#file 927
episims · 6 months
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Engagement and Wedding Ring Stones by Color Traits
This mod defaults the wedding ring with a new jeweled mesh and makes engagement and wedding ring stones appear in the wearer’s favorite color if they have a favorite color trait in their inventory.
If the sim has more than one favorite color in their inventory, the alphabetically highest will rule the color. Sims without a favorite color will have white stones.
Important! This mod is meant to replace the earlier engagement ring mod as well as pforest's version of it. Use one of the previous versions if you only want engagement rings to change color. With this mod, both engagement and wedding rings will change color.
The stone colors used in this mod for both rings are the ones from pforest's version. The new wedding ring mesh is also by pforest.
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Download (SFS) (alternate) - the file is compressed.
Easy Inventory Check is required. The mod is compatible with the engagement ring mesh default by pforest. It can also be used together with txmt replacements for ring bands.
⚠️ Existing rings won't update automatically with the correct stone colors. Use my ring updater if you want them to have colored stones.
Update (10.4.2024): Added a fallback for certain situations where the mod errored if a married sim didn't have a color trait in their inventory upon visiting a new lot.
Update (10.3.2024): Fixed a typo that might've prevented the stone color from getting applied correctly upon creating the wedding ring.
Technical info: the new wedding ring mesh is 927 polys. Many thanks to awesome @pforestsims for generously making it!
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marshmallowgoop · 2 years
Oh gosh. Oh man.
So, onesidedness is probably the main criticism of the Heiji and Shinichi friendship, and when potential romance is added to the mix, the prevailing thought—at least, in my experience—is that Heiji's affection would never be returned.
If Shinichi is interpreted as a character who experiences romantic attraction, it's an argument that doesn't sit well with me. "It feels a lot like, 'Well, of course the desirable protagonist could never romantically love the dark-skinned boy,'" I once expressed in the tags of a post. "And maybe that's unfair of me, but I can't deny that that's how I feel. Shinichi clearly has a lot of love for Heiji, and this OVA [9, 'The Stranger From 10 Years Later'] shows that he finds Heiji attractive. Like... I really don't think it's as implausible as it's made out to be."
But it's not that I don't understand the reasoning behind the hopeless, unrequited reading. There are implications of Shinichi's strong feelings for Heiji, bits and pieces that you can put together if you turn your head to the side and squint, but Heiji is loud with his love, unabashed, an open door. He speaks so fondly of Shinichi that Kazuha initially believes they're dating (Episode 118), and yet, any similar sentiments that Shinichi holds for Heiji are only quietly mentioned and barely tangible. There's a reason that Dr. Agasa calls Heiji to help Shinichi (Episodes 189, 277), a reason that the most constant adult presence in Shinichi's life believes no one else can reach him, a reason that Heiji is considered Shinichi's best friend, but on the surface, Shinichi brushes off Heiji's invitations to get together (Episodes 238, 381), states on more than one occasion that he's only accompanying Heiji because Heiji forced him to (Episodes 381, 479), and consistently has a sour look on his face whenever the two of them cross paths unexpectedly (Episodes 166, 189, 221, 381...).
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I've always chalked up the attitude to Shinichi's inherent tsundere nature. He's embarrassed to show his affection for others, so he conceals it with annoyed faces and pouts and teasing (that I know is supposed to be fun but tends to come off as overly cold and meanspirited to someone as sensitive as me). Heiji isn't the only one on the receiving end of this kind of behavior from Shinichi—even Ran, Shinichi's childhood sweetheart, experiences it (Episodes 58, 927...).
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So, I've never read Shinichi's grumpy behavior around Heiji as evidence that he doesn't love his friend or enjoy his company. There are plenty of examples of how that's clearly not true. Literally every Heiji case after the Reveal (Episodes 57-58), so far as I've seen, at least, depicts an excited, enthusiastic Shinichi who pointedly cherishes sharing deductions with the Detective of the West—even the cases that began with a cranky Cone!—and Conan is notably devastated whenever he's separated from Heiji or left to solve a puzzle on his own (Episodes 117, 118, 174, 224.).
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It's not that Shinichi dislikes Heiji. He just doesn't shout his love to the heavens like Heiji does for him. Shinichi's love is whispered and soft, but that doesn't make it any less meaningful or real.
Still, I'm also fully willing to admit that the level of reciprocity I do interpret or could interpret in Heiji and Shinichi's relationship is simply an overanalysis—a desperate, futile attempt to justify why I'm fond of these two and their interactions despite the snotty attitude that Conan often directs towards his fellow detective.
But that's just the thing I only now realized: Conan's snotty attitude towards Heiji. When Shinichi is Shinichi, the nastiness he subjects Heiji to vanishes. The irritation that colors their dynamic fades away. There are broad smiles (Files 257, 653). There's an eagerness to work together. In "The Scarlet School Trip (Bright Red Arc)" (Episode 927), the partnership arguably takes precedence over the case, as Shinichi doesn't instantly race to solve it only to belatedly remember Heiji's presence, but instead immediately wakes Heiji so that they can unravel the mystery as a team.
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Even the first time the two ever directly meet (Episodes 48-49), Shinichi treats Heiji kindly, explaining the flaws in Heiji's deduction without being insulting and devoting his time and energy to encouraging his so-called rival to be a better detective—all while he suffers horribly from the effects of the antidote wearing off.
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So, this thought crawled into my head, built a nest, and refused to leave me alone: maybe the main source of Shinichi's grouchiness around Heiji is not his tsundere tendencies, but rather that he hates being Conan in Heiji's company.
It makes a heartbreaking amount of sense. Heiji is comfort to Shinichi, a reminder that, to quote Undertale, a game I've never actually played, "Despite everything, it's still you." But it's comfort that aches, a warmth as soothing as it is agonizing, because Conan is Shinichi but not, because as reaffirming as it might be to spend time with someone who always sees you as you are, who flounders and struggles and fails spectacularly at seeing you as anything else, there has to be pain in that, too, the pain that you aren't yourself anymore, you can't be, and you're trapped being something you're not, that you never wanted, that no amount of "Kudo"s can fix or undo.
More than that, Heiji represents everything Shinichi's lost. Conan can't be the teen detective that Heiji's freely able to be, with his name in the papers and his deductions widespread. Whenever the two are together, Heiji has to be sneaky or lie or conjure up excuses to keep them that way. Whenever Heiji calls, Conan has to hide or pretend he's talking to someone else. Whenever they speak, Heiji has to crouch to meet Conan's eyes—a gesture that's meant to signify their equality but simultaneously underlines how they're not equals, not as things are, not to the rest of the world.
While I can't say I'd ever excuse the undeserved annoyance that Shinichi pushes on Heiji, considering the behavior with this lens makes it a whole lot more sympathetic. It's humiliating for your friend to see you sitting on someone else's lap like a little kid when you're not one (Episode 166). It hurts that you can only talk candidly with your friend after he's manufactured a reason to send everyone else away (Episode 189). It stings that your friend has to orchestrate a plot so that you can attend the Detective Koshien when, had you been in your own body, you could have made the decision to go yourself (Episode 479).
It's not that Shinichi dislikes Heiji. He just dislikes the unfortunate necessity of being relegated to the child sidekick instead of the peer that he is. He just dislikes that he can't fully be the Kudo that Heiji thinks of him as.
If you consider "Conan's Dream Vacation," after all, it's one of Shinichi's greatest desires to be by Heiji's side, with Ran and Kazuha... but as himself.
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Anyway. I already liked Heishin, but the idea that Shinichi's bouts of stinkface around Heiji are largely because Heiji reminds him of how desperately he wishes to return to himself does soften what I considered to be one of the friendship's most glaring flaws. And while the answer to the question of onesidedness here is of course up to interpretation, that Shinichi clearly has a lot of trust in Heiji (asking for advice in Episode 189!), and that Shinichi enjoys Heiji's company in cases and misses him when he's gone, and that he displays a palpable joy when working with Heiji as Shinichi (Episodes 522-523, 927-928), and that he dreams of being together in an official illustration, all demonstrate to me that there's a lot of love here.
The thought that Shinichi is upset that he can't be Shinichi for Heiji only adds to that feeling.
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hirocimacruiser · 8 months
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new proposal
1 Wire fin design *Trademark registration pending
The original movement of the wheel design is trying to create a unique style.
Desmond argues. A unique matching proposal targeting big sedans.
And an organic form that adds an essential essence to the wheel details.
That it is this verse.
Wire fin design "Verse"
Bold wire fins that maximize the image of the material
There is a claim of a calculated design in the verse.
Design registration filed
Trademark registration filed
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grande-caps · 3 months
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Percy Jackson and the Olympians 1.07 - We Find Out the Truth Sort Of Quality : HD Screencaptures Amount : 927 files Resolution : 1280x561px
- Please like/reblog if using!
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pleb-the-original · 6 months
Day 9: Crossover Ship/Rarepair
(I only wanted to do 1 fandom creation in this list, which will come a lot later so that knocked off most options. Also i tend to hate shipping in any fandom sense so again, nothing like that for me. So I just went with the idea of complete opposites, nature vs technology, emotional vs unemotional. Also they're gay because I mean no one ever ships two buff people with each other.) Names: Ahwi and Unit-927 (Bev) Species: Deer Spirit and Robot Longhorn Bull Personalities: Ahwi: calm, collected, highly aware of others emotions, very temperamental, can change emotions on a dime, slightly fearful and reluctant to accept change. Bev: cold, calculating, unaware of most other people’s wants or needs but tries to be friendly regardless, acts or emotes only when deemed necessary, trying to be softer and gentler, more open to change and accepting Summaries: One of the best places love can bloom is on the battlefield it seems. A tale as old as time, nature vs technology. The EvandAn corporation had been having some problems with the construction of their latest factory, mainly a very pesky tribe of forest spirits especially their leader Ahwi. A strong white-tailed deer buck, Ahwi was completely in-tune with the forest and knew that all EvandAn wanted was their destruction. So the higher ups decided on a drastic measure, they decided to create a forest killing machine dubbed Unit-927. A bull powered by an internal coal furnace and a computer brain programmed for destruction, after a miniscule amount of testing they debuted their machine and waited until the forest and its inhabitants were driven out. But something strange happened, as a rogue developer actually programmed some extra files hidden deep inside the AI that ran the bull, specifically one that would activate the moment it saw Ahwi. It was supposed to have shut the machine off right then and there. Instead, be it from the magic of the forest or the magic of something else, the machine instead fell completely head over heels with Ahwi. It ran away into a nearby cave where the executives gave up on the idea and set to work on other ventures. The machine remained in that cave, venturing out on occasion to either feed on trees or watch Ahwi celebrate their victory. Ahwi tried to deal with the monster that still remained on their land, but it was just too nice and friendly for him to feel good about destroying. So instead Ahwi tries to train the beast to not be as destructive. Although sometimes it seems Ahwi is hanging out with the newly named Bev for other reasons, reasons his heart seems to beat just a bit faster seeing the sleek steel of Bev. Reasons why he seems to hang out just a little bit too often with Bev. Reasons that Ahwi is trying his hardest to deny. But love is a strange thing, even in nature.
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shadowxamyweek · 1 year
(Some bookkeeping nonsense incoming)
I like to fill my drafts with tagged works and then organize them as I file them into queue. However, I’ve been getting error messages as of late (like, 5 to 10 deep) saying that works are not posting. I’m not sure if they’re going back into drafts or not, but I have the itching suspicion they might be. As such, I cannot tell where they are in queue or if I’ve queued them multiple times in the same stint. You may see some odd repetitions but like... *checks*... my queue is 927 posts thick as of right now so it won’t be for a while. 
Still, figured I’d say something and let you know. Anyway, hope you’re having a lovely day!
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coochiequeens · 1 year
The transwoman who originally sued this guy has since passed but he still is facing fines. Just for calling Greece’s self Id bill a disgrace.
An Athens misdemeanor court has sentenced a retired Greek football star to 10 months imprisonment and a 5,000 Euro fine for “transphobic” Facebook posts from 2017, in the first case of its kind in the country. 
Vasilis Tsiartas, who formerly played for Greece’s national football team, became the target of legal action following a lawsuit filed by Marina Galanos, a prominent Greek trans activist.
Galanos had called into attention Facebook posts made by Tsiartas following the approval of a bill reforming Greece’s gender self-identification laws in 2017.
The bill, which ultimately passed, removed the medical requirement from the process of changing legal gender, and dropped the minimum age to 15. Prior to this, those who sought to change their gender on official documents had to undergo sex-change surgery and extensive testing. 
In response to the contents of the bill, Tsiartas, who has conservative political views, had taken to Facebook to express his thoughts. According to You Weekly, Tsiartas wrote: “The first gender changes should be made by the children of those who voted for this disgrace. Let’s see what pride they have. PS: Legitimize pedophilia and complete the crimes.” 
A few hours later, Tsiartas posted: “God created Adam and Eve.”
Tsiartas was not the only notable Greek national who vocally opposed the bill’s passing in 2017. Kyriakos Mitsotakis, a politician and the leader of the center-right New Democracy Party, had similarly taken to social media to post on the issue. 
On Facebook, Mitsotakis wrote: “It is inconceivable to bar 15-year-olds from consuming alcohol, yet we are enabling them to make such an important decision.” 
Mitsotakis has since become the incumbent Prime Minister of Greece. 
The Greek Orthodox Church also opposed the legislation and called for it to be withdrawn. Originally in Greek, the Church published a statement saying the bill “defies customs and common sense, and, above all, destroys people.”
Despite the bill’s widespread controversy, Tsiartas was targeted by activists for his comments, and subjected to a lawsuit filed by Marina Galanos, who was then the President of the Transgender and Intersex Support Association. Galanos passed away in 2021 while the proceedings were still in progress.
Tsiartas’ conviction for his statements is the first under Greek’s “anti-racist” law 927/1979 for “public incitement to violence or hatred due to gender identity.” The 927/1979 law, while named for racial discrimination, was amended in 2014 to cover a wide spectrum of protected characteristics including race, color, religion, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, and disability. 
Tsiartas was ultimately sentenced to 10 months imprisonment and a 5,000 Euro fine. The jail term is suspended, meaning Tsiartas will not spend any time behind bars unless he commits another violation within a certain conditional time frame. 
Following Tsiartas’ conviction on Thursday, another man was sentenced for similar “transphobic” statements made on social media as a result of a lawsuit filed by Marina Galanos. The unnamed individual was handed a 7 month jail term, suspended. 
Galanos’ lawyer, Vassals Sotiropoulos, boasted about the convictions in a thread posted to social media.
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On Twitter, Tsiartas stated he was planning on appealing the conviction, and would be posting further details on his legal plan of action next week. 
By Yuliah Alma Yuliah is a junior researcher and journalist at Reduxx. She is a passionate advocate for women's rights and child safeguarding. Yuliah lives on the American east coast, and is an avid reader and book collector.
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mycompanywalas · 1 month
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mycompanywalablog · 3 months
Trademark Registration
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mycompanywala · 4 months
Income Tax Return Services | Income Tax Return filing in Delhi
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garudabluffs · 5 months
Trump Gets BURIED in Court, Jack SMACKS BACK | Legal AF
Ben Meiselas and Popok discuss the latest criminal and civil cases that are progressing and leading to Donald Trump and his family being held accountable. Meiselas and Popok cover the updates in the New York AG fraud case with Donald Trump’s and Ivanka’s testimony, Judge Cannon’s trial order, updates the DC federal criminal case, and more. VIDEO 1hr. 16 min. https://youtu.be/I_m78oqOqdk
Jack Smith's prosecution blueprint in Trump DC case: no piece of incriminating evidence left behind
Nov 11, 2023 #TeamJustice "Recent court filings by Special Counsel Jack Smith demonstrate that prosecutors will present a far-reaching, sweeping case against Donald Trump for his attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election. As Politico's Kyle Cheney wrote, "Echoes of Jan. 6 committee as Jack Smith foreshadows plan to tie Trump to Capitol riot." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4babeUatRFI 927 Comments
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ailtrahq · 7 months
Cloudflare Inc., NET stock price rose by 45% on a YTD basis and generated decent returns for its investors. It performed well at the beginning of 2023 but for the past few months, the bullish momentum is lost.  At present, Cloudflare stock price is stuck in a wide range between $56.00 to $75.00. Buyers have tried multiple times to break the higher range and expand upward. But due to certain reasons, the attempt failed and prices reverted down.  According to the recent SEC filing, Cloudflare Inc. Director Carl Letbetter sold 9993 NET shares on September 13, 2023. It is worth $647,277. Due to this the stock price reacted negatively in the previous session and closed with the intraday decline of -4.30%.  The 50-day and 200-day EMA slopes sideways and is trying to act as immediate support for bulls. It showcases that prices lacked direction and may spend some more time in a range.  On the lower side, $56.00 is a strong support and any short-term downfall will be easily absorbed. It indicates that buyers are active at lower levels and downside risk is low. Will Cloudflare, NET Stock Price Break the Range Upward? NET stock price prediction stays bullish for the long term till it sustains above the $50.00 level. The price behavior of the stock is less volatile and frequent spikes are low.  Over the years, Cloudflare Inc. has beaten the quarterly earnings estimates but the Net income still remains negative. It looks like until the Net income turns positive the NET stock will lack fresh buying.  Investors had kept the stock on the radar but the company needs to become profitable for creating a sustainable business. Therefore, the possibility of upward range expansion in Cloudflare stock will increase when NET turns positive.  Cloudflare Stock: Option Chain Analysis Cloudflare stock price is in a consolidation phase so option traders are selling strangles. The next month’s expiry is on Oct 20, 2023.  The highest PUT OI buildup is at 60 strike which holds 927 contracts. So, $60.00 will act as a strong support in the coming month.  The highest CALL OI build-up is at 75 strikes and holds $1482 contracts followed by 2nd highest at 70 which holds 1017 contracts. It shows that $70 to $75 will act as a supply zone in October month.  Conclusion Cloudflare Inc., NET stock price rose by 45% on a YTD basis. The upward momentum has halted near $75.00 which is acting as a hurdle for bulls. The technical and option chain analysis shows that Cloudflare stock price needs to sustain above $70.00. Otherwise, the probability of the breakout remains low. Technical levels Resistance levels: $70.00 and $75.00 Support levels: $56.00 and $50.00 Source
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newssy · 1 year
Delhi Govt Seeks Rs 927 Crore from Centre for G20 Summit Preparations
Last Updated: February 04, 2023, 23:18 IST Hosting the G20 summit is a matter of pride for Delhi, Sisodia said. (File photo/PTI) In a letter to Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, Sisodia said it will not be easy for the Delhi government to spend an extra Rs 927 crore from its limited resources for the G20 summit preparations Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia on Saturday asked…
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