#even the ones who think she's daft will risk death to make sure she doesn't die
kel is the lump, a stone, the calm surface of a lake- but ONLY on the outside- ONLY to make dealing with people work better
the chamber hammers your weak spots trying to make you BREAK, but KEL, WENT TO THE CHAMBER, AGAIN AND AGAIN, she GREW AROUND it like a TREE
the day came when the chamber had it's chance- to strike her as HARD AS IT COULD
there was almost nothing left for it to even aim at
because kel had stuck HERSELF already, had BEEN hammering herself this whole time- had been TESTING herself every step of the way QUESTIONING HERSELF AND asking herself how she could be and do better next time
for the sake of those who need someone when no one sees them as people. for the sake of unwanted animals and overlooked humans- kel became her own ordeal
the chamber couldn't break Kel. SHE broke IT
so it had nothing to do, except make her an ordeal in the real world-
the nothing man, child killer, the promise she will stare evil in the face somewhere somehow, that tantalizing and USELESS knowledge burning her as she is given charge of convicts and refugees and not enough soldiers to defend them and her old desire to be like the Lioness, her inspiration, to go out there and STOP THIS SUFFERING FROM HAPPENNG HERSELF
the chamber jammed this thorn into her heart and THEN it chose to Watch Her out there
as she.... chose people. Again. chose care over glory. everyday duty over heroics. obscurity to wider world- but a friend to a small corner of the world that desperately needed someone to see them, fight for them, and not ever look away... or abandon them
the chamber saw that. it NAMED HER- didn't chose her- didn't make her- gave no gift other than pain to her
but it was glad, to have seen her
Protector. of the Small
gently burying dead sparrows and scoffing at such a silly name
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A 600 Word Essay on Nine x Rose in "Father's Day"
...because I'm extra.
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I think a lot about Nine delivering the line "tell me you're sorry" to Rose. And I think there are so many ways you could interpret that scene.
There's the niggling daddy issues that always seem to linger underneath the surface for those two, and maybe this scene is a moment of him taking it upon himself to be the bigger man - the mature one, the 900-year-old grown adult. So, all he asks of her is an apology. He's setting an example, maybe. He could be trying to make her a better person, but in the gentlest way possible.
Maybe he's being gracious, because he thinks it's how she'd act in his place. Rose may suffer from the typical human inconstancy, but she seems pretty forgiving, particularly of aliens - for example, the Dalek from just a few episodes ago.
Or maybe he's just being a daft alien who doesn't really care to hold grudges. As the infinitely wise Elizabeth Bennet once said, "in such cases as these, a good memory is unpardonable." Maybe he's just quick to forgive.
But I think there's something else at play there. I think he just asks for an apology - with no conditions, no reproaches - because he realizes that, if he alienates her, he has no one. He can't bear his only friend being angry with him. He can't risk losing her, especially not to an argument. (Much like the one they have earlier in the episode, where she says, "I know how sad you are." And wow, what a nice bit of knife twisting that is. Damn, Rose, the guy involuntarily committed genocide, stop being petty.) Since he's clearly in love with her, the pain of being alienated from her would be even more acute. Losing her would be devastating - set back his emotional recovery from the Time War, turn his travels into a trudge through time. I think he is genuinely horrified at the prospect of losing her.
Most people are aware of the distinct power imbalance of the Doctor and his companions, particularly someone as "average" as Rose. But I think that this scene displays the tremendous power that Rose has over him, as his sole post-war companion. He may be the pilot, the alien expert, the seasoned traveler, and her elder by hundreds of years, but she has intense emotional sway over him. She's kind of his moral compass, but more than that, she's someone who truly believes in him. Thinks he can do anything, be anything. I mean, just one puppy-eyed stare from her sends them back to her parents' wedding, somewhere he clearly has no interest in going. Another sends him to the scene of her father's death. And a third brings them back there again. Despite all the risk.
I think this scene shows him understanding the nature of Rose's power over him, and acknowledging it, and submitting to it - all while keeping his "I'm the Lord of Time, thank you very much" dignity about him. He just wants an apology - wants to know she cares for him enough to admit she's wrong - and when she gives it readily, he forgives her in an instant.
I'm not sure where I was going this, except maybe to conclude that Rose and the Doctor aren't as imbalanced as they seem. And maybe they both really, really need one another. And that Nine is a vulnerable sweetheart who needs to be protected at all costs. And that Nine x Rose are the best.
Yes, I think that's it. They each have power over the other, and they use it well.
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