justmochi · 9 months
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eden & dokyeom being korea's power couple, a thread:
thanks to @ikissvernon for suggesting i do this. WE ARE CELEBRATING JISOO AND EDEN !!!
taglist :: @cafemilk-tea @cixrosie @moonlight-additions @cosmicwintr @fromfreesia @succulentmom @kimhyejin3108 @enhacolor @alixnsuperstxr @meginthebuilding27 @kang-ulzzang @hybesunstone @allthings-fandoms @itzy-eve @choihaneul @strmiu @angie-x3
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apcomplexhq · 6 months
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✦ Nome do personagem: Choi Eunmin. ✦ Faceclaim e função: Jueun - Ex-DIA e Atriz. ✦ Data de nascimento: 07/06/1995. ✦ Idade: 28 anos. ✦ Gênero e pronomes: Feminino, ela/dela. ✦ Nacionalidade e etnia: Coreia do Sul, sul-coreana. ✦ Qualidades: Leal, determinada e cuidadosa. ✦ Defeitos: Autopiedosa, desconfiada e teimosa. ✦ Moradia: Tartaros. ✦ Ocupação: Veterinária no Pegasus Wings. ✦ Twitter: @TT95CE ✦ Preferência de plot: ANGST, CRACK, FLUFFY, HOSTILITY, ROMANCE, SMUT. ✦ Char como condômino: Eunmin é uma figura carismática e amigável, sempre a postos para ajudar, porém, se mostra reservada e evasiva a respeito da vida privada. Além disso, pode não ser das mais silenciosas. É natural que passe algumas madrugadas em claro, praticando em seu estúdio particular, sem se dar conta do horário.
TW’s na bio: Ansiedade, dependência química, doença degenerativa e progressiva.
Os burburinhos do prédio se espalharam em pouquíssimo tempo. Diziam que a harpista guardava consigo um dom único, bastando pousar os dedos sobre as cordas para que os portões do céu se abrissem. Suas melodias eram intensas, doces, cativantes… mas igualmente melancólicas, quase em tom de despedida. Não se sabe ao certo quando tudo começou, mas desde então, ninguém se atreveu a fazê-la parar. Os encontros de domingo se tornaram rotina, e embora os olhares a incomodassem, eram uma distração bem-vinda para a fase que estava enfrentando. Faria qualquer coisa para esquecer que o fim era sua única certeza. Faria qualquer coisa para esquecer que algum dia suas mãos já não seriam mais suas. Aquele foi o começo de uma curta jornada de sucesso para Kim Nara, uma mulher reservada e de poucos amigos, que decidiu preencher as noites de domingo tocando a antiga harpa abandonada no hall de entrada.
Ultrapassando os portões do condomínio, Nara encontrou seu lugar como musicista, e para além do título, descobriu que ainda havia tempo para conquistar espaço no mundo. Foi durante um concerto beneficente que teve a chance de mais um recomeço, ao trocar olhares com um rapaz na plateia. Dali surgiu a paixão fulminante entre o policial e a tão amargurada harpista, que estava decidida a passar o restante de seus dias diante do público quase como uma sentença. Dia após dia, com o amor do generoso oficial, Nara conseguiu superar as próprias expectativas e desabrochar enquanto uma talentosa música mundo afora, à espera da primeira filha.
Entre um país e outro, perambulando por diversas cidades, Eunmin não teve a chance de construir amizades duradouras ou de se sentir pertencente a algum lugar além da pequena família. Tinha seus pais e a música como únicas referências, e por consequência, seus primeiros passos foram dados seguindo as notas da mãe. Conforme a doença evoluía, tirando de Nara sua única fonte de alegria, Eunmin entendeu que a melhor forma de apoiá-la seria acompanhá-la em sua carreira musical, ainda que em silêncio. Tornou-se bailarina ainda em período escolar, e pouco antes do período mais crítico, mãe e filha tiveram diversos vídeos divulgados, comovendo o público e trazendo maior visibilidade para o diagnóstico de ELA, ainda pouco comentado na época. Retornaram à Coreia do Sul quando a doença atingiu os últimos estágios, e Nara poupou os suspiros restantes para fazê-la prometer que daria sequência à missão de levar ao mundo seus sentimentos mais íntimos, para que, assim como ela, pudesse mudar a vida de outras pessoas. E ela assim o fez.
Eunmin havia dado sua palavra e manteve a promessa nos anos seguintes, levando os esforços ao último nível, tudo em busca de uma chance. A rotina de estudos era intensa, mas ainda assim, se desdobrou para assumir o cargo de auxiliar de ballet. Algum tempo depois foi aprovada como trainee em uma empresa, que viria a falir em pouco menos de dois anos, e até cogitou desistir, mas teve a sorte de receber apoio de colegas e professores para continuar lutando. Em paralelo, para se manter sã diante de tanto empenho, tentava fugir da realidade a qualquer custo, apostando em acampamentos e viagens para as montanhas aos domingos, desejando ficar mais perto do céu. Queria tocar as estrelas e chegar mais perto da mãe, a quem tanto amava. Quando uma agência emergente anunciou novas audições, Eunmin encontrou a oportunidade perfeita. Jogou a antiga vida pro alto e decidiu que seguiria com sua promessa, dando sequência ao sonho de Nara em cativar pessoas no mundo inteiro.
Associada à imagem da mãe, Eunmin foi vista como a principal aposta da agência e colocada de imediato sob os holofotes, o que lhe rendeu diversos elogios pelo nível de profissionalismo e comprometimento. O que as manchetes não sabiam é que, por trás da expressão afável, a vida em si se mostrava um fardo há anos, e sustentar a imagem de uma artista acessível e disciplinada era violento, sufocante, sobretudo diante da depressão profunda do pai, que recorreu ao alcoolismo e às apostas no auge do desespero. Sozinha, com poucas economias, sendo responsável pelo sustento da família e pelo pai, Eunmin enxergou o abismo de perto. Quando as crises de ansiedade vieram, encontrou refúgio em um blog há muito abandonado, expondo as partes mais obscuras da própria personalidade na inocência de que não o encontrariam tão cedo. Não poderia levantar suspeitas de que odiava a vida de artista e que dedicou sua vida por uma promessa, tampouco que sua realidade fosse tão cruel. A descoberta do blog, provavelmente, seria sua ruína. Não demorou para que seus medos assumissem outras formas, através de conversas vazadas por um membro da família que, em um ato de vingança, a expôs para os jornalistas.
Na conversa em questão, seu nome estava censurado, mas “quem seria capaz de abandonar a própria família em um momento de fragilidade?” Descobrir a figura pública se tornou questão de honra. A partir daquele momento surgiram diversas especulações, e as possibilidades se fecharam até chegar ao nome de Eunmin. A suspeita tinha algum fundamento, considerando que a artista evitava citar a família a qualquer custo. Além disso, o emoji de lua no chat poderia ser uma alusão ao seu nome artístico, de mesmo significado, e a menção ao falecimento da mãe terminou por reforçar a hipótese. Eunmin estava confiante de que a empresa faria um pronunciamento e protegeria sua imagem, desfazendo o mal entendido, porém, recebeu como resposta uma nota que a proibia de falar a respeito e decretava o fim do contrato, deixando sua imagem manchada na indústria e diversos questionamentos por parte dos fãs.
Em fevereiro de 2018, um mês após o escândalo, Eunmin deixou o país para viver em Nikko, uma pequena cidade no Japão, onde costumava passar férias escolares junto à Naomi – tia materna e sua única referência familiar, a quem hoje chama de mãe. Demorou até que conseguisse sair em público novamente, mas a paciência e o afeto de Naomi lhe deram a segurança de que precisava. Decidida a recomeçar do zero, rompeu laços em definitivo com a família paterna e desapareceu completamente das redes sociais, tendo um mp3 como companhia para baixar as músicas de pop e j-rock que os novos vizinhos lhe recomendaram. Foi então que descobriu um novo hobby: instrumentos musicais. Dali, aprendeu a tocar violão e guitarra, e um ano depois, conseguiu um emprego numa loja de instrumentos. Do salário que recebia, juntou o bastante para pagar uma faculdade e se formou em veterinária, estando realizada em poder cuidar dos gatinhos itinerantes da loja.
Em 2023, Eunmin entendeu que estava na hora de retornar às origens e superar o passado, chegando à Seul somente com uma mala e as economias que acumulou, sem maiores perspectivas. Pelo menos até se deparar com o anúncio de reinauguração do complexo. Logo que colocou seus pés no lugar, ficou encantada em perceber que caberia um mundo inteiro entre aqueles muros, e não pensou duas vezes antes de fechar negócio. Por sorte, a clínica veterinária local tinha vagas disponíveis, e Eunmin conseguiu um bom resultado nas entrevistas, sendo a oportunidade perfeita para se estabelecer ali com segurança.
Amável, leal e carismática são as palavras que definem a coreana, porém, apesar de aparentar ser quase uma borboleta social, conviver com pessoas desconhecidas é um grande desafio, que Eunmin ainda custa a superar. Temendo que descubram sua parte mais vulnerável, tende a ser evasiva inicialmente, mantendo as relações em um nível mais superficial. A questão é que Eunmin tem um coração de ouro, e não demora até que se sinta segura e se torne uma companhia preciosa, surpreendendo com seus conselhos sensatos, boas doses de carinho físico e certas aleatoriedades sem explicação. Quem esperaria receber um convite para ir às montanhas procurar alienígenas? Ela sabe que não pode culpar ninguém por julgar suas loucuras.
Eunmin não sabe dizer se continuará na profissão ou no condomínio por muito tempo, sempre incerta do que o destino lhe reserva, mas tem a certeza de que não está pronta para abandonar a música ou as luzes do palco, que associa ao brilho da mãe. Talvez um dia goste daquela vida e entenda os motivos dos sonhos de Nara. Talvez um dia seja livre pra viver um romance clichê, sem medo de julgamentos, e de se permitir ser querida por outras pessoas. Talvez, talvez… seu coração é cheio de dúvidas. Enquanto não encontra respostas, Eunmin segue se esforçando para dar o seu melhor, sendo uma excelente profissional e uma vizinha não tão excelente assim, virando madrugadas tocando e cantando em seu estúdio particular, na esperança de que algum dia tenha coragem de compartilhar seu talento e conquistar o perdão daquilo que não fez.
De volta ao caminho para ser eternizada nas mídias, conforme o desejo da mãe.
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seradiary · 6 months
💞 for eden!!!!!!! i must see the best couple 🥺💖
💞 REVOLVING HEARTS — our muses' romantic relationship
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jangksu · 2 years
៹  ♡.  𝗺𝘂𝘀𝗲  ›  meet the kids xii
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 6 months
Eunmin cancel. Seaon and now Eunwoo. Oh pjm2 is going to be heavy on angst and pain🥺
I wish I could play along but all this does is make me feel utter disgust. The way the guy's been lying and saying "idk, if the hyungs will want to do a challenge.." when it's literally him the one who doesn't want to be associated with the members. The levels to the manipulation, lies.. I genuinely feel disgusted. He's so pathetic.
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cafemilk-tea · 2 years
i knew i could trust him
i want eunmin’s relationship even more now 😩
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alottamoney · 3 months
Eunmin, Damin, eunjim
Or minD 😄
MinD, it is.
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fffwng · 7 months
The Joongang Plus: Brand Film from SUPER VERY MORE on Vimeo.
Plannig & Storyboard: Kim Youngmin
Motion design: Kwon Jihye, Park Eunmin Sound design: Sunwoo Shawn Kim
Client: Joongang Creative Director: Kim Youngmin
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tonin-terets · 8 months
The Joongang Plus: Brand Film from SUPER VERY MORE on Vimeo.
Plannig & Storyboard: Kim Youngmin
Motion design: Kwon Jihye, Park Eunmin Sound design: Sunwoo Shawn Kim
Client: Joongang Creative Director: Kim Youngmin
0 notes
justmochi · 3 months
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series :: eunmin in busan 2023 💌
pairing :: eden x seokmin
word count :: 5.3k
synopsis :: is there a limit to how many times two can have sex on three day trip?
time :: february 17, 2023
warnings :: 🔞 SMUT! 🔞 MINORS DNI
a/n :: the epic conclusion to the 2023 busan trip </3 until 2024 c; also this is the filthiest eunmin piece to date can i get a hello
taglist :: @cafemilk-tea @cixrosie @moonlight-additions @cosmicwintr @astraw-astro @ateezjuliet @fromfreesia @succulentmom @kimhyejin3108 @enhacolor @multiplums @kang-ulzzang @hybesunstone @allthings-fandoms @itzy-eve @strmiu @angie-x3 @Kaitieskidmore1 @evaalopezzzz
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Her body had woken itself up all on its own, eyes opening and squinting while looking around the room. It was still dark from what she could see outside the windows. She rolled over, reaching for her phone on the nightstand and seeing it was almost 3 a.m. She set it back down, lying flat on her back as she rubbed her eyes with her fingers. When she stretched her arm over to feel his side of the bed, it was empty. She sat up to see the bathroom door closed with the light emitting from under the frame.
As if on cue, Seokmin opened the door before shutting the light off. He didn’t look as tired as she expected him to be. He must have been awake for a while. He jumped a bit when he noticed her staring back at him. She smirked at the contrast between his mannerisms and the way he was dressed. No shirt and The Shorts. She was a goner.
Her hair was disheveled, making him laugh softly. He launched himself onto the bed, scooting closer to her as he leaned on his arm. “What are you doing awake?”
“I could ask you the same thing.” She laid back down, pulling the blankets back up and folding her hands over her stomach. “I guess my body has its own alarm clock.”
“I couldn’t sleep so I cleaned up a bit and packed.” He rested his hand on her wrist, snuggling in closer to her warmth. He sighed, brushing his fingers against her skin in smooth circles. “I don’t wanna go home.”
She frowned, sighing because she felt the exact same way he did. This is the longest they’ve spent with each other in a while thanks to their busy schedules. “I want to stay here for at least another week.”
His smile had a sort of sadness to it. His head dipped between her neck, pressing a kiss to her shoulder. They lay in their comfortable silence for a few more minutes. Eden raked her fingers through his hair, shaping it to her liking and then smoothing it down to do it all over again.
After a few, she leaned in closer to him, whispering in his ear. “Would it be completely deranged of me to say that I want you again?”
He lifts his head from her neck, looking up at her to see the lust on her face. She can’t tell whether his expression is what it is because he’s flustered or that he’s thinking the same thing. He looked excited and hopeful.
“Why?” He brings his hand to her cheek, his thumb running over her bottom lip. “Were you having naughty dreams about me?”
“Maybe.” She leans in closer, eyes drifting down to his lips but not going for the kill. “Please, I wasn’t asleep long enough to dream. If I was dreaming, it’s been too long to recall any of it.”
“Then should we try to refresh your memory?” He kisses her softly. She breathes quietly against his lips, his teeth grazing her tongue as his hand takes hers out of his hair and intertwines their fingers together.
He let go while his kisses remained, using his hands to push himself up to hover over her. She reaches up to hold his face in her hands as their lips move against one another. Both of their need grows with every stroke of their mouths.
He kisses her one more time before breaking away, panting and pressing his forehead to hers to catch his breath. He shifts his weight to one arm, using his other to push her hair away from her neck. He leaves kisses on her cheeks that lead to her ear, licking his lips swiftly before gently sucking on the spot where her hair meets her neck.
She moans, arching her back and feeling her chest pressed to his. He doesn’t suck as hard as she did just merely a few hours ago. Not enough to leave a mark. “Smell so good.” He praises her before his cold hands travel up her arm and to the top of her shoulder.
She throws her head back further, giving him more access to her neck to do as he pleases. He feels her gulp before letting out a whine, the sound going straight to his cock as he ushers in discomfort. He pushed himself backward with his arms, lifting both of her legs so he could kneel between her thighs. 
He runs his hand up her leg before stopping at her hip, pressing into her soft skin, and walking himself back up her body with his palms. He kisses her lips, feeling her tongue against his as he groans. She places her hands on his shoulders, watching as he moves lower to kiss all over her chest. 
She was exactly as they left things hours prior. Still in her lingerie top that he admired earlier. Other than her bra, she was completely naked. It always saddened her when he was quick to put his clothes back on whenever they had sex. Sometimes she just loved their skin-to-skin contact.
He squeezed one of her breasts between his hands, the clothing blocking him from touching her bare skin. “E.”
She looked down into his eyes, her eyebrows contorting into a frown. “What’s wrong?”
“You know you’re the prettiest thing to ever walk this Earth, right baby?” He looks up from her cleavage, his chin resting between her breasts. “You look so… beautiful…” He kisses her breasts between words. Her left and then her right much harder than before. “My pretty girl.” His kisses lead up to her lips. “But I need this off right now. Can I?”
She laughs, covering her red cheeks with her hands. “Go ahead, Minee.” Before she has enough time to arch her back off the bed, his hand is already sneaking behind her and unclasping her bra. He sits back on his knees, gently pulling the straps down her arms and tossing the garment behind him.
He takes her right nipple into his mouth, squeezing her side with his hand as his tongue swirls around the bud. She twirls strands of his hair around her fingers, trying to make up for everything he’s done for her. She can already feel the slickness pooling between her legs with the addition of his warm mouth on hers.
He kisses a path back up to her lips, smiling when they are face to face again. Seokmin cups her cheek as their tongues gently move with each other while his other hand rests against her pillow, keeping the top of her head safe.
He pulls away, looking into her eyes and she can only see darkness filling his. He uses one of his knees to part her thighs, whispering against her ear. “Open.”
She furrows her eyebrows, confusion etched into the features of her face but she complies. She opens her mouth, searching his face for any indication of what he has planned. She was unprepared for him sticking two fingers in her mouth. He raised his eyebrows and she took that as a sign to wrap her lips around him. Once he pulled them out, their eye contact continued while he slipped his hand between her legs, applying her saliva to her already wet pussy.
The flames keep spreading inside her chest and the next thing she knows, the butterflies are flapping around in her stomach along with a blush creeping onto her cheeks. It may have even traveled to her ears. Perhaps the distance and time apart from each other have made him more risqué. He has opened up a lot more since his last comeback and he exudes confidence. She is not complaining though.
Her teeth sink into her bottom lip, breath hitching in her throat as Seokmin softly draws circles around her. It felt good but she needed way more. And he gave her just that. One finger dipped effortlessly into her entrance and it made her all the more relaxed. He watched her go from being on edge, anticipating his touch to relaxing against the sheets, sighing as he delved a finger inside her.
He looked down between them, pushing her legs even further apart, causing her to moan. He added another finger, watching as her head fell back on the pillow, arching into his touch. She gripped onto the back of his neck, fingers digging into the area below his hair. It’s hard to believe that he’s doing such sinful things to her when his hair is dyed close to pinkish red. She would have called him cute and adorable if his hand wasn’t buried between her legs.
“Is this okay?” He whispers into her ear, peppering kisses along her jawline.
Eden presses her lips together to whine, nodding her head so he has no doubt that he’s doing a good job. He curls his fingers upwards, trying to restrain himself as his teeth meet her neck. Her other hand finds its way toward his shorts, slipping past the band and feeling his boner in his boxers. Maybe she shouldn’t have taken him by surprise like that because his fingers quickly come in contact with her g-spot and he restrains a grunt against her lips. Gripping him tighter as a storm builds up inside her.
Her hips grind against his hand, matching his flow as she's a writhing mess beneath him. He feels her squeeze around his fingers tighter, knowing she’s close. She pumps him through his clothes, her strokes inconsistent with how good he’s making her feel.
“I’m gonna come–” She tries to whisper but her voice cracks and her moans are loud in the bedroom.
Seokmin quickly stops, dragging his fingers up the center of her body until they’re close enough he can suck her juices off of them. She’s rubbing her thighs together at the absence of his hand until he pins one of her legs down to the bed before kissing her, letting her taste herself. She groans against him, pressing herself onto his thigh for more contact.
“Not yet. Let’s come together.” He kisses her once more before pulling the blankets off, discarding his boxers, and getting a condom.
When he returns, she scoots over a bit to give him some room. He lays on his side next to her, tilting her face towards him and kissing her. He slips his arm underneath her neck, 
When she feels his erection poking her leg, she reaches to give it a few good pumps. He feels his head spin, taking her hand so he can kiss her knuckles.
Eden smiles as her eyes flutter shut, his arm around her reaching down to grope her breasts. He guides her leg over his hip as his hand reaches between her legs to give her wetness a few strokes. He carefully aligns his cock with her entrance and settles his hand on her hip, slowly pushing into her.
Once he’s all the way in, he uses his free hand to guide her hips back and forth, creating a gentle rhythm that they can both feel deeply. Her upper body rolls over a bit, moaning as she squeezes onto his wrist with both hands. He is painfully slow to begin with, giving Eden more time to get her stomach in knots again.
He pulls her closer to him with the arm that's under her, pecking the back of her neck until she turns back to face him. She smiles at him, steadying himself as he leans in to kiss her. Her hand tangles itself in his hair towards the back of his head, smiling against his lips.
Seokmin presses his forehead to hers, fingers digging into her hip with more pressure. “So perfect.” He whispers, nuzzling his nose against hers as they breathe the same air. “You are made for me.”
She blushes, pushing her bottom against his hips as she chuckles quietly. If there was a slither of space between the two, there sure wasn’t any now. “Just for you. Only you.”
What she says and does riles something inside of him because he starts thrusting into her a little faster. His hand moves lower down her leg, lifting her thigh and driving his cock deeper. She’s a whimpering mess, her eyes rolling to the back of her head as she tries to hold on longer.
Sweat beads on his forehead as he kisses her shoulder, moving down far enough that he’s level with her shoulder blades. He decides to repay the favor from earlier, closing his lips around the spot on her back as he begins sucking.
When a fresh bruise forms on her skin, he starts going harder. The moment they both hear the slapping of each other’s skin on one another, they know Seokmin is close. He lays her thigh over his and his hand sneaks in front between her legs. He finds her clit, rubbing violent circles around it as he supresses his grunts against her shoulder.
Eden’s cries get louder and higher in pitch before they halt for a second, the knot unraveling in her stomach as she comes hard, moaning out into the bedroom. He is right behind her, his thrusts becoming inconsistent and messy as he spills into the condom. She whines every time his hips spasm, pushing into her hard and abruptly until he rides out his high.
Their pants fill the bedroom as Seokmin hugs her closer, kissing her neck before he gently pulls out of her. The smell of her hair invades his senses as he brushes his nose against her ear.
“Do you remember your dream yet?” He grins, stretching to peck her cheek.
She huffs before laughing, stretching in his grasp and arching back against him. “It’s coming back to me.”
“I love you.” He kisses her twice, taking his arm from underneath her back and pushing himself off the bed. “I’ll be right–“
“Don’t.” She reaches behind herself, catching onto his thigh as she’s working to catch her breath. “Stay here with me. Let’s just stay like this for a while.”
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“Don’t you wish we had more freedom like we’ve had these past few days?”
“Freedom…” She starts, laying flat against his chest again as she runs her hands up her thighs. “Like I could walk around the house without having to cover up too much?”
“If that’s what you want, my love, then I will make that happen for you.” He kisses behind her ear, his hands placed on her shoulders as he rubs his thumbs back and forth.
“We’ll have the freedom to decorate our home as we please?”
“Yes. That too.” Seokmin’s hands start their descent down her arms.
“With a big bathtub fit for the both of us?”
She hums, feeling his fingers lock with his on her thighs. She continues to flirt. “We’ll have the freedom to do whatever we want, where we want, however loud we want?”
He takes in a sharp inhale, wrapping both of their hands around her waist. He parts his lips against her neck, his tongue briefly coming in contact with her skin. “Not too loud though.”
Her cheeks warm up, remembering they’d have more freedom but not too much. “It sounds perfect.”
He lets go of one of her hands, gliding his hand up her body to squeeze her breast between his fingers. “Maybe in a year or so, it will become our reality.”
He pinches her nipples, resulting in her throwing her head back on his shoulder. She lets out a sigh as she brings her legs together, trying to satisfy the ache.
Her left hand hovers over his on her chest, while her other reaches behind her to find his hardening length. She feels his front flex against her back, increasing the pressure on her nipple. She runs her thumb over his tip for a few sets before stroking him entirely between her palm.
“Do you have any idea what you do to me?” He whispers next to her ear, his other hand roaming her stomach.
“I think I have an idea.” She chuckles, squeezing his cock.
He throws his head back, biting his lower lip with a groan. His hand travels further south, stopping to massage her inner thighs.
Eden squirms, feeling her eyes roll back as she arches her back. “Baby…”
“Tell me what you want.” He kisses where her neck meets her shoulder, switching his left hand to her other hard nipple.
“Please, touch me.” Her whines are sweet and full of desire, but she never stops pumping his cock.
“Anything you want, I’ll do it for you.” He smirks, using one of his calves to assist him in spreading her legs wider. 
He runs his middle finger down her center under the water, taking in every sound and jolt that comes from her body when they touch.
“Fuck…” She curses under the breath, caressing his length. She makes the fortunate mistake to look down at herself, seeing his one hand travel higher until he is caressing her neck, and the other between her legs. The sight is so arousing to her, she uses her free hand to gather some of the leftover bubbles, spreading and swirling them around on her front, leading up to his hand. She can’t help but notice how soft her skin feels, wanting and needing more.
His fingertips carve out the line of her jaw, tipping her head back so he can kiss her. He swallows her moans as he picks up the pace on her clit. Eden becomes painfully aware of the water splashing around in the tub. She tries not to move too much to not make a mess, but she can’t help it with the knot forming in her center.
She pulls away from his lips, her cries echoing off the bathroom walls before she squeezes her legs closed around his hand. He stops altogether, his abs flexing against her back as she grips his length.
Eden pants, trying to catch her breath and paying close attention to the water calming down again. Then she starts snickering because she did not expect to be doing this for the third time in less than 24 hours.
“What?” Seokmin smirks while rubbing his hands up and down her arms.
She lets go of him, using her palms against his thighs to push herself up, turning her body around in the tub to face him. She crawls onto his lap with a smile on her face, placing her hands on his shoulders. “We’re animals.”
He doesn’t say anything, but the blush on his cheeks gives him away and they both laugh together. She feels him against her thigh, feeling herself getting excited all over again. She cups his face with both of her hands, leaning in to kiss him. He tastes perfect, of everything she loves and more.
Eden tries not to dig her fingers in his hair with her wet hands as she moves her kisses to his ear. Then she kisses a trail lower down his neck. She reaches between them, stroking his length with a grip much softer than before.
“What was that word you used?” He breathes heavily against her ear, his core tightening as she gently squeezes his cock.
“Hmm?” She hums against his neck, feeling his pulse against her lips.
“Arrang… No wait… It was deranged.” He stutters before the word actually comes to him. “Would it be deranged to say that I need you?”
She snorts, leaning in to kiss him with a smile. “Not in here, though.”
“No?” He looks around the tub, appearing as if he was actually considering having sex right where they were.
“I don’t want to flood the bathroom or one of us gets a nasty infection. So no.” She shakes her head. He’s thankful that she was smarter than him. Knowing himself, he wouldn’t have even considered that fact.
He manages to release the stopper on the drain with his foot, gripping her hips tight as he helps her stand to her feet. He steps out onto the towel placed on the floor, Eden giggling as she reaches to dry herself off. But before she can do anything, he scoops her up in his arms. She squeals, wrapping her arms around his neck and holding him tight. Seokmin carries her across the bathroom, finding the box of condoms they packed for the trip.
“Oh look,” His arm supports her bottom half, using the other to pick a condom out of the box. “One left.” He cocks his eyebrow, bringing the foil to his mouth and biting down on it with his teeth. He traps the wrapper in his mouth as his hand assumes its position to her back.
“Oh my god.” She ducks her head in his neck, covering her face with her palm from embarrassment as he carries her to the bed.
He lays her down as softly as possible, taking the condom from between his teeth and setting it aside. He crawls over top of her, cupping her cheek with one hand as he reaches down to kiss her. She smiles against his lips, feeling the muscles in his back with her hands. It feels odd for them both to still be wet from the bath and coming in contact with their bedsheets.
It also feels a hundred times more erotic to see each other in their barest forms in broad daylight. Light shines through the window with no barrier, and for the first time in her life, she is thanking the sun for its existence. It shines down on Seokmin so beautifully, enhancing every dip and curve on his stunning tanned body.
Eden parts her thighs, welcoming him by wrapping her legs around his waist. He nips her bottom lip into his mouth, pulling away from her to spread kisses on her neck. He works his way down her body, sucking and kissing every inch of her until he is level with her heat.
He wastes no time, getting straight to work. He licks a line straight down her center, grabbing hold of her thighs as his tongue sinks into her. She bites back a moan, feeling the cold air on her damp body, it only intensifies her awareness of how his mouth is exploring her. She gently presses the soles of her feet into his back, turning her head to the side and shutting her eyes.
His fingers dig into the skin of her thighs, his nose brushing against her clit whenever he tries to aim his tongue deeper. Seokmin looks upwards to check her reactions, only to be met with her jaw. He smirks against her and she feels the buzz jolt up her body. She presses her lips in a tight line as she whines, lifting her head to look down at him. She could come just from the sight alone.
His right hand slides up her body, his fingers squeezing one of her breasts before pinching her nipple. Her moans get louder and her body shudders underneath him. She grabs onto his wrist with both of her hands, keeping his on her chest as she tries to push herself down on his mouth.
His other hand lets go of her thigh and travels to her middle. One finger comes in contact with his tongue before he pushes it past her entrance.
“Fuck.” She curses, letting him go and gripping the sheets underneath her.
“Absolutely perfect.” She can’t see the grin on his face, only the sinful whispers of his voice as he pulls away and studies her reacting to his fingers. He peppers kisses along her inner thighs as she breathes heavily. His tongue licks at her clit and she can feel the knot collecting in her stomach.
Eden can’t contain herself when her back arches off the bed, letting out a cry as one hand falls on her breast. She’s close and they both know it. She pushes on his forehead with her other hand, her soles trying to achieve the same thing. “Oh god. Hold on a sec…”
Seokmin grins to himself before sitting back on his knees, running his palms up and down her thighs to cool her down. “You okay?”
She brings her thighs together, covering her face while panting. “Yes, I was just…wow.”
“Let me see your pretty face.” He smiles, moving her legs aside and holding himself up with his fists. He gently removes her hand from her face, brushing her disheveled hair flat against the bed and leaning down to kiss her. He swallows her uneven breaths, subconsciously grinding his cock against the back of her thigh for more friction.
Their lips move together while he reaches for the condom he grabbed. He leaves one last kiss on her cheek before sitting back, tearing the wrapper open and sliding it down his length. She parts her legs once again, watching him with a dazed expression as he nestles himself between her thighs.
Seokmin grabs hold of her right leg, throwing it over his shoulder while pressing his fingers into her skin. He turns his head to give the inside of her knee a peck. Giving himself a few strokes, he teases her entrance by swiping up and down with his tip.
“Please…” She whispers, reaching forward for him.
“Anything.” He complies, a hand on her hip while the other locks around her thigh before he slowly pushes his cock into her.
She moans while throwing her head back. She only knows she’s taken all of him when her palm comes in contact with his abdomen. He pulls back out, seeing his tip hidden in her before driving back into her at a painfully slow pace. She feels him much deeper, clawing at his abs while her other hand holds onto his wrist at her hip.
“Oh god.” Her back arches once more as he continues his measured thrusts. It is so agonizing.
“You like that, baby?” He speaks low, letting go of her hip to trail his fingers up her arm, stopping to cup her breast.
“Y-yes…” She cries, watching as he pulls out again, anticipating his next thrust. He pushes in slowly before quickening his pace, feeling him snap against her. The motion itself is enough for her to see stars. Her eyes roll back, biting down on her lip as her moans climb in volume. “I…fuck. So good.”
He carefully guides her leg back down, throwing it around his waist before leaning forward and hovering over her. Her lids are heavy but that doesn’t stop her from reaching behind his neck, pulling him down and against her lips.
He transfers his weight to his forearms, cradling her head as he slips his tongue into her mouth. Her fingers tangle in his hair, locking her legs around him and savoring how well he fills her up. Her chest is flush with his, moaning against him as his hips find a faster rhythm for her.
With every thrust, her back is arching into his chest, her breasts coming in contact with his skin. He dips his head to her neck, breathing hard against her pulse as he fucks her. Eden moans every time his cock brushes her sensitive spot, feeling a shock shooting straight up her spine. She hooks her arms underneath his, her hands and legs holding onto him for dear life.
She’s close to her climax given how he completely devoured her, letting both of her legs fall to the side as wide as they can go. She can’t decide whether it was a mistake or a blessing because the change has her seeing specks of white in her vision. She is convulsing with pleasure, squeezing around Seokmin as he groans. He accidentally bites down on her shoulder from how intense the feeling is.
“Seok, I’m gonna c-come.” She cries, her fingernails digging into his shoulder and she swears she feels like she’s falling.
He pushes himself back with his palms, sitting back and dragging his hands down her body until he gets a tight grip on her hips. He halts his movements for a split second before resuming his slow and gentle thrusts. “I’ve got you, baby. Come for me.” Before she has time to process what he says, he is slamming into her at a much faster rate.
Eden can barely keep up as her hand slides between her legs, trying to draw circles on her clit but being too overcome with bliss to concentrate. She grabs his wrists, squeezing so hard and hoping it’s enough to keep her grounded. The instant his hand reaches between them and starts swiping patterns against her clit, she is gone. Her orgasm rips through her every vessel, her cries filling the bedroom when her memory goes foggy.
Seokmin isn’t too far behind her, proceeding with his thrusts as they become more erratic and sloppy. He spills into the condom, muttering profanities delivered with groans as he empties himself. He’s out of breath, panting and it takes everything in him not to fall forward and pass out for her to bear all his weight.
He’s gentle and a bit shaky when pulling out of her, collapsing on his back beside her. Eden eventually comes to, catching her breath and covering her face with her arm. She starts giggling to herself, turning over and curling into his body.
“What?” He smiles, taking her hair out of the clip at the top of her head and tucking his arm underneath her neck.
“Animals.” She rests her hand on his chest, looking up at him.
He looks away in embarrassment, the couple snorting together. She rolls onto her stomach, propping herself up with wobbly elbows. “I think we should take a shower after that.”
He lets out a sigh of relief, his cheeks hurting from smiling. “That’s probably a good idea.”
“No funny business though.”
He brushes loose strands away from her face, smoothing the back of her hair down. “Don’t worry, I’ll behave.”
He scoots off the bed, holding his hand out for her. She sits up, taking it and he pulls her up effortlessly, Eden crashing into his chest as she laughs. They walk in each other's arms to the bathroom, Seokmin heading straight for the shower and turning the faucet on. While it heats up, he steps away to dispose of the condom in the trash can, finding their clothes and checking to make sure they didn’t get wet in the process.
She steps under the showerhead, not caring how everything they did this morning was destined to set them back at least two hours. Now she had to worry about not going out with a wet head.
She’s surprised when she feels him bump into her from behind. He places his hands on her shoulders, turning her around to face him. He cups both of her cheeks with his palms and kisses her intently, enough to push her back against the tile.
He’s standing directly under the water, letting it wash away his sweat. He pulls away, able to taste the water on her lips.
“I thought I said no funny business?” She raises a brow, playfully jabbing her knuckles into his side.
“I know, I just really wanted to kiss you.” He steals another kiss before giving her the puppy dog eyes. “It’s been a while since we’ve taken a shower together.”
Eden tilts her head, pouting while she does the math in her head. It has been a while. So long that she can’t even remember the last time.
She wraps her arms around his waist, smiling as she rests her ear against his heart. She can’t hear much from the water running, but she knows it’s there. Beating just for her.
“I love you.” She whispers.
He bends his neck down, collecting her wet hair at the base of her neck before kissing her head. “I love you too.”
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apcomplexhq · 5 months
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Capítulo 7: O azar e a sorte são passageiros.
Após organizar os uniformes de cada equipe corredora, autografado, bem na parede de seu escritório localizado na Assembleia, como uma recordação do evento impressionante que ocorreu, Nikos retornou à fileira de papéis dispostos sobre a mesa detalhada e pesada, puxando dois envelopes, dos quais constavam solicitações da criação de dois novos clubes para o condomínio e carimbou assim que leu. Por mais que não fosse totalmente necessário preencher a papelada para a criação de qualquer clube, era preciso se o desejo dos moradores fosse transformá-lo em algo oficial, reservando uma das salas do prédio da Assembleia para eles e, também, garantir que o grego pudesse ter opções para buscar caso alguma ideia viesse à mente.
Logo abaixo, pôde notar as permissões para a exposição do mural, onde terão os relatos supersticiosos dos moradores e, enquanto o assinava, lembrava-se da falta que sentiu de e-mails de alguns moradores, aos quais não responderam seu humilde pedido para ajudar um grande amigo: Kim Taeri, Luke Hwang, Yu Jaehyun, Yazawa Michi e Noh Hyojung, o que era uma verdadeira pena… Chegou até mesmo a revirar os e-mails mais algumas vezes, somente para ter certeza que os dos que faltavam não haviam se misturado por entre os spams ou algo desse tipo, assustando-se no instante em que abriu um novo; de nenhum dos moradores acima, mas que constava, não apenas a resposta para o assunto de superstições, como também uma foto… Indesejada. Pobre Nikos, torceu muito para que pudesse esquecer aquela terrível visão o quanto antes, tentando se concentrar na organização do mural.
Já conseguia visualizar tudo! Cada e-mail estaria colado, um ao lado do outro, seguindo para a área de baixo, sem a nomeação do remetente, para que mantivesse um pouco da privacidade, montando fileiras e colunas. Deveria lembrar-se de tomar atitudes conforme os relatos recebidos: comunicar às velhas elitistas do Mount Olympus sobre seus comportamentos desnecessários, pois o que aconteceu com a Kang Hana e a Choi Byeol não pode se repetir. Espalhar pelos blocos cartazes do gato-não-tão-perdido que Lee Katherine Kari gostaria de reencontrar, junto de sacolas de lixo e mini pás para incentivar os donos de bichinhos a limpar as necessidades que eles fazem pelos cantos, assim, evitando que mais pessoas pisem neles, igual ocorreu com Park Amaryllis Yeonwoo, Kim Ashley Minki e Song Akira, coitadinhos. E, bem, mesmo não sendo supersticioso, a ponto de ter se identificado bastante com Lee Boeun, poderia pensar em colocar as dicas enviadas por Uemura Kohana, para livramento do azar, nas redes sociais específicas para os condôminos poderem visualizar, provavelmente isso seria de grande ajuda aos moradores que possuem uma crença tão forte quanto a dona Lim, de onde Han Haru vivia ou, então, se fosse para utilizar os habitantes do complexo como exemplo, teria Jung Yunseo, vítima de seu próprio namorado, Kim Himchan na última sexta-feira 13, ou, quem sabe, a Park Jihye, do qual se denominou bem supersticiosa… Não poderia negar que ela bem que sofreu um pouco no último evento, já que ficou sabendo do caso dela com o ex-piloto. As corridas realmente renderam muitos cumprimentos, mas, também, alguns reencontros não tão legais assim, conforme Choi Eunmin mencionava. É, as fofocas sempre correm rápido pelos blocos, igual as que Kim Wongsan se tornou alvo nos últimos dias. Esperava apenas que o suposto azar que dominava o condomínio, citado por Moon Hakkun, não fizesse ninguém sofrer perigo à vida, tal como era citado por Ethan Kang, ao menos a parte da comida lhe lembrou as catástrofes gastronômicas de Park Baekhyun, o que rendeu a si próprio várias risadas. 
Talvez, toda aquela onda de mal agouro viesse dos próprios moradores, já que, Choi Kyunggu e Sebastian Moon, que sequer se encontravam no condomínio, também tiveram seus dias de puro sofrimento, ainda que o primeiro citado acabou quebrando objetos, o que o recordou do e-mail de Ono Soojin, onde mencionava como a falta de coordenação havia resultado em vários copos do Dionysus Lounge se espatifando no chão e esse nem tinha sido o único acidente no trabalho, porque Park John Hyunwoo foi obrigado a lidar com uma cliente totalmente focada nesses assuntos de azar, reclamando até de um doce gatinho preto, animal esse que Jung Chaeyeon revelou ser alérgica, quer dizer, não especificamente aos de coloração escura, mas animais peludos no geral. E pêssego. Bem, alérgica a muitas outras coisas, pelo visto… Entretanto, a ideia do ringue de patinação lhe trouxe o ar da graça, algo assim poderia trazer a alegria para os demais azarados, além, é claro, de mandar os funcionários fazerem uma vistoria no elevador de Asphodel Meadows e consertá-lo do problema mencionado por Seol Joori. Talvez isso faria Kang Haneul acreditar que se tratasse de seu novo amuleto da sorte. Goo Jiyoon poderia se divertir com seu marido e esquecer os azares que vieram durante a preparação do casamento, bem como os encontros indesejados com a dona Gyunhee, poderia, até mesmo, adicionar algumas músicas natalinas para tocar pelo condomínio, a fim de que Ahn Jiwon pudesse recriar novas coreografias ao vivo, sem ter a chance de ser roubado novamente.
Claro… Depois de observar toda organização de contos, decidiu colocar bem em cima, como o centro de toda aquela coleção de desgraças, o e-mail de Kwon Hyunbin, fez questão de esconder de Park Hoojae, pois sentia que, se o amigo visse tantas coisas de sorte acontecendo com o médico, com certeza se isolaria pelo resto da vida, mas, pelo menos, poderia utilizá-lo como um exemplo ótimo para os moradores, quase como… A estrela de uma árvore gigantesca que estava para vir decorar o lugar… Era ele! O escolhido por Zeus para ter tido o melhor dia do mundo em meio a todos os outros, praticamente um lembrete de que, mesmo passando por momentos terríveis, assim como a sorte, o azar também é passageiro, nunca se sabe quando poderá ter todas as coisas boas possíveis em um único dia.
O grego respirou fundo, sorrindo por ter terminado, finalmente, de carimbar todas as permissões e assinar as papeladas que restavam. O fim de ano estava próximo e não poderia negar que tinha um ânimo gigantesco para transformar aquele mês em algo bom de se comemorar para os moradores. Por agora, apenas restava verificar se os ônibus, que levariam os vencedores do sorteio realizado pelo festival automobilístico até o aeroporto, já tinham chegado ao condomínio. Estava tarde e sabia que nem tivera tempo de comunicar a eles sobre a data, só esperava que todos estivessem preparados para o passeio de uma semana.
OBSERVAÇÕES OOC: ✦ Para ler o sexto capítulo, CLIQUE AQUI. A nossa denominada “Avenida Acropolis” nada mais é do que uma novela onde irá citar acontecimentos envolvendo nossos queridos NPC’s; ✦ Alguns dos capítulos servirão como pequenos spoilers ou consequências de eventos e plotdrops que estarão por vir, já consegue imaginar o que irá acontecer?; ✦ Esse capítulo faz referência a task obrigatória SUPERSTIÇÕES AO PÉ DA LETRA; ✦ Os personagens Kim Taeri, Luke Hwang, Yu Jaehyun, Yazawa Michi e Noh Hyojung receberão punição IC durante o evento de fim de ano.
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seradiary · 9 months
navigate my archive
📖— mochi reads :: fic recs/what i’m reading right now
💭— in my head :: what’s going on in my noggin
✍🏻— prompts :: writing prompts for inspo
🆕— new post! :: promoting new posts on @justmochi
🥲— crying​ :: crying over anything and everything
🪻— therapeutic :: posts that are in some way healing for me c:
🌿— way with words :: poetry, quotes, beautiful words, etc.
🎭— dramas :: dramas i’ve watched
🤣— good laughs :: funny stuff lol
👗— fashion :: clothes i like
🎮— games :: stuff from games i play
📚— books :: books i’ve read
📋— help :: helpful information
🗝️— wip :: what i’m working on right now
♥️— always :: stuff that reminds me of eunmin
♡ :: dk aka the love of my life
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chiaochen1028 · 11 months
Beats by Dre | Jackson Wang | More Features, More Feels | Beats Studio Buds + from chiao chen on Vimeo.
New work! @benmullinkosson @jacksonwang852g7 @beatsbydre
CLIENT: @beatsbydre Creative Director: Peter Yoon Senior Brand Manager: Faye Yu
AGENCY: @wearetranslation EP of Social & New Media: Alice Cottle Group Creative Director: Castro Desroches Group Creative Director: Aryan Aminzadeh Associate Producer: Becks Parra Associate Producer: Ashley Pineda Sr. Copywriter: Marisa Valente Sr. Art Director: Alyssa Lee Account Director: Chloe Williams Dir. of Context Planning: Quinn Frehner Dir. of Talent Relations: Hugh Pringle Account Executive: Morgan Lee
TALENT TEAM: Talent Manager: Daryl Chih-Pang Wang Marketing Director: YUHANG YAO Talent Management: HAIYI YU Talent Management: Colin Shin Music Producer: Isaac Han Crew: Wei Sun Crew: Xixi Wan Stylist: Eunmin Kim Stylist: Soulbin Kim Stylist: SUMIN SEO Make Up Artist: Anais Juangha Kim Hair Stylist: Wanyeong Park
PRODUCTION COMPANY: @_florence.co Executive Producer: @mrjeradw Executive Producer / Managing Director: @nedbrown Executive Producer: @griffo.matt Head of Finance & Operations: Natasha Atalla Seubert Director: @benmullinkosson DP: @chiaochen Prod Designer: @piliweeber Producer: @ro_eric Production Manager: @philosophie Production Coordinator: @ditteravenfire 1st AD: @stevvalle 1st AC: @haitaoc 2nd AC: Cameron Wilbur DIT: Jon Stuyvesant BTS camera operator: @yoshinostudios Steadicam: @steadidu Gaffer: David Reichman BB Electric: Mike Kim 3rd Electric: Alex Rizzo Board Operator: Sam Brown Key Grip: Darell Day BB Grip: Tim Farrel 3rd Grip: Wesley Crump Swing: Shamus Lobene Art Coordinator: Erin Lynn Welsh Prop Master: Reid Currie Art PA: Brian Park Art PA: Chris Retsina Sound Mixer: @emilymstrong Crafty: Joe Pesce Off Duty Officer: Officer Joe Rehal Driving PA / Set PA: Sasha Vorobyev Set PA: Zoe Paddon Set PA: Madison Claire White
POST PRODUCTION: Post Producer: @ro_eric Editor: @chiaochen Assistant Editor: @tysonwadejohnston
COLOR: @forager.tv Colorist: @jalob Color Producer: Maria Webb
SOUND DESIGN/MIX: @youtoocanwoo Post Sound Producer: @l_peregrine Sound design & mix: @davidpm
CLEAN UP VFX: Clean Plate FX Eric M Levy Juan Cardarelli
Stage: @beelectricstudio
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nextlevelhqs · 2 years
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ᅟᅟᅟᅟ →    𝐁𝐎𝐀𝐒 𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐀𝐒! As 10 fichas a seguir foram lidas, corrigidas e aceitas no Next Level até o dia 22 de setembro de 2022, às 18h do horário de Brasília. O jogo está quase começando, qual será o próximo desafio? Não esqueça de postar sua introdução OOC e seguir todas as contas em nossa lista. ᅟᅟ Àqueles cujos nomes dos personagens não estiverem abaixo, serão contatados pela moderação em breve. Os casos mais graves, relacionados com apagamento de gatilhos, serão postergados à quinta-feira; aos que apenas necessitam de alguns ajustes, serão aceitos ainda hoje.
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1. Im Juseol (JUNE), R01 do Looping; 2. Shin Hyunjae (E:CHO), Q02 do (Z)Hero; 3. Kim Joohyun (Jooe), Coreófraga e dançarina de apoio;  4. Harley Cho (SAGE), F02 do Soda Pop; 5. Lee Hanseo (Eli), L01 do I:Machina; 6. Kang Jiwoo (JiU), H06 do Glittermoon; 7. Bang Doyoung (Rain), N04 do Aftermath; 8. Esther Choi (Esther), C02 do Arcana; 9. Choi Eunmin (Dal), M04 do IAEM; 10. Kim Danbi (Nabi), C07 do Arcana;
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 7 months
this is so sad... even when jk released dreamers and lnr he couldn't dethrone jimin and jimin was inactive at that time but now he keeps dropping...3m is the lowest points ever for him
He was literally #1 for dreamers. If you're going to be miserable, at least be miserable about the truth and not lies.
What I'm really worried about is eunwoo is 5th. How will husbands eunmin support their household now that they're so unimportant? Will they still be getting paid from their brand deals? WILL THEIR KIDS HAVE FOOD ON THE TABLE?
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cafemilk-tea · 2 years
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