.“ Kingsley opened his arms wide. “I have just helped the economy, I created new jobs!”
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Fun fact, the title and the ending are a reference to Terry Pratchett.
You can find this on Ao3 too, here.
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zhongrin · 11 months
HELP RIN I often asked myself what's wrong with me; I literally envied the other ppl falling in love with playable characters and then there is me like 🧑‍🦯 (my bestie tried to make me fall in love with Thoma in a point of time HELP)
oh? I will tell your hubby's about this 🤸
Sure sure we both know what I meant by that huh? <3 *wink* (Zhongli fits literally in every AU though 🧘💞)
Wait I thought it's #Zhongrin? <33
Rin it's the truth! That's so smart.. you're smart! ❤️
LMAO OFMFBSJSBBS that's literally so funny and also adorable!! 💞💞
*Kaveh and me filming while eating popcorn and drinking tea* the tea is hot sis (Kaveh and me are #1 Meitham shippers /hj)
Omg Rin it's flustering me aaaaaa my mind 😳🫣
UM WHAT?? AN ANIMAL-THEMED NICKNAME?? UM EHRHIRJSN I don't think so, but if he would have one for me I think it would be "my butterfly"? Cuz I like them. Lmao. And if I would've one for him it would be "my dove" because idk. Lmao. (I am so not creative omfg)
What about your hubby's? Do they have an animal-themed nickname for you and vice versa? <33
Ofmshisjsbsjsjs AAAA a doggo?? A small one?? In ya teahouse?? So cute! Even I would like to pet it! (For context: I have quite a phobia against dogs heh;;..)
Yes. Plants are pets. They also need to be taken care of. Definitely. (Rin he needs to teach you then how to take care of them wdym <3)
That's so cute <3 dw everyone has their chaotic moments.. maybe even our hubby's? 🤭💞
And help how could I not ship it? It's so so cute aaaaaa <333
Ohhh I understand! Yes they need to protect their cute wifey <33 from confrontation and from someone who crosses her boundaries (and if they won't protect you, I will. >:) )
Dragon Zhongli mmmmm, so many possibilities what to do with him. And I see ruts, I see. I see. "Sensitive" you say? Aha. (No vulgar thoughts, nooooo *whistles* <3)
Mhm! But of course, even I am kind of jealous sometimes. But we also talk it out and then I am the one who gets showered with love, heh. Communication is the key, and love. ❤️ <3
..... Rin my mind is running places at ur question but I don't think ya mean the nsfw version (or do you? I can answer it in the next ask if ya want heh) soooo sfw version!;
I would say in that point we don't have one who is more dominant, we both decide where we go to have our dates, what we will do today, what we will eat today. But when it comes to making the first step (confession, proposal) then it would be Baizhu (although even he is pinning on me for quite a long time heh.). Because when it comes to these steps, I am kinda shy 🧘 (and oblivious, I would think Baizhu doesn't want to marry me for example.)
And we both are quite affectionate, but if you want to know who is more - it would be me, heh. I'm sorry but when I see his face I just wanna kiss him all over and tell him how much I love him and how happy I am that he is simply existing. <33 ❤️
What about you? Who is more affectionate and dominant in your selfships? 💞💞 (Feel free to do both versions if ya want heh 🧘❤️)
(SAME BESTIE. SAME. Xkdjsbsjjssn I feel so safe here to talk about it <33 thank you so much for it! 💞)
ahdklajsjdkas i mean to be fair thoma's a good guy!!! malewife material fr hehe look at it this way: you know it's real love when you still love him despite his minimum amount of screen time 👍🏻
wait what no don't tell him help /silly /lh
#dresvi and #zhongrin ties for 1st place of 'liyue's most beloved couple' and 'liyue's couple goals' <3
and now they even have tea oh lord- well i'm glad we're a good source of entertainment 🤣 pls why can i see you and kaveh being best buds and slandering us (affectionately) over a pot of tea or something hahahah
MY BUTTERFLY AND MY DOVE AAAAA *kicking my feet giggling* THATS SO CUTE WAUGH and that's not uncreative at all, dove suits baizhu!!!
hmmmm not really but i can see zhongli calling me "little hatchling" bc i mean. compared to him. i'm just a teeny weeny lil hatchling if i were a dragon lol meanwhile al haitham calls me "puppy" if he's in a very playful mood (which isn't often, but it happens sometimes hehe)
awwww dw if you come over we can always put the lil doggo in the kennel (or on zhongli's lap lol)!! and yeah al haitham definitely needs to try and teach me how to not kill a plant ;w;
halkjdlas stoppp you're all spoiling me. i can be vicious too yk bark bark woof woof grrr >:T
vulgar thots what vulgar thots definitely not, not at zhongrin at tumblr dot com nooooooo /lie
...... i meant it as an sfw question but feel free to elaborate on the nsfw side ;)))
hmhm yes i see... i can totally relate! zhongli and al haitham takes the lead in the relationship too - although zhongli always tries to check back whether i'm ok with things. al haitham's more of a "if i hear no protest from you then we'll go with what i decided so you better speak up" approach lol
for the nsfw version..... they're most definitely the dominant ones hsldfkjskld although sometimes i try (keyword: TRY) to take the lead but most of the times i'm just too shy to take control hsldjflsjdk altho... idm initiating, if yk what i mean ;)) they don't have that high of a libido (except when zhongli's in his rut).... but a girl's got needs too 👀
(YAY!!!! tis my goals to have ppl be comfy sharing about their selfships on this blog hehe)
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staticsqueaks · 11 months
Send me 🚪  ( or ‘door’ )   and I’ll generate a number for my muse to show up on your muse’s doorstep ( a mix of angst, silliness, and fluff ) … ((TW: Dark humor and alcohol. GOOD LUCK PHARMA LOL)) Number Generated: 5 - blackout drunk ______________
Hosin rarely partied. It wasn't really in his nature to even want to. Maybe, just maybe, he'd been egged on by a few minibots at the bar. Maybe he's emptied an entire canister and a half of helium. Maybe he'd gotten in his ship and plugged in the first coordinates that lit up on his screen just to see what happened. Maybe he'd knocked on Pharma's door until he answered. Hosin stared up at his friend from below, swaying where he stood as he blinked unevenly and took a few steps, instantly face planting into the floor as he laughed. He rolled onto his side and stared up with a half lidded gaze, trying to comprehend what his helium intoxicated mind was seeing. "Huh...?" He lost himself in another fit of giggles. "Wait, I was there and now I am here? Life is funny that way." He slurred, pushing himself up to his knees and instantly falling back forward onto all fours. "Annnnyway, I wanna see if," He paused, trying to let his thoughts catch up to themselves when Pharma's colors started to confuse him. "Woah, woah, I am colorblind, what color are you supposed to be?" He laughed again, outlining Pharma's features from below with an unsteady finger as he amused himself. "Oh! I-I was gonna ask...do you wanna come back to the Lost Light and party with us?" He rested his chin in his palm, missing a few times before digging into his satchel for a can of silly string. "We are having a smashing time and...a-and I think you should get out of this musty old clinic and come have some fun, Pharma! It would do you good!" With that, Hosin haphazardly uncapped the silly string and sprayed it over Pharma's chassis, coating him in a thin layer of bright yellow fun before he caught the remaining bit that fluttered down in his mouth. He wrinkled the bridge between his eyes and spat to the side out of disgust when the taste wasn't what he'd expected. "G-Goodness...that does not taste silly at all!" Finally, he managed to force himself up to a stand, taking a few wobbly steps. "Let us depart, p-post....post haste, Pharma, my friend! We should....we....s-should....-" With that, Hosin faceplanted back into the floor and conked himself out, snoring messily over the once pristine metal of the clinic as he finally fell into his drunken stupor.
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c0rrupted-mov · 9 months
CHIAKI KOMAEDA . and maybe chihiros if u feel inclined :3
I answered Chiaki's in the previous ask sooo it's Komaeda and Chihiro time!
favorite thing about them
Everything. love him a lot. Has been obsessed with him since my first watch of the playthrough almost four years ago. There's nothing you can do about liking him you just have to accept it. But I think I can say that I especially like the way he's written
least favorite thing about them
the way fandom treats him. It's super rare to see someone interpret him normally, without falling into either "uwu soft baby who did nothing wrong" or "insane freak without a sense of morality who loves to commit arson for the fun of it". I think his behavior in the prologue of sdr2 is the most accurate version of him
favorite line
His "huh?" in the 4th trial... I just find it pretty funny. The "Am I allowed to speak now?" also deserves mentioning. All his other memorable lines are SO memed in the fandom that I kinda even find them annoying lol xD
I can't decide T^T I love the Soda, Fuyhiko and Nagito friendship but also recently I've been thinking of Sonia, Gundham and Nagito... I just think they have a lot in common,,, Or just Sonia. Also with Ibuki, he deserves some optimism and silliness in his life. I just want him to have friends man T^T
KOMANAMI but def not in cishet way. There's no way either of them is straight. Ngl, I first started liking them in a little seff shipping way because I relate to Nanami a lot xD I grew to love them outside of that pretty soon tho I just think they have a nice cute dynamic and will be very healthy and helpful to each other :)
I'm not sure I have one?.. I used to hate komahina before because of the fandom but now I kinda like them. Maybe I could say komamiki but not in the "I hate it so much don't you dare talk to me about it". I used to ship it but then grew to like their dynamic as haters/very bitter friends at first who might become closer and kinder to each other later
random headcanon
Autistic! Like that makes so much sense for him (komanami autistic4autistic swag). Also he/they pronouns
unpopular opinion
sexuality discourse sucks and also often uses biphobic and/or stupid rhetoric. The fact that he didn't react inappropriately when he fell between Mikan's legs doesn't mean that headcanoning him as mspec isn't allowed! That's just a normal human behavior and you're weird!
song i associate with them
This is super predictable and basic but,,, hope by Jack Stauber. Ik the song is about addiction but it also fits Komaeda's relationship with hope. I mean, it is the thing that "keeps him going everyday" right? Also maaaaybe "pretty cvnt" (hate the name) but only because I feel like the lyrics could kinda be similar to Komaeda's self hatred lol. I would love to say more but I very rarely associate songs with fictional characters,,, maybe with my OCs at best but yeah sorry :(
favorite picture of them
THERE'RE SO MANY IT'S SO DIFFICULT but maybe this I KNOW THAT THIS ARTIST IS FAMOUS FOR SUPER BAD STUFF OKAY but he looks like a smiling samoyed here T^T
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CHIHIRO! This one is going to be a bit difficult because honestly, I never really thought much about her T^T I'm sorry I'm that person in the fandom that knows everything about two characters and almost nothing about the rest fglhk
favorite thing about them
I think her talent! I just find it very interesting and it makes me wonder how it would work with other characters and in different fields
least favorite thing about them
Once again, the way fandom treats her. The way how people can't see that the fact that dr is a very problematic franchise that has transphobic writing doesn't mean that it's okay and fine to take all of this at face value and accept it without processing
favorite line
I don't remember any lines from thh lol xD
Chiaki and/or Naegi! I like to see Chihiro and Chiaki as siblings but either way they would get a long. I also feel like Naegi would be a good friend to her too
I don't really ship her with anyone I think? Tho I've seen some cute celeshiro art recently ( tho sadly the artist sees her as cis lol). I feel like they both can relate to the feelings of pretending to be someone you're not, esp if you hc Celestia as trans
Don't think I have one?..
random headcanon
Loves hairclips. Has a big collection of very different ones for every occasion
unpopular opinion
Does trans Chihiro count as unpopular? Idk
song i associate with them
Sorry, I don't have one :(
favorite picture of them
I just find it funny xD
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izzy-b-hands · 2 years
Ngl I'm stoned and this is a lil dumb, but hopefully there's enough silly funny bits to make up for it lol
anyway, in which Calico Jack gets a new ship, and goes shopping for a new crew! Well, poaching, actually. Stealing, really. Not even well, but he's trying.
Steddyhands, but it's not the main focus of this, that is reserved for Jack's Fuckery lmao. NSFW in some bits, but not too graphically. There are some stabbings as well, but it's all one person at least.
"Ain't she beautiful?"
Ed nodded. "She is. She's also mine."
Jack did a double take between Ed and the ship. "Nah."
"Yeah? Literally, on the side there: Queen Anne's Revenge. Izzy painted it on; you were with us that day!"
"That could be a typo," Jack protested. "Pirates are not known for spelling accuracy. Besides, I found her fair and square, floatin' along."
"Right, because we meant to go back and get her at some point. I had Izzy put up the 'be right back' sign on the helm, did it fall off?"
Jack frowned. "Might have seen such a sign. Recognized the handwriting."
"And stole my ship anyway?"
"Look, if you don't want your shit stolen, then don't make it so stealable," Jack muttered. "Besides, would you rather anyone else have her?"
Ed shrugged. "Fair point. You said you've got a new crew?"
Jack led him further down the beach, back towards everyone else laying out on the sand. "Well, not yet. Actually, that's why I was so glad to see you guys! How would you feel about a mutiny, and then you all come join me, and we sell Steve?"
Ed groaned. "Seriously? I screamed in your fucking face that Stede-"
"No, Stede!"
"Who? We're talkin' about Steve, right?"
Ed dropped onto the sand mid-step. "I can't tell if you're fucking with me and trying to be funny, or if you honestly think we have a Steve and Stede onboard."
"Look, you wanted change, right? What better change than a little demotion? I captain, you can be first mate for me, and we'll sell Izzy and Steve."
Ed stood up with a start. "Hang the fuck on. You want to demote me to the arguably much shittier job of first mate, and you want to sell off my boyfriends?"
Jack raised a brow. "Oh. Both of 'em, huh? You always did like a challenge. Or you wouldn't have ever fucked me, right?"
"You're not really answering the question."
Jack threw up his hands. "Fine. We'll do this the hard way. I'll convince your crew to join me, then we'll sell you, Izzy, and Stede."
"Hey! You got it right!" Ed smiled. "But also if you do actually try and poach our crew, I'll do whatever I have to do to stop you, Jack. I don't want to, but I will."
Jack laughed. "Okay, you do that. You maim me or beat me to a pulp, big scary Blackbeard!"
Ed giggled. "I will! You're not nearly as good a friend as you were before too so I mean, maybe consider that. Kind of already upset with you! Won't take much more to really piss me off!"
Jack stepped closer. "I'd like to see you like that. Pissed off, ready to rip me apart. Bet you still couldn't."
"I need a crew. Yours sucks, but I'm not in a place to be picky. Whoever doesn't agree with me can go in a cage with you and your boys, and we'll buy something nice for the ship with whatever we get for all of you."
Ed frowned. "Not that badly decorated, is she? I know Izzy said I've got too many skulls around-"
"It is a lot of skulls," Jack interrupted. "But nah, it ain't that bad. No, I just think it'll piss you off knowing I'm using that money to redecorate your quarters. My quarters, now."
"Everyone warned me that I wouldn't want you as an ex," Ed sighed. "Think I understand that now."
"I got a reputation to uphold," Jack grinned. "Anyway, don't mind me skulking around chatting up your crew. You can't stop me, nothing wrong with talkin' to people!"
Ed nodded as he watched Jack walk off, whistling as he kicked up sand. He needed to talk to Stede, ASAP.
"Jesus fucking chr-the fuck is wrong with you?!"
Izzy nearly dropped the wooden box of marmalade jars he was hauling from the Revenge's galley at Jack's appearance, though that was bullshit in and of itself. He had told Ed and Stede they'd inevitably want more than the few jars they'd grabbed so why not take more right away? But no, they were stubborn and didn't and now he couldn't leave them sans marmalade, that would be cruel-
"You keepin' the wives happy?" Jack's fingertip slide across the edge of the box. "Please tell me this isn't what y'all use for lube."
"Who the fuck would do that?" Izzy scoffed, then remembered who he was talking with. "Christ, no, they've just got a slight addiction to this with toast. Speaking of, I'm expected back."
Jack's hand slapped flat on the front of the box. "They can wait a little longer."
Izzy rolled his eyes. "I appreciate the intimidation tactic, but those two will come looking shortly, and they're hungry on top of it all. That is actually intimidating, so if you'll kindly get the fuck out of my way."
"Izzy," Jack hissed, leaning forward. "We could be so good together."
"I don't know if this is a come on or an attempt to make me join you as crew, but I'm not interested in either," Izzy said as he shifted the box onto his hip. "I only need the one hand free to stab you, Jack. I would love the opportunity. If you don't move now, then I'll take it."
Jack clucked his tongue. "Thought you'd be an easier target than this."
"Don't really know what to do now," Jack admitted. "It wasn't a come on, but, since we're alone here on this nice big ship..."
Izzy blinked. "Right. You do whatever you feel you need to; I'll go let Roach know we'll need to deep clean this area, and bring the boys their marmalade before they riot."
"Izzy, come on. You seriously don't want a chance at something new? Something more?"
Izzy scoffed. "As if you'd have me as first mate. No, I'm sure you'd take the first chance to kill, maroon, or sell me off. I'm not an idiot, Jack. Here's what you should know from here on out-"
With the box still balanced on one hip, he pulled a knife from his belt. "I am very happy with the current situation. Believe me, it surprised me at first too-"
"You are a miserable bastard," Jack interrupted with a chuckle.
Izzy nodded, then stabbed the knife into Jack's abdomen.
"Well then," Jack panted. "You meant it, with the stabbing."
"In all the years I've had to trail after you and Edward, making sure neither of you wandered drunk into the sea, have I ever lied to you about all the harm I'd like to do to you?"
Jack nodded. "You have threatened me a lot over the years!"
Izzy smirked. "And you didn't listen to a word of it. Now, I'm taking my knife back, and I'm getting this marmalade to the boys. And if you try to poach anyone else off this crew, so help me I will stab you until there's nothing solid enough left to stab."
He yanked his knife from Jack's flesh, and strode out. Thankfully, he hadn't gotten any blood on the box or any of the jars.
Roach stared into the trees, specifically eyeballing the one he was pissing closest to. "Sorry?"
"Not bad," Jack popped out from behind one of the trees. "Your dick, I mean. Was flippin' through that book Steve has, what's-his-name did a good job drawing yours."
Roach finished and put himself away while pondering a response. "His name is Lucius, and it's Stede, not Steve-"
"Who is?"
Roach shook his head. "Forget it. Thanks, I guess. About my...yeah. I'm gonna head back to the crew, if you want to j-"
"Join! Me, no! But you, could join me, yes!" Jack grinned.
"Was your goal to make a pitch using the fewest words possible?" Roach asked. "Because you did it, but it was weird. Weird for you, which I think is an important distinction."
"So, you'll be my chef?"
"No! Nothing I said was anything about doing that!"
Jack frowned. "Shame. Your cooking is amazing."
At that, Roach couldn't hold back a smile. It was at least partially just Jack trying to butter him up, but fuck it, it was still complimentary enough.
"Would love to have that sort of fine work onboard the Quee-uh, the King Jack's... Revenge..Revenger."
Roach nodded. "Very sweet of you, but I'm good where I am. The offer to join us for a midnight snack still stands though; we're making s'mores!"
He peered down Jack's front. "Is that blood?"
"Just a little bit, Izzy didn't like being asked to join me, and boy howdy did he let me know! He's a scrappy lil guy, huh?"
Roach smirked. "What if I tell him that I met you out here?"
The color drained from Jack's face, though that might have been the stab wound as much as anything else. "No, you don't have to-why would he even want to know that, I mean...ah fuck it, you ain't worth it! I'll find a better chef!"
Jack went crashing off into the trees, with a final bird flipped to Roach as he went.
"This is why we need piss break buddies," Roach muttered to himself. "Everyone thinks it's 'oh Roach is afraid of the dark', but no, it's weird shit like this! That's what we need someone with for!"
He made a mental note to tell Izzy about the encounter first thing when he got back. He had a feeling he would burn hot enough they could heat the s'mores over him instead of the fire.
"I didn't even say anything yet," Jack chuckled. "C'mon Jim. You and I haven't even spent any time together, and I bet you're jealous of the rest of them over it."
"Could you fuck off?" Jim asked sharply. "Even if I wasn't in the middle of this, the answer would still be no. Roach warned us you were hiding out and doing this."
Olu lifted his head from between Jim's thighs. "Seriously! You are really fucking distracting, and this is fucking rude! Would you storm into someone's bedroom while they were fucking and ask them to join your crew?"
"Have done that once before, actually," Jack said as he sat down by Jim's head. "Don't let me interrupt."
"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Jim shouted, and a startled cry went up from the campsite near the beach.
"Damn it," Jack hissed. "Thanks a lot; if Izzy stabs me again it is your fucking fault!"
Jim glared, held out their hand for a knife, and jabbed the one Olu handed them into Jack's arm.
"Now that's unnecessary," Jack scoffed. He yanked the knife out, then stood and darted back into the trees, just as Izzy and Roach came crashing into the clearing.
"He's gone already," Roach sighed. "Fuck."
"You know the ship would be more comfortable than here," Izzy commented to Jim.
Jim handed the blooded knife back to Olu, and tossed an arm over their eyes. "Yes. Yes it would be. But we thought we'd have more privacy in the fucking jungle! Than anywhere else! And we were wrong!"
"We'll go," Roach said gently, tugging Izzy by the elbow. "Sorry about all of this."
"Right, we'll get him the next time," Izzy nodded.
"Sure, great, thank you!" Olu shouted as they crashed back through the brush. "Should we try the ship instead?"
"Nah, at least they know which area to avoid now. Not exactly privacy, but I'll take it," Jim sighed. "You still good down there?"
"Wouldn't want to be anywhere else."
"So, we aren't hunting Jack down to kill him, in theory," Ed said. "Just to make him fuck off, or chill the fuck out and stop bothering everyone about joining his crew on my ship. That he stole."
"Yeah, you keep mentioning that," Frenchie noted.
"Yeah, well, it was a really dick move," Ed said. "So I think it bears repeating."
"The goal is to talk to him," Stede added. "If you feel you will be moved only to violence instead of words, then please come get one of us. That way we can try the talking bit, and if it doesn't work we always have violence as a solid back up plan."
"A note on that," Izzy said. "Do not get me for the talking bit, only Ed or Stede. I am on the side of violence first, so if you want help in any violence against him, that's when you find me."
Stede smiled and clapped his hands together. "Perfect! Everything crystal clear, we all have snacks and water... let's get going!"
Before anyone could take a step, Jack forced himself through a small gap between two trees near their camp. "Ah ha! Thought you'd- ouch, fuck-seen the last of old...hang on, fuckin' coat is stuck...there, the last of old Calico Jack?! Well, here I am!"
He was covered in dirt, blood, hair greasy and a mess. At some point he'd managed to lose both his boots but gained a new one that was nothing like his original pair.
"Okay, that makes things easier!" Stede said. "We need you to stop this, Jack. You're a sensible... well. You're a man who understands...no. You...if someone went around poaching your crew, if you had one, that would bother you, yes?"
Jack nodded.
"Well, that's our issue," Stede continued. "I respect and understand you want a crew of your own again. However, and I will speak plainly: you're a fucking menace. And if you think you should be scared of Izzy over this, then you're both right and wrong. Right, because he does want to stab you again, but wrong, because if you keep trying to steal my crew, I'll gouge your fucking eyes out with my bare hands. Ed taught me how to do that a few weeks ago, and I could use the practice!"
Dead silence.
Then, Ed, softly.
"Jack. I need to take Stede back to the ship, immediately. I'm going to give you two minutes to make it back to my ship that I'm going to let you keep borrowing-"
"Come on," Jack interrupted. "Just face it; I stole her fair and square! Also, weird seeing you hard in those pants when I'm not the one causing it. Kinda hate it, actually."
Ed glared at him. "As I was saying. You may continue to borrow my ship for now. You have two minutes to return to it before the crew gets to chase after you. Ship is safe, but if you have even a toe off it-"
He shrugged. "I would make sure I'm on the ship by then. Were it me."
"I hate how hot it is when you talk like that," Jack chuckled. Then, with a tired sigh, he burst into a sprint towards the Queen Anne's Revenge.
"Are you actually gonna send us after him?" Wee John asked. "Seems a waste of time."
"Can if you want, but he's always been a spry fucker. He'll probably be onboard and below deck before we know it," Ed replied. "But I do need to get Stede back to the ship-"
"Yeah, yeah, you wanna fuck his brains out for the eye gouging threat," Jim laughed. "We know; you aren't subtle."
Ed nodded. "So Stede, Izzy, and I will be busy for the rest of the night. You all...do whatever you want. Come back onboard, spend the night camping out here, whatever makes you happiest. If Jack bothers you-"
"Threaten to stab him," came the crew's chorus.
On the Queen Anne's Revenge, Jack bandaged his wounds. Maybe having his own ship again wasn't the right thing, right now.
At the sound of distant moaning, he looked out from his quarters with his spyglass. There, in the window of the Revenge's main quarters, he could see Ed and Stede and Izzy and shedding clothes...
He set the spyglass down after a moment, and pondered if they needed anyone in a role like that. To bring water, snacks, clean towels, more lube, etc.
He decided he'd start asking around with the crew in the morning.
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