#especially null au because the designs are so fun
solacebean · 6 months
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Small dump of Null AU designs, including Kintsugi, Tetra, Dust, Rook, Raven, and Midna
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werewolfcandy · 1 year
Kamen Rider Pokemon AU thoughts under the read more bc i love both of these things and i need to combine them in my head
W cast:
Shotaro: A Honchkrow, given to him when it was just a baby Murkrow by the Boss. Shoutaro’s Honchkrow enjoys puffing up its own feathers, but it seems a little melancholy sometimes, too. Seems like it misses the Boss’ old Honchkrow.
Philip: Philip’s Espeon is often curled in his lap while he’s researching, and it keeps protective watch over his body when Philip becomes Double with Shoutaro.
Akiko: Akiko’s Purugly is quite pampered, and she spends a lot of time brushing its soft fur to perfection. Her Purugly is a bit boastful because of this. When it sees Akiko get her slipper from her back, it will dash behind the legs of her target so they can’t run away from Akiko.
Terui: Terui’s Scizor seems just as cool and collected as he is, but its actually quite shy. It’s an extremely capable fighter, chasing down enemy dopant’s pokemon as relentlessly as its owner. 
OOO Cast:
Eiji: Eiji’s Goodra is incredibly friendly, and enjoys hugs! Eiji never seems to mind when it leaves slime all over his clothes (though certain prickly birds complain every time Goodra tries to hug them too). When Eiji struggles to control the purple medals, his Goodra becomes extremely distraught and fearful, to the point of rampaging alongside him.
Ankh: A Ho-oh! Obviously it had to be a firebird pokemon, and Ho-oh is described as having rainbow feathers, just like Ankh! It was weakened alongside Ankh, so to protect itself, it disguises itself as a Talonflame. (legendary pokemon can disguise themselves as normal pokemon because i say so)
Hina: Her Leavanny is always extremely helpful when she’s designing clothes. Its strong silk and sharp cutters make for an especially strong thread and clean fabric cut. It’s surprisingly strong for such a delicate looking pokemon, and won’t hesitate to fight back if it thinks Hina is being threatened.
Gotou: In his research and study of the medals, Kougami and his scientists managed to create a synthetic pokemon capable of changing its typing with a special device. only one of these creatures managed to survive past incubation, and was given to Gotou when he was promoted to lead a squadron. Gotou isn’t quite sure what to make of Type: Null, but sometimes it looks back at him with intelligent eyes from behind its mask, and Gotou wonders how much is being held back by its control mask.
Date: Despite its rough looks, Date’s Aggron is surprisingly friendly. Years of work in combat zones have left its metal hide a bit scuffed and worn, but Date tries to polish it up a bit when he can. It eats a lot too, and Date often has to pry cell medals out of its mouth after a battle before it eats too many. 
Satonaka: Satonaka will battle, too, if she’s paid enough to do it. Her Tsareena is just as aloof as she is, and an extremely capable fighter. Even Date’s Aggron will flinch away from it. But their battling prowess doesn’t come cheap, and Satonaka insists on extra pay if any of Tsareena’s leaves get scuffed in a fight.
Ex-Aid Cast:
Emu: A Lucario. I couldn’t decide between this or Blaziken (it reminds me of Mighty, a little bit!) But Lucario’s empathetic abilities are a good match for Emu i think. For some reason, it acts really strange around Parad... maybe it senses something about him that Emu doesnt?
Parad: A Porygon, of course! It wouldn’t have any trouble following it’s friend into digital spaces. Kuroto designs the special discs Porygon needs to evolve for Parad. 
Hiiro: A Gallade! There is nothing they cannot cut. Hiiro has a mega stone, but his own personal struggles prevent him and Gallade from mega evolution for much of the show.
Kiriya: Its GOTTA be a Cyclizar! C’mon, of course the bike man would have a bike pokemon. Kiriya’s Cyclizar is just as fun and upbeat as he is!
Taiga: Decidueye. It supports Snipe in combat with it’s sharpshooting quills. While it seems quite cool and aloof, it can often be seen fussing over Taiga when he’s in his office.
Nico: Nico’s Scrafty has as big of a temper as she does, and Emu is often an unfortunate target for it’s violent headbutts or kicks. It’s fiercely protective of Nico, and has a competitive streak from their esports days. Scrafty hates losing more than anything, so it often tries to start fights with Emu’s Lucario.
Poppy: A cute Sylveon! It’s good at helping patients calm down a little bit, and loves to dance with Poppy! Whon Poppy’s feeling a little down, her Sylveon will link it’s ribbons in her hands and try to cheer her up by instigating a dance.
Kuroto: A shiny Gengar. It’s leering smile and horrid laughter echo Kuroto’s. It becomes even more cruel and unnerving once they achieve mega evolution, relentlessly chasing Kiriya’s Cyclizar through the streets when it goes to find help.
Graphite: Graphite and his Charizard both enjoy testing themselves in combat. Graphite’s signature move burns just as hot as his Charizard’s flames! While capable of mega evolution, they prefer not to use it, only mega evolving when their opponent has proven themselves worthy.
Build Cast:
Sento: Isurugi says he found Metagross’ pokeball on Sento when he found him in the rain. It doesn’t seem to remember anything, either, so it navigates its new life with Sento one step at a time. An encounter with a Buneary earned Sento another companion, too! It’s often perched on Sento’s shoulder, and when they both get excited, both of Buneary’s ears stand on end.
Banjou: A Kommo-o! (its fighting and dragon type. it has to be a Kommo-o). They were legends in the ring, but after Banjou’s fall from grace, his Kommo-o refused to listen to him. It’s taken a while, but now that Banjou has found his reason to fight again, he and Kommo-o can finally fight together once more. When Banjou gets fired up, Kommo-o clangs its scales in reply.
Misora: A Spinda (because i think it kind of looks like that weird rabbit plush thing Misora has). Misora usually holds it in her arms, since it can be a little slow when it totters after her with its strange movements. After her collapse as a child, she found that a Shaymin followed her everywhere, too. It’s cute and unassuming, but sometimes the flowers on its back shake, like it’s reacting to some strange power...
Sawa: Sawa’s Chatot received training alongside her during their youth as Namba Children. It’s capable of advanced levels of speech pattern recognition, so Sawa will often leave it in unassuming places so her Chatot can eavesdrop and then repeat back to her everything it heard. 
Kazumin: Mudbray and Tauros are common pokemon for farmers, and Kazumin’s Mudsdale has been his reliable partner since childhood. Years of farm work have build it’s already strong stamina into something almost untouchable. It stands stong, shrugging off powerful attacks like they’re nothing, and one stomp from Mudsdale’s hooves is enough to down almost any opponent. 
Gentoku: Krookodile looks a bit intimidating, until you realize it can be just as silly as Gentoku can be. It shared his horrendous amazing fashion sense. Gentoku has sunglasses that match the dark markings around Krookodile’s eyes.
Evolt: Isurugi’s Dachsbun used to be at his side every second of the day, but for some reason it began to shy away from him. Now it snarls at him from time to time, and spends every moment with Misora instead. 
After everything is revealed, a strange and unsettling pokemon started to accompany Evolt. Deoxys looms behind him, standing almost perfectly still, and it’s ever-shifting forms make it a tough opponent in combat.
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Trigger Happy Persona AU
What do you do in the face of ultimate despair? You get freaking pissed off and awaken your persona! Play as Hajime [codename “Ace”] who seems average at first until he awakens his second persona and becomes Izuru [codename “Blackjack”]. But the game isn’t complete without the strength of bonds and so enter Chiaki [codename “Bonnie”] who seems aloof by nature until she rips off her mask and summons an 8-bit spaceship!
**Please DO NOT edit, use, or repost any of these! Thank you!
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More AU concept art [thank you @likhangjosa] and info dump under the cut!!
Chiaki Nanami Codename: Usami or Bonnie Arcana: Star
Mask: Pink and covers the upper part of her face, with long bunny ears on top, down to a bunny nose with whiskers
Outfit: Sci-fi magical girl look with the color scheme of white, pink, and blue-grey. Wears a hoodie-cardigan (that has holes for the bunny ears to go through) and a Galaga ship (or Usami logo) embroidered on the chest. Sports a flowing translucent galaxy print circle skirt, knee-high boots with leggings and white gloves. Has a pink cat-like backpack where she stores her weapons and gaming consoles. The look is complete with a cottontail clipped on her belt.
Persona: Galaga (8-bit ship get wrekt) Skillset: Strong gun and bless attacks but weak to curse Weapons: Two-handed hammer and minigun
All-Out Attack Card: "Game Over" written in bit font and with videogame style background. Her catchphrase would be "New highscore!"
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Awakening Scene: Galaga: Is that the hope that you fight for? Doesn't it seem meaningless in the face of adversity? After all, what's the point if people just betray you in the end?
Chiaki: Even if I'm betrayed again, I still want to believe in everyone. No matter how many times I may be betrayed...I still want to believe in everyone!
Galaga: Despite the despair thrown in your face, you show unwavering faith. That trust is something that you'll need... as well as my blessing. I am thou, thou art I... A better future is waiting for you but in order to reach it you must trust that it is indeed possible.
Chiaki: As long as I believe, things will turn out okay! Let's show them, Galaga!
Quotes: "That was easy. Shall we get going Hajime?" "I could *yawn* go for a nap right now..." "Yosh, I leveled up!" “New skill unlocked! Let’s test it out ASAP!” "A treasure chest! *zelda sfx*" "Move! I've always wanted to open a treasure chest!" "A safe room. Let's take it easy and save first, alright?" “Dungeon crawling never gets old especially in RPGs.” "I feel like I can do a speedrun on this dungeon." “I don’t mind overdoing it a bit.” "Sorry, my stamina stat is running low." "There's a nearby enemy. Grind mode?" “*metal gear solid alert! sfx* We’ve been spotted!” or “Stealth mode blown!” "I felt the LVL gap in that." “Don’t worry, we’re already OP.” "I think we need more EXP to defeat that." “Better prepare so that we don’t get a BAD END.” “*yawn* Where’s Hard Mode?” “Victory! Isn’t this the part where we’re supposed to do a pose?”
*BATON PASS!* "Usami/Bonnie hopping in!" *PROTECT* "Ace! Look out!" *ENDURE* "I... don't want to die!" *PERSONA!* "Summoning reinforcement, Galaga!" *Follow Up* "How about a combo?" *Cover Fire* "Need some support?" *Harisen Recovery* "Don't give in!" or "You're stronger than this!" *low on health* "I'll be fine... probably." *healing someone* "Don't lose hope!" or "You've got this!" *getting healed* "Thanks for the heal!" *giving buffs* "This will make us stronger, I think." *physical attacks* "It's Hammer time!", "I'll smash you flat!", "Time to knock you out of the park!" *attacking* "We'll beat you for sure!" *attack misses* “Accuracy stats are… off?” *couldn't finish off enemy* "I believe you can do this!" *fainting* "I'm sorry... I wanted to protect everyone, no matter what the cost." *getting resurrected* “Thanks, I needed that extra life.”
*status ailment* "Maybe a quick nap can fix this..." Burn: "I'm overheating! Somebody turn on the AC!" Freeze: “Brrr, it’s too c-cold! Is the thermostat broken again?” Shock: "Need... to turn... the rumble off...!" Forget: "Am I a boy...? Or a girl...?" Charm: “Friendly fire mode on.” Rage: “I’ll button mash you to pieces!” Despair: "The difficulty level... it's too high...!" Hunger: "Did I forget to eat again...?" Dizzy: "My controls are all messed up...!" Sleep: “Zzz… Recharging batteries... zzz…” Silence: ... Mouse: "Squeak~!"
Mementos chats: "Ace is a really good driver. If only racing game skills could transfer to real life..." “Maybe I should start naming my combo attacks…” “Sometimes I wish this was one of those games with unlimited ammo.” “This accessory looks ridiculous but it lets me dodge my weakness so I’m not complaining.” “Games are fun but slaying shadows is fun in its own way too.” “Being a Dangan Thief is like a videogame fantasy… but in real life!” “Real life is the True Hard Mode because the stats are invisible. But that’s okay since we know it’s not Impossible Mode.”
Chiaki: What we’re doing feels like we’re in a videogame. Hajime: It’s a good thing that you’re the Ultimate Gamer then.
Chiaki: Do you ever stop to think if we’re all just trapped in some game? Hajime: No, next question.
Chiaki: *stomach growls* Hajime: Were you so busy playing that you forgot to eat again?
Chiaki: *yawns* Wake me up when we run into a Shadow... or something. Hajime: Did you pull another all-nighter over videogames again?
Chiaki: I run out of money too fast. I had to pre-order another game last night on top of the ones I ordered just the other night. Hajime: Hey, I know we make a lot of money but please don’t spend it all on videogames.
Chiaki: It’s a disappointing that electronic devices don’t work in the cognitive world. Hajime: Don’t you already play enough videogames in real life?
Chiaki: All this Dangan Thieves stuff is cutting into my schedule. Thankfully I’ve compromised with my other priorities and my gaming hours are still untouched. Hajime: Is that why you’ve been dozing off more often? Please tell me you’re at least getting enough sleep because this can’t be healthy.
Hajime Hinata Codename(s): Ahoge  Ace, Blackjack, Dealer
*NOTE: Instead of having multiple personas, Hajime only has one and a second dormant persona. Consequently, whenever he changes persona, he also changes mask and outfit (and personality?) and codename. [e.g. Hajime accidentally summons Izuru, from Ace he becomes Blackjack.]
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Codename: Ace Arcana: Fool or Judgement Mask: White domino mask with card aesthetic. The suites displayed change according to the skill type used. [e.g. Spades for physical, Club for elemental, Diamonds for almighty, Hearts for healing and buffs, Joker for status ailment] Outfit: Simple black tailcoat, white inner shirt, matching black formal pants and monk strap shoes. Emerald necktie and gloves. Persona: [starting and only] ??? Skillset: Strong slash and (surprisingly) curse attacks and weak against bless All-Out Attack Card: “Royal Flush” written with a casino table in the background. Catchphrase is “Keep your cards close to your chest!”
Codename: Blackjack Arcana: Death Mask: Plague doctor mask and his red eyes glow through the glass lenses Outfit: Maroon steampunk trench coat with a spine designed on the back and black cuffs and fancy cravat. Inner shirt is black with a textile print and large buttons. Bright red gloves, black trousers and Cuban heeled boots. Persona: [dormant unlockable] Izuru Kamukura Skillset: Strong for all types of attacks except bless skills which is the only weakness. Null physical attacks. All-Out Attack Card: “Card Counter” written with a house of cards in the background. Catchphrase is “How boring…”
Codename: Dealer Arcana: The World Mask: Black bird-shaped mask but the sides of the frame look like wings Outfit: [He has the same spiky hair but white and his eyes are heterochromatic.] White long sleeves with red cuffs, red vest, black bow tie and slacks. Black wingtips for shoes and white gloves. Persona: [hidden ultimate fusion] Hinazuru Skillset: Master of all types attacks. Repel physical and null bless/curse skills All-Out Attack Card: “Wild Card” written with scattered cards and poker chips in the background. Catchphrase is “This is the future that we want!”
Weapons: Dual wield daggers and dual wield pistols
>>>Special thanks to @crazynoodles69 for being a tarot card master and divining Chiaki’s arcana. GIVE IT UP FOR MY SIS WHO WENT ALONG AND DREW AMAZING STUFF FOR THIS. The actual lore happened because @ponsay-de-leon and I had too much fun. Then because I am a monster who has no common sense of liking anything in moderation, this happened. 
Feel free to add on and have fun with this AU!
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sleepibots · 4 years
(sighz) okay so
hey! howdy. its ur boy oz. i have some explaining to do :/
so obviously i’ve been gone for a long time. i haven’t reblogged anything, i haven’t even posted, i haven’t said anything about my au anywhere. and i honestly...have a lotttt of reasons for this. idk how many of my followers are still active, or even check this blog, but for anyone who’s curious i’ll offer an explanation of why i’ve been gone and where i’m gonna go from here.
but the TLDR of it is that this blog just ain’t fun for me anymore and i’m gonna be making my au into something else entirely, so that i can use these characters i’m attached to without having to pay attention to a series i truly don’t care about anymore.
as for more detailed reasons...
- life in general! i’m a busy and stressed person. i have my own personal issues, i’m a student, and even when i don’t have plans i generally just do not feel motivated to work on something like my au. trying to rewrite ghosted so many times over while dealing with all this just was not an enjoyable experience.
- i’m just not interested in fnaf anymore. i’m not. i’ve tried to keep liking it; i certainly appreciate the amount of effort scott put into the series and it’ll always mean a lot to me because of how much it’s inspired me and my stories over the years. but now? i can’t get hooked on any of the new content. i’m burned out. and trying to get involved with a fanbase for something i’m not interested in just doesn’t work...for obvious reasons.
- i cannot figure out where to go with ghosted for the life of me. and honestly on one hand i blame fnaf’s constantly changing story, but i also blame myself. every detail for ghosted, ever since i posted fritz mike n jer’s designs, were impulse made by probably-15-year-old me because i saw all these people i looked up to making really cool aus that got big and i wanted to do that too! what kid wouldn’t? but over time, i just couldn’t keep up with...just about anything. i couldn’t figure out the timeline, i didn’t know how to fit all the games in, and trying to figure out the main plotline when i already had an elaborate backstory written out for all the characters that i wouldn’t end up using, it was overwhelming. no wonder i lost interest.
don’t get me wrong. i’m so, so glad i made ghosted. i’m glad i put effort into the characters, the story, the way the world works, because it taught me so much about so many things. and these characters- thinking about their story, their relationships with each other (especially a pairing i used to talk about a lot. y’all know the one. i still love it btw), brought me a lot of happiness and helped me through a lot of things. and that’s exactly why i can’t just let go of this story.
so...basically, i’m not using this blog ever again. i’m done with fnaf, and that means sleepibots as well. i’m keeping it up, as an archive for my old stuff, but i won’t be posting. and ghosted, as a fnaf au, is not gonna be finished. consider it null and void.
but the designs and the backstory i’ve crafted for them outside of the fnaf stuff is staying for sure. i’m not letting it go to waste; they’re going to be part of an original story that...well, i don’t know what it’s gonna be, honestly. but it’s gonna be something that i’m genuinely excited to develop, as opposed to...well, ghosted.
i’m extremely grateful for the support i’ve gotten throughout having this blog. every like, comment, reblog, and ask meant so much to me, and i would not have been as motivated as i was without that feedback. i’m never gonna forget the amazing people in this community who inspired me and made it a great place to be. honestly? i’m never forgetting the fanbase in general. y’all are great. thank you. seriously.
that’s...about all i wanted to say. sorry this is so long; i kinda figured i owed people an explanation for why i’m making these decisions. i’m gonna be active on my main tumblr (belladonnalovemaiil), and my twitter (BL4CKGOLDZ) where i’ll be posting art, and that’s gonna include the story i’m working on in the future. so, if you wanna still see these characters, then feel free to follow me there.
other than that...thank y’all again for the support. i love y’all. good luck with wherever fnaf’s going now because it’s probably gonna be wild.
see y’all on the flipside!
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