#even her player card customize options center on her anger- you think someone that fitful isn't gonna throw temper tantrums lol
nozomijoestar · 2 months
I think it's so funny people perceive Lili as the type to throw a fit over not getting what she wants or being shown a level of attention she believes she deserves, which are all true just not as exaggerated as people make them and actually rather context dependant, when Asuka does the exact same thing via her anger and temper yet is seen as de-facto incapable of also throwing tantrums over not getting her way
Her animation if she loses a round has Asuka throwing literal, physical tantrum fits stomping the ground and everything, her responses to people (6 & 8) asking her even basic questions about herself are downright sarcastic at best and berating or degrading the other person at worst because they aren't giving her answers she wants and talking about something she doesn't give a fuck about by comparison (herself and her feelings/thoughts)- they have to discuss what SHE wants not the other way around with rare exception
The entire reason she does what she does fighting punks at it's core is trying to forcefully make people behave the way she thinks they should, she's also generally dismissive often unless things are going her way, and even when she gets something she consented to if it embarrasses her she has to complain (literally complaining to Lili that Lili's jet is embarrassing and they should've used something else in 8, probably other examples i could dig for later)
I'm tired and I don't say this to say Lili is better by comparison but that they're so alike in enough ways that you can't convince me they weren't created using a venn diagram somewhere in the concept files; these bitches are a flat circle and being visual opposites I think is playing a role in why they aren't so often seen for their similarities
EDIT: In 5 when Feng beats her in his route she complains that he should have gone easier on her because she's a girl and whines about it, to which he says that would have been disrespectful implying he sees her as a fighter but Asuka's mad she lost and didn't get her way, that he didn't simply Let Her Win
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