#especially like the blobbification
cheetahtrout · 7 years
aka “who am I, why and where can you find more?” Who am I? My name is Alex or CT. Im 32 and live in germany. I am a drafter for machinery blueprints with a fulltime job. Financial, health and social issues prevented my ability to actively study paleonthology at a university, but I am still trying my best to learn as much as I can, not only about dinosaurs, but all prehistoric beings. Additionally I have a huge nerdyness for everything living in water today since the day I could talk, wich is why I specialize my research on the field of paleoichthyology. What can you expect from this blog? Creatures, mainly. Especially of the aquatic kind. Fish and paleoart, but also pokemon and JP fanart. Commissionwork only if the customer is okay with me displaying it. I will also link occasionally to updates on my personal worldbuilding blog Othervorgestern. Due to my fulltime job my art is sporadic, however there are some formats wich I keep regular: FishFriday: Most people view fish as some of the most boring creatures on earth. And it is my goal to change that. Hopefully shedding some light on those nontetrapod vertebrates. Every friday I prepare an informative post about some kind of fishy knowledge. Often about extinct fish, but also about the wonders that swim through our waters today. This will sound clickbaity, but: Fish? Fascinating? - It is more likely than you think.
Streams: I stream on picarto every 1st and 3rd Sunday of a month from 5PM-7.30PM UST. Here I draw hybrids of creatures you people ask me to draw. So dont be afraid to drop in and join the fun Commission information: Status - OPEN Regular Blobbifications External links: Twitter Picarto My other blogs
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