#feels a little weird using fandom term for this movie because its one of those where i really truly do not want fandom to overshadow the
mitziholder · 6 months
do you feel as negatively about lesbians writing F/F fanfic as you do about the state of fanfic / how women engage with fanfic overall?
that is a fair question. fujos and (het) self-inserters are an easy target because they’re the majority of fic writers, and since most of everything is bad, there is naturally going to be a lot of really really bad man-centric fic. it’s easy to complain about them because of that. I’m sure there is also a lot of really terribly written f/f content too, very little of which touches on anything I’m actually interested in reading about. do I believe it’s literally impossible to write anything of value if you’re using other people’s characters? no, that would be absurd. but I’ll quote myself from an older, deleted blog:
“I just find it weird how fanfic, generally speaking, has homogenized to the point that in nearly every single fandom for every single book, movie, show, every genre and every medium, all have basically the same stories with the same plots and tropes no matter where you look. if you check every fandom it will be heavily weighted toward m/m, slash, yaoi, whatever the term is nowadays… and for the most part, even if explicit fic is a minority within the fandom itself, the most popular fic will always be porn or long fic that includes porn.”
“…it seems to always, in my experience, utilize a terribly pedestrian narrative style. combine that with shared tropes and source materials and the majority of fanfic has you reading the same things over and over with little variation other than maybe a different perspective. I can count on one hand the number of fics that have impressed me with experimentation! the vast majority are just… blah. blah blah. these two characters have sex. these two characters pine for each other for a really long time and then have sex.”
those posts were written a few years ago, but they’re still true. and the reasons for that are fairly simple: fanfic is, by its very nature, derivative, and the barrier to entry (publishing) is extremely low, making it easy for children + less skilled writers to throw their hats in. in addition, there is a strong, decades-old taboo against “unsolicited concrit” which is expressed as “don’t like, don’t read.”
when you put all of these things together, what you get is a community that is A) very repetitive and B) very averse to challenging itself. that is not the recipe for genuine and raw artistic expression. it’s mass-produced unedited shit from people chasing the high of their favorite tropes. they are not interested in improving.
you have people who will admit to reading nothing but fanfic! and the people who read nothing but fanfic will go on to write more fanfic, at which point the cycle of degradation is unavoidable, because all they want is more of what fanfic offers: predictable, clearly labeled content made according to a formula that has been perfected for the broadest appeal + max kudos.
fanfic readers love tropes. they live for tropes. their “plotting” (lol), their dialogue, their characters and character dynamics are saturated with tropes. that’s why YA literature is starting to market itself on the basis of tropes - they sell! little soundbites. easy money. because fanfic readers are generally not interested in anything that might surprise them. they don’t like risk. that’s why they’re reading the same shit about the same characters over and over and over again. and these tropes, which are picked from and regurgitated into fic after fic after fic, become further and further removed from any genuine expression of human emotion. they become abstract. nonsensical. for the most part, fetish fodder. and if that is the only thing you’re reading……. It’s literally over🙁
because most fanfic is about sex or romance, and because most fanfic is written by women, and because most women are heterosexual, f/f content is considerably rarer than the alternatives. writing about women does marginally broaden the scope of what fanfic is interested in/capable of exploring, but it doesn’t solve the main, underlying problem of what fanfic is and how people (mostly women) engage with it.
are there some good lesbian fanfics out there? probably! but that isn’t the norm. is it the end of the world if you read fanfic? no! but also read real books and write something original please.
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evilelena · 1 day
I'm so weird, I fill out three-year-old Cobra Kai surveys on tumblr.
Karate Kid/Cobra Kai survey
It’s the year 2021 and you’re obsessed with The Karate Kid. How are you feeling?
Well, it's now the year 2024 and...fine? I was never really "obsessed" with the Miyagi universe until October 2022 when I started going through all the episodes for my so-called "fan fixion". it's not really fanfic; intentionally bad recaps with fictionalized elements are just something my sister and I used to do ages ago for the lulz. We actually did them for Beverly Hills, 90210 and The Shield. The Cobra Kai ones are done by me; but my sister remains my one consistent reader. She's also the one who challenged me to incorporate the phrases "practice dumby" (yes, spelled that way), "Why is this happening to me?!", and "Ouch, ouch, oh, ouch!" (a line from one of my old childhood stories) into all of my recaps -- or whatever you want to call them. (In case anybody ever looks at those and thinks wtf?.) Despite not being "obsessed" until a year and a half ago, I still really liked CK and re-watched many episodes even before October 2022!
Did you grow up with TKK or are you new to the series?
Kind of both? I was born...uh, long enough ago that I was alive when TKK was released, although I don't remember its release because I was a very young child. I did see parts of all three first movies here and there over the years growing up -- and I watched that masterpiece The Next Karate Kid in the late 90's or early 00's while going on a Walton Goggins movie binge -- but I never appreciated them until my ex-on-good-terms recommended Cobra Kai. (I'm pretty new to the "fandom" but have been watching CK since May 2018.)
We gotta do the basics. Favorite character:
Johnny, for sure. Second favorite is Terry Silver.
Favorite ship:
Johnny and Daniel when they're bickering and squabbling like an old married couple.
Underrated character:
Stiven. Too bad he left, or he and Hawk could've become pals. I like how Stiven bravely tried to start a fight with Tory during the LaRusso house brawl, and she punched him away like she was batting away a pesky fly.
Underrated ship (don’t say therapy, lol):
Johnny and Ali? I (gasp) prefer them to Johnny and Carmen.
Wax On, Wax Off or Sweep the Leg?
Sweep the leg!
Which of Daniel’s dumb little outfits is your favorite?
Any where he incorporates the color blue. Bonus points if it includes his special blue-and-white karate headband.
Character from the films you most want to return, who’s not Terry Silver:
Charlie -- that minion of Ned, or whatever the main bully's name was in TNKK. (Charlie, played by Walton Goggins, was Ned's Rickenberger.)
Scene that lives in your head rent-free:
Oh, there are so many. Way too many to name in a three-year-old survey.
Will Anthony LaRusso ever be relevant?
Technically, he was one of the most relevant characters in 5x10. Without him, Kenny Payne might still be Terry Silver's prize pupil. (And Silver might not have been arrested. Stupid Anthony!)
You live in The Valley and are forced to join the karate gang war. Which dojo do you join?
Eagle Fang, but I'm not leaping from one building to another. (Sensei Lawrence is more than welcome to call me pathetic, though -- or anything else he wants to call me.)
What’s your training montage song?
"Gonna Fly Now"?
It’s the crossover event of the century! Which TV show are you combining with Cobra Kai for an hour-long Saturday night special?
Beverly Hills, 9010. Mel Silver can be Terry's cousin.
Nobody, because this is three years old.
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topknotstrunk · 1 year
Review Everything 24 - Evangelion 3.0+1.01 Thrice Upon A Time:
Tumblr media
It’s the little details I love. Mari signing her song for her own entertainment while she waits to be deployed, the Grip Shoes literally having Grip Shoes printed on them, Mari’s blast impact crosses being pink, little things that make the world feel real and lived in. It’s one of my favorite details about eh original show, too.
Kinda cool getting to see everyone in their plug suits, but I do miss when the boys also had boobie armor.
Seeing other locations besides Middle of the Ocean, the whole earth, and Tokyo 3 was pretty cool. I dislike the red wash that literally everything has but that color is from the 3rd impact and hey, Post-Apocalypse gonna Post-Apocalypse. It’s really cool seeing normal color restored when the red gets wiped out, but the red is difficult to look at while it’s there.
I didn’t realize how much I missed the high-octane Eva battling things that weren't other Eva with the pilots all verbally sparring with each other until Mari’s fight at the beginning of this movie. Watching her pilot her injured Eva like a driver in a Fast and the Furious scene was incredibly fun. I really like Mari a lot, and I’m glad we get some screen time where she’s the feature this time.
At the same time I cannot get over how goofy the Wunder and half the enemy robots are. It really lives up to its name of being a Wunderwaffe with how goofy it is and all the shit its expected to do. Wunder being a battleship plus an arc to hold a backup of all the living material is… weird. Why would you bring your arc into battle where it could be easily destroyed? I guess having it be able to protect itself is smart, but its secondary nature, and the thing we see it spend most of its time doing benign fighting feels like bad strategy. At least they launched them into space for the final battle.
Speaking of big, silly robots I wonder if the row of walking robots in the Paris scene were meant to be an on purpose reference to the Can Can or not. Because if it’s not, that’s pretty funny, and if it is that’s hilarious, and either way it makes the enemy a little difficult to take seriously as a threat
I don’t know if this is actually true or if this is a thing I’ve picked up from Japanese media as a trope and am now projecting onto this movie, but my understanding is that Japanese culture has a much stronger “it takes a village” mentality when it comes to kids than the US has. And overall they seem, from an outsider’s perspective, to value the safety and comfort of everyone as a whole as highly or maybe more so than personal safety and comfort. If that is true it really does shine through in the way everyone is treating Rei in this movie. Sure, she’s a fuckin’ weirdo, but who isn’t these days? What’s more important is to answer her questions, teach her some stuff, and get her up  and working as a valuable member of society who can take care of herself and contribute what she can rather than mock or shun her. One thing benefits your personal emotions in the short term, and the other has the potential to benefit all of Humankind in the long term, with the guarantee of helping the person directly and those around her in the short term. Like one small example of this attitude is when Rei is helping plant rice seedlings and when she trips and falls backward onto all the hard work they’ve just done the ladies helping her learn to plant rice have a chuckle at her fall and then help her fix the issue. She isn’t scolded, she doesn't get in trouble or get punished, because Rei being comfortable and confident in her rice planting skills and everyone getting along is more important. It was cool to see that element of Japanese culture I’ve come to expect be true.
The depth of Shinji’s grief and trauma really hits in this movie. The joke in the fandom is that he’s a screechey little baby but he’s gone through a lot of shit, and this time it really feels real. Like this is how someone in that situation would actually react. It’s difficult to watch, but that’s part of what makes it work so well.
Most of the rest of the animation was either gorgeous to watch or impressive. A lot of the CG heavy scenes were not to my taste but I could recognize the skill that went into making them.
The one thing I was really hoping for from this final Rebuild movie was some forward movement. I want the story to go on, not loop back in on itself and start over again. Just because Shinji spends a lot of his time navel gazing doesn’t mean that the whole franchise should. I wasn’t looking for a good ending, or a bad ending, or even really an ending at all. I just want the story to start to move on, a hint that there is something more for these characters then to be stuck in a perpetual hell of Eva and Angel battles. And that’s pretty much what I got. Of course, I have been burned before, but until something comes out that argues this isn’t the ending of this version of Eva’s reality, I will believe that the ending we’re presented with is the true one.
I like the return, at the end of the movie, to Shinji talking to his Dad. The flashes of still images and sketches were a cool Homage to the original series that didn’t stick around long enough to become too corny. In this show based on inspiration from Christianity it made sense that Shinj’s Father was like Shinji in many ways, that Shinji had to atone for the sins of his Father, that Shinji had to sacrifice himself to rescue everyone. Being as big a Madoka Magica nerd as I am, it felt a little weird to have Shinji have his Madoka moment, but it worked, so that was all right. Seeing parallels in this version of Eva to two of my other all time favorite media, Madoka Magica and The Dark Tower series, that obviously says more about me and my interests then it does anything about Eva, but still. Indomitable Human spirit rising over and over from the ashes, ready to try anew once more, hoping for each result to be just a bit better than the last time. That’s the good shit. And man was getting to see those blue ocean waves at the end of the movie cathartic.
A criticism that has nothing to do with the movie but I want to complain about it anyway: Amazon’s X-Ray feature needs a retool. At 8:11 into the movie X-Ray is crediting Kaworu as being in the movie which, for me, was spoilers. I want the feature to either only ever show actors that are actively on screen [which I believe was the original intention] or for it to have to wait to show actors until AFTER someone says their name in the movie. I have this same complaint with  Closed Captioning. A character should be labeled something like Unknown until the audience actually sees who it is. Don’t tell me the reveal until the audience not using CC would also get it, geeze.
In summary: I think I liked this movie best out of all the Rebuild series. We really needed some time for Shinji and Rei to develop as characters, and Shinji was able to carry that growth forward through the movie. I am sad this is all there is to watch, but happy that I finally sat down and watched the movies, because now I’ve seen all of Eva.
Overall: 8/10
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tractorbeamofwoe · 2 years
okay so I’m kind of in a weird place rn and idk what to do. I don’t really know how to explain how I’m feeling so just bear with me but I feel like I’m sort of losing interest in catb tumblr/the fandom (I think that’s become pretty evident over the last year with me reblogging mainly non catb related stuff). I think it’s mainly due to just not having any more new content to post about so seeing all the same posts on my feed is getting boring and talking about all the same things is just sort of losing its appeal for me. I’m over the split now, I’ve moved on.
TLDR (if you don’t wanna read my whole rambling speech below the cut): Basically I’m taking a break from/leaving catb tumblr in favour of other fandoms that are more active because I feel like I’m screaming into the void here currently but I am going to continue writing, though there will be some other fandom stuff thrown in there
But at the same time it’s losing its fun because I don’t talk to anyone really anymore. Like i barely get interactions anymore and I feel like I’ve been blacklisted or shunned or something ?? Like I feel like I’ve done something wrong so that I’m being ignored or there’s a quiet mutual dislike of me but idk what ? I can tell it’s stemmed from like the last two dramas that I got involved in but like considering some people reached out and were reassuring me and made me feel like we’re on good terms and now are just acting like I don’t exist...I’m ngl kinda stings a bit. I really loved and valued the friendships I had with people on here and I loved this tight little community we had where we’d all support each other but in the last year I think catb tumblr has lost that aspect.
I know I haven’t written much in the last year but even when I do it’s like months of work just for it to get one like and it’s just not exciting or rewarding or inspiring me to keep going anymore if anything it’s just becoming a chore and is kind of draining. I LOVE writing don’t get me wrong and I still have so many WIPs that I’d like to get finished but I just cannot be bothered to do that knowing I’m gonna be really proud of it and it doesn’t even get read.
This part is just aimed at the fandom in general so please don’t feel like you’ve done anything wrong but I think I’m gonna start unfollowing a load of catb blogs too. Because where I used to like every single post, every ask, every reblog, every picture on my dash and leave comments I now just skim through my TL and just sort of like the odd one or two posts. But that’s the thing, I always made an effort to like every post I saw so people felt seen and didn’t feel like they were screaming into the void, but I don’t feel like I ever got anything like that back and I myself these days just feel like I’m talking to a brick wall.
Like I said, I’ve still got loads of WIPs so I’m not gonna stop writing for catb (and this doesn’t apply to Inhaler, I adore the inhaler fandom on here and I’d like to spend more time getting to know my Inhaler mutuals. Still gonna write those Sam WIPs too) but I’m also part of so many more fandoms now that I’ve actually been wanting to write for for a while now but never did because I felt tied down to only writing for catb. I’ve been talking about the idea of rebranding for a while and again never really had the guts to do it but this time I think I might, just need to decide how I’m gonna do it first.
So I guess uh shameless self plug if you’re into britpop or stranger things or just movies I guess then stick around :)
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Incorrect Quotes 3
Sorry for not updating in a while, anyway, Merry Christmas! Heres Incorrect Quotes 3! 
Fandom: Undertale AU’s
Blue: I'd like to address Ink's annoying personal habits.
Ink: Oh my God! What personal habits?
Blue: I have a list. FYI overuse of the phrase "Oh my God" is number 12. 
Dream: I'm sorry for all the stuff I said.
Ink: And for punching me in the face?
Dream: No, you definitely deserved that.
Ink: It's a good thing I still have this sexy cat costume!
Blue: I really don't think you were the target audience for that costume.
Lust: There is nothing gendered about a sexy cat.
 Blue: I made tea.
Ink: I don't want tea.
Blue: I didn't make tea for you. This is my tea.
Ink: Then why are you telling me?
Blue: It's a conversation starter.
Ink: That's a lousy conversation starter.
Blue: Oh, is it? We're conversing. Checkmate 
Ink: Am I cool or what?
Geno: What.
Ink: I said, am I cool or-
Geno: Yeah, I heard you.
Ink: You go big or you go home. And you don’t seem like the kind of person that goes home.
Cross: I’m not. I don’t even really have a home.
Dust: Those pants look great, and I bet they’d look even better on Horror’s floor.
Horror: Are you hitting on Lust... for me?
Killer: I've lied to every girl I said "I love you" to. I thought I loved them but then I met you and realized I've never been in love before.
Dream: Aw. I did not know that.
Killer: Yeah, it was eating me up inside. So, I called them each individually and said "I never loved you."
Dream: Okay, that seems unnecessary.
 Blue: We're going mattress shopping.
Dust: You know, once we get it, we'll have to break it in.
Blue: Oh, I hear what you're saying. Mattress trampoline.
Blue: Wait, no. You were talking about sex.
 Blue: Uh oh.
Fell: What?
Blue: Somebody's in love.
Fell: Yeah, right. I just think Sci’s cool. It's not like I lay awake at night thinking about him.
Fell, later that night: shit.
 Dream: You guys just got back together. You might not want to ditch him on his birthday.
Blue: I think Dream has a point. You can see it another day.
Ink: But someone might spoil the movie. No one can spoil Error's birthday for me. Surprise, he's even older. Who saw that coming?
Dream: Aww, that's nice. Put that on his cake.
Dust: We're lost.
Horror: Lost? As in "where the hell are we?"
Dust: We're not totally lost. We're still in Waterfall.
Killer: You said this was a shortcut.
Dust: It is a shortcut! Look how fast we got lost!
Killer: Before I do anything, I ask myself, would Dust do that? And if the answer is yes, I do not do that thing.
 Cross: Nightmare, I typed up your symptoms into the thing up here, and it says you may have network connectivity problems.
Cross: I would have been here sooner but the bus kept stopping for other people to get on it.
Dust: How do you keep your pants up when battling? Its incredible!
 Error: belt. 
Dust: Nightmare!! Theres an ugly monster under my bed!
Killer (who is on the bottom bunk of the bunk bed): Alright. Screw you too!
Dream: You took so long in the shower!
Ink: Yeah sorry, I was at a concert.
Cross: Holy crap, you’re so violent-
Error: Yeah, but i'm short so it's adorable.
Nightmare: I scared them again didn’t I?
Cross: They’re terrified of you-
Nightmare: That makes me so happy! 
Ink: Error?
Error: What?
Ink: You kicked me in your sleep!
Error: ….who said I was asleep?
Horror: Why would you give Dust a knife?! 
Killer: He felt unsafe.
Horror: Well now I feel unsafe!
Killer: …...would you like a knife as-well?
Error: Okay, lets stop using the term ‘butt-hurt’. We are adults not 12 year olds.
Cross: You sound fannytroubled.
Ink: A little bootybothered if you asked me.
Dust: Someones having a tushytantrum
Nightmare: OH GOD HORROR!
Nightmare: DUST!
Nightmare: Excuse me ma’am?! Have you seen my sons?! They’re about this tall- all clearly gay but we havent had the talk.
Nightmare: *kicks down trash can violently*
Error: Cross control your boyfriend jesus-
Enjoy some quotes from Disney/Nickelodeon Shows!: (I uh- also added some cusswords lol-)  
Killer: You’re not pregnant! 
Horror: Wait- who’s pregnant?! 
Dust: ME!
Horror: Congratulations! 
Killer: He’s not pregnant!
Dust: Easy Killz! I’m with child-!
Killer: You’re not with child!
Horror: I’m gonna be an uncle!!!
Horror: Then who’s gonna teach the little guy how to ride a bike?!
Error: Calm down Dust! You’re not pregnant.
Dust: Then why am I so moody and nauseous?! 
Dust: I think it's the morning sickness!
Error: ...Dust…
Error: you’re a boy. 
Dust: ...oh yeah-
Sci: Sorry, but the convertants of air streams coming from the vents are creating a dangerous draft on the guest chair. 
Blue: Alright...but if I catch a cold and start coughing and sneezing uncontrollably it will be on you. LITERALLY-
Blue: Ink! Geno! Please..! Violence is never the solution-  
Blue: *gets hit in the face by a pillow and falls down*
Killer: *snoring on the couch*
Nightmare: Awww- he fell asleep mid clean! I’ll wake him.
Nightmare: KILLER!!!!
Killer: AHH! *sprays cleaning spray on Nightmare’s face* 
Cross: Who took all my scarfs?! I need them for tomorrow--
Dust swinging on a rope made out of cross’s scarfs: *doing a tarzan yell and crashing into the kitchen*
Dust coming out of the kitchen with spoons forks and knifes on him: Now that was awesome!!
Sci: Well...I brought a book you could read-
Ink: NOOOOOOOOO- *runs away*
Sci: Too easy. 
Blue: I'm a hugger!!!!
Killer: I did not see that coming.
Killer: *gets smacked in the arm by a drone* OW!
Nightmare: Apparently you don't see a lot of things coming.
 Horror: ...what's that?
A random stranger: It's lasagna… and it's for a Christmas Party I’m going to.
Horror: We could have a party right now-!
Cross: What are you all getting Nightmare for his birthday?
Killer: A slightly used lip balm. 
Dust: A free hug. 
Error: My profound admiration. 
Horror: *picks up salt shaker* This salt shaker.  
Ink: Oh, this is my chum bucket! I’m going to catch a giant squid and tame it! 
Dream: ...you’re a weird kid.
Lust: Now all we have to do is wait for the guests to show up!
Lust: Oh...we forgot to invite people….
Blue: Yup, sure did-
Nightmare: Its not like anybody died…!
Dream: We haven't seen the rest of the tape…..
Killer while rubbing Dust’s arm: COME OFF COME OFF COME OFF!!!
Dust: Hey! The only thing coming off is my arm! 
Killer: What am I going to tell Nightmare?! Oh….oh! I got it! We’ll just cut off your arm!
Cross: Good idea! Because that's easier to explain then a tattoo.
Horror and Dust: *battling with pool noodles*
Blue laying on the ground: HALT!
Horror and Dust: …?
Blue: Does anyone have a pillow? This ground is really hard! 
Killer: Nightmare can you do me a big favor…?
Nightmare: You need a handsome man to go with you to the reunion? No problem...I’ll do it! 
Killer: I meant to see if you could call one of your friends or your brother but uh-
Nightmare: *death stare*
Killer: okay...you’ll do-
Dust: Two days to learn a language?
Dust: I got some spanish for ya! No way Jose- haha!
Cross: And I’m sorry I said he was my favorite-
Horror: It's alright Dad! To be honest, I always preferred Nightmare. 
Dream: I know there is still some good left in you!
Nightmare: No there isn’t-! Wait. 
Nightmare: *visibly cringing* 
Nightmare referring to Passive Night: Agrh! There's still a piece of good. DARN IT!
Dust: *pretends to yawn to sling his arm over Blue to dim the lights*
Dust: Do you mind?
Blue: Not at all. While we’re at it.
Blue: *throws one of Error’s puppets at the radio to play some convenient romantic music*
Blue and Dust: *about to kiss on the couch*
Horror in the kitchen doorway: *holding a glass of milk* What are you doing?
Blue and Dust: AH! HORROR! 
Ink: What are you saying? That I’m dumb?!
Error: Well- no… you’re just not very….thinky.
Ink: Thinky? Why did you say that?!
Error: Because Geno told me I cant call you dumb.
Dream: Hey Killer? Can you get me some punch?
Killer: Sure, I’ll be right back.
Passive Nightmare: Cross? Can you get me some punch too?
Cross: What? Your feet dont work? 
Cross: Ice or no ice…?
Passive: Surprise me. 
Nightmare: If you all want your phones….
Nightmare: *shows box of phones* They’re right here.
Blue visibly shaking: 
Dream: Blue…
Blue starts vibrating a bit: 
Dream: Blue. 
Blue starts vibrating:
Dream: BluE- 
Blue: *war scream* 
Everyone except Nightmare and Blue: OH SHIT- 
Blue: I NEED MY PHONE- *starts running at nightmare* 
Everyone else: BLUE NO *tries to restrain Blue* 
Blue screaming: *kicks Ink in the stomach causing him to fall backwards*
Dust and Horror screaming: *trying to hold Blues legs and arms* 
Blue still screaming: *elbows Horror in the ribs*
Horror letting go of Blue: OW!!
Dust accidentally lets his grip loosen on Blue: HOLY SHIT! HORROR?! 
Blue who is still screaming: *pushing Dust to the ground and running at the box* I NEED MY PHONE- 
Killer: *tackles Blue* 
Dream: *helping Killer restrain Blue*
Ink: *confused screaming* 
Nightmare: *laughing*
Blue: *flips over also flipping over Killer and kicking him in the chest* 
Killer: FUCK! *rolls over and clutches onto his chest*
Dream: HOLY CRAP BLUE CALM DOWN- *grabs onto both of Blue’s arms*
Blue screaming and kicks Dream in the shin: I NEED MY PHONE- 
Dream: *falls down grabbing his shin* MOTHER FU-
Blue running and grabbing the box of phones: GIVE ME MY PHONE-
Ink trying to grab hold of Blue: BLUE WAIT- 
Blue screaming and hits Ink in the face with the box: AHHH
Everyone else except Ink: *charging at Blue*
Blue grabs phone from out of the box: I GOT IT I GOT IT- 
Horror: *hoists up a screaming Blue in the air*
Dust: *grabbing Blue from the thighs lifting him up even more*
Killer: *grabbing Blue’s phone from his hands*
Killer: *puts Blue’s phone in the box*
Blue screaming and squirming: NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
Ink: *grabbing a chair*
Dream: *helping Dust and Horror restrain Blue* 
Blue: *flipping around screaming and kicking*
Nightmare: *still laughing*
Everyone: *sets Blue down on the chair Ink grabbed*
Dream, Horror, and Dust: *holding Blue down on the chair and shushing him*
Blue: *calms down*
Ink: Holy shit...
Here are more incorrect quotes: 
Killer: Hey do you want to- stop screaming, its just me- do you want to watch a movie with me? 
Killer: Okay well when you’re done with that do you want to watch a movie with me?
F!Frisk: You don't think I can fight because I'm a girl. 
Blue: I don't feel like you can fight because you are in a wedding dress. But for what it's worth, I don't think Ink could fight in that dress either.
Ink: Perhaps not, but I would make a radiant bride.
Classic banging on the closet door: Fell! Open up!
Fell: Well, it all started when I was born-
Classic: No I meant-
Blue: Shh....let him finish.
Dust: *sneaking in through the window at 2am*
Nightmare *flicking on the light and turning around in his chair*: So, Where were you?
Dust: I-I was with Cross!
Cross *turning around in his chair*: Wanna try again..?
Epic: Bruh, I want to give you the whole world but like...I only have 20 bucks.
Cross: Dude, come here.
Epic: *moves closer*
Cross: *hugs him*
Cross: I don't have any money but I got the world right here in my arms.
Epic: B r u h...
Killer: How high was I last night?
Dream: You forgot what milk was and called it cereal water.
Blue to Ink: What time is it...?
Ink: Don't know. Hand me that flute and I'll find out
*Ink plays the flute*
Ink: It's 2am
Cross doing a CROSS-word puzzle: I need a 9 letter word for disappointment....
Ink: Nightmare.
Dream and Cross slowly rising from their seats: Are you ready to fucking die..?
Blue: How do Horror and Dust get out of these messes?
Killer: They don't. They just make a bigger mess to cancel out the first one.
Passive Nightmare: Do I want to be feared or loved? Easy.
Passive: Both. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me.
Cross under his breath: Then I'm fucking terrified.
Ink: I'd like everybody's attention. Christmas is canceled.
Blue: You can't cancel a holiday.
Ink: Keep it up, Blue, and you'll lose New Year's.
Blue: What does that mean?
Ink: Dream, take New Year's away from Blue.
Lust: okay so the gingerbread house instructions say to be very delicate-
Sci: *holding power drill* DELICACY!!!
Killer: I can't believe you and Horror broke the bed last night.
Dust: It must have been wild.
Lust: Haha... Yeah...
[Last Night]
Lust: Bet 35G you can't jump high enough to touch the ceiling.
Horror: Try me.
Cross: Hey ya'll. So, I know I'm the new guy here, but I think I can speak for everyone when I say... I don't know what the fuck is going on.
The Bad Guys: Agreed.
[Sets kitchen on fire]
Dust: shit- we need an adult.
Horror: You ARE an adult!
Dust looking extremely terrified: oh...oh fuck.
Nightmare: It's hard being the leader of the bad guys sometimes, but I love them all and that's all what matters-
Horror: Nightmare! Me, Fell, Dust, Killer, and Lust tried to make ramen in the coffee pot and we broke everything....
Nightmare: [inhales]
Killer: You need a hobby Dust.
Dust: I already have a hobby Killer.
Killer: How many times do I have to tell you stalking Blue is not a hobby.
Error: Ink? Why are you on top of the fridge?
Ink: Can I not be wherever I want?! Maybe I like it up here!
Error: Wheres the spider?
Ink, quietly: Underneath the table...
Dust: I have come up with a three-step plan to get Nightmare to marry you!
Cross: Okay...Im listening....
Dust: Step one! Get him to play truth or dare.
Cross: Never mind please stop.
Dust: Step two! Wait for him to pick dare.
Cross: Dust. I swear.
Dust: Step three! Dare him to marry you.
Cross: God damn it.
Horror from another room: IT MIGHT WORK!
Killer: Synonyms are weird. Because if you invite someone to your cottage in the forest, that just sounds nice and cozy, but if someone invites you to a cabin in the woods, you're going to die.
Blue: My favorite is 'butt-dial' vs 'booty call'
Sci: It's called connotation
Lust: Also, 'forgive me father for I have sinned'
Lust winking at horror: Vs 'sorry daddy, I've been naughty'
Horror whose face is now completely red: I-
Nightmare: Congrats! Language has officially been canceled.
Dream, joking: I should have Killer kill you for that
Killer from another room: who?
Dream: Oh no its okay, I was kidding around-
Killer, walking in, with a hammer and knife in both hands: No, is he bothering you?
Classic teaching Fell how to drive: Alright, you see Dust walking in the middle of the road. What do you hit?
Fell: ...oh definitely Dust.
Classic: The brakes Fell! You hit the brakes.
Dust: Quick! Take my hand!
Blue: *grabs Dusts hand* Now what?
Dust: Nothing. I just wanted to hold hands!
Cross upset: I hate you guys and I'm never talking to a single one of you ever again!
[10 minutes later]
Cross kissing everyone's forehead: Goodnight Horror, Goodnight Lust, Goodnight Dust, Goodnight Killer, Goodnight Error.
Blue: Psst! Error!
Error: what?
Blue: I made this friendship bracelet for you!
Error: Blue... you know I'm not really a jewerly person...
Blue: Oh. Its okay! You dont have to wear it-
Error: No. I'm going to wear it forever back off.
Dust: Me and Killer get along fine! Right Killz?
Killer: I've never been more stressed out in my entire life.
Cross: I guess I'm just too tough to cry.
Horror: Just yesterday you were crying about snakes.
Cross sobbing a little: THEY DON'T HAVE ARMS HORROR-
Reaper: Hey bitches!!! I've got starbuckssss-
Dust: YAY!!!
Nightmare: Reaper...please...its 3 am in the morning....
Dream: Are you a cuddler?
Killer: I AM A MACHINE OF DEATH AND DESTRUCTION- yeah I'm a cuddler.
Classic: Dont talk to me.
Papyrus: What happened brother?
Classic: I went and joined a Sans look-alike contest...
Classic: AND LOST-
Dream: Sibling relationships are weird.
Dream: Like, I'd give Nightmare my spine but no way is he borrowing my charger.
Dust: Whats it like dating Nightmare?
Cross: One timeI asked him for water while he was still mad at me, and he brought be a full glass of ice and said "wait".
Cross: I love him-
Dust: I can't go. Stress is bad for the baby.
Killer: What baby?
Dust: Me.
Ink: I hate it when people ask me "whats the stupidest thing you've done?" Like bold of you to assume I've reached peak dumbass.
Nightmare: If someone ever kidnapped you, I would hunt them down to the ends of the earth so I could kill them.
Cross: If you asked I would literally kill everyone in this room with no hesitation.
Dream [A little terrified and disturbed]: You know this is not what normal couples say to each other right...?
Geno: How do you politely tell someone you want to hit them in the face with a brick?
Sci: One wishes to acquaint your facial features in a fundamental item used in building walls. Repeatedly.
Lust shedding a fake tear: Thats the most beautiful thing I've ever heard....
Blue, opening a Capri-sun: Guess I'll just drink my sorrows away.
Sorry if I posted a quote twice-
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utilitycaster · 3 years
To me the relationship between Ted and Opal is the most important and consitent plot point in EXU. On the other hand everything with the Plateau and the Nameless Ones feels like it builds up something for C3. I think that Matt gave plot points about the state of the world (crater, sigil) and Aabria used it as a jumping off point and created the city as her contribution. So as long as things like the memory loss and the crown are dealt with, I feel pretty good about the story of EXU.
So I deleted another ask that was similarly purely speculative and I just want to say that like...I have open DMs/replies and obviously reblogs, and if you want to actually discuss your opinions that is always a better place; the askbox is for questions and suggestions and, well, things that explicitly invite my input, which I'm going to give anyway but it feels like this could have been a reply. Because I wholly disagree with much of this:
The crater is certainly a pre-existing concept because Thordak's presence in Emon happened, but including the sigil seems very odd given that he is a player in the world and it appearing was a surprise plot point in the second episode; I think the general worldbuilding was "Thordak's crater is here and there's weird magic possibly tied to the fire plane should you wish to use that" (emphasis speculative, and mine).
I am probably least interested in Opal and Ted, or at least, I was, but more so now that at least that pulls in whatever the fuck is happening with Syngorn. I think you might be correct that this will be treated as the main plot in terms of resolution; but the reason I think this is that Opal being central came up in the interviews and because of how the last episode ended. If you don't think the plot is the main plot until episode 7 and external press...that's not good.
I like Opal and Ted's relationship! I think it's fun for the character, in the same way I don't necessarily really think we'll get all the details of who Dorian really is - and that is truly tangential to the plot, despite any curiosity we as an audience may have. But compared to the fact that they open the entire story with memory loss at the crater, being approached by someone high-up in the Nameless Ones, a vestige of divergence, and sigil mysteriously appearing? The fact that the details of Ted no longer being in Byroden appear at the halfway point of the series and the Ted and Syngorn plot is primarily in stingers?
Again, at this point, yeah, that might end being the main plot...but just thinking about this, after episode 1 it seemed the main plot would be "okay we're missing a week and a person, we're in deep with the Nameless Ones, and we have a vestige of such profound power that it makes two people ill." After episode 2 it seemed the main plot was "well we can escape those problems and maybe find out more about this sigil that's possibly tied to the crater/memory loss by talking to Gilmore." After episodes 3 and even 4 it seemed it was "okay, we go to these ruins, come back, resolve the rest." But we keep getting balls thrown in the air - further mysteries about Ted, the people from Syngorn, Niirdal-Poc still existing, the journey to the Iron Authority instead of returning home - and none of it has been resolved, and again, I'm enjoying myself, but that is because everything other than the plot is great so I'm treating this like those big-budget artistic sci fi movies where you're like "the aesthetic and worldbuilding and acting and dialogue is all incredible and the plot falls apart if you breathe on it a little too heavily."
I was talking to someone about this recently who made the point that the party seems to have missed a lot of checks early on that might have introduced the Ted and Myr'atta plot back in Emon and honestly? forcing one of those checks or giving it for free would have made a world of difference; I think the party would have made far different choices that in turn would have significantly tightened up the plot. And you don't need to do that, in a long-running campaign, but you really, really do in an 8-episode series.
I do want to speak to people talking about this setting things up for C3 because that was in the anon ask I deleted: I'm not saying it doesn't, necessarily, but I think there is a big difference between "C3 may, understandably, deal with some of the consequences of things that happen in EXU. much as it will deal with consequences of C1 and C2, because it's the same world" and "EXU is explicitly leaving threads for C3".
The former I absolutely agree with; that's how shared worldbuilding works and it was the case with C1 for C2. The latter is, I think, a wildly unfair expectation to place Aabria and a terrible marketing choice for the series and bodes ill for future seasons of EXU.
EXU was very much put forth as having appeal for people who, understandably, don't have the time or inclination to watch a 100+ episode series. I have already seen reviews criticizing it for relying on past information; while I don't agree with this completely, given the difficulties with the plot this does, for example, feel like it may ring true for people who have no emotional connection to Gilmore. A tighter, more Emon-focused plot that happened to include Gilmore to the same extent (or even greater) would probably not have the same criticism, but as is, I think viewers unfamiliar with C1 may legitimately be saying "why did we spend time on this."
EXU can have threads that can be picked up with in C3 - it does not need to, for example, resolve every detail of the Nameless Ones, only the status of this party with regards to Poska - but to say "and to know what happens about the major event, in Emon, which is tied to Thordak, ie, how the series was marketed, which was introduced to the audience long before Myr'atta, you need to watch C3" is something I'd consider a serious misstep. The story in EXU should be somewhat self-contained, with the consequences of that self-contained story fueling the plot; it should not be a collection of plot points for a later day. That's not just going to alienate potential viewers of future seasons who don't intend to watch full CR campaigns; it's kind of a shitty thing to do to your guest DM, to say "oh throw to me, you can DM in my world but you need to set up for my show even if it makes your plot seem more unfocused". EXU can and should be thought of as its own show in the same world, not a mere appendage to the flagship.
I'm still withholding final judgement until it can, you know, be final. I think there's a still a chance I am very pleasantly surprised! As mentioned I and much of the fandom had doubts about the campaign 2 finale to the point that some people were writing, as I referred to it at the time, vivisections and calling them post-mortems. I disliked it then and I disliked it now and I will reserve judgement on EXU's plot structure on the whole until after the finale; I am just saying that while it may end up standing quite well as a complete story in the end, the pacing has felt increasingly off to me since the midway point and if this is just setup for C3 I think that makes it worse, not better.
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nitrateglow · 3 years
Favorite films discovered in 2020
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Well, this year sucked. I did see some good movies though. Some even made after I was born!
Perfect Blue (dir. Satoshi Kon, 1997)
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I watch a lot of thrillers and horror movies, but precious few actually unsettle me in any lasting way. This cannot be said of Perfect Blue, which gave me one of the most visceral cinematic experiences of my life. Beyond the brief flashes of bloodletting (you will never look at a screwdriver the same way again), the scariest thing about Perfect Blue might be how the protagonist has both her life and her sense of self threatened by the villains. The movie’s prescience regarding public persona is also incredibly eerie, especially in our age of social media. While anime is seen as a very niche interest (albeit one that has become more mainstream in recent years), I would highly recommend this movie to thriller fans, whether they typically watch anime or not. It’s right up there with the best of Hitchcock or De Palma.
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (dir. Sergio Leone, 1966)
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Nothing is better than when an iconic movie lives up to the hype. Clint Eastwood, Eli Wallach, and Lee Van Cleef play off of one another perfectly. I was impressed by Wallach as Tuco in particular: his character initially seems like a one-dimensional greedy criminal, but the performance is packed with wonderful moments of humanity. Do I really need to say anything about the direction? Or about the wonderful storyline, which takes on an almost mythic feel in its grandeur? Or that soundtrack?
Die Niebelungen (both movies) (dir. Fritz Lang, 1924)
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I did NOT expect to love these movies as much as I did. That they would be dazzlingly gorgeous I never doubted: the medieval world of the story is brought to vivid life through the geometrical mise en scene and detailed costuming. However, the plot itself is so, so riveting, never losing steam over the course of the four hours it takes to watch both movies. The first half is heroic fantasy; the second half involves a revenge plot of almost Shakespearean proportions. This might actually be my favorite silent Fritz Lang movie now.
Muppet Treasure Island (dir. Brian Henson, 1996)
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I understand that people have different tastes and all, but how does this movie have such a mixed reception? It’s absolutely hilarious. How could anybody get through the scene with “THA BLACK SPOT AGGHHHHHHH” and not declare this a masterpiece of comedy? And I risk being excommunicated from the Muppet fandom for saying it, but I like this one more than The Great Muppet Caper. It’s probably now my second favorite Muppet movie.
Belle de Jour (dir. Luis Bunuel, 1967)
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I confess I’m not terribly fond of “but was it real???” movies. They tend to feel gimmicky more often than not. Belle de Jour is an exception. This is about more than a repressed housewife getting her kicks working as a daytime prostitute. The film delves into victim blaming, trauma, class, and identity-- sure, this sounds academic and dry when I put it that way, but what I’m trying to say is that these are very complicated characters and the blurring of fantasy and reality becomes thought-provoking rather than trite due to that complexity.
Secondhand Lions (dir. Tim McCanlies, 2003)
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The term “family movie” is often used as a synonym for “children’s movie.” However, there is an important distinction: children’s movies only appeal to kids, while family movies retain their appeal as one grows up. Secondhand Lions is perhaps a perfect family movie, with a great deal more nuance than one might expect regarding the need for storytelling and its purpose in creating meaning for one’s life. It’s also amazingly cast: Haley Joel Osment is excellent as the juvenile lead, and Michael Caine and Robert Duvall steal the show as Osment’s eccentric uncles.
The Pawnbroker (dir. Sidney Lumet, 1964)
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Controversial in its day for depicting frontal nudity, The Pawnbroker shocks today for different reasons. As the top review of the film on IMDB says, we’re used to victims of great atrocities being presented as sympathetic, good people in fiction. Here, Rod Steiger’s Sol Nazerman subverts such a trope: his suffering at the hands of the Nazis has made him a hard, closed-off person, dismissive of his second wife (herself also a survivor of the Holocaust), cold to his friendly assistant, and bitter towards himself. The movie follows Nazerman’s postwar life, vividly presenting his inner pain in a way that is almost too much to bear. Gotta say, Steiger gives one of the best performances I have ever seen in a movie here: he’s so three-dimensional and complex. The emotions on his face are registered with Falconetti-level brilliance.
The Apartment (dir. Billy Wilder, 1960)
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While not the most depressing Christmas movie ever, The Apartment certainly puts a good injection of cynicism into the season. I have rarely seen a movie so adept at blending comedy, romance, and satire without feeling tone-deaf. There are a lot of things to praise about The Apartment, but I want to give a special shoutout to the dialogue. “Witty” dialogue that sounds natural is hard to come by-- so often, it just feels smart-assy and strained. Not here.
Anatomy of a Murder (dir. Otto Preminger, 1959)
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I’m not big into courtroom dramas, but Anatomy of a Murder is a big exception. Its morally ambiguous characters elevate it from being a mere “whodunit” (or I guess in the case of this movie, “whydunit”), because if there’s something you’re not going to get with this movie, it’s a clear answer as to what happened on the night of the crime. Jimmy Stewart gives one of his least characteristic performances as the cynical lawyer, and is absolutely brilliant. 
Oldboy (dir. Park Chan-Wook, 2003)
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Oldboy reminded me a great deal of John Webster’s 17th century tragedy The Duchess of Malfi. Both are gruesome, frightening, and heartbreaking works of art, straddling the line between sensationalism and intelligence, proving the two are not mutually exclusive. It’s both entertaining and difficult to watch. The thought of revisiting it terrifies me but I feel there is so much more to appreciate about the sheer craft on display.
Family Plot (dir. Alfred Hitchcock, 1976)
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Family Plot is an enjoyable comedy; you guys are just mean. I know in an ideal world, Hitchcock’s swan song would be a great thriller masterpiece in the vein of Vertigo or Psycho. Family Plot is instead a silly send-up of Hitchcock’s favorite tropes, lampooning everything from the dangerous blonde archetype (with not one but two characters) to complicated MacGuffin plots. You’ll probably demand my film buff card be revoked for my opinion, but to hell with it-- this is my favorite of Hitchcock’s post-Psycho movies.
My Best Girl (dir. Sam Taylor, 1927)
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Mary Pickford’s farewell to silent film also happens to be among her best movies. It’s a simple, charming romantic comedy starring her future husband, Charles “Buddy” Rogers. Pickford also gets to play an adult character here, rather than the little girl parts her public demanded she essay even well into her thirties. She and Rogers are sweet together without being diabetes-inducing, and the comedy is often laugh out loud funny. It even mocks a few tropes that anyone who watches enough old movies will recognize and probably dislike-- such as “break his heart to save him!!” (my personal most loathed 1920s/1930s trope).
Parasite (dir. Bong Joon-ho, 2019)
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This feels like such a zeitgeist movie. It’s about the gap between the rich and the poor, it’s ironic,  it’s depressing, it’s unpredictable as hell. I don’t like terms like “modern classic,” because by its very definition, a classic can only be deemed as such after a long passage of time, but I have a good feeling Parasite will be considered one of the definitive films of the 2010s in the years to come.
Indiscreet (dir. Stanley Donen, 1958)
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Indiscreet often gets criticized for not being Notorious more or less, which is a shame. It’s not SUPPOSED to be-- it’s cinematic souffle and both Ingrid Bergman and Cary Grant elevate that light material with their perfect chemistry and comedic timing. It’s also refreshing to see a rom-com with characters over 40 as the leads-- and the movie does not try to make them seem younger or less mature, making the zany moments all the more hilarious. It’s worth seeing for Cary Grant’s jig (picture above) alone.
The Taking of Pelham One Two Three (dir. Joseph Sargent, 1974)
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This movie embodies so much of what I love about 70s cinema: it’s gritty, irreverent, and hard-hitting. It’s both hilarious and suspenseful-- I was tense all throughout the run time. I heard there was a remake and it just seems... so, so pointless when you already have this gem perfect as it is.
They All Laughed (dir. Peter Bogdonavich, 1981)
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Bogdonavich’s lesser known homage to 1930s screwball comedy is also a weirdly autumnal movie. Among the last gasps of the New Hollywood movement, it is also marks the final time Audrey Hepburn would star in a theatrical release. The gentle comedy, excellent ensemble cast (John Ritter is the standout), and the mature but short-lived romance between Hepburn and Ben Gazarra’s characters make this a memorably bittersweet gem.
The Palm Beach Story (dir. Preston Sturges, 1942)
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Absolutely hilarious. I was watching this with my parents in the room. My mom tends to like old movies while my dad doesn’t, but both of them were laughing aloud at this one. Not much else to say about it, other than I love Joel McCrea the more movies I see him in-- though it’s weird seeing him in comedies since I’m so used to him as a back-breaking man on the edge in The Most Dangerous Game!
Nothing Sacred (dir. William Wellman, 1937)
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I tend to associate William Wellman with the pre-code era, so I’ve tried delving more into his post-code work. Nothing Sacred is easily my favorite of those films thus far, mainly for Carole Lombard but also because the story still feels pretty fresh due to the jabs it takes at celebrity worship and moral hypocrisy. For a satire, it’s still very warm towards its characters, even when they’re misbehaving or deluding themselves, so it’s oddly a feel-good film too.
Applause (dir. Rouben Mamoulian, 1929)
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I love watching early sound movies, but my inner history nerd tends to enjoy them more than the part of me that, well, craves good, well-made movies. Most early sound films are pure awkward, but there’s always an exception and Applause is one of them. While the plot’s backstage melodrama is nothing special, the way the story is told is super sophisticated and expressive for this period of cinema history, and Helen Morgan makes the figure of the discarded burlesque queen seem truly human and tragic rather than merely sentimental.
Topaz (dir. Alfred Hitchcock, 1969)
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Another late Hitchcock everyone but me seems to hate. After suffering through Torn Curtain, I expected Hitchcock’s other cold war thriller was going to be dull as dishwater, but instead I found an understated espionage movie standing in stark contrast to the more popular spy movies of the period. It’ll never be top Hitchcock, of course-- still it was stylish and enjoyable, with some truly haunting moments. I think it deserves more appreciation than it’s been given.
What were your favorite cinematic discoveries in 2020?
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livefordrama · 3 years
Reviewing Dramas I Have Watched Part 6
It’s been a while; I haven’t been able to watch a lot between school and just life. Not to mention the time I do have is spent doing buddy watches of kdramas I have already seen with my friends and family (On teleparty of course.) Again, here is my rating system:  1- Did not like, 2- Enjoyed but probably wouldn’t watch again, 3- Enjoyed and would watch some episodes again (or for movies may watch again), 4- Enjoyed and would watch again, 5- Loved
Korean Drama
Melting Me Softly: 3/5
Melting Me Softly is about a guy and s girl who get cryogenically frozen for an experiment for what was meant to be only a day. Unfortunately, something happens, and the 24-hour experiment turns into 20 years. Now they have to deal with the changes of not only their family and friends but the world and society as a whole all while trying to uncover the darker secrets behind the experiments.
I gave this a 3 because while the earlier and later episodes were amazing and hilarious, the episodes in the middle of the season bored me. I am not much of a romance person unless it is either subtle or played out a specific way and the romance in this wasn’t my personal cup of tea so it just got boring for me. On its good episodes though, it was funny, sad, and cute. I really did like the dynamic between the two main characters and the romance is pretty good, just a little slower in the middle of the series. The relationships with the family members of the two were so cute and so sad, I loved the all the scenes where the mains got to interact with their families. I did feel awkward and weird about the second-lead, I’m not sure if he counts as a second lead but for lack of a better term that’s what I’m calling him. I love Choi Bo-Min as an actor, and it had nothing to do with his acting, just the whole situation was uncomfortable to me. That other guy who doesn’t even deserve to be the second-lead, if you watch it you know, the stalker one, I despise that man. Not once during the entire show did I like one of his scenes. That could be why I didn’t enjoy the middle scenes as much cause he found a way to worm his way into almost every scene and I would get so annoyed with him. This show does have its good points and bad points, so I would recommend it for those who like romance with a little bit of suspense and humor.
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Welcome to Waikiki (season 1): 3/5
Welcome to Waikiki is about a group of friends who own and attempt to run a guesthouse together. When they find a baby left behind in one of their rooms, they have to find out how to take care of her and find her mother. This becomes even more complicated when the mother returns in tears saying she had no where else to go and didn’t want her baby to suffer. After hearing about her troubles, they decide to take the two in, in exchange for help working at the guesthouse. It follows the group and mother as they try to figure out how to take care of a baby, save their failing guesthouse, and achieve their own dreams, all while falling in love.
This show was hilarious, I watched it because everyone was talking about how funny it was and I agree. I especially love how it focused on all the characters instead of picking just one or two and focusing on them. I love when shows really work on all their characters and this show played it out so well. Not one was neglected and I didn’t feel like any of them were underdeveloped by the end, and Sol was super cute! I loved every single one of her scenes, she was so funny and sassy and I know she is just a baby but she is amazing. I watched some episodes on the tv and my sisters even made comments on how cute she was when they looked up at the TV, even though they didn’t watch it. I enjoyed the ending and how it all played out and tied together nicely. 
It was a delight for the first two thirds of the season. However, yet again that romance hit and the humor kinda dissipated to be replaced by the romance for a good few episodes. While it was admittedly cute, and I adored the romance scenes in the last few episodes, most romance scenes gave me such second-hand embarrassment I had to pause the show for a while and gain the courage to restart it. I did enjoy it but would probably only ever rewatch the first two thirds and maybe the last two or so episodes. It reminds me of Love With Flaws in the second-hand embarrassment romance scenes, so if you enjoyed that show, definitely give this one a chance. If you like romance, humor, and can handle the second-hand embarrassment stuff I highly recommend this one! It’s super cute and hilarious!
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Missing Nine: 5/5                                
Trigger Warning: Plane crash, Blood, Injuries, Suicide attempts, Murder
Missing Nine is about a girl who gets hired as a stylist for an arrogant and cold idol. On her first day, the plane they are all riding on to an event crashes on a vacant island. Only nine of them survive the crash and must now fight to survive and be found all while struggling with the betrayal of one of their friends who began to murder them one by one.
I really enjoyed this one, it was my perfect type of show; angst, suspense, subtle romance, crime, found family. The only issue I had with it was the unrealistic ending, I just don’t understand how it is possible and don’t know how I even personally feel about it. I am also probably one of the very few people who didn’t watch it for Chanyeol, don’t get me wrong I am an Exol too, but like really new Exol. You can skip this parenthesis if you want, it’s a kpop tangent. (I am a huge multistan. I love all the kpop groups I have listened to so far and have all the dalcomsoft games minus Gfriend even though I love them, cause I feel like it’s going to be a BTS superstar and get deleted so it’s not worth my time or efforts. Feel free to talk to me about any group and any member. If I don’t know them, I would be happy to find new ones so even if they are not well known or new, don’t feel worried about squealing to me about them, I would love to make kpop/kdrama loving friends.) I watched for Jung Kyung-ho and only when I started did I see Chanyeol which was cool to find. This also means POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERT I wasn’t disappointed or biased after a certain episode like many of the people I saw raging in the Tvtime comments, not saying this in a bad way just stating that since I am neutral on certain events, I will be focusing on specifically the plot and how I felt about said plot versus how I feel about characters. SPOILER ALERT OVER
Overall I really loved this show, it was certainly an emotional roller coaster. I felt that it could have had a second season or a spin off to tie up that last little cliffhanger but I personally and satisfied with how the main issue wrapped up, other than that one weird ending scene. If you like angst, suspense, crime, and a little romance seen in an enemies to lover type of trope then I highly recommend this show. I gave it a 5 cause I personally loved it and am already planning on rewatching it with my friend. It does have a lot of blood and injuries so if you are sensitive to that, I wouldn’t recommend it to you. 
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Because this is my first life: 5/5
Trigger Warning: Sexual Assault, Attempted R@pe (but it didn’t get far at all, just be careful)
Because this is my first life is about a woman (Ji-ho) who has to find a new place to live as her brother is getting married and her parents gave the son the apartment that they had bought for both their children. Because of many misunderstandings and coincidences, she accidentally rents a new apartment with a very strict and stoic man (Se-hee). Due to more problems, the two come to an agreement that they should get married since they both can gain something from it. The woman gains a place to stay and the man gains a tenant to help pay the bills, no more, no less.
Okay, so while I said that I didn’t like romance this is the exception, much like Shopping King Louie, it was just a really cute slow burn that I thoroughly enjoyed watching. Many people in the fandom, on TV time at least, were giving Se-hee a hard time and saying he was using and manipulating Ji-ho but I didn’t see it that way. She consented and never voiced anything other than that and the deal was for her to stay in the apartment since she needed a place to live and he needed someone to help pay bills. He didn’t ask for anything more, she was already following his schedule before the marriage issue and was just fine and accepting when they decided to get married. Neither had any expectations of falling in love, they just both needed something that marriage would help them gain and both consented to it. Later on, Se-hee even asked her if any advances were okay and backed off when they weren’t with no questions asked which I find admirable. Okay, rant over. It was cute and at times annoying cause you just want them to get together already. I laughed so hard in so many episodes and cried in a few too. The cat was so adorable and I love the interactions the main’s had with the little fluff. The best, and sometimes most painful, bonding moments between the main’s were the ones that dealt with the cat. I wasn’t too fond of the love triangle but was pleased with how it actually played out with the two women actually accepting each others presence instead of being horrible to each other for the most part. Highly recommend it to any romance lovers, and especially to those who are fans of shows like Shopping King Louie as mentioned above.
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Flower boy next door: 3/5
Trigger Warning: Stalking, Panic Attacks, Sensory overload, Bullying, Teacher Crushes and Manipulation of Such
Flower boy next door follows Dok-mi, a young woman with crippling social anxiety to the point she never leaves her apartment. From her window she watches her across the street male neighbor every day, taking note of his entire schedule. This all comes back to bite her when her neighbor’s brother comes to visit from Spain and catches her. What starts as an attempt to make her stop stalking her brother, quickly progresses into a mission to help her overcome her past, anxiety, and to get out of the house and adapt back to a healthy social life. As this mission goes on the two begins to realize they have feelings for each other, but Dok-mi’s own next-door neighbor has his own mission of getting her to stay inside and fall in love with him. He has been writing a web comic about her being a modern Rapunzel and has been in love with her for many years.
I enjoyed this one, I watched it cause the actor from Psychopath Diary starred in it and it was really cute. The romance was adorable, and the whole telepathy thing was a great addition that made me laugh. I love the whole adorable dork male with quiet cold girl trope so much. I didn’t like the whole stalking situation very much, it’s just kinda weird and was something that made me really uncomfortable during the first few episodes. I wasn’t a huge fan of the next-door neighbor, he just seemed like an enabler to me and I found myself angry through most of his scenes, as well as through most of Dok-mi’s childhood friend’s scenes. Other than those two characters, I enjoyed it well enough. I know some people can get annoyed by each characters flaws but I usually am good with morally grey characters as long as they learn from their mistakes. Some did in this show and there was a lot of character development and some didn’t which is realistic but makes me kind of sad. I recommend it to people who like a cute romance show with some angst and don’t mind morally grey characters.
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Ghost Vros: 4/5
Trigger Warning: Suicide, Death, Some gore, Jump scares.
Ghost Vros follows two young men who are trying to start up a business where they hunt ghosts using virtual reality software. The main character is able to sense the ghost through his ears turning red and his friend programs the virtual realty to make sure the main has everything he needs to catch the ghosts.
I liked this one, it was fast like many web dramas are, but really interesting. I did attempt to translate it myself with my, admittedly little, Korean knowledge before finding the English subs (which you won’t be able to find now that Youtube has rudely removed community subs, unless it’s uploaded somewhere else. If someone finds it please let me know.) I was always engaged during the show and wasn’t bored at any point. It did have some confusing points and I wish we got more backstory as there was mentions of some interesting things that was never explored further, but it is a web drama, so that is more than likely too much to ask for. Recommend to anyone who enjoys a quick comedy ghost story.
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 Cats Taste and Cat Bartender: 5/5
Cat’s Taste and Cat Bartender follow three cat gods who run a bar at night to make money for their injured owner. At this bar, they give upset humans cocktails which enable them to either posses said human or go into a dream world, this isn’t really clear, and correct the issue in exchange for items the cats find interesting on top of the alcohol cost.
This show was so cute, I absolutely loved and couldn’t stop smiling. I got the first season, Cat’s Taste, on my youtube recommend and decided to watch it since I was bored. I am so glad I did, I got super excited when I saw that there is a second season as well and spent forever trying to hunt it down before a kind person on MyDramaList put a link to the English subs in a comment (if anyone needs it, I will be happy to send it.) Both seasons were amazing, and I am hoping for a season three as the ending looks like it might be set up for one. The way they showed the bartending moves was so pretty and satisfying and I liked how all three cats got to show their moves instead of just the one.  I don’t like alcohol, have tried many kinds many times to but just don’t, however this show makes me want to drink the mixed drinks even though I know I would hate the taste.
Also, is it just me or does Ms. Hana remind anyone of Johnny from NCT? I don’t know if she looks like him or what, sometimes someone reminds me of someone else and the two look nothing alike. Don’t know what that’s all about but let me know because I could not shake the feeling that she reminded me of Mr. Johnny from Chicago. Anyway, tangent aside, I highly recommend to someone who like a quick but cute drama.
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Korean Movies
Beautiful Vampire: 3/5
Beautiful Vampire is about a female vampire who tries to avoid people due to her nature, but has all that shattered when she runs into her landlady’s son one night and begins to fall in love.
This movie was pretty good, but a little confusing. I couldn’t even write a proper plot explanation cause I was just so confused. I honestly felt like a fever dream, though a relatively interesting fever dream. I wish we had more information and backstory cause it just kinda felt like a rollercoaster ride of pining. It ended okay; I mean I was bored at the time, so it was something to do. If I am bored in the future, I might watch it again. I agree with most on TvTime when they say, it wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t good, it was just something to do. I feel like the story line needed more work done and that it ended too fast and progressed in such a way that it was hard to follow. If you are bored or have nothing to do, give it a try, you might like it more than I did.
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Chinese Drama
Take My Brother Away: 3/5
Trigger Warning: Alcohol Abuse
Take My Brother Away is based on a web comic about two siblings living with their alcoholic, debtor father in China, after their mom filed for a divorce and left. It follows the two as they go to school, work, and try to live a normal life. The sister hates her brother for being lazy and not being able to help her get what she wants, and the brother gets annoyed at the sister for always getting violent with him and nagging him.
I loved this one, it was really interesting to see the dynamic between the family. I felt that the brother should have been given more credit in the beginning for all he does for his sister and I felt really sorry for the sister because she just wanted to be like the other students who could afford to read web comics or go on trips. Some episodes were hilarious, some were heartbreaking, some were admittedly annoying, some gave me secondhand embarrassment. I just love it all, the only reason I give it a three is because I wouldn’t watch all 50 episodes again, I loved it but some were more on the boring side like filler episodes and I just, don’t think I’ll ever watch the whole series again. I can defiantly say however, I will probably watch most of the episodes again. I enjoyed the ending though it was admittedly on the strange side, and felt it was wrapped up nicely. There was a lot of character development too which is always great. I recommend this to those who enjoy some dysfunctional family humor and some angst and who are able to commit to long seasons.
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 Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
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laufire · 3 years
Supernatural s1
my dash: decries Supernatural every five posts.
me: time to watch it seriously for the first time in my life.
-First thing first: it’s an amazingly well-crafted season of tv. I’m a character-focused watcher, not a plot-focused one; I never connected emotionally to the Winchesters (still haven’t and likely never will, as interesting I might find them as character constructs), so I feared I’d be bored and would want to skip scenes. Nuh huh. I was many things, but none of them were bored xDD. Each episode was a lesson in good pacing and the entire season another in proper build-up. There are one or two or a few dozen tv-writers I would like to show it to, ngl.
-Another thing it excelled at was in its portrayal in abusive family dynamics. The way Dean went mellow and so unlike himself when John gave an order (and what a SHOCK it is in the later episodes when he finally stands up to him!!). How Sam said HE would apologize to his father when they saw each other again, or how he made apologies for his father because “it could have been worse” (at least John didn’t beat them up, like it happened to that poor kid!). John showing Sam more “““respect””” (as far as he’s able at least) simply because Sam already proved he’s capable of leaving him; the way John controls the information he gives them and when and how and how much and how small they feel when they reunite with him. Dean knowing his father had been possessed by a demon because it wasn’t reprimanding him and belittling him. Dean’s psychic shapeshifter (?) expressing his resentment towards Sam for getting to escape. Dean’s quickness to resort to violence when Sam says something that makes him angry, or how he tries to severe ties between Sam and his college friends, or how he guilt trips him when Sam says he plans on returning to his studies, or how he minimizes Sam’s experiences with John or how Sam criticizes Dean’s compliance... (I don’t think Dean’s being consciously manipulative. I think it’s intuitive. Which is far, far scarier. He’s the Elena Gilbert of Supernatural and a walking red flag for controlling behavior). How it’s paired with ~honeymoon periods. The way they use the families around them to highlight their issues. It’s... chilling and terrifying and I can’t look away. I won’t get into the shit John pulls in 2x01 because that’s for the s2 POV, but oh my god I’m so happy he’s dead.
I wasn’t all that sure of how self-aware the creators were about this trend (especially because of how centralized and validated Dean’s POV is in his conflicts with Sam IMO. OTOH... characters like Dean and actors like Ackles are the type to take over a show by charisma alone tbf. The way he swoops in in the pilot and starts disrupting everything, including Sam’s relationship, reminding me of both Angel in BTVS and Chuck in Gossip Girl, Doylist-wise. This comparison is going to make sense to like three people I talk with regularly xDD). At least on early seasons, since certain spoilers about the later ones make me think it grew over time. I’m still unsure but I think they are a little self-aware because of this quote:
Eric Kripke said of Buffy: “I loved ‘Hush’ and ‘Once More, With Feeling,’ but overall, Buffy really taught me about effectively using metaphor in genre. For Buffy, it was ‘high school is hell (literally),’ and Joss Whedon did such a masterful job of grounding his horror and fantasy concepts in this notion, and ultimately telling allegories about high school, which turned what could’ve been B-Movie material into an all-time classic. I used that same philosophy on my run of Supernatural, with the mantra ‘family is hell (literally),’ and always grounded my horror episodes around the notion of families, to the show’s benefit. So thanks, Joss Whedon. I owe you a beer. (Credit: The WB)
everyone wants to be Buffy lol.
-My absolute favourite thing was how competent the Winchesters are (I’m even reluctantly including John here. That bastard). They’re sneaky with local authorities, crafty about fake IDs, credit scams, research abilities, DIY supernatural detectors xDD... I loved the lack of an audience proxy, the fact that the story throws you into the deep end with people that already know their shit. And that the other side is competent too, like when Meg & YED’s plan to trap John relied on the Winchester being competent; on Sam immediately going into the defensive because, what are the chances of finding that cute weird girl a second time, miles away?; on John suspecting it was a trap and only revealing himself after Meg appears to be dead... Another scene that I loved in that sense, from 2x01 (I watched until 2x03, I wanted to see Sterling K. Brown’s first appearance lol) was how upon discovering Reapers are shapeshifters, Dean immediately knew that cute ghost he’d befriended was the one after him. I get the feeling this aspect will get lost in future season and it’s a pity, tbh.
-Related to that, some of my favourite moments: Sam straight up bribing a guy to get into the morgue when Dean’s arguments are failing (with Dean’s money!); Dean’s plan of “well, if this guy is haunting the house and there’s no other way to kill him, we burn the house. No house no haunting”; Dean telling that kid to fake appendicitis to get his parents out of the house; John blessing the tank of water knowing he’s walking into a trap with demons... I dig this stuff.
-I get whiplash sometimes, with the show making a point of (very briefly) telling you racism, homophobia or pro-life attitudes are Bad(TM) and the brothers are Against them (the Racist Truck episode, the one where a woman used a Reaper to exchange “virtuous” lives for those of sinners...), when the rest of the show is err... what it is lol. Dean is toxic masculinity’s poster boy (I was so disgusted by how he acted with Jess omfg), in s2 we don’t get the monsters’ perspective on hunters until we’ve conveniently met our first black one (I love the episode AND the character but it’s fucking true)...
-I need to make a note of paying attention to the writers credits/Bts stuff because I find this show’s progression fascinating on a metatextual level. The only problem is that audience reaction seems to have played a big role (which is a problem on one or two different levels imo xD), and tracking that down is sliiiiightly more difficult lol. Oh well (I don’t even think I want to see too much of this fandom, even to satisfy my curiosity. Some of the glimpses I’ve caught of it are disturbing to the extreme).
-The detail about dead people’s blood being toxic to vampires is SO COOL OMG. I’m tempted to steal it xD
Some random stuff:
-The monsters of the week were some legit creepy stuff.
-I love that Meg has her own hellhounds. Is that still a thing when she returns?
-Dean: you and dad are reckless and I’m going to have to be the one that buries you. / Me, with the power of foresight: 👀
-Also Dean: sometimes it scares me how good I am at killing. / Me: it scares the shit out of me how good you are at killing, too, fam.
-I get the impression Sam loses his demonic-in-origin powers later on, right? What a waste, I love those.
-I’m pretty sure at one point it’s implied John used Dean to honeytrap monsters (when he sends him as a trap for the lady vampire that stole the Colt) and I really don’t know what to do with this information.
-Cassie was GORGEOUS and even make Dean likeable for me while they lasted xDD. But given this show’s track record I’m considering the lack of more appearances a blessing.
-So many guest stars. Everyone’s been on SPN. Especially if they were on the Buffyverse first (I totally get the impulse of casting Buffy actor after Buffy actor lmfao).
-Funny how Luther Hargreeves is exactly who a lot of fans think Dean was (Dean is far, far colder imo), and yet one is constantly called pathetic and evil and the other woobified. Very Funny Indeed *coughs* (funnier still that the character I often see Dean compared to is Wynonna Earp when the parallels are kids-pool deep at best and offensive at worst. Dean is not a Wynonna. Again, Dean is an Elena Gilbert xDD).
-The two paranormal investigators were dumb as rocks, but their motto was “What Would Buffy Do” so I like them (if they ever change that to What Would the Winchesters Do or something like that I’m going to be furious lmao).
-When I want to ~chill I dress about exactly like Dean (minus the flannel I’ve seen in later seasons, you can’t pay me to wear flannel). Like, I think I have a couple of shirts that look exactly like ones of his. I don’t know how I feel about this xDD
-IDK how I’ll feel about Bobby later on (I get the impression every long-term character on this show has their hateful phases xD), but in his introduction he said the last time he saw John he threatened to shoot him (“he causes that reaction in people”), so he’s so far the most relatable character around lol.
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orionsangel86 · 4 years
I agree with the overly fetished views that fandom seems to have of gay men. As a gay man who’s really short, it’s soooo fuckin weird to have people assume I’m a bottom??? Like, I don’t even know you enough to disclose my sexual life and you’re making? weird? assumptions?? Also, there’s a certain fan artist who shan’t be named who makes a certain shorter character super feminine and it kills me every time
Urgh I’m sorry fandom makes you feel that way.
I’m gonna put this under a cut as I am about to rant about this topic because it is my biggest gripe within fandom. Don’t read on if you are here for fun happy positive things. Beware fair readers, there be strong potentially offensive opinions and plenty of fandom wank down below...
Fandom is unfortunately filled with CIS het women who like to stereotype and force men into their preconceived internalised misogynistic perceptions that to be short or slender means you are the weak dainty “girl” in the relationship and that’s why whichever character they deem the “girl” is also ALWAYS the “bottom”. It also is the same way fandom tends to muddy the waters between sexual positions top/bottom and BSDM terms dom/sub, where bottoms MUST be submissive as well. Half the time you will see posts talking about character traits which perhaps might indicate a submissive streak, and people will take that to mean that a character is a bottom, when the two do not correlate and it is highly problematic to assume that they do.
It’s so fucking problematic and I don’t think that these (mostly straight cis female) fans realise that by encouraging these harmful stereotypes, they are actually also being totally misogynistic and anti feminist. Women are not all bloody Anastasia Steel’s for christs sake (and don’t get me started on that god awful book/movie series). A women can be tall, broad, muscular, she can be dominant and strong and she can damn well top a man if she wants to.
When it comes to shipping male characters in gay/queer relationships, fandom MUST stop inflicting outdated heterosexual stereotypes on them. It seems like fans find a pairing they like (for instance Dean and Cas) and then immediately have to decide which one of them plays the female role. They then twist and change the characters, their traits, the way they look etc, so that one of them is basically a woman. That character then MUST be the submissive bottom and URGH I HATE IT.
(Making a quick note to say that whilst these particular common stereotypes within fandom are very much a problem, this is not to be confused in any way with fans taking their fave characters and headcanoning them as trans or nb or anything else genderwise which reflects an even more marginalised group and is usually a type of fanwork created by fans who are in fact trans or nb themselves.)
I’m not gonna comment on specific artists, but I tend to block urls of bloggers whose stuff I feel is particularly problematic and I also now have the WONDERFUL post blocker xkit extension OMG it is a GODSEND I highly recommend it. If you keep seeing a post on your dash because everyone is reblogging it even though it is super squicky to you (like for instance an obviously feminised Cas or Dean is squicky for me) you can use the extension to block that particular post so you never have to see it again regardless of how many of your mutuals reblog it. Its amazing!
I know that on this hellsite we like to encourage everyone to be as creative as possible and that everyone is valid and we don’t kinkshame and everything etc etc, and I’m all for that, whatever floats your boat and all that. But there is a line, and the line is when what you are doing becomes offensive to the marginalised groups you are supposedly supporting. Like I really don’t care if you are into tentacle sex or hell, even a furry, but I do care if the only way you can comfortably support a gay ship is to force either of the male characters into a “female” template and give them a “self lubricating asshole”. Like... come on. This is why I hate A/B/O. If you have to force gay men to fit a hetero model, you aren’t supporting gay men, you are fetishising them. You are also probably kinda homophobic.
What I really hate about this stuff is how it always seems to be the problematic stuff like this that blows up and becomes a trend and suddenly everyone is jumping on board and no one is given a second thought to how fucked up it is. WHY IS A/B/O EVEN A THING?!? It started as a J2 beastiality fic like WHY DID IT BECOME SO POPULAR?!
Why is Twist & Shout so bloody popular too? Its not even in character. They aren’t even Dean and Cas! Cas is a pale skinny little TWINK?! WHHHHYYYY? I don’t understand it if you ship Destiel wouldn’t you at least want the characters you are reading about to BE Dean and Cas?!? Don’t get me wrong I love AU fics, but I still want to be able to picture and hear Dean and Cas in the characters being described.
Why was it such a thing in the early seasons to make Cas a girl? (that’s hyperbole obviously but he might as well have been based on some of the early fanfics/fanart I’ve seen and immediately noped out of.) Misha Collins has never looked anything like that! He’s never been feminine looking and just because the dude can pull off a dress doesn’t mean you can force him to suddenly be the cute tiny pale perfect curvy pretty submissive beauty you can’t help but imagine Dean with. If you want that for Dean, ship him with Lisa. Stop forcing Cas into a model that just doesn’t make sense for the character.
This goes for Dean as well of course. The dude may have a thing for pink panties and ballet shoes and taylor swift sure, but can we not feminise him to the point he is unrecognisable as the character please?
I know that a lot of this has routes in YAOI. Something I have generally avoided because quite frankly it disgusts me. I find the whole thing just super uncomfortable and messed up and see it purely as a straight womans fetish. So much of fandom shipping behaviour comes from YAOI and its caused a lot of the toxicity we have seen over the years. I think it has got a lot better in recent years though because the queer community is slowly gaining a monopoly in fandom (imo) and as they (we, I should say, as my bisexual ass has quite clearly had enough of this) become more interested in shipping and fandom culture, we can also start educating those straight fans who might be willing to listen and learn. Maybe one day we can say goodbye to the problematic trends of today, or at least, keep them on the fringes of fandom as more and more people wake up to the fact that they are harmful.
And if that means I never have to look at an image of a short pale “pretty” Cas with womanly hips again, I’ll crack open the prosecco and consider it a win.
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marta-bee · 3 years
On Fanworks as Commodities
I've been thinking lately about commodification and how it applies to fandom.
 At the risk of giving an unhelpful circular explanation, commodification just means treating something like a commodity when it really isn't. And by commodity, I mean the kind of good or service that it's the kind of thing we can "reduce" to market terms. A loaf of bread is a commodity. So is a house or the services of an accountant- you're not losing anything or "debasing" anyone when you suggest these things can be bought and sold.
 But what about surrogacy pregnancy? This is the question Elizabeth Anderson asked in her philosophy paper, "Is Women's Labor a Commodity?" (This is where I first encountered the concept.) She asks what exactly is being sold when we pay a woman to go through a pregnancy and then give up the resulting child to someone else. Anderson said if it's the child that's being sold that seems obviously inappropriate- we rightly consider a human person as the kind of thing you can't just buy and sell- but she also argued even if the woman is just selling the use of her body for a period of time (say, implantation and surrogacy pregnancy of a fetus conceived through in vitro fertilization of the adults who will become the legal parents), there's still something lost. The argument is, pregnancy naturally (at least usually) forms a loving bond between mother and child, which a surrogate woman would wisely try to avoid; otherwise giving up the baby would be that much harder. In effect, it encourages her to alienate herself from the products of her pregnancy. It degrades the commercial surrogate, turns her into an emotionless, contextless factory. And it degrades women who might lovingly serve as surrogates (say, for a sister or friend) because it turns their gift into something indistinguishable from a market transaction.
 That's the argument, anyway. Once I found it convincing but these days, I have my doubts. For instance, I don't see any problem saying commercial surrogacy is a different kind of process than surrogacy offered as a gift to someone you know. Even if the result is the same, they seem like very different beasts. I'm also uncomfortable with this idea that certain kinds of work just can't be ethically paid for. Because this usually comes up with "caring" work, which is most often done by women even these days, it becomes too easy to not help bear the costs of that work. We can expect, say, a nurse to care about her patient even though she's paid a salary; is it so wrong if a child who quits her job to care for a sick parent to also be paid for her sacrifice?
 That's more a criticism of how the concept is applied, though. I think it's applied too quickly, and in ways that turn it into an either/or, where this doesn't need to be the case. I still think the basic idea has a lot going for it. We do give the market too much power to answer questions it really isn't well suited for. Healthcare, for instance; it needs to be paid for, but not in a way that keeps people from accessing it who need it, or even lets those who can pay get to it more quickly. And maybe market pressures can make it more efficient, to a point, but we really shouldn't reduce it to something that can be bought and sold and understand entirely on those terms.
So, what does all this have to do with fandom? Well, I'm of a different fannish generation than a lot of you young whippersnappers- I first got involved in fannish circles with the Lord of the Rings movies back in the original 2000s. This was pre-AO3 and pre-Tumblr, and only a few years after Anne Rice got ff.net to disallow all fanfic based on her novels. We posted our disclaimers about not owning the characters for a reason and professed our poverty because we believed (or feared at least) we could be sued by the canon's authors. I was mostly in the Tolkien fandom, and it was well known that the estate was never going to authorize fanfic, commercial or otherwise. They state as much on their website, though I can't remember how long that Q&A has existed in its current format.
 That gave us a lovely little commercial-free zone. If you couldn't sell your own work commercially, then you could give up all pretenses of success along the normal capitalistic lines and delve into areas that just would never have been very marketable in traditional publishing. Tolkien fandom itself was pretty conservative but I know other fandoms went much further in this regard, exploring genres that just would never be marketable especially before the niche and self-financed publishing the internet opened up for a lot of authors. If the law wouldn't let you do what you wanted to do anyway, why not become utterly ungovernable? So, fanfic became (for me at least) art about art rather than filthy lucre. We were doing what we did because we loved it, and as gifts for our friends, and as a way to be something that wasn't quite allowed in the "normal" culture for whatever reason- even just because we were women daring to make time for our weird little hobbies. It was glorious. And we worked hard enough in other areas of our life that we had the $$$ to indulge in this. We didn't need to be paid, and even if you offered to pay us for our works, we'd likely get a bit insulted and insist that wasn't what this was about at all.
I was told more than once by family that I was good enough to be a "real writer" and didn't I want to do my own thing. So yes, I did get a bit miffed and lean in to my identity of fanfic-writing as hobby not intended as a career.
 And I'll be honest: when I see people advertising for commissions or celebrating fan-authors going "professional" as if this is necessarily a step up from unpaid fannish work, I often have this old framework in the back of my head. And it's not really fair. For one thing, I was in college in the early 2000's and so even when we didn't have a lot of cash, we expected to soon get day jobs where we could afford to live comfortably and still afford our hobbies. The housing market crash and the Great Recession changed all of that, as did work opportunities like Instacart and Uber. For a lot of people even a few years younger than me, everything became a side-hustle and there just wasn't this expectation a hobby could be a hobby. I get that there's a lot of privilege entering into that.
 On top of which, there's all kinds of gender issues: professional artists, predominantly men, have been painting and selling drawings of comic book characters for years. Star Trek and Star Wars affiliated novels, and Sherlock Holmes pastiches (as opposed to fanfic), again written primarily by men, are also very much a thing. Hell, so are Renaissance artists and the patron system that was built off of. And of course, just because you sometimes produce fanworks just to sell and still do the less commercial work just for yourself if you ever want to. There's no real conflict in that. And it's not like producing art to sell is at all wrong. But to me it does feel like that kind of art is different than what I fancy I do, back when I occasionally wrote. :-) And I probably am more aware of this than I should be, because my backdrop is different from a lot of fans younger than myself, and really do try not to let my situation turn into a blind spot.
 Even so, I worry and struggle to find the balance between letting art turn a profit and be reduced to a strictly commercial venture. It's never been anything I've been even remotely drawn to do, and human nature being what it is, I probably do think more highly of the kind of thing I'd choose to do. But I don't want to be unfair, and I don't want to think just because art is paid for and written/drawn to order, it's some sort of assembly-line output with no heart put into it by the writer and artist. Just like an artisan shoemaker might take great pride in his art and work his hardest on each shoe he crafts, even if he must sell it to make ends meet. Somehow, I suspect thinking about this in terms of commodification, the dangers of evaluating artistry using market standards and the ways in which it can still have a value beyond commodity even if it’s bought and sold, might help. But I've not quit worked out what insight that kind of thought would provide, if any.
Do you think there's a special value in fandom or art generally that's not made to be bought and sold? Or am I perhaps making too big a deal over nothing and revealing myself to be an old fuddy-duddy in the process. (It's always a possibility!) I'd be very interested to hear your thoughts if you have any to share.
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vuelie-frost · 4 years
Frozen 2: Immediate Ruminations
All right! Here we go:
Overall, it was a great time! Yes, fast-paced. Yes, some characters (Kristoff) seemed to have one goal & little development overall, BUT it was still exceedingly charming
I can’t compare this movie with the first, because they have totally different tones/themes/plot rhythms. The first will always have its special place in my heart. But in terms of sequels? This was pretty damn good
I’m hoping Jen or Chris do an AMA or start answering questions on Twitter regarding the ambiguity of the ending- I think we could all have some concerns assuaged
On Elsa overall
My queen, my favorite fictional character of all time: this is her movie. Show Yourself is her self-actualization song. She found the place she was born to see- she was born with ice powers because Ahtohallan is made of glaciers. Retaining the truth of the past can only come from someone who has that metaphysical connection with the place. And when the truth surfaces, the four spirits awaken- she unifies them because she uncovers and solves their past
Her hair down, her new dress- GORGEOUS. I do miss the braid! But this is pretty too.
Blaming herself for her parents’ deaths? My heart BROKE. Anna is a savior with her reassurance.
Let me also get vulnerable for a moment. The part of me that has a codependent streak and gets a little too obsessive with people I’m infatuated with: that part took a liking to Elsa, especially after the first movie. She’s someone I see myself reflected in. But also, I wanted to be her savior. I wanted her to be flighty and insecure so that in my own fantasies, I could “take care of her.” It’s a savior complex, and I’m not proud of it. So this movie where Elsa takes the reins (ha) of her own story? I was uneasy with the spoilers. I didn’t want to see her flourishing because I wanted to be the one to “fix” her (a very weird experience when it’s with a fictional character! Don’t get me wrong, I see how strange and irrational this is.) It’s something I need to work on in myself. But it’s no doubt part of how uneasy I was with her abdicating & choosing to live among nature. If you feel similarly, I’d ask you to evaluate your feelings- do you want her to remain “needy”? Why is that?
On Elsa’s new role
I’m pretty sure she’s not the fifth spirit by herself- she needs Anna. They both are the bridge, as Elsa explicitly states. Elsa maintains peace with the spirits, Anna maintains peace with the people.
One of my worries was Elsa becoming too god-like and “perfect” as a character (because perfect characters are boring.) I didn’t want her to lose her humanity and relatability. After seeing the movie, I can say: Elsa is still human. She has a connection to nature that no one else has, via the part of her that houses magic, and perhaps that part isn’t human. But she- in essence- is still Elsa. She contained the potential of the 5th spirit her whole life- she didn’t “become” it. It’s descriptive, not prescriptive. Her dress changed, her frozen body thawed- but she didn’t fundamentally change or become someone else. In fact, she’s more at peace with her existence.
Why did a previous fifth spirit cry out when the forest came under the mist? I posit that the fifth spirit is a role, not a spirit being of itself. Breaking the unity of people/magic/nature when Agnarr was a child snuffed it out. Elsa was given as a gift to serve that role and mend that fracture.
The question remains: where is Elsa’s home? I think this movie starts to touch upon the idea that “home” is perhaps more transient and fuzzy than we’d like. There is zero question that Elsa is at home with Anna. There is also no question that Ahtohallan is a special place for her- the place where her gifts come to life and serve the purpose they were meant to all along. These can coexist. I think we all relate somehow, knowing “home” is often something that’s hard to define. And after all, it’s often not a physical place- it’s a state. Elsa with her irontight bond to Anna, free to use her powers in their full glory for good? That’s her home.
On Anna being queen
I’m not 100% convinced that was actually her coronation. It was probably the first time she was presented to the public as Queen (after all, she technically becomes queen the second Elsa passes it onto her) and given the novelty of seeing Kristoff & co dressed up, it was definitely the first time she wore formal queen attire. But I can’t imagine Elsa would miss the actual coronation, especially if she can stop by for charades. PLUS coronation involves a ceremony & ball- neither of which we saw hints of. If she’s the one unveiling a statue, it’s reasonable Kai would introduce her as “presenting Queen Anna.” I cede it’s possible that was her coronation, but it’s ambiguous, not definite
I admit I have to mourn a bit of the loss of “Queen Elsa of Arendelle.” I’m going to miss the poised royal figure we know. I’m going to miss her living in the castle. I’m not sure how she's going to survive living in the forest when she’s been pampered her whole life, but that’s neither here nor there.
I fully believe Anna is a good fit for queen. Not better than Elsa, not worse. They’re very different people with different leadership roles, but both are successful. Elsa was not a bad queen, and she doesn’t relieve herself of the title because she struggled with it- she abdicates because her gifts are better suited elsewhere. That’s all.
On “the separation”
at no point in the movie is the idea brought up that Anna is codependent on Elsa, therefore the “separation” (I don’t see it that way, but I’ll call it that for brevity) is not a punishment or negative development
I predicted this in a previous post but Elsa says, explicitly, at the end “We do this together.” They’re both protecting Arendelle, they’re both serving the world, they’re both vocationally stepping into their predestined roles. Elsa was queen by birthright. Anna is queen because that was her destiny. “Mother had two daughters”- birth order takes a back burner to their individualities. But they’re not divided. Elsa becomes the protector with a nod to the spirit realm; Anna becomes the sovereign who governs the citizens. In Arendelle and its locale, both are needed at this point in their history.
Some have speculated that Elsa living in the forest is a poor allegory for “unique” people being forced to live outside of society. I think instead it’s representative of the risk we take trying to find ourselves- that it may push us out of our comfort zones, or a distance from those we love. Sometimes we find who we truly are where it wasn’t expected. This is normal and okay.
And honestly? The girls are happy. They’re secure in their relationship. Therefore, I’m content with the ending.
I see the part of the fandom that dislikes this on principle, to which I say: that’s fine! Everyone has the right to their own opinions. I don’t agree (I’m not an Elsanna shipper) but I’m sure it does feel heartbreaking.
On change
Obviously, a lot changes in this movie- but some things never do. That opening song is both a truth and a foil. The girls change. Their roles change. But their love doesn’t. Call me crazy, but I think that’s all that matters.
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shinylitwick94 · 3 years
Results of Star Wars reading month!
A while ago I mentioned that I had, first accidentally, then on purpose, turned january into a sort of “Star Wars reading month”, meaning that the only things I read this month were Star Wars books, and I read quite a few of those.
Overall it was a pretty fun experience. The quality of the writing and my enjoyment of the stories definitely varied, but most of these were very easy to read, and relatively short, which is why I managed to read so many in such a short period.
I did have some issues, of course. Sometimes the writing felt very weak, some books have very flat characters and some books suffer from problems with how closely they’re stuck following the stories of the movies.
But overall, I think I liked it and I might pick up some more of these later.
Disclaimer: Obi-Wan is my favorite SW character. So there will be a lot of Obi-Wan in this.
So, here are my thoughts on each of these, in the order that i read them in:
(under the cut because this is looong)
Revenge of the Sith (Novelization), by Matthew Woodring Stover (status:Legends)
After a bit of reflection and reading recommendations online, I decided to start with this one. I think it was a good move. RotS is one of my favorite Star Wars movies and the book does a lot to combat its worst issues. The dialogue sounds more natural, more time is spent on exploring Anakin’s messed up state of mind before he falls, and a few nice scenes are added to give extra context to the actions of certain characters. I didn’t love what it did with Dooku and some of the tools it decides to use (this is... or Anakin’s fear dragon, for instance) become repetitive pretty quickly, but all in all I enjoyed this one a lot. The opening with the republic citizens watching the Chancellor’s kidnapping on the holonet was especially nice and really makes me wish we had more of that in the movies themselves.
Master and Apprentice, by Claudia Gray(status: Canon)
Master and Apprentice follows Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan before the events of the saga, at a moment where their relationship as master and padawan is at a crossroads. The story itsel is fairly simple and not that engaging on its own, but what I like about this one is the time it takes to explore these two characters. It’s pretty solid and I liked it, but I wouldn’t call it a must read.
Lost Stars, by Claudia Gray (status: canon)
I think I enjoyed Claudia Gray’s writing much better in this one than in the previous one. Lost Stars is a bit special, in that it doesn’t follow any main characters. Instead, it follows two original characters in their journey through the galaxy at the time of the OT. It’s part love story, part “let’s see the OT through an outside perspective” and it works pretty well. I quite liked the new characters and their friends and I think they fit in pretty well with the established universe. A few of the main characters have cameos, but really, this isn’t their story. I also appreciated some moments where it calls out a few of the absuridities of the OT, such as Lando leading the attack on death star II and Vader chasing after the falcon so obsessively, both of which look extremely weird from an outside perspective. The only thing I don’t really like is that the story feels really restricted by the OT canon, so you can kind of guess where everything is going after a certain point.
Kenobi, by John Jackson Miller (status: legends)
Obi-Wan has adventures after arriving on Tattooine when he really, really would rather not get involved. I absolutely loved this one. I liked the writing, I liked Obi-Wan’s character, I liked the new characters (although I had trouble keeping track at first), and I liked the plot. It has a slower start than most of the others here, but it definitely pays off. Without going into too much detail, I particularly appreciated Obi-Wan’s issues with having to let go of the “let’s help everyone” jedi mentality, the exploration of the Tusken raiders, and the fact that it didn’t actually focus on Luke and the Lars’ at all, which I admit I had rather been dreading. 
5/5, and my favorite of the bunch
Darth Plagueis, by James Luceno (status legends)
This one started off really strong, but then fell a little flat by the end. It tells the story of Plagueis’ rise as sith lord, and later his relationship with Palpatine. I enjoyed Plagueis’ character and the writing was pretty solid throughout. all the political machinations were hard to keep track of at first, but after some time and a little help from wookiepedia my brain began to make sense of things. Its strongest moment by far is an event halfway through the book when the two sith lords are attacked by another faction that shows us both their ruthlessness and the fact that they can, in fact, be caught off guard. Plagueis is wonderfully sinister, but Palpatine comes off as even more coldhearted, which is fitting. The one thing I didn’t like, and the reason I felt the ending was a little flat, is that it tries too hard to tie into the Phantom Menace at the end. I think the story would have benefitted from letting Plagueis die earlier and not have its final events tied up in the movie’s plot.
4.5/5, and my second favorite
The Rising Force (Jedi Apprentice #1), by David Wolverton (status:legends)
This one is aimed at kids, and it shows. But because I can never get enough obi-Wan, I decided to read it anyway. It focuses on young Obi-Wan, at risk of not being able to become a jedi knight, and his difficult first meetings with Qui-Gon, and the little adventure they accidentally end up on. As a kids’ book, the writing is easy even by SW standards, and that’s saying something. Like, an 8 year old could probably read this just fine. The story is also pretty simplistic and works on building the foundations for the later development of these characters. It’s the first in a pretty long series, so it doesn’t get that far, but it was fun enough, I guess.
Heir to the Empire (#1 in Thrawn trilogy), by Timothy Zahn (status: legends)
I had high expectations going into this thing and none of them were met. I’ve read a bit on the side, and I can appreciate how it was an important story for the franchise as a whole, but it really did nothing for me. This is partly, I think, because my expectations were so high in the first place. Everyone seems to think that the Thrawn trilogy is the best thing to ever happen to Star Wars, but from my impressions of this first book it was just...meh. It takes place in the years following the fall of the empire, where the new republic faces threats from the imperial remnants, one of which is lead by Grand Admiral Thrawn. Thrawn as a character is adored by the fandom, and I really don’t get it. He’s dispassionate (pseudo)rational, supposedly very Smart and apparently can predict how people will act because he studies their country’s art (which...stinks of 19th century “scientists” measuring skulls, but whatever let’s pretend this doesn’t bother us). He doesn’t really have any particular outstanding character traits outside of this. What I’m trying to get to, is he’s a bit of a Sue and not very interesting to read about. Then there’s Mara Jade, who is also introduced in this, and who I also didn’t particularly like, but yeah. The story told in this is actually pretty short - the trio is having issues, Luke get’s captured for a while and then there’s a big battle at the end. It’s fine, there’s nothing particularly wrong with it, the writing is ok, and maybe the characters are a little flat sometimes, but overall it’s ok. I just don’t get why people adore this so much. Personally, I’ve no interest in the rest of the trilogy.
Path of Destruction (#1 in Bane trilogy), by Drew Karpyshyn (status: legends)
This one tells the story of the rise of Darth Bane, he who would establish the rule of two for the Sith. The early parts of this felt quite interesting, and I liked how Bane’s character was different from what we usually get in SW, especially in terms of background. But once the story gets to the sith academy, it just stalls. There’s a lot of back and forth between Bane, the masters and the other apprentices, a lot of musings from Bane on the nature of the dark side, and theoretically all this should work, but at some point during this part of the story I just stopped caring about any of the characters. Maybe it’s because I find the whole dark side philosophy thing quite silly, or maybe I just didn’t find the writing all that engaging, or maybe it was that I already knew what was coming so much of this felt like padding. In any case, it’s a decent enough read, but doesn’t make it past meh for me.
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