#fuck it posting this now WEEHOO
nebulainatree Β· 1 year
Girl who has severe social anxiety when it comes to talking to people online and has to close her eyes to press the send button whenever she writes a message to anyone πŸ˜”
#That girl is me btw. I am that girl#Irl I'm pretty normal when I talk to people (unless it's like super serious school stuff and then I'm a stuttering mess)#But I think my mom instilled the ''Never talk to anyone online or you'll compromise your internet safety'' into me too far#And now it's like. Debilitating. I can't send messages on private Discord servers or dm people on social media anymore#I was active on miiverse back when that uh. Like existed? Well a little active. Well actually that's an overstatement#I also was active on the Nookazon discord but like. At first I was really nervous but then I found a Business Persona that made me normal#But anyway I made this post because I've done this like twice in the past two days#Once when I was trying to finally introduce myself in a rp server I joined a month ago#And once today right now like. Sending a message to a mutual. Hi thousand yeah it's about the comment on your post lol#It took me like a whole day after seeing my mutual respond to my ask to get the courage to say like. Yayy I love emperor on their post#I feel like an anime girl saying kyun or something every time I do it so it's funny but like. It also worries me#Since we live in a very virtual world and. How am I going to make connections in the future when I'm like this#Uhh anyway. πŸ™ Oo octopus emoji weehoo#Nebbie text posting#Nebbie posts#I think I kind of derailed this I meant this to be a funny meme so. RIP anyway send post *closes my eyes as I hit post now*#Send fucking post#<- I'm making this my terrible late night decision tag vents tag now. Hopefully I will not have many posts for it.
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