#even if Stanley helps him understand he'll have issues trying to understand-
lexumpysfunland · 29 days
Guys: 🎶wooo-oooh~🎶 🎶The narrator is in love~🎶 🎶ooooooooo~🎶
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He doesn't like being made fun of 👀
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reubyrp · 10 months
A man who looks like he drove his car through a bad fashion factory is wandering around, poking around in every place there is possible to be poked around in, even behind objects that couldn't possibly hide a person, although a person is exactly what he is looking for.
He has long brunet hair tied back in a ponytail that reaches all the way to his bottom. A couple of loose strands hang about, framing a face of light skin inlaid with a concerned pair of mismatched eyes. One is brown; the other green.
His wardrobe is just as mismatched, for her adorns a black and white polka dot shirt, a black and white plaid vest, a black and white pair of striped pants, and one black shoe alongside one white shoe. One might easily confuse him with a walking kaleidoscope.
This walking kaleidoscope seems to have no sense of just how out-of-place he looks, how out of his depth, how bizarre. Certainly no sense of any potential danger that may be lurking about. As earlier stated, he is searching for someone, and it's a search he is so heavily invested in he isn't paying too much mind to how strange he must appear.
"Stanley! Stanley? Staannnnllleeyyyy!" he calls, cupping his hands around his mouth and calling out in every direction. He's quite upset, for he is most worried about Stanley. Days ago the man walked through a door labeled "EXTRA new content" and hasn't been seen or heard from since. Arthur has been beside himself with fear for the man, and that fear is reflected in his expression now.
He turns around and sees a stranger nearby. Rushing over to them, he says, "My good fellow, I am searching for a man named Stanley. Might you have seen him? He is about my height, black hair, black eyes, black glasses, looks kind of like your average office nerd. Please tell me you've seen him."
Theres some random guy out there yelling for his friend. A man stands there, ignoring these calls as he continues to fiddle on his phone. He's kacketless this time, as the warmer weather makes it hard to wear his cool shearling jacket. His sleeves are rolled, his top button is undone down to the middle of his chest- and he's wearing a pair of gold aviator sunglasses. Around his neck, is his government issued IAA badge that he chooses to wear almost all the time.
At this moment, Agent 38 is dealing with some very, very, very important top priority government business That important top priorirty government business being his current Tetris game. He's determined to beat his mentors high score, and knows he'll manage to do it one day.
Of course, the guy who is calling for his friend chooses to approach him while he's in the middle of his Tetris groove. He can sense the urgency in his question and locks his phone so he can focus fully on the situation.
"Stanley huh?" The dark haired agent mumbles as he turns to look at Arthur. Immediately, he is overwhelmed by all the conflicting patterns and lack of colour. It's taking his eyes a moment to register what exactly he's looking at- but gives up trying to understand.
"Don't think I've ever heard the name thrown around in board meetings. Definitely seen a lot of office nerds around here though." He laughs momentarily, before turning back to seriousness. "You report it to LSPD? They've got a missing persons list that might help you out."
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