#for someting like looks and what YOU believe those looks indicate like if she wears pink she's a girly bimbo
confusedcheeseparrot · 11 months
I haven't seen Ruby Gillman Teenage kraken but from what I've heard they really should've made grandma an evil racist because really? You're not only going to show her "twist" in the trailers but you're also going to commit to it and not subvert expectations. It would've been so smart to make the racism taught by old people and caused by the war because racism is sometimes caused by war also old people are usually real racist.
The answer was staring you down in the face because conflict between family and friends would've been really interesting because it kinda would've made the movie have a good racism allegory which is really hard to find (Elemental is cute but not good with the race allegory) also about some learned hatred that is passed on because the movie would’ve been real nice if it was about two unlikely friends with the mermaid being scared to show the Ruby any vulnerability because she's a pretty mermaid with her bioluminescence being what she actually looks like and Ruby being absolutely isolated from any underwater life getting accommodated to by the mermaid.
But instead we got "EW mermaids R Evil because they're pretty and popular BUtt not Ruby Because She's not like Those biMbos She's absolutely spEcial and Did We meNtIoN That tHeY ShoULD toTes figHT to tHe deAtH" it's real black and white morality that could've really expanded on what it had with some dashes of complexity that could've really added more intrigue, mystery and suspense by adding some unreliable information, search for the truth and hiding a friendship with someone your loved ones disapprove of. Of course the reveal would be kickass.
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