#from hildes erbe i don't need THREE
weidli · 2 years
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[ID: eight stills of Adam Raczek smiling: 1. sitting on his motorcycle, looking down at the helmet in his hands 2. standing in a field 3. at Olga, both of them standing next to a car 4. sitting at an office table 5. leaning across a counter 6. hugging Alexandra 7. in Bastian’s apartment, looking at Vincent 8. in the car, looking at Vincent. /end ID]
grenzgänger // der preis der freiheit // muttertag // heimatliebe // tod einer journalistin // hermann // hildes erbe // hildes erbe
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Sorry I just see your Polizeiruf stuff and think of you from time to time, like do you speak any German? How did you get into it?? How are you holding up? Can you read the German fics in Google translate or something at least 😟
Ah, thanks for thinking of me ^^ This is definitely a long story so buckle up.
For context, I speak very little German (beginner level/A1). I've always been keen on learning it but I've never had the time to get farther than A1. Anyways, I saw some German mutuals recently lose their mind over the recent Tatort Saarbrücken episode, so my interest was peaked in German crime shows. Then a Slack conversation popped up about Tatort and Polizeiruf 110, where some funny comparisons were made (Is the Doctor Who of Germany a local old people crime show? apparently yes). The convo mainly focused on Tatort when @papercutdoctor brought up the new Polizeiruf pair: Kommissars Sleep Deprived and Gender Frodo.
After this convo I made two goals:
Get the English subs for Tatort Saarbrücken
Write a crack fic about Gender Frodo throwing the ring into Mount Doom
@papercutdoctor mentioned that she was working on subs from that latest episode, so I thought it would be a good idea to ask for them. Maybe I would get around to watching them after Tatort Saarbrücken. I didn't need them for the crack fic, but it would be nice. I didn't expect them to be done quickly, but ofc, she finished the English subs for Hildes Erbe two days after that convo. I, being my usual procrastinator self, still hadn't even asked for the Tatort subs. It actually took me twelve days to get around to watching it, but hoo boy once I did, there was no going back.
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I wrote my fist P110 fic within three days of watching because they did in fact, drive me that insane. I am very unwell (in a good way) because they are definitely one of my favourite dynamic types. However, I will admit I am suffering a little. I've been able to discuss with both papercutdoctor and another friend so I'm not entirely alone, but I am jealous of the Discord that I've heard about. I've been reading fics through Google Translate but I'm very much aware of the failings of GT due to learning other languages in school. Absolutely fascinated by "hätte, hätte, Fahrradkette" but reading it in a GTranslated fic just gets you "would have, would have, bicycle chain" lmao. Either way A1 level German is not that conducive to conducting conversations, reading fic or understanding prior episodes about your blorbos. I've kind of settled for making my own content (the reductress post, second fic) and I've received lovely comments on both, so I'm pretty happy about that :'D
I'd love to discuss with everyone, even if we have to meet in the middle a little heh. I'm always open to messages here on Tumblr (or if you want to use Tumblr to ask for my Discord I'm okay with that too lol). And yes, I still haven't watched Tatort but tbh my brain is so filled to the brim with Adam and Vincent that I don't think there's space for Tatort XD (also there's still no subs for the third ep). I've picked up Nicos Weg and Duolingo again, but with work and other things we'll see how much better I can get at German in time for the next ep ^^
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