gyongykalmar · 6 months
I am writing my ethics thesis on Chase killing the dictator in season 6. and my professor loves the idea! I think this is my greatest academic achievment! ✨️😩👏
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thetwistedbeauty · 7 months
“Morally Grey” Characters
Morally grey characters are a staple of literature and storytelling, and they can be some of the most compelling and thought-provoking figures in a narrative. These characters often blur the lines between good and evil, making readers question their motivations and actions. However, the acceptance of morally grey characters hinges on how their complexity is presented within the story. While morally grey characters can be intriguing and even empathetic, it becomes problematic when their moral ambiguity is used to excuse or downplay abusive or harmful behavior.
Complexity vs. Excuse: Morally grey characters should be portrayed with depth and nuance. Their actions and motivations should be explored in a way that allows readers to understand the complexity of their choices. However, this complexity should not serve as an excuse for abusive or harmful behavior.
Accountability: It's essential that morally grey characters are held accountable for their actions. Their choices, even if morally ambiguous, should have consequences within the story. This accountability demonstrates that the narrative acknowledges the impact of their behavior on others.
Character Development: Morally grey characters should ideally experience growth and change over the course of the story. They may grapple with their actions and seek redemption or self-improvement. This development adds depth to their character arcs and provides a path for reconciliation with the audience.
Exploring the Grey Area: Morally grey characters can serve as a vehicle for exploring ethical dilemmas and the grey areas of human nature. However, this exploration should be done with sensitivity and an awareness of the potential real-world implications.
Avoiding Glamorization: It's crucial to avoid glamorizing abusive or harmful behavior, even within the context of morally grey characters. Romanticizing or justifying such behavior can send harmful messages to readers.
Balanced Perspective: Authors should strive to present a balanced perspective on morally grey characters. This means acknowledging both their strengths and flaws, their virtues and vices. Readers should be encouraged to form their own opinions rather than having a character's behavior imposed as unquestionably acceptable.
In literature, morally grey characters can be some of the most captivating and thought-provoking figures, challenging readers to question their own moral compass. However, their complexity should never be used as a means to justify or romanticize abusive or harmful actions.
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almondmilksupremacy · 7 months
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amethyst-aster · 5 months
Hey just a moral conflict
(@copper-dragon-in-disguise especially but anyone)
Is it Islamophobia to scowl and openly hate a girl wearing a hijab if that girl asked underlying homophobic and sexist questions the previous year and called your best friend the f slur and said the f slur as a insult on snapchat? Just curious
(she asked me if women’s rights or the pride flag were more important to me and “threatened to expose my YouTube channel” even tho idc bc it’s just a place for me and my irl friends to have fun…)
honestly I hate her
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mapleleavesart · 7 months
I have a genuine ethics question that I don't have the ability/experience/knowledge to answer properly
If someone had a spouse who is dead, would it be wrong if a few years later {person} starts pursuing another relationship?
Not an irl situation dw, just stuff buzzing around my head
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digitalbasilisk · 6 months
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if you really think about it...
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criticfilm · 1 year
15 Popular Philosophical Films That Will Make You Question Everything! 🔥
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profresh16 · 20 days
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ccnegus · 1 month
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sillygalaxyangel · 2 months
Exploring Ethical Dilemmas: Is Insider Trading Ever Justified? 🤔💼
Hey Tumblr fam! Today, let's dive into a thought-provoking topic: insider trading. 💭📈 It's a complex issue that often sparks debates about ethics, fairness, and the integrity of financial markets. So, is insider trading ever justified? Let's explore both sides of the coin.
🛑 The Case Against Insider Trading: Many argue that insider trading is inherently unfair and undermines the principles of transparency and equality in financial markets. Those with privileged information gain an unfair advantage over other investors, leading to market distortions and eroding trust in the system. Moreover, it can harm the interests of ordinary shareholders and damage the reputation of companies involved.
✅ The Argument for Insider Trading: On the other hand, some believe that insider trading can be justified in certain circumstances. For example, proponents argue that it can enhance market efficiency by reflecting all available information accurately. In cases where insiders trade based on their own analysis and research, rather than confidential information, it may not necessarily harm others. Additionally, some argue that punishing insider trading excessively could discourage valuable information flow within companies.
🤝 Finding a Middle Ground: Balancing the need for market integrity with the free flow of information is undoubtedly challenging. Striking a balance may involve implementing robust regulations to prevent abuse while allowing for legitimate transactions based on informed decisions. Transparency, accountability, and ethical conduct should be at the forefront of any approach to addressing insider trading.
💬 Join the Conversation: What are your thoughts on insider trading? Do you believe it can ever be justified, or do the risks outweigh any potential benefits? Let's discuss in the comments below! Remember to keep the conversation respectful and open-minded. 💬🌟
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bettreworld · 2 months
Will Kids Cheat with AI in Education? | Exploring Cheating Risks & Learn...
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frnwhcom · 3 months
In a case that has ignited widespread debate, Chasity Carey, a bail bondswoman from Oklahoma, was acquitted of first-degree murder charges in the shooting death of her client, Brandon Williams. The incident, captured in a harrowing surveillance video, has raised serious questions about the boundaries of self-defense and the justice system’s handling of…
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theworldthinks1 · 3 months
Ethical Rudeness: A Philosophical Dilemma Explored through the Teachings of Mencius
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🤔✨ Unraveling the Ethical Quandary: Key Takeaways on "Ethical Rudeness" through the Wisdom of Mencius! 📚🌐
🔍 1. The Fine Line: Mencius challenges us to ponder the thin boundary between expressing one's opinions boldly and crossing into ethical rudeness. While assertiveness is valued, it's crucial to navigate this line with respect and empathy.
🔍 2. Ethical Rudeness vs. Constructive Criticism: Mencius encourages us to distinguish between ethical rudeness and constructive criticism. While both involve expressing opinions, the latter aims for improvement, fostering growth without disrespect.
🔍 3. Cultivating Compassion: Mencius emphasizes the cultivation of compassion even in the face of disagreement. True ethical behavior involves expressing dissent without harming others emotionally or tarnishing their dignity.
🔍 4. Balance of Harmony: Harmony, a central concept in Mencius' teachings, calls for a balance between asserting our beliefs and maintaining social harmony. Strive for a middle ground where individual expression coexists harmoniously with societal cohesion.
🔍 5. Reflective Communication: Mencius prompts us to reflect on our communication style. Are our words a reflection of ethical values? Ethical rudeness often stems from unchecked emotions; self-reflection can be the first step toward tempering our expression.
🔍 6. Empathy as a Guide: Walk in others' shoes before asserting your opinions. Mencius suggests that understanding different perspectives is essential for ethical communication. Empathy serves as a guide, preventing the descent into rudeness.
🔍 7. Integrity in Disagreement: Mencius teaches that ethical behavior doesn't dissolve in the face of disagreement. Uphold your principles with integrity, but remember, ethical rudeness erodes the foundation of respectful discourse.
🔍 8. Mindful Dialogue: Mindfulness, according to Mencius, is the cornerstone of ethical communication. Be present in your conversations, choosing words carefully. Mindful dialogue fosters understanding and minimizes the risk of ethical transgressions.
🌟 Embark on a philosophical journey with Mencius! 🌟 Let his timeless teachings guide you through the complexities of ethical rudeness, encouraging a harmonious blend of assertiveness and empathy. 🤝🌐
Read Full Article: http://tinyurl.com/ydp6zdwj
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looseleaf-thief · 5 months
why is there a word for someone who's never had sex ('virgin'), but not a word for someone who's never been in love?
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i-news-you · 6 months
Certainly, here's a short description for your YouTube video:
In this inspiring video, we delve into the remarkable story of Lawrence Faucette, the second person to receive a genetically modified pig heart transplant. Join us as we explore the world of xenotransplants, the challenges and hopes they bring, and the brave individuals like Lawrence who venture into uncharted medical territory. Discover the ethical considerations, global collaborations, and the lessons learned from this groundbreaking field of science. Lawrence's legacy lives on as we discuss the future of organ transplantation and the potential solution to organ shortages.
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Amazon.com : Prevue Pet Products Parakeet Manor Bird Cage with Handle for Home or Travel : Pet Supplies
I am so tempted to buy this just for the seekers-are-small-birbs joke.
But, I will get it second hand so I don't support bird abuse.
(I might end up building my own)
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