#el cid 2020
costumeloverz71 · 2 months
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Urraca (Alicia Sanz) El Cid (2020-).
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docpiplup · 11 months
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quietparanoiac · 2 years
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2/7. Favorite CHARACTER :
• Palashka (Pelageya) // Вольная грамота | Manumission Paper | Life of a Mistress (2018) • Alfonso VI de León // El Cid (2020–) • Elisabeth Beaugrand // Le Retour du héros | Return of the Hero (2018)
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aceme · 1 year
I know this show isn't even airing anymore but I'm watching it now and there is something that just stuck to me and I need to talk about it. I just... Hate what they did to Orduño's character in 1x04(?), and by extension, Jimena and Ruy's plotline.
Like, the first thing we see of Orduño in the series is him mistreating Ruy, if I remember correctly because of his father/lowborn status + him getting too close to Jimena (Ordoño's betrothed). Since then we have many scenes showing that he's constantly trying to get his father's approval or Jimena's affections, is loyal to the just prince who has taken him under his wing no matter what (being Alfonso the only one who actually listens to him), and the only times his efforts are acknowledged are when he is merely useful as a political pawn. Despite his first impression, the path he had been taking is quite easy to relate or sympathize. Damn, I was rooting for him much more than I have ever rooted for Ruy, who is supposed to be the main character (but then again almost everyone is more interesting than Ruy shhhh-)
But then the drunken scene with Jimena happens. There was just so much potential in there! To deepen even more those characters, their relationship and the drama! Imagine, Orduño sees Jimena's handkerchief with Ruy's blood in it and starts to cry, asking out aloud things like "what Ruy has that he doesn't, why nothing he does is ever enough" — in such a display of doubt / sensitivity / vulnerability that he would never allow himself to show in front of his betrothed when sober. I think it would catch Jimena so off guard, it would be very interesting to see how their relationships and characters would develop from this interaction/confession — something that could even, maybe, make Jimena doubt about her own feelings, creating some drama to this storyline, which, to be honest, has been quite bland since the beginning. Three birds with one stone! So simple, cute, and effective!
But no, let's make Orduño assault Jimena, because he's one of the villains, we need to remind the public that he's a bad guy, lest they forget about it!!!! It'll be useful when Ruy supports Sancho, so that people don't root for Alfonso who is supported by this evil man 😴 we can't have ""villain"" figures unless they are plain characters and try to have their way with an innocent good girl at some point after all.
Though there is something else that adds another layer to this problem and makes my blood boil even more. While all of this is happening, Ruy is sleeping with one of the Emir's daughters. Can you see what is being implied here, whether it is accidental or not? Ruy kills people, wins a battle, and is rewarded with a passionate night with a random noble lady who had been showing interest in him because he has the power of being the main character, Jimena not even a second thought. At the same time, however, Jimena tries to prevent her father from abusing her mother, seeks infanta Urraca to protect her friend who is being sexually assaulted, stands loyal to her affections for Ruy, and is being punished for it by none other than her own betrothed! Just how disturbing is that!?
If there is someone out of the two of them who actually could/deserves to have some quality time with a romantic prospect, it is Jimena with Orduño, the couple that in fact has a right to behave romantically towards each other, by society's standards. Ruy is just the crown Prince's squire, normally that noblewoman shouldn't even look his way, no wonder it seems next episode it will generate some problems for them (judging by the synopsis, haven't watched). I don't know, it all just sounds like a cheap isekai harem anime bullshit to me. All the feminist undertone they were trying to create in Urraca's storyline was just thrown in the trash.
Anyway, I'm still enjoying the show, I suppose, despite all of this. They also could have used more Urraca though. Not call this show El Cid, since Ruy is almost a side character in what was supposed to be his own show. Focus on what matters, which is the court intrigue / politics. Stuff like that.
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luceirosdegolados · 2 years
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A collection of Alvar Fáñez for mostly my satisfaction and mayhaps your pleasure also?
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demolina · 2 years
Did you watch Amazon's "El Cid"? What are your thoughts on It?
Hi! Yes, I have seen both seasons of the series. In my opinion… it's an entertaining series. I mean, don't expect historical accuracy (but it's more accurate than Charles Heston's Cid) and the acting in the first season was abysmal (perhaps with the exception of Alicia Sanz and Jaime Olías). In any case, if you are interested in the figure of the Cid and want to know more about the Iberian Peninsula in the 11th century, I recommend you watch it.
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Today's problematic ship is Urraca and Alfonso from El Cid (2020)
Brother/sister incest
Requested by me
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castrationanxietyy · 10 months
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Bathroom at El Cid, Bar Italia 6/19/23
I got the call that a ticket was free an hour and a half before the band was set to play.
Bar Italia's first LA show seemed fit for a Monday, and everyone inside was dressed far to appropriately for the setting. What may have lacked in originality from the crowd made up in the main event, a performance everyone will brag about for years to come.
Bar Italia had been the best kept secret of the noisy British post-punk scene debuting their first album Quarrel in 2020. Mystery and irony are at the forefront of their aesthetic, seemingly not taking their music as intentionally serious. The debut was short and sweet, not sticking to one specific genre yet not earning an experimental title. Their first recorded album becomes more muffled as each track proceeds, as if you are falling into a dreamlike state while listening. With this said, it was a blessing to hear their sound wide awake.
The band spoke not one word while performing. However, I do not think this was due to a lack of chemistry. The three heads of the band, Nina Cristante, Sam Fenton, and Jezmi Tarik Fehmi worked harmoniously whilst not batting a single eye towards each other.  I had told my friends that Nina’s demeanor reminded me of Hope Sandoval, in which one laughed and went, 
They did not bid the crowd farewell and simply took off their instruments and walked off stage. Untrained listeners assumed an encore, but luckily my friends and I linked arms and caught them as they were walking off stage into the corridor. They are truly stunning people; genetics had blessed them well. 
Although I tread lightly when describing a band through their online presence alone, I’m not sure how serious they could be when their album covers consist of memes that are popular during the time. I too felt like a crying stick figure once the set ended. 
The band themself are wonderful people, not yet touched by arrogance from their success. My lovely friend went to speak to them after the show and was gifted a small strip of paper that had their setlist. While speaking to them he claimed that their image isn’t cultivated, they just come across as the niche they wish to present. This doesn’t discredit their humor or general attractiveness, they are just kind people. 
Speaking of the crowd is not anywhere near as interesting as the band itself, but it does speak to the character of Bar Itaila's fanbase. It very well could have been the annoying LA charm everyone possessed, but it gave an aura of pretentiousness. As we danced and sang along, many in the crowd turned heads and told my companion to “be aware” to which I had turned and replied, “must be your first time”. It occurred a couple times throughout the night, but I don’t think our behavior was anywhere near inappropriate. You’re there to dance and sing and enjoy the music; why bother standing stone cold to seem otherworldly to a crowd who will probably laugh at you anyways. Might as well have some fun. 
I also must mention that the opening band 2070 was phenomenal. I had a chance to interview the leading members which will come out soon. 
Unlike other artists, or perhaps it was due to the size of the venue, they seemed real. I fear the band may be stuck in reddit purgatory for a while until their eventual burnout from popularity. Regardless, the band deserves success. They may be Matador’s unknown goldenchild for the time being, and I hope they continue with this status. 
It is easy to throw around terms such as “genuine” or “authentic”, especially when they are at the popularity level they currently hold, but for myself, they have earned the title. 
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umaescritoraautista · 4 months
“acho que sou autista.” o que fazer agora?
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primeiramente, vou explicar o que eu fiz para buscar o meu diagnóstico. será um relato da minha experiência pessoal.
convido a outras pessoas autistas, que se sentirem confortáveis, para contar como foi o processo delas também.
eu tive uma crise de ansiedade, em 2023, no meu ambiente de trabalho e a partir disso resolvi buscar ajuda.
pelo site psymeet, encontrei uma psicóloga, com a qual me consulto hoje em dia. busquei uma profissional que trabalhasse com questões de ansiedade, mas também autismo.
isso, foi porque eu já estava com uma grande suspeita dessa possibilidade há alguns anos, desde 2020, para ser mais exata. já tinha conversado até mesmo com minha mãe e com alguns poucos amigos sobre a minha identificação com alguns traços do autismo.
com algumas sessões de terapia, ela me indicou uma neuropsicóloga que fazia avaliação neuropsicológica, mas, na época, eu não conseguia me comprometer com o valor. em média, uma avaliação custa entre 1800 a 4000 reais (lembrando que são muitas sessões).
então, o tempo se passou, eu consegui ser contratada no meu emprego (era estagiária), e novamente falamos sobre tentar o diagnóstico. dessa vez, ela me indicou um neurologista, pelo valor ser mais “acessível” (relativo, ok?). 350 reais a sessão.
bem, o neurologista podia fazer a anamnese comigo (vou explicar depois sobre), mas ele mesmo informou que era muito mais básico do que uma avaliação neuropsicológica, e me deixou escolher o que eu preferiria fazer.
optei pela avaliação neuropsicológica, por ser completa.
conversei com diversos profissionais, verificando os valores que caberiam no meu bolso, até que achei uma neuropsicóloga da minha cidade, que fazia a avaliação por 1800, mas, se dividido, ficava com os juros da maquininha. quase 2200, em 10x.
fiz várias sessões, nas quais vários testes foram aplicados. mas a parte principal da avaliação é a anamnese, que consiste em várias “entrevistas” para ser percebido os traços do autismo na vida da pessoa desde a primeira infância. e é por isso que as entrevistas também são feitas com familiares que estiveram presentes no desenvolvimento, dependendo do profissional, relatos de amigos e professores também são ouvidos.
no meu caso, minha mãe foi a pessoa entrevistada e foram algumas sessões de quase 1 hora cada com ela, em que várias perguntas foram feitas, sobre principalmente as minhas interações sociais, déficits e sobre como eu era na minha infância. o autismo é um transtorno do neurodesenvolvimento, então os traços precisam existir desde a infância (mesmo que fossem “sutis”).
devo relatar que é muito cansativo todo esse momento da avaliação, extremamente desgastante, mas é muito importante. porém, sim, os profissionais tomam conta para não ultrapassar os limites do paciente, porque são muitos estímulos, muitos testes, muitas conversas.
o laudo da avaliação neuropsicológica saiu com o resultado de que eu sou autista.
a partir disso, retornei ao neurologista, conversamos e peguei o laudo + cid. com ele, além da medicação (lembrando que autismo não tem cura e a medicação é para ajudar com algumas dificuldades).
então, o meu caminho foi:
terapia > neurologista > neuropsicóloga que faz avaliação neuropsicológica > retorno ao neurologista.
mas pode ser simplificado em:
neuropsicólogo que faz avaliação neuropsicológica > neurologista (que vai recomendar terapia etc.
enfim, essa foi minha caminhada na busca do diagnóstico. depois posso fazer uma postagem sobre o porquê de eu ter escolhido o particular ao público, já que todos esses profissionais existem no público.
ah, como sou adulta e com duas faculdades, não seria possível chamar algum professor da minha educação básica, pois nem sei mais quem são eles. e sobre amigos, apesar de eu ter um bom número, pela minha dificuldade de interagir e tudo mais, também não foram opções.
é isso, pessoal. busquem o diagnóstico caso tenham se identificado com traços de transtornos. é, de certa forma, um alívio saber que suas questões tem um nome e tem um porquê.
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brookston · 10 months
Holidays 6.26
Alexandra Rose Day
Anti Drugs Day (India)
Armed Forces Day (UK)
Army & Navy Day (Azerbaijan)
Bar Code Day (a.k.a. UPC Day)
Beautician's Day
Boardwalk Day
Canoe Day
Day of the Armed Forces (Azerbaijan)
Festival of the Tarasque (France)
Flag Day (Romania)
Forgiveness Day
Global Africa Day
Good Earth Day
Good Manners Day
Guru Rinpoche Day (Bhutan)
Harry Potter Day
Human Genome Day
International Angel Shark Day
International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking (UN)
International Day in Support of Victims of Torture (UN)
International Stitch Day
LGBTQ Equality Day
National Beautician’s Day
National Cancer Wellness Awareness Day (Canada)
National Canoe Day (Canada)
National DCE (Director of Christian Education) Day
National Fossil Day (Australia)
National Milkman Day
National Ranboo Day
National Rat Catcher’s Day
National Report Trade Agreement Act Fraud Day
National Sarah Day
National Sports Day (Fiji)
National Toothbrush Day
National Zachary Day
Ommegang Pageant begins (Belgium) [Ends 7.6]
Pied Piper of Hamelin Day (according to the Brothers Grimm)
Same Sex Marriage Day
Senior Citizen’s Day (Mason County, Michigan)
626 Day (Lilo & Stitch)
Shallot Day (French Republic)
Sunthorn Phu Day (Thailand)
Supply Chain Geek Day
UN Charter Day
World Bunny Chow Day
World Nupe Day (Nigeria)
World Refrigeration Day
Wrong Trousers Day (Wallace & Gromit)
Ziua Tricolorului (Flag Day; Romania)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Chocolate Pudding Day
National Coconut Day
National Haskap Berry Day
Tropical Cocktails Day
4th & Last Monday in June
Please Take My Children To Work Day [Last Monday]
Independence Days
Madagascar (from France, 1960)
Schwanensee (Swan Lake; Declared; 2009) [unrecognized]
St. George (Principality Declared; 2007) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Anthelm of Belley (Christian; Saint)
Archie McPhee Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Branwell Brontë (Artology)
Carbonara Day (Pastafarian)
David the Dendrite (Christian; Saint)
El Cid (Positivist; Saint)
Feast of All Saints
Hermogius (Christian; Saint)
Isabel Florence Hapgood (Episcopal Church)
Jack (Muppetism)
Jeremiah (Lutheran)
John and Paul (Christian; Saint)
José María Robles Hurtado (One of Saints of the Cristero War; Christian)
Josemaría Escrivá (Christian; Saint)
Mar Abhai (Syriac Orthodox Church)
Maria (Muppetism)
Pelagius of Córdoba (Christian; Saint)
Pelayo (Christian; Saint)
Solstitium I (Pagan)
Vigilius of Trent (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
After the Rain, by Nelson (Album; 1990)
Baby, I Love Your Way, by Peter Frampton (Song; 1976)
Darby O’Gill and the Little People (Film; 1959)
Die Walküre (The Valkyrie), by Richard Wagner (Opera; 1870) [Ring of the Nibelung #2]
Donald in Mathematic Land (Disney Cartoon; 1959)
Dragonslayer (Film; 1981)
Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga (Film; 2020)
For Your Eyes Only (US Film; 1981) [James Bond #12]
Full Metal Jacket (Film; 1987)
The Gold Rush (Charlie Chaplin Film; 1925)
Goo, by Sonic Youth (Album; 1990)
The Great Muppet Caper (Film; 1981)
A Hard Day’s Night, by The Beatles (Album; 1964)
The Hurt Locker (Film; 2009)
Jean de Florette (Film; 1987)
Muzzle Tough (WB MM Cartoon; 1954)
My Spy (Film; 2020)
Never a Dull Moment (Film; 1968)
Out of Sight (Film; 1998)
The Philosopher’s Stone (a.k.a. Sorcerer's Stone), by J.K. Rowling (Novel; 1997) [Harry Potter #1]
Spaceballs (Film; 1987)
The Story of Robin Hood and His Merrie Men (Film; 1952)
Stripes (Film; 1981)
Sweet Sioux (WB MM Cartoon; 1937)
Symphony No. 9, by Gustav Mahler (Symphony; 1912)
Ted 2 (Film; 2015)
Who Let the Dogs Out, by the Baha Men (Album; 2000)
Today’s Name Days
Anthelm, Vigilius (Austria)
David (Bulgaria)
Ivan, Pavao, Vigilije, Zoran (Croatia)
Adriana (Czech Republic)
Pelagius (Denmark)
Manivald, Vaane, Vaano, Vaino, Vane, Vanevald (Estonia)
Jarkko, Jarmo, Jarno, Jere, Jeremias, Jorma (Finland)
Anthelme (France)
David, Konstantin, Paul, Vigil (Germany)
Makarios (Greece)
János, Pál (Hungary)
Elisa, Filippo, Rodolfo, Vigilio (Italy)
Ausma, Dzejs, Ingūna, Inguns, Ulvis (Latvia)
Jaunius, Jaunutis, Viltautė, Virgilijus (Lithuania)
Jenny, Jonny (Norway)
Jan, Jeremi, Jeremiasz, Paweł, Zdziwoj (Poland)
David (România)
Adriána (Slovakia)
José, Pelayo (Spain)
Lea, Rakel (Sweden)
Arley, Harlan, Harlene, Harley, Thelma (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 177 of 2024; 188 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 26 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Duir (Oak) [Day 15 of 28]
Chinese: Month 5 (Wu-Wu), Day 9 (Yi-Mao)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 7 Tammuz 5783
Islamic: 7 Dhu al-Hijjah 1444
J Cal: 27 Sol; Sixday [27 of 30]
Julian: 13 June 2023
Moon: 50%: 1st Quarter
Positivist: 9 Charlemagne (7th Month) [El Cid]
Runic Half Month: Dag (Day) [Day 13 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 6 of 94)
Zodiac: Cancer (Day 6 of 31)
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girlcaravaggio-a · 2 years
Remember when Amazon did a series based on el Cantar de mio Cid but Rodrigo Díaz is played by the guy who plays the fuckboy in Élite and also the pro-lifer bad boy in La Casa De Papel and the only Arab female character was there only to provide petty revenge sex for the protagonist in the year of our lord 2020? Yeah...
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docpiplup · 11 months
(I repeat the poll because there's someone left who wanted to vote:@luceirosdegolados )
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pirapopnoticias · 7 months
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aliciasonay · 9 months
HA SIDO MI SEGUNDA ÓPERA...LA PRIMERA QUE TARDE 9 MESES EN COMPONERLA COMENZANDO EN EL 2019 FINALIZÁNDOSE Y LEGALIZADA EN EL 2020 "CANTAR DEL CID DESTIERRO DEL MIO CID" en castellano medieval con tres premios en Viena... MAX UND MORITZ OPERA INFANTIL LA COMPUSE EN DOS MESES EN EL 2022... Y AUNQUE EL 11 DE NOVIEMBRE DEL 2022 COMENCE  MI TERCERA ÓPERA QUE LA FINALICE EN 5 MESES.. Y SE DICE QUE ESTÁ COMPUESTA EN ESTE 2023 RESTAURADOR "ALFONSO DE ARCOS ALCAYDE DE TARIFA Y PRIMER ALCAYDE DE GIBRALTAR, UNA ÓPERA  DE LA PRECIOSA HISTORIA DEL SIGLO XV DE LA COMARCA CAMPOGIBRALTAREÑA.Naciendo en dos meses, me apetecía en esta ocasión hacer una ópera infantil, no hacer una ópera y que a posteriori pudiera hacerse infantil, quise que fuera infantil desde el primer momento. Además comencé a participar en Iberoamérica , y quería hacer la ópera para poder incorporarla. En el que formó parte la 2 travesura y la última, cantándose en Español por los maestros y compañeros Candy, Manolo y Victor. Formando también parte del disco Quodlibet II. Para Japón se hizo la segunda travesura en latín Con mi unión, admiración y respeto que tengo con todo lo que conlleva con Alemania, Austria....Sabiendo que Max und Moritz, una historieta de 7 travesuras. Una historieta Alemana  en verso ilustrada. Este cuento altamente ingenioso y de carácter humorístico, narrado enteramente en coplas rimadas, escrito por Wilhelm Busch, publicado en 1865. Es una de las primera obras de Busch. Una relevancia cultural de 159 años. El cuento clásico de Busch sobre el terrible dúo (ahora en el dominio público) se ha convertido en una parte orgullosa de la cultura en los países de habla alemana. Incluso hoy en día, los padres usualmente leen estas historias a sus niños aún no alfabetizados. Hasta el día de hoy en Alemania, Austria y Suiza, todavía se presume una cierta familiaridad con la historia y sus rimas, ya que a menudo se hace referencia en la comunicación de masas. Las dos caras sonrientes son sinónimo de malicia, y parecen casi de logotipo en la publicidad e incluso grafiti.Aunque son 33 minutos... Con sus ritardando, notas tenidas..serían aproximadamente 1 hora de ópera.Cantado en Aleman.
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luceirosdegolados · 2 years
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No thoughts head empty only Adrián Salzedo as Alvar Fáñez Minaya in El Cid (Amazon).
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“La gente olvidará lo que dijiste , olvidará lo que hiciste, pero nunca olvidará cómo la hiciste sentir“ Maya Angelou
Esther Cid Rodríguez - Psicóloga, talent connector, más de 16 años como responsable de desarrollo y captación de talento; experta en asesoramiento de carreras profesionales. Emprendedora digital, CEO y cofundadora de Tipscool. Cantante, optimista y entusiasta.
Speaker internacional y formadora en emprendimiento, future of work, soft-skills, inteligencia emocional, personal branding & networking. Profesora universitaria de People Management, Emprendimiento & Social Psychology.
Esther ha liderado como Fundadora & CEO Tipscool una startup edTech de B2B y saas platform que digitaliza los procesos de learning management system en colaboración con compañías y universidades.
Desarrollando programas de mentoring, reskilling, upskilling, diversidad & inclusión y transformación digital. Realizando un exit en 2022.
Actualmente lanza su propia consultoría estratégica para emprendedores y emprendedoras.
Realiza programas de promoción, formación, mentoring y empoderamiento femenino para impulsar y visibilizar el emprendimiento del talento femenino. Formando parte del cluster de Women in tech Spain, Mujeres en la Industria de la Música y seleccionada de las 8 mujeres de Europa para el programa MEWEM, mentoring for Women de Spotify Equal Collective.
Mentora de diversidad de sectores (RRHH, tech, música, deporte, gastronomía) especializada en acompañar a startups/emprendedorxs en la captación y selección de talento, bootstrapping, stortytelling, costumer discovery, conseguir leads de clientes, negociación, establecer vínculo de relación de calidad y longterm con clientes, preparar y practicar un pitch efectivo, asesoramiento en consultoría estratégica, business development y networking.
FORBES 100 Most Creative in World Business 2022.
European Women entrepreneur for MEWEM, MIM & Spotify.
Women Entrepreneur 2020 in Spain by El Referente;
Premio Emprendedora en vertical Edtech x Wayra Telefonica del Programa Academy For Women Entrepreneurs (AWE) Foment del Treball & US Consulate BCN, Epson & RCD.
Emprendedora RRHH 2012. Young HR innovative entrepreneur by Fundación Personas y empresas y Grupo BLC. -Tech Women and online business by Talent Femení Association 2021.
Esther Cid Rodríguez en CreativeMornings.
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