#equally wilful stubborn talented visionary
Character Archetype | Anna Henrietta
based on the The Quiz
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Despite her extravagance and passion Anna Henrietta is a good ruler. She seeks enlightenment and prosperity for her land and does not forget her duty to Toussaint even among the whirl of lavish balls and luxurious dresses. However, it does not mean that she does not enjoy life. Her sincere joie de vivre is one reason she is so beloved. She is generous and understanding, trying to keep her heart in reign when a strict or even cruel measures should be applied for the sake of the Duchy. Her ears are open to a wise advice and a different opinion, yet once the decision is taken she is unyielding. In all her worldly sly wisdom she can be very naive and does not tolerate unfairness as well as impertinence. She is prone to bear the burden of responsibility on her own delicate shoulders and is secretive about her woes and sufferings. In her private life, when a matter does not deal with needs and grievances of her subjects, she is used to paint her troubles in bright colours, even if the real state of things starts to smell rotten. That is why she prefers a company of dashing, witty and happy persons around her.
The Duchess acts not only as a coldly-composed, awe-arousing judge but also as an inspiring force for all her subjects, who adore her for her beauty and a compassionate heart. The adoration is one of her weapons. She is a person of strong will, enthusiasm and impulse. She is skilful at hiding her true emotions behind a pretty fan or a charming smile, although at times her passions and caprices take rein; yet as a rule she puts the Duchy before her own pleasure. The situation with Sylvia Anna may be considered as an exception.  Due to her “acting” skills - or maybe it is just a tradition in Toussaint - Anna Henrietta is prone to dramatic actions and arabesque wordings. In spite of heaviness of the crown and a lack of naivety regarding humankind (the Duchess knows a true value of people, yet prefers to believe in them) she enjoys life and society, where her wit, vivaciousness and charm can bloom to their full.
Anna Henrietta does not lack courage, though she wields no sword. Let me tell you a secret - the Duchess is a wonderful rider, but is no good at arms of any sorts. Her weapons of choice are her charm, slyness and crashing wilfulness. Dandelion nicknamed her ‘a little weasel’ not only due to her pointed nose or sharp little teeth. She is open to new ideas and radical moves, in her political affairs as in her private life (Her Grace is even rumoured to pose for a certain famous painter whose talents are undeniable, yet his vision is breaching on the verge of scandalous). However, she is stubborn and has a strong opinion - if Anarietta has formed a view on some subject she rarely changes it. These traits act as a blessing and a curse in equal measure. She is an eager patroness of arts, enlightenment and all things graceful, that may benefit her land. The merry and refined Duchy of Toussaint may be easily called her mirror. However, she guards a secret fear - that she was never meant to be a ruler and fits into the role badly; her capriciousness grows out of this insecurity. 
Picture Credit: Anton van Dyck, Queen Henrietta Maria
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