#forgive me i'm brainrotting very hard over this game rn
lovearion · 1 year
saw this scarlet hollow ask game floating around and it seemed fun so I also tried filling it out myself!
Your "canon" trait combination? I honestly have no idea, but if I have to choose maybe my Keen Eye + Talk to Animals run, which was the run I had the most fun with, or my Book Smart + Hot run, which was my first run.
What third trait would you add for hardcore mode? Probably Mystical. It offers unique insights about events, things, AND people, which I found to be really interesting! And you can also have people thinking you're a total weirdo, so that's a plus!
What trait are you least drawn to? Powerful Build. I'm not really a strength type of person in video games, and I just don't think this trait will suit me in any way. I mean come on, I get sick easily and I have a pretty weak physique, I can't even open a bottle cap for the life of me, I just can't relate </3
Coolest trait? Talk to Animals. Hands down. It makes the game so much more fun and I love Dustin and the other animals with all my heart!
Who are you romancing? I'll romance everyone at some point but my main is definitely Reese! <3 His loser boy vibes have ensnared me, I'm so in love with him to the point it always takes everything in me not to flirt with him whenever I try to romance the other characters lol. Wayne is a close second tho. I love that creepy stalker <3 lmao. He's definitely an intriguing fellow, and despite the characters thinking he's a total creep, I actually find him trying to protect us kind of sweet, although I know there's definitely more to that than what meets the eye.
What romance are you least interested in? Dr. Kelly, yeah I think this one is pretty self explanatory considering how much I love Reese lol. I know Sybil should be on here too but I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to see what an absolute trainwreck romancing her would turn out to be, I'd definitely want to see how that unfolds lmao
Who would you romance if every single character was eligible? Still Reese, he's my number 1 boy, but if we're just talking about the non romanceables, then I'd say Isaacs and Bo! Bo seems like such a sweet guy, and Isaacs is quite interesting, I hope we could get to know them better.
What character would hurt you the most if something bad happened to them? Tabitha, I've grown attached to her and she's been going through a rough time her whole life already, the poor woman deserves a break from everything, I'm taking her with me and we can go to the beach together!! And Dustin, I love that little guy I would rather die than let something bad happen to him, my heart won't be able to bear it </3
Would you stay in Scarlet Hollow when the week is over? It definitely depends on how things pan out, so my opinion could change once new chapters get released, but at the moment I'm not very keen on staying. It's obvious the town is going to crumble soon enough, I'm probably just going to take the characters I like and then run the hell away from there. And besides, I did promise Reese that he can live with me in my apartment in the city with my cat Truck, and I definitely plan on upholding my end of that deal!!
Who would you vote for dog mayor? Scraps. No questions asked. I trust Gretchen's judgement, and besides, I saw him in action and it's obvious he really cares about the animal population, he'll be a great leader!
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