#feminista radical
mala-santa-radfem · 10 months
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redditreceipts · 3 months
para mis hermanas hispanohablantes
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(translation: cosas de mujer = woman things, and down in the left corner of the right side of the poster, there is a bubble saying "me siento mujer", which translates to "I feel like a woman")
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secondwavewoman · 10 months
Protest against “titty bars”
7/15 @ 12 PM
2201 N Lamar St, Dallas, TX 75202
(right across a Hooters)
Interested? Please DM me!
May be able to arrange transportation even if outside of Dallas!
Tell your normie friends and family! We need FURIOUS WOMEN!
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gabitauy · 1 year
La cacería de brujas o #TERFlist
Ayer en Twitter nos encontramos con la desagradable sorpresa de que dos usuarios transactivistas habían recolectado todas las cuentas que consideraban “transfóbicas”, creado un bot que sigue recolectando datos (van más de 42.000 cuentas de TODO el mundo) y hecho pública esa lista negra en la plataforma…
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feministamala · 11 months
Si los hombres menstruaran todas las bancas de la ciudad y del transporte público estarían manchadas de sangre, exhibirían con orgullo la mancha de sangre de sus pantalones; porque ellos no gastarían dinero en ocultar algo que es tan natural como la menstruación, no pueden controlarla y no tienen más opción que dejarla correr libre. Ellos no gastarían dinero en un producto que puede ser incómodo, y mucho menos si es para ocultar algo que podría ser “repulsivo” para las mujeres, por el contrario, algunos de ellos se metería la mano a los pantalones y le arrojaría su sangre a las mujeres que pasan desprevenidas; y si alguna de ellas se queja le dirían: “no puedes pedir que un hombre apague su cuerpo solo porque a ti te molesta la naturaleza del cuerpo humano”.  
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radfemverity · 12 days
To say that straight men are heterosexual is only to say that they have sex exclusively with women. From women they want sex, service and devotion. All of that which pertains to love, most straight men reserve exclusively for other men. The people whom they admire, respect, adore, honor, whom they imitate, idolize, and form profound attachments to, whom they are willing to teach and from whom they are willing to learn, and whose respect, recognition and admiration they desire… those are, overwhelmingly, other men.
Heterosexual male culture is homoerotic; it is man-loving.
— paraphrased from Marilyn Frye, The Politics of Reality: Essays in Feminist Theory (pages 134-135)
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rrrebelion · 1 year
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frankenawus · 1 year
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I remember being 16 years old and reading this on tumblr thinking that the abusive man who raised me was going to be always present in me, unconscious. I remember feeling so angry at my luck, that it reflected like a death sentence on me. I could never get rid of that. It hurt to think that that violence was going to haunt me for the rest of my life, just because I was born within it. And that the only way I would have any kind of comfort, desire or love would be through her, it seemed that the only way to get away from her was just to limit myself to living and closing myself off. Because I was that violence, anger and cruelty. It was myself. There was no way to heal, it wasn't even possible but it was something inherent in me and I could never distinguish it when it touched me. I could never escape from her. But I could lock myself in me not to harm.
Nor did I find a way to reclaim that violence from the one who had given it to me, because they too had been raised with that man. How cruel and indifferent of me to claim from the older victim his pain assembled in me. It wasn't his fault but it wasn't also mine.
I heard on a continuous loop the phrase "victim becomes abuser" and knew that my destiny was written in permanent ink.
I saw it represented in my friends and sister how they looked for that man in other men or how even her fury was unleashed in them and their mothers told them that every day they looked more like their fathers and how painful it was.
But you know what? We take away that pain. We choose. We go to therapy. We heal for our daughters and sons, and also for ourselfs. We recover. We keep fighting. We are not our parents, we are not that violent man, we did not become abusers or reflect on the victims. It is possible to break the circle and not repeat it, no matter how difficult it is. But I still don't know how but I'm not going to let him beat me.
I am not gonna let the violent man to come to my house. He isn't invite it.
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lesvoz · 5 months
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manspreadingg · 1 year
Es gracioso cómo los hombres están super atentos a su partido del futbol, todos se reúnen en el mismo lugar y hacen el ruido que quieren al punto de que todo el campus estaba lleno de gritos, pero si una mujer hace lo mismo con su artista o banda favorita nosotras somos las molestas obsesionadas
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woolfem · 1 year
i wish people would stop talking about "feminist porn". no porn is feminist, sex work isn't feminist.
consent can't be bought, exploitation of women's bodies isn't a feminist move, and it will never be.
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mala-santa-radfem · 1 year
i want to vent about something so here it goes: i just saw the news about how a city near mine just opened a brothel and even the mayor was there happily inaugurating the place. conservatives are mad bc this is offensive against "our" christian values, liberals are saying this is empowering for women. i know men from both sides are probably going to visit the brothel to rape women.
my country is very poor, i know for a fact LITTLE GIRLS are pushed into prostitution so they don't starve. women and girls are raped by locals and police in our frontiers. what are the chances women and girls aren't being taken off the streets to be forced to work in that brothel?
i wish i could burn that place. i fear my country will become one of those places foreign men travel to rape women.
if u need more proof of how sick men are, their depravity is so big it stands against progress. they prefer to open brothers than use that money to build schools, and public parks or help starving people. and politicians are there to support it.
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joseantoniolugo · 2 years
¿Por qué los varones ya no buscan una esposa y prefieren asumir una actitud de seducción crónica? ¿Por qué las mujeres, que quizá ya no esperan a un príncipe azul, son nombradas como “intensas”? En un sensible e inteligente recorrido sobre las formas del amor en este siglo XXI, el psicoanalista Luciano Lutereau se propone responder estas preguntas. El fin de la masculinidad atraviesa los temas apremiantes de la vida adulta: la pareja, la familia y el erotismo. Las categorías para entender las relaciones afectivas entre varones y mujeres hoy se están revisando permanentemente, para plantearnos el desafío de elegir un deseo que no excluya la libertad y la realización personal. Para vincularnos más allá de las formas rígidas de otro tiempo (en torno al matrimonio obligatorio) y repensar conceptos como soltería, fidelidad y compromiso, sin que impidan la entrega al otro. Tercer título de una saga dedicada al mundo contemporáneo que incluye Más crianza, menos terapia y Esos raros adolescentes nuevos como antecedentes, en este nuevo ensayo Lutereau expone una vez más su perspectiva profesional y académica, basada en una reconocida trayectoria, pero mucho más su mirada humana y lúcida que lo ha convertido en un autor indispensable.
Descarga directa del PDF aquí:
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gabitauy · 2 years
Marx era abolicionista, no regulacionista.
Punto para Marx!
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feministamala · 10 months
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anabelgutierrez · 2 months
feministas 🤣
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Esto es algo digno de recordar, cuando el odio y la ideología tóxica feminista te bloquean de todo razonamiento lógico
Pasa esto 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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