#family reunions! can't live with them can't live without 'em
dorotheian · 2 years
I could use a hug
or a distraction
a word of encouragement
got anything adorable to share?
suggestions for how to relax on purpose?
if so, thank you 🥺
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jjwho · 11 months
What July will be like for You
Pile1. Pile2.
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Pile3. Pile4.
Pile 1
Cards pulled out:Wheel of fortune reversed,ten of cups, seven of cups, eight of cups.
So what I see is that July might be the month where you'll have a few delays and set backs might be mainly revolving family, gatherings and reunions. July might feel like a month of unexpected changes and like you barely feel like you have control over it or anything.
I feel like you might get a lot of options in July and opportunities like a lot it might make you even feel tired and scared, but why you scared? You haven't even picked or chosen what you want or need.
But you might even abandon these opportunities and options. I feel maybe this is opportunities given by your family or so you can help your family. I'm not sure, but I see you walking away from it. A lot of emotions and feelings revolving this month. Might be very exhausting but it will all work out, but I'm still not sure why you didn't take any opportunities.
I will pull out an advice thing from my wheel
Advice for Pile 1
"Let disasters happen and let's build it up again"-JJ'S iconic advice from her wheel.
So yeah something your weren't expecting or just a lot of shit happened, but things like that are bound to happen in life if you expect to receive better in life. You can't have good without bad, some things are meant to be destroyed to make space for more and great opportunities so embrace it. I know it hard after all the kak, but you have to, opportunies don't stay for you. You have to take it not wait for it to catch you.
Pile 2
Cards pulled out: the hanged man reversed, knight of cups, eight of wands reversed, the fool, knight of wands
Okay damnnn pile 2 so I see July being's a month of love and new love opportunities for youu, ahhhhhh.
So what im getting is that this month you might be a little disinterested in stuff being a little stagnant and being detached when these two suitors come inn. One is the sweet gentleman like guy who will sweep you off your feet ahhh and one is fired and flirty and rebellious, but I see that maybe the sweet guy might take a little longer and be blocked off bc hes slow, then the fire guy gets you first and adventure and shit, it might be a time when you're not caring, being careless and being inncmocent and not really there in the moment. In your own world. They both might be newww saur jaaa.
Or how you might even notice them I'd one is more slow than the ither and one is more careless than the ither. One observes (knight of cups guy) and just being careless and goes for it (knight of wands guy)
I see water guy there giving something solid and romantic Long term stuff but wands guy wants to just fuc.
Anyways yeah-
Advice for Pile 2
"One life, one chance, a world that doesn't care." JJs iconic advice
So Pile 2 so why do you cares about what ithers think, if you like that one then go for em if you like the other one go for em.
Don't be like "ah no but if I choose that one his friend will be upset cause they think I'm playing with him, but I actually just like this guy more."
Gorl you don't belong to anyone and no one should gaf so dgaf.
Okay period bye.
Pile 3
Cards pulled out: nine of pentacles reversed, page of swords reversed, the hermit, the star
So I'm getting you'll have instability with someone, most likely someone who you liked but they're a player and you were working your ass off to make em like you or working your ass off in this connection and they were being cold and had nothing to say.
Finally you'll be like stopping and really looking back and reflecting and this whole situation, then you'll realize, fuck this hoe, imma live my life.
Then you'll begin your healing journey and have hope and get some creativity out of this heartbreak and ja you'll be calm. That's good. I'll be rooting for you bro
Advice for Pile 3
"Time never stops and change never stops" JJs iconic advice.
So what I meant by this advice is time never stops right so it won't stop for you and change always happen. So don't fall back. Cause life and time and change won't wait for you to get better and carry on. No hoe, you gotta pull up your big boy pants and ja stop sulking and move on, stop doing self sabotaging shit and feeling sorry for yourself. Okay. Ja I believe in you, stop sulking over ugly boys.
Pile 4
Cards pulled out: five of wands reversed, four of wands, knight of swords, eight if pentacles
Saur what im getting is that you'll be ending a conflict and coming to agreements with people maybe family members and ja finding solutions to problems. This month could be a month with a lot of celebrations and family reunions and finally feeling welcomed again. Then I see you becoming more talkative, assertive, maybe being a bit rebellious again, being a leader you might get a lot more opportunities again
But then i see you getting a bad reputation again maybe doing the same thing/job over and over again and having a lack of effort and being careless. So do be careful of what you say bru .
Advice cards for Pile 4
"One life, one chance, a world that doesn't care"
Idk now this is confusing for me to even tell. So ig you tried to resolve conflict again with people you don't like, then you were being honest again and speaking your truth now you have a bad reputation again. All I'm saying is just get new people at this point. Why try and try again to fix conflict if it's all gonna start all over again. So ja
Hope that helps byee
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