#enjoying the tv show as i simply cannot commit to the hundreds of hours in actual cr
namelessblacksheep · 5 years
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Growing up I recall a soft drink advert where they used to make the claim ‘the revolution will not be televised’. Given all the crap we see on TV these days I kind of hope that it is.
Don’t get me wrong, a revolution does not have to be a long series of riots or violence. It could be something completely different, but something that leads to a shift. Who knows maybe something akin to a revolution is actually taking place.
The reason I feel we need something akin to a revolution is that bubbling away under the surface of life is deep unhappiness. In the past decade or two so many things have been surfaced that have shocked us.
Across the globe, politics has quite frankly gone bat shit crazy. Unrest and discomfort in daily life are becoming the norm.
We had a global financial crisis that didn’t correct any of the wrongs that underpinned it.
On a weekly basis, we are learning that the people we celebrate and reward so highly, flout their positions and commit heinous harms. Justice is never likely to be served.
Huge corporations and powerful individuals continue to increase the divide between the haves and have nots.
It’s as if all of the rich and powerful have totally forgotten the concept of ‘with great power comes responsibility’. Failure is richly rewarded for some, irrespective of the cost it brings.
The masses though are placated with toys and avenues to keep them from rising up. I have never witnessed such a monumentally awesome age of great television. Fuck the real world problems out there, I’ve got several hundred hours of Netflix marathons to get through.
Then you feel a bit guilty that you are failing in your civic duty, so you decide to send an ironic GIF to Donald Trump – you know doing your bit.
You could cancel your Amazon Prime account and vote with your feet, but then you’d have to wait a few days for your deliveries.
You’d use a search engine to find a different provider, but you like Google. Google knows you so well that when you start typing shit it predicts what you want and you don’t need to hit another key.
It doesn’t scare you at all, not even the fact that you clearly have an Asian babes obsession or some of the suggestions are a bit worrying.
Sure, someone else could get right on that issue. Politicians for instance. They should be sorting this shit out, except they are far too busy trying to pretend to rule the world and avoid answering difficult questions.
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Be honest. We are quite simply fucked right now. A revolution might be exactly what we need.
You may be in need of a little more convincing. You know as you are sat there skipping words and sentences for a quick fix that tells you whether this is worth your time or not.
5 minutes of your time, taking you from your busy life. The one where you're a battery plugged into a system that is fucking you every day. At least it all fits conveniently into your phone, I guess.
So, here it goes.
People have become weak
Everybody seems to be offended, like, all of the time. You can’t say shit anymore without someone either correcting you or reminding you of the new rules of engagement that nobody agreed to.
If you are one of these people, don’t be offended when I say that you are total Thundercunt. Seriously, I mean that from the bottom of my heart.
If you came here hoping to find something to annoy you, then you aren’t paying attention. Unplug your earphones and look at the world around you. It’s fucked. You could focus your efforts on doing something productive even if that’s being a better person, or a little less sensitive.
There’s plenty to be pissed about. People don’t want to focus on the big stuff that matters. They’d rather freak the fuck out about inconsequential nonsense that bruises their fragile egos.
We need a revolution so that we can all ‘man the fuck up’ (sorry feminazis) and start fixing shit like we’re Bob the Builder (or Betty if it makes you feel better).
We need to change the news narrative. Anyone else bored to tears with the daily Brexit coverage? Seriously, this storyline is more drawn out than the whole Ross and Rachael will-they-won’t-they saga.
For all the super-intelligent University educated geniuses that just graduated and have no fucking idea who Ross or Rachael are, go check out a TV show called ‘Friends’. It’s probably on the History channel these days anyway.
Brexit is like an un-flushable turd. A repetitive narrative that papers and broadcasters trot out every day. Seriously, this shite is more convoluted and contrived than the X Factor. It’s the epitome of the lowest form of entertainment and we need to change the record.
Whether you are for a Sunnyside-up Brexit or a Brexit with a side of Unicorn steak, I couldn’t give a damn. A revolution might at the very least give us all something new to get excited about and something we could all rally behind.
We need unity not division
Issues like politics, sport, and even mild banter have become so immersed in the underlying anger we're silently drowning in that no one seems able to have fun anymore.
I cannot remember a time when so many comedians couldn’t make a decent joke about the moronic state of the world and instead make sniping remarks to canned laughter.
Every decent sporting event seems to get overrun with people’s inability to enjoy the spectacle for what it is. Social media and chat forums are littered with petulant hatred and jingoistic tribal bullshit. The Brexit ‘have your say’ plays out like an anthem of bitterness with new vitriolic names invented every day.
We are descending into a bunch of spoiled children who express their pent up feelings through sending passive aggressive memes, angry hashtags and all manner of confusing emojis to make some innocuous point.
We are slowly becoming a mathematician with a broken calculator to solve all our problems. It can’t always be about division (see what I did there).
This diversity bullshit just isn’t working, let’s try something new like a bit of unity. You know: adding shit up to something bigger. I’m fairly sure Einstein would approve, and he was a smart guy.
Some folks need something better to do
If you spend most of your life sitting on your butt. You have all your stuff delivered to your door and your thoughts delivered to your phone or through your TV or laptop – you need a revolution.
We can call it a hobby or a social bonding activity. It’ll be a bit weird because all your new ‘friends’ might not look exactly like you, but you might learn a thing or two about the real world you live in.
Echo chambers are nice and safe because everyone in them thinks the same stuff. However, the real world is full of people ready to blow your mind in more than 140 characters or a 5-minute blog post. It could be exciting.
If you need convincing, watch the Matrix. Neo was simply sad old Thomas Anderson miserable as fuck, then he met Morpheus and learned to fly and loads of other cool shit.
If you already know what you think and it makes you comfortable to surround yourself with other people just like you, perhaps you should just join a cult and be done with it.
The system is broken
Seriously, guys, we have seriously screwed the pooch with the world at the moment.
The system’s broken and we are all just standing around waiting for inevitability to prevail.
The Avengers won't be coming to save us. Anyone who saw last year’s movie knows they are a bit down on their luck at the moment.
Thanos’ minions seem to be running the world and we all need to step up and become superheroes in our own right.
If you want to whip out the Lycra or Spandex – go for it. But do something, even if it’s just being better or not throwing hate out to the world because someone is different from you.
I don’t care if the revolution happens or even if it is streamed on Netflix or some other site. Change needs to happen and often that is as simple as everyone trying to be less of a douchebag than they might have normally been.
The only thing I can offer as a ‘reward’ or promise is that we might actually get some decent music back on the scene.
Revolutions tend to come out best in song. There has been no truly great era of music for decades now, and if ever there was a more compelling reason for a revolution this would be it.
Music is the anthem of the soul. It’s time for it to wake up and belt out something beautiful.
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rockpicschick1 · 4 years
(Sharing this verbatim)
An open letter to the public on behalf of the entertainment industry
People like myself and companies like mine work in an invisible industry. Every single one of you have seen or been involved in the fruits of our labor whether it was watching any show on TV, going to any movie, attending a concert, attending a conference, enjoying a night at the theater, watching a symphony orchestra or seeing any number of special events from awards shows, sporting events, political conventions; the list goes on and on. We do not mind being invisible by any stretch of the imagination. It is what we do, it is what we love and that about which we are fiercely passionate. None of the above mentioned projects happens without a huge staff of highly talented but unseen people that are willing to work extremely hard, under crushing deadlines, and often for very long work hours merging art and technology. Watch the credits at the end of any movie. Look at the hundreds of names of people you will never see that were never the less crucial to creating the final product. The same holds true for any TV show, music tour, theatrical tour, corporate event, sporting event or special event.
This industry employs between 10 and 12 million people and generates well over 300 billion dollars in revenue annually. Some estimates put that number at over 800 billion dollars. Between March 11th and March 13th of this year, our entire industry has been shut down and it appears to us that NO ONE IS PAYING ATTENTION! At this point we are going to have to be visible!
Compare the entertainment industry numbers above with that of General Motors. According to Wikipedia, GM generated a net income of 6.732 billion dollars in 2019 and employed some 164,000 people. The Federal Government deemed GM “too big to fail” and bailed them out with TARP funding of over 13 billion dollars during the financial crisis in December of 2008. My company and most others in this industry has experienced at least a 90% reduction in revenue and the more staggering issue is that none of us have any idea how much longer this will go on. Some are forecasting early 2021, some Q3 of 2021, and some are considering 2022 as the first viable option. We simply have no idea. Envision what THAT financial plan looks like.
Using a concert tour as an example, I want you to see the invisible ones that make it possible for you to see your favorite artists:
Artist Management (an entire office staff)
Booking Agency (an entire office staff)
Promoter (an entire office staff)
Promoter Representative(s)
Tour Manager
Production Manager
Stage Managers
Production Assistants
Production Designer (often an entire office staff)
Lighting Designer
Lighting Programmer
Lighting Director
Lighting Technicians
Video Director
Video Content Creation team (often an entire office staff)
Video Graphics Technicians
Video Engineers
Video Display Technicians
Video Camera Technicians / Operators
Audio Engineers
Audio Technicians
Radio Frequency Technicians
Staging Technicians
Special Effects Technicians
Automation Technicians
Backline (music instrument) Technicians
Wardrobe Technicians
Makeup and Hair Professionals
Personal Assistants
Social Media Content Providers
Catering Services
Security Services
Logistics Coordinators (often an entire office staff)
Bus Drivers
Truck Drivers
Fabricators that build the staging and special effects (an entire office/warehouse staff)
On larger tours, the total number of above personnel actually on the road can easily exceed 100.
I suppose many people just assume a band owns all the equipment you see at an event, but that is very seldom the case. All the equipment you see at a concert is typically owned by third party suppliers that have vast amounts of capitol tied up in inventory, personnel, training, research/development, liability insurance and warehouse/office space. These companies include:
Audio Companies
Lighting Companies
Video Companies
Rigging Companies
Staging Companies
Special Effects Companies
Musical Instrument Rental Companies
Catering Companies
Bus Companies
Trucking Companies
Logistics Companies
Power Generation Companies
To add to the list, there are locally sourced stagehands to physically install and strike the equipment on a daily basis as well as helping to run the event. For small tours this my be 20-30 local technicians. For larger projects it could be well over 100. While these personnel may only work one day on a touring project, they then work every other concert, theatrical production, trade show, convention, TV show, movie, etc. that occurs in the area. In every major market that is a full time job and these people are talented and invaluable.
We should also consider the local venue staff that include catering, concessions, security, ushers, ticket takers, maintenance, custodial services, electricians, IT, box office staff, cost check, merchandise seller, and venue management teams to the list of personnel essential to producing a concert or event.
ALL of the above people and ALL of the above companies are in a desperate situation right now. Companies have closed, people have been laid-off or let go permanently, private contractors have lost everything. We cannot sell our companies nor can we sell off our assets as there is little to no value in either currently.
This industry desperately needs help from our elected officials. While they bicker over partisan pet projects, pick winners and losers, and take their paid vacations, our companies are failing, our people are suffering from depression and some have even committed suicide. It is this simple: we need either additional grant money and unemployment or we need to open up and get back to work. To the latter we also need help from the public. If we can fly 100-200 people in an aluminum tube with people less than 18” apart for 5 hours across the country, we can certainly put on socially distanced events in theaters, arenas and stadiums. If that means wearing a mask to accomplish this then please forget the political stigma attached to the question of masks for two or three hours and wear one. If you think your personal liberties are being threatened by wearing a mask, then imagine the reality of being forced to lose your entire income for the foreseeable future because the government said so. There are millions of people whose livelihood, mental and physical health absolutely depend on it. We will not be invisible any longer.
On the evening of Sept 1st, entertainment professionals will light businesses, homes and other architecture in red. When you see a structure lit up in red, know that the entertainment industry is dying. We can no longer afford to be invisible.
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suchawonderfullife · 7 years
1. The silver lining..
For those who know me personally, you may be wondering why I’ve called this blog “such a wonderful life”? Well, “Wonderful Life” by Hurts is a song of significance to me. The lyrics start with:
“On a bridge across the Severn on a Saturday night, Susie meets the man of her dreams. He says that he got in trouble and if she doesn’t mind He doesn’t want the company But there’s something in the air They share a look in silence and everything is understood Susie grabs her man and puts a grip on his hand as the rain puts a tear in his eye. She says Don’t let go Never give up, it’s such a wonderful life Don’t let go Never give up, it’s such a wonderful life”
It’s about a man about to commit suicide, when he is stopped by a woman, she grabs his hand and assures him it will all be okay. The lyrics continue with her seeing his pain, they fall in love and he starts to believe her words. She saves him. 
I used to listen to this song through my sickest and darkest days. This song still evokes strong emotion when I listen to it, I think because of the memory of how sick I was when I needed to hear these words the most. I remember countless nights in my early 20′s, feeling such immense loneliness and emotional suffering. It would be 2am or some ridiculous time, my insomnia in fine form and I’d just spent another day (like hundreds before that) home alone, too sick to watch tv, talk to anybody or do anything relatively normal. My level of pain and suffering was incomprehensible and honestly, I’m astonished I survived it. I used to meditate lying down, for hours on end just to try and alleviate some of my symptoms, then I’d lie on the couch listening to classical music as that’s all my body could cope with. If I wasn’t on the couch listening to music, I was in bed in complete silence and darkness, just breathing, hoping to fall asleep (but unable to) and waiting for another day to pass. So at 2-3-4am, when the magnitude of my isolation was felt the most, tears streaming down my face and all I could think about was falling asleep and hoping to never wake up, this song spoke to the deepest part of my soul. The part of me that knew life was worth fighting for and that I needed to try and hold on a little longer. You can listen to the song here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TB1x67Do5U
I have to tell you how glad I am that I did hold on. I survived years of suffering that I would not wish on my worst enemy. When you have no hope outside of that fire that burns within you, when doctors tell you you’re too sick to be treated and they don’t know how to help you, that you may never get better, the majority of your friends abandon you from lack of understanding and judgement and there is nothing in your day that brings you joy, distraction or relief. When you’re isolated beyond comprehension and left feeling like a worthless burden to those selfless enough to stick around and love and care for you regardless. I’m glad my multiple suicide attempts through those times were never successful. I’m glad the universe has kept me here. Now I have hope and the possibility of returning to a life where feeling joy, having the ability to participate in society and achieving my goals, will outweigh my level of suffering. I may even feel somewhat “normal”- now that’s a dream i’ve had for almost a decade. 
In just over a month’s time, I will be travelling to the Hansa Center in Wichita Kansas for life-saving treatment for Late Stage Nuerological Lyme Disease and many other conditions this illness has graced me with. This trip has been a year in the making. Over 8 years of trialling endless treatments, a multitude of tests, dozens of doctors, anecdotal evidence from friends and fellow sufferers on their own journey and lastly a years research solely on this clinic and why this is my best shot at helping my body fight such a devastating disease. A disease that has robbed 12 years of my life, taken away my dreams and life plans, has control of all my organs (including my brain), nervous system and tissues, causes dozens (even hundreds) of debilitating symptoms and has actually made me grateful to be the person I am today. 
I don’t want this blog to simply be about me harping on about how sick I am/was, treatments and other sad or challenging things. To me it’s about finding hope and positivity in whatever your circumstances and learning to be grateful for the lessons through things you cannot change or do not have control over. I want this blog to change the way you see the world, to inspire you to never give up, to fight for what you want and to face whatever it is that’s holding you back. 
There is always something positive to come from any experience. A silver lining if you will. So here is mine: In my 2 years of “remission” (ages 18-20), though I didn’t know it was remission at the time, I was a very different person to who I am now. I was still kind-hearted, thoughtful, loving and a decent human being (in my opinion). But I was superficial and possibly too driven. I prided myself on how hard I could work and how much I could achieve. Rest or down-time was not something I cared for. I studied full-time and worked 2-3 jobs. Working less than 20 hours a week was not acceptable to me. I would head out with friends on weekends for big nights out, I was extroverted (still am) and very likeable. I found it easy to get along with anybody and make new friends. My looks were very important, as a personal trainer, exercise was my life and I loved being known as a “gym junkie.” 
I valued myself on how I looked, men finding me attractive, my achievements and status of profession and how likeable I was to others. Basically, I sought value within myself through superficial and tangible parts of my life (as most of us do). So when I became ill, I lost everything that gave me a sense of purpose and made me who I was. A year into being diagnosed as chronically ill (age 21) and I became severely depressed, even suicidal, partly due to my ongoing isolation and grieving the loss of everything I once had. It took me a long time to learn how to re-build my self-worth from nothing. But I did it. 
I slowly learnt the value of being grounded, the importance of genuine connection and meaningful relationships over going out and being liked by whomever I may meet. Now I’d rather have quality time with one good friend, than head out with 10 friends where the conversation is potentially shallow. I’ve learnt how to value myself despite my looks (I haven’t been able to exercise in 8 years and putting makeup on is only possible on really “well” days), despite being unable to work or whatever profession I may have in the future and despite being unable to contribute or participate in society like people expect. Those are the things society TELLS us are important, but if you take them all away, you’re left with nothing. Imagine losing all that shapes you as “you,” becoming a lifeless shell of your former self, how would you get through that and rebuild who you are? 
So what’s important to me now above all else, is my integrity, morals and how I treat others. I’m a good person, I know this and that’s what matters. I also learnt how to say no. How to set boundaries and make sure that I take care of myself first and foremost and others second. I used to bend over backwards for people, but when I put people’s well-being before my own, it was usually for them to like me, to keep the peace, or out of fear they would abandon me if I didn’t help. So my intentions (although from a good place) were actually not genuine. I’ve learnt how to be true to myself and only say yes to things that serve me or things I am capable of doing whilst maintaining my own physical and emotional health. “You can’t pour from an empty cup,” remember that. I also learnt through counselling that you do yourself a disservice every time you step outside yourself and your core values, to simply please someone else. You become inauthentic and are essentially hurting yourself. 
I’m still extroverted, but I’ve learnt how to be alone and embrace simply doing nothing. At 18 I couldn’t even sit through a yoga class, I thought it was “stupid” to waste time breathing deeply and relaxing. I used to get anxiety if it was a Saturday night and I wasn’t out doing something. I hated being on my own with nothing to do. However now, I actually enjoy time alone, doing nice things for myself like having a bath, cooking a healthy meal, going for a walk, sitting in a cafe drinking a coffee just watching people, spending a whole day on the couch binge-watching whatever show I am obsessed with at the time and more. It’s OK to do nothing and this took years for me to accept. But don’t get this confused with severe isolation when you are bedridden. That is when I wanted to die and being that sick, for that long with very limited social contact is beyond challenging and heart-breaking. I am very fortunate to not be THAT sick right now and to have the (although limited) freedom of making some choices on my better days. 
Moreover, I learnt that my circumstances and life need no explanation. I don’t owe anybody anything. I used to justify and explain myself out of fear of judgement. The looks I get when I park in a disabled spot, or get pushed around the shops in a wheelchair, yet would hop out of it to look at something. Feeling unwell at an event and needing to go lie down or leave and not knowing how to tell someone, cancelling plans or suddenly becoming too unwell to speak, move or tolerate a normal sound or smell. It’s exhausting to feel the need to constantly justify your circumstances to people. So I don’t and I don’t care if people don’t “get it.” They’re not people I need in my life. 
I’m also more than happy to put people in their place who feel the need to comment on my circumstances to which they know nothing about. Such as the social injustice warriors fighting for the rights of the disabled and their parking spots. I acknowledge their comment by telling them to go look at the VALID sticker on the dashboard that is registered to me. Ignorance is bliss and good for them, but I certainly won’t be a sitting duck to morons who think their opinion actually matters. I know people sick like myself who would benefit greatly from a disabled sticker, yet are too scared to get one because they may get nasty comments from onlookers as they are not in a wheelchair, of prehistoric age or missing a limb. This may mean the difference between them able to go to the shops or leave their house, something many take for granted. A friend once said (towards people like that) “It must be nice to have such a privileged opinion on disability when you are in full health.” 
My point is, my view of the world and what I thought was important was guided by what society was telling me. Working hard, always being busy, looking good, putting others first and caring what people think. Being so sick from Lyme Disease gave me the time and necessity to build myself back up from nothing and to be able to think for myself. I don’t buy into superficial connections, fakeness, striving for things that will help my social status, people liking me, or doing something because “it’s what you do” or “society says,” because life is too short. What an absolute waste of time and energy that is. 
I’m am empath and I’ve been fortunate enough to find the ability to listen to what my soul really needs in order to be authentic. I have honestly found my true self through all my heartache and I may not ever have had the chance to do that, if I didn’t get sick. You’ll see that I am unapologetically honest about who I am, my life, my desires, interests and dreams. I own who I am and what I want because I am at my happiest when I am true to myself. I don’t believe in filtering my life to ease others discomfort. If you’re uncomfortable, that’s not my problem and I gravitate only towards those who “get me” and embrace all that I am. I can’t tell you how elating that feels. I’ve lost friends because of who I am and choices I’ve made, as they were judgemental and couldn’t see past their own social conditioning and bubble of reality. Don’t get me wrong, that hurts, but they don’t deserve me in their life if that’s their mindset towards someone simply being who they are. This is an outlook people in their 40′s or 50′s start to tap into, when they get tired of living their life how they think they’re supposed to and they just want to be happy. I found this in my 20′s and what a beautiful gift that is. 
If you meet me or have met me, I hope you feel that my energy is genuine, that I have depth, an ability to listen with intent to understand and not simply reply and that I honestly care for people. I have an outlook of positivity, I’m a solutions person and I always find a silver lining. 
How did I get there though? Through my chronic illness journey I have studied Buddhism, found the benefits of Reiki, healing crystals, meditation, detoxing, mindfulness techniques, sought counselling for deep-seeded emotional traumas, read many self help books and more. I got to a point where my physical suffering was so severe and I had nothing to alleviate it, that I decided I needn't suffer more with emotional or mental pain. If I could at least control my mind and learn how to be happy or at peace through my suffering, then maybe I would either get through it, or at least die with some peace. Your mind and the way you view things has such immense power. This kind of growth didn’t only help me “find myself”, but I learnt that it is paramount to long-term recovery. My recovery didn’t start until AFTER I tapped into all these things. 
So I need to express to sufferers out there, that you will NEVER get better if you do not deal with your “shit”, work on yourself and learn how to find peace through your suffering. We all carry trauma and if you’re sick, then it is a part of your chronic illness story. Don’t try to simply fix the physical. I’ve heard this from multiple practitioners and health experts as well, so it’s not just my anecdotal evidence or personal belief. The Hansa Center focus on emotional healing and (from my understanding) adhere to this same belief. 
Thanks for reading. Next I will discuss the journey that led me to choosing Hansa and why I did. Make sure you hit “follow” for future updates.  
Love xx 
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chocolateheal · 5 years
What I Wish Everyone Knew About Fancy Desserts List | fancy desserts list
This arena plays out afresh in Las Vegas: Hundreds of bodies beck out of feast halls and ballrooms, abrogation abaft mounds of extra aliment — hundreds of pounds of mashed potatoes, meatballs, feast rolls and adorned desserts. Blocks away, stomachs boom and anguish from ache pangs.
Chocolates and Pastries in Paris – Shades of Cinnamon – fancy desserts list | fancy desserts list
MGM Resorts International this year awarded a two-year, $768,000 admission to Three Square aliment coffer to retrieve and redistribute unserved aliment from professionally catered contest at three of its properties: Aria, Bellagio and occasionally Mandalay Bay. The money pays for employees, trucks, gasoline, freezers and added accessories bare to carriage the food. The affairs grew out of a abate action that began in 2016 at Aria.
“It accepted to be acutely successful, which led us to say if we can do this at one property, let’s see if we can expand,” said Phyllis James, arch assortment and accumulated albatross administrator for MGM Resorts International.
In its aboriginal year, an estimated 56,000 commons were “rescued,” according to James, instead of actuality befuddled abroad or acclimated as beastly feed.
On a contempo Tuesday afternoon, three Three Square workers absolved bound into a account breadth abaft a amphitheater area a bologna for 3,000 guests had aloof ended. In a well-choreographed accepted over the abutting two and a bisected hours, they abounding aluminum trays with herbed craven and potatoes, baseball-sized meatballs in marinara sauce, broiled fish, gnochetti, penne and vegan cannelloni. One by one the trays were slid into stainless-steel abating cabinets that would accumulate the aliment hot for the cruise beyond town. After recording the foods’ temperature, crimping on lids and labeling anniversary pan, the Three Square aggregation loaded them into the hot boxes and into a cat-and-mouse 26-foot box truck.
In all, the aggregation calm 157 pans — about 785 pounds — of aliment to redistribute.
Then it was aback to Three Square headquarters, 12 afar abroad in northeast Las Vegas, area the pans would be unloaded, temperature-checked afresh and confused to a bang alarming that would air-conditioned the aliment to 41 degrees in about 30 minutes. Aliment after would be confused into one of two 2,200-square-foot accumulator freezers and anticipate auto by the aliment bank’s affiliate nonprofits. Bureau assembly argue a computerized advertisement to acquisition out what’s accessible and back it was acquired and can acquirement it for 19 cents a batter for meats and added proteins, 9 cents a batter for added food.
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One such bureau is Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada, whose 16 programs and casework accommodate Commons on Wheels, the St. Vincent Lied Dining Ability and a aliment pantry, all committed to agriculture athirst people.
Deacon Tom Roberts, Catholic Charities admiral and CEO, said the Commons on Wheels affairs serves added than 2,000 seniors daily, with 700 on a cat-and-mouse list. The dining ability serves 1,000 commons a day.
“This may be the alone meal of the day that they get,” he said. “Every day we get aboveboard acknowledge you’s because they’re so grateful. Bodies are advancing actuality because they’re afraid and balked and embarrassed.”
The food-rescue affairs ability not be the sole acknowledgment to the city’s ache problem, but because there are so abounding ample assemblage centers and hotels, its hunger-fighting aftereffect could be substantial, he said.
“This array of pilot analysis will accord us the ability to body a anxious model,” he said. “This affairs is not a argent bullet, but I anticipate it’s a accepted way to abode aliment insecurity.”
Larry Scott, arch operating administrator of Three Square, said the aliment coffer rescues 13 actor pounds of bazaar aliment anniversary year at a amount of about 9 cents a pound, while the prepared-food accomplishment costs about $1.25 a batter because of food-safety standards. For that reason, he said, the prepared-food accomplishment affairs would charge to be subsidized — by grants or banking donations — for it to grow.
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But the abeyant is huge, if all of the companies that accept feast accessories were to accompany the effort, he said.
“By itself, we could potentially ample the meal gap that we still are chasing,” he said. While Three Square provides 38 actor commons a year, 10 actor added are needed.
“This is one of our best sources of meat proteins,” he said. “It’s a different blazon of accomplishment that’s so needed. We can get peanut butter, but bodies charge meat periodically, too.”
“Globally,” he said, “it’s a abhorrent tragedy to anticipate that we decay 40 percent of our aliment and leave 15 percent of our citizenry hungry. That artlessly has to stop.”
One adolescent eyewitness of the food-rescue affairs is impressed. Three Square’s Zev Klein said his 6-year-old son, Conner, afresh said he capital to do what his dad does back he grows up.
“You beggarly be a barter driver?” Klein asked.
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“No,” the boy said. “I appetite to augment athirst people.”
Contact Heidi Knapp Rinella at [email protected] or 702-383-0474. Follow @HKRinella on Twitter.
Buffet leftovers
Leftover aliment from buffets, clashing unserved aliment from banquets, cannot be recovered because of food-safety standards.
“Food that’s been offered to the accessible for account has the abeyant for contagion by the customer,” said Larry Rogers, ecology bloom administrator for aliment operations with the Southern Nevada Bloom District. “You can accept one ailing angel that can account a accomplished accumulation to be sick. You lose an aspect of ascendancy already it’s been out for service. It’s best done alone back the aliment is handled by abreast staff.”
The bound exceptions, he said, accommodate single-service prepackaged foods, absurd frequently begin on bloom confined and aliment in containers that absolute contact, such as ketchup and hot-sauce bottles.
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kj1966-blog · 6 years
The main reason why I don’t like Political Correctness is that it has an ability to silence the truth.
I don’t have any proof but I suspect that political correctness was created by those who came from the middle of nowhere and camouflaged themselves as a living fragment of so-called High Society.
Somehow they managed to sell their hypersensitive attitude as highly refined manners. I assume that it was their defence against a sharp and truthful sense of humour.
Since fake individuals, in general, do not have a sense of humour, this camouflage protected them from being exposed.
At one point fake individuals realized that people buy their fiction. Therefore, they embark on an aggressive promotion campaign began to aggressively promote the idea that for the sake of “right” attitude it must be not acceptable to say anything which contains razor-sharp truth.
To support this view, fake individuals said that we must be respectful to those for whom such truth is nothing but pain.
It seems that it was their second victory which boosted fake people’s confidence and accelerated the growth of Political Correctness’ dominance.
What people failed to understand is that there is no such thing as High Society. Because if there is High Society, there must be Low Society. People who admire artificially created terms, cannot see that they are those who represent Low Society.
Only people with low self-esteem would accept it.
If we look back a few things, besides the fact that we went through “wear & tear” process, look very different today.
In the 60s and 70s, the world of entertainment was filled with enormously talented people.
As soon as we heard the first chords, we found out who was singing. Even today those songs are very relevant and appeal to people of all generations. Deep Purple, Lets Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Tina Turner, Cher, Jimi Hendrix, The Beatles and many more.
But even the 80s and the 90s were represented by a number of talented people: Madonna, Michael Jackson (he became famous earlier but to me, he symbolizes the 80s, Prince, Whitney Houston, and many others.
What about cinematography? Doctor Zhivago, Easy Rider, Guess Who’s Comming To Dinner, Psycho and zillion more. Truly talented actors who are stilled loved by people around the world.
The same goes for literature: The Master and Margarita, Mikhail Bulgakov; The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Eric Carle; Catch-22, Joseph Heller; The Crying of Lot 49, Thomas Pynchon; Ragtime, E.L.Doctorow and many more.
And it was not only about entertainment or literature. So many other incredible events happened during that period: Yuri Gagarin becomes the first human being to travel into space. Apollo 11 blasted off on July 16, 1969. Neil Armstrong, Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin and Michael Collins were the astronauts on Apollo 11 and four days later, Armstrong and Aldrin landed on the moon.
And, of course, it would be a crime against humanity not to mention remarkable personalities who are the face of that period of time. Rosa Louise Parks, although it happened in 1955 when she refused to surrender her seat to a white male passenger on a Montgomery, Alabama bus, it would be not fair not to mention her because her heroic actions triggered a wave of protest. Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela.
Andrei Sakharov, a Soviet Union’s nuclear physicist, dissident, and activist for disarmament, peace and human rights. He played a key role in the development of the first megaton-range Soviet hydrogen bomb using a design known as Sakharov’s Third Idea in Russia and the Teller–Ulam design in the United States. But when he realized the scale of the danger his creation represents he condemned Soviet development of thermonuclear weapons faced state persecution; these efforts earned him the Nobel Peace Prize in 1975.
Boeing 747 100 First Flight
Many other events happened during that time, including the Boeing 747 is an American wide-body commercial jet airliner and cargo aircraft, often referred to by its original nickname, “Jumbo Jet”, the world’s most recognizable aircraft and it was the first wide-body produced. Since its first commercial flight on January 21, 1970, with Pan Am, the 747 has dominated the wide-body market for 37 years.
The main point is that people were well read and well-informed. They were politically active. It doesn’t mean that they dd not know how to have fun because they were boring. Actually, it was quite opposite. They knew how to have fun. And fun they had :).
But people also knew how to balance their social life with their obligations as citizens.
On October 21, 1967, one of the most prominent anti-war demonstrations took place. After a brutal confrontation with the soldiers and U.S. Marshals protecting the building, hundreds of demonstrators were arrested.
Also in 1967, the anti-war movement got a big boost when the civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. went public with his opposition to the war on moral grounds, condemning the war’s diversion of federal funds from domestic programs as well as the disproportionate number of African-American casualties in relation to the total number of soldiers killed in the war.
Joining the anti-war demonstrations by this time were members of the organization Vietnam Veterans Against the War, many of whom were in wheelchairs and on crutches. The sight of these men on television throwing away the medals they had won during the war did much to win people over to the anti-war cause.
Tensions ran higher than ever, spurred on by mass demonstrations and incidents of official violence such those at Kent State in May 1970, when National Guard troops shot into a group of protesters demonstrating against the U.S. invasion of Cambodia, killing four students.
In mid-1971, the publication of the first Pentagon Papers–which revealed previously confidential details about the war’s conduct. More and more Americans questioned the accountability of the U.S. government. In response to a strong anti-war mandate, Nixon announced the effective end to U.S. involvement in Southeast Asia in January 1973. Nixon’s resignation was also possible only because of the public pressure.
Then things started to change. Without going much into details, I assume that the process of decline started when the balance between citizens’ obligation and time to have fun has been disturbed.
On August 1, 1981, history was made when MTV, the first 24-hour video music channel, launched onto our television sets and literally changed our lives with the birth of the music video.
Although reality TV was first introduced in the 1940s, it didn’t really take off until 1990s when it became popular and it’s popularity continues with accelerating speed. Perhaps reality TV had to wait so long because people were intellectually developed. Smart people wouldn’t want to spend hours of their own life watching how other people enjoy theirs. But by 1990, the public was already prepared for it.
As far as I recall, this was the time when High Society reached the peak of its popularity. People who perceived as representatives of High Society automatically became stars.
Although I must say that to me, these individuals are more like bulbs 20w under powerful lights at a scene during the shooting of reality TV episodes rather than stars. They simply have no ability to reach those heights for them to be called stars.
Reality TV produced Paris Hilton, the first woman who became famous for nothing. I guess that obsession with material stuff started to rise about the same time.
As far as I recall, this was the time when High Society reached the peak of its popularity.
The number of incredible movies started to decline as well. More and more movies about artificial intelligence, distant future or worlds as well as absolutely meaningless creations which show that laws of physics are no longer apply, gradually started to replace movies about us, humans, our issues, our worries, emotions, tragedies and happy moments.
I think that even comedians have changed. The last Great Comedian of 20th and 21st Centuries, in my opinion, was Joan Rivers.
The only one who can stand close to her is Kathy Griffin. But we all know what fake people did to her. They punished her for not committed a crime. Her entire crime was that he caused pain to hypersensitive idiots.
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Entertainment is no longer entertaining. Many signers have little talent. They sound the same, look the same.
Songs lyrics are hard to call lyrics. One of them worth to mention.
DJ Aligator – The Whistle Song … Blow my whistle, baby Blow my whistle, baby open up and put it in Let’s begin Blow it like you mean it, blow Let me hear ya say, woo-woo Louder, woo-woo Let me hear ya say, woo-woo Louder, woo-woo Is that what you call loud?
I was driving when I heard it for the first time and I barely escaped collision with a car in front of me. I couldn’t believe what I hear. It is a song about a blowjob! Aired on RADIO!!!
If previously people admired their idols, today idols are being worshipped. There is a big difference between admiration and obsession. Admiration is healthy and obsession is nothing but mental obesity.
Same goes for literature. It is difficult to imagine that Fifty Shades of Grey could have got so much media attention in the 60s or the 70s. Because then people knew what is love and what is not.
The process of deterioration progressed incredibly slow and properly marketed. Therefore, it could be the reason why it went undetected on for a while.
I assume that the first alarming sings started to pop us in 2001 after tragic events in New York when under a cover of the war on terror civil liberties of American people started to shrink.
Truth is seldom looking good. Very often it is so ugly that even Donald Trump would look not so bad compared to the truth.
But despite its ugly appearance, the truth delivers a very important message. The truth tries to warn us about troubles ahead.
Instead of being scared o its appearance, we should treat truth like our closest friend.
Meanwhile, we also need to show Political Correctness in a very polite manner how to get to the door.
POLITICAL CORRECTNESS SHOULDN’T BE CONFUSED WITH GOOD MANNERS BECAUSE IT IS CAPABLE TO SILENCE THE TRUTH: Therefore, SCREW Political Correctness. (Half True & Half Fiction) The main reason why I don't like Political Correctness is that it has an ability to silence the truth.
#Americans questioned the accountability of the U.S. government#anti american nature of Donald Trump&039;s decisions#arrogance of Donald Trump#contradicting statements made by Donald Trump#damage of Donald Trump presidency#Donald Trump#Donald Trump and his administration act like demolition team#Donald Trump and his administration will be remembered as the most scandalous president and administration in the U.S. history#Donald Trump and his adminnaistration will be remembered as the most scandalous president and administration in the U.S. history#Donald Trump as the president of the United States#Donald Trump completely ignores the fact that nine women accused Roy Moore#Donald Trump delivers a greater damage#Donald Trump doesn&039;t understand#Donald Trump is a loud wake-up call for western politicians#Donald Trump is not only shameless but he also does not believe that he has done anything wrong by grabbing women by pussy#Donald Trump is the least qualified person for the job of the U.S. President#Donald Trump is under investigation#Donald Trump&039;s policies already started to have a negative impact around the world#Donald Trump&039;s inability to understand basic things#evidence#facts#federal funds from domestic programs as well as the disproportionate number of African-American casualties in relation to the total number o#he symbolizes the 80s#High Society and Low Society#hypersensitive attitude#in 1967#in 2001 after tragic events in New York when under a cover of the war on terror civil liberties of American people started to shrink#In the 60s and 70s#intellectually developed people#lies
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