#eheh... and i imagine since he's the hydro dragon and all while he's sleeping his grip unconsciously gets tighter
fatuismooches · 9 months
you know how otters hold hands when they sleep so they don't drift apart? what if neuvi 🥺🥺 what if he 🥺🥺🥺🥺
I CANT DO THIS OH MY GOD😭😭🥺💖 Hand-holding... arm linking... one of Neuvillette's favorite things tbh 🤭
The funny thing is, I think he probably treats handholding as some kind of borderline-sacred act that happens deep into the relationship. If reader is the bolder type and just randomly grabs his hands out of nowhere he'll just short-circuit inside for a bit and blank out what you're saying to him. Because holy- your fingers are intertwined with his but he has BARELY begun the courting stage... yet you're having so much skin-to-skin contact... is this normal for humans??? Neuvillette's face is still like 😐 but inside he's like 😳
When he gets over all that and you two are together you always try to hold his hand as much as possible,, holding his hand while you're on his lap and he's trying his best to sign paperwork with one hand... holding his hand while eating so now he's mastered the art of eating with one hand... and the best part holding hands while sleeping/cuddling🫶 Ugh and you can't tell me Neuvillette doesn't snuggle into your chest and arms too (he loves to be held)
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