zacshian · 2 months
I want to relish the cinematic scene of tearing down the ' FJERDAN MIGHT '.
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demiwizardsoul · 1 month
Nina Zenik went from being captured by Fjerdans because they hate people of her kind, to becoming the princess and the future queen of the same people that wanted her dead.
Idk guys, it's a clear exemple of upward mobility to me.
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tsibeyantiger · 2 months
You're just not ready for the detailed analysis of GrishaVerse wildlife I'm gonna write when I'm done with my exams
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Proposing new names for some places in the Grishaverse
East Ravka: Gothic Imperial Russia
West Ravka: Gothic Revolutionary Russia
Novyi Zem: The More Chill Place (… but also is there some kind of frontier fighting going on?)
Fjerda: Racist Scandinavia
Ketterdam: Capitalism Land
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valentinedaughtler · 5 months
Tainted Opal (Part 6)
Kaz Brekker x fem!reader
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
T/Ws: violence, romantic feelings, blood, mild spice scenes sometimes, fem!reader and she/her pronouns, sexual abuse/trauma (not explicit)
Synopsis: Your boat has been docked in Fjerda and you forgot your coat…. (But Kaz has a coat…👀)
6 - Kaz Brekker Always Had a Reason
The ship was docked on the west coast of Fjerda, frozen plains stretches over the horizon into a snowy oblivion. The ocean was deeply frigid, an innocent plunge would send you to a numbing death.
Everyone, except prepared Matthias, was painfully underdressed. Jesper reminded us all frequently through whiney griping. We teased him about it, saying his fancy hats would not even be able to warm him up. My social circle included all the Crows, but I lingered longer around Inej and Nina. We all seemed to feel a feminine connection to one another; an easy group to complain about the boys' nonsense to.
As Nina and I shivered, we huddled near one another, the long trek around the Fold just beginning. Matthias held Nina close, insuring that she would be warm, despite her heartrender abilities.
Eventually, Nina moved between the cold Crows, circulating their blood into a more rapid speed to keep their temperatures up. Thus, I was left with the massive Fjerdan man. I'd seduced many men, but only a few looked like they could snap me in half like a twig for a fire like he did.
"Do you miss Fjerda?" I asked with an inquisitive tilt of the head. Matthias's face contorted slightly, his jaw shifting and eyebrows stitching together. He stayed silent for a moment before sighing,
"I do miss my people in some ways, but sometimes you find a person who changes your values...," he replied with a thick accent. It was sharp and pronounced, I had a feeling if he yelled at you it would feel like a brick to the face. I nodded as he watched Nina. "Do you miss your life before Ketterdam swallowed it up?"
"No-...," I tried to articulate how I felt about my past, but I guess I wasn't too sure. "I miss the specifics, the small details. Though, when I think about the big picture, I don't miss any of it." I let out a shivered breath before speaking again, "I don't want to think back fondly on what my life had been, trying to write an edited version with only the good plot points. It's easier to not think about it at all, no story is better than a bad one, don't you think?" I craned my neck to look at Matthias's eyes, they looked harsh and painful, but maybe they were pained instead.
"I think you should just keep writing the story," he acknowledged my thought with a nod. "Maybe find new characters to add to it rather than making it a one-man narration." I laughed softly, an unexpected response from him.
"Nina seems to be a good influence on you," smirking at him with a knowing glint in my eye. He really loves her, I thought as I made my way to the heartrender herself. "Nina!" I waddled my way across the tundra to her and Kaz. She seemed a bit exasperated as the dark haired boy begrudgingly allowed her to use her small science on him.
"Y/n, can you tell him that I will not be stopping his heartbeat?" She huffed as Kaz squirmed away from her slightly.
"That's enough," he said, but I heard his teeth chatter a bit through that gravely voice. I laughed, asking Nina to warm me up instead. She excitedly obliged, leaving Kaz to sulk in peace.
She began to chuckle to herself as she contorted her soft fingers to work her 'majik'.
"What is it?" I inquired with growing curiosity. She turned to me with a suggestive smile and a wink.
"Kaz was watching you, earlier, when you were taking to Matthias." Her grin widened, showing her pearly, white teeth. My cheeks burned when the meaning behind her words clicked in my brain. She continued, "I may have called him out on such. He got real defense," she dragged out her words with a mischievous glint in her eyes.
"He's always defensive. He's basically a human defense system; a wall." I said, attempting to use logic. He barely knew me, unless we had met somewhere before, Kaz wouldn't trust me this early on, I knew that much.
"Well, yes, but you did pay upfront, he doesn't really need you alive, so..." Nina batted her eyelashes at me, mimicking a lovestruck girl. I flushed as I looked back at Kaz, limping a few feet behind us, when he met my gaze I spun back around, tensing up. Nina leaned close to my ear, "you're blushing... and I can tell your heartbeat has fluctuated frequently when he is near you-"
"Okayy, thank you, my darling, Nina, but I should really be going-,"
"You should be discussing plans with me since we are getting closer to the main path," rasped Kaz from behind me. I stifled a startled scream. Geez, what's with me? I'm never actually flustered around people and I've... been in intimate situations during heists many a time. Nina flashed me a smile and a wink before leaving Kaz and I alone. I sighed with relief as I know her torment would be at bay, for now.
"When we get to the trail's end, we should find shelter for the night, there are abandoned cabins all over Fjerda. That's what my dad told me, atleast," my voice was still a bit shakey as I tried to slow my heart rate down. Kaz nodded.
"It's the safest gamble to set up camp at the first cabin we see that doesn't have occupants in it," his tone was somehow more formal than it generally was, his body seemed tense. Had he heard what Nina had said? I looked at the cheery woman far up ahead, her bubbly laugh echoing across the frozen wasteland we trekked.
I walked with Kaz in silence, maintaining a couple feet of distance between us, I wasn't sure why, but I felt that if I touched him that he might snap. Whether that indicated him imploding or killing me, I wasn't sure. But I respected his need for space. I felt like I yearned to be alone often, since intimate touch was an important part of my job. It often wasn't by people I wanted to touch me too. Maybe it bothered me because I was so young, but no one in Ketterdam stayed young. Instead of a slow climb to adulthood, it was a drowning process. Before, you were something, but after you plunged up for air, you weren't much anymore.
A gust of wind blew hair into my face and sent a shiver throughout my body, like hitting a metal drum and watching it vibrate. Kaz seemed to suppress the chill he felt, huffing slightly as the wind blew towards us.
"Why didn't you bring a jacket?" Kaz grumbled, his glare colder than the snow melting in my boots. "Your chattering teeth is starting to irritate me."
"I originally thought we'd be headed through Shu Han," I said through long breaths. I suddenly felt a thick jacket be placed.., no, more so dropped onto my shoulders. I turned to the Crow beside me, who refused to meet my gaze. With a breathy laugh, I slipped my arms into the jacket. It was soft and warm, but oversized on me. I dug my chilly hands into the lined pockets. "Thank you."
Kaz stayed silent, but I could tell he was cold in only his shirt and vest. "We need you in good health. The Crows, especially Matthias, need your tailoring skills to disguise us. I assume your business partner also knows of me, so that would be a problem." He explained, as if justifying his decision to himself.
We eventually reached a fork in the road, both paths leading to long, winding expanses of lifeless tundra. I indicated the correct road, but as we made our way, we saw a small shack.
The skeleton of the building was stacked logs and eroded wood was sparsticslly laying in chunks near the house. The inside had creaky wooden floors, a small kitchen area and bed rested on opposing sides. Fur hanging from the walls, for decor and warmth probably, a small fire place, and a couch were the only other things of note in the barren room.
"Oh, it reminds me of how Matthias and I had spent our first night together," Nina purred with a silly smile.
"Wylan and I are too fancy to sleep on the floor," Jesper said while sprawling out on the make-shift mattress. No one objected, but Matthias and Nina called the couch. Us single three left mutually decided we were on our own for sleeping areas.
"There's enough fur for the rest of us to just sleep on the floor separately," Inej pointed out, "but I'm okay sharing with Y/n if there is a shortage of blankets." She smiled at me and squeezed my hand. I returned her sentiment by promising to braid her hair later.
Jesper's eyes wandered around the room in observation, eventually landing on jacket-less Kaz and my body that was swallowed by said-jacket. His lips crooked into a sly grin.
"Nice jacket, Y/n," Jesper said and his eyes landed on the coat's owner, who froze.
"I'm going to collect firewood," Kaz grumbled and made his way outside the cabin quite quickly.
"I'll be right with ya', boss!" Jesper shot up from the bed and jogged after Kaz, his giggling and teasing still audible.
"Should we leave them alone in the woods?" Nina asked, "Kaz may kill the poor boy." Everyone laughed a bit, knowing looks shared between everyone besides me. I've been too casual, I've grown too close to them. Maybe... I should stay away from Kaz a bit since we aren't trapped on a boat together any longer.
✵ ♣ ✵
"He gave you his jacket?" Inej repeated the words I just spewed out nervously. I nodded in response as she turned to look at me with shock.
We sat together on the roof, which was very difficult for for me to get up to after Inej did so with grace. Stealth was not my thing. She sat in front of my crossed legs, leaning on me slightly, as I braided her hair ornately. The repetitive motions soothed me as I felt the pressure of the coming heist. "The last couple nights on the boat we've both gotten nightmares from too much time on the sea," I explained. "We've been talking from late to early, until the sunrises, or just sitting in silence."
Inej giggled a bit, I felt her shake against me as the laugh vibrated through her. "He doesn't grow fond of people quickly, I can't be sure, but I want you to stay with us after the heist," Inej said softly.
I hummed in response, "we'll see. Even if we part ways, I'll stay in touch with you and Nina." I couldn't see her face, but I could tell Inej was smiling.
We both looked down to see a babbling Jesper walking next to an exhausted looking Kaz. Inej turned to me as I had just finished braiding her long hair. Her lips were crooked into a michevious grin.
"Let's scare them," she whispered softly. I was pretty sure Kaz would have seen us by now, knowing how observant he is, but the idea was too tempting. We slid behind the slant of the roof and Inej silently leaped to a nearby tree, her wire-y figure wrapping around the limbs on it, gripping the bark. She chucked a pinecone at Jesper, knocking the eccentric hat off of his head. He squeaked as he attempted to get the snow off of his hat. Inej disappeared behind the tree as the two boys looked up at the direction the pinecone came from. As I aimed to hit Kaz with a pinecone, I slipped slightly. His keen eyes landed on the roof, but not before I hid myself from his line of vision.
"Shit. Shit. Shit." I whispered, still wearing Kaz's coat. I stayed silent for a moment before hearing the crunching of boots in the snow. I quickly hurled the pinecone at Kaz's head, but he swung his cane, hitting the pinecone perfectly. He didn't even look up. Before I realized it, the pinecone was headed straight for me. He was aiming for me. I dodged it, but in the process my grip on the roof loosened, causing me to slide down the roof towards Jesper and Kaz. They looked up at the roof, and the sharpshooter leaped to catch me. I fell into his arms with a thud.
I smiled nervously, "hey guys..." Inej shimmied down the tree and quickly came to check on me. Jesper let me down, laughing the whole time, but Kaz had an indescribable expression on his face.
"I told you we can't have you dead," his tone was serious, my smile dropping abruptly. "Stick to what you're good at; making your presence known, Seductress." He admonished my actions as he walked inside with firewood in one hand, cane in the other. Why am I so foolish when I'm around him?
Inej followed after him, sternly explaining it was her idea. I felt a warmth in my heart as she defended me.
"Come, Y/n, let's talk," Jesper said. He had a pelt of fur draped over him, keeping him warmer. I followed him in the frosty woods behind the cabin. He smirked a bit as we made our way around trees and fallen logs, as well as other suffering vegetation.
"Is something wrong? Do you need relationship advice for Wylan?" I asked with a twinge of concern.
"Oh, no, no. It's about Kaz," his self-assured demeanor stayed strong as I attempted to keep pace with his long-limbed figure. "He's taken an unusual liking to you." He gestured to coat I was wearing.
"He was just being polite," I said, but even I had a hard time saying it without becoming skeptical.
Jesper snorted and shook his head, "Kaz isn't nice to for no reason, Y/n. Despite was people say, Kaz Brekker always has a reason."
Word Count: 2344
I realize this seems more like a fast paced romance, but don't worry, the girl falls first in this story. We'll get there...
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tessorange-art · 2 years
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Matthias & Trassel
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nerdy9infj · 2 years
I think we as a fandom need to talk more about Inej and Matthias's friendship
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aquitainequeen · 1 year
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Here's where I've gotten so far with my thoughts when it comes to Shadow and Bone being renewed/Six of Crows spinoff.
We're not even a quarter of the way through. Stay tuned.
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jeandejard3n · 16 days
Shadow and Bone: Fjerdan Woods
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datura-meloxia · 22 days
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So, this may not be the typical iteration of this character that people would have expected, but I’d like to introduce my own version of our beloved Fjerdan, Matthias Helvar!!
Now, I’m neither 6’4” nor super hench like Calahan Skogman, so I kind of took that as the go ahead to make this version of Matthias completely my own. I was inspired by a lot of different fan art and then some specific details about druskelle taken from the books (and of course I had to fit Trassel in there too!!)
Getting to meet Freddy and Amita in this cosplay at MegaCon was so wild, and Freddy recognising it as Matthias was really really special. When I though it couldn’t get any better, I got to show Danielle pictures of the cosplay at the play she and Freddy were a part of, and she LOVED IT!! She even took photos on her phone to show to Cal!! (My friend managed to get some pictures of her reaction and it was the best thing ever!!!)
And to top it all off, Leigh Bardugo herself has now seen and liked my photos on Instagram… I don’t think I’m ever going to get over how WILD these last few days have been!
So with that being said, hope you all enjoy my Matthias as much as Leigh and the cast have :)) 🐺🤍
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witchthewriter · 2 years
Hello there!! 💕 Can I please request some headcanons of what being Matthias Helvar’s wife would include, please? Thank you so much!!!
Hey! Of course I can, thank you so much for requesting x
Also, I didn't know if you wanted Matthias from the show or from Six of Crows. So I just went with the show because there'd be fewer/no spoilers...
⤷ female, ambiguous race & any/all size reader!
𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐚𝐬 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐚𝐫’𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
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🌿ISTJ 🍁Gryffindor 🔮Virgo Sun, Taurus Moon, Cancer Rising
⭑ Is always a gentleman around you, wants you to always feel like royalty
⭑ He also always wants you to feel safe with him. If you ever feel uncomfortable - he wants to know. Matthias is diligent in that way; he doesn’t want his wife to be in distress in any type of way. 
⭑ Doesn’t like any secrets between the two of you; he wants everything to be open and honest
⭑ He likes making sure you’re always warm; giving you his jacket, scarves, gloves etc
⭑ Being significantly shorter than him. He loves this because he feels like your protector 
⭑ Eating different types of food when you go out. You’re always trying to find the best meal together <3
⭑ He flusters so easily
⭑ Matthias loves buying trinkets from the markets you go to, they’re reminders of where you’ve both been
⭑ He’s super sentimental and will often remember anniversaries more than you
⭑ His pet names for you are in Fjerdan but they translate to my love, my life. 
⭑ Isn’t huge on PDA, but likes others to know that you’re his and he is yours. 
⭑ Even though you can defend yourself, Matthias will jump in front of you whenever there’s a sign of trouble
⭑ He is so happy and proud to call you his wife. Your bravery, your humour, the love you have. It’s overwhelming to him. He just adores you!
⭑ Your wedding was quaint. He didn’t invite his family and yours were dead, so it was your friends and found-family. 
⭑ He cried when he saw you walk down the aisle. 
⭑ Met because you were a part of the Grisha order and you saved his life. He was so angry that you did and said he would rather die. 
 “So, die.” 
⭑ Turns out you were childhood friends that had completely lost each other because of a traumatic raid on your village 
⭑ Your mother was Grisha and your father was from Fjerda. 
⭑ Relationship tropes:    ♥ Flirt x Flustered Mess   ♥ Big soft x Small tough   ♥ 2 Idiots in Love <3
NSFW 🔞 minors dni!!!
⭑ He’s so gentle and careful with you. I think you would have to urge him to be rougher. 
⭑ He likes it when you dominate him
⭑ Loves your thighs, especially if they’re on the bigger side. He also loves them wrapped around his head. 
⭑ LOVES sucking on your nipples; when you’re laying in bed he’ll take your tits out of your shirt and start to squeeze and lick your nipples until they’re hard
⭑ His favourite positions are spooning, missionary and cowgirl
⭑ Likes to kiss all over your body
⭑ He does feel a bit insecure because he doesn’t have much experience 
⭑ But part of your relationship is that you learn and grow together
⭑ I really think Matthias has a breeding kink - and it turns him on an incomprehensively amount. 
He likes the thought of planting his seed within you and watching your belly grow. 
However, if you do not want to be pregnant then it is only a fantasy, and the boundaries will always be upheld
⭑ Actually really enjoys eating you out. He loves the way you taste and smell. It’s intoxicating. 
⭑ Matthias tries to be romantic; lighting candles and seducing you. But all he needs to do is give you a smirk and you’d get on your knees 
⭑ When you started to give him a blow job, he was shocked. 
 “What are you doing?” He looked at you with wide eyes as you knelt before him. 
    “I’m going to ... you know ...” you gestured to his undone pants and blushed. 
⭑ The aftercare is amazing. Matthias will do whatever you want. You need to bathe? He’ll run the bath and carry you over. You just want to be held? He will do so until you fall asleep. This man is a simp with a capital SIMP.
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thewickedjenny · 1 month
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I made this "if Matthias was a wolf" figure for myself about a year ago, but I think it may be time for me to part with it; I need to clear off my shelves. If you'd like to purchase him, you can find him in my Etsy shop!
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savethegrishaverse · 5 months
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User CyberWitch from our discord made this lovely quiz to figure out just where in the Grishaverse you'd hail from! With the lovely support of our conlangers and the languages the Grishaverse has to offer, it's neat to discover where we all fit in our favorite world!
Take the quiz for yourself today!
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Pov: you’re one of the normal Kerch farmers who came to Kuwei’s auction
“Me? Oh I’m just in the city visiting my kid at the university, saw the posters and thought I might as well come down,”
“It’s getting a bit busy, isn’t it? Glad I got here early to get a seat at the front, yeah,”
“I wonder why such a big group of Kaelish have come?”
“Bloody hell, half the damn country of Novyi Zem are here,”
“The Fjerdans are here - and, Ghezen, that’s the Ravkans too!”
“THE SHU!!??”
“Ok, seriously, who the hell is this kid?”
*whispered during the auction*:
“Dare you to bid 60 million”
“I am not bidding 60 million, are you insane?”
“Ohhhh come on, it’d be so funny! And you won’t have to pay it, they’ll all outbid you,”
“You do it then,”
“Ugh, no way. I’m not embarrassing myself in front of half the saints-forsaken world”
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valentinedaughtler · 6 months
•series 🌘
•drabbles 🌱
•Song fic🪩
•Kaz Brekker
•Haven’t I Given Enough?🩶💜🌱
Synopsis: You’ve known Kaz for years, inventing gadgets to assist in heists and being his right hand ‘man’. One night you ask him if you can join a heist, but it doesn’t go as planned….
•Tainted Opal (Part 1) - A ‘Tell’ in Poker🌘🩵💜
Synopsis: You are a seductress who owns a large stolen jewelry business in Ketterdam. You approach Kaz for assistance after your business partner steals all of your money and your poison ring.
•Tainted Opal (Part 2) - Hand-Stitched Crimson Roses🌘🩵💜
Synopsis: You meet up with Kaz for a meeting on the down-low at the Crow Club, but your vulnerability slips.
•Tainted Opal (Part 3) - Pirates🌘🩵💜
Synopsis: You prepare for the heist, boarding the ship with Kaz and his Crew. (Domestic fluff with the crows)
•Tainted Opal (Part 4) - Tattoos on Her Chest🌘🩵💜
Synopsis: When Pirates attempt to rob the crows, you use your tailor abilities to trick them. You attempt to open up to Kaz.
•Tainted Opal (Part 5) - To Kill a Mother🌘🩵💜
Synopsis: When Kaz questions your life before Ketterdam and your trust, you discuss your upbringing with him. (You also cook dinner with Kaz and it’s cute.)
•Tainted Opal (Part 6) - Kaz Brekker Always Had a Reason🌘🩵💜
Synopsis Your boat has been docked in Fjerda and you forgot your coat…. (But Kaz has a coat…👀)
•Tainted Opal (Part 7) - Had You Met Him Before?🌘🩵💜
Synopsis: you dive into your history regarding Kaz when you had first met him- bested him, and then a guy tries to kill you in the woods.
•Tainted Opal (Part 8) - No Strip Poker!🌘🩵💜
Synopsis: You test your skills in an intense game of poker with the Crows. Kaz gets fed up off and you have to cool him off.
•Tainted Opal (Part 9) - His Eyes of Hatred🌘🩵💜
Synopsis: You truely recall the time you and Kaz crossed paths as young teenagers. How you fled from your pirate ship into the dark streets of Ketterdam, only to find a scoundrel to scar.
Character relationships:
•character x character🤍
•character x fem!reader🩵
•character x masc!reader🩷
•character x gn!reader🩶
•Characters x reader💜
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