#first trimester of 2024 was meh but I'm slowly getting back on track
papirouge · 3 months
Radfems are sooooo frustrating sometimes because they will blithely support abortion without examining how it upholds the status quo: "oh well with abortion women won't have to stay trapped with abusive men or be tied to a man for 18 years" the problem I have with this is that this does not actually solve this issue. You know what would? Making it easier for women to escape these situations without forcing them into an abortion.
It's kind of like saying abortion helps poor women because they don't have to spend money on another child... except a lot of those women would have kept their babies if they had money and support. An abortion is not really help. You're side-stepping the issue entirely and perpetuating a lot of societal inequality for the sake of upholding abortion as an institution. It's weird and you can't talk about it without people losing their minds and saying, "um um um but what about the women who have to live now and not in the future where your perfect pro-life utopia exists?" Yeah well you could start by helping local women who are on the fence and need help NOW, today, this very moment, and not the feckless "well you made the right decision, get over it" kind of way I see from these types. I don't see a whole lot of pro-abortion advocates out there donating money or baby clothes to pregnant women in need and they fire bomb pregnancy resource centers, which do, so..... ya know
Anyway sorry for the rant, I hope you're doing well, I hope the rest of 2024 treats you kindly!
Yeah, this abusive men talking point is so wack to me because a man can turn out to be abusive AFTER having children. Should women refrain from having children altogether to avoid the possibility of being linked for 18 years+ with an abuser??
There are tons of reasons women stay with abusive male. One doesn't need a child with a man to stick with him. It's so wicked to shift the blame of female abuse onto babies to remove from them the right to exist because they MIGHT get in the way of a woman's freedom. I always said that abortion culture was the transmission of the sins of patriarchy onto innocent babies, and I stand on that ground.
Radfem will defend their anti prostitution stance by saying "if it wasn't for money, those women wouldn't do that, so prostitution is inherently coercive and wrong" and yeah they're absolutely correct for that. But when prolifers say "if it wasn't for money, a significant amount of women wouldn't abort, that's why pushing for abortion onto poor women as a solution is taking the problem by the wrong end, and glossing over a deeper issue that's the financial vulnerability of women as a class" it's a problem and HOW DARE YOU QUESTION A WOMAN'S CHOICE??!? .... that's why I can't help but roll my eyes whenever I see radfem look down on choice feminism because...honey, that's you 🥴
There's no bigger choice feminist than a radfem defending abortion LOL
Radfem mock the transcult but they embrace the exact them cultish hive mind whenever a woman remotely questions the Holy Abortion. They elevated a bunch of idols out of their cult (pro abortion merch) and like the typical fanatics, attack whoever goes against their gospel. Have you witnessed how enraged radfem are against reverts (ex radfem who either became tra or tradfem) or worse: PRO LIFER??
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